NY Court Upholds Block Of Natural Gas Power Plant

Well, New Yorkers, you kinda voted for this when you voted in Democrats as the majority, with 106 Dems to 43 Republicans and 1 Independent. When you vote Democrat for Governor, and they appoint people who make sure “dirty” energy (which is reliable, dependable, and affordable) is killed off. Don’t be surprised when your power costs go higher, and it’s unreliable

N.Y. Court Upholds Denial of Air Permit on Climate Change Grounds

A New York trial court’s ruling to uphold a decision by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to deny a natural gas-fired power plant a key air permit on climate-change grounds could have serious consequences. Although the decision remains subject to appeal, if affirmed it will grant enormous power to state agencies to deny permits and other approvals under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), the state’s comprehensive climate change statute.

This decision strongly reinforces the need for all businesses in New York to be aware of the statute’s scope and impact.

The CLCPA is a comprehensive statute that requires the nearly complete decarbonization of New York’s economy by 2050. Among its aggressive requirements are a statutory obligation for the state to obtain 100% of its electricity from emissions-free sources by 2040, and a requirement that the DEC establish statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions limits applicable to all sectors of the economy. (snip)

In 2019, the owner of the Danskammer Generating Station in Newburgh, N.Y., filed an application with the DEC for a new Title V air permit, which would authorize the replacement of its existing natural gas-fired equipment with new, more efficient equipment. On Oct. 27, 2021, the DEC rejected Danskammer’s application on the grounds that the replacement project would increase GHG emissions from the facility (due to more frequent dispatch).

By reaching this decision, the DEC effectively asserted that it has the authority to deny a permit application under Section 7(2) if the proposed action would be inconsistent with or interfere with the statewide GHG emissions limits established under the CLCPA.

So, they just wanted to replace the old equipment with newer, better equipment, which means the existing plant will not be as good, and will have to shut down at some point in the future. What is it being replaced with? No one knows. But, the climate cult must be appeased.

In its decision, the court found that the DEC’s denial of the permit was within the scope of its authority under the CLCPA. While the court acknowledged that Section 7(2) did not expressly authorize regulatory agencies to deny permits, it did not expressly forbid them from doing so, either. It therefore found it necessary to analyze the Legislature’s intent in enacting the law to determine whether agencies have the authority to deny permits under Section 7(2).

Wait, what? This is absurd. If the law didn’t give them the authority to deny permits, that’s it. It doesn’t matter if the law didn’t expressly forbid it. The law must authorize. This is what you get with activist courts. And that’s what you voted for, New Yorkers.

While the case is likely to be appealed, if it were to hold up it would grant to the DEC and other state agencies enormous power to reject permits for any project that they find will materially increase GHG emissions. This would include not just air permits, but other permits issued by the DEC and other agencies, including, but not limited to, wastewater permits, water quality certifications issued under the Clean Water Act, and determinations of consistency with the Coastal Zone Management Act.

If this decision is upheld in federal court, it means that NY state agencies can assume power that was not granted to them. Have fun! And stay in New York if you voted Democrat. Don’t try and escape to states that do not have these problems.

Read: NY Court Upholds Block Of Natural Gas Power Plant »

Consumer Expectations Falls To 9 Year Low

Who was president 9 years ago? And who was the VP?

Consumer expectations fall to 9-year low as inflation weighs on Americans

The Conference Board’s latest reading on consumer confidence showed consumer expectations in June fell to their lowest level since 2013.

The Conference Board’s consumer confidence index for June fell to 98.7 from 103.2 in May, below expectations for a reading of 100.

The report’s expectations index, which is based on consumers’ short-term outlook for income growth, the job market, and overall business conditions, fell to 66.4, its lowest reading since March 2013.

“Consumers’ grimmer outlook was driven by increasing concerns about inflation, in particular rising gas and food prices,” said Lynn Franco, senior director of economic indicators at The Conference Board. “Expectations have now fallen well below a reading of 80, suggesting weaker growth in the second half of 2022 as well as growing risk of recession by year-end.”

The Conference Board’s report follows consumer sentiment data from the University of Michigan released last week that fell to a record low of 50.2.

Expectations went way down during the recession at the end of the Bush admin, rebounded a bit during Obama’s years, with some bumps here and there, a small dip at the beginning of the Trump admin, then went up and stayed rather high. Initially, it stayed up as Biden took office after COVID, and has been nosediving since near the end of 2021. Can Biden control everything? No. Again, the initial blame for the economic conditions goes to China, with an assist from Fauci and the NIH for funding the Wuhan Institute to do gain of function research on coronaviruses. However, Biden and his admin are not engaged in what’s going on. They seem to be finding out what’s going on when the news publishes stories, then say “oh, we knew about this months ago”, yet, did nothing. Offered no help. They aren’t working to get ahead of the curve. They wait till the ships are stacked up in the California ports, the baby formula is missing from the shelf. The gas prices are sky high.

And they project zero confidence. Only a diehard Brandon supporter will say they have confidence in him and his administration. There’s no policies that help being offered. The few they’ve gotten passed haven’t helped, and, have made inflation worse. What’s happening with the “infrastructure” bill? Look it up, there’s no news, really, of its impacts? What’s being constructed? What roads are being repaired?

On Tuesday, The Conference Board said purchasing plans for large items like homes, cars, and appliances had held “relatively steady,” though this data has cooled since the start of the year.

“Looking ahead over the next six months, consumer spending and economic growth are likely to continue facing strong headwinds from further inflation and rate hikes,” Franco said.

And limited product availability. I’ll say that Biden has no responsibility himself for the dearth of autos: China’s fault, with the shutting down of all the production and mining facilities. We saw the issues of computer chips, and, there was only so much Biden could do. How about fast tracking the mining and production in the U.S.?

Read: Consumer Expectations Falls To 9 Year Low »

The World Will Need To Invent Lots Of Things To Deal With Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

None of these things really exist yet, just like how most of the current things aren’t viable. But, really, we don’t need any unicorn farts and pixie dust, the solution is right there: all who believe that the slight temperature increase since 1850 is mostly/solely the fault of Mankind needs to give up their own use of fossil fuels, stop eating meat, live in tiny homes, AC no lower than 85, heat no higher than 65, handwash and line dry clothes, etc

The world will need dozens of breakthrough climate technologies in the next decade

We’re living in a pivotal decade. By 2030, global emissions must fall by half, mostly through massive deployment of commercial solutions such as wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles. But emerging climate technologies must come to market during this decade too, even if they don’t make much of a dent in emissions right away. The International Energy Agency forecasts that roughly half the reductions needed to cut emissions to nearly zero by 2050 must come from technologies that are not ready for the market today because they’re too expensive to manufacture, haven’t been tested at scale, or both.

Only a handful of clean technologies, such as silicon solar panels, onshore wind turbines, light- emitting diodes (LEDs), and lithium-ion batteries, have graduated from scientific laboratories to mass deployment. And it took decades for them to reach a scale where they could significantly reduce global emissions. Those timelines must be compressed for the world to have a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C above preindustrial levels, which world leaders agreed at last year’s Glasgow Climate Conference would offer the best chance of avoiding catastrophic effects.

And, let’s be honest: most of those technologies really do not provide the power necessary, and have been around for a long time. Solar panels now aren’t much better than ones from 50 years ago.

Clean energy technologies in the electric power, transportation, industry, and building sectors will drive this change, because the use of fossil fuels in these areas causes three-quarters of global greenhouse-gas emissions. We’ll also need technologies to slash emissions from agriculture and deforestation and to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it. Most of these technologies, however, come with what Bill Gates refers to as a high “green premium”—a measurement of the difference in cost between a clean option and a carbon- intensive one. In other words, clean energy technologies often cost more to use.

Most of the rich elite Warmists pushing this do not care, they can afford it. The average person can’t.

So how do you speed innovation? One way is by promising future customer demand. This gives innovators and investors an incentive to scale up unproven technologies and find ways to rapidly cut costs in the process. The First Movers Coalition, launched by President Joe Biden and John Kerry, the US special presidential envoy for climate (and my boss), along with the World Economic Forum, includes over 50 of the world’s largest companies, which have all made commitments to purchase emerging climate technologies by 2030. These include clean fuels to decarbonize shipping and aviation, decarbonized steel and aluminum, zero-emissions trucks, and advanced technologies to suck carbon out of the atmosphere.

In other words, government will promise they will force citizens to be consumers, whether the citizens like it or not. Surprise!

Read: The World Will Need To Invent Lots Of Things To Deal With Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on the Saudis giving Biden the finger.

Read: If All You See… »

California To Send Out Inflation Relief Check, Increasing Inflation

This is meant to fight high gas prices. What happens when you “prime the pump” with even more stimulus during times of inflation? You get more inflation. Which doesn’t matter to the Democrats in Sacramento, they see a way to buy the support of Californians come election time, because most of the electeds are rich and the inflation doesn’t bother them

Millions of Californians to receive ‘inflation relief’ with gas tax rebate checks

Millions of California taxpayers may get thousands of dollars to help combat the high cost of gas and other goods.

The money will be distributed soon as California Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders reached an agreement over the framework for the 2022-23 state budget, Newsom’s office announced Sunday.

About 23 million eligible Californians could each receive payments of up to $1,050 as part of a $17 billion inflation relief package, the governor’s office said in a news release.

“California’s budget addresses the state’s most pressing needs, and prioritizes getting dollars back into the pockets of millions of Californians who are grappling with global inflation and rising prices of everything from gas to groceries,” Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins, and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon said in the release.

The deal comes as California drivers face the highest gas prices in the nation as the average price for a gallon of gas in the state Monday is $6.32, according to AAA, nearly 30% higher than the national average. Newsom first proposed a gas tax refund in March.

California has a budget surplus of $97 billion. They could use it to build a couple of gas refineries, which would bring gas prices down. Obviously not immediately, but, even signalling there would be construction would signal to the market to bring it down. But, the money is not just going to vehicle owners, but, everyone who fits the demographic. Which means demand for goods and services rise, chasing limited goods and services, which increases the prices.

(Sacramento Bee) The “inflation relief” package championed by Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democratic legislative leaders could have the opposite effect, pushing inflation — now at its higher level in 40 years — even higher, top economists say.

“One-off tax holidays or rebates which put more money in people’s pockets without doing anything to boost supply are inflationary,” said Jared Walczak, vice president of state projects at the Tax Foundation, a Washington-based research group.

The Bee contacted economists familiar with California. All but one saw the plan as having the possibility of adding to inflation.

“Any increases in government spending will generally increase inflationary pressures,” said Michael Shires, associate professor of public policy at Pepperdine University.

During normal times, send refund checks back to taxpayers from the surplus would be a good idea. It’s not normal. But, Californians vote for these types of leftist crazies who do not understand Real World Economics, so, enjoy!

Read: California To Send Out Inflation Relief Check, Increasing Inflation »

Portland Is Taking On Climate Doom Causing Concrete

It would probably be in Portland’s best interest to take on things like their rising crime rate. Neighborhood Scout rates them as a 3, meaning they are safer than just 3% of U.S. cities. That is not good. Not good at all. They’re still down a lot of police officers, and more are leaving. The constant violent protests. The massive homelessness. And so much more. No, they go with

How Portland is fighting climate change by tackling concrete

unintended consequencesWith concrete used throughout the city of Portland, city staff and leaders are re-thinking how concrete usage impacts the city’s carbon footprint.

According to an announcement by the city, chief engineers from Portland’s infrastructure bureaus approved recommendations to add specific concrete requirements for all city construction projects.

The recommendation is apart of Portland’s commitment to climate action and climate leadership, added the press release.

“Most of us don’t think much about the concrete beneath our feet,” said Stacey Foreman, who leads the project as the city’s sustainable procurement program manager. “As the most widely used building material in the world, it has a significant environmental impact. Portland is a leader in establishing these thresholds and in our approach of bringing multiple stakeholders together to develop them.”

The city explained that the largest component of concrete is cement. This means cement production alone generates 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the announcement.

So, what are they going to do?

“When considering all city projects that use concrete, the annual reduction is significant. The city uses concrete for a high volume of projects, including sidewalks and ADA ramps, bicycle and pedestrian paths, fire hydrant pads, retaining walls for parks, and large infrastructure projects such as the Water Bureau’s Bull Run filtration facility and the Bureau of Environmental Services’ wastewater and stormwater infrastructure,” said the press release. “By adopting higher sustainability standards for concrete, bureaus will accelerate their use of concrete that is durable and that has been manufactured with lower climate impacts.”

So, more sustainable blah blah blah. You know what this really means? More expensive construction. It is already super expensive in Portland. This will drive up the cost of driveways and home foundations. And lots of little things, like the pad an AC sits on. And then the price of public works. Oh, and then commercial buildings, for which the companies will simply build outside of the city limits. Eroding the tax base. Good job, Warmists.

Read: Portland Is Taking On Climate Doom Causing Concrete »

Biden’s HHS Head Unveils Abortion Plan Or Something

The Yahoo front page blurb for the article is Biden’s health secretary unveils abortion ‘action plan‘, which both Yahoo and ABC changed the headline. The URL’s sat

  • https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bidens-health-secretary-unveil-action-plan-abortion-access/story?id=85850353
  • https://www.yahoo.com/gma/bidens-health-secretary-unveil-action-145857371.html

But, I guess they thought “um, they don’t actually have a plan

Biden’s health secretary tells reporters ‘there is no magic bullet’ on abortion

Health Secretary Xavier Becerra told reporters Tuesday that there’s no “magic bullet” that could restore Americans’ constitutional right to abortion, but said the administration was still working with its top legal advisers to explore every option, including ways to increase access to medication abortion.

“Stay tuned,” he said.

Becerra has announced several steps aimed at protecting existing protections for women, including ensuring that pregnant patients can get emergency medical care and safeguarding patient privacy. In his remarks, Becerra also noted that federal law allows for abortions through its Medicaid program in cases of rape and incest — a standard at odds with states like Arkansas.

The actions though were not expected to open abortion access to most women in states that have banned it.

Let me get this straight: the Brandon admin knew a decision was coming down months and months ago. They had to think there was a good chance the Constitution conservative judges would knock Roe down. The leak happened on May 3rd, so, they had almost 2 months to put a plan together. And this is all they have? I guess that’s a good thing for the pro-life side, but, it mimics almost everything else this admin is doing, whether it’s baby formula, inflation, food prices, you name it, always behind.

Just 1% obtain an abortion due to rape, and .5% from incest, per a USA Today report. Only about 6% are for the true health of the mother. So, the vast majority are for convenience. It’d be a hell of a lot more convenient if they used contraception, with is readily available and affordable in 2022.

When pressed by ABC Senior White House Correspondent Mary Bruce on why he didn’t have more concrete proposals if the ruling was predictable, Becerra noted that he wanted to ensure the administration was on firm legal ground.

Yeah, they had almost 2 months to do this since the leak. And, now, they really do not have much, because the ruling said this is a state’s rights issue, not a federal one. It’s up to the states to decide.

Becerra’s comments are likely to be a steep disappointment for progressives after he promised to take action in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling.

“How we respond will speak to how we view the rights, the dignity and the well-being of women everywhere,” he said, before taking questions from reporters. “At HHS, we will leave no stone unturned.”

Dignity? We’ve seen the videos

Plenty more of this trash out there.

Read: Biden’s HHS Head Unveils Abortion Plan Or Something »

LG SP8YA Soundbar With Dolby Atmos

I mentioned looking to upgrade my soundbar a couple weeks ago with a Vizio 5.1 with Dolby Atmos, then returning it. I lately gave the LG SP8YA 3.1 a try. It’s one heck of a great deal on Amazon. Normally $799, it’s on sale for $379. If this is something you’re looking for without spending a heck of a lot, great deal. Both are. While the Vizio tends to get rated a little bit higher on sound quality, I think the LG was a little better. Bigger speakers, and the upfiring Atmos speakers are at the ends of the bar, rather than near the center. It’s a much bigger bar than the Vizio, giving bigger internal speakers. Also, I did not have the problem with the volume levels like with the Vizio. If it was something which I would normally play at level 10 on the existing soundbar, would be the same with the LG. Though, a few things had differences, especially between the commercials and the content.

The upfiring Atmos speakers worked well, even on non-Atmos content. I played Carnival Row, which is Atmos. Survivor episodes on Paramount Plus. Some Hell’s Kitchen. The Tomorrow War. A few other things. Also, The Lord Of The Rings via the Blue Ray player, the songs Heavy And Hell from Black Sabbath (really provides great resonant bass) and Aja by Steely Dan (great all around for setting up any sound system). Did sound fantastic. The subwoofer provided great bass, more resonant than thumping, which is the way I like it.

However, just like with the Vizio, “after getting it all set up, the first thing I noticed was that all the voice was coming from the center.” It wasn’t quite as centered as listening to an Echo Dot, but, definitely noticeable that the voice was coming from a specific area, rather than the whole soundbar. I turned the volume down on the center, just still couldn’t do it. I just do not like it separated as such. 3.1 or higher is not for me.

If you do like this, you can also get surround speakers that connect wirelessly.

It’s going back, and I’m going to give the Philips B8405 a shot. it is a 2.1, and one of the few with Atmos. And it uses what’s called Play-Fi, so can hook up a wide variety of satellite speakers.

To be clear, the way it works is that a system with a 2.0 means that all the sound comes out of all the speakers. A lot of people think it means 2 speakers. Let’s say you have a stereo receiver with 2 speakers. All the sound comes from both, right? Now you add 2 more speakers. It’s still a 2.0 system. Add a subwoofer and it’s 2.1. Most 2.0 soundbars have 3 speakers in them. A 3.1 has left, right, and a center channel. It might have more than speakers, but, it is separated into the channels to give a more surround sound. The center isolates the voice, to make it clearer. And it does. A 5.0 adds more.

BTW, it’s also wise to hook your TV into the ARC HDMI of the soundbar and ARC on the TV, that way you have the sound and video passing through that cable, and can control both with fewer remotes. Many soundbars have a second HDMI port, so, that gives you an extra device to hook up. Most receivers these days have multiple HDMI inputs, including an ARC, so you can hook up more devises.

Read: LG SP8YA Soundbar With Dolby Atmos »

Your Fault: Every Heat Wave Is Now Worse

I’d ask if they were comparing the heat waves during this warm period with previous Holocene warm periods, but, first, that is almost impossible, and second, the climate cultists wouldn’t care, yammering on about this time being different because you won’t give up your fossil fueled vehicle, money, and freedom (it’s behind the paywall, but, you can save it to Pocket and read the whole thing)

Every heatwave occurring today is more intense due to climate change

Every heatwave today was made more likely by climate change and there is no longer a need to wait for studies to tease out global warming’s role in individual extreme heat episodes, according to the scientist who pioneered such studies.

Researchers usually caution against blaming specific extreme weather events on climate change. Heatwaves in China and Japan this week would not usually have been considered caused by climate change before “attribution studies” are run to model the difference in likelihood of the heatwaves between a world with our changed climate and one without. Such studies have come of age in the last decade, led by Friederike Otto of Imperial College London, and can now be turned around in days.

However, Otto says for heatwaves at least, we no longer need to wait before declaring climate change’s role. “I think we can very confidently now say that every heatwave that is occurring today has been made more intense, and more likely because of climate change,” she says. While changes to land use might after affect the likelihood, she adds: “There is no doubt that climate change is really an absolute game-changer when it comes to heatwaves.”

Science, schmience, just take our word for it, peons. They’ve apparently been doing “research” for decades, but, there is not control group, there is no comparison to previous warm periods. They aren’t even comparing it to the very hot 1930’s.

Most severe droughts around the world, by comparison, are not attributable to climate change, the review found. And neither are most wildfires, with a high confidence in a climate link only found in increasingly frequent fires in the western US. However, heavy rainfall events have been found to have increased in most part of the world due to climate change, and nowhere on Earth has the likelhilhood strongly decreased.

Hmm, that’s interesting. Of course, the Warmists will still blame those on anthropogenic climate change, including all the western fires that have all pretty much been set intentionally or unintentionally by humans.

Read: Your Fault: Every Heat Wave Is Now Worse »

If All You See…

…is what might be a horrible oil rig causing Bad Weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on a 29 year old trans beating a 13 year old girl in a skateboarding competition.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove