If All You See…

…is what might be a horrible oil rig causing Bad Weather clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on a 29 year old trans beating a 13 year old girl in a skateboarding competition.

Read: If All You See… »

Supreme Court Destroying Mythical Separation Of Church And State Or Something

There are just so, so, so many hot takes on abortion, they keep coming and coming, like

Abortion returns to the states, but states can’t make gun decisions? This is the Trump Court.

Abortion doesn’t appear in the Constitution; guns do. While the 1st Amendment was meant to apply to the federal congress, meaning that states could, in fact, limit what is mentioned in the 1st, the other 9 original Amendments applied to the entire Republic. Anyhow, here’s a hot take on religion rulings

U.S. Supreme Court takes aim at separation of church and state

Bill Of RightsThe conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court has chipped away at the wall separating church and state in a series of new rulings, eroding American legal traditions intended to prevent government officials from promoting any particular faith.

In three decisions in the past eight weeks, the court has ruled against government officials whose policies and actions were taken to avoid violating the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment prohibition on governmental endorsement of religion – known as the “establishment clause.”

The court on Monday backed a Washington state public high school football coach who was suspended by a local school district for refusing to stop leading Christian prayers with players on the field after games.

On June 21, it endorsed taxpayer money paying for students to attend religious schools under a Maine tuition assistance program in rural areas lacking nearby public high schools.

On May 2, it ruled in favor of a Christian group that sought to fly a flag emblazoned with a cross at Boston city hall under a program aimed at promoting diversity and tolerance among the city’s different communities.

Too bad there’s not a law that people have to read and understand the U.S. Constitution before opining on it. There is no separation of church and state. That derives from a letter from President Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists, and what he meant was that government should not be promoting one specific branch of Christianity over another. Jefferson remembered the influence of the Church of England on the British government, which is where the “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” part comes from. It’s the very first thing the Bill of Rights says. Meaning government shall not take sides in religion, and shall not pick one over another (back then it was about Christian denominations). Nor will it declare one as the true one over others.

If they wanted to provide taxpayer money to religious schools, it would be fine, as long as it made it available to all. And Maine’s Constitution is similar. If they are going to make this money available, and the parents want to send their kids to those schools, there should be no problem. The government is not endorsing religion, they are not establishing it.

The very next part of the 1st Amendment states “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”. Meaning, government cannot interfere, and it doesn’t matter if the person in question is a public employee on government land. The coach was not forcing players to pray, and the players who did participate did so voluntarily and willingly, as they stated in court. Interestingly, though, the Washington Constitution may actually preclude what the coach did, stating

SECTION 11 RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Absolute freedom of conscience in all matters of religious sentiment, belief and worship, shall be guaranteed to every individual, and no one shall be molested or disturbed in person or property on account of religion; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness or justify practices inconsistent with the peace and safety of the state. No public money or property shall be appropriated for or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction, or the support of any religious establishment: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That this article shall not be so construed as to forbid the employment by the state of a chaplain for such of the state custodial, correctional, and mental institutions, or by a county’s or public hospital district’s hospital, health care facility, or hospice, as in the discretion of the legislature may seem justified. No religious qualification shall be required for any public office or employment, nor shall any person be incompetent as a witness or juror, in consequence of his opinion on matters of religion, nor be questioned in any court of justice touching his religious belief to affect the weight of his testimony. [AMENDMENT 88, 1993 House Joint Resolution No. 4200, p 3062. Approved November 2, 1993.]

A direct reading could mean that there are no prayers on public property. But, no one seems to argue what the state constitutions say.

As for the flag, if Boston city hall is going to allow some flags, they really have to allow all. Flying the LGBTwhatever flag? Nothing wrong with the religion flag. If someone wants to fly an Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, etc flag, sure. Perhaps the city should simply not allow flags other than the American, state, and city ones. Just stay neutral. Easy peasey.

In Monday’s ruling, conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote that the court’s aim was to prevent public officials from being hostile to religion as they navigate the establishment clause. Gorsuch said that “in no world may a government entity’s concerns about phantom violations justify actual violations of an individuals First Amendment rights.”

And therein lies the problem, leftist government being hostile to 1st Amendment rights.

It was President Thomas Jefferson who famously said in an 1802 letter that the establishment clause should represent a “wall of separation” between church and state. The provision prevents the government from establishing a state religion and prohibits it from favoring one faith over another.

In the three recent rulings, the court decided that government actions intended to maintain a separation of church and state had instead infringed separate rights to free speech or the free exercise of religion also protected by the First Amendment.

This Reuters news piece actually is better than normal reporting, as it actually delves into details, not just a one sided view

But, as liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in the Maine case, such an approach “leads us to a place where separation of church and state becomes a constitutional violation.”

She’s read the Constitution, right? The U.S. one, not those of other nations.

Read: Supreme Court Destroying Mythical Separation Of Church And State Or Something »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Causing Fewer Tropical Cyclones

Hey, we’re back to the few but more powerful meme, after earlier this year they were saying there would be more

Global Warming Causes Fewer Tropical Cyclones

Global warming is making the atmosphere more hostile to the formation of tropical cyclones. By the early 2010s there were about 13 percent fewer storms across all oceans than there were in the late 19th century, according to a new study published on Monday in Nature Climate Change.

But having fewer hurricanes and typhoons does not make them less of a threat. Those that do manage to form are more likely to reach higher intensities as the world continues to heat up with the burning of fossil fuels.

I have to wonder, are they seeing something in the potential formation for the rest of the 2022 season that is making them come out with this? You just know that if the season sees a lot of tropical storms they will be right back to claiming that your carbon footprint is creating them. And if the season flames out, that will also be your fault

Scientists have been trying for decades to answer the question of how climate change will affect tropical cyclones, given the large-scale death and destruction these storms can cause. Climate models have suggested the number of storms should decline as global temperatures rise, but that had not been confirmed in the historical record. Detailed tropical cyclone data from satellites only go back until about the 1970s, which is not long enough to pick out trends driven by global warming.

It’s too short a time to make a determination, since you had cooling till the late 70’s, then warming, then a long Pause, then some warming, and now another pause. What about the cooling from the late 40’s through the late 70’s? The warming of the 30’s through late 40’s? How about what it looked like during the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period? Yes, yes, it is damn near impossible to collect that data, but, it would be crucial to understand if what we’re seeing is expected.

Of course, Warmists will say “but, that was then, it was natural, now it’s all Someone Else’s fault.”

The new study worked around those limitations by using what is called a reanalysis: the highest-quality available observations are fed into a weather computer model. “That’s something which gets us close to what the observation would have looked like,” essentially “filling in the gaps,” says study co-author Savin Chand, an atmospheric scientist at Federation University Australia. This gives researchers a reasonably realistic picture of the atmosphere over time, in this case going back to 1850. Chand and his team developed an algorithm that could pick out tropical cyclones in that reanalysis data set, enabling them to look for trends over a 162-year period.

OK, so, they’re just making shit up. No surprise.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Causing Fewer Tropical Cyclones »

Baby Killing Judges Block Abortion Laws In Some States

I guess they missed the part where the Supreme Court said that states have primacy, and the duly passed and signed laws of those states rule. But, you know that leftist abortion on demand supporting judges couldn’t care less about the law, the state constitutions, or the federal constitution

U.S. abortion ruling ignites legal battles over state bans

Battles over abortion shifted to state courts on Monday after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to the procedure nationwide, as judges blocked statewide bans in Louisiana and Utah and clinics in Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi and Texas sued seeking similar relief.

The six are among the 13 states with “trigger laws” designed to ban or severely restrict abortions once the Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that recognized a right to the procedure, as it did on Friday.

In Louisiana, abortion services that had been halted since Friday began resuming after Orleans Parish Civil District Court Judge Robin Giarrusso on Monday issued a temporary restraining order blocking the state from carrying out its ban.

By what standard does this judge in this district have to enact a statewide order? It has jurisdiction in the Orleans district.

Later on Monday in Utah, 3rd District Court Judge Andrew Stone, at the request of a Planned Parenthood affiliate, issued a temporary restraining order that would allow abortion services to resume in the state after a 2020 ban took effect on Friday.

Once this hits the the state supreme court of Utah, same in Louisiana, the abortion laws will be in effect.

Abortion rights advocates plan to challenge an Ohio ban on abortions after six weeks that took effect on Friday, and in Florida, a group of abortion providers went before a judge on Monday to argue a challenge to that state’s ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

In those states, along with Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Texas, will see the suits at their state supreme courts quickly, and the death merchants will quickly lose. I mean, for goodness sakes, the whole Dobbs case was about the Mississippi law, and Mississippi won. If the death merchants do not like it, move to a death merchant state. The same people saying the democracy democracy democracy are now whining about losing at the ballot box. And the state supreme courts should really be the last court necessary.

Oh, and then there’s this idiot, who supposedly has a law degree

Harris: Administration ‘Looking at’ Travel Vouchers for Women to Receive Abortions

Vice President Kamala Harris said Monday on CNN’s “The Lead” that in response to the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the Biden administration was “looking at” giving vouchers for travel expenses to women who leave their state to receive an abortion.

Anchor Dana Bash said, “What about the idea of financial resources? Some form of voucher for travel, child care services, other forms of support for people, for women seeking abortions in states where it’s not legal, but they just don’t have the means to go elsewhere.”

Harris said, “So this is something that we are looking at because we know, for example, in terms of how this is going to actually impact real people, over half of women who receive abortions in America are moms. That means that if they’re going to have to travel, they have to find daycare and pay for it. It means that they will if they are working, which most are, they’re going to have to have time from work, and if they don’t have paid leave, they are going to have to figure out how to afford it. It means they may have to put up money for a train or a bus or a plane, much less a hotel, and so we want to make sure that there does not result in extreme disparities or any disparities based on who can receive care based on how much money they’ve got.”

Is Harris aware of the Hyde Amendment, which blocks the federal government from using taxpayer money for anything abortion related? If they are looking at it, it shouldn’t take long. And if they attempt it, lawsuits will fly their way in federal court. And, of course, since Dana Bash is not a reporter, but, a Comrade, she failed to ask about it.

Read: Baby Killing Judges Block Abortion Laws In Some States »

Thousands Of Protesters Take Fossil Fueled Trips To Protest G7 Or Something

Of course, it is a massive mixed bag of climate nutbaggery and far left wishes

Thousands protest against G7 in Munich as leaders gather for summit

About 3,500 protesters have gathered in Munich as the G7 group of leading economic powers prepare to hold their annual gathering in the Bavarian Alps in Germany, which holds the rotating presidency this year.

Police said earlier that they were expecting a crowd of about 20,000, but initially fewer people showed up for the main protest, which started at midday on Saturday, the German news agency dpa reported.

Pretty shy of 20k. I’m guessing a lot of them couldn’t afford to travel with their leaders enacting policies that jack up fuel costs

Fifteen groups critical of globalisation, from Attac to the World Wildlife Fund, will participate in the demonstrations. Their various demands include a phase-out of fossil fuels, the preservation of biodiversity, social justice and greater efforts to combat hunger.

“My demands for the G7 are that they have a clear commitment to energy transition, that is the exit from fossil fuels, all forms of fossil fuels, by 2035 at the latest, so we can stop financing wars and conflicts,” said Kilian Wolter from Greenpeace.

Everyone who showed up should be required to give all use of fossil fuels. Let’s see how they like it first.

And for a palate cleanser, heading over to France

The guy looks like a soccer player taking a dive. But, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Read: Thousands Of Protesters Take Fossil Fueled Trips To Protest G7 Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled engine, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on non-binary wankers whining about there being no 3rd gender option for flying.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprisingly, TikTok Dances Didn’t Work In Keeping Roe From being Struck Down

This is hilarious

It is real, and here’s the update, if it doesn’t show in the tweet when I hit publish

Post Roe v. Wade decision update: This is a somber moment for us. We acknowledge that TikTok dances may not have been the greatest tactic to get the SCOTUS draft rejected, but please understand that this was part of a greater awareness campaign. Please, also stop attacking us and our writers online. We are all our own worst critics, after all. It is now time to snuff that critic out and start the healing process: Self-care in the post-Roe v. Wade apocalypse: 7 top tips.

Very, very silly people. And the self-care tips are rather silly. Here’s what they said beforehand

The leak that appears to show the Supreme Court ready to overturn Roe v. Wade has been confirmed to be real, and the terrible notion that Voldemort has killed Harry Potter and sentenced all of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff to evangelical forced breeding gulag is now setting in for women across the globe.

But it’s important to understand that it’s a leak of a draft. It was leaked to us so we can make a change before it’s actually passed into law. This means organizing. It means fighting Voldemort with every available weapon. And it means raising awareness to women on TikTok who haven’t yet heard the news. And how do you do that? By dancing, of course.

We’re supposed to take these people as serious adults? Or how about all the ones coming out with hot take after hot take, basically telling us they have either not read or read the Constitution. There are just so many.

Read: Surprisingly, TikTok Dances Didn’t Work In Keeping Roe From being Struck Down »

Biden Minions To Travel Around Country Telling People What Biden’s Doing On Inflation

This is their plan

There is, finally, a little more detail on the White House website, but, most of it makes little sense, spends more money, and, much of the energy price hikes came well before Putin invaded Ukraine, and were the result of Biden’s energy policies. For instance

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanLowering Energy Bills: Calling on Congress to pass clean energy and vehicle tax credits and investments that will reduce our dependence on reckless autocrats like Putin, save families an estimated $500 per year on their utility bills, and accelerate homegrown clean energy innovation – from producing more clean energy to bolstering our domestic supply chains that are critical for clean energy and clean transportation.

Those wouldn’t do anything for years, and trying to get people into EVs that are way more expensive doesn’t really help in lowering costs. There’s a temptation to fisk the entire thing, but, you know it’s a very silly plan which is the same old same old that would hurt, not help

Top Biden officials plan US travel blitz to try to keep focus on combating inflation during Biden’s Europe trip

Top Biden administration officials will be dispatched across the country this week to reassure Americans that combating inflation remains a top priority for the White House as prices soar and economic concerns mount, a White House official tells CNN.

Nice that they’re taking fossil fueled trips using high price gas that you the taxpayer are paying for, eh? How many will be in EVs?

The travel blitz by Cabinet members and senior officials comes as President Joe Biden meets with world leaders at the G7 and NATO summits in Germany and Spain, where leaders are discussing, among other things, rising costs that have been driven in part by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine earlier this year. One White House official said the travel is designed to highlight how “Biden’s leadership on the world stage is centered around delivering for the American middle class.”

Is CNN printing a piece approved by the White House?

The officials are expected to tout the bipartisan infrastructure law and outline steps the President has taken to try to bring down costs, even as Biden himself has acknowledged there is little he can do to immediately bring down the high price of gas and groceries that has been putting stress on millions of Americans.

So, he has a plan but it won’t work? Huh. Then why are they traveling around? And what is being accomplished with the infrastructure law? Where’s the money going? What’s being built right now? That looks to be pretty much all they’re doing. But, really, this is just a bit of going to see the base and keep them on Biden’s side.

Read: Biden Minions To Travel Around Country Telling People What Biden’s Doing On Inflation »

Summit Full Of Elites Using Lots Of Fossil Fuels Puts Out A Code Red On Climate

It’s always so nice when people who took long fossil fueled travel, quite often on private jets, then in fossil fueled limos, staying in expensive hotels, eating high end food, tells the peons how they can live

Commonwealth ends summit with call for action on climate change, trade

The newly-expanded Commonwealth made broad commitments on Saturday to address climate change and boost trade, concluding a summit aimed at shoring up the relevance of a group that evolved from the British empire.

The club, whose 56 members range from India to the tiny Pacific island nation of Nauru, covers some 2.5 billion people or about one-third of the world’s population. It presents itself as a network for cooperation, but critics say it needs to carve out a more concrete role and be less of a talking shop.

The week-long summit in Rwanda’s capital Kigali included comments from Britain’s Prince Charles expressing sorrow for his country’s role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the first time the Commonwealth has publicly addressed the subject. (snip)

A “Living Lands Charter” stated that Commonwealth countries would work to implement previously-signed international deals like the Paris climate agreement.

“We know that we are at code red when it comes to climate change and that the small member states are facing a crisis that could be existential,” Patricia Scotland, re-elected during the summit as Commonwealth secretary-general, told reporters.

Code red? LOL. Nutjobs. Nutjobs who flew from as far away as New Zealand as members of this Commonwealth. It’s great that they’re stating that their plebes will give up their money, freedom, life choices, and modern lifestyles.

Read: Summit Full Of Elites Using Lots Of Fossil Fuels Puts Out A Code Red On Climate »

Hot Take: Congress Should Suspend The Supreme Court

Abortion supporters are still just not taking the loss well. Instead of coming out with rational, reasonable argument, they just want to through out Hot Takes, like

Besides sounding rather insurrectiony, Congress passes laws, the President enforces them. And then we have this in the Charlotte Observer

NC scholar: With Roe gone, Congress should suspend the Supreme Court

I had hoped, intensely, this wouldn’t actually come. But the Dobbs case has been handed down. Unvarnished. Lawless. Dishonest. Heedless of the damage that will now immediately ensue. Hideously ideological, unelected hacks have moved to inflict their politics and their religion on a non-consenting nation. Now we all reap the whirlwind.

Realistically, you cannot have a discussion or debate with these people anymore, they are so far out there. Calling them barking moonbats minimizes the crazy. The Atlantic says America is growing far apart, possibly for good. We not only do not agree on means, we do not agree on ends. These people are against deciding anything based on law and the Constitution

Democrats and their friends must understand that the battle for the American democracy is now, presently, upon us. Not tomorrow, not if the Congress is lost, not if Trump gets elected again, but now. This day. The Supreme Court fired on Fort Sumter. And if they’ll do this, it’s childish to think they won’t do more. Government by angry minority is launched. It will not be voluntarily abandoned.

So, in Washington, Democrats must act. First, the party must clearly state the mission. It must demand, therefore, the enactment of legislation codifying Roe v. Wade. Now. The bill should be as clean and sparse as possible to build the broadest coalition. It’s not time for a Christmas tree. But it must move. And all Democrats, if they are to stay in the caucus, must fight for it. They cannot defer based on the filibuster, the desire to meet authoritarians halfway, or anything else. The line of engagement must be drawn. If we lose, we lose. But at least we’ll show we’re committed to the American promise. And if we lose at this moment, we serve notice we’ll fight again next week. And the week after. We’re finished surrendering without battle.

Yeah, and the legislation would result in lawsuits out the ying yang, because the Dobbs decision pretty much stated it is a State’s Rights issue. And here we go

Then there’s the Supreme Court. It’s crucial to be clear-eyed. There is no judicial institution here to save. It’s gone. The only question is whether it takes the democracy with it. The elected branches of government must fight back. So next, as has occurred before in our history, the Congress should pass legislation postponing the next term of the Supreme Court. A quick and bold shot across the bow; declaring this will not stand. It will cause disruption and confusion. But anyone who doesn’t think Dobbs has brought disruption by the galaxy-full is dreaming.

This is why the basis of our whole system is a Nation of Law, not a Nation of Men. To avoid these overly insane mental breakdowns of emotion

Next, after Roe is codified, the Congress should remove the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court to hear abortion cases. The constitution grants such power.

Strange that the article fails to cite anything to support that notion

And the Court that handed down Dobbs will not be hesitant to invalidate a new statute codifying Roe – though it has no conceivable authority to do so.

Except for that whole Constitution thing.

The high court should, therefore, be preemptively removed from the fray. If the justices attempt to act in defiance of the jurisdictional ban, they should be impeached.

Give it a try, sparky.

I concede this sounds extreme. But the fact is, this is the trauma we face. Pretending otherwise won’t help. The clock is ticking. Democracy calls.

This is from Gene Nichol, the Boyd Tinsley Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of North Carolina. Sometimes the extreme, wackadoodle, anti-Constitution thoughts should remain in the breakroom. Of course, this won’t be the last spark of insanity we see for at least the next few months.

Read: Hot Take: Congress Should Suspend The Supreme Court »

Pirate's Cove