NY Times: Critics Pounce On Biden For MBS Fist Bump

Here’s Biden

And here’s the NY Times

Biden’s Fraught Saudi Visit Garners Scathing Criticism and Modest Accords

President Biden exchanged the shaken fist for a fist bump on Friday as he abandoned his promise to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” and sat down with the crown prince he deemed responsible for the grisly killing and dismemberment of a columnist who lived in the United States.

In the most fraught foreign visit of his presidency to date, Mr. Biden’s encounter with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave the de facto Saudi leader a measure of the international rehabilitation he sought, while securing steps toward closer relations with Israel and an unannounced understanding that the kingdom would soon pump more oil to relieve high gas prices at home.

Mr. Biden’s discomfort was palpable as he avoided a handshake with the prince in favor of a fist bump that in the end proved no less problematic politically. While cameras recorded the opening of their subsequent meeting, the president made no mention of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post columnist assassinated in 2018 by Saudi operatives, and the prince smiled silently when a reporter asked if he owed an apology to the family.

Now, imagine it was President Donald Trump fist bumping MBS. Would there be outrage at the NY Times? Might this be a top of the page, huge headline article? The graphic is what the front page of the web version looks like. A bit of pouncing. Props to the Washington Post for having it be the second big story, but, even they do not go hard after Biden. They even have a smaller piece entitled “once again we obsess over a fist bump”, which is surely a reference to the Obama fist bump. I don’t know, behind a paywall, and, do not care. It was their reporter killed, and they cannot even express outrage because it’s a Democratic Party president.

But Mr. Biden later told reporters Mr. Khashoggi’s murder was “outrageous” and said he had confronted the crown prince privately. “I raised it at the top of the meeting, making clear what I thought at the time and what I think of it now,” he said. “I was straightforward and direct in discussing it. I made my view crystal clear.”

He reported that Prince Mohammed, often known by his initials M.B.S., had denied culpability. “He basically said that he was not personally responsible for it,” Mr. Biden said. “I indicated that I thought he was.”

Saudi officials contradicted his account. Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs, told reporters that he did not hear Mr. Biden tell the crown prince that he was responsible, describing instead a brief and less contentious exchange that focused on human rights without dwelling on the killing.

There are many NY Times articles where they excoriated Trump on MBS.

Human rights activists and those who had been close to Mr. Khashoggi expressed outrage. Hatice Cengiz, his fiancée, tweeted what she said Mr. Khashoggi would have thought: “Is this the accountability you promised for my murder? The blood of MBS’s next victims is on your hands.”

Fred Ryan, the Post’s publisher, was equally scathing. “The fist bump between President Biden and Mohammed bin Salman was worse than a handshake — it was shameful,” he said in a statement. “It projected a level of intimacy and comfort that delivers to MBS the unwarranted redemption he has been desperately seeking.”

Pouncing! Very few Credentialed Media outlets are bothering to attack Biden for this, when they would have been apoplectic had Trump done this.

Meanwhile, what was the result of the trip?

(Breitbart) During an interview aired on Friday’s edition of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir, who was inside President Joe Biden’s meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, refused to commit to boosting oil production, denied Biden pressed them on the issue, and argued that “The problem of gasoline in the United States is more a function of the lack of refining capacity in the United States than a shortage of actual crude oil.”

al-Jubeir says Biden didn’t even raise the subject in specificity. Wasn’t that the whole point of going hat in hand? al-Jubeir is correct that it is a lack of refining capacity. More crude won’t matter if it can’t be refined.

Read: NY Times: Critics Pounce On Biden For MBS Fist Bump »

NY Times Notes Four Ways Government Can Force You To Comply With Climate Cult

Of course, this is nothing that Warmists will voluntarily do. Is the NY Times giving up their own use of fossil fuels? How about hyper-Warmist Coral Davenport? For all the articles I’ve seen her write I’ve never seen her mention the changes she’s made in her own life. She’s happy to recommend the changes government can force on you

Four Ways the United States Can Still Fight Climate Change

With the largest and most powerful tools that President Biden had hoped to use to fight climate change now stripped away, the White House is assembling smaller, less potent policies that could still help the nation reduce its planet-warming pollution, though not at the levels that Mr. Biden once promised.

The evident death in the Senate of Democrats’ climate change legislation, which was to have been the centerpiece of Mr. Biden’s plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions, comes just weeks after the Supreme Court handed down a decision that sharply limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, the nation’s second-largest source of greenhouse gases.

Supreme Court decision? Let’s go to number one on her list

Regulate cars and trucks

Vehicles are the nation’s largest source of planet-warming pollution, and experts say that rapidly ending the use of gasoline-powered cars is crucial to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change. Mr. Biden has directed the Environmental Protection Agency and Transportation Department to write a transformative new regulation to rein in tailpipe pollution and accelerate the nation’s transition to electric vehicles.

In its most ambitious form, the new regulation, which would most likely not be completed until 2023 or 2024, would compel automakers to double down on selling enough electric vehicles to meet Mr. Biden’s target that half of all vehicles sold in the United States would be all-electric by 2030. But after the Supreme Court decision limiting the E.P.A’s authority to regulate greenhouse emissions, the agency may scale back its ambitions out of fear that such a bold new move could also be struck down by the courts.

Yeah, they’d have to scale it back hugely, because this is exactly the kind of thing the Supreme Court was talking about. It’s nice that the Biden admin is looking to significantly increase the price of vehicles when they’re already high. Who does this hurt? The lower and middle class. If they do pass a new regulation, the next Republican president can kill it.

Then they want to regulate methane. I’d agree, but, it still needs to go through Congress, and a was, bipartisan, targeted, specific piece of legislation could work to do so without serious economic and energy pain.

And, of course, they want to go after energy plants, because Americans are not feeling enough pain right now. And, the minute they pass a regulation they’ll be sued, just like has already happened. It’s just the same in different clothes.

Absent federal action on climate change, state-level climate policies will play a more important role. Just under half the states have already enacted significant climate policies. The leader is California, which in the coming weeks is expected to finalize a first-in-the-nation regulation requiring that all new cars sold in the state must be electric or zero-emission by 2035. Seventeen other states are in line to adopt the same rule when it passes in Sacramento.

That’s where this stuff should be. The States. And, all the citizens who vote for the politicians who implement this stuff should be required to stay in those states and suck it up. Have fun when you cannot afford a vehicle or electricity, and your food and housing and everything else is unaffordable.

Read: NY Times Notes Four Ways Government Can Force You To Comply With Climate Cult »

Texas First To Sue Biden Over Abortion On Demand Guidance

How many other states will join int?

Texas sues Biden administration over emergency abortion guidance

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration on Thursday after the Department of Health and Human Services reiterated guidance this week that says doctors are required to perform an abortion if a pregnant woman’s life is in danger.

“President Biden is flagrantly disregarding the legislative and democratic process—and flouting the Supreme Court’s ruling before the ink is dry—by having his appointed bureaucrats mandate that hospitals and emergency medicine physicians must perform abortions,” the lawsuit, which names Health Secretary Xavier Becerra and other officials as defendants, says.

Becerra issued the guidance to health care providers on Monday, writing in a letter that under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, physicians “must” provide an abortion if it is the “stabilizing treatment necessary to resolve” an emergency medical condition.

What is considered an emergency? To actually save the life of the mother, or, because someone who practiced irresponsible, unprotected sex is suddenly having a sad?

Paxton said in a statement on Thursday afternoon that the administration’s interpretation is too wide and mandates “abortions under a whole new range of circumstances.”

“In addition, the Abortion Mandate conflicts with the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal dollars from being used to fund abortions except when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or the woman’s life is in danger,” the lawsuit reads.

Paxton also stated

“This administration has a hard time following the law, and now they are trying to have their appointed bureaucrats mandate that hospitals and emergency medicine physicians perform abortions,” Attorney General Paxton said. “I will ensure that President Biden will be forced to comply with the Supreme Court’s important decision concerning abortion and I will not allow him to undermine and distort existing laws to fit his administration’s unlawful agenda.”

The full suit can be seen here.

Read: Texas First To Sue Biden Over Abortion On Demand Guidance »

Climate Cult Democrats Super Upset Manchin Bails On ‘Climate Change’ Legislation

I’m betting he heard a lot of negative comments from his West Virginia constituents

Manchin torpedoes Democrats’ hopes for passing sweeping climate action and tax hikes

Sen. Joe Manchin on Thursday dealt a devastating blow to Democrats’ hopes for sweeping legislative action this year, telling Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his staff “unequivocally” that he won’t support the climate or tax provisions of a Democratic economic package, two sources familiar with the talks tell CNN.

The two had been negotiating for months, and Schumer, a New York Democrat, had made a number of concessions to pare back the climate provisions to appease Manchin, whose support is critical in an evenly decided Senate.

In a Friday radio interview, Manchin disputed the characterization that he had blown up the negotiations with Schumer but said that he asked that they wait until the July inflation numbers came out and pursue this after August recess.

“I said, ‘Chuck until we see the July inflation figures, until we see the July, basically Federal Reserve rates, interest rates, then let’s wait till that comes out so we know that we’re going down a path that won’t be inflammatory, to add more to inflation,’ ” Manchin told Hoppy Kercheval on Talkline. “He says, ‘Are you telling me you won’t do the other right now?’ I said, ‘Chuck, it’s wrong, it’s not prudent to do the other right now.’ “

In other words, Joe knows this stuff will hose We The People, and wants to wait to see how bad it could get before making it worse

Most Credentialed Media websites are Very Unhappy, and the Twitter comments are deranged. Oh, and also the Washington Post: Inflation is soaring. Time to rethink your emergency savings. Strangely, that piece fails to mention the word “Biden” once.

Read: Climate Cult Democrats Super Upset Manchin Bails On ‘Climate Change’ Legislation »

If All You See…

…is seaweed washing up on the beach from carbon pollution bad weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on government which mandated vaccines now upset with doctors for not telling patients the risks.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Young Folks Fed Up With Old Government Leaders

The problem here for the young Democratic party voters is that they invest all power in the politicians and government, and do not seem to be able to do anything without being directed. It’s like with ‘climate change’: they mostly will not act on their own beliefs until they are forced to. Politicians are not leaders, they are public servants. The young folks do not get that, because the Credentialed Media and schools do not teach that anymore (behind paywall at NY Times)

Young Voters Are Fed Up With Their (Much) Older Leaders

Alexandra Chadwick went to the polls in 2020 with the single goal of ousting Donald J. Trump. A 22-year-old first-time voter, she saw Joseph R. Biden Jr. as more of a safeguard than an inspiring political figure, someone who could stave off threats to abortion access, gun control and climate policy.

Then she wasn’t paying attention to the reality, and invested too much power in a guy who hid in his basement most of the campaign

Two years later, as the Supreme Court has eroded federal protections on all three, Ms. Chadwick now sees President Biden and other Democratic leaders as lacking both the imagination and willpower to fight back. She points to a generational gap — one she once overlooked but now seems cavernous.

“How are you going to accurately lead your country if your mind is still stuck 50, 60 or 70 years ago?” Ms. Chadwick, a customer service representative in Rialto, Calif., said of the many septuagenarian leaders at the helm of her party. “It’s not the same, and people aren’t the same, and your old ideas aren’t going to work as well anymore.”

But, see, these young people are mostly unwilling to lead themselves, and simply look to Authority. They think Government should act like their bosses in their service industry jobs, because they obtained a worthless college degree with lots of debt. Here’s where the real fun begins

While voters across the spectrum express rising doubts about the country’s political leadership, few groups are as united in their discontent as the young.

A survey from The New York Times and Siena College found that just 1 percent of 18-to-29-year-olds strongly approve of the way Mr. Biden is handling his job. And 94 percent of Democrats under 30 said they wanted another candidate to run two years from now. Of all age groups, young voters were most likely to say they wouldn’t vote for either Mr. Biden or Mr. Trump in a hypothetical 2024 rematch.

One percent. One. 1. Uno. Jeden. Bat. ????. Have you ever seen that? I can’t remember ever reading a piece showing that kind of approval

The numbers are a clear warning for Democrats as they struggle to ward off a drubbing in the November midterm elections. Young people, long among the least reliable part of the party’s coalition, marched for gun control, rallied against Trump and helped fuel a Democratic wave in the 2018 midterm elections. They still side with Democrats on issues that are only rising in prominence.

But four years on, many feel disengaged and deflated, with only 32% saying they are “almost certain” to vote in November, according to the poll. Nearly half said they did not think their vote made a difference.

Those numbers should not give Democrats confidence for the mid-terms. It is a damned good reason to return most power back to the states, where it belongs, as that government is much closer to the People than the far away, divorced from reality Central Government, isn’t it?

Interviews with these young voters reveal generational tensions driving their frustration. As they have come of age facing racial strife, political conflict, high inflation and a pandemic, they have looked for help from politicians who are more than three times their age.

Those older leaders often talk about upholding institutions and restoring norms, while young voters say they are more interested in results. Many expressed a desire for more sweeping changes like a viable third party and a new crop of younger leaders. They’re eager for innovative action on the problems they stand to inherit, they said, rather than returning to what worked in the past.

But, few actually want to get involved themselves, outside of some loud, screeching protests. They expect Other People to do it, because they have been taught to just Comply.

After years of feeling that politicians don’t talk to people like him, Juan Flores, 23, says he’s turned his attention to local ballot initiatives on issues like housing or homelessness, which he sees as more likely to have an impact on his life. Flores went to school for data analytics but drives a delivery truck for Amazon in San Jose, California. There, home prices average well over $1 million, making it difficult if not impossible for residents to live on a single income.

“I feel like a lot of politicians, they already come from a good upbringing,” he said. “A majority of them don’t really fully understand the scope of what the majority of the American people are going through.”

First, he’s right, doing things locally is much better than relying on the federal government, and the way it’s supposed to be. I won’t do another deep dive into the point of how our governmental system was set up, but, states were meant to be their own sovereign entities, excepting for specific, delegated powers to the federal government, designed to unite the new nation and establish certain norms, like with monetary policy, cross-border commerce, and the military.

Second, he’s also correct that most elected federal politicians are divorced from the People.

The Times/Siena College poll found 46% of young voters favored Democratic control of Congress, while 28% wanted Republicans to take charge. More than 1 in 4 young voters, 26%, don’t know or refused to say which party they want to control Congress.

That’s going to leave a mark for the mid-terms, and not in a good way for the Democrats. Anyhow, it’s a long, long piece.

Read: Bummer: Young Folks Fed Up With Old Government Leaders »

Surprise: California’s Big Solar Push Created An Environmental Mess

Seriously, we on the Skeptics side told you this was going to happen (also with no paywall at Yahoo)

California went big on rooftop solar. It created an environmental danger in the process

California has been a pioneer in pushing for rooftop solar power, building up the largest solar market in the U.S. More than 20 years and 1.3 million rooftops later, the bill is coming due.

Beginning in 2006, the state, focused on how to incentivize people to take up solar power, showered subsidies on homeowners who installed photovoltaic panels but had no comprehensive plan to dispose of them. Now, panels purchased under those programs are nearing the end of their 25-year life cycle.

Many are already winding up in landfills, where components that contain toxic heavy metals such as selenium and cadmium can contaminate groundwater.

“People just don’t realize that there are toxic materials in those electronics, that it’s fine if it’s just sitting in a box in your house,” said Natalie Click, a doctoral candidate in materials science at the University of Arizona who studies the issue. “But once it gets crushed and put into the landfill, a lot of those toxic chemicals and materials are going to leak into your groundwater.”

So, you’re just supposed to leave those dead components in your house? I take dead TVs and other stuff to the Wake County recycling center, not leave them in the attic or spare bedroom.

Sam Vanderhoof, a solar industry expert, says that only 1 in 10 panels are actually recycled, according to estimates drawn from International Renewable Energy Agency data on decommissioned panels and from industry leaders.

Citizens of the People’s Republic Of California don’t recycle? Hmm.

The looming challenge over how to handle truckloads of contaminated waste illustrates how cutting-edge environmental policy can create unforeseen hazards down the road.

“The industry is supposed to be green,” Vanderhoof said. “But in reality, it’s all about the money.”

You don’t say.

But as California barreled ahead on its renewable-energy program, focusing on rebates and — more recently — a proposed solar tax, questions about how to handle the toxic waste that would accrue years later were never fully addressed. Now, both regulators and panel manufacturers are realizing that they don’t have the capacity to handle what comes next.

“This trash is probably going to arrive sooner than we expected and it is going to be a huge amount of waste,” said Serasu Duran, an assistant professor at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business in Canada. “But while all the focus has been on building this renewable capacity, not much consideration has been put on the end of life of these technologies.”

How’s that saying go? The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Or, are they false environmental intentions?

It’s actually a shame. I’d like solar and others to succeed from a true environmental viewpoint.

Read: Surprise: California’s Big Solar Push Created An Environmental Mess »

Abortion Supporters Upset Indiana AG To Investigate Abortion Doctor

I’ve mentioned before, there’s an old axiom about reading newspapers: you have to get your point out in 3 paragraphs or 30 seconds, and this has carried through to the Internet. It might be less now, with them working to get their message in the headline and first two paragraphs

Republican AG says he’ll investigate Indiana doctor who provided care to 10-year-old rape victim

Indiana’s Republican attorney general said on Wednesday that his office planned to investigate the Indiana doctor who helped a 10-year-old rape victim who crossed state lines to have an abortion.

Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Indianapolis, has told multiple outlets that she provided care to the 10-year-old after a child abuse doctor in Ohio contacted her. The child was six weeks and three days into the pregnancy, Bernard said. After the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last month, a wave of state-level abortion restrictions took effect, including in Ohio, a state that bans abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape or incest. Abortion in Indiana is banned after 22 weeks of pregnancy, with some exceptions for medical emergencies.

Now, that looks like AG Todd Rokita is going after the doctor for doing the abortion, right? The Yahoo News reprint of the Politico piece, where I first saw it, shows that abortion supporters are not reading the whole thing

  • I don’t see the need for any such investigation, unless there is reason to suspect medical malpractice. For a child in such a situation, competent medical treatment is required.
  • It isn’t about malpractice. It is about intimidation to deny women agency over their own bodies. These laws won’t prevent all abortions, they only prevent abortions for those without the income to travel abroad. And that is exactly what is intended.
  • Pandering to the ‘base’. Nothing more.
  • Why are we going backwards with woman’s rights?
  • The investigation is clearly punishment because the doctor failed to come under the authority of the conservative Christian Church. A 10-year-old being physically damaged for carrying a pregnancy to term doesn’t seem to concern them.

Many, many, many more like that. What’s the reality? Well, paragraph 3

“We’re gathering the evidence as we speak, and we’re going to fight this to the end, including looking at her licensure if she failed to report. And in Indiana it’s a crime … to intentionally not report,” state Attorney General Todd Rokita said on Fox News on Wednesday night. “This is a child, and there’s a strong public interest in understanding if someone under the age of 16 or under the age of 18 or really any woman is having abortion in our state. And then if a child is being sexually abused, of course parents need to know. Authorities need to know. Public policy experts need to know.”

There are strict reporting requirements in both Ohio and Indiana for abortions and rape allegations. Rokita doubled down on his threats of criminal charges in a letter dated Wednesday but released publicly on Thursday. The letter, to Gov. Eric Holcomb, a Republican, called for records from the Indiana Department of Public Health and the Department of Child Services to determine whether Bernard filed a report within the required three-day window.

“If Dr. Bernard has failed to file the required reports on time, she has committed an offense, the consequences of which could include criminal prosecution and licensing repercussions,” the letter said.

And that is what the investigation is about, whether the doctor performed her legal requirement to report that a minor required an abortion, which means statutory rape occurred. Why do Democrats not want rape reported? They’ve spent the past 10 years making a big deal about sexual assault (especially as it has occurred in Democrat run Hollywood and colleges) and report it. But, not with a 10 year old?

And, it makes no difference that it supposedly had been reported to Ohio law enforcement, the abortion occurred in Indiana, and the law is the law.

Now, Indystar, who started this whole thing with their light on details and journalism report, is saying that

The Indiana physician who provided abortion services to a 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped disclosed the abortion in a form filed with the Indiana Department of Health and the Department of Child Services, according to documents obtained by IndyStar through a public records request.  (big snip)

Bernard filed the required abortion disclosure, known as a “terminated pregnancy” form, on July 2, two days after she performed the girl’s abortion, according to a copy of the form IndyStar received Thursday from the state health department. State law requires the forms to be filed within three days for patients under age 16.

The form shows Bernard indicated the girl was seeking an abortion as a result of being abused.

A form Indystar did not share. And might not legally have had access to.

The form indicates the doctor did not know the age of the “father.” In such cases, doctors are required to enter an “approximate age,” according to a person familiar with the electronic filing system. Bernard entered “17.”

Um, the girl was 10. She should have really been calling the police. But, abortion supporters will do anything to protect abortion, even if it involves mostly ignoring a 10 year old being pregnant, which is called felony rape of a minor under 13, as the 27 year old illegal alien was charged with.

Read: Abortion Supporters Upset Indiana AG To Investigate Abortion Doctor »

Climate Nutters Slashing Tires In Primarily Democrat Cities

These cultists better think twice about doing it in Republican run areas

Climate activists expand tire-slashing operation beyond NYC. Here are the cities they’ve hit

The U.K. climate group whose members deflated tires on an estimated 40 vehicles in New York City last month recently announced similar actions in cities nationwide.

The Tyre Extinguishers, which encourages activists to deflate tires of parked sports utility vehicles (SUV) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, said it has already spread to Chicago and the San Francisco area this month. Individuals affiliated with the group have deflated the tires of 20 SUVs in Chicago, another 20 SUVs in Scranton, Pa., and 12 SUVs near San Francisco this month, according to the group.

“It can happen anywhere, anytime,” a spokesperson for the group told Fox News Digital in an email. “If you’re reading this and you own an SUV, scrap it before we get to it.”

The spokesperson previously told Fox News Digital that the group expected to “expand massively” across the U.S. in the coming weeks.

This is a wonderful way to get shot. By the way, since they are claiming to do this across the country, that would make it federal. Where’s the DOJ? And, yes, Scranton does lean very much Democrat

On the site, the group provides tips for activists to quickly deflate tires and a leaflet that can be printed and left on targeted vehicles windshields. The document asks the victim to not “take it personally” that their tires were deflated.

Don’t take it personally when you get punch and knocked out. Or hit with a baseball bat or something.

The Tyre Extinguishers don’t exclude electric vehicles (EV) from their actions, explaining such cars also have a major carbon footprint.

The group’s spokesperson forwarded Fox News Digital an email from an EV owner located in San Francisco, complaining their vehicle was targeted and demanding compensation.

“Are you people verifying whether the cars you’re slashing are electric vehicles or not? Or are you just targetting ALL SUVs?” the person wrote.

“Freaking geniuses,” they continued. “How do I get compensated for this?”

Of course, if the vehicle owner catches one of the nutters and beats them up the vehicle owner will be in trouble and the nutters will be lauded.

Read: Climate Nutters Slashing Tires In Primarily Democrat Cities »

Would It Surprise You That 62% Of Biden’s People Have No Business Experience?

Earlier I mentioned a The Hill article on inflation, and how most of Biden’s people, and Biden himself, have little to no experience in the private sector. And now we learn specifics

Exclusive — Ship of Fools: 62 Percent of Biden Officials Who Handle Economic Policy Have Zero Years Business Experience Per Report

An explosive new analysis published by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity reveals that Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration has very few business-oriented officials in the administration and that the vast majority of people handling economic policy for the United States government under Biden have no business experience whatsoever.

The 15-page report, authored by economist Steve Moore and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity‘s executive director Jon Decker, was provided to Breitbart News exclusively ahead of its public release. The headline of the report is: “Not Ready for Prime Time Players: Majority of Biden Appointees have Zero Years of Business Experience.” The report analyzes the backgrounds of the “top 68 officials in the Biden administration, starting with the president himself, and including cabinet members, regulatory officials, and White House advisers.”

In the executive summary, the authors detail some key findings in the report. First and foremost, 62 percent of Biden’s top political appointees and staffers “who deal with economic policy, regulation, commerce, energy and finance have virtually no business experience.”

What’s more, only one out of eight Biden officials has what the authors deem “extensive business experience,” and the average level of business experience across the Biden administration is about 2.4 years. The median years of business experience among Biden’s top appointees is zero, since so few have any experience in the private sector, and the “vast majority of the Biden economic/commerce team members are professional politicians, lawyers, community organizers, lobbyists, or government employees.”

These people do not really understand how an economy or business runs. They’ve never run a business, never had to make payroll, never had to deal with real world issues. They don’t understand supply chains, suppliers, profit-margins, etc and so on. Look at Biden: he briefly worked as an attorney before being elected to the US Senate and taking office in January 1973. He has no idea. For him, and all these other folks, it’s only knowledge of government, completely divorced from the real world.

In fairness, this describes a goodly chunk of those in Congress. AOC worked as a bartender, but, really, was just a worker. What does she know about business? How many other Democrats and Republicans in Congress have little experience, or, it’s been decades since they actually worked in the private sector? Virginia Fox (R-NC) is a great representative, but, besides owning a landscape nursery business, she has no real experience in the private sector. How can the Legislative and Executive Branches respond to economic issues when they do not have experience?

“What is the takeaway from these findings? Surely we want our political class to have a diversity of backgrounds,” the authors write. “We want lawyers, grassroots activists, those with political and policy experience, scientists, health experts, and academics with required specialties. But we also want people who have experience running large operations with hundreds and thousands of employees and who understand logistics. We want people who know how to cut costs, manage logistics, increase productivity, meet payroll, and make a profit (or in the case of the government, avoid large losses). We need people at the top rungs of government who have experience dealing with large-scale crises (as we experienced during COVID), and also at least some familiarity with the everyday struggles that businesses have with the government.”

The Trump admin had way, way more experience in the private sector, and, here’s a point, dealing with people in a business environment, rather than simply as voters.

But it seems, the report authors note, that Biden’s focus on making “diversity” a major hiring “goal of its administration,” the U.S. government is now falling short when it comes to actually having people who know what they are doing with the economy in charge of economic policy. The authors note that “the one area that is sorely missing in this diversity goal is in attracting talented and experienced men and women from the field of small business, commerce, and finance.”

There’s basically a permanent political class in the nation, people making decisions and policy who haven’t put in the work to know the reality. Government is their business, and they think very differently from those in the private sector.

Read: Would It Surprise You That 62% Of Biden’s People Have No Business Experience? »

Pirate's Cove