…is a sea that will soon rise dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On the Right, with a post noting that some will bow to government no matter what.
Read: If All You See… »
…is a sea that will soon rise dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On the Right, with a post noting that some will bow to government no matter what.
Read: If All You See… »
Those 87,000 new IRS employees won’t be doing anything, right? (non-paywalled Yahoo story here)
Did You Sell an Old Desk Online? You May Receive a Tax Form.
It’s not unusual for anyone with an old desk or bicycle that’s in decent condition but no longer needed to sell it online and make some extra cash.
But because of a change in tax law, these small-time online sellers might soon receive a tax form that few have seen before, a 1099-K. The change took effect for 2022 and might be confusing, experts say, possibly leading some people to pay taxes that they don’t owe.
Millions of people could receive the forms early next year, said Christopher Walters, CEO of Blucora, the parent company of TaxAct do-it-yourself tax software. “A lot of people are likely to be surprised,” he said.
What’s going on? In 2021, as part of the American Rescue Plan, Congress changed the rules for how online marketplaces and payment services must report transactions. The aim was to better track gig economy income that wasn’t reported to the IRS.
Yes, they will be surprised. Any who voted for Biden and Democrats need to shut up and take it. This is the result of your vote. Put on a big smile and pay it
Before this year, online companies that process payments — including marketplaces like eBay and Poshmark and payment services like PayPal and Venmo — were required to send 1099-Ks only to sellers who exceeded 200 transactions and $20,000 in income annually. That threshold captured sellers running businesses, while excluding most people who were merely cleaning out their closets.
But this year, the income threshold dropped to $600, with no minimum number of transactions. If you received $600 or more for the sale of goods or services, you may receive a 1099-K in early 2023 — even if you are just an occasional online seller of used household items or clothing.
Remember, Biden voters, big smile!
Casual users of online platforms may receive the forms even if the payments don’t reflect taxable income, said Andrew Lautz, director of federal policy with the conservative National Taxpayers Union, which supports a higher reporting threshold. Used items generally don’t result in taxable income if they are resold for less than what the seller originally paid, he said.
Say you sold a used piano on eBay for $1,000, but you paid $2,500 when you bought it new. “You don’t owe taxes,” Lautz said.
Under the new rule, however, eBay will send both you and the IRS a Form 1099-K, showing you were paid $1,000. The company knows nothing about your initial purchase; it’s up to you to document the original price to show that no tax is owed. Taxpayers with normally simple tax profiles “may not know how to report this transaction” on their income tax return, the Congressional Research Service noted in a report.
Say it it with me, big smiles!
The change is not meant to apply to people who are receiving payments as gifts or as reimbursements from friends after splitting the cost of a restaurant meal, said Erin Collins, the national taxpayer advocate, who heads an agency within the IRS that assists taxpayers. But some people could mistakenly receive forms anyway — say, if they get payments mislabeled as business transactions rather than “friends and family” payments, she said.
“The change is going to cause confusion,” Collins said.
Right, and it will be so easy to get it resolved, even as the IRS adds all those employees, right? It will probably be easier to just pay.
Read: Small Online Sellers Should Get Ready For Biden’s Taxation »
To be honest, I don’t want to talk about anything while getting a haircut. Just get it done?
This hairdresser gives lessons on how to discuss climate change with clients
As the effects of climate change have become more serious, many people without much political or financial influence have asked themselves what they can do to address the situation.
Paloma Rose Garcia, who owns a hair salon in Sydney, Australia, was one such person. What she discovered was that merely talking about global warming with customers could have a positive effect — and that realization has led her to create climate change education and communication workshops for others in her profession.
“As I was on my own personal journey with climate and understanding more about climate change and the effects that it’s having all around us, it just became a conversation that came up with guests,” Garcia told What On Earth host Laura Lynch.
You know one thing I really loathe? This whole “journey” thing. People keep using it, it shows up in commercials, and it’s just very, very silly. Perhaps it’s just me
“It can start off as something very small. It’s as simple as, ‘Oh my god, isn’t this weather just crazy? It’s really sad to see the effects of climate change.’ It’s a simple little comment or remark like that that can turn into a bigger conversation,” Garcia said.
My response would be “so, what kind of car do you drive? Oh, it’s a fossil fueled one? Huh.” And that tip would be going way down
As a member of Sustainable Salons Australia, she’s making every effort to minimize her salon’s footprint, which includes reducing water consumption and using a power supplier that provides emissions-free electricity.
Her positive interactions with customers spurred her to encourage the hairdressers employed in her salon to have similar conversations. Since then, she’s run three climate workshops, with hundreds of hairdressers.
Obviously, the reporter failed to delve deep into how much that carbon footprint has come down, what she and the others are actually doing, and if they’ve given up their own use of fossil fuels.
Read: Who’s Up For A Lecture On ‘Climate Change’ While Getting A Haircut? »
One would think this is satire from the Onion or Babylon Bee. Nope
Nancy Pelosi Argues Red States Should Let Illegal Immigrants Stay to ‘Pick the Crops’
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Friday that Republican governors should welcome the influx of migrants coming across the southern border because they can “pick the crops,” in their states.
“We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers are saying, ‘Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here,’” she said at a press briefing.
Her comments came as a response the transportation of migrants to New York City, Washington D.C., and other localities that have touted themselves as sanctuaries for illegal immigrants by Republican governors such as Texas’s Greg Abbott, and Florida’s Ron DeSantis.
Dropping a busload off near Nancy’s homes in D.C. and San Francisco should be on the cards of Abbott and DeSantis. Or, hey, how about at Nancy’s winery in St. Helena?
PELOSI: "We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers are saying, 'Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here.'" pic.twitter.com/iTy9TdGr7a
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 30, 2022
“We have a responsibility to secure our border,” Pelosi said. “We also have a responsibility to recognize the importance of newcomers to our nation. Right now, the best thing we can do for our economy is to have comprehensive immigration reform.”
“Our nation is great because we are a nation of immigrants — but don’t take it from me, listen to Ronald Reagan. When I quote Ronald Reagan to my Republican colleagues, he doesn’t get any applause. Can you imagine that?” she asked.
Sure, they can come legally. We can provide work permits, and, when those expire, they leave. The low skill permits should be expanded, for sure. Here illegally? Deported immediately.
Read: LGN: Pelosi Wants Red States To Let Illegals To Stay To Pick Crops »
Unfortunately, they’ll be considered heretics by the Cult of Climastrology, since most cult dogma is against using nuclear power
These ‘nuclear bros’ say they know how to solve climate change: nuclear
The typical “nuclear bro” is lurking in the comments section of a clean energy YouTube video, wondering why the creator didn’t mention #nuclear. He is marching in Central California to oppose the closing of the state’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. His Twitter name includes an emoji of an atom ??. He might even believe that 100 percent of the world’s electricity should come from nuclear power plants.
As a warming world searches for ever more abundant forms of clean energy, an increasingly loud internet subculture has emerged to make the case for nuclear. They are often — but not always — men. They include grass-roots organizers and famous techno-optimists like Bill Gates and Elon Musk. And they are uniformly convinced that the world is sleeping on nuclear energy.
It is. Even Warmists like Michael Mann want nuclear, and they’d get agreement with Skeptics and Republicans
Nuclear advocates often meet each other on the internet — on large shared WhatsApp groups, sharing news on the subreddit r/nuclear, or on Twitter. It’s also on the internet that they have earned the moniker “nuclear bro,” a catchall term of unknown origin that places men who are pro-nuclear alongside the likes of “Berniebros,” “Crypto bros,” and “brogrammers.”
The “nuclear bro” label — often wielded by environmentalists and others skeptical of nuclear power, some of whom are in return labeled “renewabros” — serves to cast nuclear supporters as all being of a particular type: young, white, millennial men with a singular focus on splitting atoms. It alludes to a few factors of “bro culture” that can make interacting with some nuclear bros frustrating and bizarre. The criticism is that these types of bros mansplain, refuse to accept other arguments, or otherwise harass their interlocutors.
Oh, good grief, the loonies are going to argue using social justice, not facts and science. Of course, they’ll never accept nuclear power, so, it doesn’t matter.
But while Cohen says he doesn’t adopt a “cultlike” enthusiasm for nuclear power — or any other source of energy — others are more dogmatic about the potential of nuclear.
“Occasionally I am met with skepticism about the existence of Nuclear Bros,” the climate writer David Roberts once said on Twitter. He then posted the screenshot of an email sent to him that began with “Hey dips***!!” and ended with “The answer to ALL our energy needs is in one word: THORIUM!!” (Thorium is an element that can be used to fuel nuclear reactors.)
Roberts is another big time climate cult member, but, I’ve seen him approve of nuclear. It’s a mountain to climb
Part of the battle over the “nuclear bro” label is that some nuclear supporters believe that renewables have been overhyped and that nuclear alone is the pathway to a clean energy transition.
This puts them at odds with groups who might be their natural allies — moderate environmental organizations who support an expansion of nuclear power along with growth in wind, solar, and geothermal power. It also sparks numerous online fights between supporters of renewables and supporters of nuclear.
And the fights get nasty, because the hardcore cultists will never, ever support nuclear. They’re nuts.
It’s a pretty interesting, and long, Washington Post article, well worth the read.
Read: There’s Apparently A Internet Subculture Obsessed With Nuclear Power To Solve ‘Climate Change’ »
…is an orange that will soon be grown in Canada due to rising temperatures, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a carjacking being a Bad Idea.
Read: If All You See… »
It’s nothing unusual that some people are just barely making it. I was there at one point. Right now, though, a lot more are there because of the crushing inflation with it’s roots in the Chinese coronavirus, for which Biden has done nothing to help, and much to hurt (non-paywalled at Yahoo)
‘Barely making it:’ Americans are getting creative to combat inflation’s devastating costs
A dollar doesn’t go as far as it used to.
Americans are paying higher prices for everything from groceries to gas. The consumer price index, which measures what consumers spend on goods and services, rose 8.3% in August from a year ago.
With wages lagging surging inflation, household budgets are being stretched thinner than a rubber band. More than one-third of Americans said it was somewhat or very difficult to pay for household expenses, according to a recent U.S. Census Bureau survey.
Savings are dwindling and credit card debt is mounting. To get by, people are cutting back on meat for dinner and on nights out. Even kids are going without new shoes or supplies for school.
The USA Today piece provides quite a few stories from Americans, making the point about how tough it is right now. Things like having to un-retire, cooking a lot more beans and rice, growing their own veggies (and the cost to do that has also skyrocketed), having to spend everything on electricity and food with nothing left for any of life’s pleasures, and so much more.
Things that would, again, occur during normal times for some folks, but, now it’s more widespread due to the inflation that Joe’s doing nothing about. The Inflation Reduction Act? Bah. It will raise inflation. Paying tens of thousands for solar panels to save a little in electricity later isn’t the best of ideas. Not that most can afford to do that. Buying an EV? If you can barely afford food, rent, and electricity, how do you double your car payment? Joe doesn’t care. He probably barely knows what’s going on.
(Picture from here, which is for sale. Not mine)
Read: Bidenflation: Lots Of People Are Just Barely Making It »
This is nothing new, but, it is going to get worse with so many more hybrids and EVs on the road daily. Talk to fire fighters and you’ll learn they have special protocols for dealing with these vehicles, because of the dangers of fire when in an accident. They’ve told me the dispatchers are tasked with asking what kind of vehicle is involved with the accident, as they’ll respond differently. And, of course, batteries can just combust
The Science of Why Electric Vehicle Batteries Are So Dangerous
In a recent op-ed, the Washington Post outlines how Tesla’s battery issues and fires may not just be due to poor design and manufacturing but a side effect of electric vehicles relying on lithium-ion batteries.
The Washington Post reports in an op-ed titled “Tesla’s Big Batteries Aren’t the Fire Problem. Lithium Is,” that Americans should be questionubg whether lithium-ion powerpacks should be used for applications such as electric vehicles. The piece argues that the science of lithium-ion batteries make them inherently dangerous.
The Washington Post writes:
The large-scale use comes with significant risks, although most modern power systems choose this formulation because it boasts higher energy density, as well as greater charging and discharging efficiency. However, lithium-ion batteries have a volatile, flammable electrolyte. So, while there are safeguards to avoid fires, all the combustible ingredients are still there. Flames can accelerate through chain reactions, known as thermal runaway.
Big batteries are made up of several cells packed together. Current is constantly flowing inside, which generates heat. If there are no barriers between the components, a failure in one part quickly cascades through. While elaborate (and critical) equipment for cooling the system is put in place, it draws on the energy of the actual powerpack and reduces its output. In addition, when charged, a coat of lithium metal can form on the surface and dendrites, or needle-like structures can grow, and lead to short-circuits.
Both the Washington Post piece and the Breitbart piece spend a bit talking about how dangerous the batteries are, and, quite frankly, it might be a bit overblown. Lithiums have been around for quite some time now, and, while we hear about real issues with cellphone and vape batteries here and there, with them banned from being in checked airplane baggage, it’s still rare. But, with more EVs, and mass production, could it be worse?
The Washington Post piece, which looks like it originally came from Bloomberg, does actually make recommendations on replacement technology, but, here’s the thing: none of them are truly viable at this time. And this will be used by the climate cultists to recommend that citizens be stopped from having EVs and just take mass transit, bike, or walk. That’s what they do.
Read: Surprise: EV Batteries Can Be Pretty Darned Dangerous »
No worries: Biden is sure to get on that when he surely heads to Delaware this weekend for a well deserved weekend off after doing little during the week
Mortgage Rates Surge to 6.7% — More than Double Since Last Year
The 30-year fixed mortgage rate surged to 6.7 percent on Thursday, more than double what it was a year ago.
According to data from Freddie Mac, the 30-year fixed mortgage rate jumped by 0.41 percent from a week ago. A year ago, the rate was at 3.01 percent. It is also the highest it has been since July 2007, when the subprime mortgage crisis was in its early stages.
While the federal reserve recently hiked interest rates between three and 3.25 percent, the highest since 2008, the mortgage rate is not directly tied to the Fed but rather the ten-year U.S. Treasury bond yield. (snip)
According to Bankrate.com, if an individual were to purchase a $500,000 home with a 20 percent downpayment today, they would expect to pay approximately $259,000 in interest over 30 years. However, if they purchased a home for the same price and down payment when President Joe Biden was inaugurated in January 2021, they would only be paying $189,400 in interest over 30 years.
In fairness, we can still look to China as the main responsible party for screwing the U.S. and the world with COVID-19. But, everything Biden and the Democrats have done has made things oh so much worse.
Only Joe Biden could CONSISTENTLY get lost at his own press conferences.
This is scary. pic.twitter.com/3RZz0aqJIn
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) September 29, 2022
He’s pretty lost on the economy, too.
If they were smart, they’d let this drop, so as to not appear totally hypocritical over DeSantis sending illegals to the high-toned and fancy to-do island of Martha’s’ Vineyard, where they were quickly shipped off. And give DeSantis another reason to send more
Massachusetts lawmakers ask Buttigieg to investigate DeSantis migrant flights
Massachusetts lawmakers are asking Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to investigate whether the migrant charter flights organized by GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis broke the department’s rules by allegedly misleading those on board.
Sen. Ed Markey, in a letter to Buttigieg signed by five other members of the all-Democratic Massachusetts delegation and shared first with POLITICO, invoked a charter-broker rule issued during the Trump administration that prohibits charter operators from “misrepresenting” information like the “time of departure or arrival, points served, route to be flown, stops to be made, or total trip-time.”
Markey cites the federal class action lawsuit a civil rights firm filed on behalf of the migrants last week that accused DeSantis and Florida transportation officials of coercing migrants onto planes from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard through “false promises and misrepresentations” of where they were going and what was waiting for them on the other end of the flight.
Markey and Reps. Lori Trahan, Seth Moulton, Stephen Lynch, Jake Auchincloss and Bill Keating — who represents Martha’s Vineyard and Cape Cod, where the migrants were voluntarily moved to a military base — argue in their letter that Vertol Systems Company, which signed a contract with the state of Florida to relocate the migrants and then appears to have hired another company to operate the flights, “likely constituted a charter-broker subject to DOT rules in the transaction.”
Did any of these folks offer to house any of the illegals? Did any reporter ask them if they offered? Perhaps Mayor Pete can investigate Biden flying illegals in the middle of the night with no warning to small town America? Oh, wait, he doesn’t actually have the statutory authority to investigate either.