If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled big trucks driven by deniers and heretics, you might just be a Warmist

Thr blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Kamala’s bus wheels.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden-Harris Regime Pauses Illegal Alien Importation Program Over Fraud

If the fraud came to light in 2023 would the Biden-Harris regime care?

Biden admin freezes controversial migrant flight program after fraud revelations

illegal alien DemocratThe Biden administration has put a controversial program that allows tens of thousands of migrants from four nations to fly or travel directly into the U.S. on hold, after a report circulated internally showing significant amounts of fraud in the program.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) confirmed to Fox News Digital that “out of an abundance of caution,” it has temporarily paused the issuing of advance travel authorizations for the program — which allows up to 30,000 nationals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela (CHNV) to travel into the U.S. each month and enter legally under the administration’s use of parole if they meet certain conditions.

A congressional source had told Fox News Digital the pause came in mid-July after an internal report unearthed large amounts of fraud in applications for those sponsoring the applicants. DHS said the pause was occurring as it reviewed sponsor applications. The focus is on issues with supporter filings, and not with the filings from the beneficiaries of the program themselves.

“DHS has review mechanisms in place to detect and prevent fraud and abuse in our immigration processes. DHS takes any abuse of its processes very seriously,” a DHS spokesperson said. “Where fraud is identified, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will investigate and litigate applicable cases in immigration court and make criminal referrals to the Department of Justice.”

“Out of an abundance of caution, DHS has temporarily paused the issuance of advanced travel authorizations for new beneficiaries while it undertakes a review of supporter applications. DHS will restart application processing as quickly as possible, with appropriate safeguards,” they said.

The hell you say! It seems that the fraud could be within the sponsors themselves and the migrants themselves, but, DHS has kept the specifics to themselves. Most likely the migrants are criminals, are ineligible for asylum, and the sponsors are BS. And potentially that taxpayers are paying for the flights, which travel is supposed to be paid for by the migrants.

As far as Venezuelans goes

There’s a huge population of Venezuelans in Sanctuary City Denver.

You wanted this, Denver Democrats.  Have Fun.

Read: Biden-Harris Regime Pauses Illegal Alien Importation Program Over Fraud »

Doom Today: Major Earth Systems On Track To Collapse From Hotcoldwetdry

Remember how some leading Warmists said that the doom and gloom prognostications need to be minimized? Well, it is a doomsday cult, after all

Study finds major Earth systems likely on track to collapse: 5 things to know

Four key pillars of the global climate are melting in the heat trapped by rising fossil fuel emissions, a new study has found.

The relatively stable climate that nurtured human civilization depends in large part on these structures: the ice sheets of Greenland and West Antarctica, the Amazon rainforest and the Atlantic currents that warm Europe.

Under current policies, the world faces a scenario in which those pillars have roughly even odds of either surviving or collapsing during the next three centuries, according to results published Thursday in Nature Communications.

The scientists warned that if the pillars are fatally undermined by heat, the resulting damage could prove impossible to undo — even if temperatures are successfully brought down later in the 21st century.

Oh, good, three centuries.

The Nature study found that the four “pillars” it focused on — the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC), the Amazon rainforest and the vast but melting Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets — are interconnected, like a row of dominoes.

And the risk of those dominoes toppling increases with every 0.1 degrees Celsius (about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit) of additional heat above the red line of 2 degrees Celsius set in the Paris climate agreement, the researchers wrote.

They found that that risk is most urgent for the Atlantic current, which could tip into collapse within the next 15 years, and the Amazon rainforest, which could begin a runaway process of conversion to fire-prone grassland by the 2070s.

So, who gets fired and loses their reputation when it doesn’t collapse? And if we’re in such danger from fossil fuels why do so few Warmists give up their own us?

Read: Doom Today: Major Earth Systems On Track To Collapse From Hotcoldwetdry »

Iran May Attack Israel On 12th/13th. Or In Next Day

Much of this could be avoided if the Western nations stopped being squishy and took a hard line towards Islamic extremist groups, especially those backed by Iran which keep attacking Israel, and Iran itself. But, many in power are Jew/Israel haters, and there are plenty of Islamists imported who are now in positions of power

Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av – the Jewish day of disasters, Western intelligence says

Western intelligence sources told Sky News Arabia that they had evidence Iran plans to attack Israel on Tisha B’Av in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, which begins on August 12 and ends on August 13, the site reported on Friday.

Iran’s attack will reportedly be coordinated with Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terror group embedded in Lebanon.

On Tisha B’Av, Jews lament the destruction of the first and second Temples. During the annual event, there is fasting, mourning and a practice of self-denial.

Three sources told the New York Times that Iran planned to respond to the assassination of Haniyeh. The sentiment was echoed by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khameini on X who wrote “Following this bitter, tragic event which has taken place within the borders of the Islamic Republic, it is our duty to take revenge.”

The report indicates that there is an emotional and psychological impact in targeting Israel on the holy day of mourning.

So, then? Or

Getting beyond whatever is up with his hand, could we wee something this weekend? The US is deploying more jets and ships to the Middle East.

Read: Iran May Attack Israel On 12th/13th. Or In Next Day »

Club Of Rome Totally Wants A Great Leap For ‘Climate Change’ Or Somthing

No, no, this totally has nothing to do with Modern Socialism as driven by the Elites

Tweet in full

Club of Rome co-president: In order “to reach as many [UN Agenda 2030] Sustainable Development Goals” as possible, a “Giant Leap” is necessary, which—among other things—includes “transforming the food system” and “transitioning to clean energy”.

“We see a switch to healthier, plant-based diets… We half carbon dioxide emissions every decade to reach Net Zero by 2050. The economic model everywhere is circular… Material consumption of unsustainable resources is reined in, fossil energy phased out, and we see a significant redistribution of wealth… We introduce a universal basic dividend, operating like a universal basic income.”

“We know the Giant Leap will be disruptive—we’re talking about a complete shake-up… It will create shocks.”

It kind of echoes Mao Zedong’s ‘Great Leap Forward’—which killed up to 55 million people, in arguably the worst famine in human history—doesn’t it?

Who wants to bet none of the people at the conference are eating plant based diets, including at the conference? If the Elites control your food the control you. How many took trips in fossil fueled private jets and limos/big SUVs? How many are redistributing their own money? Does this look like it’s about science to you, or elitist driven authoritarianism?

Sorry for short post, probably be same tomorrow, kinda slammed my left ring finger in 45s doing lying down pec flys, very sore. Hopefully not broken in any way. Pain is dull, more like a sprain, where breaks tend to ramp up. Nice and black and blue. Too bad not right hand, since I don’t use the ring finger as much for typing on that hand, plus, can’t play guitar no.

Read: Club Of Rome Totally Wants A Great Leap For ‘Climate Change’ Or Somthing »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on the art of smearing.

Read: If All You See… »

IDF Wacks PIL Weapons Production Head

Since Hamas attacked Israeli citizens/Jews from other nations Israel has taken the gloves off in targeting the big players in Islamic terrorist groups. Here’s another one

IDF kills Palestinian Islamic Jihad deputy weapons production head Mohammed al-Jabari

The IDF killed the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s deputy head of weapons production, Mohammed al-Jabari, in a targeted intelligence-based operation, the Israeli military said on Friday morning.

According to the IDF, Al-Jabari was responsible for financing weapon manufacturing infrastructure for the Islamic Jihad in northern Gaza.

Al-Jabari was also reportedly in charge of the distribution of salaries and funds to the organization’s terrorists and actively participated in efforts to restore the group’s rocket manufacturing capabilities and infrastructure.

The IDF emphasized that before the strike, which eliminated Al-Jabari, steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians through the usage of “precise munitions, surveillance, and additional intelligence.”

Operational security for these terrorist groups is not very good, eh? Shame.

In addition to the strike, IDF troops of the 162nd Division have continued operational activities in the area of Rafah, resulting in the elimination of approximately 30 terrorists in the last 24 hours, the military continued.

The troops carried out “precise, intelligence-based operational activities” to eliminate the terrorists, the IDF said. They also added that the attacks were done “during close-quarters encounters and in aerial strikes.”

Hamas and the others wanted to play in the big league, and have learned they are not up to the task. They’re all getting to learn if they get their 72 virgins.

(dpa) The Israeli military said that Mohammed Deif, the elusive leader of Hamas’ military wing in the Gaza Strip and an accused mastermind of the October 7 attack, was killed in an airstrike in Khan Younis on July 13.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, in a social media post, called Deif the “Osama Bin Laden of Gaza.”

“This is a significant milestone in the process of dismantling Hamas as a military and governing authority in Gaza, and in the achievement of the goals of this war,” he wrote on Thursday.

If the terrorist leadership thinks they’re safe, well, ask the wackjob nailed in Iran

Turkey declares day of mourning for Haniyeh, lowers flag to half-mast at Tel Aviv embassy

Following Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s announcement of a day of mourning for the assassination of former Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, the flag outside of the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv on Friday could be seen lowered to half-mast.

In response to the lowered flag, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz ordered Turkey’s deputy ambassador to Israel to receive a ” stern reprimand” and slammed the embassy representatives.

In his post to X, formally Twitter, on the matter, Katz also wrote that Israel “will not accept expressions of participation in mourning for a murderer like Ismail Haniyeh who was the head of the Hamas terrorist organization that committed the acts of rape and murder on October 7.”

I’m just wondering, why an Islamic terrorism supporting nation is part of NATO.

Read: IDF Wacks PIL Weapons Production Head »

We Can’t Solve ‘Climate Change’ Till Government Takes Over The Food System

Funny how the climate cult always wants to fix things. Like, everything. There’s nothing they aren’t aiming to change

We Can’t Solve Climate Change Until We Fix Our Food System

Jonathan Foley, a climate solutions scientist and executive director of Project Drawdown, recently gave a TED Talk that lays down some hard truths about the climate impacts of our current food system, saying “… we cannot solve climate change unless we also address the problems of food alongside fossil fuels and energy.” Foley makes the connection between food and climate, and then offers some data-backed approaches that are possible right now — no new technology required — that can effectively reduce the climate impacts of our food system.

When it comes to reducing emissions to address the climate crisis, the food system doesn’t get nearly the attention that clean energy and clean transportation get, but it’s going to take a lot more than solar panels and electric vehicles to “solve” climate change. Our food system has a number of big climate levers that can be pulled starting today, and as Foley concludes, he shares his belief that the challenge is actually “an incredible opportunity.”

“So how are we going to move forward here? Well, I think we actually have an incredible opportunity facing us today. While the food and climate crisis is an enormous challenge, of course, I also see it as an incredible opportunity. And that opportunity is to build an entirely better food system. We could have a food system that truly nourishes the world, today and into the future. We could have a food system that reduces pressure on nature and even help restore some of it. And we could have a food system that actually stops climate change. That’s entirely possible and at our fingertips today. And we could do all of this at the same time.

“And what’s so beautiful today is this is already possible. None of this requires some new technology. It requires us to change. That’s it. And we just need to choose it. But if we do, we can follow the science, and we can collaborate across this whole range of solutions and actually unlock a much better future.”

“It requires us to change.” Why? If he wants to change and convince his Warmist comrades to do the same, go for it. But, who forces the change he wants? Who makes those changes? He won’t come out and say it (I actually listened to his annoying 12 minute TED talk), but, the answer is Government. Strange how it always comes down to government force. To government controlling an economic sector, and, like many others, if they control your food, they control you.

Read: We Can’t Solve ‘Climate Change’ Till Government Takes Over The Food System »

Bummer: Sanctuary State Massachusetts Says Illegals Cost $1.8 Billion

I’m not quite sure why the powers that be are complaining: they wanted this when they declared themselves a sanctuary state

Migrant crisis projected to cost Massachusetts taxpayers $1.8 billion over next two years

A new report analyzed the impact the migrant crisis will have on Massachusetts residents with the state projecting to spend $1.8 billion over the next two years, making it a potential “fiscal time bomb.”

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a report on July 24, which predicted The Bay State will struggle to manage the growing number of migrants coming to the state.

“The cost to Massachusetts taxpayers of temporary housing and shelters is enormous, but it pales in comparison to the costs that will accumulate in the future if those in the temporary shelters today remain in the Commonwealth for the long term,” CIS director of policy studies Jessica Vaughan wrote.

In addition to housing, some other costs taxpayers will have to cover include schooling, social services, medical care, and public safety.

These migrants are eligible for certain welfare programs in Massachusetts like food stamps provided by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, and other public services. Migrants can access these programs even while the federal government prohibits access to such programs.

The state has already spent $1 billion. They should be happy, right? Right?

Illegal immigrants arrested on military base for trespassing walk free after posting five-figure bail

Two Jordanian nationals in the country illegally and who were arrested for trespassing on a Marine Corps base in Virginia have been released from federal custody after posting bond, federal officials confirmed to Fox News Digital.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official confirmed to Fox News Digital that Hasan Yousef Hamdan and Mohammad Khair Dabous were allowed to bond out by an immigration judge in June.

The bonds were $15,000 and $10,000 for Hamdan and Dabous, respectively. Conditions of their release include showing up for immigration proceedings and staying away from Quantico or other military installations.

They’re supposed to appear in court in September, but, you can bet they will be gone.

The ICE official said there was no reason to believe either man had any ties to a terrorist organization, saying “no derogatory information was determined.”

“They are allowed their due process.” a federal source told Fox News “There is no information tying either one of them to any nefarious organization.”

Really? We’re supposed to believe this?

Read: Bummer: Sanctuary State Massachusetts Says Illegals Cost $1.8 Billion »

Agriculture Secretary Says Climate Crisis (scam) Is About Creating A New Economy

Once again I’ll note that both Warmists and Skeptics said I was nuts back in the early 2000s when I said this wasn’t about science, but, politics. And day after day, year after year, with all modesty, I’m still right

From that top tweet

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on natural disasters presenting opportunities to impose new policies: “[F]rankly, it isn’t just about dealing with the climate issue. It’s about creating a whole new American economy that creates new job opportunities and…new and innovative ways to do things”

What kind of economy would that be, Tom? Some of the Warmists are willing to admit that it is about Modern Socialism, with a domineering, controlling federal government, which will dictate every aspect of the economy, along with how you are forced to live your life. Sadly, no journalists press people like Vilsack what they mean.

Read: Agriculture Secretary Says Climate Crisis (scam) Is About Creating A New Economy »

Pirate's Cove