Biden Advisor Says You Dumb People Just Don’t Realize How Great Biden’s Policies Are

I mean, on one hand, advisors do not want to go up and be all sorts of negative, right? On the other hand, there’s being positive and there’s utter gaslighting. Living in a different reality

Biden Adviser Sperling on Recession Fears: ‘Too Many People’ ‘Not Realizing’ How Successful Our Policies Were

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Chris Jansing Reports,” Senior Adviser to President Joe Biden Gene Sperling responded to a survey showing that a majority of CEOs expect a recession in the next 18 months by stating that “we think that too many people are not looking at the more reassuring elements of resilience in this economy right now and they’re not realizing that the American Rescue Plan put a historic number of people back to work.”

Host Chris Jansing asked, “So, look, because of fuel prices, it’s fueling inflation, there are concrete fears of a recession. There was one survey recently that said 60% of CEOs expect a recession in the next year or year-and-a-half. The president believes a recession is not inevitable. Is that his natural optimism or based on something you can share with us?”

Sperling responded, “I think we think that too many people are not looking at the more reassuring elements of resilience in this economy right now and they’re not realizing that the American Rescue Plan put a historic number of people back to work. People have called it the great return to work. You know, today, we just got out state unemployment numbers. There are 30 states in the United States where their unemployment rate is already below [what] it was before the pandemic hit. That’s remarkable progress and 15 of those states are at the lowest level of unemployment ever.”

Most of those jobs are simply companies hiring back to fill the positions they axed during the pandemic, combined with a lot of people just staying out of the job market, which brings that rate down. But, it matters little, because what people are focusing on is the continuing rise of food, fuel, energy, and consumer goods. In terms of the American Rescue Plan, it just pumped money into the economy that wasn’t needed, helping to increase inflation. A lot of it had little to do with COVID relief, and a lot of it hasn’t even been spent yet. There are few measures of where the money is specifically going. As for consumer goods

(Conservative Treehouse) We have been waiting for the non-essential durable goods side of the manufacturing sector to start showing evidence of demand side contraction in consumer purchases.  There have been subtle sector-by-sector indicators of consumer spending shifts for several months; however, today we get the direct evidence from Samsung.

Samsung is one of the leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and products that require chips.  For three months the electronics sector has shown background signals that inventory was not moving.  One of the more recent indicators of a demand side contraction was the lack of upward price pressure inside the electronics sector.  Essentially, consumers are not purchasing the current inventory, so prices are actually dropping in this segment.  [SEE TABLE 2, CPI Chart]: (chart at the story)

Despite overall inflation of 8.6% within the CPI, deep inside the category indexes you will note that electronic prices are actually dropping.  Televisions -9.5%, Video equipment -4.3%, etc.  Video and audio products overall dropped in price 1.4% for May, and dropped 5.2% year-over-year.

The supply chain in this sector is lengthy. Meaning inventory builds slowly as consumers stop purchasing in the USA.  Retail store inventory turns slow, store inventory climbs, then warehouses inventories climb as stores do not need product. The negative boxcar effect travels back to the manufacturer overseas over the course of several purchase cycles.  Eventually, everyone within the sector is telling the supplier we do not need product.  Then the manufacturer has to quickly slowdown raw material.

Due to lengthy supply chains, including trans-pacific shipments, the process to stop deliveries in this electronic goods sector is around 90-days before the drop in retail sales reaches the manufacturer to stop production.  Here is the announcement from Samsung:

Has anyone looked to purchase non-essential goods recently? I told you I bought a soundbar the other week and returned it. Amazon had it $50 off, down from $499. Right now I tried an LG SP8YA, normally $799, ordered it for $390 (BTW, sound is great, if you like 3.1. I don’t. Do not like all the voice coming from the center channel. The left and right sound awesome, as do the upfiring speakers). The 2.1 soundbars I’m seeing are on big sale. Many other products I see are going on sale, the sales you did not see since the economy started reopening in 2020.

Were you like me and expected some great sales on products, thinking that companies would want to move some serious product after months and months of lagging sales? And didn’t see those sales? That’s because companies needed to make money, and they saw that wiping out inventories would cause problems later. And now it’s later, and they’re seeing demand crash, because people are seeing their money dry up on essentials.

The Biden people and the Congressional critters do not see the pain average Americans are feeling. They won’t acknowledge it, because they do not feel the pain, being in a bubble and living high off the hog on the American dime. Biden can helicopter off to the beach in Delaware and not pay a cent. His food is covered. His food and power bills at the White House are paid by you. He can have a fancy meal and not worry a bit.

Read: Biden Advisor Says You Dumb People Just Don’t Realize How Great Biden’s Policies Are »

Your Fault: Sriracha Is In A Nationwide Shortage

If only you had given up your modern lifestyle and allowed government to control your life

There’s a nationwide Sriracha shortage, and climate change may be to blame

Sorry, Sriracha fans, your favorite hot sauce is running out nationwide.

The company that makes Sriracha, Huy Fong Foods, wrote in an email to customers in late April that it will have to stop making the sauce for the next few months due to “severe weather conditions affecting the quality of chili peppers.”

The spicy sauce has something of a cult following, and so when the news filtered through, some fans took to social media to express their dismay and post about panic buying (with varying degrees of irony.)

Grocery stores in some parts of the country have already started running low on stock, and restaurant owners have been facing higher prices.

Michael Csau, co-owner of the restaurant Pho Viet in Washington D.C., has been paying much more in recent weeks for his Sriracha orders.

“Usually when I bought one case, it was roughly around $30 to $32. Now it’s up to $50, almost double the price. If it keeps going up, we cannot afford it,” Csau said.

Because Bad Weather never happened before fossil fueled vehicles. And the price has nothing to do with inflation at all, right?

“The already difficult conditions were pushed over the limit by two consecutive La Niña events. And the dry season has not only been intense, but also remarkably long,” Murray Tortarolo said.

As a result, the spring chili harvest was almost nonexistent this year. Murray Tortarolo thinks it’s very likely that climate change is a factor, although it requires further study to confirm.

See? La Nina’s never happened before CO2 was over 350ppm. And “very likely” is not “anthropogenic climate change IS the cause.”

“This has been the driest 22 years in the last 1,200 years,” UCLA hydroclimatologist Park Williams said. Williams recently led a study of the megadrought, published in Nature Climate Change.

What caused it 1,200 years ago? Hmm.

Read: Your Fault: Sriracha Is In A Nationwide Shortage »

Shocking: Biden Gets Another Really Bad Poll

Publishing this has to really, really, really hurt the Credentialed Media

Poll: Biden disapproval hits new high as more Americans say they would vote for Trump

Biden Brain SuckerAs inflation keeps rising and recession fears loom, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that Joe Biden is currently in the worst shape of his presidency.

The survey of 1,541 U.S. adults, which was conducted from June 10-13, found that if another presidential election were held today, more registered voters say they would cast ballots for Donald Trump (44%) than for Biden (42%) — even though the House Jan. 6 committee has spent the last week linking Trump to what it called a “seditious conspiracy” to overturn the 2020 election and laying the groundwork for possible criminal prosecution.

Since Biden took office, no previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll has shown him trailing Trump (though Biden’s most recent leads have been within the margin of error, like this one is for Trump). One year ago, Biden led Trump by 9 percentage points. In 2020, Biden won the White House by more than 7 million votes.

Yet Biden’s job approval rating has been atrophying for much of the last year, and the new survey shows that it has never been weaker. A full 56% of Americans now disapprove of the president’s performance — the highest share to date — while just 39% approve. Three weeks ago, those numbers were 53% and 42%, respectively.

On average, Biden’s job approval scores are now a few points worse than Trump’s were at the parallel stage of his presidency.

Can it get worse? There are always those who will stick with a turd like Biden no matter what happens. Leave Americans behind in Afghanistan (there are still some stuck there)? They’ll stick with him. Can’t find baby formula, feminine hygeine products, and gas is averaging over $5? They’ll still support him.

Read: Shocking: Biden Gets Another Really Bad Poll »

Biden Holds Climate Crisis Scam Call As Gas Prices Surge

The call was scheduled to be at 830am, before he took the weekend off, heading to Delaware at 11:55am, a trip that would include a fossil fueled helicopter than many fossil fueled SUVs

Biden hosts climate meeting amid high gas price pressure

electric vehiclePresident Joe Biden, who has recently been focused on boosting oil production to reduce rising gas costs, will turn his attention to climate change on Friday when he convenes a virtual meeting of some of the world’s biggest economies.

Among the participants will be China, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and the European Union. Also present will be Egypt, which is hosting the next United Nations summit on climate change, and the U.N. secretary general, António Guterres.

The conference is known as the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, and it began under President Barack Obama in 2009.

The White House said the meeting is a “continuation of the president’s efforts to use all levers to tackle the global climate crisis.” Senior administration officials, who were not authorized to comment publicly before the event, said Biden would use the opportunity to prod his counterparts to adopt additional efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Oh, the types of efforts that drive up the cost of gasoline and food?

Among the priorities are slashing methane leaks and getting more zero-emission vehicles on the roads.

Yet, Biden doesn’t use any himself. His massive convoy of vehicles are all fossil fueled. With a recession looming, only hardcore climate cultists care about this stuff. And the ones pushing this the hardest always seem to be the biggest hypocrites.

Separately, Politico writes this morning

President JOE BIDEN is hitting the road this summer, racking up miles on multiple stops in Europe and the Middle East — plus, presumably, the occasional sojourn to his beachfront home in Delaware.

Occasional? It’s almost every single weekend.

Fresh Demand for U.S. and E.U. to Transfer Wealth Through ‘Climate Reparations’

A call for a host of taxes on the U.S. and European nations designed to transfer wealth to economies confronting “the cost of drought, floods and superstorms made worse by rising temperatures” was renewed Wednesday at a U.N. climate conference in Germany.

If heeded, the so-called “loss and damage” demand will see prosperous, successful countries on the hook for billions of dollars for decades or even centuries to come.

No. Piss off.

Read: Biden Holds Climate Crisis Scam Call As Gas Prices Surge »

If All You See…

…is an evil manicured lawn sucking up too much water, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on yet another food processing plant going up in flames.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Says Coming Economic Pain Is Going To Hurt

The economy is pretty much the first thing on everyone’s mind, right? In the mind’s of the Trump Deranged Media, it’s January 6, which are the top 5 stories on the NY Times webpage this morning. Then a big block of Ukraine stories. Then, finally,

This Is Going to Hurt

Kat Johnston didn’t expect the pandemic to make her less stressed about her finances. After all, she temporarily lost her job at the library where she worked full time. But, like many Americans, she found an unexpected reprieve from money worries: Months at home limited her spending, and she received expanded unemployment insurance and two one-time checks from the government.

“When I first came back to work, I had probably $2,200 in savings — which I know is not much, but it’s more than I’d had in a while,” she said. But it was no match for the inflation that has come since. “That savings is pretty much gone now. As things have gotten so expensive, it’s been almost a paycheck-to-paycheck life.” (snip)

Millions of Americans are feeling similarly stuck as their savings run low and their cost of living runs high. Now, the economy appears poised to slow — potentially sharply — in ways that could limit wage growth and cause job losses even as prices remain elevated. But instead of rushing to the economy’s aid by giving Americans money, as they did in March 2020, policymakers are engineering this slowdown. Then, the problem was a global pandemic; now, it’s stubbornly high inflation, and the main way the government knows to solve that is by inflicting some economic pain.

In other words, the long-predicted “cliff” may finally have arrived.

Giving out tons and tons of money is part of the reason why inflation is worse in the US than in other 1st World nations. Money that really wasn’t necessary in 2021, and money that wasn’t tracked.

When the first round of pandemic aid programs began to expire in the summer of 2020, economists warned of a looming cliff facing both Americans who still needed government help and the pandemic-addled economy that was not yet ready to stand on its own. They repeated those warnings last fall, when Congress allowed unemployment benefits to expire for millions of workers, and again in January, when monthly payments for families with children came to an end.

The loss of those programs and others, including enhanced nutrition benefits, was painful for many families. But for the economy as a whole, the cliffs turned out to be more like potholes. Consumers kept on spending, in part because trillions in government aid had allowed many Americans to build up at least a small financial buffer — as Ms. Johnston did — and in part because a record-setting recovery in the job market gave workers an income boost that helped offset the loss in government aid.

Recovery is a good word: these aren’t new jobs, they’re jobs being re-filled after being cut. I know my business, and many others, have not filled the roughly 3rd that were created by people leaving.

Pay gains have been falling behind inflation for monthsCredit card balances, which fell early in the pandemic, are rising toward a record high. Subprime borrowers — those with weak credit scores — are increasingly falling behind on payments on car loans in particular, credit bureau data show. Measures of hunger are rising, even with unemployment still low and the overall economy still strong.

And what has Biden been doing? Not much of anything, except trying to get his bills, like Build Back Better, passed, which would make inflation even worse. The Times spends a lot more time describing the pain Americans are feeling and are going to feel, and through the whole thing they mention Biden’s name just once, way, way deep

Republicans, meanwhile, have blamed the Biden administration — and in particular, the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that Democrats passed early last year — for making inflation worse. Many economists, among them Democrats, agree that the spending did drive at least some of the inflation, making the politics of economic aid even more fraught.

And what’s Biden doing? Why, he’s going to the beach in Delaware late this morning. He’s not even waiting till the afternoon, planning on leaving at 11:55am.

Read: NY Times Says Coming Economic Pain Is Going To Hurt »

Republican AGs Take On SEC Over Climate Crisis (scam) Financial Disclosure Rule

The next step will certainly be a lawsuit

GOP attorneys general push back against SEC climate change disclosure initiative

Two dozen GOP attorneys general wrote to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday claiming a proposed rule would promote “policy preferences far afield of the Commission’s market-focused domain.”

“This effort reflects agency mission creep of the worst kind,” the attorneys general wrote in their letter objecting to the rule.

The SEC rule in question, known as “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors,” would force publicly traded companies to disclose how climate change could threaten their businesses and their own contributions to global warming.

“The administration has tried and failed to impose regulation directly, and it now appears content to use back-door financial regulatory actions to implement its political will. But it is up to lawmakers to decide major policy questions like these, not unelected agency administrators,” the Wednesday letter added.

The attorneys general, led by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, further alleged that, if the rule was finalized, they “expect the Commission will use it as a precedent for asserting many new powers in extra-statutory ways.”

“Freed from any pretense of constraint, the Commission can work to mold the market to its will,” they also said.

The letter was signed by GOP attorneys general from states including West Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Mississippi, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Wyoming and others.

This is backdoor legislation, which is not authorized by the duly elected Legislative Branch. And it needs to be stopped. Federal agencies need to be reigned in on their over-reach, thinking they can just do whatever the hell they want whenever they want.

Read: Republican AGs Take On SEC Over Climate Crisis (scam) Financial Disclosure Rule »

Cornyn Walks On Senate Gun Deal, Says He’s Done

Did the GOP actually think the Democrats would demand more and more?

GOP, Dem Senate bargainers divided over gun deal details

Democratic and Republican senators were at odds Thursday over how to keep firearms from dangerous people as bargainers struggled to finalize details of a gun violence compromise in time for their self-imposed deadline of holding votes in Congress next week.

Lawmakers said they remained divided over how to define abusive dating partners who would be legally barred from purchasing firearms. Disagreements were also unresolved over proposals to send money to states that have “red flag” laws that let authorities temporarily confiscate guns from people deemed dangerous by courts, and to other states for their own violence prevention programs. (snip)

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, a lead GOP bargainer, seemed visibly unhappy as he left Thursday’s closed-door session after nearly two hours, saying he was flying home.

“This is the hardest part because at some point, you just got to make a decision. And when people don’t want to make a decision, you can’t accomplish the result. And that’s kind of where we are right now,” Cornyn said.

“I’m not frustrated, I’m done,” he added, though he said he was open to continued discussions.

So, not really done. Hopefully the Senate Republicans will hold strong and won’t allow Dems to keep adding more and more gun grabbing.

(Reuters) The lead Republican negotiator in U.S. Senate efforts to craft a bipartisan gun safety bill walked out of the talks on Thursday, raising questions about whether lawmakers will vote on the legislation before leaving for a two-week July 4 recess.

“It’s fish or cut bait,” Senator John Cornyn said after hours of negotiations that included his fellow Republican Senator Thom Tillis and Democratic Senators Chris Murphy and Kyrsten Sinema.

“I don’t know what they have in mind, but I’m through talking,” Cornyn said.

Some other Republicans, such as disappointment Thom Tillis, said they’ll get something done. How much will they give up to Democrats? Time will tell.

(Yahoo News) With the U.S. Senate poised to defy all expectations and actually pass bipartisan gun-safety legislation in the wake of last month’s deadly mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, N.Y., a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that clear majorities of Americans support each of the deal’s major provisions.

But an even greater number of Americans favor two reforms that Republican legislators refused to include in the framework they unveiled with their Democratic counterparts earlier this week: universal background checks for all gun sales (71%) and raising the national age to purchase semiautomatic weapons from 18 to 21 (68%)

Our rights are not dictated by polls.

Read: Cornyn Walks On Senate Gun Deal, Says He’s Done »

Climate Cult Groups Sue Biden Over Fossil Fuels Permits

Of course they did. They’ve been doing all they can for decades to harm oil/gas production

Environmental groups sue Biden administration over western drilling permits

Three environmental organizations on Wednesday sued the Biden administration for granting thousands of fossil fuel drilling permits, alleging the permits violate federal law.

In the lawsuit, filed in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, plaintiffs accused the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) of violating the Endangered Species Act, the National Environmental Policy Act and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act by granting 3,500 permits in Wyoming and New Mexico.

The plaintiffs — the Center for Biological Diversity, WildEarth Guardians and the Western Environmental Law Center — argue that the wells in question are an imminent threat to their respective ecosystems and more than 150 at-risk species.

The plaintiffs project the completed wells will emit between 490 million and 600 million metric tons of carbon dioxide over their lifetime. In an email to The Hill, Taylor McKinnon of the Center for Biological Diversity said the figure is based on the BLM’s state-specific per-well estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) and emissions estimates.

I wonder how many of the members of these groups have given up their own use of fossil fuels? And, really, if it wasn’t for skyhigh gas prices, which continue to go up, Biden wouldn’t have approved the permits. They really do want the pain at the pump to happen, forgetting that it increases the price they themselves pay for food and goods.

Gas prices: ‘The solution here, unfortunately, is probably a recession,’ analyst says

Gasoline prices remain above an average of $5/gallon nationally, according to AAA data, and energy experts still do not see any relief in sight.

“We’re likely to get record highs on U.S. regular gasoline this summer, when demand typically peaks,” Stewart Glickman, energy equity analyst at CFRA Research, told Yahoo Finance. “Best guess, we peak around $5.50/gallon during the summer.”

Citing refining capacity, he added: “If we’re going to get US gasoline prices to fall, it’s probably not going to be a supply-driven solution. The solution here, unfortunately, is probably a recession that kills demand and reduces scarcity of supply.”

This is what Warmists and Biden are driving us to. They do not care if it hurts Americans. Or themselves. Because their cult beliefs are more important.

Read: Climate Cult Groups Sue Biden Over Fossil Fuels Permits »

If All You See…

…are building built high to avoid sea rise from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Power, with a post on most Americans opposing trans women in real women’s sports.

BTW, ladies, it’s 2022, the whole hand in the hair thing is passe’

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove