Brandon Admin Considers Executive Action On Abortion, Gas Production

Remember how Biden yammered about Trump being a dictator and an authoritarian for doing things by executive order? How’s that working out?

Bracing for the End of Roe v. Wade, the White House Weighs Executive Actions

President Biden’s top aides are weighing whether he can or should take a series of executive actions to help women in Republican-controlled states obtain abortions if the Supreme Court eliminates a woman’s right to end her pregnancy, according to senior administration officials.

Some of the ideas under consideration include declaring a national public health emergency, readying the Justice Department to fight any attempt by states to criminalize travel for the purpose of obtaining an abortion, and asserting that Food and Drug Administration regulations granting approval to abortion medications pre-empt any state bans, the officials said.

In fairness, this is mostly being done by his people, not Biden, because Joe’s typically in La La Land. Or at the beach in Delaware.

No executive order can re-establish a constitutional right. It would take an act of Congress to restore a national legal standard barring states from outlawing abortion, and proponents currently lack sufficient votes in the Senate, where Republicans can filibuster such a bill. But Mr. Biden has signaled that he wants to move on his own.

“I don’t think the country will stand for it,” Mr. Biden told the talk show host Jimmy Kimmel last week in discussing the likely end of Roe v. Wade, adding: “There’s some executive orders I could employ, we believe. We’re looking at that right now.”

Well, you just go ahead and waste the time of the DOJ.

In the past, Mr. Biden has adopted a position that his legal team warned him was unlikely to stand up in court, betting that the political benefits of his executive actions outweighed the legal risks. In August, as House Democrats urged him to reverse course on letting a pandemic-related ban on evicting renters expire, Mr. Biden unilaterally extended the measure.

The move won praise from the left, at a moment when he needed to hold his coalition together in order to advance his legislative agenda. But while Mr. Biden’s decision bought a little more time for pandemic assistance funds to reach renters, its practical impact was limited because courts, as predicted, swiftly struck it down — and his critics accused him of lawlessness.


But administration officials see other suggestions as extremely risky. One calls for Mr. Biden to invite abortion doctors to work at federal enclaves, like military bases, inside states that criminalize abortion. State prosecutors lack jurisdiction in such zones, so the federal government handles crimes there, and it is not always clear whether criminal laws at the state level apply.

Doctors might still face challenges to their state medical licenses. And while the Justice Department under Mr. Biden could decline to pursue charges as a policy matter, control of the department could flip in the 2024 presidential election, and federal prosecutors could then charge people with crimes, like abortion, retroactively.

Realistically, if a state bans abortion the feds could allow them to occur on federal property, and there is nothing a state could do. They could bring in doctors from states that allow abortion. But, then, there’s that pesky thing called the Hyde Amendment, which restricts the federal government from paying for abortions. Whomever obtained an abortion on federal property would have to pay for the entire thing, which would go beyond just the procedure. And the government would not be able to pay for travel. This all just goes to show that Democrats are crazy about abortion on demand. Perhaps if they hadn’t pushed to use it as contraception it wouldn’t have become such a problem

Biden Open to Using Cold-War Era Law to Ramp Up Gasoline Output

The White House is willing to use the same emergency wartime law it invoked to increase the production of baby formula and bolster solar manufacturing to boost the nation’s supply of gasoline.

President Joe Biden is open to using the Cold War-era Defense Production Act to increase gasoline output “and lower costs at the pump,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a briefing Wednesday.

“Already, the President has demonstrated his willingness to use that emergency powers to lower costs for families,” Jean-Pierre said, in response to a question about using the law to expand refining capacity. “We’re saying that the President has used it before and he’s willing to do that again.”

Jean-Pierre’s comments come as Biden asks oil refiners to take “immediate action” to increase capacity as soaring gasoline prices top more than $5 a gallon on average nationwide.

Where will this be done? Refineries are already running at close to 100% capacity.

More than 1 million barrels a day of the country’s oil refining capacity — or about 5% overall — have shut since the beginning of the pandemic.

And refineries were already closing beforehand, and not being replaced. This is what Joe wanted. Less gas. Pain at the pump.

Read: Brandon Admin Considers Executive Action On Abortion, Gas Production »

AMA Says Climate Crisis (scam) Is A Health Issue Or Something

OK, so all the doctors will stop using fossil fuels in their business and personal lives, right? Give up AC? Downsize their luxury homes? End the use of all the plastics in their medical operations?

Climate change is a public health crisis, AMA says

The American Medical Association has declared climate change a public health crisis that threatens the health and well-being of all people. The new policy mobilizes the AMA to advocate for policies that limit global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions aimed at carbon neutrality by 2050, and support rapid implementation and incentivization of clean energy solutions and significant investments in climate resilience through a climate justice lens.

The organization will also develop a strategic plan for enacting its climate change policies, including on how to decarbonize physician practices and the health care industry. The new policy also recognizes the health, safety, and climate risks of current methods of producing fossil fuel-derived hydrogen and the dangers of adding hydrogen to natural gas.

“The scientific evidence is clear – our patients are already facing adverse health effects associated with climate change, from heat-related injuries, vector-borne diseases and air pollution from wildfires, to worsening seasonal allergies and storm-related illness and injuries,” said AMA Board Member Ilse R. Levin, D.O., MPH, in a statement. “Like the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis will disproportionately impact the health of historically marginalized communities. Taking action now won’t reverse all of the harm done, but it will help prevent further damage to our planet and our patients’ health and well-being.”

Really, this is what’s called green-washing, where they make all the right climate cult noises, but, won’t do much of anything. And what little they do do will see the costs passed on. It was cute throwing in the talking point about marginalized communities, which is the current big point, because all these uber-white upper middle class and rich 1st World white folks think that “minorities” cannot possibly do anything on their own. What’s that called?

Read: AMA Says Climate Crisis (scam) Is A Health Issue Or Something »

Wall Street Pro Predicts Hard Recession To Hit Fast

Who wants to bet Let’s Go Brandon heads to his beach house in Delaware on Friday?

‘The economy is going to collapse,’ says Wall Street veteran Novogratz. ‘We are going to go into a really fast recession.’

Veteran investor and bitcoin bull Michael Novogratz doesn’t have a rosy outlook on the economy, which he described as headed for a substantial downturn, with the likelihood of a “fast recession” on the horizon.

“The economy is going to collapse,” Novogratz told MarketWatch. “We are going to go into a really fast recession, and you can see that in lots of ways,” he said, in a Wednesday interview before the Federal Reserve decided to undertake its biggest interest-rate hike in nearly three decades.

“Housing is starting to roll over,” he said. “Inventories have exploded.”

“There are layoffs in multiple industries, and the Fed is stuck,” he said, with a position of having to “hike [interest rates] until inflation rolls over.”

Hopefully he’s wrong. I certainly do not want even more pain for American consumers just for politics. Unfortunately, it may be baked into the economic conditions, here in the US and so much of the rest of the 1st World. And so many of Biden’s policies are making it worse here in the U.S.

Central-bank policy makers agreed to deliver an unusual 0.75-percentage-point rate increase, concluding a closely watched two-day policy meeting with a move that would push the Fed’s benchmark federal-funds rate rising to a range between 1.5% and 1.75% as it steps up the effort to quell an inflation rate that is hovering around a 40-year high.

It was the largest increase in the central bank’s policy rate since November 1994.

Remember, this was all just transitory

They can’t even fill lifeguard positions. Oh, and that whole housing doom.

Read: Wall Street Pro Predicts Hard Recession To Hit Fast »

Bummer: Young Oregonians Suffering Anger, Shame, And Guilt Over Climate Crisis (scam)

In a sane world, the parents, teachers, politicians, and news media would be charged with child abuse for how they turn children into mental messes.

Study: Climate change affects mental health of young Oregonians

Anger. Guilt. Shame.

Young people in Oregon say they’re experiencing these emotions as they face the impacts of climate change, according to a study released on Tuesday by the Oregon Health Authority.

The agency’s report, Climate Change and Youth Mental Health in Oregon, highlights how extreme weather events like wildfires, heatwaves, snowstorms and drought are creating fear, frustration, and hopelessness among young people. OHA partnered with the University of Oregon’s suicide prevention unit to host virtual focus groups with people between ages 15 and 25 and interviewed professionals working in mental health, education and public health.

“We want to see more youth mental health support in schools and in our communities,” Mecca Donovan, a 23-year-old from Eugene, said. “We want to see youth invited to the table and decision making.”

Donovan, who helped host the focus groups, said she wants to see more accountability and acknowledgment of the challenges young people are facing.

Wait, young people face challenges? That’s never happened before, right?

One of the key findings from the report said young people often feel dismissed by older generations and not taken seriously by elected leaders.

You want to be taken seriously? You’re children. Losing your minds over a fake issue. I have a suggestion, though

“Burnout is just really, really bad,” Eliza Garcia, a recent UO political science graduate, said. “I think that’s the biggest thing that I’ve felt within the movement and the biggest thing that I’ve had other people my age or younger than me talk to me about, it’s just the burnout that comes from having to feel like we’re doing this all alone.”

Garcia said she’s turned down events and opportunities so she can fight against climate change and that pressure has affected her mental health. She said she’s particularly concerned about younger activists.

“Now there’s kids, you know, middle school, like, beginning of high school that are getting into it and when you’re starting that young, I can see that these kids are getting burnt out already and they’re not even 20 yet,” she said.

The ones indoctrinating the kids have created a generation of miserable creatures. But, then, most of the Left, who are the primary pushers of the scam, are miserable. Go listen to some music, watch a good movie, bake some cookies, go out and enjoy nature (without the phone, so you can focus on the beauty, rather than take narcissistic selfies and vids).

“They see an article about the polar ice caps melting or about rising water, anything like that it’s hard for them to focus on whatever they’re working on when they think about how the world is ending around them,” De La Rosa-Hernandez said.

Some days I find this all highly amusing. This isn’t one of them. These cultists are just ruing children with their doomsday prognostications.

Read: Bummer: Young Oregonians Suffering Anger, Shame, And Guilt Over Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a cloudless sky causing drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on a Friday’s For Future spokesperson saying they’ll blow up an African pipeline.

Read: If All You See… »

Angry Old Many Demands Oil Companies Explain Lack Of Gasoline

The response should be interesting, since it involves a combination of shutting down exploration by Biden and the Left, shutting down refineries by Democrats, sanctions on Russia (which Biden worked hard to bait into invading Ukraine) and China’s coronavirus creating instabilities

Biden demands oil companies explain lack of gasoline as prices rise

U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday demanded oil companies explain why they aren’t putting more gasoline on the market, sharply escalating his rhetoric against industry as he faces pressure over rising prices.

Biden wrote to executives from Marathon Petroleum Corp, Valero Energy Corp, and Exxon Mobil Corp and complained they had cut back on oil refining to pad their profits, according to a copy of the letter seen by Reuters.

“At a time of war, refinery profit margins well above normal being passed directly onto American families are not acceptable,” Biden wrote, adding the lack of refining was driving gas prices up faster than oil prices.

“The lack of refining capacity – and resulting unprecedented refinery profit margins – are blunting the impact of the historic actions my Administration has taken to address Vladimir Putin’s Price Hike and are driving up costs for consumers.”

The letter is also being sent to Phillips 66, Chevron Corp, BP and Shell, a White House official, who declined to be identified, told Reuters.

Wait, what was that part about refineries? Joe has an answer right there. The eco-extremists and climate nuts have worked hard to shut down refineries over the past 30+ years. There have been 2 refineries closed down in the past two years, as of April 22nd, 2022. A December 2021 article says 5 were closed down. Even Biden’s own EIA department notes this. Democrats won’t allow new ones to be built.

Biden has been intensifying attacks against oil companies in recent days as U.S. gas prices raced to record highs above $5 per gallon this past weekend and ahead of the summertime driving season.

Rising gas prices have helped drive unexpectedly persistent consumer price inflation and voter anger ahead of the Nov. 8 midterm elections where Biden’s Democratic Party is defending its control of Congress.

Does he think this will work? Blaming Putin didn’t work, nor any of his other Blamestorming.

Gas prices too high? It’s all part of Biden’s plan to eliminate fossil fuels

Gas prices have doubled since Biden took office. J.P. Morgan analysts predict $6 a gallon by August. And experts warn this crisis will continue even after Biden’s term ends because he’s dismantling fossil fuel production.

When Biden was running for president, he promised to shut down oil producers: “No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period.” He pledged to put the country on “an irreversible” path toward “doing away with” fossil fuels.

On Day One as president, Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline, sending a message of no new pipelines anywhere, period.

In the months that followed, he stopped all sales of leases to drill on federal lands or offshore, meaning zero new leases allowing oil to be brought out of the ground.

And in September, House Democrats introduced legislation to stop banks from lending money or investing capital for new or expanded fossil fuel production. That legislation hasn’t passed, but it sent a clear message. The oil industry is being shut down.

These were signals to the industry, investors, and the stock market, which helped drive up costs along with all the other reasons. At the root, the current gas spike is China’s fault for screwing around with coronaviruses and letting them get out, but, once it started, Biden ignored the issue and actually worked to make it worse.

Read: Angry Old Many Demands Oil Companies Explain Lack Of Gasoline »

Too Much Plant Food Likely To Slow Plant Growth Or Something

You know, because a tiny increase in the global temperatures since 1850 are super bad

Climate Change Likely to Slow Plant Growth in Northern Hemisphere

Plants are a highly effective carbon sink. Globally, forests absorb about 7.6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, about 1.5 times the annual emissions of the United States.

Since the 1980s, climate warming, prompted by rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, has caused an increase in plant productivity in the Northern Hemisphere outside the tropics.

But new research published May 30 in Nature Climate Change estimates that summer warming in this region will begin to have the opposite effect within the next half-century, causing photosynthesis—or plant productivity—to decline. The global land carbon sink will likely take a hit as a result, the authors write.

The researchers found that generally in the Northern Hemisphere, warmer temperatures will mean less summer plant productivity by 2070 for most regions below 60° N—the approximate latitude of Oslo, Norway, and Anchorage, Alaska. Plant productivity in Arctic areas, however, will continue rising as the temperature increases.


Scientists used two different ways of estimating the effects of rising summer temperatures on productivity: models that represent photosynthesis based on a variety of environmental factors, and climate models combined with extrapolations from historical observations of the thermal tolerance of wild plants. Anping Chen, a study coauthor and ecologist at Colorado State University, explains in an email that researchers rely more on the first method because it takes into account factors like elevated CO2 levels, changes in precipitation, and the acclimation of plants to warming.

Using eight Earth system models, the study found that under intermediate projected emissions conditions, about 48 percent of vegetated land in the Northern Hemisphere will experience a decline in plant productivity due to warming by 2060, rising to 78 percent by the end of this century.

And there they are, the computer models, typical doom prognostications. So, just wondering, if this turns out to be wrong, who is held responsible? Oh, right, these are far in the future, so, no one will remember.

Read: Too Much Plant Food Likely To Slow Plant Growth Or Something »

Wake County Gave $20 Million In COVID Cash: How Was It Spent?

And was it spent properly? Oh, wait, that’s not a question that is being asked. Nor “what does this really have to do with COVID relief?” Some questions that could certainly be asked with state and federal money across the nation

Wake County gave $20 million in COVID-19 relief funds to nonprofits. Who got the most?

Thava Mahadevan runs a small farm where he grows food for poor and homeless people with mental challenges.

He can feed more of them now, because Wake County is giving his group — XDS Inc. — $150,000 in COVID-19 relief funds.

“And our goal now is to expand what we have learned here as part of our Heat and Eat meal program into Wake County,” Mahadevan said.

Kelly Nivison wasn’t so lucky.

She asked the county for just $2,000 for her orchestral group, the Raleigh Camerata, but her request was denied.

“It was a little bit of a letdown,” she said.

They were among the winners and the losers in the county’s “Elevate Wake” program that handed out $20 million in federal relief funds to nonprofits who had to apply for it.

While that’s admirable, what do either have to do with COVID relief? Looks more just like handing out taxpayer cash to private groups because they can. Out of the 4 pages of recipients, very few seem to have anything to do with COVID.

Raleigh-Wake County Dental Society Community Dental Health Program Inc. (DBA Wake Smiles) received $70k for a dental clinic renovation. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. (Raleigh Alumnae Chapter) received $35K for the Southeast Raleigh Community Health Truck Rodeo. Southeastern Wake Adult Day Center got $371K for Advancing Treasured Thyme, whatever the hell that is. The African American Cultural Festival of Raleigh and Wake County got $400K for African American Cultural Festival Capacity Building and Sustainability PRoject. What do any of these have to do with COVID? New Bethel Christian Church got $200K for Food Pantry Expansion. Let them spend their own money.

The Boys and Girls Club of Wake County is getting $2 million to move its Brentwood Club to Fox Road in Raleigh, and will upgrade its HVAC systems and purchase new buses.

Dorothea Dix Park is getting $1 million to repair its walkways and make its restrooms ADA-compliant.

Does that have anything to do with COVID?

Roylance says there are safeguards to make sure the money is spent properly, and Dillon says the county partnered with the Triangle Council of Governments to help distribute and monitor the funds.

“So when an organization gets the funding, they have to come back and report on everything that that is agreed to, and there’ll be individual contracts with each agency or each nonprofit that ensures that the public funds are spent for the purposes that they they applied for,” Dillon said.

Did ABC11 here in Raleigh bother asking to see records about monitoring to make sure the money is being used as intended? Not that it has much to do with COVID.

Read: Wake County Gave $20 Million In COVID Cash: How Was It Spent? »

Surprise: Smithfield Foods Pulls Out Of California Over Pork Law

I said this would happen. Here’s the backstory (via Green Jihad)

At the beginning of next year, California will begin enforcing an animal welfare proposition approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 that requires more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves. National veal and egg producers are optimistic they can meet the new standards, but only 4% of hog operations now comply with the new rules. Unless the courts intervene or the state temporarily allows non-compliant meat to be sold in the state, California will lose almost all of its pork supply, much of which comes from Iowa, and pork producers will face higher costs to regain a key market.

The courts did not intervene, particularly over the notion that other states must comply with the California rules to sell products

But, it won’t jump by 60%, it would go to zero in most cases, as producers would simply avoid selling pork products in California. No bacon, sausage, barbecue, pork dumplings, or anything else that would be affected. That’s simply the easiest thing to do, is it not? Some products will be sold, and the prices will certainly jump way more than 60%. Is that realistic? Because that’s what the law says. Even if they want to sell it, the law says they can’t.

And now

Smithfield Foods to shutter California meat-packing plant

unintended consequencesMeat-packing giant Smithfield Foods said Friday it will close its only California plant next year, citing the escalating cost of doing business in the state.

The Farmer John meat-packing plant in Vernon, an industrial suburb south of Los Angeles, will shut down in February, with its 1,800 employees receiving severance and job placement support along with bonuses for those who choose to stay on the job until the closure, said Jim Monroe, vice president of corporate affairs.

Some workers, who on average earn about $21 per hour, also will have opportunities to relocate to other facilities owned by the Virginia-based Smithfield Foods Inc.

The Vernon plant slaughters pigs and packages products such as ham and bacon. Some operations will be moved to other facilities in the Midwest, but the overall reduction in processing capacity is prompting Smithfield to reduce its sow herd in Utah. The company also said it is exploring ways to exit its farms in California and Arizona.

Reducing/moving operations in those other states is a direct reflection on the California law, because they just won’t need that much product for California now.

Monroe said operating costs in California are much higher than in other areas of the country, including taxes and the price of water, electricity and natural gas.

“Our utility costs in California are 3 1/2 times higher per head than our other locations where they do the same type of work,” he said.

The ABC piece mostly ignores Proposition 12, but, that is the primary driver of what Smithfield Foods is doing, jacking up the price of operations and goods. But, hey, this is what you wanted, Californians. Suck it up, no complaining. And you know they won’t be the first.

Read: Surprise: Smithfield Foods Pulls Out Of California Over Pork Law »

If All You See…

…is a canal dug to reduce carbon pollution related flooding, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on the left ignoring violence that benefits them.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove