If All You See…

…is a water intensive law which is Bad for ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climatism, with a post on no one winning an election by promising to make voters colder, poorer, and hungrier.

Read: If All You See… »

Stupid People: Groomers Gonna Groom, Quitting Over Buddhist Symbol

I’m not sure why so many groomers are upset they’re called groomers

(WRAL) Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community were angry and hurt after Apex Mayor Jacques Gilbert announced Monday that Drag Queen Story Hour would be removed from the Apex Pride Festival this weekend.

Some people accused Gilbert of allowing a “vocal minority,” who are unlikely to attend Pride regardless, of dictating how the LGBTQIA+ community should celebrate Pride.

Drag Queen Story Hour released a statement, saying, “It’s unfortunate and saddening to find out individuals communicated threatening messages to Town of Apex officials because of [our[ inclusion at Apex Pride.” On Thursday, Equality NC stepped in, announcing that Drag Queen Story Hour would return to Apex Pride.

“Equality NC is proud to announce that our organization will sponsor The Apex Pride Festival,” Equality NC said in a statement. “We are also celebrating that this will restore Drag Story Hour to the program, and ensure that our community members in Apex have every right to gather and celebrate.”

These people are nuts and groomers. The Apex police department should be present, and arrest anyone there who is exposing themselves to children or teaching them adult sexual topics.

Bay Area Camp Suddenly Closes After Staffers Quit Over Swastika Scandal

A California camp known for being socially and environmentally conscious was abruptly canceled for the entire summer after several staff members quit due to alleged structural racism.

Now, 900 or so campers will have to find an alternative way to spend their summer break.

“This is the first time in our history that we canceled all Camp programming,” a letter to the Hidden Villa community read Wednesday. “Staffing for Camp has been a challenge over the past several years. In anticipation, we significantly invested in outreach, but still struggled with meeting programmatic needs.” (snip)

Hidden Villa—which is home to a camp, hiking trails, and farm—once belonged to Frank and Josephine Duveneck, according to the camp’s statement. On the couple’s honeymoon to Asia in 1913, they brought back and hung artistic tiles with lotuses and Buddhist symbols, including the swastika, which was later appropriated by the Nazi Party after the first World War to represent white supremacy.

So, it’s been there since 1913, and is a Buddhist symbol, not the Nazi one?

“It was brought to the community’s attention that the Buddhist symbols were experienced differently and some individuals experienced harm from their presence on the building. A process to address the issue was identified with Staff and Board,” the letter, which was posted on the camp’s website, read.

Oh, good grief. I hope these people never travel to areas with high concentrations of Buddhists. Do you think the people in those countries will care if the soft Wokers are all sorts of butthurt? Seriously, “experienced differently”? “Experienced harm”? The camp did take down the symbol, but, a ton of the workers quit. Because they’re fragile little dumplings.

The Los Altos Town Crier reported that camp director Philip James, who is Black, quit because of alleged institutional racism and also took issue with the swastikas.

Camp assistant director Mimi Elias, who is a queer person of color, told the newspaper, “Every day I had to go to my place of residence and had to look at swastikas and walk beneath them.” She also resigned.

How long did they work there, with these Buddhist symbols? They took the job with them there. Yet, suddenly there’s “institutional racism?” Seriously, you continue reading the story and you suddenly have all these people crying about this and that and some other stuff which they are Offended over, despite being a socially and environmentally conscious camp that’s been like that for almost a 100 years. Why? Because when SJWs get butthurt they’ll turn an anthill in Mt. Everest…..oh, wait, SJWs do not want to go there, lots of Buddhists. And Hindus, who also use the symbol.

Read: Stupid People: Groomers Gonna Groom, Quitting Over Buddhist Symbol »

New Zealand To Tax Cow Farts And Burps

Can’t wait till the future articles on the people of New Zealand being mad about the even higher cost of meat

Climate change: New Zealand’s plan to tax cow and sheep burps

climate cowNew Zealand has unveiled a plan to tax sheep and cattle burps in a bid to tackle one of the country’s biggest sources of greenhouse gases.

It would make it the first nation to charge farmers for the methane emissions from the animals they keep.

New Zealand is home to just over five million people, along with around 10 million cattle and 26 million sheep.

Almost half the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture, mainly methane.

However, agricultural emissions have previously not been included in New Zealand’s emissions trading scheme, which has been criticised by those calling for the government to do more to stop global warming.

“There is no question that we need to cut the amount of methane we are putting into the atmosphere, and an effective emissions pricing system for agriculture will play a key part in how we achieve that,” New Zealand’s climate change minister James Shaw said.

The BBC article works very hard to avoid mentioning cow and sheep farts

Under the proposal farmers will have to pay for their gas emissions from 2025.

The plan also includes incentives for farmers who reduce emissions through feed additives, while planting trees on farms could be used to offset emissions.

Some farmers are super thrilled to do this. Of course, they aren’t actually going to pay for this, as the costs will be passed on to the consumers.

The money raised from the scheme will be invested in research, development and advisory services for farmers, the country’s environment ministry said.

Calling it a scheme fits right in, a shady scheme.

(CNN) New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Wednesday, May 11, that the country will fully reopen its international borders from 11:59 p.m. on July 31, with cruise ships also welcome back to local ports on the same day.

How many will be taking fossil fueled flights to go with the fossil fueled cruise ships?

(Reuters) – New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will visit the United States this week in a bid to boost exports and lure more tourists as the Pacific nation looks to fully reopen its border after more than two years of restrictions.

She’s going to take a sailing ship, right?

Read: New Zealand To Tax Cow Farts And Burps »

LGB: Gas Prices Hit $5 A Gallon Nationwide

I so enjoyed paying $5.09 in Maryland Monday and $4.96 in Virginia Thursday, you know?

Gas Prices Soar to National Average of $5 per Gallon

Gas prices on Thursday soared to a national average of $5.00 per gallon, according to GasBuddy.

The $5.00 per gallon mark has never been reached before and represents a twelve consecutive record-day high.

In all 50 states on Thursday, the average price of a gallon of gas reached above $4.40, according to AAA data.

In California, gas prices on Thursday reached $6.40 per gallon. JPMorgan commodities analyst predicted gas prices may increase to more than $6.00 per gallon before Labor Day.

Gas prices have more than doubled since former President Donald Trump left office.

Trump had warned voters that if Biden won the 2020 election, the price of gas would reach at least $7.00 per gallon. “If Biden got in, you’d be paying $7, $8, $9. Then they’d say ‘get rid of your car!’”

Here’s the thing I can say in honesty: if Trump had won the election gas prices would have started rising, because it’s not just drilling, but, refining. There is no more capacity to refine oil. The difference between him and Biden is that Trump would have worked to fix the problem from the get go when it was notice. He would have put policies in place. He wouldn’t have worked to make it worse.

Poll: Most Americans Say They Are Driving Less Because of Rising Gas Prices

Skyrocketing U.S. gas prices are affecting Americans in their day-to-day life, forcing them to cut back in certain fundamental areas, including driving, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found.

According to the survey, 66 percent said they are actually driving less because of rising gas prices — a seven-point rise from the 59 percent who said the same in March. Further, a majority, 57 percent, of U.S. adults say the ever-rising price of gas has affected their vacation plans, while just over one-third, 36 percent, said it has not.

It’s anecdotal, but, there sure seemed to be a bit fewer people on the road when I drove up to NJ. There just wasn’t as much traffic as I’m used to, particularly in northern Virginia and Maryland. Same on the return trip Thursday. Still a lot of idiots on the road, to be sure. How many people are avoiding trips? How many more will say “never mind, we’ll stay home/local”?

Read: LGB: Gas Prices Hit $5 A Gallon Nationwide »

Your Fault: Dengue Fever Hitting Singapore, ‘Climate Change’ Omen

If you would only agree to take the bus instead of your fossil fueled vehicle, give up meat, and give government climate dictatorial powers we could solve this

Singapore’s dengue ’emergency’ is a climate change omen for the world

Singapore says it is facing a dengue “emergency” as it grapples with an outbreak of the seasonal disease that has come unusually early this year.

The Southeast Asian city-state has already exceeded 11,000 cases — far beyond the 5,258 it reported throughout 2021 — and that was before June 1, when its peak dengue season traditionally begins.

Experts are warning that it’s a grim figure not only for Singapore — whose tropical climate is a natural breeding ground for the Aedes mosquitoes that carry the virus — but also for the rest of the world. That’s because changes in the global climate mean such outbreaks are likely to become more common and widespread in the coming years. (snip)

The outbreak in Singapore has been made worse by recent extreme weather, experts say, and its problem could be a harbinger of what is to come elsewhere as more countries experience prolonged hot weather spells and thundery showers that help to spread both the mosquitoes and the virus they carry.

These people are very silly. No matter what occurs, they have to link it to their cult. Dengue fever outbreaks go back to the 200’s AD, with bigger outbreaks in the 17th Century. It became more prevalent as worldwide travel, and, yes, ecological destruction, which is completely different from anthropogenic climate change.

Read: Your Fault: Dengue Fever Hitting Singapore, ‘Climate Change’ Omen »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike that should replace Other People’s fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on mustaches and big dicks being expressions of womanhood now.

Read: If All You See… »

House Passes Bill Making Age To Buy Rifles And Shotguns To 21

I’ll be honest, I’m not necessarily against this, as so many 18 year olds are coming out of public schools utterly irresponsible, and any criminal records they have are probably sealed from being a minor. Personally, I’d go for a 2 week waiting period for any rifle, giving the background check a chance, and, perhaps a two month period for those who are 18. Maybe require a safety class. What the House Democrats are doing, though, is not going to happen

House votes to raise minimum age to buy semi-automatic rifles to 21

The House voted Wednesday to raise the minimum age to buy semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21, as part of a package of gun bills in response to a horrific spate of mass shootings across the country.

The vote was 228-199, mostly along party lines, with nearly all Democrats voting “yes” and all but a small group of Republicans voting “no” on retaining the policy in a larger gun package.

The age provision is part of the Protecting Our Kids Act, legislation written by Democrats and slated for a final House vote Wednesday night. Party leaders broke the package up into individual votes for specific proposals to pressure Republican lawmakers who are resistant to toughening gun laws.

“Why? Why would someone be against raising the age so that teenagers do not have AK-47s?” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday at an event with advocates seeking to reduce gun violence. “Yes, they say mental health issues. Yes, we want to address mental health issues. Other countries have mental health issues. They don’t have a gun violence epidemic.”

Why? Well, because, as usual, Democrats went too far

(Newsweek) Republicans who spoke against the legislation said it was an overreach by the federal government.

“The bill raises the legal age of gun ownership to 21,” Minnesota Representative Michelle Fischbach said on the floor. “This provision is very likely unconstitutional.”

Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie said the provision would raise the age to buy a long gun, including rifles and shotguns, to 21, which he called “immoral” and unconstitutional.

“Why is it immoral?” he said. “Because we’re telling 18,19 and 20-year-olds to register for the draft. You can go die for your country. We expect you to defend us, but we’re not going to give you the tools to defend yourself and your family.”

Yeah, see, it wasn’t just scary looking rifles, ie, assault rifles, it was pretty much all. This has little chance of passing the Senate, and, if it somehow does, it will end up in federal court, and, really, it should go straight to the Supreme Court, as the Congress has no authority to set the age. That is left up to the States.

Read: House Passes Bill Making Age To Buy Rifles And Shotguns To 21 »

John Kerry Is 100% Against Building New Fossil Fuels Infrasctucture

This is a guy running around the world on fossil fueled airplanes, including his own private jet, plus, you can bet he is ferried around in a big limo with security fossil fueled SUVs around him

John Kerry: ‘We Have to Push Back Hard’ on Efforts to Build New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure in Response to Rising Gas Prices

John Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate change, warned Tuesday that the war in Ukraine could undermine international progress to cut carbon emissions.

“You have this new revisionism suggesting that we have to be pumping oil like crazy, and we have to be moving into long term [fossil fuel] infrastructure building, which would be absolutely disastrous,” Kerry said, speaking on June 7 at the TIME 100 Summit in New York City. “We have to push back, and we have to push back hard.”

Kerry characterized the rising energy prices caused by the conflict as a destabilizing force that could affect U.S. resolve, both in its support of Ukraine, and efforts to cut carbon emissions. “It will change politics. And that’s probably exactly what Putin wants,” Kerry said, speaking to TIME Senior Correspondent Justin Worland. “We have to stand strong and fight back.”

He’s not paying for the fuel for his travels. He was just in Bonn, Germany. Did he take a sailing ship back to NYC? What will happen is that it will be mostly the rich folks who will be able to afford fossil fuels, while the rest of us will suffer. It’s typical tone deaf elitist climate cultist garbage Kerry is spewing. I still say the GOP should introduce legislation restricting any elected official in the federal government, along with appointees, along with their staffs, from taking fossil fueled trips on the taxpayer dime as long as 87 gas is above $3.00 a gallon.

Read: John Kerry Is 100% Against Building New Fossil Fuels Infrasctucture »

Bummer: Masks No Longer A Choice For Government To Impose On Citizens

Mask cultists are a bit upset that government is mostly unwilling to force people to wear masks anymore

Masks fall out of favor as policy choice

During the second game of the NBA Finals on Sunday, celebrated Boston Celtics first-year coach Ime Udoka pulled down his face mask to apparently utter an imprecation at Steph Curry, the Golden State Warriors superstar preparing to shoot a free throw. Udoka then diligently pulled his mask back up, only to pull it back down again to lob another insult in Curry’s direction.

Udoka’s itinerant mask wearing (one often rests on his chin during the game, but he puts it on during the post-game press conferences) is a symbol of sorts for a nation where most people still support wearing face coverings as a coronavirus preventative measure — but many are also no longer doing so.

He’s nor really wearing it, though. If you’re going to wear it, you keep it on, especially when you’re yelling, which would spread COVID, the flu, a cold, etc, further. But, you see a lot of maskers doing this. It’s more about virtue signaling than anything else

Some denounced Udoka for engaging in virtue signaling, while others celebrated his efforts. “I’m no Celtics fan, but I really appreciate Coach Udoka wearing a mask,” tweeted Dr. Lucky Tran, a public health advocate who has called for protective measures to remain in place. “Sure, he doesn’t wear it 100% of the time, but he clearly makes an effort when he’s in close contact with his players and the press.”

The players who aren’t wearing masks, and interacting with players of the other team not wearing masks? And all the fans not wearing masks? And wearing a cloth mask which studies have shown make almost no difference? If he wears one because he doesn’t feel good he should stay home.

In this third summer of the pandemic, public health policy has largely devolved to a matter of personal preference, with new mask mandates a rarity but the debate over masking hardly diminished from earlier stages of the pandemic.

Even though the coronavirus case count remains at high levels, Americans’ behavior no longer reflects that reality. The availability of vaccines and treatments appears to have attenuated pandemic anxiety, which has been replaced by fresh anxieties about war, crime and inflation.

Who’s debating it? Wearing a mask almost never comes up anymore, except for a few mask cult journalists and politicians. Most of the rest of us have moved on, and have no intention of wearing one again. Heck, it’s idiotic wearing one in those few places, like medical facilities, who want them worn, because they make no difference. If they did we wouldn’t have had that huge spike of Delta. Then Omicron.

Infection rates (from the latest outbreaks) appear to be falling, with an 8.5% dip this week compared to the week before. The decrease may result from the fact that so many Americans have immunity either from vaccination or a prior infection. And at-home testing has almost certainly kept public health officials from learning the true extent of the current wave, since those results are not reported, as laboratory tests are.

And yet, there are almost no mask mandates, and were almost none during the latest outbreaks. Weird, eh?

To some public health experts, the solution is simple. “Everybody should be wearing a mask,” University of Chicago infectious disease specialist Dr. Emily Landon told the podcast Nerdette late last month. “The only reason we don’t” have a mask mandate, Landon reasoned, “is because CDC decided to move the goalposts to make their recommendations more about protecting and protecting health care than about protecting individuals.”

You wear one. Otherwise, fuck off. We’re on to you people. We knew masking was BS when it started, and we know it now. How many people got it who were wearing masks? How many times do we see someone writing “I wear a mask, vaxxed and boosted, and I got COVID”?

“We all wish the pandemic was over, but it is likely to be here and harmful for the long term. Mask policies are one of the most effective approaches to reducing spread,” says Boston University public health expert Julia Raifman, who has argued that the Biden administration has not been aggressive enough in its pandemic response.

“The politics have changed,” Raifman told Yahoo News, “but the facts and policy impact haven’t.”

You keep telling yourself that. Then explain Delta and Omicron, as well as a higher death count even with the vaccines.

Read: Bummer: Masks No Longer A Choice For Government To Impose On Citizens »

If All You See…

…is an evil bad weather cloud from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on more info on the South Street gunfight.

Totally forgot to set it up today, was out for the day.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove