Comrade Trudeau Looks To Freeze All Handgun Purchases In Canada

What’s the difference between the Canadian premiere and the ruler of Cuba?

Canada already bans 1,500 types of “assault” rifles, and now

(CBC) New gun control legislation the federal government tabled today includes a national freeze on the purchase, sale, importation and transfer of handguns in Canada.

The government also is pledging to start buying back thousands of banned assault-style weapons before the end of the year.

While the proposal falls short of a full ban on handguns, it would effectively limit their number in Canada.

“In other words, we’re capping the market for handguns,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a press conference Monday.

And the next step will be to ban ownership if handguns in Canada, you know, the place where they cracked down on a peaceful protest against the government, and locked down their own citizens over COVID? The one who won’t let unvaccinated citizens travel or leave the country?

They include taking away firearms licences from those involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment, increasing criminal penalties for smuggling and trafficking of firearms, and a “red flag” law which would require people deemed a threat to themselves or others to turn in their firearms to law enforcement.

Canada has prosecuted many people for saying Mean Things, so, they can apply the red flag laws to those people

“We recognize that the vast majority of gun owners use them safely, and in accordance with the law,” Trudeau said.

“But other than using firearms for sport shooting and for hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives.”

So says an authoritarian government.

(Breitbart) As President Biden spoke to reporters on Memorial Day he criticized “high caliber weapons” and claimed that a 9mm bullet “blows the lung out of the body.”

Biden made this statement while telling reporters about a Senate briefing he had received regarding gunshot wounds.

He said, “The 22 caliber bullet will lodge in the lungs and we can get it out,” Biden said. “A 9 mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.”

Will he and his Democrats Comrades next try and attempt to do away with certain calibers? Of course, the criminals would still have them.

Read: Comrade Trudeau Looks To Freeze All Handgun Purchases In Canada »

Eco-Fascists Targeting New Targets

Remember, though, this is perfectly normal because the World Is About To End

‘Eco-fascist’ violence targets old scapegoats for new fears

Mass shooting suspects, including the man arrested for the recent Buffalo, N.Y., grocery store massacre, are increasingly invoking the so-called eco-fascist movement, which launders racist and anti-immigrant conspiracy theories through the lens of environmentalism.

The Buffalo suspect, who has been charged with the murder of 10 predominantly Black shoppers at a grocery store, identified as an eco-fascist. Similar sentiments can be found in the writings of shooters in New Zealand and El Paso, Texas, who targeted Muslims and Latinos, respectively.

As the climate crisis intensifies and leads to increased migration and political instability, experts say the problem is likely to get worse.

In practice, the term refers to “a kind of political ideology that combines fascism with some kind of environmental or ecological focus,” said Matthew Lyons, author of “Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and Empire” and co-author with Chip Berlet of “Right-Wing Populism in America.”

Typically, Lyons said, this equates to scapegoating groups like immigrants and nonwhites for the climate crisis, environmental degradation and the depletion of natural resources.

It’s not “the Right” which is doing this…I mean, technically, it is, since Progressivism is not actually far left, but, far right on the political scale, in the Authoritarian model, but, we still call them “The Left”…it is the far left. This is also an attempt to explain away why these mass murderers share so much in common with Progressives

Eco-fascism is at heart simply a rebranding of a much older “murderous political strategy,” said Cassie Miller, a senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center, and uses environmental concerns as a sort of Trojan horse for extremist ideas.

“This is a movement that is looking for any avenue that it can get recruits or to enter larger political conversations,” she said. “And the language of environmentalism, especially at a time of climate disaster, is a very clear way to do that.”

I’m sure that somehow this is all your fault, you know.

Later in the 20th century, Ted Kaczynski, who killed three people and injured 23 more with a series of bombings, wrote a manifesto decrying the Industrial Revolution and calling for a return to nature; however, he also railed against feminists, gay rights activists and animal welfare advocates in the same document.

Although Kaczynski also blasts conservative politics in his writings, in recent years, far-right spaces online have semi-ironically celebrated Kaczynski as “Uncle Ted.”

See? They’re going to attempt to blame Republicans for this, and like minded small government Classical Liberals around the world. Which shifts the blame off the real culprit, a doomsday cult.

Meanwhile, Real Climate Science links to this

(India Times) Art lovers and museum visitors to the Louvre were shocked recently after a man dressed as an old woman tried vandalising the Mona Lisa. The person jumped out of a wheelchair and reportedly smeared cake over the iconic painting.

A clip showing visitors taking photos of the cake-covered painting has now been widely circulated on social media. Fortunately, the cake didn’t touch the real artwork. It was only smeared over the glass that protects the famous piece by Leonardo da Vinci.

Definitely MAGA, right?

Read: Eco-Fascists Targeting New Targets »

If All You See…

…is a fossil fueled fighter jet, needed because ‘climate change’ causes war, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on a Memorial Day remembrance.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out Chicks On the Right, with a post on How Our Fractured Societal Priorities May Have Influenced The Police Response In Uvalde.

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Read: If All You See… »

There Could Be A Major Shift In Economic Activity Coming, Affecting Inflation

Many economists are positioning this as a good thing. And, at the end of the day, the economy will rise above all other issues

More signs that a major shift in the economic narrative could be underway

There’s more evidence that the economic narrative could be undergoing a major shift.

For months, we’ve been living in an economy in which strong demand has been met with lagging supply, causing inflation inflation to surge. We now appear to be shifting to a phase where demand growth is cooling and supply chains are easing, which should cause inflation to come down.

According to Census Bureau data released Wednesday, orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft — a.k.a. core capex or business investment — climbed 0.3% to a record $73.1 billion in April.

While the 0.3% growth rate represents a deceleration from the 1.1% rate in March, it’s the kind of slowing that’s welcome news for folks like the Federal Reserve, which is actively working to cool economic growth in its effort to bring down inflation.

“That is consistent with our view that economic activity is bending rather than breaking under the impact of higher rates,” Michael Pearce, senior U.S. economist for Capital Economics, said in a note on Wednesday.

Here’s the thing: the demand was normal, the supply chain was way down. The supply chain is not exactly getting better. Automobiles sure aren’t. Toyota recently announced a 100K worldwide care production decrease, primarily blaming the chip shortage. Anyone redesigning for 2023 will remove many things that use chips, such as XM radio, or combine multiple features per chip, which could potentially overload a chip. What you often see on the shelf is it. There’s no extra in the backroom. Supply chains are slimmed down, which is why you may not find the products you used to find. You want furniture? It could be months. Heavy machinery? Could be a year.

If demand growth is cooling, that means people are just not buying things they would normally buy, to match the lower supply availability. This may, in fact, help inflation, but, it will mean lower spending by consumers, who are already stretched from the rise in costs. Will this mean a reduction in costs? Probably not. At least not soon. Because gas and diesel are still rising. Interest rates are up (fortunately not as high as expected).

“Growth has slowed since peaking in March, most notably in the service sector, as pent up demand following the reopening of the economy after the Omicron wave shows signs of waning,” Chris Williamson, chief business economist at S&P Global Market Intelligence, wrote on Wednesday.

Yeah, the time when you couldn’t get stuff done to your house. But, you want body work on your car? You could wait at least a month. Everywhere. People can still wait weeks for a physical therapist, months to get into the dentist, and so on.

News of a slowdown is not exactly the kind of thing that warrants a celebratory tone. But it’s exactly the kind of thing that should help bring inflation down.

More pain.

“Many have touted March as the peak in inflation and are looking for inflation to cool from here,” Grant Thornton Chief Economist Diane Swonk said on Friday.. “We are not as convinced given the risks we still face due to the war in Ukraine and lockdowns in China. Either way, it is important to note that any cooling we see will have a high floor. Both the overall and core PCE indices remain well above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target.”

Indeed, inflation has a long way to go to get to 2% from 4.9%.

The best way would be an increase in the availability of products to match the spending. But, this is the Biden Economy, hence, we need below normal spending to match below normal availability.

Read: There Could Be A Major Shift In Economic Activity Coming, Affecting Inflation »

Warmists Seem Pretty Happy That A Lot Of People Lost A Lot Of Money On Crypto

Why? Because it could help the fight against Hotcoldwetdry

Why the cryptocurrency price collapse offers hope for slowing climate change

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin were meant to be used as digital cash. Instead, they’ve become popular as speculative investments. As well as being resource-intensive and inherently wasteful, cryptocurrencies are also incredibly volatile. Prices for the largest cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ethereum, have both dropped by over 55% in six months, leading some to suggest that regulation is needed to contain the turmoil. (snip)

The most polluting “proof-of-work” cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, ethereum and dogecoin, together use around 300 terawatt-hours (TW/h) of mainly fossil-fuelled electricity each year. Bitcoin has an annual carbon footprint of around 114 million tonnes. That’s roughly comparable to 380,000 space rocket launches, or the annual carbon footprint of the Czech Republic.

Proof-of-work mining can be thought of as a controlled way of wasting energy. The process involves specialist computers repeatedly taking random shots at guessing a long string of digits. The amount of computing power dedicated to this effort is referred to as the network’s hash rate.

See, crypto is Bad for ‘climate change’, so, it’s good that people are losing butt tons of their money, so, hopefully people will stop using them

The damage caused by bitcoin mining disproportionately affects poor and vulnerable communities, as mining outfits and crypto developers take advantage of economic instability, weak regulations and access to cheap energy. Locals wanting to use these resources for productive purposes can be priced out by bitcoin miners. These communities also tend to face the sharp end of the climate crisis, which crypto mining fuels.

It’s always the uber-white middle and upper class Warmists whiteknighting for the poor and minorities, while creating policies that keep them poor.

In the aftermath of the 2008-10 global financial crisis, governments promised a crackdown on toxic financial instruments with make-believe valuations. For the global climate and a stable economy, cracking down now on crypto will be a boon for everyone. But if environmental regulation efforts are not globally coordinated or far-reaching enough, crypto’s climate contagion will continue to grow.

By cracking down, the writer, “Peter Howson, Senior Lecturer in International Development, Northumbria University, Newcastle”, means banning cryto. How much money would people lose at that point, all for a doomsday cult?

Read: Warmists Seem Pretty Happy That A Lot Of People Lost A Lot Of Money On Crypto »

Chuck Schumer Knows Last Time Democrats Pushed Gun Grabbing They Lost Badly At The Ballot Box

Sure, most people are in favor of keeping guns out of the hands of people with bad intent. We can all agree on that, right? Unless you’re planning to shoot someone or more than one. The devil is always in the details, though, and as soon as you start looking at those details the types of gun control being pushed poll lower and lower, and people realize that it mostly affects the law abiding, are stepping stones toward even more restrictions, and what the unhinged barking moonbat base really wants is bans

The Hill: Democrats Have Lost Elections Because of Gun-Control Push

On Saturday, the Hill published a column on the Democrats’ precarious position of desiring to secure more gun control but knowing that pursuit of new gun laws has cost them elections in the past.

The Hill reported:

While Republicans have been criticized for an unwillingness to take even small steps to restrict access to guns in response to a national plague of mass shootings, it’s not lost on Democrats that the last time they had an extended debate and votes on ambitious gun proposals in 2013, they lost nine seats and their Senate majority in the following election.”

The Hill noted Democrats also believe voter pushback to the 1994-2004 “assault weapons” ban is part of why they lost the 2000 president election.

And here is something else to consider: ABC News noted the federal “assault weapons” ban was signed on September 8, 1994. Approximately two months later, the “GOP easily [took] control of the U.S. House and Senate, gaining 12 governorships and regaining control in 20 state legislatures,” according to

Hence why The Hill article starts out

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is walking a tightrope on gun control legislation after two more mass shootings that have shaken the country and angered Democrats frustrated over inaction on guns.

While members of his caucus and progressive activists are pushing him to force the GOP to vote on an array of proposals, Schumer also wants to protect Democrats in tough races in purple states from taking tough votes.

I would hazard to guess that those election losses from the 2012 election weren’t just about guns, but, a continuation of the toxicity of Obama on Congressional and state elections for Democrats, but, pushing gun control sure didn’t help. And, voters this time may well see “gun control” as a distraction for the main issue, the economy.

There are lots and lots of Democrats yammering about repealing the 2nd, taking away all guns from private citizens. Voters see this from the extreme left, and will think about what comes next, especially when they see the extreme left trying to take away 1st Amendment rights.

Yeah, that’s a federally elected Representative attempting to take away Freedom of Speech, freedom to petition for redress of grievance, and right of free association from private citizens just for Wrongthink. Which group is next?

More under the Read More tag:

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Read: Chuck Schumer Knows Last Time Democrats Pushed Gun Grabbing They Lost Badly At The Ballot Box »

If All You See…

…is a cloudless sky causing high temperatures thanks to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on carjacking only being a misdemeanor in Chicago.

It’s clearing out the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Ren Wicks

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it’s a good day to remember those who sacrificed to protect America. This pinup is by Ren Wicks, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Moonbattery notes NYC trying to de-stigmatize the use of heroin
  2. Legal Insurrection covers the NSBA plan to request military police be sent to schools to protect them from parents
  3. Jihad Watch covers Sweden telling Ukrainian women to avoid dressing in a way that provokes Muslim men
  4. IOTW Report discusses AMTRAK wasting $41 million
  5. Gen Z Conservative notes bad polling news for Liz Cheney
  6. Geller Report covers the Texas shooter being arrested previously for threatening to shoot up school
  7. Flag And Cross notes how many buses Texas has sent to D.C. full of illegals
  8. Diogenes’ Middle Finger discusses leftists wanting Bill Maher’s head
  9. DC Clothesline covers Australia announcing 2 years in jail for violating COVID rules
  10. Da Techguy’s Blog notes we’ve taught cops not to rush in
  11. Blazing Cat Fur covers most mothers of trans “boys” being mentally ill themselves
  12. No Tricks Zone discusses the destruction of a very old forest for a wind farm
  13. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers the green agenda’s role in causing inflation
  14. Weasel Zippers wonders how a broke guy living in mom’s basement could afford a $2k rifle and thousands in other material
  15. And last, but, not least, This ain’t Hell… features the “grooming” standards of the Space Force

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Majority Of North Carolinians Back Parental Bill Of Rights

Who are the nutjobs who do not approve of protecting kids in schools from being indoctrinated with insane stuff? Which parents do not think they should be notified when their kids are being taught stuff they shouldn’t, like adult sexual topics? Which parents want their kids to be told “don’t tell your parents”?

Poll: North Carolinians Support Passage of Parents’ Bill of Rights

A majority of likely North Carolina voters support passing a Parents’ Bill of Rights in the state, according a new poll released on Thursday.

The survey asked respondents:

This year twenty-six states have introduced bills to expand parental rights in schools. Such legislation typically reaffirms parental access to curriculum and classroom materials and often authorizes academic and financial transparency requirements for the school. In addition, these bills make parents the primary decision-makers regarding their child’s health and medical decisions and provide parents with opt-out options regarding controversial surveys or age-inappropriate classroom materials. Would you support or oppose the passage of a Parents’ Bill of Rights in North Carolina?

Out of 600 likely general election voters, 57 percent say they “support a Parents’ Bill of Rights for North Carolina,” including 47.3 percent who strongly support and 9.7 percent who somewhat support. Twenty-four percent oppose the idea, including 10.2 percent who somewhat oppose and 14.2 percent who strongly oppose. The Civitas poll was conducted by Cyngal from May 20-21 with a margin of error of ±3.95 percent.

The survey was conducted a few days before North Carolina lawmakers introduced a bill which would create a “Parents’ Bill of Rights” and bar instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity from curriculums for students in kindergarten through third grade.

Really, they should be asking these questions directly to parents, especially those who have kids in grade school. And K-3. See what they think. Do they want their kids taught by wackjobs?

Why? How about just teaching subjects? What does this have to do with a proper education? Why are kids exposed to this? It wastes valuable time.

“There’s no attempt to squelch folks from talking about things,” Berger said, according to WRAL-TV. “There is a specific prohibition on it being part of a curriculum in kindergarten through third grade.”

The insane stuff has no place in the curriculum.

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Read: Majority Of North Carolinians Back Parental Bill Of Rights »

Oops: Biden’s Forestry Service Started New Mexico Wildfires

Hey, remember this? It wasn’t that long ago, just May 4th

Climate change is why New Mexico’s wildfire season started early this year

The smoke emerges, like a white veil draped across the sky, on the drive up from Albuquerque to this picturesque city of 84,000.

Historically, New Mexico’s wildfire season begins in May or June, but this year, wildfires sprung up in the drought-parched New Mexican desert in April. By April 23, more than 20 wildfires were burning in 16 of the state’s 33 counties. Last week, two of them merged into one megafire, the Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon Fire. By Sunday, the New York Times reported, it had burned nearly 104,000 acres — more than 160 square miles — and smoke from it and another wildfire had blanketed most of northern New Mexico.

There’s no shortage of climate cultists linking/blaming ‘climate change’ to the New Mexico fires, just like when other wildfires happen, but, just like with those other fires, we find out the reality

So, not climate apocalypse?

(Reuters) Two blazes that grew into New Mexico’s largest ever wildfire were both started by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the agency said on Friday, prompting the state’s governor to demand the federal government take full responsibility for the disaster.

Forest Service investigators determined the Calf Canyon Fire was caused by a “burn pile” of branches that the agency thought was out but reignited on April 19, the Santa Fe National Forest said in a statement.

Oopsie! Don’t expect the Warmists to give up their talking points in favor of Reality.

Read: Oops: Biden’s Forestry Service Started New Mexico Wildfires »

Pirate's Cove