…are Christmas lights still plugged in causing vampire electricity, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on just getting used to it, you little “semi-fascist” pigs.
Read: If All You See… »
…are Christmas lights still plugged in causing vampire electricity, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on just getting used to it, you little “semi-fascist” pigs.
Read: If All You See… »
Hey, remember when Democrats and their pet media complained about Mean Tweets? Does anyone remember him threatening pretty the entire segment of those who vote for the other guy?
Biden Says The Military Can Obliterate The Second Amendment
President Joe Biden said Tuesday while in Pennsylvania that “brave right wing Americans” who claim the Second Amendment is meant to fight back against a tyrannical government would be obliterated by the military.
Biden was speaking in Wilkes-Barre while promoting gun control and bolstering police forces across the nation. Biden pushed for a federal ban on so-called “assault weapons” and took aim at Republicans during his speech, invoking the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
“As one of the most – one of the most conservative justices in history, Justice Scalia, once wrote like, quote, ‘like most rights, the rights granted by the Second Amendment are not unlimited’,” Biden said. “They’re not unlimited right now.”
“You can’t go out and buy an automatic weapon, you can’t go out and buy a cannon, and for those brave right wing Americans who say its all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun.”
.@JoeBiden mocks patriots who correctly state the Second Amendment was written to allow the PEOPLE to defend the nation from a tyrannical government.
"If you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun." pic.twitter.com/flEkea4nAC
— Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) August 30, 2022
Well, considering how many are opting out of joining the military, including the Air Force, because of all the Woke garbage, might be a bit of a problem there. But, tell you what, Joe: you take away all those “assault rifles” away from all those who protect you, the White House, executive branch buildings, and Congress, many of which are fully automatic, I’ll sign on to a 10 year ban on selling new scary looking rifles.
Brandon does realize that this kind of talk will cause more people to purchase the rifles, right?
Meanwhile, the state of New York is looking for more lawsuits
New York to restrict gun carrying after Supreme Court ruling
Amid the bright lights and electronic billboards across New York’s Times Square, city authorities are posting new signs proclaiming the bustling crossroads a “Gun Free Zone.”
The sprawling Manhattan tourist attraction is one of scores of “sensitive” places — including parks, churches and theaters — that will be off limits for guns under a sweeping new state law going into effect Thursday. The measure, passed after a U.S. Supreme Court decision in June expanded gun rights, also sets stringent standards for issuing concealed carry permits.
New York is among a half-dozen states that had key provisions of its gun laws invalidated by the high court because of a requirement for applicants to prove they had “proper cause” for a permit. Gov. Kathy Hochul said Friday that she and her fellow Democrats in the state Legislature took action the next week because the ruling “destroyed the ability for a governor to be able to protect her citizens from people who carry concealed weapons anywhere they choose.”
The quickly adopted law, however, has led to confusion and court challenges from gun owners who say it improperly limits their constitutional rights.
“They seem to be designed less towards addressing gun violence and more towards simply preventing people from getting guns — even if those people are law-abiding, upstanding citizens, who according to the Supreme Court have the rights to have them,” said Jonathan Corbett, a Brooklyn attorney and permit applicant who is one of several people challenging the law in court.
It’s rarely those who legally own and carry guns, and certainly not those who’ve gone through the concealed carry process, who are the problem. It’s the actual criminals, for whom Democrats have stopped things like stop and frisk.
Read: Brandon Decides That Threatening Law Abiding Gun Owners Is A Great Idea »
If you would just be willing to give up your freedom, money, and life choices to Government we could solve this
Prehistoric Viking weapons revealed as glaciers melt in Norway during heat wave
Archaeologists discovered Viking-era weapons in Norway as the summer’s heat wave melts glaciers across Europe.
A research team from the Secrets of the Ice Glacier Archaeology Program set out with their eyes on a new ice patch in the Jotunheimen Mountains in Innlandet County, Norway, the program posted on Facebook on Aug. 17. The spot, about 240 miles northwest of Oslo, was once a reindeer hunting site.
Their expedition to survey the former hunting site exposed by melting ice led to multiple discoveries.
Wedged partially underneath a pile of loose stones on the edge of the ice, researchers found a 1,500-year-old arrow, they announced on Aug. 18.
They actually found a bunch of arrows, which they think were lost during a hunt.
“The ice works like a giant deep freezer and can preserve the artifacts in a pristine conditions, like they were lost yesterday,” Pilø told McClatchy News. “Once they melt out though, the clock starts ticking fast. We need to search for and rescue these artifacts before it is too late.”
Farther north in Norway’s arctic island archipelago, Svalbard, glaciers have melted at a record pace due to human-caused climate change and global warming, Axios reported, on Aug. 3.
And, because this is a cult which most of the news media is part of, no one asks the question “how did they get in all that ice to start with?” Might the climate have been warmer at that time, then went into a cool period, and now a warm period? What caused all that? Did the Vikings have fossil fueled ships?
Usually we could say “who could have seen this coming?”, but, actually, this is one that’s more of “no one thought this would happen”
New Jersey banned plastic bags. So, people are stealing grocery store shopping baskets
Grocery store customers are walking off with those plastic hand baskets you find in the supermarket, an apparent consequence of New Jersey’s plastic bag ban that went into effect this spring.
“They are just disappearing,” said Louis Scaduto Jr., chief executive officer of Middletown-based Food Circus Super Markets, which owns four Super Foodtown stores in Monmouth County. “I may actually have to just do away with them soon, can’t afford to keep replacing them,” Scaduto wrote in a text message.
It’s not just happening at Super Foodtown. Stop & Shop in Long Branch didn’t have any hand baskets during a recent visit. ShopRite in Freehold Township didn’t have any either.
“Like other retailers across the state, we have experienced theft of our handheld shopping baskets – an unintended consequence of the ban on plastic and paper bags,” Stop & Shop said in a statement.
Yeah, see, it’s not just plastic, but, the paper bags are gone, too. I have a bunch of big plastic reusables for Lidl that I’ve paid for, keep them in the truck, but, I usually do not buy that much at Lidl (I have a bunch of paper for when I’ve forgotten them). I hit Walmart for the big shoppings, and I save the plastic bags and reuse them for all sorts of things.
In May, New Jersey implemented the strictest carryout bag ban in the nation, outlawing plastic bags of any thickness with the exception of plastic bags used for fresh vegetables, deli meats and baked goods. Paper bags at supermarkets, and other stores with large grocery departments, are not allowed either.
Customers were forced to bring their own bags to the store or buy a reusable one at the checkout line.
Instead, many are just walking out with the hand baskets. In fairness, my Walmart has alarm tags on their, because some people are, let’s generously call them, assholes.
“We are aware of random reports that grocers are experiencing the loss of these hand baskets to varying degrees,” said Linda Doherty, president and chief executive officer of the New Jersey Food Council, in a statement. “We view this as a short unintended consequence of the new state law.”
Short, because stores will stop offering them.
Read: Surprise: NJ Banned Plastic Bags, So, People Are Stealing Shopping Baskets »
Not that Biden and his people care. The high prices help get Americans used to the high prices we’ll pay with “green” alternatives
The U.S. consumer price index rose 8.5% in July from a year ago — down from a 40-year high of 9.1% in June. But hot inflation continues to hit consumers hard.
According to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association, roughly 20 million households in the U.S. — one out of six homes — are behind on their utility bills.
The consequences could be dire.
“I expect a tsunami of shutoffs,” Jean Su, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity, tells Bloomberg.
Electricity prices have spiked due to the skyrocketing cost of natural gas. According to the Energy Information Administration, natural gas is the biggest source of electricity generation in the U.S.
A year ago, natural gas traded at $4.31 per metric million British thermal unit. Today, it’s at $9.34 per MMBtu.
And, with coal plants (which I’m not a fan of) being shut off, requiring all this expensive, unreliable green energy, prices are spiking. State governments banning drilling for natural gas. But, hey, you can get LEDs!
To lower the lighting portion of your electricity bill, consider LED bulbs. They consume up to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and can last up to 25 times longer.
Right, right, that makes a huge difference to those seeing big spikes. You can also spend a whole lot of money to seal and insulate
You might want to consider air sealing your house and adding insulation. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that by doing so, homeowners can save about 15% on heating and cooling costs, or an average of 11% on their total energy costs.
Yeah, because those who are behind have the money, you know. What of those in rentals? You can also line dry your clothes!
Project Laundry List — a website that promotes the benefits of line drying — says switching to line drying can reduce your electricity bill by more than $25 per month. Plus, sunlight can work as a natural bleaching agent and disinfectant.
These moonbats really are divorced from what the average citizen is going through. I do love the photo used
#Bideneconomystinks https://t.co/sb2y1w0B6L
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) August 30, 2022
The girl from the distracted boyfriend meme. He’s from other photos with her in it.
Read: Bidenconomy: One In Six American Homes Behind On Energy Bills »
…is a river that will soon superflood from Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on no level of green piety satisfying the climate cult.
This apparently missed the autopost window yesterday, so, posting today.
Read: If All You See… »
…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is American Power, with a post on the teacher shortage.
Read: If All You See… »
Does anyone think this will be live? Or, will it be recorded?
Biden to give prime-time speech about ‘soul of the nation’ as voters prepare to cast midterm ballots
President Joe Biden plans to deliver a prime-time speech this week about how America’s “rights and freedoms are still under attack,” returning to the core message of his 2020 campaign as Americans are getting ready to vote in the November midterm elections.
A White House official said Thursday’s address at Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia would focus on “the continued battle for the soul of the nation” and show how the president sees the central argument of his 2020 candidacy remains as salient as ever with the midterm elections coming into clearer focus.
The president will lay out how America’s standing in the world and its democracy are at stake, the official said. Biden will highlight what he sees as progress over the past two years to protect our democracy, but note that rights and freedoms remain at risk.
“He will make clear who is fighting for those rights, fighting for those freedoms, and fighting for our democracy,” the official said.
The guy who’s mostly ruling by fiat and pen will yammer about democracy or something
Biden will deliver the speech outside Independence Hall, another echo of his 2020 candidacy, which began with a rally in Philadelphia. In that campaign, Biden repeatedly drew upon the message of not just the nation’s Founding Fathers but other great leaders in highlighting how he viewed then-President Donald Trump as someone who would risk changing the character of the nation if given another term in office. He later drew on Abraham Lincoln with a major speech at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and Franklin Roosevelt in Warm Springs, Georgia, in the closing weeks of the 2020 campaign.
The guy who’s trying to force you out of your fossil fueled vehicles and into unaffordable EVs, or the bus, will take a fossil fueled flight on a jumbo jet, with a backup plane, fighter jet protection, and a large convoy of fossil fueled vehicles. Oh, by the way, he’s doing the same thing Tuesday, traveling to Wilkes-Barr, Pa, to yammer about taking away gun rights from law abiding citizens. The speech is expected to be very divisive.
Last week, in remarks at a Democratic National Committee rally in Maryland, Biden said that “MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security, they’re a threat to our very democracy.”
“They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace — political violence. They don’t believe in democracy,” he said. “This is why, in this moment, those of you who love this country — Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans — we must be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving America than the MAGA Republicans are to destroying America.”
So, if you don’t believe in the hardcore Progressive (nice Fascism) agenda, you hate America
On Monday, Republicans dismissed the president’s upcoming speech.
“Biden has pitted neighbors against each other, labeled half of Americans as fascist, and tarnished any idea of his promise of ‘unity.’ Families are left with a recession, high gas prices, and a nation on the wrong track,” Republican National Committee spokeswoman Emma Vaughn said in an email statement.
He learned well from Obama how to do this.
Read: Biden To Give Prime-Time Speech Dividing America Thursday »
Hey, look, something new from the Cult of Climastrology!
Zombie ice from Greenland will raise sea level 10 inches
Greenland’s rapidly melting ice sheet will eventually raise global sea level by at least 10.6 inches (27 centimeters) — more than twice as much as previously forecast — according to a study published Monday.
That’s because of something that could be called zombie ice. That’s doomed ice that, while still attached to thicker areas of ice, is no longer getting replenished by parent glaciers now receiving less snow. Without replenishment, the doomed ice is melting from climate change and will inevitably raise seas, said study co-author William Colgan, a glaciologist at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. (snip)
The unavoidable ten inches in the study is more than twice as much sea level rise as scientists had previously expected from the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet. The study in the journal Nature Climate Change said it could reach as much as 30 inches (78 centimeters). By contrast, last year’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report projected a range of 2 to 5 inches (6 to 13 centimeters) for likely sea level rise from Greenland ice melt by the year 2100.
The 20th Century sea rise level was 8 inches, which is average for a Holocene century. It should have been much higher for a warm period. And, it is not accelerating. Facts are meaningless to the climate cult.
One of the study authors said that more than 120 trillion tons (110 trillion metric tons) of ice is already doomed to melt from the warming ice sheet’s inability to replenish its edges. When that ice melts into water, if it were concentrated only over the United States, it would be 37 feet (11 meters) deep.
More scaremongering, eh?
The figures are a global average for sea level rise, but some places further away from Greenland would get more and places closer, like the U.S. East Coast, would get less. Although 10.6 inches may not sound like much, this would be over and above high tides and storms, making them even worse, so this much sea level rise “will have huge societal, economic and environmental impacts,” said Ellyn Enderlin, a geosciences professor at Boise State University, who wasn’t part of the study.
This allows the cultists to use natural sea rise along with land changes to blame you.
Colgan responded that the team doesn’t know how long it will take for all the doomed ice to melt, but making an educated guess, it would probably be by the end of this century, or at least by 2150.
Well, that’s convenient.
Read: Now We Have Zombie Ice Melting From Climate Crisis (scam) »
It’s always some sort of Virtue Signaling idea which never takes into account the consequences, which are easy to figure out for the non-Woke, but, impossible for the Woke. Or, they really just do not give a flying shit
On Friday, the Los Angeles City Council will consider passing an ordinance that would house homeless people in empty hotel rooms. If it passes, every hotel in Los Angeles will have to report their vacancies.
According to the measure, “Each hotel shall communicate to the Department or its designee, in a form that the Department prescribes, by 2 p.m. each day the number of available rooms at the hotel for that night.”
“It’s crazy,” said Ray Patel, the president of the Northeast Los Angeles Hotel Owners Association.
Patel said members of the association are worried.
“I can’t screen who ends up in my hotel rooms?” he said. “How do I protect my other customers and my staff?”
Sure, some homeless are just down on their luck, especially in the hyper-expensive state of the People’s Republik Of California. Some aren’t. What happens when they refuse to leave the hotel rooms? What if they trash them? Seeing as how things are going in L.A., will the cops be allowed to kick them out?Doubtful. And then there will be more and more open rooms, because more and more people will refuse to go to L.A., not wanting to be in the same hotel as possibly a smelly, deranged, homeless, of which there are more than a few in L.A.
Members of Unite Here Local 11, who are behind the initiative, say they have already gathered 126,000 signatures in favor. Council members could decide to put it on the ballot if they don’t approve it outright.
Maria Hernandez, communications director of Unite Here Local 11 said this picks up where the phased-out Project Room Key left off. The Los Angeles initiative paid hotels to house homeless individuals during the pandemic but did not force them. This initiative includes language indicating that hotels not accepting the vouchers could be sued.
Do any of those members of Unite Here have a stake in any of the hotels? Are they willing to put up any homeless at their own domiciles? The “movement” is apparently comprised of hotel and restaurant workers. Will those hotel workers enjoy cleaning up after and dealing with the homeless? How about reduced hours and layoffs due to reduced bookings? How about the members of the city council? It’s really easy to require Other People to do something you won’t do, right?
Read: Another Great Democrat Idea: Requiring Hotels To Give Unfilled Hotel Rooms To Homeless »