Ukraine Finally Gets Its F-16s

The war between Ukraine and Russia has just been going on and on and on, and Biden promised Ukraine F-16s back in May of 2023

Report: Ukraine receives first batch of U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets

Ukraine has received its first batch of long-awaited American-made F-16 fighter jets that will help the country fight back against Russia’s superior air power, according to news reports.

A top advisor to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Mykhailo Podolyak, said he would neither confirm nor deny Ukraine had received the F-16s. Other Ukrainian officials were similarly tight-lipped.

However, Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said on X, quote, “F-16s in Ukraine. Another impossible thing turned out to be totally possible.”

Four European members of NATO – the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Norway – have publicly pledged to send the war planes to Ukraine, starting this summer.

Which NATO member sent them?? No one knows. No one knows if they will actually make a difference in war in which drones take down helicopters.

Many military analysts say they believe the F-16s will help Ukraine, but they are not expected to result in a major change in the trajectory of the war. They also say they think Ukraine will use the warplanes primarily to counter Russian air attacks.

They note that Russia has strong air defenses and the F-16s will be vulnerable when carrying out offensive operations.

Russia has over 1,000 jets. How many will Ukraine get, and, will they make any difference? And, a big concern is that Ukraine uses them to strike deep into Russia.

US Aid is Flowing to Ukraine Again. Can It Turn the Tide of the War?

The best way to describe Ukrainian morale right now is that it is flickering.

It’s flickering on the front lines, with exhausted troops bearing the brunt of more than two years of war with minimal breaks. And it’s flickering on the homefront, because the living situation in the country is deteriorating. Power outages triggered by Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure cause lights to blink on and off daily, a visual reminder of the stalemated war.

The two are interconnected: After all, the homefront contains the pool of men who are needed for another mobilization. The only way for Ukraine to change the situation on the battlefield is to relieve the bone-tired soldiers on the front lines who have been fighting for years and mobilize tens of thousands — even hundreds of thousands — of new, able-bodied recruits to continue the country’s defense.

Fortunately for Ukraine, the arrival of more aid and ammunition, paid in large part by the $61 billion military aid package passed by Congress earlier this year, is already making a difference on both fronts.

Will it make a difference? Probably not. It really hasn’t made much of difference the numerous times America and other NATO nations gave Ukraine money and arms. Heck, how much of that money will simply end up as graft to politicians and Ukrainian oligarchs? The best solution would be for Russia to leave Ukraine, but, will that actually happen? What are the chances? Meanwhile, this war just keeps dragging on and wasting American taxpayer money for really no gain. How long will Ukrainians stand for continuing the war? Men are bolting the country to avoid being drafted. People in the western part are partying and living their lives. It’s a war of attrition, one where Russia isn’t trying to destroy everything, as they want the nation intact as much as possible.

Read: Ukraine Finally Gets Its F-16s »

Biden Treasury Secretary Wants $78 Trillion To Do Something About Hotcoldwetdry

I have my own solution, and it won’t cost taxpayers a dime to government

Biden Admin Suggests Spending $78 Trillion to Achieve Net-Zero Global Carbon Emissions

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said during a speech in Belem, Brazil, on Saturday that the price tag for a global transition to a low-carbon economy amounts to $78 trillion in financing through 2050.

Yellen said that in order to achieve the goal of net-zero global carbon emissions, there would need to be $3 trillion globally in annual financing for the cause, which she said is a top priority for the Biden administration, according to the speech. In order to contribute to this, Yellen vowed to finance green initiatives in developing countries through multilateral development banks and develop “clean energy technologies.”

“The transition will require no less than $3 trillion in new capital from many sources each year between now and 2050,” Yellen said during the speech. “This can be leveraged to support pathways to sustainable and inclusive growth, including for countries that have historically received less investment.”

“Neglecting to address climate change and the loss of nature and biodiversity is not just bad environmental policy,” Yellen said during the speech. “It is bad economic policy.”

Oh, please. Human society has moved faster and further than any time in Human history. Warm periods tend to push societies to grow and move forward, while cool periods tend to retard societies. There’s a reason one of them is called the Dark Ages.

During her speech, Yellen advocated for these climate initiatives to be implemented “beyond our borders.”

“Our ambitions at home are matched by our ambitions abroad,” Yellen said during the speech. “We know that we can only achieve our climate and economic goals—from reducing global emissions to adapting and building resilience, from strengthening markets to bolstering supply chains—if we also lead efforts far beyond our borders.”

How about “no”? How about we spend our money on our citizens, rather than redistributing it other nations for what is a scam?

Did you notice where the speech was given? Brazil. Hence, Yellen took a long, fossil fueled trip, and probably didn’t fly commercial. Plus, her whole retinue came with. Then the large, fossil fueled SUVs to travel around in Brazil. What if she and all the other True Believers stopped using fossil fuels? Per their dogma, the level of carbon pollution would go way, way down. Problem solved, right? So, why don’t the?

Read: Biden Treasury Secretary Wants $78 Trillion To Do Something About Hotcoldwetdry »

Iran Threatens Israel After Hamas Leader Wacked In Tehran

Good thing the Biden regime refused to give Iran access to billions of dollars and the sale of their oil, right?

Iran’s Khamenei orders attack on Israel as revenge for Haniyeh elimination – report

Iran is expected to directly attack Israel in response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on Wednesday morning, according to a New York Times report citing three sources.

The directive was issued at an emergency meeting of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, the report added.

Iran’s Supreme leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei had earlier in the day spoken of retribution in a post on X.

“Following this bitter, tragic event which has taken place within the borders of the Islamic Republic, it is our duty to take revenge,” he wrote.

Iran had already directly attacked Israel in April.  Ninety-nine percent of its 300 drones and missiles were shot out of the sky by a coalition of five armies belonging to the US, Israel, Jordan, and the United Kingdom.

Will Biden allow the U.S. military to assist Israel this time? How about the UK, considering all the Jew haters marching in the streets? What does Iran have left after April to waste on a mostly fruitless attack? And then what will Israel do in response?

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had earlier in the day said, “If Israel is attacked, we certainly will help defend Israel.”

US National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby said, “We have and will maintain a level of readiness to preserve our national security interest in the region.

That’s good to hear. For all the negatives you can say about Biden in trying to play to his Jew hating base over the past few months, he has mostly been a friend of Israel, and now that getting re-elected is off the table, he can blow the wackos off.

American and European officials scramble to prevent regional war in the Middle East – report

American and European Union diplomats are engaging in urgent discussions to prevent escalation and a full-blown war in the Middle EastThe Financial Times reported on Thursday.

This web of discussions across the Middle East comes following the assassination of senior Hezbollah official Fuad Shukr in Beirut and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, which sparked concerns of a regional war.

The report noted that Enrique Mora, a senior EU diplomat, was holding talks with officials in Tehran on Wednesday.

The response should be simple: Iran should be told to stand down and not cause problems. Don’t attack Israel, don’t allow their proxies to attack Israel. Don’t screw with Americans, Europeans, their companies, nor their militaries. Nations like Iran understand threats, not squishiness. Not placating Diplomat Speak.

Read: Iran Threatens Israel After Hamas Leader Wacked In Tehran »

Climate Cult Links Dirty Seine Water To Hotcoldwetdry

It’s been a while since I’ve seen a climate cult article by Excitable Seth Borenstein, but, I’m utterly not surprised that he found a way to connect the scam dots

Olympics bet against climate change with Seine swimming. For days, it looked like they would lose

With plans for athletes to swim the Seine River through the heart of Paris, Olympic organizers essentially bet against climate change’s extreme weather. For several days it appeared they would lose — by ditching the swimming portion of triathlon races.

It wasn’t until early Wednesday, after the men’s race had been postponed a day and test events called off, that organizers announced the most recent tests showed the water met standards to allow swimming.

Some scientists and engineers said organizers were taking a huge gamble at a time when heavy rains have increased with human-caused climate change, especially in Europe. The rains run off from the urban environment and contribute to higher bacteria levels in the city’s famed river.

“They just gambled, flipped the coin and hope for a dry season and it turned out to be the rainiest in the last 30 years,” said Metin Duran, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Villanova University who has researched stormwater management.

Literally, Paris and those upstream have treated the Seine as a dumping ground for centuries. Swimming has been banned for a long time. People have been peeing in it for a long time. The sewers in Paris were never set up for heavy rains, which they have always gotten. Back in 1910 when CO2 was below the safe level of 350ppm the Seine rose 26 feet above normal and the city was flooded. They ever call it the Great Flood Of Paris. Floods are recorded all the way to 358. What kinds of fossil fueled vehicles did they drive back then?

Organizers “had worked through most of the scenarios related to computer hacking and physical threats without fully assessing the implications of extreme events associated with climate,” said University of Arizona climate scientist Kathy Jacobs, who directs the Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions. “It’s definitely time to take climate threats seriously.”

Sharks would have been more fun. The move Under Paris is not a great movie, really a B horror, but, it is fun. Lots of chomping going on. Reminds me of those old ones from the 70s and 80s, just better filming.

Read: Climate Cult Links Dirty Seine Water To Hotcoldwetdry »

If All You See…

…is a large mega-mansion using way too much energy and putting out carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on climate cultists who defaced a Van Gogh being found guilty.

Read: If All You See… »

Harris Tries To “Punch Back” At Trump Over Border Czar Crack

Nice try, Politico covering for Cackles, but, we were all here to witness what happened at the US border during the Biden-Harris regime

Harris punches back over ‘border czar’ attacks

Kamala Harris is punching back at Donald Trump’s “border czar” attacks.

Harris, speaking at a campaign rally here on Tuesday, drew on her background as California state attorney general to contrast herself against the former president as he makes immigration a centerpiece of his campaign. She highlighted the pressure the former president put on his GOP Senate allies earlier this year to kill any border legislation that wasn’t “perfect,” after a bipartisan group of senators had crafted a compromise bill.

“He tanked the bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win an election, which goes to show Donald Trump does not care about border security. He only cares about himself,” Harris said, promising to bring the bipartisan border bill back and sign it into law if elected president.

One problem with politics today is that it’s all about the quick soundbite, and most Credentialed Media outlets will not explain the details of bills like that horrible border bill, which did almost nothing to actually secure the border. It was smoke and mirrors, and ended up codifying high levels of illegals, continues allowing asylum fraud, continues allowing mass catch and release, and so much more. But, Politico doesn’t want to explain all this, since they’re in the tank for Cackles.

The vice president’s comments follow the Tuesday release of a new ad from Trump’s campaign running across several key battleground states focused on Harris’s record on immigration. Republicans have zeroed in on Harris’s charge of addressing the root causes of migration in Central America to broadly cast her as solely responsible for the nation’s border security over the last three years.

“This is America’s border czar — and she’s failed us,” one of the new ads says.

She’s not the root cause, that would be Biden and his handlers, but, she was a party to everything that happened. Anyone killed by an illegal who entered while she was VP and was released without being vetted is blood on her hands.

I hope, though, that team Trump spends more time hitting her on the economy. That is the number one driver for voters.

Read: Harris Tries To “Punch Back” At Trump Over Border Czar Crack »

Air New Zealand Dumps Their 2030 Climate (scam) Goals

They give a lot of squishy corporate speak, but, come on, the reality of trying to kowtow to the climate cult is fast becoming an unobtainable goal in Reality Land, one which will see costs rise and profits plummet, unless their is a serious breakthrough in jet fuel

Air New Zealand becomes first major airline to scrap its 2030 climate goal

Air New Zealand on Tuesday dropped its 2030 climate goal, citing delivery delays of fuel-efficient aircraft and the affordability of alternative jet fuels.

The announcement means that New Zealand’s national flag carrier has become the first major airline to water down its near-term climate aspirations, a move that reflects the scale of the industry’s challenge to meet its decarbonization goals.

Air New Zealand CEO Greg Foran said in a statement that it has become apparent in recent weeks “that potential delays to our fleet renewal plan pose an additional risk to the target’s achievability.”

“It is possible the airline may need to retain its existing fleet for longer than planned due to global manufacturing and supply chain issues that could potentially slow the introduction of newer, more fuel-efficient aircraft into the fleet,” Foran said.

“As such and given so many levers needed to meet the target are outside our control, the decision has been made to retract the 2030 target.”

Yeah yeah yeah. He realized that trying to get to a 28.9% reduction of 2019 carbon dioxide levels is idiotic in practice. They cannot afford to replace a whole bunch of planes. They’re not cheap.

Air New Zealand also confirmed its intention to immediately withdraw from the Science Based Targets Initiative. The SBTi network is a United Nations-backed climate action group that seeks to help companies reduce their emissions in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Air New Zealand Chair Therese Walsh said the carrier remains committed to reaching its 2050 net-zero carbon emissions target.

“Our work to transition away from fossil fuels continues, as does our advocacy for the global and domestic regulatory and policy settings that will help facilitate Air New Zealand, and the wider aviation system in New Zealand, to do its part to mitigate climate change risks,” Walsh said.

They can yammer these meaningless platitudes to appease the climate cult, but, really, they aren’t serious about doing a damned thing. One thing they could do would be to ask people purchasing tickets online if they are Very Concerned about anthropogenic climate change, then, a few pages later, hit them with a big green fee. And if they are a “green” voting politician, refuse them transportation.

Anway, how soon till other airlines go down the same route?

Read: Air New Zealand Dumps Their 2030 Climate (scam) Goals »

Israel Strikes Beirut, Kills Hezbollah Commander

The question now, is the is the second f in FAFO going to be a lower case, or full on bold capitalized

IDF strikes Beirut: Hezbollah commander responsible for Majdal Shams strike confirmed killed

Israeli Air Force fighter jets killed Hezbollah’s most senior military commander and the head of its Strategic Unit, Fuad Shukr “Sayyid Muhsan,” in the area of Beirut Tuesday afternoon.

Shukr is a Hezbollah commander who was responsible for the strike on Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights a few days earlier, which killed 12 Israeli Druze youth.

The Hezbollah official had a $5 million bounty “on his head,” according to the United States Rewards for Justice.

Shukr was Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s military adviser and has been active in the terrorist organization for 30 years, where he was the head of the terrorist group’s operations room, three senior security sources told Reuters. Shukar also goes by the names “Hajj Mohsen” and “Muhsin Shukr.”

Fuad was responsible for the majority of Hezbollah’s most advanced weaponry, including precise-guided missiles, cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, long-range rockets, and UAVs, the IDF reported. He was responsible for building Hezbollah forces and planning and executing terror attacks against the State of Israel.

Him being sent to see if he actually does get 72 virgins is a huge loss for Hezbollah, and not easily replaced. Good!

IDF Spokesperson R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a statement following the announcement of the death of Fuad Shukr, “Hezbollah’s ongoing aggression and brutal attacks are dragging the people of Lebanon and the entire Middle East into a wider escalation. While we prefer to resolve hostilities without a wider war, the IDF is fully prepared for any scenario. We have a duty to ensure the safe and secure return of Israelis to their homes in northern Israel, and we will continue to act to defend all people of Israel.”

Commenting on the Beirut strike, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant wrote on X, formerly Twitter, stating that “Hezbollah crossed the red line.”

Upon confirmation of the death of Shukr, Gallant wrote on X, “Fuad Shukr ‘Sayyid’ Muhsan has the blood of many Israelis on his hands. Tonight, we have shown that the blood of our people has a price, and that there is no place out of reach for our forces to this end.”

Will Israel lay down more smackdown in the next few days, or, will they give Hezbollah a chance to stand down?

Read: Israel Strikes Beirut, Kills Hezbollah Commander »

We Haven’t Seen How Bad Bad Weather Will Get Yet Or Something

As usual, I have to ask: if things were this bad you would think that all the Warmists would be changing their lifestyles to match their beliefs, right?

The climate is changing so fast that we haven’t seen how bad extreme weather could get

Extreme weather is by definition rare on our planet. Ferocious storms, searing heatwaves and biting cold snaps illustrate what the climate is capable of at its worst. However, since Earth’s climate is rapidly warming, predominantly due to fossil fuel burning, the range of possible weather conditions, including extremes, is changing.

Scientists define “climate” as the distribution of possible weather events observed over a length of time, such as the range of temperatures, rainfall totals or hours of sunshine. From this they construct statistical measures, such as the average (or normal) temperature. Weather varies on several timescales – from seconds to decades – so the longer the period over which the climate is analysed, the more accurately these analyses capture the infinite range of possible configurations of the atmosphere.

Typically, meteorologists and climate scientists use a 30-year period to represent the climate, which is updated every ten years. The most recent climate period is 1991-2020. The difference between each successive 30-year climate period serves as a very literal record of climate change.

This way of thinking about the climate falls short when the climate itself is rapidly changing. Global average temperatures have increased at around 0.2°C per decade over the past 30 years, meaning that the global climate of 1991 was around 0.6°C cooler than that in 2020 (when accounting for other year-to-year fluctuations), and even more so than the present day.

Yet, how many Warmists have given up their own use of fossil fuels? There really is no such thing as extreme weather, it’s just weather. Does the climate cult have any hard data on what it looked like during the previous Holocene warm periods?

Second, the rapidly changing climate means we have not necessarily experienced the extremes that modern-day atmospheric and oceanic warmth can produce. In a stable climate, scientists would have multiple decades for the atmosphere to get into its various configurations and drive extreme events, such as heatwaves, floods or droughts. We could then use these observations to build up an understanding of what the climate is capable of. But in our rapidly changing climate, we effectively have only a few years – not enough to experience everything the climate has to offer.

Define stable environment. Except, storms are not getting more extreme nor more numerous: they are just being noticed more due to satellites, storm chasers, and more humans living in affected zones than previously.

Despite a record-warm planet, summer 2024 in the UK has been relatively cool so far. The past two years have seen global temperatures far above anything previously observed, and so potential extremes have probably shifted even further from what we have so far experienced.

Just as was the case in August 2022, we’ve got away with it for now – but we might not be so lucky next time.

Does this look like journalism or something a cult would produce?

Read: We Haven’t Seen How Bad Bad Weather Will Get Yet Or Something »

Chicago Creates New Court For Democrat Convention Protesters As Activists Call For “Restraint”

It’s almost like the Democrats who run Chicago are expecting violence and law breaking

Chicago creates new court to handle the expected mass arrests during Democratic National Convention

Chicago courts and police are preparing for potential mass arrests outside the Democratic National Convention in a city where violent images of officers beating demonstrators at the turbulent 1968 event have loomed ahead of this year’s conference.

Court officials have announced that a defunct courtroom at a Chicago police station will temporarily reopen to process and release dozens of people, if necessary.

Chicago police — which paid out millions of taxpayer dollars to defend and settle lawsuits related to misconduct during 2020 protests — also vowed to respect demonstrators’ civil rights and have prepared for unrest with live drills featuring actors playing screaming protesters.

In other words, the police are going to be held back from actually dealing with troublemakers, and, really, most of them are going to be barely engaged, not wanting politicians and the media from excoriating them for doing the job of stopping criminals.

But civil rights groups and the city’s police watchdog have raised “serious concerns” about “mass arrest” policies and law enforcement’s capacity to responsibly handle potentially thousands of people marching in the streets and near the United Center, where the convention will be held.

Dozens of groups are planning to protest Democratic support for Israel’s war in Gaza during the convention.

It sure looks like these groups know what the “protesters” are going to do, and want the police to just stay out of it. Will the Chicago PD be allowed to arrest the pro-Hamas demonstrators when they start defacing property? Break things? Make physical threats? Will the Credentialed Media show all the Palestinian and Hamas flags being flown in the streets of Chicago?

“Police should be looking to de-escalate engagements with protestors, and must not use interactions as a pretext for mass arrests, violence, or retaliation,” Edwin C. Yohnka, director of communications and public policy at the ACLU of Illinois, said last week in response to plans for a security perimeter at the event.

Why is it on the police in this situation? If it’s a peaceful protest there’s no need for the cops to get involved. If they don’t want to be arrested do not break the law. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.

“Simply engaging in First Amendment activity, including peaceful activity that may cause inconvenience to others, is never a reason for arrest. Arrests should not be a tool for suppressing free expression,” he added.

It’s illegal to vandalize buildings and other property. It’s illegal to lock people in their buildings, and to harass them when they are coming out of buildings. Do not block their cars, do not beat on their cars. Do not block roads illegally. Do not interfere and attack police officers who are doing their jobs. If the demonstrators do not want to be arrested do not break the law.

Cook County judges have worked to clear their civil and criminal court calendars, and Chicago jurors won’t be summoned that week for one of the busiest courthouses in Illinois.

In other words, the powers that be know there will be lots and lots of lawbreakers, the majority of which will be Democrat voters. What are the optics at the DNC of streets full of people flying Palestinian flags, wearing Intifada keffiyahs, and many wearing Muslim garb railing about Israel and the United States? But, then, the Democratic Party is chock full of Jew and America haters and supporters of Muslim terrorism, and the politicians and such are courting their vote.

Read: Chicago Creates New Court For Democrat Convention Protesters As Activists Call For “Restraint” »

Pirate's Cove