Supreme Court 2nd Amendment Case Causing A War On California Gun Laws Or Something

The LA Times seems pretty upset that law abiding citizens would get their Constitutional rights back, and starts out with a story that shows the exact problem with red flag and overly-permissive gun seizure laws (Yahoo News version here)

War on California gun laws revs up after Supreme Court’s ‘right to carry’ decision

For years, the relationship between Miranda and Richard Wallingford and their Huntington Beach neighbor Jessica Nguyen has been unhappy — if not outright hostile.

According to federal court records, Nguyen didn’t like the decades-old melaleuca tree in the Wallingfords’ yard. The couple refused to take it down. The tiff between neighbors spiraled into dueling harassment allegations in an Orange County court. In 2019, restraining orders were issued to both parties requiring them to stay away from each other and, under California law, to surrender any firearms they owned.

On Friday, attorneys for the Wallingfords and the state of California dialed into a virtual hearing of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Each side presented oral arguments about whether the state’s restraining order statute violated the couple’s 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.

Apparently, that’s all it takes for the Government to take away a law abiding citizen’s 2nd Amendment Right. There is no mention of violence, no fights, no physical threats, not in any article I can find on this. Meanwhile, the same government is against things like stop and frisk, gang units, and other measures going after criminals.

Anyhow, their lawyer is appealing and amending that appeal using the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. vs. Bruen ruling to bolster the case

In less than a month, the Bruen decision has reinvigorated an already robust legal war on California’s gun laws and forced lower courts to begin reconsidering a whole host of legal challenges — with potentially massive stakes in a country devastated by gun violence on a daily basis.

The vast majority of “gun violence” comes from those who do not legally possess a firearm, and others who really shouldn’t have been given a permit to start with, but, so often, the relevant information about the person doesn’t make it into the background check system.

The cases under new scrutiny deal with some of the most consequential restrictions on firearms in the nation, including the state’s bans on military-style weapons, large-capacity magazines and adults under the age of 21 owning semiautomatic rifles. Local closures of gun stores and ranges during COVID-19 lockdowns are also facing fresh scrutiny.

As well they should.

Eugene Volokh, also a UCLA professor who studies the 2nd Amendment, said the Bruen decision was most impactful in that it removed a long-standing “balancing test” that courts have used to assess gun laws for years: whether a law’s burden on law-abiding gun owners is outweighed by the public interest.

“That test is no longer part of the argument,” Volokh said.

Winkler said Bruen precludes such analysis in favor of a “history and tradition test” that considers restrictive gun laws legitimate only if they have historical roots or are analogous to some historical gun restriction — such as on guns being carried by convicted felons or into specific, “sensitive” areas like courthouses.

As well it should, especially since it is rarely law abiding citizens who are the problem. If they were, you’d hear about it, but, the vast majority of those who own a scary looking “assault rifle” never ever use it to commit a criminal act. And, heck, if they wanted to, they could simply purchase a non-scary looking one that fires at the same rate (one round per trigger pull) and the same rounds.

The decision was in many ways a shot across the bow for California officials and residents who have long prided themselves for being a liberal bastion somehow shielded from the edicts of the conservative high court.

State officials, including Gov. Gavin Newsom and Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta, have said they are actively working to understand Bruen’s potential implications in California — and to minimize them. State legislators have already passed new laws that they say do not run afoul of the Bruen decision but bolster gun restrictions in the state.

How about going after criminals instead of restricting the rights of law abiding citizens? And, if liberals do not like guns, well, don’t buy one. Easy, right? Anyhow, it’s a long, long piece, worth the read.

Read: Supreme Court 2nd Amendment Case Causing A War On California Gun Laws Or Something »

Climate Cult Is Coming After The National Weather Service

Apparently, the NWS is paying enough lip service to the doctrine of the climate as they put out (checks notes) short term weather forcasts

The National Weather Service Is Unwittingly Obscuring Reality of Global Warming

(lots of typical doomsaying on warming which is short on proof of anthropogenic causation)

For example, in Austin, Texas, where I live, the average high temperatures in September from 2017 to 2020 were 5.3 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than between 1966 and 1969. In other words, the normal high in early September, that was 93 degrees Fahrenheit in our “previous climate” (circa 1900), is 98 degrees Fahrenheit today. One would think this kind of warming would have made the headlines in recent years, but this is not the case, and there is a good reason. The National Weather Service (NWS) has a long-standing and little-known statistical weather data procedure that inadvertently helps promote the denial of global climate disruption.

The “normal” temperatures the NWS reports are averages of the last 30 years. This is the data broadcast on the weather report on the news every night. These so-called normal temperatures are not at all the temperatures from our previous climate. They are not from a time before our climate began to unnaturally warm. What we hear as “normal” from our faithful weather professionals is actually significantly warmer for most of us, has nothing to do with what most of us think of as “normal” and has nothing to do with our previous climate where our advanced civilization evolved.

I thought weather wasn’t climate? No? Oh, right, it’s only climate when it helps the climate cult. Interesting, the climate cult also uses the last 30 years to prove their point about doom.

The idea here was to supply agricultural and industrial communities with the latest and most accurate weather data related to temperatures, heat waves, first and last freezes, hours below freezing, peak temperature per day/week/month/year, all sorts of precipitation records, etc. The justification of the NWS for this deliberate manipulation of weather data is, “a better understanding of what is happening today. Rather than assess long-term climate trends, Normals (sic) reflect the impacts of the changing climate on our day-to-day weather experience.”

Deliberate! Or, just broadcasting the weather so people know what the temps are supposed to be, whether it might rain, be windy, etc.

Our historical normal temperatures (not the NWS “normals”) are from the time when our advanced civilization evolved; they come from the climate that created humankind as we know it. This climate definitively does not include the temperature “normals” of the last 30 years presented by the NWS to broadcast to the entire United States population. Our true normal temperatures are what the temperatures were back in the late-19th century before our greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and land use changes began to substantially warm Earth.

Tell you what: let’s consider what the temperatures were during the previous Holocene warm periods, which were just as warm, if not warmer, without all the fossil fueled vehicles and such.

It is now profoundly important this policy of changing the “normals” be eliminated. The NWS is purposefully warming the normal temperature statistics as our climate warms. They are doing this because it is a habit from the past; a habit whose time must come to end.

In other words, the Cult of Climastrology is coming after the NWS, and going to make it difficult for people to understand the weather.


Read: Climate Cult Is Coming After The National Weather Service »

Surprise: RiseUp Abortion Group Seems To Be Front For Radical Communist Group

The hell you say!

Prominent Pro-Abortion Group Appears To Be Front For Radical Revolutionary Communists

A prominent pro-abortion activist group downplaying its association with the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) shares significant infrastructure and leadership with the radical outfit’s other offshoot groups, a Daily Caller analysis has found.

Although RiseUp4AbortionRights seems like most other pro-abortion groups at first glance, other pro-abortion activists released a statement in late June asserting that RiseUp is a front for a “pyramid scheme” and cult of personality. The Daily Caller’s examination of the organization’s leaders, online presence, and fundraising platforms lend credence to the claim that RiseUp is an offshoot front group for the RCP.

“Support for communism in the U.S. is incredibly low, so one way for these individuals to jump-start is to ride the coattails of something that has much more acceptability” in mainstream discussion of current political events, Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, told the Daily Caller.

Yes, they do, much like they glommed on to the environmental and climate doom agenda, transforming them to extreme radicals

RiseUp shares leadership with the RCP and several of its related organizations. Sunsara Taylor is a prominent RCP spokeswoman and a co-founder of RiseUp. Taylor founded RiseUp in January 2022 to protest for “abortion on demand and without apology.” An earlier pro-abortion group Taylor founded, Stop Patriarchy, used the same slogan and also attracted scrutiny from other pro-abortion activist organizations, the Austin Chronicle reported in 2014. Stop Patriarchy has not posted any new tweets to its Twitter feed since 2020, but the organization’s website features more recent footage of an interview in which Taylor discusses the consequences of the Dobbs decision.

Taylor also founded The World Can’t Wait, Inc., (TWCW) alongside another RCP devotee in 2006 to oppose the Bush administration, particularly its policies in the Middle East.

TWCW was a super extreme group of unhinged radicals. I remember her attempting to debate with Bill O’Reilly, who took it easy, rare for Bill. Laura Ingraham did not. She made no attempt to coddle the petulant child.

Another leading RiseUp activist, Sam Goldman, is a prominent spokeswoman for Refuse Fascism. In a Jan. 2022 episode of the Refuse Fascism podcast featured on the organization’s website, Goldman stated that she has “been busy helping launch RiseUp4AbortionRights.”

There are lots and lots of links.

The RCP centers on Avakian’s revolutionary ideology, which RCP materials refer to as “new communism.” Critics, including those who signed the June statement against RiseUp, have claimed that the RCP is a Maoist group that elevates Avakian and his teachings as messianic. The late June statement from pro-abortion groups opposed to RiseUp asserted that the RCP established RiseUp as a front to divert funds and people towards the growth of its ideology rather than earnestly supporting the pro-abortion cause.

The group is one of the most visible, with lunatics like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hillary Clinton, Mark Ruffalo, and others backing them. This who the Democrats are backing, radical communists.

Read: Surprise: RiseUp Abortion Group Seems To Be Front For Radical Communist Group »

If All You See…

…is a mountainous area that would be perfect for a wind farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on transgender rights vs common sense.

It’s wet ladies week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Gildenrandt

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and NJ Devils made some great moves, which hopefully turn into some playoffs. This pinup is by Greg Hildebrandt, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Chicks On The Right covers a TikTok lunatic wanting to get sterilized
  2. DC Clothesline discusses post-COVID Spike Protein Syndrome
  3. Diogenes’ Middle Finger notes that some dog names are raaaaacist
  4. Geller Report covers vaccines causing a rise in vaccination in Sweden
  5. Gen Z Conservative notes what happens when thugs try and rob an armed homeowner in Florida
  6. IOTW Report highlights the reality of sticking gender confused men in women’s prison
  7. Jihad Watch says how many attacks on pro-life groups since May
  8. Legal Insurrection covers the climate lunatics gluing themselves to German roads
  9. Moonbattery discusses Pelosi profiting from chip shortage legislation
  10. Pacific Pundit covers Lebron James whining again, this time at the Celtics fans
  11. Powerline discusses more evidence that Democrats hate America
  12. The First Street Journal has an economics lesson in the Philly Enquirer
  13. The Gateway Pundit covers the Navy looking to develop fake meat for their sailors
  14. The Lid discusses a Democratic tax gimmick that could wipe out the middle class
  15. And last, but, not least, The O.K. Corral has a great feel good story

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden Official Super Happy Gas Prices Down Below $4 At 10K Stations

The Biden administration has done almost nothing to bring prices down, it’s simply market corrections and the much lower use of gasoline. They’ll still take credit while doing some gaslighting

Gas prices: ‘Prices are coming down,’ says Biden official

Despite the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate surging 9.1% in June, White House officials expect sticker prices, including gas prices, to decline as the administration tries to combat inflation.

Brian Deese, director of the National Economic Council, told Yahoo Finance that the recent CPI report indicating an energy price hike of 41% did not reflect July’s easing prices. “The numbers that came out [Wednesday, July 13], are outdated in the sense that they don’t reflect the significant decline in oil prices and gas prices that we’ve seen.”

Gas prices continued to dip this week as the nation’s average dropped $0.38s to $4.63 per gallon on Thursday compared to a month ago. Deese said the fall reflects a steady downward trend in energy costs since early July. “Prices are coming down. They [gas costs] are down 40 cents nationwide. There are about 10,000 gas stations around the country where gas is now under $4 a gallon.”

And there around 135,000 stations in the U.S. where it is not below $4 a gallon. Unsurprisingly, where it is below it’s all in deep Republican areas

However, Deese emphasized that prices are still too high across the board and recognized that “we [Biden administration] need to keep acting urgently to bring prices down.”

And do what, Blamestorm Putin? Ask other countries to provide unrefined oil rather than producing on American soil? There’s still the problem with refining capacity.

Deese said the Biden administration is prioritizing efforts to decompress crude prices by working to stabilize a supply chain that was disrupted by the Russian oil ban.

“From our perspective, we’re focused on doing what we can to keep that dynamic going. That’s about increasing global supply. That’s what the president was focused on with the G7 in trying to work toward what we refer to as a price cap on Russian oil. That would maintain stability in the global supply of oil while really focusing the economic pain on Vladimir Putin,” he said.

See? What, exactly, would that do? It’s just political babble with no real world consequences.

Deese also touted the administration’s release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and its call on Congress to to pass a gas-tax holiday. Some critics, however, say the release of 1 million barrels per day is a drop in the bucket and gas-tax relief is unlikely to pass.


(Beaumont Enterprise) There are a few reasons why gas prices may be coming down, according to different experts. An increase in production and a decrease in the price of crude oil, the fear of economic slowdown as the Federal Reserve raises interest rates and a dip in demand for gasoline have all contributed to the recent decline.

So, nothing that the Biden admin has done. And, the Biden admin essentially ignored the issue when it started to appear. And, many expect the prices to jump back up in October, with the Washington Post concerned that it could hurt Democrats for the mid-terms.

Read: Biden Official Super Happy Gas Prices Down Below $4 At 10K Stations »

Brandon Says He Will Act On Climate Crisis (scam) After Manchin Sinks Bill

Will he start by limiting his own use of fossil fuels? How about the same for all his appointees? No? Just you? Huh

Biden says he will act on climate change after Manchin opposes legislation

climate cowPresident Joe Biden on Friday said he will move forward with his own efforts to combat climate change and curb greenhouse gas emissions, a day after Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., told Democratic leadership that he won’t support the climate provisions in the reconciliation bill.

The comments by Manchin, a key centrist who holds the swing vote in the 50-50 Senate, could potentially sink months of negotiations in Washington over the sweeping policy package and end hopes of Congress passing any major climate change legislation this summer.

“If the Senate will not move to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, I will take strong executive action to meet this moment,” Biden said in a statement.

The president did not mention specific climate and clean energy policies but said his actions will create jobs, improve energy security, bolster domestic manufacturing and supply chains and protect the economy from future oil and gas price hikes.

“I will not back down: The opportunity to create jobs and build a clean energy future is too important to relent,” the president said. Biden also urged lawmakers to act quickly to pass other portions of the package that the senator does support.

Yeah, it was a press statement, not Joe actually speaking, because, that doesn’t ever seem to go well in his feeble mind. And, he has no idea what to do, and the minute he does it the lawsuits will fly. He has little authority to do the big things he wants to do, especially in light of the recent SCOTUS decisions.

Biden must now depend on imposing executive actions to address climate change, which can be overturned by future administrations. Potential executive actions include curbing oil and gas drilling on federal lands and imposing new Environmental Protection Agency regulations on power plant emissions.

Lawsuit time! But, while they pend the courts, gas prices will skyrocket, causing food to skyrocket. Happy days!

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., argued that the administration could impose a carbon border tariff on imports from countries with relatively worse greenhouse emissions, as well as require carbon capture from all major emitters and create stronger emissions controls on cars, lightweight trucks and heavy-duty vehicles.

This is the job of the Legislative Branch, and, if they cannot put together a piece of legislation that can pass, well, they it shouldn’t be implemented. Really, though, Congress-critters do not want to do their job. Nor do they want to practice what they espouse.

Read: Brandon Says He Will Act On Climate Crisis (scam) After Manchin Sinks Bill »

If All You See…

…are umbrellas needed to fight off the super hot world, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on all sorts of political stuff.

Clearing the folder below the fold, so, check out American Elephants, with a post on the global energy crisis.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times: Critics Pounce On Biden For MBS Fist Bump

Here’s Biden

And here’s the NY Times

Biden’s Fraught Saudi Visit Garners Scathing Criticism and Modest Accords

President Biden exchanged the shaken fist for a fist bump on Friday as he abandoned his promise to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” and sat down with the crown prince he deemed responsible for the grisly killing and dismemberment of a columnist who lived in the United States.

In the most fraught foreign visit of his presidency to date, Mr. Biden’s encounter with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave the de facto Saudi leader a measure of the international rehabilitation he sought, while securing steps toward closer relations with Israel and an unannounced understanding that the kingdom would soon pump more oil to relieve high gas prices at home.

Mr. Biden’s discomfort was palpable as he avoided a handshake with the prince in favor of a fist bump that in the end proved no less problematic politically. While cameras recorded the opening of their subsequent meeting, the president made no mention of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post columnist assassinated in 2018 by Saudi operatives, and the prince smiled silently when a reporter asked if he owed an apology to the family.

Now, imagine it was President Donald Trump fist bumping MBS. Would there be outrage at the NY Times? Might this be a top of the page, huge headline article? The graphic is what the front page of the web version looks like. A bit of pouncing. Props to the Washington Post for having it be the second big story, but, even they do not go hard after Biden. They even have a smaller piece entitled “once again we obsess over a fist bump”, which is surely a reference to the Obama fist bump. I don’t know, behind a paywall, and, do not care. It was their reporter killed, and they cannot even express outrage because it’s a Democratic Party president.

But Mr. Biden later told reporters Mr. Khashoggi’s murder was “outrageous” and said he had confronted the crown prince privately. “I raised it at the top of the meeting, making clear what I thought at the time and what I think of it now,” he said. “I was straightforward and direct in discussing it. I made my view crystal clear.”

He reported that Prince Mohammed, often known by his initials M.B.S., had denied culpability. “He basically said that he was not personally responsible for it,” Mr. Biden said. “I indicated that I thought he was.”

Saudi officials contradicted his account. Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs, told reporters that he did not hear Mr. Biden tell the crown prince that he was responsible, describing instead a brief and less contentious exchange that focused on human rights without dwelling on the killing.

There are many NY Times articles where they excoriated Trump on MBS.

Human rights activists and those who had been close to Mr. Khashoggi expressed outrage. Hatice Cengiz, his fiancée, tweeted what she said Mr. Khashoggi would have thought: “Is this the accountability you promised for my murder? The blood of MBS’s next victims is on your hands.”

Fred Ryan, the Post’s publisher, was equally scathing. “The fist bump between President Biden and Mohammed bin Salman was worse than a handshake — it was shameful,” he said in a statement. “It projected a level of intimacy and comfort that delivers to MBS the unwarranted redemption he has been desperately seeking.”

Pouncing! Very few Credentialed Media outlets are bothering to attack Biden for this, when they would have been apoplectic had Trump done this.

Meanwhile, what was the result of the trip?

(Breitbart) During an interview aired on Friday’s edition of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir, who was inside President Joe Biden’s meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, refused to commit to boosting oil production, denied Biden pressed them on the issue, and argued that “The problem of gasoline in the United States is more a function of the lack of refining capacity in the United States than a shortage of actual crude oil.”

al-Jubeir says Biden didn’t even raise the subject in specificity. Wasn’t that the whole point of going hat in hand? al-Jubeir is correct that it is a lack of refining capacity. More crude won’t matter if it can’t be refined.

Read: NY Times: Critics Pounce On Biden For MBS Fist Bump »

NY Times Notes Four Ways Government Can Force You To Comply With Climate Cult

Of course, this is nothing that Warmists will voluntarily do. Is the NY Times giving up their own use of fossil fuels? How about hyper-Warmist Coral Davenport? For all the articles I’ve seen her write I’ve never seen her mention the changes she’s made in her own life. She’s happy to recommend the changes government can force on you

Four Ways the United States Can Still Fight Climate Change

With the largest and most powerful tools that President Biden had hoped to use to fight climate change now stripped away, the White House is assembling smaller, less potent policies that could still help the nation reduce its planet-warming pollution, though not at the levels that Mr. Biden once promised.

The evident death in the Senate of Democrats’ climate change legislation, which was to have been the centerpiece of Mr. Biden’s plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions, comes just weeks after the Supreme Court handed down a decision that sharply limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants, the nation’s second-largest source of greenhouse gases.

Supreme Court decision? Let’s go to number one on her list

Regulate cars and trucks

Vehicles are the nation’s largest source of planet-warming pollution, and experts say that rapidly ending the use of gasoline-powered cars is crucial to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change. Mr. Biden has directed the Environmental Protection Agency and Transportation Department to write a transformative new regulation to rein in tailpipe pollution and accelerate the nation’s transition to electric vehicles.

In its most ambitious form, the new regulation, which would most likely not be completed until 2023 or 2024, would compel automakers to double down on selling enough electric vehicles to meet Mr. Biden’s target that half of all vehicles sold in the United States would be all-electric by 2030. But after the Supreme Court decision limiting the E.P.A’s authority to regulate greenhouse emissions, the agency may scale back its ambitions out of fear that such a bold new move could also be struck down by the courts.

Yeah, they’d have to scale it back hugely, because this is exactly the kind of thing the Supreme Court was talking about. It’s nice that the Biden admin is looking to significantly increase the price of vehicles when they’re already high. Who does this hurt? The lower and middle class. If they do pass a new regulation, the next Republican president can kill it.

Then they want to regulate methane. I’d agree, but, it still needs to go through Congress, and a was, bipartisan, targeted, specific piece of legislation could work to do so without serious economic and energy pain.

And, of course, they want to go after energy plants, because Americans are not feeling enough pain right now. And, the minute they pass a regulation they’ll be sued, just like has already happened. It’s just the same in different clothes.

Absent federal action on climate change, state-level climate policies will play a more important role. Just under half the states have already enacted significant climate policies. The leader is California, which in the coming weeks is expected to finalize a first-in-the-nation regulation requiring that all new cars sold in the state must be electric or zero-emission by 2035. Seventeen other states are in line to adopt the same rule when it passes in Sacramento.

That’s where this stuff should be. The States. And, all the citizens who vote for the politicians who implement this stuff should be required to stay in those states and suck it up. Have fun when you cannot afford a vehicle or electricity, and your food and housing and everything else is unaffordable.

Read: NY Times Notes Four Ways Government Can Force You To Comply With Climate Cult »

Pirate's Cove