Hot Take: Pro-Life Republicans Want Illegal Alien Children At Border To Die

This is one of the reasons it’s really just about impossible to have conversations with the hardcore leftists: they take a small conversation and dial it up to 11, as we see from this Rolling Stone piece

‘Pro-Life’ Conservatives Are Mad the Government Isn’t Letting Migrant Infants Starve to Death

There’s a baby formula shortage in the United States. Republican lawmakers and conservative media members are taking frustration out on immigrants.

Fox News hosts have spent the past 24 hours raising hell over immigrant babies at the U.S.-Mexico border receiving formula, arguing that it should instead be distributed to Americans first. “[For] American families there’s a shortage, but if you’re a migrant, don’t worry because Uncle Sam has a stash of that,” Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy said Friday morning.

Doocy is not wrong. There’s more than plenty of baby formula available for those who come in illegally/show up and demand asylum, people who have seen the Democrat talking points and taken long treks with babies, putting them at risk.The RS piece makes no attempt to show that Doocy is wrong.

The subject became fodder for right-wing xenophobia earlier this week, with Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) on Wednesday tweeting a picture of what she said was “shelves and pallets packed with baby formula” at the Ursula Processing Center in McAllen, Texas. She contrasted that with a picture of a bare store shelf, writing, “This is what America last looks like.”

“Xenophobic.” But, she’s not wrong. Nor are the other Republicans mentioned in the screed.

The care of infants in U.S. detention centers, unsurprisingly, is the responsibility of U.S. officials, and immigrants can’t just leave to try to find formula themselves. Yet Abbott’s fellow “pro-life” Republicans — including Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop and Texas Rep. Troy Nehls — are essentially suggesting that the government let the infants of immigrants starve to death.

So, see, Republicans are just pointing out what’s going on, so, it means they want illegal alien babies to starve. Freaking leftist nutjobs.

Read: Hot Take: Pro-Life Republicans Want Illegal Alien Children At Border To Die »

Jacobin Magazine Says Spreading Awareness Will Not Stop Climate Doom

What is Jacobin? “Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.” It’s lauded by hard left folks like Chris Hayes, Noam Chomskey, and Doug Henwood. Is it any surprise they are big fans of Doing Something about ‘climate change’?

“Awareness” Will Not Save Us From Climate Disaster

In the mid-2000s, there was a real sense of momentum in climate politics. In 2006, Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth was heralded as the Silent Spring of our generation; sure to mobilize millions to the climate fight. In the same year, economist Nicholas Stern alarmed the policy world with his Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, a seven-hundred-page report predicting that the costs of climate change could amount to between 5 and 20 percent of GDP. In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its fourth assessment report, laying out the dire science and the rapid changes needed.

Comparing Gore’s movie to Silent Spring is perfect, since Silent Spring was a scientific mess, and lead to countless deaths from Malaria via stopping the use of DDT. Gore’s movie also was ripe with shoddy science and full of emotional blackmail. Anyhow, the piece goes through many paragraphs about spreading awareness, ie, doomsaying, and such before

Yet after the seeming momentum of 2007–8, it all went sideways. The global capitalist economy collapsed, the United States reassumed its role as delayer in Copenhagen — and to this day, the climate movement still has not ignited the kind of transformative change needed. In fact, McKibben consistently and correctly points out that we are losing the climate fight, and badly.

What are the limits of making climate politics about knowledge? This kind of politics of knowledge appeals to a specific class position: the professional class. I define the professional class broadly as those who marshal degrees, licenses, and other credentials in the market for labor power. Like McKibben and his “group of university friends,” the professional class still remains at the core of the climate movement — scientists, journalists, and college students.

So, the Elites and those who think they are elites. The people whom Doing Something really won’t affect negatively. Also, ones who rarely practice what they preach. And, for all the yammering in the screed about The Science, this sure seems to break down into Marxist views of the working class vs the Elites. Most of the article is about this, ending with

While professional class sensibilities tend to assume solving climate change requires making these things cost more to “internalize” the costs of emissions, socialists can counter with a decarbonization program that guarantees access to these basic needs of working-class life. The 2018–20 explosion of Green New Deal proposals espousing this vision have sputtered lately, but we cannot lose sight of this basic insight that we should reorient climate policies toward direct improvements to workers’ lives who have suffered decades of neoliberal austerity and assault from the capitalist class war.

So, more Government? Interestingly, in the Political Science definition of Socialism, there are three things that make it up. First, the government being heavily involved in the economy, up to and including owning the means of production. That’s the Economic Core. In the Political Core, virtually mob rule, with voting on everything by the citizens, and few restrictions on who can vote. You’ve heard the term “direct democracy?” That’s what it is. Third is the Moral Core, and, with Socialism, it means that government almost fully stays out of the lives of citizens. And that’s where this breaks, because the Left wants very much to control the lives of citizens. ‘Climate change’ is a great way to accomplish this, because it is For Your Own Good.

Read: Jacobin Magazine Says Spreading Awareness Will Not Stop Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is a horrible asphalt road designed for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Never Yet Melted, with a post on renaming George Washington University.

Read: If All You See… »

Poll Shows Majority Against Giving Kids Transgender Surgeries And Puberty Blockers

The Democrat’s unhinged base is losing yet another debate. Perhaps they should reconsider supporting life changing surgeries and chemical therapies for kids who’ve been indoctrinated into believing they’re inhabiting the wrong gender body

Americans oppose transgender surgeries, anti-puberty blockers for minors: poll

The majority of Americans do not support transgender surgeries or anti-puberty blockers for minors, according to a poll from a conservative nonprofit organization.

The survey asked respondents whether they would support a ban on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and physical sex-change surgeries for children under 18.

56% of respondents said they would support a ban, while 34% said they would not. A little over a third of those respondents identified as Democrats, while 37% identified as Republicans, and just under a quarter identified themselves as Independents, according to the survey by the American Principles Project Foundation.

In another question, respondents were asked whether they supported or were against children being pushed into a sex change. Around 63% of respondents agreed that children were too young for the decision. Around 22% of respondents believed that opposition to gender transitioning was transphobic.

If they want to do this when they are adults, that’s on them. Children should not have this done to them. They are not mentally ready to make the decision, and they are too young to have these life altering body changing procedures done to them.

Medical professionals have told Fox News they have seen rates of gender dysphoria skyrocket among young people in recent years, but that many of their colleagues are reluctant to speak publicly against transgender ideology for fear of both professional and personal retaliation.

How do kids come to the decision that they are trans? Especially when really young? Because it’s being taught to them. They’re being pushed into it. Indoctrinated. They see their friends and classmates suddenly declare that they’re trans. It seems to be trendy, as created by teachers and wacko parents. Like TikTok trends.

Sure seems like malpractice, cutting off developing breasts. I wonder how many really have parental permission? How many will come to regret this in later years when they realize it was a fad? How does the medical association not investigate this? How does this become normalized? One big reason: Human Resources. HR is infested with hard left wackos, and, anyone who blows the whistle, complains in the least, will find themselves the ones under investigation.

Read: Poll Shows Majority Against Giving Kids Transgender Surgeries And Puberty Blockers »

The World’s Oceans Might Be Getting Amnesia From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

It’s always something new and bonkers with these people. Can’t they just be a crazy cult like Scientology and keep to themselves?

Climate Change May Be Giving the World’s Oceans Amnesia

Climate change is making the world’s oceans lose their “memory,” according to new research.

A report in Science Advances finds that ocean temperatures are going to fluctuate drastically as these waters lose their ability to regulate and “remember” recent conditions, including temperatures. Water doesn’t literally have a memory, of course—no matter what homeopaths claim—but the large bodies that make up the global ocean tend to be steadfast. Unlike weather, which can change drastically by the day, changes in the ocean happen little by little, and the ability to maintain that stability is like a “memory” for the ocean.

It’s connected to the thickness of the upper layer of the ocean, also called the mixed layer. That section is predicted to become shallower with climate change. Research has shown that the mixed layer becomes smaller in the spring and summer when there are higher temperatures, and a warming climate means that seasonal heat is more intense and longer-lasting in many parts of the world. This could result in sea surface temperatures that fluctuate unusually. Researchers across several institutes, including the University of Hawaii, used climate models to calculate different outcomes based on either low, medium, or high greenhouse gas emissions. They found that ocean memory is likely to decline around the world by the end of this century.

Now, compare it to the previous Holocene warm periods. Any difference? How’d those warm periods happen?

Read: The World’s Oceans Might Be Getting Amnesia From ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

White House Ensures That They’re Totally On Top Of The Baby Formula Shortage

So much so that they’ve failed to call anyone, have meetings, but, they plan to!

White House Advises Parents Worried About Starving Babies to ‘Call Their Doctor’

Biden Brain SuckerWhite House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said parents who are worried about their baby’s immediate needs for formula amid a nationwide shortage should “call their doctor” in a press briefing on Thursday. 

After a reporter asked Psaki what should parents who cannot find baby formul do, she detailed the steps the White House is taking to address the baby formula shortage. 

“I’m just wondering if you’re a parent today and you go to the store, you can’t find any formula on the shelves, as is being reported across the country. What is what is the step that they should take?” the reporter asked.

Psaki noted that the reporter raised “important public health questions,” but did not provide immediate steps for parents to take. 

Psaki continued:

But what I can report on here, what I can convey to all of you is what we’re doing to address exactly that concern, which is taking every step we can to ensure there is supply on store shelves and we have increased the supply over the last four weeks. And as the President, as I noted at the top of this briefing we’re gonna take every step we can to cut red tape to a to ensure we’re working with with retailers like WalMart that we’re working with Wreckit and Gerber and others who can produce more to ensure we are getting supply out to stores and out to retailers so that parents don’t have that concern. But beyond that, that’s what I can read out for all of you from here.

The reporter pressed Psaki for immediate steps families can take amid the formula shortage, to which Psaki said, “call their doctor.”

“We would certainly encourage any parent who has concerns about their child’s health or well being to call their doctor or pediatrician,” Psaki said.

So, not one word of what they’re actually doing, just what they might maybe possibly do. He hasn’t done much of anything this week. Some fundraisers, visiting a union, holding a fancypants dinner for ASEAN countries this evening, and, what’s the over/under that he heads to either Delaware or Camp David this afternoon?

Do Biden and his people think this will play well with parents of infants?

Read: White House Ensures That They’re Totally On Top Of The Baby Formula Shortage »

Climate Crisis (scam) Is A Human Rights Issue

I’ve been doing ‘climate change’ posts since not long after I started this blog, and one of my consistent messages, and one of the reasons I became a Skeptic from a mild Warmist, was that this really seemed more about politics than science. And article after article after article keeps reinforcing that notion

Opinion: Climate change: A human rights issue

st greta carYou have all the essential equipment of an environmentally conscious warrior. Yet headlines across your screens continue to report new national disasters and rising temperatures. You’ve done everything right, and yet there’s no change. It’s the system, then? Right? Systematic change will fix everything.

Not exactly.

Experts, politicians and everyone in between continue to debate how to solve climate change before it’s too late. The current climate crisis is one of the largest and most difficult issues we have ever faced as a society. It’s exhausting as people are facing their own internal struggles. Yet we know we are capable of rallying together and helping the planet we all call home. The current climate crisis, although paradoxical and political in nature, is just another human rights issue, and requires a social movement for change.

It may seem like a stretch for some, but climate change directly impacts us and our neighbors. Eco-anxiety, the anxious feelings that overcome us now on a regular basis is sweeping across the world. A 2021 study found that across the globe, 59 percent of respondents were extremely worried about climate change, and reported emotions ranging from angry to sad as well as powerless and helpless. Nearly 45 percent of respondents said these worries negatively impacted their daily functioning and life as a whole.

See, by framing it as a “human rights issue” (was it a HRI during the Little Ice Age, the Medieval Warm Period, Dark Ages, Roman Warm period, etc?) this allows climate cultists to position this as “well, if you don’t support us, you hate human rights.” To give the cult “absolute moral authority.” It’s blackmail, just like with Cindy Sheehan, from where that phrase came from in the modern times. If you do not give up your money, freedom, and life choices to Government, you hate human rights.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Is A Human Rights Issue »

If All You See…

…is an area flooding from Other People’s carbon footprints, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on a Taco Bell drag brunch.

Read: If All You See… »

LGB Admin Cancels Massive Oil Lease Sale

Would the sale help gas prices right now? It might, since it would show positive movement in the commodities market. Or, it might not make any difference for a while. Regardless, this shows that the Let’s Go Brandon admin couldn’t care less about the pain at the pump American citizens are experiencing. What’s the highest price you’ve seen? There’s a station out in Knightdale right near I540 and Knightdale Blvd that was at $4.25 yesterday. It was also the first one I saw that hit $4.19 during the last surge. That was as high as it got. Things are getting worse

Biden admin cancels massive oil and gas lease sale amid record-high gas prices

The Biden administration canceled one of the most high-profile oil and gas lease sales pending before the Department of the Interior Wednesday, as Americans face record-high prices at the pump, according to AAA.

The DOI halted the potential to drill for oil in over 1 million acres in Alaska’s Cook Inlet, along with two lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico. The move comes as Biden has taken a few actions to combat high gas prices, despite his administration’s generally hostile approach to the oil industry.

A DOI spokesperson cited a “lack of industry interest in leasing in the area” for the decision “not to move forward” with the Cook Inlet lease sale, CBS News reported. The spokesperson also said the department canceled the Gulf of Mexico leases – lease 259 and lease 261 – due to “conflicting court rulings that impacted work on these proposed lease sales.”

Federal law requires DOI to stick to a five-year leasing plan for auctioning offshore leases. The department had until the end fo the current five-year plan – due to expire on June 30 – to complete the sales. (snip)

Average gas prices in the U.S. have reached new record-highs in recent days, according to AAA’s gas price calculator. The national average cost of a regular gas of gasoline hit $4.374 on Tuesday, a new record, and $4.404 on Wednesday, another record.

Some of the places are not the best for exploration, very remote and hard to get too, but, having the lease auction would signal to the market that new wells will be drilled, which is what those playing the market want to see. Biden doesn’t care. He’s not paying for his travel out of his own pocket. He’s fine with all the gas used to take a helicopter to Andrews AFB, jump on Air Force 1, fly somewhere (with the backup jumbo jet and some fighter jets for protection), then jump in a limo with 17 or so chase vehicles. So he can

More on that here. There’s just pain all around

(Breitbart) President Joe Biden is failing to address the acute shortage of baby formula across the country, which is resulting in panic for mothers, for whom formula is a necessary supplement or substitute for breast milk.

The New York Times reported Tuesday: “A Baby Formula Shortage Leaves Desperate Parents Searching for Food.” A headline once impossible in America.

On Wednesday, incoming press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked who at the White House was “running point” on the baby shortage. She had no idea.

All you Biden voters, you happy now? Don’t complain. This is your fault. And you can bet the ranch that Brandon will head to Camp David or his house in Delaware Friday.

Read: LGB Admin Cancels Massive Oil Lease Sale »

Climate Cult “Scientist Mom” Explains That Facts Aren’t Changing People’s Minds

Interestingly, despite so many saying the Believe in anthropogenic climate change, few of them do a damned thing in their own life to practice what they preach. These same scientist moms, a rather newer group, do not talk about what changes they’re making. Weird, right?

Scientist-moms explore why climate change messaging falls flat

When Melissa Burt, an atmospheric scientist at Colorado State University, made a video about the climate crisis, it included images of her daughter, Mia.

“There’s some light within her that makes me continue to do the climate science work that I do,” Burt says in her voice-over. As she speaks, photos of a toddler — playing in the garden, sledding in fresh snow, frolicking on the beach — appear in frame. “As moms, we care about the environment they grow up in. And for Mia, I want you to know I worked hard for the change, and to make it a better place for you.”

What Burt does not say are phrases such as “net zero,” “1.5 degrees Celsius,” or even “carbon emissions.” Nor does she mention polar bears or ice caps. Climate change isn’t about politics or jargon, the video implies. Climate change is about us: Our neighborhoods, our schools, our kids.

Sooooooo, basically, politics and jargon. Right?

“From a scientist’s perspective, oftentimes we say facts, facts, facts,” Burt told Climate & Capital. “But half the time, people don’t understand what those facts mean.”

And facts alone don’t seem to spark action.

Got that? Facts are meaningless. Really, the climate cult doesn’t actually have much in the way of scientific facts on their side, so, this is not a big surprise.

Potential Energy Coalition, the nonprofit, marketing agency behind Science Moms, paid for around 1 billion online ad impressions targeting a wide variety of platforms, target audiences and geographies, closely tracking which sorts of people responded to which sorts of messaging.

“We’ve tested a lot of messages and ads to different groups of people. And we’ve found that the suburban mom was the most persuadable on lifting support or strong government action on climate change,” said Anne-Marie Kline, managing director of campaigns for research at Potential Energy.

Strong government, eh? Weird how this isn’t about politics. Now, let’s slap some strong government on the lives of the people who are for it, move it from theory to practice, see how well they enjoy it.

Read: Climate Cult “Scientist Mom” Explains That Facts Aren’t Changing People’s Minds »

Pirate's Cove