Suddenly, WHO Says China Lab Leak Should Be Investigated

Well, gee wiz, only well over two years too late

WHO now says theory that COVID-19 leaked from Chinese lab should be studied more

Over two years after the coronavirus was first detected in China, and after at least 6.3 million deaths have been counted worldwide from the pandemic, the World Health Organization is recommending in its strongest terms yet that a deeper probe is required into whether a lab accident may be to blame.

That stance marks a sharp reversal of the U.N. health agency’s initial assessment of the pandemic’s origins, and comes after many critics accused WHO of being too quick to dismiss or underplay a lab-leak theory that put Chinese officials on the defensive.

WHO concluded last year that it was “extremely unlikely” COVID-19 might have spilled into humans in the city of Wuhan from a lab. Many scientists suspect the coronavirus jumped into people from bats, possibly via another animal.

Yet in a report released Thursday, WHO’s expert group said “key pieces of data” to explain how the pandemic began were still missing. The scientists said the group would “remain open to any and all scientific evidence that becomes available in the future to allow for comprehensive testing of all reasonable hypotheses.”

Let’s see, a virus that flew around the world within months, that tended to primarily kill the old and people of all ages with pre-existing conditions, kept people sick for long periods of time, spun out many variants, and, according to the sources, didn’t kill Chinese people that much, tending to affect those in the 1st World, Russia, and South America. But, hey, right, it’s because someone in a wet market at a bat or something. And somehow ended up on cruise ships in the Caribbean quickly? No way it came from a lab, right?

WHO’s expert group also noted that since lab accidents in the past have triggered some outbreaks, the highly politicized theory could not be discounted.

Jean-Claude Manuguerra, a co-chair of the 27-member international advisory group, acknowledged that some scientists might be “allergic” to the idea of investigating the lab leak theory, but said they needed to be “open-minded” enough to examine it.

It’s not like there have been previous lab leaks from the Wuhan facility. Or that China pressured WHO to dismiss the notion of a lab leak. Or that there’s lots of evidence for a lab leak.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speculated repeatedly — without evidence — that COVID-19 was started in a Chinese lab. He also accused WHO of “ colluding” with China to cover up the initial outbreak, citing the U.N. health agency’s continued public praise of the country despite China’s refusal to share crucial data.

Without evidence. There was no evidence it came from a bad meal. And, with the Wuhan Institute of Virology right down the road, which seems more likely?

To investigate whether COVID-19 might have been the result of a lab accident, WHO’s experts said interviews should be conducted “with the staff in the laboratories tasked with managing and implementing biosafety and biosecurity.”

Yeah, well, good luck, because you can bet the labs have been sterilized of anything related to coronaviruses and the staff will have been threatened to keep their mouths shut.

Read: Suddenly, WHO Says China Lab Leak Should Be Investigated »

Say, Are Reports Of Climate Apocalypse Making Things Worse?

The Baltimore Sun has thoughts, as reprinted in the Daily Jefferson County Union

Climate change: Are reports of our doom making matters worse?

Even the most casual observer of current events has to admit there is much to be gloomy about. From public health (monkeypox and COVID-19 variants) to mass shootings (Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, among others) to the inability of opinion leaders to agree on basic facts (see the events of Jan. 6, 2021), there is a certain deficit of optimism of late. Throw in some election-year fearmongering on inflation, the stock markets and gasoline prices, and it does seem like the best way to cheer up might be to disconnect from all electronic devices.

Yet in the midst of this profoundly somber time, what subject matter has the commentariat yakking about how doomy forecasts have gone too far and risk unleashing a dangerously apocalyptic mindset upon the populace?

That would be climate change.

Yes, that’s right. Apparently, a lot of folks have gotten too Negative Nancy about how the use of fossil fuels has been fundamentally changing the planet’s climate and not for the better. That’s not to dispute that climate change is a problem exactly (although you can still find plenty in right-wing media casually describing it as a fiction created by political extremists instead of, you know, a demonstrable, carefully measurable trend studied closely by leading scientists). But the critics worry that the circumstances have been cast in such frightening and absolute terms that it may fuel violence. Or it might be creating such despair, especially among young people, that we do little or nothing about the problem. On the internet, people have coined a term, climate “doomers” to describe people who are extremely fatalistic about the problem, and it’s considered really, really bad by both those who accept climate change science and those who deny it.

Doomers? Haven’t really seen much of that at all. Perhaps written as climate Doom, but, they’re usually called Warmists, Alarmists, or cultists. Doom is usually reserved as an adjective, not a noun. But, see, it’s OK to prognosticate doom

There may be something to be said about the hazards of doomsaying. Once there’s no hope, what’s the point, right? But the problem here is that climate change denial remains so rampant that advocates for action feel a need to provide a full-throated warning. According to Pew Research Center, most Americans favor the nation pressing toward carbon neutrality by 2050, but they also favor proving more natural gas, a fossil fuel, to Europe. This suggests a certain lack of firmness in our resolve. Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters overwhelmingly favor U.S. support of international efforts to reduce climate change impacts (92%). But among voters who define themselves as conservative Republicans? A majority would oppose that (57%).

The “Doomers” might be going full-throated, but, few of them are making any changes in their own lives.

Yet color us skeptical that the threat of climate change has been described in too extreme, calamitous terms. For one thing, denial is still too high to believe everyone has gotten the word on the basic premise of global warming. On the other, the outlook does, in fact, look pretty dire. Last year was one of the seven hottest ever recorded, and each decade since the 1980s has been hotter than the previous one. Does anyone seriously believe that enough is being done right now to forestall disaster? Sorry, it can’t be described in rosier terms.

Does this put you in a state of deep despair? What it should do is cause you to advocate for sensible energy policies that might still soften the blow of climate change. Is that too much to expect?

Has the Baltimore Sun stopped using fossil fuels in their own operations? How about the Daily Jefferson? Turned off the AC? Disallowed meat at work?

Read: Say, Are Reports Of Climate Apocalypse Making Things Worse? »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution fueled Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post noting that shoplifting is not a crime in NYC.

Read: If All You See… »

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Rule On Discretionary Deportation

Once again, Joe Biden loses in court. And you know if this had occurred with Trump, or any Republican, in the White House, the headline would read “Trump policy encouraging discretion in deportation blocked by judge”.

DHS policy encouraging discretion in deportations blocked by judge

In fairness, CBS News and Reuters did go with Biden, instead of DHS. Of course, they seem to be the only ones covering this along with the aforementioned The Hill piece. Nothing from the NY Times, Washington Post, ABC News, or NBC News

A judge in Texas on Friday threw out a policy instituted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last year that directed border officials to exercise discretion in deportation cases.

Introduced last September, the policy encourages officials not to deport noncitizens who have lived in the country for years without incident and to focus on those who have a serious criminal record.

In a scathing 96-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton argued that the policy overstepped the executive branch’s authority regarding immigration enforcement.

“True, the Executive Branch has case-by-case discretion to abandon immigration enforcement as to a particular individual. This case, however, does not involve individualized decisionmaking. Instead, this case is about a rule that binds Department of Homeland Security officials in a generalized, prospective manner—all in contravention of Congress’s detention mandate,” Tipton, an appointee of former President Trump, wrote.

Well, not so much as a mandate, but, actual law.

Last September, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas argued both that the policy was just, saying most undocumented immigrants “have been contributing members of our communities for years,” and that it was needed due to limited resources.

“The fact that an individual is a removable noncitizen should not alone be the basis of an enforcement action against them,” he added. “We focus our resources because they are limited, and because of our dedication to doing justice.”

But, DHS was tasked with simply ignoring most illegals unless they were the worst of the worst. The law says if they are known and caught they be deported. Period.

“It is also true that the Executive Branch may prioritize its resources. But it must do so within the bounds set by Congress. Whatever the outer limits of its authority, the Executive Branch does not have the authority to change the law,” Tipton said.

Since when did Biden care about the letter of the law? And he and DHS will probably ignore the judge’s order.

Read: Federal Judge Blocks Biden Rule On Discretionary Deportation »

Vox Notices That It’s A Really Bad Idea To Give Kids Climate Anxiety

Yeah, they’re about 10 years too late

Stop telling kids that climate change will destroy their world
Some “climate anxiety” is the product of telling kids — falsely — that they have no future.

My 5-year-old daughter is now old enough to read a lot of books and magazines aimed at children, and it’s given me a whole new perspective on the discourse wars over how we talk about climate change, conservation, and the future of the planet.

As I’ve written about before, climate change is going to be bad, and it will hold back humanity from thriving as much as we should this century. It will likely cause mass migration and displacement and extinctions of many species.

That’s exactly the kind of discourse that makes kids mental messes

What it won’t do, however, is make the Earth unlivable, or even mean that our children live in a world poorer than the one we grew up in. As many climate scientists have been telling us, the world is a better place to live in — especially for people in lower-income countries — than it has ever been, and climate change isn’t going to make it as bad as it was even in 1950.

“I unequivocally reject, scientifically and personally, the notion that children are somehow doomed to an unhappy life,” Kate Marvel, a climate scientist at Columbia, told Ezra Klein in his column this week about overcoming climate despair.

Writing aimed at adults doesn’t always do the best job of striking a balance, though not everyone agrees on precisely what that balance is. Books like The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, to my mind, do a reasonable job of describing some extreme scenarios that really are worth contemplating, but they still don’t add up to an uninhabitable Earth, or even one that’d be an awful place to live.

The good ship Rationality left the dock long ago, and it won’t be coming back into port anytime soon, because it is staffed by way too many wackjobs. And, really, even if Warmists are not telling kids that the planet is doomed to be uninhabitable, they are giving plenty of other fables that screw with the kids’ minds. How many times have they been told that the coral reefs will all die out, and that we’re in the middle of a mass extinction? That the coastal cities will SOON! be under several feet of water?

As a parent, I think it’s essential to empower kids and pass along the message that the world will be in their hands, that they will have the power to solve its most pressing problems, and that there are lots of people already working on those problems who are eager for kids to learn, grow, and join us. Fighting climate change is part of that, and it’s important and worthwhile, but not because there will be no world for children to live in when they grow up.

Unfortunately, the latter message is the dominant one in Our House Is on Fire: Greta Thunberg’s Call to Save the Planet, a beautifully illustrated picture book aimed at ages 3-8.

Vox writer Kelsey Pipper is living in a fantasy world if she thinks that messages of Doom are not the norm, and they’ll continue to be the norm. There are some Warmists, like Michael Mann, who want nuclear power. And their voices are drowned out by the majority who don’t.

That pessimistic message seems to be sinking in for the young. A 2021 study funded by the campaign and research group Avaaz polled 10,000 people between 16 and 25, and found that over half thought that humanity was “doomed” because of climate change.

It won’t stop. And the message of Doom is baked into the cult of climastrology at this point. Look at any Extinction Rebellion protest and…well, just consider their name, right?

Read: Vox Notices That It’s A Really Bad Idea To Give Kids Climate Anxiety »

Most Voters Believe Biden Is Intentionally Letting Gas Prices Rise

Just like the car shortage, this is not something that can be easily fixed at this point, and will last quite some time

Poll: Most Believe Biden Admin Allowing Gas Prices to Rise to Get Americans off Fossil Fuels

I did that BidenMost voters believe the Biden administration is allowing gas prices to rise to force Americans to use less fossil fuel, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Friday found.

The survey asked, “Do you believe the Biden Administration is intentionally letting gas prices rise to make Americans use less fossil fuels?”

Most, 53 percent, said “yes,” they believe the Biden administration is allowing it to happen purposely to force Americans to use less fossil fuel. Another 39.6 percent, however, do not believe that is the case, and 7.4 percent are unsure. 

Opinions are divided along party lines. Over three-quarters of Republicans, 77.3 percent, and 56.5 percent of independents believe the Biden administration is deliberately allowing gas prices to rise for those purposes. Most Democrats, 68.7 percent, disagree and do not believe the administration is doing so.

When voters decide to have staycations because gas is just too high, when they bow out of taking day trips places, when they see the price of food continuing to go up, they will remember this at the ballot box. It’s perfectly expected that Republicans would answer the question this (I’m guess most of the rest either think Biden is just incompetent, with a few being #NeverTrump fucktards), what is dangerous for Dems is the Independents thinking this way. And, I wouldn’t be surprised if a whole lot more Democrats think this way in private.

Gas prices: ‘Demand destruction’ has already started, says strategist

Gasoline prices at all-time highs may be starting to put a dent on demand at the pump. Yahoo Finance spoke to several strategists to get their take on when consumers start buying less gas amid rising energy costs.

“One could argue that demand destruction for gasoline has already started,” Peter McNally, global sector lead for industrials, materials, and energy at Third Bridge, told Yahoo Finance.

“Since the start of March, U.S. gasoline consumption is 6% lower than the corresponding period in 2019,” pre-pandemic.

After lockdowns in 2020, limited travel in the latter part of 2020, and even limited during 2021 because of the huge spikes of Delta and Omicron, people want to travel. They do not want to have to stay home. Some are saying the worst will be over by Labor Day, because of “history.” Does anyone truly feel that gas will even drop below $4 a gallon by Labor Day?

Read: Most Voters Believe Biden Is Intentionally Letting Gas Prices Rise »

Miscellaneous: Vizio Soundbar And Latest James Bond Movie

I’ve had the same 2.1 Samsung soundbar since about 2014, though it was time for a new one. The sound is OK, good for TV shows, OK for movies, not quite as immersive. I’d love to be able to use my Bose 301 speakers with the stereo, but, have to use a converter, change a TV setting each time. Have been considering getting a new receiver, doesn’t have to be great, just take an optical cable, perhaps add a second set of speakers.

Anyhow, was looking for a new soundbar that is at least 3.1 with Dolby Atmos. All the reviews really showed that the best bang for the buck (had no plan to spend over a grand) was the Vizio M512a-H6, which I picked up at Best Buy, getting them to match the price from Amazon at $450. It was actually rated higher than the more expensive ones like the Sonos Arc, Bose 900, and many others.

Except, after getting it all set up, the first thing I noticed was that all the voice was coming from the center, from Atmos content (Carnival Row at Amazon), Hell’s Kitchen on Tubi, Burn Notice via Freevee, and 47 Meters Down on Amazon. Which is not particularly expansive. It doesn’t surround you. It felt like putting an Echo Dot in front of the TV. The music and background audio came from the side speakers, which sounded good. The satellite speakers did have sound, but, was so low didn’t really add much.

I’d consider playing with it a bit, but, the normal volume level is around 50. Out of a 100. Kinda makes no sense, and lots of reviews mention this. And getting vastly different volumes depending on the show. My current soundbar is good at around 8-10, go to about 15 for louder stuff, like playing a movie. Just not impressed with the Vizio.

So, for any of y’all who have something at least 3.1, preferably with Atmos, what do you have? I really do not want a 3.1 or more where the voice comes only from the center.

Then we have the latest James Bond, No Time To Die. Regardless of the pre-reviews and reviews, worried about Wokeness having a black, female 007, no, it wasn’t, it was actually pretty good. Well done, the story moves well, easy to track. It was utterly enjoyable (spoilers below the fold

Read More »

Read: Miscellaneous: Vizio Soundbar And Latest James Bond Movie »

LGB Admin Announces National EV Charging Standards Or Something

Let’s be honest, EV charging station buildout has been working fine without the input of The Government. So, sure, why not screw it up?

Biden administration announces national standards for electric vehicle charging networks

Electric vehicleThe Biden administration on Wednesday evening announced new standards to expand electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure throughout the U.S.

The standards will be laid out formally in a proposed rule from the Federal Highway Administration, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told reporters on a press call Wednesday. The rule will require EV charging stations every 50 miles and no more than a mile off the highway, emphasizing the interstate highway system and alternative fuel corridors, according to Buttigieg.

“The proposed rule requires at least four 150-kilowatt DC fast-charging ports per station so that the station can serve multiple customers, and it ensures safe installation and maintenance by qualified technicians, creating new jobs in this EV infrastructure sector,” Buttigieg said.

Does the Biden admin understand how many vehicles are on the road, and, if they want to replace all the fossil fueled ones with EVs they’ll have to be more than 4 charging stations every 50 miles? Roll into many stations along I-95 there are way more than 4 per station, and there can be a lot of stations. Oh, and, of course those techs will be union members, right?

Buttigieg said the proposal will also bar any EV charging station receiving federal funds from requiring memberships in a club or loyalty program to use the chargers, which “ensures that charging stations funded under these programs can serve a broad range of vehicles … and it sends a market signals toward a standard charging port for stations to accommodate the widest possible set of vehicles and accommodate adapters for all vehicles.”

And, of course the federal government won’t be tracking who charges their vehicle where and when, right? Or imposing restrictions if, say, you owe some back taxes or something, right?

If any elected Republican in the Senate or House had any brains they’d submit a bill requiring everyone in the Biden admin to only travel in EVs.

Goodbye gasoline cars? EU lawmakers vote to ban new sales from 2035

European lawmakers have voted to ban the sale of new diesel and gasoline cars and vans in the EU from 2035, representing a significant shot in the arm to the region’s ambitious green goals.

On Wednesday, 339 MEPs in the European Parliament voted in favor of the plans, which had been proposed by the European Commission, the EU’s executive branch. There were 249 votes against the proposal, while 24 MEPs abstained.

I wonder if lots of citizens of sovereign European nations are starting to rethink joining the EU, which was never supposed to have this much power.

Read: LGB Admin Announces National EV Charging Standards Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a water intensive law which is Bad for ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climatism, with a post on no one winning an election by promising to make voters colder, poorer, and hungrier.

Read: If All You See… »

Stupid People: Groomers Gonna Groom, Quitting Over Buddhist Symbol

I’m not sure why so many groomers are upset they’re called groomers

(WRAL) Many members of the LGBTQIA+ community were angry and hurt after Apex Mayor Jacques Gilbert announced Monday that Drag Queen Story Hour would be removed from the Apex Pride Festival this weekend.

Some people accused Gilbert of allowing a “vocal minority,” who are unlikely to attend Pride regardless, of dictating how the LGBTQIA+ community should celebrate Pride.

Drag Queen Story Hour released a statement, saying, “It’s unfortunate and saddening to find out individuals communicated threatening messages to Town of Apex officials because of [our[ inclusion at Apex Pride.” On Thursday, Equality NC stepped in, announcing that Drag Queen Story Hour would return to Apex Pride.

“Equality NC is proud to announce that our organization will sponsor The Apex Pride Festival,” Equality NC said in a statement. “We are also celebrating that this will restore Drag Story Hour to the program, and ensure that our community members in Apex have every right to gather and celebrate.”

These people are nuts and groomers. The Apex police department should be present, and arrest anyone there who is exposing themselves to children or teaching them adult sexual topics.

Bay Area Camp Suddenly Closes After Staffers Quit Over Swastika Scandal

A California camp known for being socially and environmentally conscious was abruptly canceled for the entire summer after several staff members quit due to alleged structural racism.

Now, 900 or so campers will have to find an alternative way to spend their summer break.

“This is the first time in our history that we canceled all Camp programming,” a letter to the Hidden Villa community read Wednesday. “Staffing for Camp has been a challenge over the past several years. In anticipation, we significantly invested in outreach, but still struggled with meeting programmatic needs.” (snip)

Hidden Villa—which is home to a camp, hiking trails, and farm—once belonged to Frank and Josephine Duveneck, according to the camp’s statement. On the couple’s honeymoon to Asia in 1913, they brought back and hung artistic tiles with lotuses and Buddhist symbols, including the swastika, which was later appropriated by the Nazi Party after the first World War to represent white supremacy.

So, it’s been there since 1913, and is a Buddhist symbol, not the Nazi one?

“It was brought to the community’s attention that the Buddhist symbols were experienced differently and some individuals experienced harm from their presence on the building. A process to address the issue was identified with Staff and Board,” the letter, which was posted on the camp’s website, read.

Oh, good grief. I hope these people never travel to areas with high concentrations of Buddhists. Do you think the people in those countries will care if the soft Wokers are all sorts of butthurt? Seriously, “experienced differently”? “Experienced harm”? The camp did take down the symbol, but, a ton of the workers quit. Because they’re fragile little dumplings.

The Los Altos Town Crier reported that camp director Philip James, who is Black, quit because of alleged institutional racism and also took issue with the swastikas.

Camp assistant director Mimi Elias, who is a queer person of color, told the newspaper, “Every day I had to go to my place of residence and had to look at swastikas and walk beneath them.” She also resigned.

How long did they work there, with these Buddhist symbols? They took the job with them there. Yet, suddenly there’s “institutional racism?” Seriously, you continue reading the story and you suddenly have all these people crying about this and that and some other stuff which they are Offended over, despite being a socially and environmentally conscious camp that’s been like that for almost a 100 years. Why? Because when SJWs get butthurt they’ll turn an anthill in Mt. Everest…..oh, wait, SJWs do not want to go there, lots of Buddhists. And Hindus, who also use the symbol.

Read: Stupid People: Groomers Gonna Groom, Quitting Over Buddhist Symbol »

Pirate's Cove