New Zealand Farmers Give In To Climate Extortion

Of course, the farmers will just past on the increased costs to the consumers

New Zealand farmers propose paying for emissions to tackle climate change
Agriculture sector faced pressure to act or be forced into the country’s emissions trading scheme, from which it is exempt

climate cowFarming leaders in New Zealand have recommended that the government impose a price on agricultural greenhouse gas emissions for the first time, as the rural sector comes under significant political pressure over its disproportionate contribution to climate change.

The recommendation by He Waka Eke Noa, a partnership between farming leaders and the government, is likely to widen an emerging schism between agricultural representatives and grassroots farmers, who have taken to the streets in recent years to protest against the introduction of environmental regulations and criticise industry leaders for being too friendly with the government.

However, farming leaders felt they had little choice but to make the proposal. Jacinda Ardern’s centre-left government had legislated that if farmers did not come up with an emissions pricing system, agriculture – which generates over half of New Zealand’s industrial and household emissions – would automatically enter the country’s emissions trading scheme, from which it is currently exempt.

“We believe that would be disastrous and that’s what drove us to finding a better solution,” said Andrew Morrison, the chairman of Beef + Lamb NZ, which represents beef and lamb farmers.

So, basically, they were told to Do Something or government would force them to do something. What they are doing is not as strong as some Warmists would like, and, I can’t wait till those same Warmists whine about the increased cost of their food.

Read: New Zealand Farmers Give In To Climate Extortion »

Bidenconomy: Apparently There’s A Big Tampon Shortage

So, why aren’t all the Usual Suspects out protesting in the street, decrying Brandon’s failures to be able to provide basic sanitary supplies?

The Great Tampon Shortage of 2022: The Supply Chain Problem No One’s Talking About

Sometimes when I am grocery shopping, even if I am there just for broccoli, I’ll swing by the aisle where they stock feminine products. Because, even though most of the things that disappeared during the pandemic like toilet paper, yeast, and flour have returned to the shelves, tampons are still in short supply. It’s become a strange fascination of mine, to see the large gap on the shelf, like a missing front tooth, where tampons are supposed to be.

In the last few months, I’ve visited stores in New York, Massachusetts, and California—no tampons. And it’s not just me. Dana Marlowe, the founder of I Support the Girls, which provides bras and menstrual hygiene for people experiencing homelessness, told me that her organization has seen a big drop off in tampon donations. “What’s been going on for a couple months is that organizations call us up and say, ‘we need tampons,’ and we go to our warehouse and there’s nothing there.”

Tucked away on a forum for DC-area moms, I found dozens of women complaining in April about not being able to find tampons. A similar discussion was happening on Reddit, where one poster said she checked eight stores looking for her preferred brand. Amazon sellers were taking advantage of the shortage; in January, one box of 18 Tampax listed for $114, about six dollars more—per tampon—than women usually pay.

“To put it bluntly, tampons are next to impossible to find,” says Michelle Wolfe, a radio host in Bozeman, Montana, who wrote a piece on her radio station’s website in March about not being able to find tampons in Montana. “I would say it’s been like this for a solid six months.”

Fortunately, Brandon will get right on this. Over the weekend, when he takes a few days off from the hard work of gaslighting and doing not much of anything.

The shortage is making some women angry that this simple product is so hard to find, especially at a time when the Supreme Court appears poised to rule on Roe v. Wade in a way that could allow states to mandate what women do with their bodies. “Why isn’t anyone speaking up about this?” Diamond Cotton, a 32-year-old mother of two girls, told me. “The government wants to put a strain on women having abortions, but they don’t know what a woman has to get through.”

Sign. Of course the author had to go there. Anyhow, just another case of the Biden Economy working wonderfully. Y’all glad you voted for him?

Read: Bidenconomy: Apparently There’s A Big Tampon Shortage »

Biden’s Gas Prices Continue Going Up, Refinery Capability Comes Into Play

In case the news missed it, this was intentional, as the climate cult and extreme-enviros wanted to get rid of refineries. It doesn’t matter if you drill baby drill if you can’t do anything with it

Gas prices surge again to record high but the driver is refineries, not oil prices

Another week, another record high for gas prices. And there seems to be no immediate relief in sight.

The average price for regular unleaded gas surged by a quarter in the past week to a record $4.86 on Monday, AAA said. That’s up 59 cents more than a month ago, and $1.81 more than a year ago.

“After a blistering week of gas prices jumping in nearly every town, city, state and area possible, more bad news is on the horizon,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. “It now appears not if, but when, we’ll hit that psychologically critical $5 national average.”

Many states are already above $5 per gallon. The top 10 states with the most expensive gas are: California ($6.34), Nevada ($5.49), Hawaii ($5.47), Oregon ($5.41), Washington ($5.40), Illinois ($5.40), Alaska ($5.37), Washington, D.C. ($5.06) and Michigan ($5.05).

Most people blame higher oil prices, but the real driver of higher prices may surprise you. It’s lack of refining capacity.

About half the price of gas is from the cost of a barrel of oil. But

What consumers see quoted as the price of oil is what the refineries pay for oil. Refineries then transform that oil into products and sell those. Refiners’ prices on those fuels are closer to what consumers pay. And those prices are closer to $250 to $280 per barrel, Daniel Milan, managing partner at Cornerstone Financial Services, said.

And that’s where it breaks down, because refinery capability is way down

When COVID-19 struck and world economies closed, demand plunged for oil and gas so many companies closed their plants. Others were hit by bad weather. Some companies stopped investing in refineries because of uncertainty over how the transition to green energy would affect their business. When Russia invaded Ukraine, more refineries in Russia were taken offline.

Add into that the notion that the greenie weenies have been killing off refineries, and refusing to allow newer, more efficient, and cleaner (relatively speaking) refineries to be built. The ones that are left are pretty much at full production. Even if we doubled domestic production it wouldn’t change all that much. All you greenie weenies complaining should realize this is what you’ve been voting for.

Read: Biden’s Gas Prices Continue Going Up, Refinery Capability Comes Into Play »

If All You See…

…is the flag of a nation that will soon be a hot weather beach destination, just like the Caribbean, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on Poland developing a high tech power source.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Apex, NC Cancels Drag Queen Story Hour

It just goes to show that even in North Carolina this insanity is spreading, in that they would even consider having a drag queen story hour for young children

After complaints, Apex planners cancel Drag Queen Story Hour event during Pride Month

Event planners in Apex are getting backlash for canceling a Drag Queen Story Hour event, one of several activities planned for the upcoming Apex Pride Festival.

June is Pride Month, and events supporting and celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community are planned across the state and around the country.

What the heck does the A stand for? Weren’t they adding the I just last week? Is it for absurd?

On Saturday, a week before the June 11 Apex Pride Festival, Apex Mayor Jacques Gilbert shared the news that the festival’s Drag Queen Story Hour program was canceled.

Gilbert said he received a “variety of feedback” about the event from Apex citizens, which he shared with the Apex Festival Commission. The Apex Festival Commission took the feedback into consideration and removed the drag queens from the program, Gilbert explained.

Who’s the wacko who approved this in the first place? They should be promoted to customer. Because they have no place working for government.

The mayor’s Facebook post announcing that Drag Queen Story Hour had been canceled received hundreds of comments.

One parent wrote, “This was THE Pride event I was planning to attend with my toddler. Very disappointed in the event organizers who were swayed by hateful, misguided comments.”

Her toddler? Child services should pay her a visit, at least in a sane world.

Another wrote, “So disappointed with this decision. This is the exact opposite of supporting and showing love to our LGBTQIA+ community. Shameful decision by all involved.”

It’s about not subjecting young children to what always turns into adults with mental health issues teaching the kids about adult sexual issues.

In 2020, Brittany Vann Hogin, an organizer with Raleigh’s chapter, explained, “There are all different kinds of people of different races, different sexualities and different identities, and our goal is that these kids see themselves in someone else – whether it’s a storybook character or one of our queens.”

They’re young kids. They do not need to know this stuff. Let them be kids. Stop grooming them.

Read: Bummer: Apex, NC Cancels Drag Queen Story Hour »

Bad News: Moose Population Is Booming Due To ‘Climate Change’

This is all your fault, you know

Moose population boom, linked to climate change, inspires some hunting changes

In southwestern Alaska, where there is a mix of tundra, mountains, forests and river-crossed terrain, there has been a rapid transformation in the wildlife.

In the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge specifically, the moose population has increased a whopping 400-fold since the early 1990s, from just a handful a few decades ago to about 2,000 animals now.

The reason appears clear: climate change. Milder winters and the proliferation of vegetation correlate directly with the moose population boom, according to ongoing research by Sebastian Zavoico, a graduate student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. (snip)

In Alaska, the shifting populations include moose and snowshoe hares moving farther north onto territory that used to be strictly tundra but now has woody plants, such as the North Slope. It also includes beavers, which have become fixtures in some Arctic areas where they were rare only a few decades ago. Beavers not only take advantage of the new shrubby conditions but, through engineering their dams and lodges, are hastening permafrost thaw and other ecological changes, as described in a UAF-led study appropriately titled: “Tundra Be Dammed: Beaver Colonization of the Arctic.”

While the changes have been good for some species, including moose in the Togiak refuge, they mean trouble for others. Among the highest-profile losers in the transformation are caribou, which depend on tundra vegetation like lichen and moss.

These people seriously think everything stays exactly the same all the time. And, no matter what, it is always doom with these cultists.

Read: Bad News: Moose Population Is Booming Due To ‘Climate Change’ »

With Economy Going Downhill Fast, Biden To Finally Speak For Real To Americans

Oh, not with a press conference. He won’t answer questions even from a mostly compliant White House press corp

Joe Biden to Break 119+ Days of Press Silence with Jimmy Kimmel ‘Live’ Interview

Disney to the rescue! President Joe Biden will finally break 120 days of self-imposed press silence Wednesday when he grants a sit down interview to Disney-owned ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel.

Their exchange will air at 11:35 pm in what has been been promised will be a malarkey-free zone.

Kimmel flagged the appearance Sunday during the broadcast of “Jimmy Kimmel Live: NBA Finals Game Night” on ABC, Variety reported.

He then took to social media to further promote the event, saying: “Our very elected President @JoeBiden visits @JimmyKimmelLive Wednesday night. No malarkey.”

By live, they mean precorded earlier in the day, and you can damn well bet they will edit the living hell out of this. Will they even allow an actual studio audience during the interview? Anyhow, Kimmel will lob some softball questions, certainly pre-screened by Biden’s handlers. Will this be done in the studio, or, will Kimmel come and do it at the fake White House? And, then Biden will disappear for more months.

Read: With Economy Going Downhill Fast, Biden To Finally Speak For Real To Americans »

Aussie Climate Minister Calls ‘Climate Change’ A Luxury Issue For Voters

She’s 100% correct, but, people are mad that she let the cat out of the bag

The Shadow Assistant Minister For Climate Change Says It’s A “Luxury Issue” For Voters

st greta carShadow Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy Hollie Hughes reckons that climate change is a “luxury issue” for voters.

Hughes was given the role as part of new Liberal leader Peter Dutton’s new shadow ministry last week and has somehow already managed to shit on her own portfolio.

In an interview with ABC News Breakfast on Monday, Hughes acknowledged the fact that climate change was a key issue for voters in the 2022 Federal Election, but suggested those who turned on the Liberal Party won’t care so much about it when the cost of living continues to rise.

“I think climate change was something that a lot of voters were focused on,” said Hughes.

“But I think what’s gonna happen as you move forward, and people start to get inflationary pressures, start to see their mortgage rates increase, they start to see this increased spending by this new Labor government that’s gonna put pressure on our AAA credit rating, which does flow through the economy then, and when you look at increased power prices, some of those issues that were looked at as, sort of, you know — they’re almost like a luxury issue for some people.”

People might think ‘climate change’ is important in theory, but, when you match it up against real world issues its importance comes in very low. Further, when the Government starts doing stuff which costs citizens money, freedom, and life choices, it tends to suddenly become very important that government stop. Australia has been bouncing back and forth between government being too involved then voting them out for ones who aren’t interested in doing much of anything over the past 20 years. The only ones who really, really want climate action in practice are politicians, bureaucrats, and rich folks who can afford this garbage, who won’t see their lifestyles diminished.

“Because people of Wentworth probably aren’t going to the petrol bowser and looking at those numbers tick over, whereas I can tell you that people out in Cabramatta are very much looking at those numbers tick over when they’re at the bowser. So, those cost-of-living pressures are going to have a very significant impact on voters’ intentions, I think, going forward.”

Many climate cult politicians think that implementing policies that drive up the cost of gas, oil, coal, and natural gas and the products that use them will drive people to embrace “green” energy, but, no, the opposite. So, yes, ‘climate change’ is a luxury issue.

Read: Aussie Climate Minister Calls ‘Climate Change’ A Luxury Issue For Voters »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert because Other People eat meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on the global surface temperature having cooled .5C since 2016.

Read: If All You See… »

Dem Don Beyer To Introduce Massive Tax On Scary Rifle And Big Magazine Purchases

Remember, Democrats say they only want to stop the Bad People from having scary guns. And then in the next breath they say they want to stop law abiding from getting scary guns

A House Democrat plans to introduce a bill that would hit AR-15’s with a 1,000% tax — and it could pass Congress without GOP votes

The US has experienced a string of mass shootings in the past three weeks in Buffalo, New York; Uvalde, Texas; and Tulsa, Oklahoma, that have left scores of adults and children dead.

The recent violence is prompting one House Democrat to draft a measure aimed at severely restricting access to the AR-15-style weapons used by different gunmen in the carnage. Rep. Donald Beyer of Virginia, a member of the tax-writing House Ways and Means panel, wants to impose a 1,000% excise tax on assault weapons.

“What it’s intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen,” Beyer told Insider. “We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation.”

New AR-15-style guns range from $500 to over $2,000 depending on location, NBC News reported. That means a 1,000% tax on the weapon would add $5,000 to $20,000 to their final sales price — and would probably keep it out of reach from many younger Americans.

Some details of the bill still aren’t finalized, such as when the tax would kick in and what to do with any revenue raised. It’s also unclear how much money it would generate. One out of every five weapons purchased in the US in AR-15 style rifle, per the National Shooting Sports Foundation in a 2014 court brief. Gun sales have surged since then and reached their second-highest level recorded last year.

Now, imagine Pelosi and the rest of the Dems get serious about passing this: how many will be purchased before this even gets a vote?

Bullets wouldn’t be subject to the new tax. But high-capacity magazines that can carry more than 10 rounds of ammunition would be aggressively taxed at that level.

If all this could get passed, how quick would this make it to the Supreme Court and be shot down, being a punitive tax on a legal product for one thing? And a specific attempt to deny law abiding citizens their 2nd Amendment rights. Just like SCOTUS has shot down other gun grabbing laws that overcharge citizens in an attempt to stop citizens from protecting themselves.

House Democrats are rallying around their own expansive gun-control package separate from ongoing Senate negotiations on a narrower bill centered on mental health, red flag laws, and a modest expansion of background checks. The House bill is expected to fall flat in the upper chamber due to stiff GOP resistance.

That outcome prompted Beyer to eye reconciliation, the legislative tactic allowing proposed laws to bypass the Senate’s 60-vote threshold known as the filibuster and pass with a simple majority. Democrats employed the maneuver in 2021 to approve both the stimulus law and the House-approved Build Back Better bill over united GOP resistance.

Would Pelosi and Schumer use reconciliation on this? They might not be able to count on getting 50 votes in the Senate.

Read: Dem Don Beyer To Introduce Massive Tax On Scary Rifle And Big Magazine Purchases »

Pirate's Cove