DHS Memo Worries About Violence From Both Sides Over Roe

Right, right, “both sides”

Internal DHS memo warns about threats from extremists on both sides of abortion issue after Roe v. Wade leak

An internal Department of Homeland Security memo warns about rising threats from abortion rights extremists on both sides after the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, according to a copy of the memo obtained Wednesday by NBC News.

Axios was the first to report on the details of the memo, which DHS issued last Friday.

Since the draft opinion was published on May 2, the National Capital Region Threat Intelligence Consortium has identified at least 25 violent threats on social media that were referred to law enforcement agencies for further investigation, according to the memo from DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

“Some of these threats discussed burning down or storming the U.S. Supreme Court and murdering Justices and their clerks, members of Congress, and lawful demonstrators,” the memo said.

Well, that sure sounds like both sides, right? No? The unhinged abortion on demand supporters? Huh

The authors also noted several social media accounts that encouraged violence at abortion rights rallies by sharing images and comments of vehicles ramming into lawful protesters.

Well, that could be both sides, but, I’d bet that most referred to the Democrat side.

In response to reports about the memo, a DHS spokesperson said, “DHS is committed to protecting Americans’ freedom of speech and other civil rights and civil liberties, including the right to peacefully protest. DHS is also committed to working with our partners across every level of government and the private sector to share timely information and intelligence, prevent all forms of violence, and to support law enforcement efforts to keep our communities safe.”

Sounds like they were spying on the communications of citizens. Granted, there isn’t a need for a warrant to cruise Twitter, Facebook, and others. Where was the DHS when the Mostly Peaceful Protesters were rioting, looting, and burning down businesses?

The Axios piece doesn’t really delve into the details, but, of course, tries to put most of the blame on the anti-abortion supporters (let’s be honest, they have committed violence against abortion facilities and abortion doctors), but, really why would the anti-abortion crowd start violence if the Court gets rid of Roe? Any violence will come from the abortion crowd. The idea here is to set the narrative to Blame the anti-abortion folks for the violence from the baby killers.

Read: DHS Memo Worries About Violence From Both Sides Over Roe »

Who’s Up For A $6 National Gas Average?

Everything Biden and his Democrat Comrades are doing is working great, right? Except, this is not a policy failure, it’s an intended consequence

Experts warn we could see national average of $6 gas by August

st greta carThe average gas price in North Carolina stands at $4.32 per gallon on Wednesday. Experts are now saying we could see gas prices at $6 by the end of the summer.

The local average jumped 6 cents Tuesday night — the largest increase we’ve seen in awhile.

CNN Business reports the average price for gasoline in California hit $6 a gallon Tuesday for the first time, and that could become the national average in only a few months.

“There is a real risk the price could reach $6+ a gallon by August,” Natasha Kaneva, head of global oil and commodities research at JPMorgan, told CNN in an email on Tuesday.

While JPMorgan is concerned it could be difficult to meet intense demand during this summer’s driving season, other experts don’t believe gas prices will ever get that high because many people would likely “balk at $6 gas” and drive less.

Biden doesn’t want to do anything to alleviate this. He wants to force you to stop driving, to get an EV (where do they come from? Production is way down on everything), to ride a bike, walk, or take the bus. Meanwhile

Let’s say he drove: a huge fossil fueled limo surround by around 18 other fossil fueled vehicles.

Read More »

Read: Who’s Up For A $6 National Gas Average? »

If All You See…

…is a horrid White Claw, the sign of gentrification which is bad for the climate, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is If You are Left Your Ain’t Right, with a post on all hate crimes being equal, except when they’re not.

Read: If All You See… »

LGB: Shoppers Change Habits In Face Of Inflation

I’ll say it again: it’s not all Joe Biden’s fault. The primary cause is China’s coronavirus. This is hitting other nations. The U.K. just hit a 9% rise in the consumer price index, the most since 1992. They’re even saying that thousands of fish and chips shops could close. But, Biden’s policies are making it worse, not helping. It would really be better if Joe and his people said nothing and did nothing

Facing Higher Grocery Prices, Shoppers Change Habits

Biden Brain SuckerSusan Pollack, a property manager who was shopping one afternoon last week at a Costco in Marina del Rey, Calif., said she was startled that the price of a bulk pack of toilet paper had surged from $17 to $25.

At her local kosher butcher shop, the prices were rising even higher: more than $200 for a 5-pack of short ribs.

“I told my husband, ‘We’re never having short ribs again,’” she said.

Global forces such as supply chain disruptions, severe weather, energy costs and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have contributed to rising inflation rates that have spooked stock market investors and put President Biden’s administration on the defensive.

Weird, not one mention of China and their Wuhan flu. It’s almost like the NY Times doesn’t want to offend China.

But the pressure is felt most directly by shoppers doing their weekly runs to grocery stores, where some items that used to be plentiful have been missing for months and where prices for produce, meat and eggs remain stubbornly high. (snip)

Such price hikes have led to sticker shock, resignation and a determination to sniff out bargains.

“You look for more deals,” said Ray Duffy, a 66-year-old retired banker in an “Unapologetically American” T-shirt who was coming out of a Lidl grocery store in Garwood, N.J., recently.

Except, there aren’t that many deals out there, because stores cannot afford to do the crazy sales anymore. Many times I need to buy a different type of lettuce, romaine or pre-shredded, because there are no regular ones.

Alyssa Sutton, a 53-year-old home-theater business owner, left King’s Food Market in Short Hills, N.J., a grocery chain where a 13-ounce jar of Bonne Maman preserves was selling for $6.49.

“This inflation thing is a real problem,” she said. “When you’re paying twice as much to fill your gas tank and twice as much for everything, you’ve got to say to yourself, ‘Well, do I really need to buy everything at King’s?’”

Many people are store hopping.

It is normal for grocery stores to have 7 percent to 10 percent of items out of stock, but the events of the last two and half years — pandemic outbreaks, extreme weather, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — have caused that number to trend 3 to 5 points higher, said Katie Denis, a spokeswoman for the Consumer Brands Association.

What you may not notice is that the products may not be out of stock, but, they are limited stock. In many cases what you see on the shelf is what there is. There’s nothing in the storeroom. Manufacturers prioritize what they make. Try and find shoes. They are not making as many styles per brand as they used to.

Ms. Pollack, the property manager in California, said that while inflation is not straining her budget, the prices have made her reconsider purchases that were once impulsive. For example, she almost bought an electric shaver for her son, but then she saw it cost $90.

“I go through so much money all the time,” Ms. Pollack, 61, said, “and it’s like, ‘Wow. I didn’t buy anything fun today.’”

I want a new soundbar. I’ve been waiting for the one I’m most interested to go on sale. It did. Once. For a whole day. What you might see is flash sales, not week long sales. People are avoiding buying fun stuff. Welcome to the Let’s Go Brandon economy.

Read: LGB: Shoppers Change Habits In Face Of Inflation »

Your Fault: Ocean Currents Speeding Up From Hotcoldwetdry

Wait, didn’t they tell us that the ocean currents were all slowing down? I mean, like, just tell us this, and that it would lead to an ice age like in the movie The Day After Tomorrow?

The slowing down of ocean currents could have a devastating effect on our climate

Atlantic Ocean circulation is the weakest in at least 1,600 years, study finds – here’s what that means for the climate

The Gulf Stream is slowing to a ‘tipping point’ and could disappear

A Major Ocean Current Is at Its Weakest Point in 1,000 Years

There are plenty more links, but, I used ones from last year. Except for that last one, which is from April of 2022

Ocean currents are accelerating due to climate change, UCSD study says

new study out of UCSD determined climate change is responsible for altering global ocean currents, making them faster and thinner. The study was led by researchers out of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

The research involved running computer model data amid a rising surface temperature alongside other variables. Shang-Ping Xie, a Professor of Climate Science at UCSD’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography, says his team is now focused on the global and local implications and effects of this conclusion. “We were very surprised to see there is a consistent global-wide surface ocean current acceleration as we heat the ocean from the surface,” Xie told CBS 8. “As a scientist, the surprising part of our research is the global nature of this current acceleration. That indicates the results are quite robust and consistent with our physical laws.”

You could pretty much stop at computer model data.

The new data could suggest a harsh future for our oceans, with currents affecting the amount of photosynthesis taking place, nutrients available to marine life, and potentially even more difficult migratory patterns for wildlife. “The ocean currents speed up and therefore the horizontal and vertical distribution of nutrients is going to change accordingly,” said Xie. “So that’s going to affect the distribution and activity of photosynthesis and therefore the biological activity overall.”

Did they gather lots and lots of data to put this study together, check many points around the globe, or, just a sliver and run it through the computer?

Last month the study was published and is now helping to resolve an ongoing debate on the cause of an increase in ocean currents. Scientists have often attributed the acceleration to wind, but this new study found global warming as a primary culprit.

Oh, the same month another study said the ocean currents were slowing down?

The team says the next step will be determining the extent of damage that can occur due to the change in speed. The full study can be found in the journal Nature and Science Advances.

I’d think the first thing they would need to do is to verify their study, not come out with doom and gloom.

Read: Your Fault: Ocean Currents Speeding Up From Hotcoldwetdry »

NY Gungrabbers Look To Grab More Guns Post-Buffalo

New York is already a gun grabber’s wet dream of restrictions. What more can they really do?

Lawmakers in Albany consider how to make tight gun laws even tighter.

New York lawmakers are reviewing options to strengthen the state’s already muscular gun laws, with Gov. Kathy Hochul expected to unveil a package as soon as Wednesday aimed at shoring up remaining weaknesses in the aftermath of the Buffalo massacre.

At an appearance with President Biden in Buffalo on Tuesday, Ms. Hochul suggested that leaders should not merely blame “hateful philosophies” that she said had leached from dark corners of the web to mainstream cable news shows.

“You could have that hate in your heart, and you can sit in your house and foment these evil thoughts, but you can’t act on it — unless you have a weapon,” she said, adding: “That’s the intersection of these two crises in our nation right now.”

You can use a car, a bomb, you can get a gun illegally. Criminals do not care. But, the gun grabbers will use any excuse. Interestingly, the same lawmakers, and Gov Hochul, won’t be giving up their own armed security.

New York already has some of America’s strictest gun control laws, including requirements for background checks, restrictions on assault rifles, and red flag laws. New York has one of the lowest rates of gun death and injury in the country, according to the nonprofit New Yorkers Against Gun Violence.

Red flag laws? Background checks? Those failed, despite the loony being investigated for serious threats

“You just want to close every potential loophole,” said Assemblywoman Amy Paulin of Westchester.

Ms. Paulin is the sponsor of a number of bills she believes would help make New York safer. One would require local law enforcement agencies to promptly contribute information on recovered weapons to a federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives database, which would allow better tracing. Another would allow New York to do its own background checks, instead of outsourcing the process to the F.B.I.

What would the first do? The gun is recovered. Doing their own backgrounds requires the information to be reported in the first place, and, you can see lawsuits if NY slow walks the checks.

Other measures would institute new requirements for gun dealers, including better record keeping and increased staff training.

Which would do what? The NY Times doesn’t say because there’s no rational reason.

But advocates have questioned whether New York’s existing laws could be better implemented.

Under New York’s so-called red flag law, for example, relatives, school officials and law enforcement can ask a court to remove guns from the home of a person at high risk of harming themselves or others and prevent them from buying new ones — a prohibition that can last as long as a year. But the law was not invoked against the suspect in the Buffalo attack, even after his threat to murder and commit suicide alarmed a school official enough to alert police.

There are plenty of laws. If you do not implement the laws correctly, more laws won’t help. Really, the idea is not to solve anything, because then they can’t bloviate. Politicians rarely want to fix a problem.

Now, perhaps they can talk about all the people that shoot each other in NYC.

Read: NY Gungrabbers Look To Grab More Guns Post-Buffalo »

“Confessions Of A Social Justice Meme Maker”

This is an incredible piece

It has so much packed into it that I really do not want to do excerpts, but, I’ll give you a couple quick lines that stand out

Text-based slideshow graphics on pastel backdrops were a particular hit. They often read like instruction manuals, feeding believers the exact phrases needed to dismiss counterarguments and “educate” their “ignorant” family members.

I quickly learned that the key to reaching legions of viewers is to post content that evokes strong emotional responses. In a saturated market, extreme views drive out more nuanced takes.

Without Trump to kick around, progressives were increasingly turning on one another. Left-wing activists dedicated more and more of their time to scouring the online social-justice community, looking for opportunities to take offense.

Activists need a struggle to overcome, a dragon to slay, even if it must be invented.

That third one is interesting. I know I, and so many bloggers, will look for articles to “take offense.” I will also, at times, tell people I agree with something from the NY Times, Washington Post, a hardcore leftist politician. Give the whole thing a read, and a deep thought.

Read: “Confessions Of A Social Justice Meme Maker” »

Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Missing From Australian Elections

The last time ‘climate change’ factored heavily into Australian elections was 2012, when the ruling party in Queensland was annihilated by the voters for actually putting ‘climate change’ policies into action. The Labor party was beaten so badly they didn’t have enough seats to be a recognized party. Doing Something is popular in theory, not practice, and most politicians stay away now

Australian election: Where is climate change on the agenda?

climate change joke

As southern Australia continues to recover from the destruction of the 2019-2020 ‘Black Summer’ bushfires, towns in Queensland and New South Wales (NSW) have just experienced devastating floods.

Some towns have even seen ‘once in 100 year’ floods occur twice in several weeks. In Lismore, an NSW town of nearly 30,000 people, the river rose more than 14 metres in late February, breaching the town’s levees and inundating people’s homes and businesses. Thousands of residents were forced to take refuge on their roofs.

Weather happens, and it’s ironic that this piece is from Al Jazeera, a news outlet backed by a country who’s primary product is oil

“Despite decades of warnings from scientists about climate change, Australia is unprepared for the supercharged weather that it is now driving,” said Hilary Bambrick, co-author of Australia’s annual assessment of progress on climate adaptation.

“Australia is at the forefront of severe climate change … Climate change means that Australia’s extreme weather – heat, drought, bushfires and floods – will continue to get much, much worse if we don’t act now.”

Despite this and voters’ desire for action, climate change has barely been a talking point in campaigning for the country’s federal election, which will take place in less than a week on May 21.

“Australians are hyper concerned about climate change,” University of Tasmania political scientist Kate Crowley told Al Jazeera. ”But the major parties, especially the [ruling] Coalition, don’t want to talk about climate change. For them, it’s done and dusted.

Yes, because they know it is a losing topic, especially post-COVID, with high inflation and low goods.

Climate writer Ketan Joshi has been tracking politicians’ social media mentions of climate change.

He found that just four percent of tweets from senators and three percent of tweets from members of parliament mentioned climate in the first week of the campaign. Most did not tweet about climate change at all.

“Tweets are a proxy for discourse,” Joshi explained. “It’s a really simple read on [the issue’s] prominence, and it turns out that even when climate is mentioned in bad faith, it’s still only a tiny, tiny proportion of the discussion.”

These climate cultists do know that they can actually practice what they preach, instead of trying to get Government to force Other People, right?

Poll after poll has found that the majority of Australians want to see the government take serious action on combating climate change.

National broadcaster ABC runs Vote Compass, the country’s largest survey of voter attitudes. In this year’s poll, 29 percent of those surveyed ranked climate change as the issue most important to them. This was higher than any other single issue, even in the face of the increasing cost of living, which 13 percent rated as the biggest issue.

But, when that action happens these same people will be like “wait, I didn’t think the bad parts would apply to me!”

Read: Bummer: Climate Crisis (scam) Missing From Australian Elections »

If All You See…

…is a horrible pool built with evil carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gen Z Conservative, with a post on Team Brandon admitting it lied about vaccines.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Editorial Board Decides To Blame Most Republicans For Buffalo Shooting

Weirdly, the NY Times itself barely mentions the shooting in Laguna Woods, California, where a Chinese man intentionally attempted to kill lots of Taiwanese. It’s all back page news to the Times. They do know that the Buffalo shooting is all your fault

The Buffalo Shooting Was Not a Random Act of Violence

Republican politicians, including some of the party’s top leaders, openly espouse versions of a white supremacist conspiracy theory holding that an orchestrated effort is underway to displace white Americans. A recently published poll found that almost half of Republicans believe that immigrants are being brought to the United States as part of such an effort.

On Saturday, a gunman who said he was motivated by a version of this “replacement theory” killed 10 people at a Buffalo grocery store, officials said. The suspect, identified as Payton S. Gendron, wrote in an online diatribe that he sought to kill Black people because he wanted to prevent white people from losing their rightful control of the country.

He also wrote extensively about hating Jews. And that he hated the Republican party, Democrat Party, liberals, and conservatives. That he grew up loving Communism, and you can call him a National Socialist.

Mr. Gendron described himself as part of a movement. He said that he was inspired by similar attacks on other minority communities and that he hoped others would follow his example. The suspects in several mass killings in recent years, including the 2015 murder of nine Black worshipers at a church in Charleston, S.C.; the 2018 murder of 11 Jewish worshipers at a synagogue in Pittsburgh; the 2019 murder of 51 Muslim worshipers at a pair of mosques in New Zealand; and the 2019 murder of 23 people, many Latino, in El Paso also propounded versions of this racist worldview.

Well, yeah, he was a nutjob hater. Replacement theory is more about Latinos than blacks. The black population isn’t really growing, because so many black children are aborted, which is what Democrats want.

Replacement theory is an attack on democracy. It privileges the purported interests of some Americans over those of others, asserting, in effect, that the will of the people means the will of white people. It rekindles fears and resentments among white Americans that cynical practitioners of American politics have stoked throughout the nation’s history. It also provides a disturbing rationalization for people inclined to resort to violence when the political process does not deliver what they want or protect what they see as their place in society.

We don’t have a democracy. Also, how many times have we seen Democrats resort to violence when they do not get what they want? We all witnessed the BLM/Antifa riots. How often have we seen whites demonized and denigrated by the media and BLM?

Right-wing rhetoricians in the United States portray undocumented immigrants as the primary threat. This sanitizes replacement theory for mainstream consumption without diluting its logic. The same argument is easily applied to other minority groups.

See? All your fault. And the NY Times editorial board makes the illogical jump to blacks. And, again, forgets to mention Gendron’s hatred for Jews. Anyhow, more blah blah blah, blaming Republicans. This is why it’s almost impossible to have a discussion or debate with Democrats anymore. Heck, even having a full blown argument, because Democrats take things so beyond the norm, they’re at Category 6 hurricane, that it’s impossible these days. They’re specifically saying that Republicans aren’t opponents, they’re enemies.

Read: NY Times Editorial Board Decides To Blame Most Republicans For Buffalo Shooting »

Pirate's Cove