High Flying John Kerry Says Coal Needs To Go, Ukraine War No Excuse

Well, it’s easy for John Kerry to say this: he’s rich, high energy prices do not effect him, and the taxpayers pay for quite a bit of his energy use, like the cost of jet fuel to fly to Bonn

Bonn climate conference: Ukraine war no excuse for prolonging coal, Kerry warns

John Kerry climateThe US envoy on climate change John Kerry has warned that the war in Ukraine must not be used as an excuse to prolong global reliance on coal.

Speaking to the BBC, Mr Kerry criticised a number of large countries for not living up to the promises they made at the COP26 climate summit.

Climate diplomats meet again today in Bonn amid new, energy security worries.

If countries extend their reliance on coal in response to the war, then “we are cooked,” Mr Kerry said.

The fragile unity shown in Glasgow last November is likely to be tested in Bonn as countries deal with the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the cost of living crisis.

Mr Kerry told the BBC that despite these drawbacks, “as a world we are still not moving fast enough,” to rein in the emissions of warming gases that are driving up temperatures.

Did the BBC reporter ask Kerry how he got to Bonn? How he’s traveling around in Bonn?

The talks will be carried out by civil servants with limited political input and will review progress on a host of issues agreed in the Glasgow Climate Pact,

I don’t remember electing them, or giving them the power to screw up the U.S. energy sector. Also, how’d these bureaucrats from around the world get there?

Read: High Flying John Kerry Says Coal Needs To Go, Ukraine War No Excuse »

Bad News For Biden: Economic Issues Top Poll For Midterms

Surprise? Pretty much everyone but Biden, his elected Democrat Comrades, and his wackadoodle base know this. If they really think running on gun grabbing and abortion on demand will be the ticket to hold the House and Senate, well, they’re dumber than you think

Economic issues top the public’s agenda: POLL

Biden Brain SuckerAs the midterm election approaches, most Americans say that the economy, inflation and rising gas prices are the most important issues in determining how they will vote for Congress this November, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.

With inflation on the rise since last fall, Americans have been significantly affected by the rising cost of goods and services. And, more than eight in 10 Americans (83%) now say that the economy is either an extremely or very important issue in determining how they will vote, in the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted using Ipsos’ KnowledgePanel.

In the poll, 80% of Americans say that inflation is also an extremely or very important factor in how they will vote and for gas prices, it is 74%.

Joe Biden’s approval ratings for his handling of these key issues are all well underwater, suggesting trouble for the president and Democratic candidates ahead of the midterm. Only 37% approve of Biden’s handling of the economic recovery, and even fewer approve of his handling of inflation (28%) and gas prices (27%).

Who would have thought it? And, crime is pretty darned important, with 71% thinking extremely or very important. It’s not all bad news for Dems

Abortion and gun violence are high, and, hey, ‘climate change’ isn’t last next to last. At the end of the day, though, inflation, gas prices, paying so much more for product, waiting a long time for many goods and services (I bought a 4 car door speakers today, but, cannot get them put in for almost 3 weeks. I could do it myself, do not want to), be they cars, furniture, etc, and just a general seeing that the economy is not getting better, but, worse, straight up pocketbook issues, will reign in this election.

Read: Bad News For Biden: Economic Issues Top Poll For Midterms »

If All You See…

…is a horrible pool made of carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Hot Air, with a post on Washington state drivers refusing to pull over for cops, thanks to Washington state law.

Just straight up bikinis week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Alberto Vargas

Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Summer is almost here. This pinup is by Alberto Vargas, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Legal Insurrection notes that rise of LGBT kids is influenced by “social trends”
  2. Moonbattery covers masking being meant to obliterate our individuality
  3. Pacific Pundit features Biden hitting the beach while gas sets new records
  4. Powerline has a sensible position on guns and crime
  5. The First Street Journal discusses how the Left wants you to live
  6. The Gateway Pundit covers Pizza Hut give drag queen books to young kids
  7. The Last Refuge features a very silly Biden quote on the economy
  8. The Lid notes how many Americans are now having to delay their retirement
  9. The O.K. Corral features NASCAR going Woke
  10. The Other McCain discusses when the anti-gun propaganda doesn’t support the anti-gun narrative
  11. The Right Scoop covers DeSantis vetoing more funding for the Tampa Bay Rays
  12. Weasel Zippers notes gas prices have officially doubled under Biden
  13. Green Jihad features PETA losing their minds over a Lego farm set
  14. Greenie Watch covers the World Economic Forum telling the peons to eat seaweed
  15. And last, but, not least, Jo Nova discusses an Aussie town suing over a “green” project that delivered no energy

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Washington Post Notes Groomer Teaching Rising In Some Schools

Of course, they don’t say it’s grooming. Seriously, why do young children need to know this? They’re young. And the groomers wonder why we call them groomers

Gender identity lessons, banned in some schools, are rising in others

Some lessons are direct: “Who can describe what transgender means?” In other classes, the discussion is more subtle: “Remember, families can come in all shapes and sizes!”

Sometimes teachers simply shift their language to reflect gender diversity that may be in the room. Instead of “Good morning, boys and girls!” the teacher might say, “Good morning, scholars!”

In Florida and several others states, educators are restricted in teaching about gender identity, but elsewhere, teachers are embracing the topic as the number of transgender and gender nonbinary children rises.

Why is it rising now? Because teachers, libraries, companies, and others are working to indoctrinate them in this insanity


Resources and lesson plans for those who want to teach about gender identity are becoming much more common. Seven states now require that curriculums include LGBTQ topics. The National Sex Education Standards, developed by experts and advocacy groups, name gender identity as one of seven essential topics, alongside puberty, consent, sexual orientation and other subjects. And the federal government recommends that schools include gender identity in their sex education programs.

And the U.S. falls further and further behind other nations in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, reading comprehension, you name it. And then these people go to college to get ridiculous degrees, ending with tens of thousands of debt they can’t repay.

The restrictions often go beyond the classroom. Many districts have resisted efforts to allow transgender students to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity, and 18 states limit transgender women from competing in women’s and girls’ sports, though some measures are on hold pending a court challenge. Philadelphia’s school district even came under fire for informing teachers about an independent Trans Wellness Conference where some attendees discussed how to support youth who are transitioning genders.

Yes, the sane states, which think it’s a Bad Idea to have young women exposed to penis in their locker rooms, bathrooms, showers, and changing rooms, along with taking sporting victories, which could lead to college scholarships, away from biological women.

Classes that address gender identity are still the exception in American schools. But an increase in the number of young people identifying as trans or gender nonconforming has prompted many schools to change course and adopt lessons that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. A Gallup survey released last year found 16 percent of young adults in Generation Z identify as LGBT, more than any other generation.

It’s fashionable and it’s being taught to easily swayed young minds. Who can’t do basic math, but, hey, they know how to wear a dress, die their hair, and speak on TikTok, right?

Can we just split the nation into regular states and FUBAR states already?

Read: Washington Post Notes Groomer Teaching Rising In Some Schools »

Climate Moonbat Ties Herself To Wimbledon Net

Hey, let’s start here

Why mental health is a priority for action on climate change

Climate change poses serious risks to mental health and well-being, concludes a new WHO policy brief, launched today at the Stockholm+50 conference. The Organization is therefore urging countries to include mental health support in their response to the climate crisis, citing examples where a few pioneering countries have done this effectively.

The findings concur with a recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), published in February this year. The IPPC revealed that rapidly increasing climate change poses a rising threat to mental health and psychosocial well-being; from emotional distress to anxiety, depression, grief, and suicidal behavior.

“The impacts of climate change are increasingly part of our daily lives, and there is very little dedicated mental health support available for people and communities dealing with climate-related hazards and long-term risk,” said Dr Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health at WHO.

Perhaps they should work with the climate cult peons, because this is not normal

Climate Change Protester Ties Herself to Net During French Open Semifinal

A climate change protester interrupted the French Open semifinal match between Casper Ruud and Marin ?ili? by rushing the court and tying herself to the net on Friday. 

“We’ve got an interloper on the court,” the commentator said as the protester stormed the court. “Security in black sport coats is out to protect.”

The woman reportedly used a necklace to tie herself onto the net while donning a shirt that read “We have 1028 days left.” Her shirt also referenced a website that reportedly provided more insight into the reason for her protest. 

“Today, I entered the field because I can no longer take the risk of doing nothing in the face of the climate emergency,” a screenshot from the website reportedly said.

The woman’s protest interrupted the tennis match for approximately 15 minutes.

And we apparently only have have just under 3 years left

Of course the mental wellbeing of climate cult members is getting worse, because the climate cult infested news, government agencies, etc, are constantly broadcasting missives of Doom.

Read: Climate Moonbat Ties Herself To Wimbledon Net »

If All You See…

…is a palm tree that will soon grow in Siberia, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gen Z Conservative, with a post on Catholic clergy refusing to give Pelosi communion.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Democrats Facing Pressure On Skyrocketing Crime From Their Own Base

Yeah, soft on crime policies, soft on criminal policies, bail reform, and all the other stuff sounds great in theory, but, doesn’t work out so well in practice when it’s your own city, right, Democrats? (Link for NY Times behind firewall version here)

Democrats Face Pressure on Crime From a New Front: Their Base

(skipping the first few paragraphs for the meat)

In Democratic strongholds like Maryland, a rise in violent crime has pushed the party’s candidates to address the issue of public safety in newly urgent terms. Even before the recent mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, reignited the debate over gun control, day-to-day gun crimes and other acts of violence were rattling the American electorate.

Long seen as a political wedge for Republicans to use against Democrats, crime is increasingly a subject of concern within the Democratic Party and the big cities that make up much of its political base.

And from Baltimore and Atlanta in the East to San Francisco and Seattle in the West, the candidates and elected officials pushing the party to address crime more aggressively are largely people of color. Candidates are motivated not mainly by fear of Republican attacks, but rather by mounting outcry from the Black, Hispanic and Asian American communities bearing the brunt of a national crime wave.

Democrat cities like Seattle used to be pretty safe. Neighborhood Scout is a great resource, and Seattle used to be in the mid to upper 20’s, like most bigger cities. The higher the number, the safer the city. Seattle has now gone down to a 2. That’s worse than Chicago, which is a 10. Baltimore has recently gone from a 1 to a 4, with the police working hard to protect the middle class neighborhoods now.

Alarming trends have changed the political conversation. In Baltimore, the city is on track to record more than 300 homicides for the eighth straight year, along with a rise in carjackings, robberies and other serious crimes. Concerns about police misconduct in the city have not evaporated seven years after the killing of Freddie Gray in police custody ignited protests and rioting, but persistent violent crime has pushed voters’ tolerance to the breaking point.

Those developments have transformed the Democratic Party’s discourse on matters of law and order, forcing the party to balance its determination to overhaul the criminal justice system with the imperative to protect its most loyal voters from a tide of violence.

Well, that sounds like they are doing it simply for votes, rather than as their duty to protect the citizens.

On the other side of the country, Mayor Bruce Harrell of Seattle, a moderate Democrat who defeated a left-wing opponent last year, placed rising crime and a shortage of police officers at the center of his candidacy.

Harrell, who was inaugurated in January as Seattle’s second Black and first Asian American mayor, said voters of color in his city responded to a message of making the police more responsive but not “militarized or racialized” — an allusion to the heavy-handed and often discriminatory tactics favored by law-and-order mayors of the past.

Democrats, he said, need to understand that many voters cannot embrace the rest of their agenda if they do not feel safe. “Every community here demands safety,” Harrell said.

Harrell has been actually facing a lot of pushback from the loony tunes base in his quest to reform the reform, to make Seattle safe. The base is fine with the original soft on criminals reform as long as it is in Those Neighborhoods, rather than their own.

Baker has promised to declare a state of emergency in Baltimore and pour state police resources into the city. In early May, he unveiled a television commercial vowing to “stop the slaughter of young Black men” in the city and decrying what he called the state’s indifference to crime victims there.

“Because they’re Black, nobody gives a damn,” Baker says in the ad.

That would be Wes Moore, a Democrat candidate for governor in Maryland. And, he’s right: Democrats do not care about blacks in cities. The uber-white leftists think they are helping minorities with their crime policies, when they only make it worse. And, really, Dems have never cared about blacks. This is the new version of their KKK policies. They just changed tactics post Civil Rights legislation.

Anyhow, it’s a long, long piece. Will Dems finally push for law and order? Or freak out when politicians actually push for crime reduction?

Read: Surprise: Democrats Facing Pressure On Skyrocketing Crime From Their Own Base »

Republicans Offer ‘Climate Change’ Plan That Boosts Energy

How dare they offer a reasonable plan that lives in the real world rather than based on doomsday cult ravings!

House Republicans unveil energy and climate plan that would boost fossil fuels, hydropower

Republicans this week introduced a road map describing how they would mitigate rising gasoline prices and address climate change if the party wins control of the House of Representatives in the November midterms.

The plan arises from the energy, climate and conservation task force established last year by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and involves proposals that run counter to the warnings of climate scientists.

The strategy provides a broad overview of how the party would address high energy prices but doesn’t set specific greenhouse gas emission targets. It calls for ramping up fossil fuel production and liquefied natural gas exports, as well as streamlining the permitting process for major infrastructure projects, according to The Washington Post, which first reported the plan.

The agenda also endorses legislation to expand hydropower, one of the oldest and largest sources of renewable energy, and condemns policies that increase U.S. demand for critical minerals mined from China, which are necessary for electric vehicle and renewable energy production. In a document introducing the road map, House Republicans cited Department of Energy statistics showing that only 3% of the more than 80,000 dams in the U.S. currently generate electricity.

“If Republicans earn back the House majority in the fall, we will be ready to enact that strategy and ease the suffering of working Americans’ wallets,” Rep. Garret Graves, R-La., the task force chair, wrote in a blog post.

Well, really, this has zero chance of getting signed by Biden if the GOP passes it.

The GOP plans to unveil the six policy areas of their plan, called “Unlock American Resources,” “American Innovation,” “Let America Build,” “Beat China and Russia,” “Conservation with a Purpose” and “Build Resilient Communities,” over the next two months.

Well, I hope it includes nuclear power

Environmentalists and congressional Democrats argue the GOP plan is not only insufficient but would worsen the climate crisis.

Yeah, it sounds like it’s just including ‘climate change’ for the hell of it, but, then, the climate cultists plans aren’t really about climate, but, governmental power.

Read: Republicans Offer ‘Climate Change’ Plan That Boosts Energy »

Brandonomy: Health Of Consumers Sees Troubling Sign

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature

Gas prices are through the roof. That’s just how Biden wants it.

I did that BidenApproaching his 500th day in office this week, Joe Biden is the least popular U.S. president at this point in his first term in the modern polling era. His approval rating might drop even further now that Americans are home from their Memorial Day weekend travels. According to AAA, this was one of the most expensive Memorial Day travel periods on record, with gas prices hitting $4.62 — the highest average price at the pump ever recorded. (snipping through a bunch of things you know Biden has done to skyrocket gas costs)

Taken together, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that Democrats welcome high gas prices as part of an intentional strategy to speed our transition away from fossil fuels. They don’t like the political blowback, so they are trying to divert blame onto Russian President Vladimir Putin, as Biden did in a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week. But many Americans are beginning to suspect that, just as the government deliberately raised the cost of cigarettes to curb smoking, Democrats want to see gas prices rise so that Americans will stop using fossil fuels.

They do. He does. There certainly comes a point where you would think this isn’t incompetence, but, malfeasance. Intentional. The highest I’ve seen in Raleigh is $4.59. So far.

Gas prices: A ‘troubling sign’ emerges on the health of consumers

Sticker price shock at the gas pump may finally be breaking the back of the U.S. consumer, new data shows.

Current U.S. gasoline consumption levels are running 3% lower than a year ago and have been declining at a 3-5% clip the past seven weeks, according to researchers at DataTrek (chart below). DataTrek noted that these declines were not the case prior to April 2022, suggesting that pain at the pump is affecting consumer behavior.

“Given that commuting is the single most common reason Americans drive, we would have thought gas consumption would still be showing positive comps to last year,” DataTrek writes. “Office occupancy was barely 20% at this point last year and is double that now (43%). Lower gasoline consumption is therefore a troubling sign about overall consumer spending patterns.”

Remember, a lot of stuff wasn’t open at this time last year. A lot of people were still working from home. Travel was still rather muted. Delta was hitting hard.

Inflation — hitting necessities such as food, fuel, and housing — seems to be weighing on the minds of Americans: The University of Michigan’s final consumer sentiment measure fell to 58.4 in May, down from 59.1 earlier in the month, marking the lowest level in more than 10 years.

Consumer spending clocked in with a solid 0.9% increase in April, according to data from the Commerce Department, but the increase was fueled by consumers dipping into their savings — the savings rate fell to 4.4% in April from 5% in the prior month.

“The U.S. economy remains strong approaching mid-year,” EY-Parthenon Chief Economist Greg Daco wrote in a note to clients, “but cracks are starting to appear in the foundation.”

Republicans do not want to see this happen just to win an election, because it means Americans are getting hurt. But, we also know that Biden and his Democrat Comrades will not only not change course, they’ll triple down on their bad policies. They really do not care who gets hurt on the way to their Statist paradise. Some of you f’ing Republicans with Trump Derangement Syndrome need to own up to your horrible votes.

Read: Brandonomy: Health Of Consumers Sees Troubling Sign »

Pirate's Cove