If All You See…

…is an elevated house to avoid Bad Weather flooding, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Climate Scepticism, with a post on the Australian Academy of Science trying to get Big Tech to shut down divergent voices.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out Chicks On The Right, with a post on 22K customers locked out of their thermostats in the People’s Republik Of Colorado.

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Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Biden’s Nasty, Divisive Speech Creates Calls For Violence

Interestingly, this story doesn’t mention the calls for violence from Biden supporters who now feel emboldened by Biden saying things like “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic” and calling them fascists and semi-fascists (which is rather ironic), extremists, terrorists

Biden speech denouncing Trump, ‘MAGA ideology’ sparks threats, calls for violence

President Biden’s fiery speech in Philadelphia denouncing former President Donald Trump and what he described as “extreme MAGA ideology” has sparked online calls for violence, including death threats against the president, according to documents obtained by Yahoo News.

Biden’s remarks also prompted immediate concerns from senior counterterrorism officials who said they fear that calling Trump supporters extremists would be viewed as a call to arms and would only inflame an already volatile threat environment.

“Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal,” Biden said Thursday night at Independence Hall, flanked by two U.S. Marines. “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

If you slam and slur 74 million Americans, well, you’re going to get the response you asked for

By Friday afternoon, posts on forums popular among white supremacists and far-right extremists called for the assassination of Biden, and named Jewish administration officials including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as potential targets. Declarations of civil war were also appearing, according to documents detailing some of the threats.

“On Gab, one user posted a series of violent threats accusing Biden of stealing the election,” according to a threat alert from Site Intelligence Group sent to law enforcement agencies and others on Friday. Trump and many of his supporters have long claimed, without evidence, that the 2020 presidential election won by Biden was stolen from Trump due to widespread voter fraud.

Site Intelligence Group, which tracks online extremism activity, issued several threat alerts detailing calls for violence in response to Biden’s speech. The potential threats were posted in online forums tied to the Proud Boys, neo-Nazis and other extremist groups.

I’m concerned they might attack and firebomb a federal justice center, loot and pillage stores, burn down black stores and areas, and create their own independent zone with lots of crime and violence, pushing store owners and residents out.

“Users on several far-right and ultranationalist venues made violent threats against President Joe Biden following his speech addressing political extremism on September 1, 2022,” said one of the alerts. “Users advocated for Biden to be murdered and predicted violence if he continues speaking about the topic.”

And how many Lefties threatened Trump? How many were willing to threaten Trump openly?

During Biden’s speech, four current U.S. domestic counterterrorism officials told Yahoo News they were concerned the president’s words would further divide the nation and lead to increased threats against government and law enforcement officials.

“I fear he is lighting a fuse that is not going to go well,” one senior Biden counterterrorism official said. “Sadly this is not a united speech but a very divisive one.”

Well, duh. And, of course, the Biden admin is using the violent rhetoric that they created with that divisive speech

“The President’s message couldn’t have been more clear: there is no place in our democracy for political violence,” the Brandon House statement said. “None. And that some of the more extreme elements in our society are now calling for more violence only proves the very point of his speech … that we are in a dangerous moment right now, a moment where simply stating the truth about the fragility of our democracy brings out the worst instincts of those who want to tear it apart. The President was right to call them out. The bigger risk to the body politic would have been to remain silent in the face of such a threat.”

And then he flew off to Camp David for the 7th weekend this year (20 in Delaware, 8 elsewhere than the White House), having done his job in 100% dividing America. And whipping up a Republican passion to vote in the mid-terms.

Read: Surprise: Biden’s Nasty, Divisive Speech Creates Calls For Violence »

Gen Zers Find Climate Crisis (scam) Is Their Top Concern Or Something

They’re totally willing to give up their use of fossil fueled travel, stop streaming so much, stop going all around to take selfies, and give up lots of their money and liberty to Government, right?

Climate change is top concern for Generation Z students

Students heading back to the classroom have more on their minds than their lessons. Generation Z’s top concern is climate change and environmental issues, according to a study by Deloitte.

So, no more fossil fueled bus rides, right? No air conditioning in class?

Chloe Thompson is a junior at The Middle College at UNCG. She lives with type one diabetes, which inspired her to become a doctor. This summer’s brutal heatwaves and other natural catastrophes reinforce her passion to pursue a career in health sciences.

“I know I personally want to go into the health science field, and so seeing how climate change is having a huge effect on people’s personal health and causing some of them to have to go to the hospitals or even people dying is really sad and hard to see,” she said.

So, she wants to blame her diabetes on ‘climate change’? When doctors do not even know what really causes it in children?

study by Deloitte found in 2021, climate change and environmental issues were the top concern for Generation Z. Unemployment and health care ranked second and third. For millennials, health care ranked first, unemployment was second and environmental concerns third. Additionally, 43% of Gen Zers surveyed said they’re afraid it’s too late to repair the damage done to the environment.

“It made me want to help with recycling and try to combat some of those things to hopefully help with our future generations so our environment is a cleaner, better place,” Thompson said.

From recycling used batteries to coordinating litter pick-ups in their neighborhoods, young people like Thompson are taking small steps in the big fight against climate change.

Yes, small steps, which are really environmental, not about climate doom. How many of these Gen Zs are willing to radically alter their lives to accord with their climate apocalypse beliefs?

Read: Gen Zers Find Climate Crisis (scam) Is Their Top Concern Or Something »

Russia Threatens U.S. For Providing Long Range Weapons To Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has become rather backburner news, and doesn’t seem to have any ending in sight. Now, though, Putin is making serious threats towards the U.S., thanks to Biden’s meddling. Bluff? Or, is Biden dragging us into WWIII

Russia warns US off sending long-range weapons to Ukraine

Biden Brain SuckerA senior Russian diplomat sternly warned Washington Friday against supplying long-range weapons to Ukraine, noting that the U.S. is balancing on the edge of direct involvement in the conflict.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also pointed to the country’s military doctrine that envisages the use of nuclear weapons in case of a threat to the existence of the Russian state.

“We have repeatedly warned the U.S. about the consequences that may follow if the U.S. continues to flood Ukraine with weapons,” Ryabkov said. “It effectively puts itself in a state close to what can be described as a party to the conflict.”

Speaking on state television, Ryabkov warned that ”a very narrow margin that separates the U.S. from becoming a party to the conflict mustn’t create an illusion for rabid anti-Russian forces that everything will remain as it is if they cross it.”

Do these warnings have teeth, or just bark? Should there be concern as the U.S. provides more and more offensive weapons?

Supplies of the U.S. HIMARS multiple rocket launchers strengthened the strike capability of the Ukrainian army, which has used them to hit key infrastructure facilities and other targets. The truck-mounted systems fire GPS-guided missiles capable of reaching targets up to 80 kilometers (50 miles) away.

U.S. authorities so far have refrained from providing Ukraine with longer range missiles for HIMARS launchers that can reach targets up to 300 kilometers (186 miles) and could potentially allow the Ukrainian military to hit areas deep inside Russia.

“We are warning the U.S. against making provocative steps, such as deliveries of longer-range and more devastating weapons,” Ryabkov said. “It’s a road to nowhere fraught with grave consequences, the responsibility for which will lie entirely with Washington.”

There’s an easy answer: get out of Ukraine, Russia. That said, Brandon needs to be damned careful, as do his crazy leftist handlers. They’ve already done a wizbang job in enabling Russia to feel emboldened to invade Ukraine

Read: Russia Threatens U.S. For Providing Long Range Weapons To Ukraine »

Bummer: Washington Post Says Climate Cultists Will Have To Give Up Their Hatred Energy Projects

I think all these Warmists should have the “green” energy projects built near where they live and work

To fight climate change, environmentalists may have to give up a core belief

For decades, environmentalists have made their mark by stopping things. Petroleum facilities that spew toxic air pollution. Pipelines that cut across Indigenous lands. Drilling for oil and gas.

But climate change is about to change everything. To cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to zero, experts say, the country is going to have to do something environmentalists have traditionally opposed: It’s going to have to build a lot of energy infrastructure. And fast.

Right now, many roadblocks stand in the way of building wind, solar, and the transmission lines that can carry their power to city centers. And while Democrats have a bill in the works to speed that sort of permitting, most environmentalists oppose it — because it could also promote oil and gas development.

“We’re going to have to build a lot more of everything clean,” said Josh Freed, the director of climate and energy at the center-left think tank Third Way. “The United States has an infrastructure building crisis. We can no longer build anything big — let alone big and ambitious — in a reasonable time frame.”

Well, good luck with this. Even if Warmists agree, the extreme-enviros won’t. They’ll sue to stop projects, even “green” ones, just like they’ve done and attempted to do. For instance, trying to build a solar farm in the Mojave Desert. As the subhead says “Mojave Desert residents say they support clean energy, but not giant projects, citing threat to tortoises and views.” Huh. Or, hey, how about Cape Wind, which Democrats tried to block for over a decade?

To reach net-zero carbon emissions, according to a study by Princeton University, wind farms will have to spread across the Great Plains and the Midwest, covering an area equal to at least the states of Illinois and Indiana. Solar panels will sparkle across an area at least as large as Connecticut. And thousands of miles of high-voltage transmission lines will need to be built to carry all that power from where it’s generated — mostly in rural parts of the country — to urban centers far away.

Hmm, they want to build these in rural areas so that the climate cultists in urban areas can have power? And don’t have to look at the projects? Huh.

And these projects need to be up and running soon. According to an analysis by the DecarbAmerica Project, solar and wind power in the U.S. will have to double in just the next eight years.

I’d support this if the projects were viable, but, they really just do not generate the power necessary. We would have been better served, as I’ve said before, if the money from Obama’s stimulus went into research and development, rather than projects.

One thing that could help, Reed argues, is giving the federal government authority to approve the construction of big, high-voltage transmission lines. At the moment, power lines have to get approval from every state that they cross, including states that may not benefit much from having gigantic power lines weaving over their homes and buildings. Federal authority would allow the government to rubber-stamp transmission lines without getting into the local and state regulatory morass. (Similar authority already exists for natural gas pipelines.)

In other words, the federal government would be taking more power, blowing off it’s Constitutional limitations.

Green groups, however, still have reservations.

“Whatever the proposed project is — whether it’s a pipeline or a highway or a solar farm — it should be subject to the same commonsense review process,” Mahyar Sorour, a deputy legislative director for the Sierra Club, said in an email. “If we want these projects to move forward faster, we shouldn’t be weakening environmental laws, but investing more resources into the agencies and staff.”

Double in other words, they’re going to block projects.

Read: Bummer: Washington Post Says Climate Cultists Will Have To Give Up Their Hatred Energy Projects »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on Biden always having been a bad person.

Read: If All You See… »

Unhinged Brandon Uses Presidential Speech To Threaten Political Opponents

I’m pretty sure most thought his unhinged rant would be extremely political, blamestorming the 73 million who voted for Trump, which in itself is a huge break in tradition. When’s the last time that you saw an elected president blame half the country during a political rally, much less an official scheduled POTUS speech? Did anyone think it would be this bad, though?


(Fox News) President Biden Thursday aimed to frame the state of U.S. politics as a battle between “equality and democracy” and a GOP allegedly assaulting those principles in a campaign-style speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.

The president’s address continues a recent pattern of increasingly aggressive and divisive broadsides against his political opponents. Biden recently said Republicans are embracing “semi-fascism.”

I did this photoshop months ago

I actually didn’t think Biden could go beyond it.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., attacked Democrats on a litany of issues, including inflation, in an address ahead of Biden’s Thursday speech.

“How many of you can afford to give up one month of your income? I bet not many,” McCarthy said during an appearance north of Philadelphia in Scranton, Pennsylvania. “But if you had a constant salary for the past year, you’ve had more than one month of your income taken away.”

McCarthy added: “Democrats have had total control in Washington… So let me ask you this. How have they done?”

What Brandon really didn’t talk about is inflation, crime, the border, etc. Some lefty journalists were less than impressed with Biden’s rant

CNN correspondent Jeff Zeleny added, “There’s nothing unusual or wrong with a President delivering a political speech — it’s inherent in the job description — but doing it against a backdrop of two Marines standing at attention and the Marine Band is a break with White House traditions.”

Political is one thing: declaring 73 million voters enemies of the state with members of the U.S. Military standing behind him for daring to oppose his policies of Big Government is something entirely different

Read: Unhinged Brandon Uses Presidential Speech To Threaten Political Opponents »

California Passes Law Skyrocketing Cost Of Energy

And making energy utterly unreliable. I wonder why no reporter bothered to ask when the Governor and all the Democrats who voted for the bill are going 90% renewable at their offices and homes?

California legislature passes sweeping climate agenda, pledging 90% renewable energy by 2030

Tougher clean energy goals, a ban on new oil and gas wells near homes and schools, and establishing guidelines for capturing carbon and storing it underground are among the climate proposals California Democrats advanced in the final days of the legislative session.

Taken together, along with tens of billions in budget money for climate proposals, the policies marked one of the state’s most groundbreaking years for climate action, some advocates said.

“This was a watershed year on climate action,” said Mary Creasman, chief executive officer for California Environmental Voters.

Broadly, legislative Republicans argued the bills would destroy in-state jobs and require the state to turn to foreign countries to import oil to maintain an economy that still relies heavily on fossil fuels. Democrats, meanwhile, said the urgency of climate change requires swifter, more aggressive action.

Democrats really do not care, because it’s a cult

California has already mandated that 100% of retail electricity sales will come from non-carbon energy sources like solar and wind power by 2045. Current law sets an interim goal of 60% by 2030.

Lawmakers have now boosted that to 90% by 2030 and 95% by 2035.

The action comes as California is struggling to keep its power grid stable as the state transitions away from fossil fuels and record temperatures blanket the state.

The more aggressive 2030 targets will put even more pressure on the state to build more solar panels, wind turbines and batteries that can store that power for use at night. At the same time, electricity demand is expected to sore as California tries to get more people to swap out gas-powered cars and home appliances for electric ones.

This should be fun to watch, eh?

Read: California Passes Law Skyrocketing Cost Of Energy »

Hot Take: Going Maskless Is Racist

Yes, it is a cult. Democrats seem to love joining them

Illinois professor says going maskless indoors a ‘manifestation’ of racism, will boot non-compliant students

A professor at Northern Illinois University (NIU) outlined to students that they all must wear masks while in his class, arguing that not wearing face masks indoors “is a manifestation of ableism and racism.”

“Refusing to mask indoors is a manifestation of ableism and racism, an exercise of individual privilege that tells the most vulnerable that their health and the health of their loved ones does not matter. Thus, masks are required here. They are NOT optional,” a message from Northern Illinois University physics professor Jahred Adelman says, according to a photo of a projector screen from the class.

The professor’s instruction on masks was made public after a student reported the matter through the Young America’s Foundation (YAF) Campus Bias Tip Line. YAF obtained a copy of Adelman’s syllabus, which outlines that “Masks are required AT ALL times in PHYS 253.” If students do not comply, they will be booted from the class, according to the syllabus.

“Masks are required AT ALL times in PHYS 253. Here and in your labs. It is not pleasant, but it is for your health and safety, my health and safety, and the health and safety of your friends and colleagues. If you do not follow this requirement, you will be asked to leave,” Adelman wrote in the course syllabus, according to YAF.

Northern Illinois University, a public university in DeKalb County, Illinois, eased its mask requirements in February but states on its website that “faculty members can require masks be worn in their teaching spaces.” Adelman has been working at the college since 2014 and currently serves as the director of graduate studies for the physics department.

Leave it to a mask cultist to turn the amp to 11, eh? Isn’t the COVID vaccine, and surely many boosters, supposed to protect the professor? Oh, right, raaaaacism. Meanwhile

White House: How about a COVID-19 boost with that flu shot?

The Biden administration hopes to make getting a COVID-19 booster as routine as going in for the yearly flu shot.

That’s at the heart of its campaign to sell the newly authorized shot to an American public that has widely rejected COVID-19 boosters since they first became available last fall.

White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said this latest round of shots will offer protection during the busy cold and flu season, with the hope of transitioning people to get the vaccine yearly. Typically, at least half of U.S. adults get a flu shot.

That’s right, it will never end.

Read: Hot Take: Going Maskless Is Racist »

Evangelicals Says Bible Requires Climate Scam Action Or Something

Strangely, the Washington Post’s Jack Jenkins failed to ask if any of them are practicing what they preach. If they’ve replaced their fossil fueled vehicles with EVs. Gotten rid of all natural gas appliances. Handwash and lined dry clothes. Etc

Bible demands action on climate change, Evangelicals say in new report

St. GretaThe National Association of Evangelicals has unveiled a sweeping report on global climate change, laying out what its authors call the “biblical basis” for environmental activism to help spur fellow evangelicals to address the planetary crisis.

“Creation, although groaning under the fall, is still intended to bless us. However, for too many in this world, the beach isn’t about sunscreen and bodysurfing but is a daily reminder of rising tides and failed fishing,” reads the report’s introduction, penned by NAE President Walter Kim. “Instead of a gulp of fresh air from a lush forest, too many children take a deep breath only to gasp with the toxic air that has irritated their lungs.”

But the authors admit that convincing evangelicals is no small task, considering the religious group has historically been one of the demographics most resistant to action on the issue.

The nearly 50-page report, released Monday and titled “Loving the Least of These: Addressing a Changing Environment,” opens with a section that insists protecting the environment is a biblical mandate.

“The Bible does not tell us anything directly about how to evaluate scientific reports or how to respond to a changing environment, but it does give several helpful principles: Care for creation, love our neighbors and witness to the world,” the report says.

Not that I’m evengelical (I’m Episcopalian), but, I might listen if they were practicing what they preach. Probably not, because, even if climate change was mostly caused by mankind, the climate cult is making all the solutions about higher taxes and fees, along with big government restricting your freedom and life choices.

Kinda interesting how the leftists at the WP usually hate Christians, but, are willing to prop them up when they take leftist beliefs.

Read: Evangelicals Says Bible Requires Climate Scam Action Or Something »

Pirate's Cove