Secretary Pete Has A Plan To Force You Out Of Your Fossil Fueled Vehicle

So, we’ve jumped past moving you into an electric vehicle and to you having no personal vehicle

For over 17 years here on this blog, and further back when I was on chatboards, I’ve been saying that ‘climate change’ is all about control. That even if mankind was mostly responsible, the policies to “solve” it are all about the government controlling your life

(AP) With upcoming data showing traffic deaths soaring, the Biden administration is steering $5 billion in federal aid to cities and localities to address the growing crisis by slowing down cars, carving out bike paths and wider sidewalks and nudging commuters to public transit.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Monday announced the availability of money over five years under his department’s new Safe Streets & Roads for All program.

The aim will be to provide a direct infusion of federal cash to communities that pledge to promote safety for the multiple users of a roadway, particularly pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as motorists.

Too be honest, if he wants to help, he’d push the police to crack down on certain behaviors that lead to those accidents, such as blowing off stop signs and stop lights, driving irresponsibly, and so forth. Not forcing people to take the bus or bikes.

Deaths also are disproportionately higher among nonwhite, lower-income people, who are more likely to take public transit and travel by foot or bike, as well as those in tribal and rural areas, where speeding can be common and seat belt use less frequent.

Of course we must have a raaaaacial component.

Cliff said a big chunk of fatalities have been occurring for motorists who do not buckle up and often during short car trips “down the street.”

Well, just because some are dumb enough to not wear a seatbelt doesn’t mean the rest of us should have to ride bikes.

Really, the policy proposal is not all that bad. New sidewalks, bike lanes, etc. But, you know that is just the surface level. It’s the parts you do not see that are insidious, as usual.

Read: Secretary Pete Has A Plan To Force You Out Of Your Fossil Fueled Vehicle »

Good News: Biden Redeploys US Military To Somalia

There may be a real reason for this, but, if the Islamists are getting frisky in Somalia, that’s because Brandon is weak, and the disastrous Afghanistan pullout gave them ideas, along with the response to Ukraine

Biden reverses Trump’s order, redeploying Special Forces to Somalia

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanPresident Biden has approved a Pentagon request to deploy hundreds of Special Operations forces to Somalia, reversing former President Donald Trump’s 2020 decision to withdraw all 700 ground troops stationed there, The New York Times reported Monday.

Before Trump left office in January 2021, he’d ordered most American troops to exit the East African nation, with the Pentagon explaining at the time that the troops would be “repositioned … into neighboring countries in order to allow cross-border operations by both U.S. and partner forces to maintain pressure against violent extremist organizations operating in Somalia.” Since then, American commanders have voiced their concerns, saying that the short-term training missions are no longer working as effectively.

In addition to Biden’s plan to redeploy troops, the president also accepted the Pentagon’s request to target leaders of the Somali terrorist group Al Shabab, hoping to suppress the group’s overall threat. “Al Shabab remains Al Qaeda’s largest, wealthiest, and most deadly affiliate, responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocents, including Americans,” U.S Army General Stephen Townsend said during a visit to Somalia in February.

Interestingly, quite a few articles all make mention of Biden reversing Trump’s pullout. Is this a tactical decision, or simply because Brandon wants to do the opposite of Trump?

Welcome to Joe Biden’s Somalia war

President JOE BIDEN’s war in Somalia has begun, and he didn’t even launch it.

On Tuesday, U.S. Africa Command chief Gen. STEPHEN TOWNSEND authorized a single drone strike against al-Shabaab militants attacking an American-trained elite Somali force known as the Danab. While no U.S. troops accompanied the Somalis during the operation near Galkayo, Pentagon spokesperson CINDI KING told NatSec Daily that Townsend has the authority under Article 51 of the U.N. Charter “to conduct collective self-defense of partner forces.”

“There was an imminent threat,” King said, so Townsend ordered the hit with the Somali government’s approval — but without consulting with the White House.

Sen. TIM KAINE (D-Va.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, expressed his reservations about the justification to NatSec Daily.

“I remain concerned with the justification of ‘collective self-defense’ to respond with U.S. military force to protect foreign groups when there is no direct threat to the U.S., its armed forces, or citizens,” the senator said. “I look forward to getting more information from the administration about this specific drone strike, especially as we continue to work together to rebalance the Article I and Article II powers on use of force issues and update the 2001 AUMF to reflect current threats against the United States.”


‘A very dangerous precedent’: Democrats take aim at Biden’s Somalia airstrikes

Top Democratic lawmakers took aim this week at the Biden administration’s recent airstrikes in Somalia, disputing the legal rationale for the operations and arguing that it undercuts the president’s stated desire to replace outdated war authorizations.

The Pentagon justified the strikes, which targeted al Qaeda affiliates in the war-torn country, by invoking the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force against the terrorist groups that attacked the U.S. on 9/11. (snip)

“If you’re taking strikes in Somalia, come to Congress and get an authorization for it. If you want to be involved in hostilities in Somalia for the next five years, come and explain why that’s necessary and come and get an explicit authorization,” added Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), another top Foreign Relations Committee member. “This idea that that’s too much trouble, that that’s too much to ask, is a very dangerous precedent for Congress to set.”

Both pieces were from July 21st, 2001. Will Democrats back Biden’s move to put troops back into Somalia? And will Biden’s plan work as well as Obama’s did? I’m all for wacking jihadis, if it has implications to U.S. national security.

Read: Good News: Biden Redeploys US Military To Somalia »

Eco Festivals Look To Be A Hoot

Everyone’s excited to go, right?

First Zero-Waste Eco Festival to raise awareness about climate change

Save the Children organized Pakistan’s first ever “Zero Waste Eco Festival” to raise awareness amongst children and the youth about climate change and environment related issues. The festival created an immersive experience for attendees to come together in nature and partake in sustainable activities and practices to learn how to reduce their ecological footprints.

The festival created a marketplace of sustainable products, designs, and ideas. It brought together stalls from green companies and start-ups working on sustainable technology; organic and local farmers working with sustainable practices; and non-profit organizations that are working on environment related issues. This included notable organizations such as TrashIt,

The festival was organized around the principles of “Reuse, reduce, recycle.” Event Management Company Active Media, ensured that the event was designed using innovative ideas and sustainable materials such as bamboo, UV printing and wooden carvings, with an emphasis on reducing plastic and other waste with regards to the event set up, as well as branding and marketing material.

The event also featured a panel discussion on “Youth Engagement for a Sustainable and Climate Resilient Future.” Panelists included Ms. Marion Pfennings, Head of Development Corporation at the German Embassy Islamabad; MrAtif Sheikh, Executive Director of the Special Talent Exchange Program; SheryarArif Khan, Assistant District Commissioner Islamabad; Brig Muhammad Aslam Khan (Retd), Chairman GomalDamaan Area Water Partnership; and Syed EhteshamUlHaque, Principal Environmental Design Engineer.

Notably, the event also featured a “Conversation with Young Climate Activists”, moderated by AmeeraAdil, climate communicator, activist, student, and entrepreneur. Amongst others, the youth panelists included Zia urRehman, President of NUST Environment Club, and Eisha Ayub, Save the Children’s Red Alert Climate Activist.

Shouldn’t a festival be, I don’t know, fun? Without a side of preaching?

The workshops included engaging children in activities about composting food waste into fertilizer, planting seeds and growing their own gardens, olive oil extraction, as well as creating their own body scrubs and self-care products from natural materials. Study Circles included climate charged discussions on renewable alternative energy solutions, green tourism, as well as the water crisis and water management. Harness Energy set up solar panels around the festival to power lights, fans, and mobile charging stations to showcase low cost and effective alternative solutions for energy generation and consumption. The festival effectively engaged children and the youth in a wide array of activities and conversations to encourage new forms of action and activism that can prepare the future generation to respond effectively to ecological and climate related challenges.

Sounds like the kiddies had blast. “Learn to make your own body scrubs! Because the government will restrict what you are allowed to purchase.”


FROM SOLAR GRID TO CATTLE SHED: How Greenpeace’s Dream Of A Solar-Powered Village Fell Apart In Just A Few Years

Eco-activist group Greenpeace brought solar power to Dharnai, India, in 2014, constructing a green micro-grid it said would make the tiny village “energy independent” and a model for the rest of the country to follow.

Eight years later, reports indicate the solar micro-grid is not only defunct, but being used as a cattle shed. The Dharnai venture is only one of many failed attempts by environmental groups, like Greenpeace, to “green” the developing world, according to one of its co-founders.

“It’s the same thing that’s happened a lot across Africa: goody two-shoes comes in and builds them a small solar facility,” CO2 Coalition Director Patrick Moore, who co-founded Greenpeace in the 1970s, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Surprise! A bunch of 1st World climate cultists trying to white knight, screwing with other people so they can feel good about themselves. I’ll leave it to you to read the rest

Read: Eco Festivals Look To Be A Hoot »

If All You See…

…are trees that will soon die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on the Palestinian Authority vowing to continue to pay to kill Jews.

Read: If All You See… »

Media Focuses On “Replacement Theory” To Blame All Republicans For Buffalo

This is why you cannot have an adult political conversation with Democrats anymore: they’ll take any issue and ramp it up so high that there’s no way to discuss it without screaming occurring. Think how no matter what Trump did It Was The Worst Ever. Now they’re taking a small notion that’s real and comparing it with the massive wacko version in order to “own the cons.” It’s all over, like at the NY Times, Washington Post, Business Insider, and so many more. The talking points memo went out, and the Credentialed Media complied

‘Replacement’ conspiracies driving gunmen creep into mainstream politics

Critics are drawing parallels between the pattern of racist gunmen citing fears of a conspiracy to “replace” Whites with rhetoric pushed on Fox and by some Republican politicians. (snip)

Some (mass shooters) apparently drew inspiration from a shooting by a White man in New Zealand who targeted mosques, killing 51, and published his own manifesto about “The Great Replacement.” (snip)

“Replacement theory” motivation — According to a 180-page document posted online, attributed to Gendron, he was fixated on what’s known as “replacement theory” — the idea that Whites are being slowly and intentionally replaced by minorities and immigrants.

Variations on this basic idea — that Whites are being replaced by some sort of minority-driven conspiracy — have made their way into more than just the musings of gunmen.

In case they missed it, the media themselves have run plenty of stories about whites being supplanted by “minorities”, primarily Hispanics. But, hey, it’s not racist to lump blacks, Asians, and Latinos all together, right?

The Fox and GOP version of replacement theory. Critics say it is dangerously close to xenophobic rhetoric finding its way into the mainstream of American politics.

Rep. Liz Cheney, a Wyoming Republican, pointed the finger squarely at her party’s leadership Monday morning, saying it has “enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them.”

Of course you get Cheney. Adam Kinzinger is also mentioned. Of course.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza has documented how the concept of replacement theory has been mentioned by lawmakers like GOP Rep. Scott Perry, who said this at a House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting in April of 2021:

“For many Americans, what seems to be happening or what they believe right now is happening is what appears to them is we’re replacing national-born American — native-born Americans to permanently transform the landscape of this very nation,” the Pennsylvania Republican said in reference to the number of people trying to enter the country at the United States’ southern border.

Has the media looked at the border, which is almost open? Where Democrats are letting in gobs of illegals/migrants, who, even if ordered deported, won’t be? That the Elites are allowing foreigners to constantly renew their visas, when they should be leaving at the end of the visa?

Race is enmeshed in US politics. Political rhetoric often feeds replacement fears by highlighting racial divides that are enmeshed in American life and politics.

Who’s making it that way the most? Democrats and their pet media, who seem to have to drag race into everything. I’m just wondering, is it the best idea for all the media to broadcast this “replacement theory” stuff? Because Americans will start reading it and go “you know, the theory might be correct. Why are we importing all these foreigners anyhow? Especially since they are not doing it through the legal citizenship route, but, just showing up, and they do not seem to want to BE AMERICANS, they just want to be here and force the U.S. to change.”

Interestingly, the same media is forgetting something else about the Buffalo shooter

The murderous nutter, Payton Gendron, spent about as much time on Jew hatred as he did on Black hatred. Read his manifesto (interestingly, Twitter has already wacked the link to it someone gave me. Try to find it elsewhere. It’s almost like the media and Big Tech do not want us to read it) (I downloaded it, the link is secure).

Why would the media not want to really talk about the Jew hatred? Makes you wonder.

Read: Media Focuses On “Replacement Theory” To Blame All Republicans For Buffalo »

“Advocates” Say California Is Focused On The Wrong Solution For Citizens Using Too Much Water

The climate crisis (scam) caused drought has the authoritarians out in force

California is in a water crisis, yet usage is way up. Officials are focused on the wrong problem, advocates say

California is facing a crisis. Not only are its reservoirs already at critically low levels due to unrelenting drought, residents and businesses across the state are also using more water now than they have in seven years, despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s efforts to encourage just the opposite.

Newsom has pleaded with residents and businesses to reduce their water consumption by 15%. But in March, urban water usage was up by 19% compared to March 2020, the year the current drought began. It was the highest March water consumption since 2015, the State Water Resources Control Board reported earlier this week.

Part of the problem is that the urgency of the crisis isn’t breaking through to Californians. The messaging around water conservation varies across different authorities and jurisdictions, so people don’t have a clear idea of what applies to whom. And they certainly don’t have a tangible grasp on how much a 15% reduction is with respect to their own usage. (snip)

But advocates say government officials are also focusing on the wrong approach. They say voluntary residential water cuts are not the solution, and that restrictions should be mandated for businesses and industries that use the vast majority of the state’s water.

“Corporate water abuse has to be addressed or no other measures will matter,” said Jessica Gable, a spokesperson for Food & Water Watch.

Oh, you mean all those companies that provide jobs, goods, and services? It’s so utterly typical of these wackos to hate on companies, who pay all those taxes for operating, and will simply pack up and leave, as so many have done. “Corporate water abuse”? You cannot have a reasonable conversation with these people, because they’re always turning the extreme up to 11. How about restricting the use of water to all the celebs and rich folks with the massive lawns?

Agency unanimously rejects California desalination project

A California coastal panel on Thursday rejected a long-standing proposal to build a $1.4 billion seawater desalination plant to turn Pacific Ocean water into drinking water as the state grapples with persistent drought that is expected to worsen in coming years with climate change.

The state’s Coastal Commission voted unanimously to deny a permit for Poseidon Water to build a plant to produce 50 million gallons of water a day in Huntington Beach, southeast of Los Angeles.

Great job, folks. But, hey, no complaining, Californian’s. You voted for this.

“The ocean is under attack” from climate change already, Commissioner Dayna Bochco said. “I cannot say in good conscience that this amount of damage is OK.”

Read: “Advocates” Say California Is Focused On The Wrong Solution For Citizens Using Too Much Water »

Pelosi Wants To Use Buffalo Shooting To Reign In Free Speech

Of course the Democrats are calling for new gun control

Pelosi says Senate remains hurdle in passing gun bill after Buffalo shooting

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Sunday said the Senate remains a hurdle in passing gun legislation after a gunman opened fire in New York one day earlier, killing 10 people and injuring three others.

Asked by co-anchor Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union” if she, President Biden and other Democrats should make gun measures a bigger priority, Pelosi said “it is a huge priority for us, and it has been a huge priority for Joe Biden.” (snip)

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) told CNN on Sunday that the gun used in the incident, an AR-15, was purchased legally at a gun store in the state. She noted, however, that the high-capacity magazine had to have been purchased in a different state.

So, what will these bills do? He purchased legally. Do they not think a person looking to commit murder wouldn’t acquire stuff illegally? The reason that they will not pass is because it’s all about going after law abiding citizens, not criminals.

Yet, he was allowed to purchase a firearm? No one was watching him?

Pelosi calls for ‘balance’ between free speech and safety after Buffalo shooting

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that social media companies have to address and track down extremism on their platforms, after a gunman who reportedly espoused white supremacist ideology opened fire at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket on Saturday, killing at least 10.

“Obviously you have to balance the free speech issues,” Pelosi said. “Freedom is so important to us but that freedom also carries public safety with it and we have to balance that.”

“Did you ever think you would be Speaker of the House, when our greatest national security threat, according to so many analysts, is domestic terror?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“The statistics have been showing us there’s more of a threat of domestic terrorism and violence than international, global terrorism affecting our homeland,” Pelosi replied.

So, in the name of “security” free speech must be “balanced”, as in, diminished, and the Dems and their pet media will blamestorm their political opponents as domestic terrorists, simply for not toeing the Democratic line.

Read: Pelosi Wants To Use Buffalo Shooting To Reign In Free Speech »

If All You See…

…is an Evil carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on how drones are affecting the war in Ukraine.

It’s drinking week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Ren Wicks

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the local Carolina Hurricanes are moving on to the next round of the Stanley Cup playoffs. This pinup is by Ren Wicks, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. No Tricks Zone notes that Russia is exporting more oil than before the war
  2. Independent Sentinel covers 3 boys charged for using the wrong pronouns
  3. Weasel Zippers highlights Pelosi giving staff free Peloton memberships
  4. This ain’t Hell… features stupid people of the week
  5. The Other McCain discusses Amber Heard and the man haters club
  6. The Gateway Pundit notes a trans activist touted by the NY Times arrested for sexual assault and rape
  7. The First Street Journal discusses “accountability journalism”
  8. The American Conservative cover the NBA’s culture war
  9. Powerline delves into a poll on how much the public distrusts the Credentialed Media
  10. Pacific Pundit covers the baby killers “summer of rage”
  11. Outside The Beltway has thoughts on Star Trek going Woke
  12. Maggie’s Farm discusses money for the war in Ukraine and where it goes
  13. Legal Insurrection covers Palestinians rioting, so the White House criticizes Israel
  14. Jihad Watch notes Fauci and others receiving secret royalties from Big Pharma
  15. And last, but not least, Gen Z Conservative covers Melania Trump ripping Joe and Jill over baby formula

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Performance Art: Dems To Vote On Bill Cracking Down On “Exploitative” Cost Hikes

Oh, I’m sure there are some who are overcharging. I know it’s happening at car dealerships, above what you could call a seller’s market. But, this is not the car manufacturers doing it, but, dealers. Are gas stations overcharging? If some are, that’s not on the gas companies, but, the individual station owners. Heck, the price of gas is mostly set by the trading of gas on the commodities market, along with production costs, shipping, refining, drilling, exploration, etc. But, Democrats do not really want to do anything, they want some Outrage Theater that plays well with their unhinged base, and perhaps pick off a few flippers

A bill that would set gas price limits and prevent ‘exploitative’ cost hikes is headed for a House vote

Congress will vote next week on a bill that would prohibit “excessive” gas prices.

The legislation would enable President Joe Biden to issue an emergency energy declaration making it illegal to increase gas and home energy prices in an “exploitative” manner. The bill, titled the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Act, would give the Federal Trade Commission the authority to crack down on oil companies with over $500 million in annual consumer fuel sales.

In a press conference announcing the legislation on Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said “price gouging needs to stop.”

“While families are struggling to pay higher prices at the pump, oil and gas companies are recording record profits,” Pelosi said. “This is a major exploitation of the consumer, because this is a product the consumer must have,” she added.

This will go exactly nowhere. The Dems might pass it in the House, but, it will die in the Senate, and that’s what they want. It’s also dangerous investing more power to go after Wrongthink companies in the Executive Branch, with virtually no oversight nor limits. Nor would it change the price of gas and energy one bit. Dems expect it to die, so they can demagogue it in the runup to the midterms.

The legislation is just the latest attempt by Democrats to address surging fuel prices. Democratic leaders have also considered creating initiatives to incentivize US oil companies to ramp up production.

How will this help? They don’t mention that. What’s exploitative? Let’s take a look at parts of the actual bill

(1) IN GENERAL.—It shall be unlawful for any person to sell a consumer fuel, at wholesale or retail, in an area and during a period of an energy emergency covered by a proclamation issued under para5 graph (2) at a price that—
(A) is unconscionably excessive; and
(B) indicates the seller is exploiting the circumstances related to an energy emergency to increase prices unreasonably

And how is that defined?

(i) Whether the amount charged by such person grossly exceeds the average price at which the consumer fuel was offered for sale by such person during—
(I) the 30-day period before the date on which the proclamation was issued;

What’s grossly? What if one station near an interstate is 10 cents higher than in town? Is that grossly? During normal times the station out in Knightdale near I540 is higher than the station near my community. I pass both almost every day going to and/or from the gym. Can we consider the difference between NC and California, where the price seems unconscionably excessive? Where’s the line? The only line seems to be whatever Biden considers it to be. Nothing hard.

The bill was first put forward by Reps. Katie Porter (D-California) and Kim Schrier (D-Washington) last week. They railed against the oil companies that they say have profited from record gas prices.

“What’s infuriating is that this is happening at the same time that gas and oil companies are making record profits and taking advantage of international crises to make a profit,” Schrier said. “This must stop.”

Rather Ironic that this comes from Reps of states with massively high gas prices, in large part to taxation and other government activity.

If gas stations are gouging, the local and state authorities will be all over it. We do not need Los Federales involved. Mind your own business.


Read: Performance Art: Dems To Vote On Bill Cracking Down On “Exploitative” Cost Hikes »

Pirate's Cove