French Government Already Looking To Establish Climate Crisis Con Police

I wonder if the CCCP (or maybe Climate Disaster Security (CDS)?) will go after all the politicians who have huge carbon footprints and lots and lots of fossil fueled travel?

Great Reset: French Govt to Recruit 3,000 ‘Green Police’ over Climate Change

Green Climate Thought PoliceA senior minister in France has demanded that the country create 3,000 ‘green police’ posts in the face of global warming.

Gérald Darmanin, who serves as France’s Minister of the Interior, has announced that he aims to create 3,000 posts for new “green police” officials, a move that he has deemed necessary in the face to tackle climate change.

News of the potential creation of these new posts in France follows calls from European Union bigwigs for the creation of a bloc-wide “Civil Protection Force” to fight the effects of climate change under the control of Brussels, a move slammed by some as an attempt by Eurocrats to hoard even more power.

In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, Darmanin justified the creation of 3,000 new posts specifically aimed at green-related criminal issues by citing the effects climate change was having on France, especially in regard to forest fires, nine out of ten of which have allegedly been caused by human activity.

“Faced with this, we must improve the work of judicial investigation,” the journal reports the politician as saying.

Hey, French citizens will be good with the CCCP investigating and arresting them, right, since they say they support this stuff, right? No? They only want this to apply to Other People?

“We have therefore decided to massively reinforce the resources of the Central Office for the Fight against Damage to the Environment and to launch 3,000 ‘green police’ posts,” he continued. “The objective is that, in each gendarmerie brigade, there are gendarmes trained in attacks on ecology.”

“It will be a revolution,” Darmanin added.

A revolution? Like when the communists took over places like China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela?

I’m going to have to fix that graphic now with an acronym.

Read: French Government Already Looking To Establish Climate Crisis Con Police »

If All You See…

…is a bright blue sky from ‘climate change’ causing lots of heat and drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post Woke having a grip on young women.

Read: If All You See… »

Bidenflation Spikes Cost Of Tailgating This Year

Have you noticed that the closer we get to the November mid-terms the more the Credentialed Media disappears everything inflation related? Well, you the consumer still notice (non-paywalled version at Yahoo)

Tailgating costs are up ‘substantially’ this year as travel, food costs are hit by inflation

Tailgating is about to get more expensive, according to a new report from Wells Fargo.

The findings, released Monday, found the cost for a number of tailgating season essentials has surged due to inflation. Consumer prices in July rose 8.5% from a year earlier, according to the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index.

Even with the elevated costs, economists at Wells Fargo expect plenty of parking lot parties this year, with fans eager to return to their favorite football season traditions.

“There’s a lot of pent-up demand,” said Sarah House, a senior economist at Wells Fargo. “(And) there are ways that fans can mitigate the cost of seeing their favorite team play, whether it’s in person or away from the stadium.”

Especially now that COVIDtyranny restrictions are pretty much gone

While Wells Fargo did not offer an overall estimate for how much more tailgating will cost compared with last year, the report found travel costs are “the biggest pain point” because of high gas prices.

The national average for a gallon of gas stood at $3.90 Sunday, down sharply from more than $5 in June, but well above the average of $3.17 a year ago, according to AAA.

Flying into an alma mater will also cost football fans with airfares in July up 28% year-over-year and 16% higher than the summer of 2019.

House suggests opting for mass transit if possible, where prices have barely budged since last year.

Don’t forget, the cost of a rental car is way up, and supply can be limited, but, sure, force everyone onto buses and trains, which the lawmakers who are hurting inflation and yapping about ‘climate change’ won’t take

Iconic tailgating food and drinks also demand more money this year.

Beer is up 4.6% since last July, while grocery prices jumped 13.1%.

House suggested tailgaters be mindful of which foods they bring. Opting for hotdogs, which are up 5.3%, instead of chicken or ground beef, up 17.6% and 9.7% respectively, could help trim costs. Or football fans could pick up pork ribs, which increased just 1.6%.

I understand the point of the suggestions, but, if we had a competent administration inflation would have been minimized. Yes, it’s China who’s ultimately responsible for their Wuhan Flu, but, government policies along the way made things worse

Whatever fans choose, grilling will cost more this year with propane and firewood up about 22% from 2021.

As for sides, House suggested opting for fresh fruits and veggies – up less than 10% – over packaged snacks, which are up nearly 17%.

It just gets worse and worse

House said fans looking to trim costs could watch the game at home. While admission costs for live sports are rebounding, TV prices are down nearly 15%.

That’s called “demand destruction”, where non-essential goods drop in price because the average American is opting out of buying lots of those goods because they’re spending so much on essential goods.

Read: Bidenflation Spikes Cost Of Tailgating This Year »

Biden Plans More Actions To Cut Your Carbon Footprint

Not his, of course. He’s still going to take lots and lots of fossil fueled trips, live high on the hog

After Signing Climate Bill, Biden Prepares More Actions to Cut Emissions

Fresh off signing expansive climate legislation, President Biden and his administration are planning a series of executive actions to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help keep the planet from warming to dangerous temperatures, senior White House officials said.

Mr. Biden is on track to deploy a series of measures, including new regulations on emissions from vehicle tailpipes, power plants and oil and gas wells, the officials said.

He apparently missed the Supreme Court ruling about the Executive Branch going to far without express legislation from the duly elected Legislative Branch

Gina McCarthy, the White House climate adviser, said that regulatory moves, combined with the new legislation and action from states, could help Mr. Biden meet his promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent, compared to 2005 levels, by the end of the decade.

The climate bill, she said, was “a starting point.”

“The president has not chosen to just look at Congress, he’s chosen to recognize that he has presidential authorities and responsibilities under the law to keep moving this forward,” she said. “And he’s going to continue to use those.”

And anything he does will increase your cost of living, restrict your modern lifestyle, but, not one reporter will ask Biden if he plans on reducing his own carbon footprint. Of course, it’s rather hard to ask him questions when he’s mostly hiding. Heck, do any of the reporters and activists who support Doing Something ever do anything in their own lives?

Opinion: Climate change talk must turn to action and justice

Nowhere in this screed does Heather Houser, a professor of English at the University of Texas who writes about the environment and culture, mention what she’s done to reduce her own footprint. Nor on her Twitter page or website. It’s simply the norm for Warmists. And they’re all pretty much out of touch

Read: Biden Plans More Actions To Cut Your Carbon Footprint »

Illegal Alien Supporting Sanctuary Cities Still Upset Over Bused Illegals

The Democrats are very much OK with illegal aliens as long as they are Over There, or at least not providing inconvenience

Texas migrant buses overwhelm New York, Washington D.C.

New York and Washington, D.C., have become overwhelmed as Texas continues to send buses of migrants to those cities.

Why it matters: New York and D.C. officials say they are not prepared to handle the massive influx of migrants, in large part due to communication issues with Texas, according to multiple reports. This immediately puts migrant families into subpar conditions right when they arrive.

Many families are happy to leave Texas, CNN reports. But officials in New York said these families have arrived hungry, thirsty and in sickly conditions, as many have been on the road for several days.

Driving the news: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Friday that the state has sent more than 7,000 migrants to Washington since April and another 900 to New York since Aug. 5 as a part of Operation Lone Star.

That first link in the first paragraph is amusing, because it’s about NYC giving illegals voting rights for city elections. They just weren’t expecting so many. You know, like the border towns overrun with illegals thanks to liberal policies.

“Before we began busing migrants to New York, it was just Texas and Arizona that bore the brunt of all the chaos and problems that come with it,” Abbott said in a statement this week. “Now, the rest of America can understand exactly what is going on.”

He really needs to bus them to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, leave them near Biden’s house. Or, you know what would be better? Bus them back across the border. Stop letting them in.


Read: Illegal Alien Supporting Sanctuary Cities Still Upset Over Bused Illegals »

Here Are 7 Wonders Disappearing From Climate (scam) And Overtourism, So, Go Visit

Some things are just very, very silly. Did it ever occur to these people that this recommendation is a Bad Idea? Not one person said “you know, this article is rather idiotic?”

The piece is behind a paywall, I’m reading it via Pocket

The most enduring holiday memories are rarely found in tourist-trap hotels or crowded city-centre restaurants. They’re found in spectacular landscapes and heart-stopping wildlife encounters, often in remote locations.

Sadly, some of these once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences are under threat, whether from climate change, deforestation, overtourism, or other factors. If you want to confront them in all their majesty, the window in which to do so is closing.

The places mentioned are Glacier National Park, the Dead Sea, Borneo, Michoacán, Mexico, Australia’s Twelve Apostles, Christmas Island, and the Everglades. Sounds like a perfect time to take a long fossil fueled trip and add to the number of tourists, eh?

Read: Here Are 7 Wonders Disappearing From Climate (scam) And Overtourism, So, Go Visit »

If All You See…

…is the need to live high up to avoid doomsday sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on bringing a pizza paddle to a knife fight.

It’s cleaning out the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. Getting some nice rain, the Dodgers are doing quite well, and the squirrels apparently like the juice in the hummingbird feeder. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jihad Watch reports on a poll showing most Americans think the FBI is the Gestapo
  2. Legal Insurrection covers a biological male making the LPGA
  3. Moonbattery notes ‘climate change’ being blamed for Muslims killing Christians
  4. Never Yet Melted has a fun Beach Boys California parody
  5. Noisy Room wonders why that Mar-a-Lago search warrant was so broad
  6. Pacific Pundit discusses a big shakeup coming to CNN
  7. Powerline covers the NY Times hating on the Constitution
  8. Sultan Knish highlights Iran building it’s own ISIS online in America
  9. The First Street Journal discusses the COVID numbers not adding up
  10. The Last Refuge covers the USDA targeting an Amish farmer
  11. The Lid reports on the DOJ whining on agent safety but won’t protect citizens from threats
  12. The Other McCain covers the transgender war against women
  13. The Right Scoop notes a Wisconsin school district banning BLM and LGBT stuff in the classroom
  14. Green Jihad notes a study showing who’s really getting monkeypox
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone discusses Germany’s out of control energy prices

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Bidenconomy: Half Of Companies Looking To Cut Employees

Too bad the federal government is not included in this. It could certainly use significant downsizing

Survey: Half of American Companies Set to Cut Jobs After Hiring Surge

Numerous companies across the United States are planning to trim their employee numbers, Fox Business reported Friday.

The outlet continued:

That’s according to a new survey published on Thursday by consultant PwC, which last month polled more than 700 U.S. executives and board members from various industries. About half of respondents said they are preparing to reduce headcount — or already have — while 52% have implemented hiring freezes.

On top of that, roughly 46% of companies are either dropping or reducing signing bonuses, which became commonplace over the past year as businesses tried to lure in new workers amid an increasingly tight labor market. Another 44% are rescinding offers entirely, the survey showed.

Home goods company Wayfair decided to cut approximately 870 workers to help manage operation costs and “realign its investment priorities” following the coronavirus pandemic, the Associated Press (AP) reported this week.

In the car business, staffing levels in many areas are down a third to a half. Many companies across the board have reduced hours, so, do not need as many employees. Many are simply implementing robots and ordering boards, or simply running lean

In addition, Best Buy was also cutting jobs as the company grappled with shifting consumer behavior, the AP reported on August 12.

More people order online, then come in to pick up product, especially since so many products are now kept in centralized warehouses and stores keep less product, because there isn’t enough to keep lots of extra at each store.

According to the recent survey by PwC, respondents were trying to streamline the workforce to create the right balance of worker skills moving forward.

“This comes as no surprise. After a frenzy of hiring and a tight labor market over the past few years, executives see the distinction between having people and having people with the right skills,” it stated.

We should do this to the federal government, which is bloated with lots of extra employees who do not really do a lot, have redundant jobs, or are simply there to push the power of Centralized Government.

It just shows the extreme instability of the economy, and Joe is off passing tax, climate, and (barely) health bills, doing things that, at best, do not help the economy, and on vacation.

Read: Bidenconomy: Half Of Companies Looking To Cut Employees »

ZOMG: Hotcoldwetdry Threatens Ketchup, Salsa, And California

Well, there’s two I’m concerned about. Not that any of this is real

Climate change is threatening ketchup, salsa, and California

One-fourth of total tomatoes grown every year on our planet comes from California, but now tomato production is decreasing in the state at an unprecedented rate. The yield of tomatoes dropped by about 23% in 2021 as compared to the year 2015. Plus, the limited supply of tomatoes is further causing a never before seen jump in the prices of popular tomato-based products like ketchup, salsa, and pasta sauce in the US and elsewhere in the world.

The average retail price of tomatoes has grown by 13% to 23% in the US, substantially more than the current rate of food inflation in the US which is at its peak this year and it is likely to stay between 9% to 11%, according to the US Department of Agriculture. In other words, tomato inflation is much larger than money inflation.

Part of it is simply mismanagement of water resources, because Democrats are incompetent. Fortunately, we can grow tomatoes elsewhere. Give me Jersey tomatoes for gardens and small farms any day (if you want really, really good tomatoes, try them (and the corn) when you’re there. I promise they are the best. Also, The Jersey Tomato Company pasta sauce is The Best). Most of the tomatoes I get locally are produced here in NC.

Tomatoes are no ordinary vegetables, they are the second most consumed vegetable in the US after potatoes (yes, technically, it’s a fruit, but this is not the point). The ketchup market alone was valued at 1.39 billion dollars in 2021 across North America. Even if we forget tomatoes, ketchup, and the numbers mentioned above, salsa and other sauces are dependent on tomatoes; truth be told, we couldn’t really imagine many of our meals without the humble tomato.

Not sure about you, but, I can’t. If I buy a cesear salad or some other that doesn’t have tomatoes, I will buy some grape tomatoes or small slicing ones. I refuse to have a salad without them. I don’t blame any issues on man-induced climate change doom. Things change, and, you adapt.

In an interview with Bloomberg, CTGA (California Tomato Growers Association) president, Mike Montana commented on the difficulties on growing tomatoes nowadays:

“It’s real tough to grow a tomato crop right now. On one side you have the drought impacting costs because you don’t have enough water to grow all your acres, and then you have the farm inflation side of it with fuel and fertilizer costs shooting up.”  

Hmm, so, the other half is incompetent government on the fuel side and restrictive government on the fertilizer side.

The problem in California is not the falling tomato production itself but the high temperatures that are drying water reservoirs and making it difficult for the farmers to water large farmlands. Although the state is known for its tomato yield, this is not the only crop that has been affected by the drought and increasing temperature.

The average California temperature is not that much higher than it was in 1900, a couple of degrees to 3 degrees. Take out the urbanization, heat island effect, land use changes, and it drops back down. You should expect this during a Holocene warm period. Just like the French had a huge problem growing wheat during the Little Ice Age (that’s really what the whole “let them eat cake” thing was about) and wanted everyone to eat potatoes, because they are hardy, and easier to grow than many other veggies.

One can imagine the water crisis in the state from the fact that in April, local authorities had to ask residents and businesses in the southern California region to cut down their water usage by 35%. However, the government officials have realized the problem, and they are already making billion-dollar investments to improve the water infrastructure, develop new reservoirs, and implement innovations that could provide some relief in times of water supply shortage.

Perhaps the state can force all the Elites to stop watering their expansive 1%er lawns.

Read: ZOMG: Hotcoldwetdry Threatens Ketchup, Salsa, And California »

Pirate's Cove