Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Pearl Frush

Happy Sunday. Another fantastic day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Giants made what looks like some great draft picks. This pinup is by Pearl Frush, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Weasel Zippers notes that St. Greta wants you to stop talking about her
  2. This ain’t Hell… covers stupid people of the week
  3. The Right Scoop highlights DeSantis saying he will stand in the way of the Ministry Of Truth
  4. The Political Hat covers today being Victims Of Communism Day
  5. The Other McCain discusses SJW Tublrinas
  6. The O.K. Corral goes to the Valley Of The Dolls
  7. The Lid notes how to create panic in a foreign country
  8. The Last Refuge explains what that $33 billion for Ukraine goes to
  9. The First Street Journal notes what happens when prosecutors do not take crime seriously
  10. Powerline covers the student loan scam
  11. Pacific Pundit notes teachers dressing in drag and hiding it from parents
  12. Moonbattery discusses the human rights establishment opposing free speech
  13. Jihad Watch highlights Psaki claiming the Ministry Of Truth was started by Trump
  14. Gen Z Conservative covers AOC’s silly retort to Elon Musk
  15. And last, but, not least, Geller Report notes a J6 defendant filing a habeas corpus petition

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Time: You Know, Free Speech Is Mostly For White Males

Especially the Elites. Oh, and a really great hot take

OK, let’s do it this way: Freedom of the Press in the 21st century is different than in 1791. Press outlets like Time would be fine with reigning in their 1st Amendment Rights, right? From the “article

Bill Of RightsThey say that something is worth what someone will pay for it.

If that’s true, then protecting “free speech,” which Elon Musk has cited as a central reason he agreed to buy Twitter for $44 billion this week, may be worth twice as much as solving America’s homelessness problem, and seven times as much as solving world hunger. It’s worth more (to him, at least) than educating every child in nearly 50 countries, more than the GDP of Serbia, Jordan, or Paraguay.

A: he can do what he wants with HIS money. It’s not Charlotte’s to dictate how it’s spent. B: gotta love the quotes around free speech.

In the days since Musk agreed to terms on a deal to take Twitter private, nearly all of Musk’s tweets have been about freedom and censorship on the platform. Like: “By ‘free speech,’ I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law.” Or: “Truth Social (terrible name) exists because Twitter censored free speech.” And: “the extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all.”

And who decides the law on what is censorship? See it’s not the law, it’s the 1st Amendment. Charlotte would be fine with some laws on how Time operates and what Charlotte can write, right?

But “free speech” in the 21st century means something very different than it did in the 18th, when the Founders enshrined it in the Constitution. The right to say what you want without being imprisoned is not the same as the right to broadcast disinformation to millions of people on a corporate platform. This nuance seems to be lost on some techno-wizards who see any restriction as the enemy of innovation.

No, it’s the same. There was surely some disinformation about the British government and King George before we won our independence. It’s not for the government to decide per that pesky 1st. It was about the right to criticize the government without fear of reprisal. If you don’t like the speech, well, tough shit. Ignore it. Debunk it.

Jason Goldman, who was on the founding team at Twitter and served on the company’s board from 2007 to 2010 before joining the Obama Administration, says the tech rhetoric around free speech has become an obsession of the mostly white, male members of the tech elite, who made their billions in the decades before a rapidly diversifying workforce changed the culture at many of the biggest companies in Silicon Valley.

So, women, blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, Orientals, etc, aren’t concerned with free speech? Really, it’s about hardcore Leftist wanting people they Disagree with from having their say. Anything they consider Wrongthink is disinformation in their world. News for them: we won’t stop with Free Speech, and even standard liberals are getting the picture about your hardcores.

Read: Time: You Know, Free Speech Is Mostly For White Males »

Some Democrats Want Pelosi To Pass A Gas Tax Holiday

Wouldn’t it make more sense to pass legislation allowing more drilling for oil on U.S. property? Will 18.3 cents per gallon for regular gas and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel really make a difference? It’s really about patronizing low info voters to protect the vulnerable elected Dems

Vulnerable Democrats press Pelosi to reverse rejection of gas tax holiday

Embattled Democrats are pushing back on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) decision to reject a gas tax holiday, urging party leaders to reconsider a proposal as lawmakers take a beating over sky-high gas prices.

The grumbling is especially pronounced among lawmakers facing tough reelection contests in November, who are eager to bring home a policy they say would provide tangible and immediate savings for drivers at the pump.

As the summer driving season quickly approaches, they’re not disguising their dismay with their own leadership’s argument that the tax holiday would prove ineffective.

“I guess they’re focused on things that would be helpful, but they’re longer-term. And I’m focused on the shorter term. And I think that if they came to my district they would see that we have a short-term need that needs to be addressed,” said Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.).

Slotkin acknowledged there’s no silver bullet at Congress’s disposal to deal with high prices. But suspending the federal gas tax, currently 18.4 cents per gallon, would be an efficient and effective way to lower costs quickly, she said.

The national average for regular gas on his last day in office, January 20, was $2.393 per gallon. Per AAA, the national average today, April 30, 2022, is $4.178. What does 18.4 cents do? I just paid $3.99 this morning (NC average is $3.917, but, I’ve seen it lower around). A gas station around the corner from work went up 10 cents between yesterday and today.

Rep. Chris Pappas (D-N.H.), another supporter of the gas tax holiday, echoed those concerns, characterizing the proposal as “the most immediate way that we can deliver some much-needed relief.”

In states like his, where the economy leans heavily on tourism, he said the tax suspension would have an additional benefit because it would “encourage people to travel this summer.”

Why do Dems want people to drive more? Aren’t most of them climate cultists? Pappas sure is. Well, for Other People, he’s happy to take long fossil fueled flights rather than the train to D.C.

On Thursday, Pelosi acknowledged “some interest” among Democrats for the tax holiday, but rejected the idea as both ineffective and too expensive.

“We had no evidence to think that the oil companies would pass that on to the consumer,” she told reporters in the Capitol. “So the question is, is it worth having to go get money, to return to cover the shortfall in the trust fund, in order to get a break to the Big Oil companies?”

Cute. But, they have no choice in passing it on. The individual gas stations will no longer add that tax in. She’s just trying to shift blame. And, she doesn’t care about the peons, she wants that tax revenue

Other Republicans, though, are opposed to the idea, calling it an election year “gimmick.” And still others said they’d happily jump on board — if Democrats were also willing to consider proposals to open larger parts of the country to oil and gas drilling.

“If you coupled suspension with expansion of domestic production, I’d think you’d have broad Republican support,” said Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.).

Democrats won’t allow that.

Read: Some Democrats Want Pelosi To Pass A Gas Tax Holiday »

If All You See…

…are horrible, Evil fossil fueled vehicles causing sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on the Met Gala going full on “let them eat cake”.

Read: If All You See… »

FBI Conducted Almost 3.4 Million Warrantless “Wiretaps” In 2021, Media Mostly Silent

Remember when this occurred during the George W. Bush administration? When they were listening to international calls involving potential terrorists and bad people? How most of those calls were between non-US citizens? But, some ended up coming into the U.S.? And a few involved U.S. citizens, so, the NSA retroactively obtained warrants? And the U.S. Credentialed Media, along with civil rights groups like the ACLU, went ballistic? How it was constantly in the news? Constant opinion pieces? Of course, that ended when Obama came into office, and his DOJ thought this was fine. Some lefties raged, but, the media pretty much ignored it. And now that Brandon is in office?

Intel report states FBI conducted nearly 2 million searches of US data related to cyberattacks in 2021

The FBI conducted up to 3.4 million warrantless searches of Americans’ electronic data last year including 1.9 million related to a cyber threat from Russia, according to an annual transparency report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Friday.

The report is the first time that the US intelligence community has disclosed even an approximate number of the FBI’s searches of American data using the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The law is focused on threats emanating from outside of the United States, but also allows the FBI, the CIA and others to search data for Americans’ information provided there is a validly predicated foreign intelligence purpose.

The report does not suggest that the FBI acted improperly. The report highlights the big trove of intelligence data that the bureau can tap in pursuing hackers, spies and terrorists.

More than half of the FBI’s queries were related to attempts to compromise US critical infrastructure by foreign cyber actors in early 2021, according to the report. That includes about 1.9 million queries related to one particular cyber threat from Russia against US critical infrastructure, according to the FBI.

There’s only a few more paragraphs in this CNN piece, which is written 100% as straight news. Now, imagine this was the Trump admin admitting to this: the piece would have been an opinion piece, blasting Trump personally for allowing the FBI to search American’s data without a warrant. Heck, they would have been upset that foreign national terrorist’s data was searched without a warrant. The NY Times, Washington Post, ABC News, etc would have front page stories and opinions. The ACLU would be up in arms. Lefty blogs would be screeching about Orange Hitler Man Bad. Pelosi and other elected Dems would be taking to the Congressional floor calling Trump The Worst and considering impeachment again.

Now? Crickets.

Mind you, I have zero problem for those who are not American citizens and not on American soil. They aren’t afforded protections from the Constitution.

I delved into the old Surrender Monkey folder, that was a graphic used for some of the posts during the Bush admin over this subject.

Read: FBI Conducted Almost 3.4 Million Warrantless “Wiretaps” In 2021, Media Mostly Silent »

Republican States Petition Supreme Court To Block “Social Cost Of Carbon” Rule

If Brandon wants the rule he should start with the activities of the White House. Stop using fossil fuels. But, you know that the wants of the climate cult always apply to Other People

GOP-led states ask Supreme Court to block key Biden climate accounting measure

A group of Republican-led states on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to reinstate a court order blocking a key climate accounting measure put in place by the Biden administration amid a legal dispute with potentially high stakes for climate change regulation.

Led by Louisiana, the GOP-led states urged the justices to revive a federal judge’s February ruling that temporarily stopped the Biden administration’s use of a metric known as the “social costs” of planet-warming gases to quantify the climate costs and benefits of regulatory actions.

That ruling, by Trump-appointed U.S. Judge James Cain in Louisiana, was halted last month by a New Orleans-based federal appeals court.

In court papers filed Thursday, Republican attorneys general from 10 states trained their fire on the metric at issue, formally known as the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gas Estimates, which was first implemented under then-President Obama.

“The Estimates are a power grab designed to manipulate America’s entire federal regulatory apparatus through speculative costs and benefits so that the Administration can impose its preferred policy outcomes on every sector of the American economy,” the group of GOP-led states wrote in their brief.

It warms my heart that so many Republicans are getting that this is not about science, but, Control. Even if the climatic changes were mostly caused by “carbon pollution”, it’s interesting that most of the climate cult’s solutions revolve around authoritarian control of, well, everything and everyone.

Read: Republican States Petition Supreme Court To Block “Social Cost Of Carbon” Rule »

Good News: Disposable Personal Income Fell Yet Again

The Brandon economy is just doing so wonderful, eh?

Real Personal Income Fell in March as Bidenflation Soared

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanDisposable income fell in March after adjusting for inflation, the Commerce Department said Friday.

Real disposable personal income, which is income after taxes and inflation, fell 0.4 percent in March compared with February. This was the seventh time in the last eight months that disposable personal income in the U.S. fell from the previous month. It rose in February by 0.15 percent.

In nominal terms, disposable personal income rose 0.5 percent but consumer prices rose 0.9 percent, swamping the income gain.

Does anyone think Brandon cares?

Heading for an election wipeout, Joe Biden is doubling down on every failed policy

As Joe Biden’s Hindenburg of a presidency continues its fiery descent into historically low popularity, the whiz kids at the White House think they have a solution. Their answer, amazingly, seems to be to double down on their cavalcade of failed policies and get Mumbly Joe out in front of the American people more.

That’s right, the man who rode to the presidency hiding in his basement is supposed to electrify voters and save the Democrats in the midterm. (snip)

On the economy, inflation is so high that a trip to the grocery store almost requires taking out a second mortgage. Biden’s answer: To that is to spend and print more money, which is obviously how we got here in the first place. Meanwhile the Gross Domestic Product is in the red by 1.4% all while the president pretends he’s doing a fantastic job with his American comeback. In addressing this stark decline in the economy the president blamed “technical factors.” Technical factors? This is meaningless gibberish at a time when Americans are financially suffering.

The only question now is “is this just incompetence, a complete lack of caring, or, intentional for some nefarious reason?”

Read: Good News: Disposable Personal Income Fell Yet Again »

Unhinged Groomer Florida Teachers React to The Parental Rights Bill

I’m still waiting for any who support teaching all this sexual insanity to kids to explain why

‘Hurtful and insulting’: Florida teachers react to the ‘don’t say gay’ bill

Clinton McCracken, an art teacher in Orange county, Florida, grew up in a small midwest town where he didn’t experience a person out as LGBTQ until he went away to college. He’s concerned Florida’s recent controversial “don’t say gay” bill is dangerous, hateful legislation that poses many risks to LGBTQ youth in the state.

“I wasn’t able to walk to any classroom and see rainbow stickers on the door that says this is a safe place where you can be who you are,” said McCracken. “We have that now. That’s what we’re trying to create for our students. This law, I see as an effort to take away the years that we’ve put in trying to make this a better place for kids so they don’t have to grow up like I grew up, where I thought I was all alone and then I barely made it through high school.”

Why, exactly, is an art teacher getting involved in any of this? Isn’t the job to simply teach art? Why do we need any rainbow stickers? What aboyt for those kids who are straight? Why are they being left out? How about we just leave all that stuff outside of the government funded schools, and just do your job?

The bill, called the Parental Rights Education bill by its Republican authors, prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, as well as any instruction characterized as inappropriate – vague language that has incited concerns the bill will be used to suppress and intimidate mere acknowledgment of the LGBTQ community in public schools.

“Don’t say gay” also grants parents the right to sue for damages and attorney fees if a school district doesn’t resolve their complaint about a child’s education, which essentially forbids discussion of LGBTQ issues or identities. A teacher in St Johns county was reprimanded by their school district after a parent complained about his T-shirt, which said “Protect Trans Kids.”

You know, realistically, it forbids teachers from really talking about anything sexual to kids up to grade 3. Even straight stuff. Because teachers really do not need to discuss anything with young kids. It’s not their job.

“The vagueness of the language in this bill opens an unfortunate door into allowing bigotry to continue,” said Caitlin Pearse, an elementary school music teacher in Hillsborough county, Florida. “What we’re talking about here is the right to be seen and represented in classrooms. We have lots of books in elementary school showing heterosexual couples, they have parent characters that are moms and dads, things like that. We want to be seen the same way that straight couples are seen in media.”

Exactly why does an elementary school music teacher need to be discussing anything sexual with kids of any age?

“This bill, for me, is a sign of pure hatred,” said Javier Gomez, a high school senior at iPrep Academy in Miami, Florida, and president of his school’s Gay-Straight Alliance club. “They’re targeting a demographic that can really benefit from all these teachings about gender identity and sexual orientation, about differences in cultures, and learning about accepting themselves for who they are, because a lot of kids at a very young age know who they are. I knew that I was gay at five years old.”

Bullshit. Kids have zero idea at that age. And, this is stuff for the parents, not unrelated teachers.

“I’m gay too so this hits me doubly hard,” said Jean Eckhoff, a history teacher of middle school and high school students in Live Oak, Florida, for 17 years. “I’m 52 years old, and I’ve never seen anything like this in my lifetime.”

Just teach history. Anything else and that’s outside your bailiwick. And sounds quite a bit look grooming

Read: Unhinged Groomer Florida Teachers React to The Parental Rights Bill »

Doom: Ocean Could Maybe Possibly See Mass Extinction

If it’s a day ending in a Y it means it’s a great day to pimp/prognosticate some sort of Doom

Ocean animals face a mass extinction from climate change, study finds

Not since an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs — along with at least half of all other beings on Earth — has life in the ocean been so at risk.

Warming waters are cooking creatures in their own habitats. Many species are slowly suffocating as oxygen leaches out of the seas. Even populations that have managed to withstand the ravages of overfishing, pollution and habitat loss are struggling to survive amid accelerating climate change.

Cooking? Yeah, this is nothing related to science. Just batshit insane cult. And a news outlet engaging in non-news practices.

If humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, according to a study released Thursday, roughly a third of all marine animals could vanish within 300 years.

Oh, 300 years? Well, that’s convenient for the timeline. How about the Washington Post and all the other outlets pimping the “study” make their operations carbon neutral? There are easily hundreds of news articles on this.

The findings, published in the journal Science, reveal a potential mass extinction looming beneath the waves. The oceans have absorbed a third of the carbon and 90 percent of the excess heat created by humans, but their vast expanse and forbidding depths mean scientists are just beginning to understand what creatures face there.

Excess heat? A whopping 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1850.

Yet the study by Princeton University earth scientists Justin Penn and Curtis Deutsch also underscores how much marine life could still be saved. If the world takes swift action to curb fossil fuel use and restore degraded ecosystems, the researchers say, it could cut potential extinctions by 70 percent.

“This is a landmark paper,” Malin Pinsky, a Rutgers University biologist who did not contribute to the paper, said in an interview. “If we’re not careful, we’re headed for a future that I think to all of us right now would look quite hellish. … It’s a very important wake-up call.”

Yeah, basically it’s an activist paper, based on climate cult dogma, not science.

Using climate models that predict the behavior of species based on simulated organism types, Deutsch and Penn found that the number of extirpations, or local disappearances of particular species, increases about 10 percent with every 1 degree Celsius of warming.

And there we go, garbage in/garbage out computer models.

The researchers tested their models by using them to simulate a mass extinction at the end of the Permian period, when catastrophic warming triggered by volcanic eruptions wiped out roughly 90 percent of all life on Earth. Because the models successfully replicated the events of 250 million years ago, the scientists were confident in their predictions for what might happen 300 years in the future.

There were no fossil fueled vehicles then: what caused it? And why can’t today’s warming be mostly caused by nature? Oh, right, sorry, I’m a heretic for daring to ask.

Read: Doom: Ocean Could Maybe Possibly See Mass Extinction »

If All You See…

…is a horrible plastic straw causing the world to burn, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Animal Magnetism, with a post student loan news.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove