Baby Killing Democrats Schedule Vote On Making Abortion Legal

They have no one to blame but themselves. They’ve gone from “safe, rare, and legal” to unhinged, wanting zero restrictions up to and right after birth, celebrating their abortions (including those who’ve had lots of them), holding them up as triumphs

(Breitbart) No sane person, no decent person, not even someone who is pro-abortion, sees abortion as anything other than an unfortunate event. And that’s how Democrats and their corporate media allies used to discuss abortion, as an unfortunate but sometimes necessary thing. Their tone around abortion was solemn and thoughtful; this was not something to be taken lightly.

The only way to describe the left’s tone around abortion today is demonic.

What was solemn has become strident and boastful. What was not taken lightly is now championed — including the harvesting of dead baby organs. The murder of the unborn is now outright celebrated and cheered. It is beyond grotesque, and how can any person of good conscience sit back and allow such evil against helpless innocence to carry the day?

It’s worth reading the whole piece by Jon Nolte. And now

Democrats to force vote next week on Roe v. Wade decision

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) will force a vote next week on legislation codifying Roe v. Wade in the wake of a leaked Supreme Court draft decision that would strike down the landmark case.

The test procedural vote is guaranteed to fall short because the bill needs 60 votes to advance, but Democrats are eager to make Republicans go on the record and show their own voters that they are fighting.

“Next week the U.S. Senate is going to vote on legislation to codify a woman’s right to seek abortion into federal law,” Schumer said from the Senate floor.

Schumer will move to tee up the bill on Monday, setting up an initial vote for Wednesday.

It will be the second vote Schumer has forced on the issue. The Senate previously rejected a similar bill in a 46-48 vote earlier this year, with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) voting with Senate Republicans.

They won’t get 60, and, if they think going on the record as being for abortion on demand, in celebrating abortion, it won’t play well for middle America. Those who aren’t pro-abortion extremists, aren’t ghouls, will see the theatrics from the elected Democrats and the crazies outside the Congressional building, and it will be a bad look.

Will they attempt to pass it by killing off the filibuster? They have to know that doing that will boomerang back in the future. And, they might not get Manchin to vote for it. Of course, there’s always lunatics like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

A Politico-Morning Consult poll released Wednesday found that 50 percent of voters believe the landmark case that guarantees abortion access should not be overturned, while 28 percent said that it should be overturned.

We don’t run the Constitution by public opinion. And states can choose to have abortion be legal. That’s where it should be: the states.

Read: Baby Killing Democrats Schedule Vote On Making Abortion Legal »

Climate And Racial Justice Intersect Or Something

Because this is 100% about science and not politics

Where climate change and racial justice intersect

Black people need to be more aware of climate change and how it shapes our lives, contends Colette Pichon Battle, the founder and co-executive director of the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy.

In her position, Battle develops programming focused on equitable disaster recovery, global migration, community economic development, climate justice and energy democracy. She was in town last week for the Westminster Town Hall series on climate change science and solutions.

She spoke to the MSR a few hours before her April 27 appearance at Westminster Presbyterian Church in downtown Minneapolis. “I feel like Black folks have got to wake up to this because we are going to be the first ones hit and sacrificed,” said Battle, “and always we’re the first ones to perish in this thing that we are not paying any attention to.”

Funny thing is, blacks have been at the low end of the spectrum of caring about the climate crisis scam. It is mostly an upper middle class white 1st world issue. Here it comes

She has worked with local communities, elected officials, and others in the post-Katrina and post-Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster recovery and actively advocates for climate change mitigation and adaptation with racial justice and equity at its core.

“I think we’re dealing with an industry that has the most power in the world, especially in our government, especially in the South,” continued Battle. “And they were really trying to avoid liability and accountability at all costs, and make record profits. The truth is, this has been a political move from the beginning.”

Yes, a political move. She might be trying to Blame the fossil fuels industry, but, she exposes that ‘climate change’ is about politics.

“It’s not going to be won by protests in the streets alone. It’s only going to be won when regular people like you and me stand up and start fighting, not just for the trees and the birds and the soil of this planet, but for the people who exist in that broader ecosystem.”

She continued, “The biggest thing we suffer from especially in this country is comfort and privilege. We live in such comfort and such privilege that we do not have to turn our eyes to see what is happening to the rest of the world. We do not have to think about all of the communities that are suffering so we can be comfortable.

“We have to tell the truth that it is American consumption that is driving a global imbalance. One American consumes as much energy as 13 people in China, as much energy as 127 people in Bangladesh, as much as 307 people in Tanzania.

OK, you first. Give up your 1st World lifestyle. Get your fellow Warmists to do the same.

As we wrapped up our MSR interview, Battle reiterated the importance of Black people realizing that the climate crisis, now in a pandemic world, is not a White people’s problem. “I want Black folks to know that climate is about Black lives,” she said.

mule fritter sherman potter

Read: Climate And Racial Justice Intersect Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle causing the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post wondering just how that bail reform is working out.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon Now Blames “MAGA Crowd” For Everything Going Wrong

I guess Let’s Go Brandon has given up on the whole “Putin’s price hike” shtick

‘MAGA crowd’ is Biden’s new nemesis, as Democrats confront post-Roe political reality

After a day of political tumult, President Biden had a phrase for the forces he believes are responsible for a conservative Supreme Court poised to undo the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. The forces holding back the economy from a full recovery. The forces that on Tuesday turned J.D. Vance into the GOP U.S. Senate nominee from Ohio.

“The MAGA crowd.”

There was even the “ultra-MAGA” crowd, presumably a more extreme manifestation of former President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” As far as Democrats are concerned, that is the official slogan of the Republican Party.

Democrats have a problem with American being great? Huh.

Biden used the phrase several times during Wednesday’s remarks on the economy. He had used it once before, at a fundraiser in Denver last month, but only in passing. This time, the use seemed more intentional, coming on a day when the nation’s political divides seemed as stark as ever.

It was by installing three Supreme Court justices that Trump brought the nation to the doorstep of a post-Roe world, in which women in conservative states will likely be prevented from getting abortions. Always threatened, the 1973 decision had survived until now. If the arguments in the high court’s leaked draft opinion hold, states will decide on their own whether to grant any abortion rights.

Which makes Democrats upset, because they want the Central Government to dictate everything.

“MAGA Republicans,” Biden said Wednesday, repeating the phrase several times. “I don’t want to mispronounce it,” he joked.

Like he mispronounces so many other things.

Asked by Yahoo News earlier this year about working with Republicans, the president expressed exasperation. “I, honest to God, don’t know what they’re for,” he conceded. Four months later, the president’s conclusion is that the party remains Trump’s — and likely will for many years to come, if the Vance primary victory is any indication.

We’re for most of those things you’re against, Joe. Always have been.

The president sought to deflect blame, in a potential preview of the kinds of attacks he and other Democrats will make as the midterms approach. “Let me tell you about this ultra-MAGA agenda. It’s extreme, as most MAGA things are,” he said. A deputy White House press secretary shared a cable news clip of the president’s sharp indictment.

Rather than taking the blame, as Joe said he would before the election, he must find scapegoats for his abysmal performance and horrible policies.

(Fox News) BRIAN KILMEADE: Tonight, American cities are on edge after a night of violence last night, mostly peaceful protesters right? They were up in arms over the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion, approaching it intellectually, by chucking rocks, bottles and smashing car windows and hurting police officers.

Keep in mind, the Supreme Court hasn’t even overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the abortion rights to the states. This is the left’s warning: “Do what we say, or we will burn your country down.” It’s not an exaggeration. Many of them have taken to social media to threaten exactly that.

He’s 100% correct. And, fortunately, Biden has now placed targets right on all the people he disagrees with and give the unhinged, violent left the ability to get violent with those Joe disagrees with.

Read: Brandon Now Blames “MAGA Crowd” For Everything Going Wrong »

Proximity To Equator Determines GDP Doom From ‘Climate Change’

Well, now, this is a new one from the climate cult (you can also read it at Yahoo News but, they don’t have the interesting interactive graphic)

If You Want to Know a Country’s Economic Future, Check How Far It Is From the Equator

It’s no secret that global climate change hurts the economy. With more frequent and more severe storms, flooding, drought, and fires, countries around the world are already taking economic hits. And as long-term events like rising sea levels and temperature patterns continue to affect agriculture and human health, the economic damage will only grow.

The impact, however, will be unequally distributed. A recent report from S&P Global assessed how 135 countries might be affected by climate-related events in 2050. The economic risk levels ranged from 0% of GDP (indicating that the economy will likely not be exposed to climate hazards) to 100% of GDP (the entire economy could be exposed to climate hazards). The measurement predicts only economic vulnerability—not economic loss. For example, a country with 80% GDP exposure doesn’t mean that 80% of the economy will be wiped out in 30 years, but rather that 80% of the economy is at risk of experiencing a loss.

Using these percentages, TIME “mapped” countries on a blue-to-red scale to see which economies are in least and most danger. But instead of a standard map—one with, say, borders and oceans—we looked at each country as a latitudinal point. The result was a chart that looks a bit like a volcano turned sideways.

In other words, they really have no idea what’s going to happen, they just want to scare people.

What this shows is that economies that have huge physical climate risk—in some cases 100% exposed—are generally within 20 degrees of the equator. And none are in the far northern or southern parts of the globe. On the other hand, countries that have minimal risk are from a wide range of latitudes, but skew more to the poles.

To arrive at these numbers, S&P Global researchers considered how much of each country’s area is prone to experience wildfires, storms, floods, and rising sea levels, as well as how much of agricultural land is at risk of water stress, and workforce population impacted by extreme heat.

So, basically, the closer to the equator, the more chance for Economic Doom, per the climate cult. Per that pithy interactive graphic, the US could see a 44% exposure. Canada is at 27%. Weirdly, many are zero percent exposed, all those on the far left. Germany and the UK, among others, are at 1%. Bermuda, an island out in the middle of the Atlantic, is at zero. Despite getting hit with tropical systems every once in a while. It’s really about coming up with a new way to scare people, especially those in government, to force Solutions on citizens.

Read: Proximity To Equator Determines GDP Doom From ‘Climate Change’ »

Hot Take: The Supreme Court Is A Tool Of Tyrants

Remember the days when liberals would tell us that things just aren’t black and white, that there are shades of grey? That there’s no need for absolutes? Well, then, along came George W. Bush, who drove them in Bush Derangement Syndrome. This infested the Credentialed Media. And the rise of blogs and digital media, so, rather than positioning themselves as Honest News, they went the Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, Media Matters, and Think Progress route. Lots and lots of the bloggers moved into the Credentialed Media. And they went crazier with Obama in office, this time with their adulation. Then more insane with Trump in office. And anything that goes against their beliefs is The Worst Thing Ever

The Supreme Court Is a Tool of Tyrants

Most Americans do not want to ban abortion. About 60 percent believe the procedure should be legal in all or most cases, the Pew Research Center reported last year. Should the Supreme Court indeed overturn Roe v. Wade, as a leaked draft of the majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization suggests, there is every reason to believe the decision will be unpopular. Yet public opinion matters little to the right wing and conservatives are organizing behind a national abortion ban, according to the Washington Post. “This is a whole new ballgame,” Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life Action, told the newspaper. “The 50 years of standing at the Supreme Court’s door waiting for something to happen is over.”

Public opinion means exactly zero when it comes to deciding whether something is Constitutional or not. That’s why it’s called a Constitutional Republic. BTW, some polls go the other way.

There will soon be no reason for them to linger outside the Court in hope. The right’s long war to ban abortion in the United States may be nearing its conclusion. The draft opinion authored by Justice Samuel Alito, argues that “a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions.” Women should not fear, he asserts later, because they “are not without electoral or political power.” This is thin comfort. Pro-choice women can influence their fates through direct action: by breaking unjust laws, or by filling streets in the defense of their bodies. Electorally, however, their powers are limited by the influence of an anti-democratic conservative movement.

It won’t be illegal everywhere. It’s a state’s rights issue. Perhaps women will stop using abortion as contraception, and start realizing that having risky, irresponsible, unprotected sex is not a good idea. Men, too. But, men do not have to worry about a bun in their oven. And, if they do not like what the state passes, they can move to another state, or try and get people elected who will change the law.

What is happening inside the Supreme Court is not the triumph of the American people but rather the success of a well-funded minoritarian faction. The battle for abortion pits the electoral and political power of a pro-choice majority against that of conservative elites, and it is easy to see who is winning. (Conservatives have focused their attention and ire on the leaked opinion because they view it as a crime committed against them. The court is theirs; anyone who violates its sanctity is an enemy. The possibility that the leaker might be a conservative does not change this basic calculus.) Anti-abortion activists have discovered that with enough elite power at their disposal, they can comfortably ignore the wishes of the people. Their stance on abortion predisposes them to a tyrannical form of politics. If abortion kills a human being, then public opinion does not matter; in fact, to defer to the public is to become complicit in mass murder.

See? We don’t like the way the Supreme Court might rule based on the Constitution, so, it’s tyranny, and we’re going to come up with all sorts of Theories. These people are nuts, and prefer mob rule, with no guiding principles.

The piece goes on and on, but, I do have to throw this in

When the justices formally rule on Dobbs, and surely strike down Roe, they will continue a anti-democratic tradition that includes Bush v. Gore, which overruled the popular vote and put George W. Bush in office;…

They just cannot Move On. This still drives them nuts. Those who know this was the proper ruling based on the laws of Florida are fine with it. I voted for Gore in 2000, so, while I was disappointed, I understood The Law. For the moonbat BDS infused lefties, they do not care, they still lose their minds for not getting their way.

Anyhow, if a liberal within the office of the Supreme Court leaked it, they might have hurt Democrats more, because seeing them out in the streets, getting violent, protest, going full moonbat in favor of killing the unborn could swing many people over to vote Republican.

Read: Hot Take: The Supreme Court Is A Tool Of Tyrants »

Good News: Reproductive Health Is Climate Justice

Like I said yesterday, the Cult Of Climastrology will always glom onto any issue, because it’s a cult. And, most climate cultists are lefties, meaning they support abortion on demand

It’s all connected! It’s almost no even necessary to link the article

We need to stop debating which methods are going to work and realize we need to build a whole ecosystem of change-making.

I’ve worked in electoral politics for almost 17 years. I’ve been a communications director, I’ve worked for nonprofits where my main job is to get people to vote.

And let me tell you, it’s more important now than ever that we stop telling people that voting is the solution.

Voting is one small piece of what it means to be an active citizen. There are all kinds of things that go with it—door knocking, getting out the vote, holding our elected officials accountable—that have to be done together to have a solid strategy for change-making through the electoral process.

But electoral work alone is also not the answer to our current situation. We need to reach beyond our comfort zones, join movements, build mutual aid efforts, and get ready to break laws that we know are unjust.

How did we even get here? The backslide of reproductive rights, the refusal to take action on climate, the attacks on trans kids… none of this happened overnight. It’s all connected, part of a decades-long strategy by the wealthiest, most powerful corporate and political elite. And they aren’t going to stop. Court watchers are already predicting that the next attacks will be on equal marriage, LGBTQ rights, birth control, even interracial marriage.

Got that? Voting isn’t the solution. Breaking the law is. Forcing That Guy to comply is. And people wondered, all the way back to 2005 when I became a skeptic, and still wonder why I say that ‘climate change’ has little to do with actual science almost everything to do with Progressive (nice Fascism) politics. Even if the climate changes since 1850 were mostly caused by Mankind, the solutions are all about Control. Force. You are not allowed to engage in Wrongthink. And they will link everything together. Because they’re nuts.

And they’re still the same old racists they were from the Civil War era. They want black babies aborted. You know who else wants this? Nazis, white supremacists, and their ilk. Even though some of them say they’re highly religious, they support that blacks have a much higher percent of aborted babies than anyone else.

Read: Good News: Reproductive Health Is Climate Justice »

If All You See…

…is a cloudy sky from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on how much a heat pump will cost (20K pounds is $25k US).

Read: If All You See… »

CDC Still Pimping Masks On Public Transportation

Most people are done with the Chinese coronavirus, except for a smattering of people who still wear masks. Many of them wear them wrong. Many of them intentionally get in other people’s space, and even hug, when avoiding personal contact is one of the main things you should do. They’re welcome to mask if they want. The CDC won’t give up, even though most news outlets barely cover COVID anymore, and most coverage is way down the webpage

CDC Reissues Mask Recommendation On Planes And Public Transportation Across America As Much Of The Northeast Moves Into “High Transmission” Category

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention announced a new recommendation that masks be worn by all persons 2 and older “in indoor areas of public transportation (such as airplanes, trains, etc.) and transportation hubs (such as airports, stations, etc.).” The CDC also encouraged people to wear “in crowded or poorly ventilated locations, such as airport jetways.”

The announcement comes a little over two weeks after a U.S. District judge in Florida ruled the CDC’s mask mandate exceeded its authority. The Justice Department has said it plans to appeal the ruling, if the CDC indicates it’s needed.

Cases and hospitalizations have begun to rise across the United States as new, more transmissible variants spread in waves. BA.2 began driving cases last month, quickly becoming dominant nationwide. Even more transmissible Omicron BA.2.12.1, first identified in the U.S. in February, is well on its way to pushing BA.2 out. Data released today show that BA.2.12.1 now makes up 36.5% of all newly-sequenced positive Covid tests having made a jump of close to 100% in the past two weeks.

The CDC’s authority may be tested again as cities such as New York have moved into what federal health officials have dubbed the medium, or yellow, risk category for virus transmission. (The current categories are much more lenient than those in place last year.)

See, they want you to wear it in these place, but, bigwig functions like the Met Gala and “Nerd Prom” are not covered. In fact, a few people came down with Wuhan Flu from the White House Correspondents dinner, including a reporter who sat next to Kim Kardashian. Of course, The Help was forced to mask up, not the Elites. Not quite sure why the CDC is focused on public transportation, versus other areas of close contact, but, this is what cultists do, focus in.

(WRAL) If passed by a GoRaleigh city bus, you’ll still see “mask required” signs on it, yet their website says face coverings are “recommended”. Guidance that happens to be in line with a new recommendation coming from the CDC today.

Passengers told WRAL News the guidance is confusing and at this point, they’re doing what makes them feel comfortable.

Paul parker said it takes some getting used to the latest guidance from the CDC on public transportation and mask-wearing.

“I think we were happy to do it for a while,” said Parker. “If we’re asked to go back and do it again that might be trickier.”

Most will ignore this, and, it’ll be really difficult and cause problems if government tries to force people to wear masks, which do not work. Despite all the forced masking Delta and Omicron crashed across the U.S.

Parker just arrived from the UK and saw firsthand how tricky it can be.

“On the plane: no masks whatsoever,” said Parker “Then we get into JFK and suddenly you have to wear a mask.”

Most of Europe did away with the mask quite some time ago. Here in the U.S. power hungry politicians used them for control.

Yes, COVID is rising again, mostly Omicron’s BA.2 subvariant called BA.2.12.1

That’s from the NY Times. If you scroll down to the same area of the front page you see

Weirdly, a lot of those places that are hot spots have high vaccination rates, and, being good leftists, they’ll wear masks voluntarily more than other areas. Many of these sub-variants are evading vaccination, and some are re-infecting those who’ve had Wuhan Flu.

Read: CDC Still Pimping Masks On Public Transportation »

New Zealand Is Sinking From Climate Crisis (scam)!

It’s always something loopy with these cultists

Climate change has NZ sinking – floods to become routine events

Climate change is taking its toll as the sea keeps crawling onto New Zealand’s sinking coastline, halving the time authorities thought they had to take action, according to an NZ SeaRise study released earlier this week.

The document determined that parts of Wellington, the capital, will see 30 centimeters of sea level rise in just 18 years, which would turn rare floods into annual events when they used to be once-in-a-century episodes.

According to scientific projections, homes and other buildings in Auckland, Wellington, and elsewhere risk being inundated decades earlier than expected as sea levels are rising twice as fast as previously thought in many parts of the country. Authorities in New Zealand had not expected levels to reach this threshold until 2060.

NZ SeaRise is a five-year government-funded research program that combines data on sinking land with up-to-date international sea-level rise projections. Involving some 30 local and international experts, it takes into account the natural rises and falls of the country’s coastline, as well as climate change and warming temperatures.

Parts of New Zealand are sinking, and others are rising. Because it’s right on the Pacific Plate, and there are multiple smaller fault lines. It’s volcanic. Most stations show 1.27-1.47mm a year in sea rise, one is at 2.72mm.  That’s a hell of a lot less than getting 30 centimeters, which would be almost a foot, of sea rise in 18 years, which would be incredibly above average and above reality. But, the Cult isn’t interested in facts.

Some areas in Auckland and Wellington are sinking 3-4 millimeters a year, which corresponds with the annual rate at which the sea is rising.

Not from ‘climate change’, but, natural tectonic activity. The cult isn’t honest, just like with the headline.

Read: New Zealand Is Sinking From Climate Crisis (scam)! »

Pirate's Cove