New Zealand Is Sinking From Climate Crisis (scam)!

It’s always something loopy with these cultists

Climate change has NZ sinking – floods to become routine events

Climate change is taking its toll as the sea keeps crawling onto New Zealand’s sinking coastline, halving the time authorities thought they had to take action, according to an NZ SeaRise study released earlier this week.

The document determined that parts of Wellington, the capital, will see 30 centimeters of sea level rise in just 18 years, which would turn rare floods into annual events when they used to be once-in-a-century episodes.

According to scientific projections, homes and other buildings in Auckland, Wellington, and elsewhere risk being inundated decades earlier than expected as sea levels are rising twice as fast as previously thought in many parts of the country. Authorities in New Zealand had not expected levels to reach this threshold until 2060.

NZ SeaRise is a five-year government-funded research program that combines data on sinking land with up-to-date international sea-level rise projections. Involving some 30 local and international experts, it takes into account the natural rises and falls of the country’s coastline, as well as climate change and warming temperatures.

Parts of New Zealand are sinking, and others are rising. Because it’s right on the Pacific Plate, and there are multiple smaller fault lines. It’s volcanic. Most stations show 1.27-1.47mm a year in sea rise, one is at 2.72mm.  That’s a hell of a lot less than getting 30 centimeters, which would be almost a foot, of sea rise in 18 years, which would be incredibly above average and above reality. But, the Cult isn’t interested in facts.

Some areas in Auckland and Wellington are sinking 3-4 millimeters a year, which corresponds with the annual rate at which the sea is rising.

Not from ‘climate change’, but, natural tectonic activity. The cult isn’t honest, just like with the headline.

Read: New Zealand Is Sinking From Climate Crisis (scam)! »

NY Times: Overturning Roe Isn’t Conservative Or Something

We’ve had plenty of unhinged Hot Takes over the leaked SCOTUS document on Roe v Wade. Then, we get the folks who are supposed to be allies. Here’s the NY Times’ resident Republican (who’s really a necon and inflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome)

Overturning Roe Is a Radical, Not Conservative, Choice

Dear Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Thomas:

As you’ll no doubt agree, Roe v. Wade was an ill-judged decision when it was handed down on Jan. 22, 1973.

It stood on the legal principle of a right to privacy found, at the time, mainly in the penumbras of the Constitution. It arrogated to the least democratic branch of government the power to settle a question that would have been better decided by Congress or state legislatures. It set off a culture war that polarized the country, radicalized its edges and made compromise more difficult. It helped turn confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court into the unholy death matches they are now. It diminished the standing of the court by turning it into an ever-more political branch of government.

So, it was a horrible, terrible, no good decision? Let’s get rid of it

But a half-century is a long time. America is a different place, with most of its population born after Roe was decided. And a decision to overturn Roe — which the court seems poised to do, according to the leak of a draft of a majority opinion from Justice Samuel Alito — would do more to replicate Roe’s damage than to reverse it.

That means nothing. The Constitution is the Constitution. If you do not like the words, try and change it with a Constitutional convention

It would be a radical, not conservative, choice.

What is conservative? It is, above all, the conviction that abrupt and profound changes to established laws and common expectations are utterly destructive to respect for the law and the institutions established to uphold it — especially when those changes are instigated from above, with neither democratic consent nor broad consensus.

Well, that’s the neocon view. The real view, based on the Classical Liberal/Federalist beliefs is that the Constitution is the Constitution, that the federal government’s powers should be limited to what the Constitution grants them, and everything else is held by the States and The People. Do we care if it can “cause damage”? We either do The Right Thing, the constitutional thing, or, we abandon our beliefs. Stephens continues with his idiotic pandering to the left by claiming keeping Roe would be Conservative for awhile, you’re welcome to read it.

And, then, of course we have Squishy Susan Collins

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said Tuesday that if a report suggesting that the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade is accurate, she was misled in her conversations with two justices who had told her that the landmark 1973 abortion ruling was settled law. (snip)

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in a statement. “Obviously, we won’t know each justice’s decision and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion in this case.”

I highly doubt either said it was settled law, because it is not law. Obviously, the argument made in the case that has SCOTUS considering overturning Roe was better than the argument in favor of keeping Roe. Here’s David Harsanyi

Senator Susan Collins says that Samuel Alito’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade is “completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office.” Ramesh and Ed have debunked this claim. Conceding that long-established precedents should be treated with more weight does not preclude the possibility that those decisions were wrongly decided and should be overturned. Plessy was on the books for over 60 years. As Chuck Schumer noted at the time, “this is not as simple as Judge Kavanaugh saying that Roe is settled law. Everything the Supreme Court decides is settled law until it unsettles it. Saying a case is settled law is not the same thing as saying a case was correctly decided.”

With friends like Collins and Stephens, who needs enemies? And, of course

Yup, Trump broke them so much they can’t even stick with American Conservative principles and stand up for doing away with killing the unborn.

Read: NY Times: Overturning Roe Isn’t Conservative Or Something »

We’re Saved: Billie Eilish To Headline British Climate Crisis (scam) Event

I wonder what the carbon footprint will be for all these big wigs jetting in on private jets, then the limos, and all the energy used, not too mention all the fossil fuels for attendees

Overheated: Billie Eilish Will Lead U.K. Climate Change Event

Grammy award-winning singer Billie Eilish has announced she will be spearheading a major, multi-day climate change event in London’s O2 arena in June.

The six-day Overheated event is taking place during Eilish’s Happier Than Ever world tour, and will feature performances and climate-related discussions between musicians, activists, designers and other cultural figures. It’s early days, but other attendees so far announced include climate campaigner Vanessa Nakate and YouTuber Jack Harries. The event will also include screenings of a documentary featuring Eilish, along with British artist Yungblud, Norwegian singer Sigrid and designer Vivienne Westwood.

The event will run on six, non-consecutive days, on June 10, 11, 12, 16, 25 and 26.

Exactly what is her degree in? What does she know at the ripe old age of 20? How about the rest? Is Billie willing to forgo all the touring which requires lots of fossil fuels? Will anyone be awake after the concert? Girl looks like she’s half asleep at all times.

Eilish, 2o, has made repeated public statements in support of climate action. During the COP26 climate summit in November, she called on world leaders to “stand together and speak up for our planet, not just for us, but for our future generations.”

The singer is also a vegan, and has cited both animal welfare and climate change as reasons for this lifestyle choice—but she’s not an evangelist for veganism. “I’m not gonna force anybody to do that because I wouldn’t want them to force me,” she told Dutch radio station 3FM in 2019. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna try to make the world a better place.”

Right, right, not wanting to force people to live the climate cult life. Sure. 30+ years later and these people are still spreading awareness, but, not practicing what they preach.

Read: We’re Saved: Billie Eilish To Headline British Climate Crisis (scam) Event »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful electric bike reducing the carbon footprint of a big city, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Nostrofucious, a rather new blog, with a post on where tolerance ends.

Read: If All You See… »

Hot-Take: Trump’s Border Wall Leads To More Illegal Alien Deaths And Injuries

So, let’s say it’s 2am and you decide to take a walk through one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago, run by the Latin Kings, wearing the colors of a rival gang. You get caught, beat up, robbed, and maybe even killed. You put yourself in that bad situation. Or, you think you’re an Influencer, and you decide to take photos with wild baby bears, then momma bear comes back and mauls you. Or take photos at the edge of a cliff and you fall. Who’s fault?

Trump’s border wall has resulted in ‘unprecedented’ increase in migrant injuries and death

Donald Trump’s “impenetrable” border wall has resulted in increased migrant deaths and devastating injuries from falling, according to a new study that analyzed the effect of the new barriers on a southern California hospital.

The US replaced more than 400 miles of existing barriers that were between six and 17ft tall with a 30-ft steel wall, and added nearly 50 miles of new barrier under the former president, who campaigned on the promise of “securing” America’s borders and routinely demonized migrants.

The wall has been far from Trump’s promise of being “virtually impenetrable” – smugglers breached what he called the “Rolls-Royce” of barriers more than 3,000 times since its construction. Though the former president said his wall “can’t be climbed”, migrants have continued scaling the barrier, facing great peril. Last month a woman died while attempting to scale the wall in eastern Arizona after her leg became trapped in a climbing harness and she was left hanging upside down.

A study, published in the Jama surgery journal on Friday, found an unprecedented increase in the number of falls from the border wall in San Diego and Imperial counties. The report is one of the first efforts to calculate the effects of Trump’s wall on migrants, according to the Washington Post, as federal officials don’t track deaths and injuries related to falls from the barrier.

If you get shot trying to breach the White House fence to say hi to Dimentia Joe, or, fall off and break your arm, is the wall to blame, or you for trying to climb it? If someone gets ventilated with 9mm while trying to break into a home, who’s fault? If you get arrested trying to enter Mongolia’s Forbidden Zone, who’s fault? Don’t try and cross into the United State illegally. It really is that simple. These illegals put themselves in harm’s way. They did this.

Read: Hot-Take: Trump’s Border Wall Leads To More Illegal Alien Deaths And Injuries »

Abortion Might Be Limited By SCOTUS And ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

I had no intention of doing back to back abortion on demand posts, but, I can’t ignore this, yet another case of the Cult of Climastrology linking their supposedly scientific cult to everything that happens

SCOTUS may limit abortion access. So might climate change

When Hurricane Ida barreled through Louisiana last month, its 149 mph winds didn’t just ravage the state’s power grid and leave residents cooking in sweltering heat — they also took two of the Pelican State’s three abortion clinics offline.

From a reproductive health perspective, the storm couldn’t have come at a worse time — just days after a Texas law effectively banned abortions and sent hundreds of people over state lines looking for care.

“The hurricane was truly just one more slap in the face,” said Kathaleen Pittman, administrator at the Hope Medical Group for Women in Shreveport, La. Hers was the sole clinic that remained open through the storm, extending hours for consultations and procedures in an effort to provide care to everyone in need. (snip)

Now, with the Supreme Court weighing two abortion-related challenges this term, reproductive rights advocates fear that the story of Hurricane Ida and Texas’ S.B. 8 could soon be repeated on a national scale as climate change intensifies extreme weather, creating even more hurdles for the 615,000 women the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says seek abortions annually.

Hurricane Ida is just the most recent example of how natural disasters fueled by climate change can limit access to abortion — a procedure that must be precisely timed due to legal restrictions. In 2017, both Hurricane Harvey and California wildfires, including the Tubbs Fire, also forced abortion clinics to close and left people scrambling for care at the last minute.

Good grief. This is bat guano insane.

One woman in the study said she became pregnant after being raped in a hurricane shelter and wanted to terminate. But the clinic in Houston where she lived was closed because of the storm, and she needed money to travel some 10 hours to El Paso instead — an expense she could ill afford.

“When abortion access is restricted and then you have climate change, which creates natural disasters that displace people and cut off access to things they normally would have access to, it exacerbates existing inequities and access issues,” said the study’s lead author, Ophra Leyser-Whalen, a medical sociologist at the University of Texas, El Paso. “Just think about having to pick up and travel to get an abortion in the middle of not having anything in your life after a natural disaster. That is also a disaster.”

Where do you go with something this nutty? In Real Life, you probably just walk away, expressing the old saying “never argue with an idiot crazy climate/abortion cultist. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Read: Abortion Might Be Limited By SCOTUS And ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Leaked SCOTUS Draft Shows Roe V Wade Overturned

Abortion is the number 1 commandment of the Democratic Party. It rises above all else. So, this is making them nuts already

What happens if Roe v. Wade is overturned? What we know about Supreme Court’s leaked draft

Politico reported Monday night that it had obtained a draft opinion suggesting the U.S. Supreme Court is considering a ruling that would overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established a constitutional right to abortion.

The leak itself is highly unusual: While court deliberations have leaked before, including during President Richard Nixon’s administration, the release of a draft opinion is virtually unprecedented.

Politico said the draft was circulated in February, about two months after oral arguments. A Supreme Court spokeswoman declined to comment. Several legal experts consulted by USA TODAY said the leaked draft ruling has all the hallmarks of being accurate. Politico said a majority of justices supported the ruling.

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Associate Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the draft obtained by Politico. “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.”

The question now is “do any of the justices change their minds before the final ruling?” You always have to worry about Chief Justice Roberts, who can be rather squishy.

What will happen if Roe v. Wade is overturned? What states will ban abortion?

If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, states would be free to make abortion illegal. Nearly half of the states in the country already have laws in place that would take effect immediately upon the Supreme Court ruling. Another 16 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws explicitly protecting abortion rights in case Roe v. Wade is overturned, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive rights research and policy organization.

As it should be. This should be a States’ Rights issue.

Abortion-rights activists say banning abortions will hurt people of color the hardest. People of color have abortions at the highest rates in the nation and so these Americans will likely have the hardest time finding ways to get rid of unwanted pregnancies or to raise children they cannot afford or didn’t want.

In other words, white Democrats are the same old black people haters that the party has been since the Civil War. Why do they want black people to abort their babies at such high rates? Has the Democratic Party ever considered enlightening people to use contraception, rather than irresponsible sex followed by an abortion?

Democrats are, of course, not taking this well

Democrats condemn Supreme Court abortion draft as ‘abomination,’ urge Congress to codify Roe v. Wade

Democrats urged Congress to pass a bill codifying Roe v. Wade in response to the alleged draft of a forthcoming Supreme Court opinion striking down the 1973 precedent on abortion.

“If the report is accurate, the Supreme Court is poised to inflict the greatest restriction of rights in the past fifty years – not just on women but on all Americans,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a joint statement Monday.

Abortion doesn’t appear anywhere in the Constitution, and Roe is considered to be one of the worst legal Supreme Court rulings of all time. But, hey, you try and get that passed, and you’ll get even more lawsuits based on the 10th Amendment. Now, they could pass a law making it legal on federal land and having abortion facilities on federal property, which, of course, could change based on which party is in charge of the White House.

“The Republican-appointed Justices’ reported votes to overturn Roe v. Wade would go down as an abomination, one of the worst and most damaging decisions in modern history,” Pelosi and Schumer added.

So, ending the notion of killing the unborn is the abomination? These people are insane.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., also called for a law codifying Roe, blaming Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. for blocking the move.

“As we’ve warned, SCOTUS isn’t just coming for abortion – they’re coming for the right to privacy Roe rests on, which includes gay marriage + civil rights,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Manchin is blocking Congress codifying Roe. House has seemingly forgotten about Clarence Thomas. These 2 points must change.”

That’s a pretty big stretch, but, AOC is even more nuts than most Democrats.

This leak has has displaced everything else on the front pages of news outlets. The NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, ABC News, you name it, they’re all leading with the leak. Ukraine and everything else has been relegated to lower articles and opinions. Much like COVID. And it will continue till the ruling is released. It’ll be non-stop articles, analysis, editorials, and opinion till that day, and then for long after.

Read: Leaked SCOTUS Draft Shows Roe V Wade Overturned »

Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry To Bring Thousands Of New Viruses

I touched on the scaremongering, doomy, climate cult piece from Nature a few days ago: here’s some more apocalyptic doomsaying from it

Climate Change Will Bring Thousands of New Viruses, Says New Study

Climate change isn’t just bringing rising temperatures and rising sea levels. According to new research, it’s bringing a rising risk of infectious disease.

A new study published last week in the journal Nature points to “thousands” of new viruses spreading from animals to humans by 2070 as a result of climate change.

Researchers out of Georgetown University used a model to look at the likely migration patterns of more than 3,000 mammal species as warming temperatures impact their food sources and mating locations. This shift would bring increased risks of infectious diseases that jump from animal to human.

The study found that countries across Africa and Asia are most at risk as they’re already the hotspots for deadly animal-to-human infections including HIV, Ebola, and covid.

The study is “a critical first step in understanding the future risk of climate and land-use change on the next pandemic”, says Kate Jones, who models interactions between ecosystems and human health at University College London.

In other words, it’s a measure to enable governments to control everything by scaring people into giving up their personal freedom. And property rights. As well as government just taking them.

The model looked at a 2°C temperature rise over the next 50 years, which they say is likely. The recent installment of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment found temperatures are likely to surpass 1.5°C in the next several years, even if just temporarily. Warming past the 1.5°C target set by the Paris Accord is expected to bring extreme weather, rising sea levels and temperatures, as well as habitat and biodiversity loss.

If temps do not hit 2C since 1850 (I’m assuming that’s what they mean, not a 2C rise in the next 28 years) and we don’t have all the climate cult initiatives in place, who’s held responsible for this scaremongering?

This is the first research of its kind; other studies have examined the impacts of deforestation, decreasing animal populations, and even the illegal wildlife trade, which all play parts in animal-to-human disease spread. But little has been known about how much of an impact warming global temperatures will have on the risk of animal-to-human infections.

The climate has always changed. The spread of the Black Death in the mid-1300’s was at the beginning of The Dark Ages, a cooling period.

The researchers are urging for drastic cuts in emissions to help thwart the climate crisis. The findings come on the heels of another study that called for a 75 percent decrease in meat consumption in the wealthiest countries. Meat is a leading producer of emissions including CO2 and the more heat-trapping gas, methane.

So, not a scientific study, an advocacy one. What happens if we do not have thousands of diseases crossing the lines? This is all a way to link COVID, which most likely came from a lab, with the climate cult.

Read: Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry To Bring Thousands Of New Viruses »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post showing 75% of world’s beaches are stable or growing.

Read: If All You See… »

Mayorkas Says Ministry Of Truth With Not Monitor U.S. Citizens

If that’s the case, why do we need this Disinformation Governance Board to start with? It could be done within the CIA, NSA, or the numerous alphabet soup agencies tasked with monitoring foreign communications. Why have a nutty, hyper-partisan leftist in charge, one who thought the Hunter Biden laptop story was fake? How long till we find out that the Ministry Of Truth is monitoring Americans?

Mayorkas claims new DHS disinformation board will not monitor US citizens

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claimed Sunday that his department’s Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board” will not monitor US citizens — and vouched for the “eminently qualified” agency czar who has been blasted by critics for being too partisan.

Mayorkas defended Nina Jankowicz amid questions from conservatives over her ability to ferret out disinformation when she doubted the credibility of The Post’s series of reports in October 2020 about Hunter Biden’s laptop — information that has since been confirmed by other newspapers and media outlets.


Asked by host Bret Baier during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday” about Jankowicz’s objectivity, Mayorkas said he had no reservations.

“I don’t question her objectivity. There are people in the department who have a diverse range of views and they’re incredibly dedicated to mission. We’re not the opinion police,” he told Baier.

Will this end up being like that joke from The Blues Brothers movie, where Jake asks “what type of music do you have here, Ma’am?” and she responds “Oh, we have both types. Country and Western!” Then, while on CNN, meaning people saw it in the airports

Mayorkas responded, “So what it does is it works to ensure that the way in which we address threats, the connectivity between threats and acts of violence, are addressed without infringing on free speech, protecting civil rights and civil liberties, the right of privacy.”

Bash pushed: “Will American citizens be monitored?”

“No,” he replied. “The board does not have any operational authority or capability.

“What it will do is gather together best practices in addressing the threat of disinformation from foreign state adversaries from the cartels and disseminate those best practices to the operators that have been executing in addressing this threat for years.”

How do we know what the Ministry Of Truth can do, since it was not created by Congressional legislation? There’s no tasking by law to determine the mission. There is, at this time, no government website explaining the entire point in writing. Further, what we received early on was a mention of Chinese Flu vaccine disinformation, which would mean they would, in fact, be monitoring what U.S. citizens were saying.

Since the board was essentially not created by legislation, how is anyone held responsible when they start monitoring U.S. citizens and responding?

Read: Mayorkas Says Ministry Of Truth With Not Monitor U.S. Citizens »

Pirate's Cove