If All You See…

…is a cloudless sky causing high temperatures thanks to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on carjacking only being a misdemeanor in Chicago.

It’s clearing out the folders week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Ren Wicks

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it’s a good day to remember those who sacrificed to protect America. This pinup is by Ren Wicks, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Moonbattery notes NYC trying to de-stigmatize the use of heroin
  2. Legal Insurrection covers the NSBA plan to request military police be sent to schools to protect them from parents
  3. Jihad Watch covers Sweden telling Ukrainian women to avoid dressing in a way that provokes Muslim men
  4. IOTW Report discusses AMTRAK wasting $41 million
  5. Gen Z Conservative notes bad polling news for Liz Cheney
  6. Geller Report covers the Texas shooter being arrested previously for threatening to shoot up school
  7. Flag And Cross notes how many buses Texas has sent to D.C. full of illegals
  8. Diogenes’ Middle Finger discusses leftists wanting Bill Maher’s head
  9. DC Clothesline covers Australia announcing 2 years in jail for violating COVID rules
  10. Da Techguy’s Blog notes we’ve taught cops not to rush in
  11. Blazing Cat Fur covers most mothers of trans “boys” being mentally ill themselves
  12. No Tricks Zone discusses the destruction of a very old forest for a wind farm
  13. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers the green agenda’s role in causing inflation
  14. Weasel Zippers wonders how a broke guy living in mom’s basement could afford a $2k rifle and thousands in other material
  15. And last, but, not least, This ain’t Hell… features the “grooming” standards of the Space Force

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Majority Of North Carolinians Back Parental Bill Of Rights

Who are the nutjobs who do not approve of protecting kids in schools from being indoctrinated with insane stuff? Which parents do not think they should be notified when their kids are being taught stuff they shouldn’t, like adult sexual topics? Which parents want their kids to be told “don’t tell your parents”?

Poll: North Carolinians Support Passage of Parents’ Bill of Rights

A majority of likely North Carolina voters support passing a Parents’ Bill of Rights in the state, according a new poll released on Thursday.

The survey asked respondents:

This year twenty-six states have introduced bills to expand parental rights in schools. Such legislation typically reaffirms parental access to curriculum and classroom materials and often authorizes academic and financial transparency requirements for the school. In addition, these bills make parents the primary decision-makers regarding their child’s health and medical decisions and provide parents with opt-out options regarding controversial surveys or age-inappropriate classroom materials. Would you support or oppose the passage of a Parents’ Bill of Rights in North Carolina?

Out of 600 likely general election voters, 57 percent say they “support a Parents’ Bill of Rights for North Carolina,” including 47.3 percent who strongly support and 9.7 percent who somewhat support. Twenty-four percent oppose the idea, including 10.2 percent who somewhat oppose and 14.2 percent who strongly oppose. The Civitas poll was conducted by Cyngal from May 20-21 with a margin of error of ±3.95 percent.

The survey was conducted a few days before North Carolina lawmakers introduced a bill which would create a “Parents’ Bill of Rights” and bar instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity from curriculums for students in kindergarten through third grade.

Really, they should be asking these questions directly to parents, especially those who have kids in grade school. And K-3. See what they think. Do they want their kids taught by wackjobs?


Why? How about just teaching subjects? What does this have to do with a proper education? Why are kids exposed to this? It wastes valuable time.

“There’s no attempt to squelch folks from talking about things,” Berger said, according to WRAL-TV. “There is a specific prohibition on it being part of a curriculum in kindergarten through third grade.”

The insane stuff has no place in the curriculum.

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Read: Majority Of North Carolinians Back Parental Bill Of Rights »

Oops: Biden’s Forestry Service Started New Mexico Wildfires

Hey, remember this? It wasn’t that long ago, just May 4th

Climate change is why New Mexico’s wildfire season started early this year

The smoke emerges, like a white veil draped across the sky, on the drive up from Albuquerque to this picturesque city of 84,000.

Historically, New Mexico’s wildfire season begins in May or June, but this year, wildfires sprung up in the drought-parched New Mexican desert in April. By April 23, more than 20 wildfires were burning in 16 of the state’s 33 counties. Last week, two of them merged into one megafire, the Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon Fire. By Sunday, the New York Times reported, it had burned nearly 104,000 acres — more than 160 square miles — and smoke from it and another wildfire had blanketed most of northern New Mexico.

There’s no shortage of climate cultists linking/blaming ‘climate change’ to the New Mexico fires, just like when other wildfires happen, but, just like with those other fires, we find out the reality

So, not climate apocalypse?

(Reuters) Two blazes that grew into New Mexico’s largest ever wildfire were both started by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the agency said on Friday, prompting the state’s governor to demand the federal government take full responsibility for the disaster.

Forest Service investigators determined the Calf Canyon Fire was caused by a “burn pile” of branches that the agency thought was out but reignited on April 19, the Santa Fe National Forest said in a statement.

Oopsie! Don’t expect the Warmists to give up their talking points in favor of Reality.

Read: Oops: Biden’s Forestry Service Started New Mexico Wildfires »

If All You See…

…are pieces of land now separated due to a rising sea, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on Wimbledon going Woke.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out neo-neocon with a post on Biden’s new record approval rating.

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Read: If All You See… »

NC Democrats Trot Out Plan To Send Drivers $200 For Gas

This is really all for show. The GOP controls the general assembly. Will they go for it? Or are the Democrats simply attempting to say “look, we’re offering up A Plan”?

NC democrats discuss potential gas refund for drivers

Senate Democrats are proposing sending a rebate check to drivers across the state to help with the rising cost of gas.

Under a bill filed this week, all adults with a valid North Carolina driver’s license as of March 31 would get a check or debit card for $200.

“The top, top issue we’re hearing is about food prices, gas prices, that they cannot afford anything. So, I think we would really be doing a disservice to the people of North Carolina if we gaveled out of this short session and do absolutely nothing about it,” said Sen. Natalie Murdock (D-Durham County).

Democrats propose using $1.3 billion of the state’s anticipated $4.2 billion surplus this year to pay for their plan.

“We know that this is something the state can afford,” Murdock said. “I just think it’s very difficult to deny folks the funding they need to feed their families and to survive when we have such a great surplus.”

It would equate to, at the moment, about 46 gallons of gas. Many economists say this is better than suspending the state gas tax, which pays for the roads (our roads are actually pretty good). The better option would be to build more energy sources, including regular and natural gas wells. How about authorizing a refinery and nuclear energy? Of course, because the federal government is way too involved in state affairs, they would, at best, take forever to authorize. Most likely they would simply nix any attempt.

Lauren Horsch, a spokesperson for Republican Senate leader Phil Berger, was critical of the rebate idea.

“A one-time rebate that doesn’t cover the average additional monthly cost of Biden’s inflation is nothing more than a band-aid. If we want to help North Carolinians afford their everyday expenses, we should focus on real long-term, permanent tax relief,” she wrote in an email.

I’ll be honest, tax relief can only go so far with Brandonflation.

In his budget proposal earlier this month, Gov. Cooper did not suggest any tax cuts. He did call for additional raises for state workers, putting more money into reserve funds and various other changes to the budget.

So, Cooper is basically looking to hook up a bunch of his donors and voters. In fairness, the average salary for a NC government worker is $46,910, while the private sector is $56,518. In a lot of states, and with the federal government, the public sector employees typically make more than the private sector. But, really, should government workers be making more than private sector? Anyhow, if Democrats want to do something like a rebate, and Republicans agree, make it $400 if there is going to be that much of a budget surplus. Cut the gas tax, which is $0.385 per gallon for regular and diesel, in half. Heck, how about this: cut the tax for diesel for work vehicles for the rest of the year, which would help alleviate some of the costs associated with deliveries.

Read: NC Democrats Trot Out Plan To Send Drivers $200 For Gas »

Who’s Up For Climate Cult Being Locked In By Law For Military?

Hey, Democrats couldn’t defund the military in the 70’s, so, why not destroy it from within? They’re doing a great job, with all the Woke, social justice, CRT, calling every white person a white supremacist, forcing out competent and capable service members, letting in the gender confused, putting people with serious mental health issues and suicidal thoughts around military grade weapons, giving them trans services, and so on. This would be the final straw in making it worthless in defending the U.S.

Senator Wants DoD Climate Change Goals Locked into Law

As the military services roll out their climate change plans, a key senator is pushing to ensure the goals are met by enshrining them in law.

Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and an Army National Guard veteran, is introducing a bill Thursday that would set renewable energy goals for the Defense Department that match targets the military services have announced in recent months.

It’s important to codify the goals, Duckworth said, “so that it isn’t dependent on who happens to be secretary of defense.”

“We don’t want a project to get underway and then for it to wane,” Duckworth added in a phone interview with Military.com. “One of the things that needs to happen in order for the pivot away from fossil fuels to be effective is a long-term investment.”

In other words, she wants it baked in so a Republican president can’t say “to hell with this doomsday cult crap, we aren’t doing it.” Of course, Biden is completely ignoring all the laws on the border. Oh, and the Constitution, which requires the President and the Congress to protect the nation from invasion.

The bill would also codify goals to reduce emissions from Defense Department operations by at least 65% by 2030 and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050; from installations procurement by 20% by 2024 and net-zero emissions by 2050; and from buildings on installations by 50% by 2032 and net-zero by 2045.

It would also set a goal of buying only zero-emission non-tactical vehicles by 2035, including zero-emission light-duty vehicles by 2027, and to work toward buying only zero-emission tactical vehicles by 2045.

China is loving this bill, along with other U.S. enemies.

Read: Who’s Up For Climate Cult Being Locked In By Law For Military? »

House Democrats To Investigate….Gun Makers In Wake Of Texas Shooting

They could investigate why a door was left open. Why the police response was so messed up. Why no one reported all the threats and violence from the Texas shooter, the danger. Same as in oh so many cases. Nope, Democrats want to use the time of the U.S. Congress to score points to whip up their unhinged base

House Oversight investigating gun manufacturers after Uvalde mass shooting

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has opened an investigation into five gun manufacturers in the aftermath of the mass shooting at a Uvalde, Texas, elementary school earlier this week that left 19 children and two teachers dead.

Driving the news: Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), who chairs the committee, sent letters to the companies Thursday. She requested information regarding the manufacturing, sale and marketing of semi-automatic rifles that have been used in many of the deadliest mass shootings in recent U.S. history. (snip)

What they’re saying: “Our country faces an epidemic of gun violence, which is now the leading cause of death for children in the United States,” Maloney said in a statement Friday.

“I am deeply concerned that gun manufacturers continue to profit from the sale of weapons of war, including the AR-15- style assault rifle that a white supremacist used to murder ten people last week in Buffalo, New York, and the AR-15-style assault rifle that was reportedly used this week in the massacre of at least 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas,” she added.

They continue to profit because people are willing to purchase the firearms. The gun manufacturers sure profit from selling firearms to the U.S. government, for, say, protection of members of Congress.

The big picture: Maloney sent the letters to Daniel DefenseBushmasterSig SauerSmith &Wesson Brands and Sturm, Ruger & Company on Thursday, requesting they respond to several questions by June 2.

She’s skirting very close to the line of accusing them of criminal activity, and could be defamation. She might find herself on the wrong side of lawsuits. The letters include these questions

  1. What is your company’s annual gross revenue and profit from sales of semiautomatic rifles based on the AR platform and similar variants?  Please provide this information from 2012 to 2022.
  2. How many semiautomatic rifles based on the AR platform and similar variants have been sold by your company each year to distributors, retailers, consumers, and government agencies? Please provide this information broken down quarterly from 2012 to 2022.
  3. How much does your company spend annually on advertising and marketing semiautomatic rifles firearms based on the AR platformand similar variants? Please provide this information from 2012 to 2022.
  4. How much does your company spend annually on lobbying federal and state governments, either directly or indirectly? Please provide this information from 2012 to 2022.
  5. How much funding does your company provide to the National Rifle Association? Please provide this information from 2012 to 2022.
  6. Does your company monitor or track deaths or injuries caused by semiautomatic rifles based on the AR platform and similar variants that you manufacture? If so, please provide the total number of deaths and injuries that have resulted from the use of such firearms from 2012 to 2022. Please also identify whether these deaths occurred by suicide, accident, or homicide.
  7. Does your company monitor or track crimes attempted or carried out with semiautomatic rifles based on the AR platform and similar variants? If so, please provide the total number of crimes attempted or carried out with semiautomatic rifles based on the AR platform and similar variants from 2012 to 2022. Please also identify the type of crime, the location in which the crime occurred, and any other details tracked by your company.
  8. The Bushmaster XM-15 used in the Buffalo attack was easily modified by the shooter to accept high-capacity magazines. Does your company monitor or track crimes attempted or carried out with a modified firearm originally manufactured by your company? If so, please provide the total number of crimes attempted or carried out with a modified firearm manufactured by your company from 2012 to
    2022. In addition, what has your company done in this timeframe to prevent your firearms from being illegally modified after purchase?

She also wants a ton of other private company documents, such as marketing, analyses, and others. Hopefully, the companies either tell her to pound sand, explaining that she’s a public servant, not an Inquisitor, or show up without any requested material and tell her to pound sand, explaining she’s overstepped her boundary as a public servant. Because what Maloney really wants to do is create a soundbyte and thunder circus for the news and gun grabbers. What does any of this have to do with stopping nutjobs?

Read: House Democrats To Investigate….Gun Makers In Wake Of Texas Shooting »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Causing Elephants To Attack Humans

If only you had agreed to give up you money, freedom, and life choices to the climate cult this wouldn’t happened. Because elephants never attacked humans ever

Elephants Are Attacking Humans As Climate Change Pushes Them to the Brink

Elephants are known for being gentle giants. But climate change is beginning to take its toll, with attacks on humans increasing as global temperatures rise.

In India, 500 people are thought to be killed by elephants every year, mainly in crop-raiding incidents. In 2021, India Today reported that 3,310 people had died from elephant attacks in the last 7 years. As incidents like this increase, so has retaliation from villagers. In 2001, 60 elephants were found dead across North East India and Sumatra as crop poisoning became a popular form of retaliation.

In parts of Africa, elephants are increasingly entering farmlands in search of food and water, particularly during harvesting seasons. In 2018, a herd of 28 elephants destroyed 18 homesteads and fences, in Namibia village, Otjorute. Another notable incident in 2021 saw a group of elephants invading farms in Ngaremara, Northern Kenya. At the time, farmers threatened to kill the elephants, before animal welfare groups intervened.

Sounds more like people are encroaching on the elephants terrain, and elephants not putting up with this.

Elephants are known for their gentle nature, but they can become aggressive when they feel harassed, vulnerable or threatened. And climate change appears to be creating these conditions more and more frequently.

Niki Rust, an environmental social scientist specializing in human and wildlife conflict, told Newsweek that elephants do become more aggressive when temperatures increase—and last year saw some of the most extreme heatwaves across the globe, particularly in their native countries.

So, studies were done, checking the veracity of the claim? Oh, right, no, this is a doomsday cult, hence, they will jump right into blaming anthropogenic climate change. This whole piece is anecdotal, offers zero scientific proof. But, they do not care, because there are enough mushy headed climate cultists to caterwaul about the plight of the elephants.

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Causing Elephants To Attack Humans »

If All You See…

…are homes in the mountains to avoid the coming devastating sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on Biden’s terror exemption for the blind Sheik’s terror group.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove