53% Say Biden Not Mentally Fit To Be President

Yeah, when you constantly get stuff like this

citizens will have concerns over mental fitness

Poll: Majority Believe Joe Biden Not Fit for Presidency, Doubt Mental Ability 

A majority of voters believe President Joe Biden is not fit to be president and doubt his mental ability, a Monday Harris poll revealed.

Fifty-three percent of respondents said they had “doubts” about Biden’s mental ability. Sixty-two percent said Biden is not fit to be president because he is too old.

Among independents, a plurality expressed doubt about Biden’s mental ability (34-20 percent). Twelve percent of Democrats also were skeptical of Biden’s mental ability to lead. 63 percent of Democrats said the president is mentally fit.

He doesn’t help himself very much

You find lots and lots of this stuff. Also

Read: 53% Say Biden Not Mentally Fit To Be President »

Surprise: ‘Climate Change’ Ranks Last In CBS Earth Day Poll

You know when ‘climate change’ comes on top? When it is pretty much the only issue on the poll, or when the other stuff is low hanging fruit which no one really worries about in Real Life

Earth Day Poll: ‘Climate Change’ Last Priority for Americans

“Climate change” is the last priority for Americans and has dropped as an issue that must be dealt with immediately, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll on Friday.

The poll found that “climate change” was last on the list of most important priorities for Americans. Respondents ranked the economy (76 percent), inflation (73 percent), crime (59 percent), Ukraine (58 percent), immigration (48 percent), and then “climate change” (39 percent) in respective order of importance.

Oh, it gets so much better

Fewer Americans also see “climate change” as a pressing issue last year. Today, only 49 percent of respondents said “climate change” is a pressing issue and should be solved “right now.” In April 2021, that number was 54 percent, a downward shift of six percent under President Biden.

So, it’s lost traction, even though that 54% was taken in the middle of a pandemic. Goes to show that when you hit people in their wallets and do absolutely nothing to help, people will care less about imaginary problems.

In addition, Democrats do not believe that “climate change” is the most important issue. Blue Dog Democrats say the economy (74 percent), Ukraine (71 percent), and inflation (67 percent) have greater priorities than “climate change” (56 percent).

All these polls should ask the question “what changes are you willing to make in YOUR life to accord with your belief in ‘climate change’?”

Read: Surprise: ‘Climate Change’ Ranks Last In CBS Earth Day Poll »

If All You See…

…is an Evil carbon pollution filled can of beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on a DS9 actress saying she would only return if it was about social justice.

Read: If All You See… »

Confusion On Whether Mask Mandate Is Effective Is Secondary Concern, You Know

Throughout the pandemic, which has now shifted to endemic, I’ve never heard of this doctor. But, he makes a rather interesting admission while whining about the judge killing off the transportation mandate

Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy

Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, called the recent ruling by a Florida judge striking down the federal mask mandate on mass transit “a real challenge.”

“This is not going to be the last of the need for public health measures we’ve taken for any crisis,” Osterholm told “This Week” Co-Anchor Martha Raddatz exclusively on Sunday. “And what could be the crisis of tomorrow?”

You know what? The government shouldn’t exceed it’s authority. Agencies shouldn’t exceed their authority. They shouldn’t be dictating mandates based on whim because they like the power. Should not be exceeding any emergency powers granted to them

The Transportation Security Administration announced last week that the travel mask requirement will no longer be enforced by the agency since the mandate was struck down. But the Department of Justice is appealing the decision after the Center for Disease Control weighed in.

“On precedence, this case is very, very important,” Osterholm added. “I think the confusion around the mask mandate itself and how effective it is, is a secondary issue, but one that is still important, too.”

Now, that’s an interesting admission. Whether forcing people to wear masks actually works? A hell of a thing. Obviously, they barely make a difference, since we saw huge spikes in cases, higher than during the initial 2020 spike, from Delta and Omicron, despite a good portion of the country forced to mask up, even with so many people getting the vaccine. Also remember, the same people were saying that if you got the vaccine you got your life back, but, they still mandated that the vaccinated wear masks.

If effectiveness is secondary, what’s the primary issue? That would have been a damned good question to ask Osterholm.

“Well, it is off. First of all, let me be really clear, I am very, very strongly in support of a respiratory protection,” he said. “Someone can do a great deal to protect themselves and protect others if they’re using an N95 respirator. But this virus is transferred by what we call aerosols. It’s very fine particles that float into the air. It’s like smoke. It’s like perfume. And you have to have a high-quality respiratory protection device to protect yourself.”

“I think that what we want to do is stop talking about masking and talking about effective respiratory protection,” Osterholm added.

“And how do you do that?” Raddatz asked.

“First of all, the U.S. public is done with the pandemic, even though the virus is not done with us,” Osterholm responded. “And we have to recognize that in public health.”

Yeah, most of us are done with it, except for some of the COVID cultists, who wear their masks in the car and such. You know what was really off? Telling people to wear a mask to protect other people, rather than to protect themselves. Nothing like some good old me me me to push people to do something. They are not going to get people to put on N95’s and such at this point voluntarily, and good luck imposing more mandates.

Despite his objections to cloth masks, Osterholm still strongly recommends the use of N95 respirators, “particularly if you’re an immune-compromised individual.”

“If everybody can do that, they would keep in on to the duration of a flight, not wear it underneath their nose, then that would be a very effective way to have a mandate,” Osterholm said.

Yeah, that sounds like the same old type of mandate, while requiring specific masks. Have you ever read a story where there was a big outbreak from a flight? Any? If they’re saying cloth masks really do not work, you would have thought there would be an outbreak. Or on buses. Or trains.

A mandate works if it is smart. Remember how it all went? First it was “don’t wear a mask unless you’re sick,” because the Powers That Be wanted to make sure medical professionals had them early on, even though those blue doctors masks would make no difference. And, really, if you’re sick, you should stay home. Then it was “wear a mask if you’re out and will be in close contact with people.” That same mandate also required masks inside except when you weren’t close to other people. That made sense. If I’m sitting well over 6 feet away from people, why do I need a mask? Then we got “wear a mask at all times inside. Period.” That was dumb. Especially when people had the antibodies/full vaccination.

Despite rising caseloads, hospitalizations stemming from the virus are still at all-time lows nationwide, something Osterholm called “good news.”

“But I want to emphasize that could all change tomorrow, and that’s what the public is not willing to hear,” he added. “They want this to be over.”

And if the CDC/government wants to do something, then they need to go through proper channels and explain this to the Citizens government works for, not dictate because they want to. We remember the hysteria and idiocy from the pandemic, like Gov Gretchen Whitmer stopping the sales of paint and seeds for the garden.

Again, if the effectiveness of masks is secondary, what’s the primary concern?

Read: Confusion On Whether Mask Mandate Is Effective Is Secondary Concern, You Know »

Climate Cultists Sets Self On Fire At Supreme Court

I actually thought pretty hard about whether to post this or not, because I don’t like to speak ill of the dead. You really haven’t seen any posts when horrible Democrats die, right? But, this really is nuts, and the logical extension of what the Cult of Climastrology is teaching. How many articles have you seen on “eco-anxiety”, on how the kids are having big mental issues regarding ‘climate change’? That they’re being taught in the schools, from news outlets, from parents, and so forth, that the Earth Is Doomed?

Wynn Bruce dies after lighting himself on fire outside Supreme Court

A climate activist who lit himself on fire on Earth Day outside the United States Supreme Court Building has died, according to reports.

Wynn Bruce, 50, of Boulder, Colorado, died Saturday, a day after he set himself ablaze in Washington, D.C., the Metropolitan Police Department told Fox News.

The incident happened around 6:30 p.m. on the plaza in front of the court building.

He was airlifted to a local hospital, where he died.

Facebook page belonging to a person named Wynn Bruce said he was a Buddhist and a climate activist.

The climate cult has been mostly peaceful, with just a few civil disobedience actions, such as the Extinction Rebellion nutters, but, there have been incidents. Remember the loony tunes who attacked the Discovery channel building? The language of the climate cult members is becoming more and more extreme, and when they keep announcing Doom, what does that drive the Believers to do?

A Buddhist priest from Boulder said she knew Bruce and called his death “an act of compassion.”

“This guy was my friend. He meditated with our sangha [Buddhist community],” Dr. K. Kritee wrote. “This act is not suicide. This is a deeply fearless act of compassion to bring attention to climate crisis. We are piecing together info but he had been planning it for at least one year.”

Yeah, that’s what you would hear from a cult. The question now is, is this a one off, something that will rarely happen, or something that becomes more usual?

Read: Climate Cultists Sets Self On Fire At Supreme Court »

Republicans And Democrats Have Different Narratives On Economy For Midterms

In other words, the leftist news media is going to attempt to protect the Democrats from the crappy economy and Biden’s incompetence

Republicans, Democrats push dueling economic narratives ahead of midterms

In an economy that’s seeing both surging growth and debilitating inflation, Democrats and Republicans are telling very different stories about the overall economic picture ahead of midterm elections later this year.

For Republicans, the message is simple: inflation, inflation, inflation.

Consumer prices have risen 8.5 percent since last year, with wholesale prices climbing more than 11 percent, and Republicans are hammering the point home.

Where’s the growth? Product is limited. The auto industry is not getting better. It might be getting worse. While there might be just enough of some consumer goods, there isn’t a large supply. Those backrooms are not stocked up like usual. Manufacturers are prioritizing what they make. And, I’ll say again, it isn’t all Biden’s fault, nor the Democrats. The ultimate responsibility is on China for screwing around with coronaviruses, though, throw some blame towards Fauci and the National Institute of Health for funding Wuhan.

Democrats, meanwhile, are focused on the red-hot rebound of the economy following the onset of the pandemic, which has led to an increase in nominal wages and some of the highest levels of employment since the late 1960s.

“Our nation’s hiring spree continues, with March marking the eleventh straight month with over 400,000 jobs added back,” House Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) said earlier this month. “Over 90 percent of American jobs lost to the pandemic during the Trump Administration have been recovered, and the unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level since the pandemic began. The health and pace of our recovery is extraordinary.”

The employment rate is especially strong in Texas, where it’s almost doubled since before the pandemic, adding more than 40,000 jobs to the labor force every month this year. It’s a trend that Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) attributes to one of the Biden administration’s signature economic stimulus packages.

But, it isn’t like these are mostly new jobs, they are filling jobs that went away thanks to the pandemic and government lockdown policies, among others. I know lots of businesses that are down about 25% for employees, and aren’t filling it. We’d normally have 40 salespeople: we have 25. The number of service techs is down, and not being filled. Same at a lot of dealerships. Hours are reduced. Many that would normally be open Sunday are no longer. Lots of fast food places are still down and unable to fill those spots. Many within a couple miles of work only do drive thru, no in store ordering. Many places have cut hours. I went to Best Buy at 10am to get new speakers for the new car and found out they do not open till 11am.

It’s why you do not see that many really good sales. Why the stock is limited at stores.

While some economists have pointed to the trillions in fiscal stimulus packages, which went out to Americans under both presidents Trump and Biden, as a contributor to inflation, most say the core reason is supply chain disruptions and high demand for goods and services resulting from the pandemic.

The demand is not high: it’s, at best, normal, though many are focusing on needs, not wants. And, the cause is both. And Biden isn’t really doing a damned thing to help. He seems barely cognizant that Americans are suffering. Seriously, are there fewer chickens and cows? Nope. There’s plenty of milk, eggs, and chickens and cows to have meat. Things like shipping cause the problems. Where’s the Biden admin? What’s the Transportation Dept doing?

Dems can talk about jobs all they want: when consumers see the prices on the shelves that’s what they’ll remember. And Biden going off grid every weekend to his beach house or Camp David. Biden just doesn’t have time to do the job.

Read: Republicans And Democrats Have Different Narratives On Economy For Midterms »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea encroaching on homes, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Extinction Rebellion blocking a newspaper printing entrance.

It’s clearing out the folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Gil Elvgren

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the mockingbirds are annoying the squirrels, and the Dodgers are off to a great start. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Blazing Cat Fur features a gun rights group suing over the ghost guns order
  2. Blogs For Victory wonders what are human rights
  3. Chicks On The Right covers how well Disney stock is doing
  4. Da Techguy’s Blog discusses the conservatives at Disney
  5. DC Clothesline notes food processing plants burning down around the nation
  6. Geller Reports has the latest bit of authoritarianism from Fauci
  7. Gen Z Conservative covers the next big Biden crisis, housing
  8. IOTW Report notes Texas suing over ending Title 42
  9. Jihad Watch covers Biden unable to remember how long he’s been president
  10. Legal Insurrection notes the media lying about McCarthy saying Trump should resign over J6
  11. Moonbattery covers students forming a wall to stop free speech
  12. neo-neocon discusses the split on the right over Ukraine
  13. Outside The Beltway notes the EU trying to regulate social media
  14. Pacific Pundit covers Kamala’s wonderful new approval rating
  15. And last, but, not least, Powerline features leftist approved price gouging

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Good News: Biden Spending Billions To Make Military Climate Conformist

Just another way to make the U.S. military, what had been the strongest military since WWII, the safeguard of freedom, the protector of American sovereignty, weak and ineffective

Biden says US spending billions to make military vehicles ‘climate friendly’

President Biden on Friday said his administration is working to make “every vehicle” in the United States military “climate-friendly.”

The president, delivering Earth Day remarks from Seward Park in Seattle, Washington, discussed his administration’s efforts to address climate change, and called on Congress to take action.

“One of the things I found out as President of the United States, I get to spend a lot of that money,” Biden said. “We’re going to start the process where every vehicle in the United States military, every vehicle, is going to be climate-friendly — every vehicle — I mean it.”

He added: “We’re spending billions of dollars to do it.”

The president said the transition is “going to matter.”

Yes, it will matter, much like washing your car in the rain. Replacing your guitar strings with knitting thread. Filling your car oil with vegetable oil. But, much, much worse.

It is unclear what steps the Biden administration is taking to transition U.S. military vehicles from their current status to “climate-friendly.”

As usual, Biden is long on dropping some random babble and short on details. Because he’s pretty much lost his faculties, and will just drop things out of the blue.

“You know, my view of this [climate] crisis, as I said, is a genuine opportunity, an opportunity to do things we wanted to do and only now become so apparent,” Biden said.

As for legislation to address climate change, the president signaled to Congress: “You know, my pen’s ready. My pen’s ready to sign. I’m anxious to sign this. Get some of these bills to my desk.”

Yeah, then he delved into regular autos being electrified. Did you notice where? Yeah, he took a long fossil fueled flight to Seattle, Washington. Which included a helicopter ride to the D.C. airport, a chase jumbo jet, bringing his massive limo, and a fossil fueled convoy of 18-20 vehicles to get him to Seward Park. If the GOP doesn’t screw it up and lose the mid-terms, they should pass legislation requiring that the White House and all the people who work there, including Biden and Harris, use only climate friendly means of transportation for business. No fossil fueled travel. If Joe wants to go to Seattle, or, Delaware like he does most weekends (he’s there yet again this weekend), he can take the train or an EV. Yes, it would be mostly inessential legislation, but, it would look great with Biden vetoing it.

Anyhow, perhaps one day EVs will be working well enough to have our military use them, but, that time is far off.

Read: Good News: Biden Spending Billions To Make Military Climate Conformist »

Which Cities Have Worst Air Quality? Six Of Top Ten Are In California

Congratulations, People’s Republik Of California, heck of a job

Best, worst cities for air quality: California ranks among worst, East Coast is cleaner

It isn’t West Coast best coast when it comes to air.

California dominated the worst-air rankings, with three of the state’s cities topping each of the categories for worst air. The Los Angeles-Long Beach area had the worst air by ozone, Bakersfield had the worst year-round particle pollution, and the Fresno-Madera-Hanford area had the worst air by short-term particle pollution.

The top 10 cities in each of the three categories were in Western states; the most eastern city was Houston. Here are the worst air cities:

Worst air by ozone:

  1. Los Angeles-Long Beach, California
  2. Bakersfield, California
  3. Visalia, California
  4. Fresno-Madera-Hanford, California
  5. Phoenix-Mesa, Arizona
  6. San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, California
  7. Denver-Aurora, Colorado
  8. Houston-The Woodlands, Texas
  9. Sacramento-Roseville, California
  10. Salt Lake City-Provo-Orem, Utah

Perhaps spend less time fighting climate crisis (scam), more on the environment. Though, I will admit that automobiles are a big driver of ground level air pollution, which is strictly an environmental issue. Funny, though, that all these Warmists in California, and Denver, aren’t live the life they want to force on everyone else.

When it comes to year round particle pollution, California has 7 cities. Warmist Oregon has one. Short term particle pollution features eight cities. The best for year round particle pollution?

  1. Cheyenne, Wyoming
  2. Wilmington, North Carolina
  3. Urban Honolulu, Hawaii
  4. Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina, Hawaii
  5. Bangor, Maine
  6. Casper, Wyoming
  7. Bellingham, Washington
  8. Bismarck, North Dakota, Elmira-Corning, New York, Sioux Falls, South Dakota and St. George, Utah (tied)

I’m impressed on how hard California works to be the worst.

Read: Which Cities Have Worst Air Quality? Six Of Top Ten Are In California »

Pirate's Cove