Florida House Votes To Do Away With Disney’s Special Governing Protection

Some Old School Republicans are saying this is just too much, but, considering that Disney’s primary audience is children, perhaps they shouldn’t take the side of those who want to teach small children very adult sexual topics, push them to be LGBT, hide what’s going on in schools from their parents, bring in drag shows and stuff, you know this. Disney made their choice of sides.

Florida House passes bill to dissolve Disney’s special self-governing status

The Florida House passed a bill Thursday to eliminate the special district that allows the Walt Disney Co. to self-govern its Orlando-area theme park, sending the measure to Gov. Ron DeSantis for his signature.

DeSantis, a Republican, called on the Legislature to back the measure during its special session this week. House lawmakers passed the bill in a 68-38 vote after the Senate’s 23-16 vote on Wednesday.

The legislation would dismantle Disney’s special district on June 1, 2023. The district, which was created by a 1967 state law, allows Disney to self-govern by collecting taxes and providing emergency services. Disney controls about 25,000 acres in the Orlando area, and the district allows the company to build new structures and pay impact fees for such construction without the approval of a local planning commission.

Might it be too much? What could the fallout be for the local areas? There’s zero chance Disney leaves Florida, they have way, way too much invested. They made their bed

Dana was kinda aiming this at the Old School Republicans who are clutching their pearls. You know why so many Conservatives loved Trump? Because he fought back. Perhaps using nukes when napalm would be appropriate, but, we’ve begged the GOP to fight back against the insane Democrats and their Comrades in the media. This is how you get a Marjorie Taylor Green, blasting Dems, while the Romney’s clutch their pearls. Politics is a dirty, nasty business, with a veneer of civility, and when you’re fighting to stop Democrats from grooming children, you better be prepared to fight hard.

This is what we get from unhinge Brian Stetler at CNN

DeSantis vs. Disney: Homophobia and hate are beneath the surface of high-minded, right-wing talking points

The Walt Disney Company, a longtime engine of Florida’s economy, now finds itself in a disorienting position: Enemy of Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis.

And let’s be clear about the root cause: Resistance to LGBTQ equality.

The impending removal of Walt Disney World’s special tax district is wrapped up in anti-big business rhetoric. But the chain of events that led to “DeSantis versus Disney” began with the Florida GOP’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law.

Homophobia and hate are right underneath the surface of the high-minded talking points about “parental rights in education.”

Democrats wrap their grooming of children in this manner, never explaining why it’s necessary to have this stuff in school. Republicans must fight back, not just blogs, on social media, and even big outlets like Breitbart. The elected Republicans need to fight back, and be like DeSantis and Texas Gov Greg Abbott.

Read: Florida House Votes To Do Away With Disney’s Special Governing Protection »

Who’s Up For Giving Their Dead Body To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)?

I can’t decide if this is ghoulish or not

Florida company wants to use your dead body to fight climate change

A nonprofit in Florida has a unique, eco-friendly way to restore coral reefs while simultaneously providing an eternal resting place to those whose final wish is to use their remains to benefit marine habitats impacted by climate change.

Climate change has led to issues worldwide, including in oceans, where rising temperatures have resulted in the loss of coral.

Yes, because coral never ever dealt with higher temperatures nor higher seas, right?

According to a 2020 report, corals can be found in more than 100 countries. And while they cover only 0.2% of the ocean’s floor, they support at least 25% of marine life. However, rising ocean temperatures have led to the loss of 14% of global corals.

That’s where Florida-based Eternal Reefs comes in.

The company creates a reef ball with the cremated remains of a person (or pet) and drops them to the ocean floor to provide marine life with a new ecosystem.

This goes all the way back to when the founders were in college in the late 80’s

They faced challenges coming up with the design. They needed to create a design that would naturally attract marine life, withstand tidal movement and current flows, and also be able to stay put during a major storm.

It also needed to be environmentally friendly.

They eventually came up with the design, and in 1992, the Reef Ball Development Group and Reef Ball Foundation completed the first project off the coast of Ft. Lauderdale.

So, it’s environmental, which has nothing to do with anthropogenic climate change.

Eternal Reefs will bring a pre-cast reef ball to a casting site where families and friends have the opportunity to mix their loved one’s remains into the concrete to create what’s called a pearl. At that point, the pearl is placed into the reef ball, and another layer of concrete is poured on top, where it can then be decorated and personalized by family members.

Yup, they basically mix your ashes in to the concrete….say, doesn’t the climate cult say concrete is Bad?…and then drop it on the sea floor, and are taking advantage of the cult beliefs. Nice gig!

Read: Who’s Up For Giving Their Dead Body To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)? »

If All You See…

…are wonderful trees which will die from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Daley Gator, with a post on the mask obsession. Make sure to bookmark the new site, since WordPress killed his normal site.

Read: If All You See… »

23 Things Car Dealerships Don’t Want You To Know Or Something

I almost never delve into my real life, but, everyone once in a while something like this shows up, and it makes me laugh. People will often ask how to go about buying a car, and I’ll usually tell them the exact opposite of what they read online. Why? For one thing, doing that stuff wastes everyone’s time. Then you start wondering why this is taking so long. Why it’s such a hassle. Let’s delve into this, before I give you a book length post

23 Things Car Dealerships Don’t Want You To Know

Purchasing a new or used vehicle usually involves a lot of time, stress and money. Although people have to face this task an average of about every 11 1/2 years when buying a new car, there are secrets to purchasing a car that can make the process a whole lot faster, easier and cheaper.

Huh? The average is 4 years. Is this supposed to be about when they force us into EVs and we have 9-10 year loans?

1. Conduct Research Ahead of Time
Nearly 90% of car buyers use the internet to research autos before making a purchase, according to Autotrader. Sites such as Kelley Blue Book, Autotrader.com and Edmunds are equipped to provide shoppers with information that is crucial to the car-buying process, such as available rebates.

Yes, please. Too many have no idea what they’re looking for, don’t know the features, the prices, anything.

2. Pay With Cash
If you want to get a great deal on a used car, cash is king, said Doug Nordman, author of “The Military Guide to Financial Independence and Retirement.”

Yeah, maybe for a used from a private seller, as mentioned, but, really, the industry is set up for you to finance. Cash really means nothing anymore. Plus, don’t think you are going to get ANY discount in the current marketplace.

Read More »

Read: 23 Things Car Dealerships Don’t Want You To Know Or Something »

Sniffles: Mask Companies Hurt By End Of Mask Mandates

Seriously, how long did they think the Chinese coronavirus pandemic would last? There was always going to be a point where masking would stop, with just a few mask cultists masking up

America’s mask manufacturers take it on the chin

A U.S. judge’s ruling this week that the Biden administration’s mask mandate for public transportation was unlawful dealt another blow to an industry that built dozens of small U.S. mask factories during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Just a year ago, 26 of these upstart producers signed a letter to the administration, urging a crackdown on an influx of low-priced Chinese masks that was undermining their new operations, all of which were opened in response to a health crisis that highlighted U.S. dependence on foreign producers of all types of medical safety gear.

Today, just nine of the letter’s signers still produce masks.

“The government never really supported mask manufacturing in the U.S.,” said Lloyd Armbrust, chief executive of Armbrust American, a mask maker in Pflugerville, Texas. The lifting of the mandate will only hasten the decline of the new industry, he added.

Armbrust, who is also president of the American Mask Manufacturer’s Association, a group created to fight for the domestic startups, is one of the survivors. But his mask business is a shadow of what it was even a few months ago.

They needed to plan for the end of forced masking, right? It’s great that they were able to take advantage of what was going on to make a few bucks, but, they needed to plan for the end of operations.

During the record surge of cases from the fast-spreading Omicron variant that started late last year and peaked in January, Armbrust did up to half a million dollars in sales a day, he said. “Now, we’re like 5% of that.”

It was bound to happen, wasn’t it? Even the whole N95 thing was short lived after Brandon pimped them.

Armbrust said his business can make money producing at a lower level, in part because it has shifted toward also producing air filters for homes. Unlike face masks, which have become a divisive U.S. political issue, home filters are not controversial.

That’s smart. The mask companies need to adapt. How many will, and how many will demand a bailout from the Brandon admin?

Domestic producers say one risk going forward is that they are unlikely to ramp up production again, should a new virus variant emerge or some other crisis that prompts governments and businesses to again rush to buy masks.

“You better believe I won’t scale up like that again,” said Armbrust. “Why would I?”

OK? Most people still have plenty of masks around. I have a bunch of them sitting around. Some people burned theirs. I think we’ll be OK, especially since I doubt most will put up with any sort of new mask mandate, since the previous ones made zero difference. People were still mostly forced to mask up when the Delta and Omicron variants hit and spiked.

They tried to make a buck off people getting sick and dying….eh, that’s only partially fair…and now things have collapsed. No one complained that when all the disco companies were stuck with their products at the end of the disco era.

Read: Sniffles: Mask Companies Hurt By End Of Mask Mandates »

Climate Cult Says You May No Longer Have Your Wood Fireplace

Are they upset that so many, especially in places like Europe, have gone back to using wood burning fireplaces because the same cult made the use of affordable energy sources like natural gas very expensive?

Changing how we heat our homes can benefit both health and climate

The cheerful glow of a wood-burning stove creates a cozy atmosphere on a cold winter’s night, but the aesthetic appeal of wood burners comes at a high price for human health.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns that wood smoke is largely responsible for poor air quality during winter months in many residential areas across the United States.

Burning wood, in addition to producing toxic gases such as nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide, also generates tiny, solid particles called particulates.

“The particle pollution is especially dangerous because these particles are so tiny that they can travel deep into the lungs, causing irritation and inflammation,” said Dr. John M. James, medical specialist and spokesperson at the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

Well, they actually have a point from an environmental point of view. Of course, what are so many people in 3rd world nations going to do without wood burning stoves? Starve?

Another clean alternative to biomass and fossil fuels is hydrogen, which produces no greenhouse gases or particulates when it burns.

Research and early trials are underway to investigate the safety of hydrogen as an alternative fuel source for heating homes.

In the meantime, one of the fastest-growing technologies is “district heating,” which involves piping heat from factories, waste incinerators, or underground (“geothermal” heat) into homes.

This works well in areas of high population density, such as cities, but less well in rural areas.

Much research and investment lie ahead, but technologies like these offer a win-win for tackling climate change and improving public health.

Right, right, this is super easy for people to do, right? It won’t cost them money up the wazoo, right?

Also, some people just want a nice fire. So, these climate nags can F right off. Mind your own business.

Read: Climate Cult Says You May No Longer Have Your Wood Fireplace »

Michigan Groomer Seems Upset To Be Called A Groomer

She doesn’t really do anything but claim Victim status

From the article

Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow pushed back in a viral speech against the growing trend of Republicans labeling their Democratic opponents as groomers and pedophiles.

McMorrow responded Tuesday morning to accusations made in a fundraising email by Republican state Sen. Lana Theis that her Democratic colleague wanted to “groom and sexualize kindergarteners.”

“I didn’t expect to wake up yesterday to the news that the senator from the 22nd District had, overnight, accused me by name of grooming and sexualizing children in an email fundraising for herself,” McMorrow said at the beginning of her remarks. “So I sat on it for a while wondering: Why me? And then I realized: Because I am the biggest threat to your hollow, hateful scheme. Because you can’t claim that you are targeting marginalized kids in the name of ‘parental rights’ if another parent is standing up to say no.”

Republicans have attempted to position themselves as the party of parental rights, with state legislatures across the country introducing a series of bills targeting the LGBTQ community, with those opposing the legislation being labeled as “groomers.” They’ve also targeted books that discuss race and gender while attempting to make it illegal for parents to seek gender-affirming care for transgender children. Prominent right-wing media figures have focused on anti-LGBTQ attacks in recent weeks.

“So then what?” continued McMorrow. “Then you dehumanize and marginalize me. You say that I’m one of them. You say she’s a groomer, she supports pedophilia, she wants children to believe that they were responsible for slavery and to feel bad about themselves because they’re white.”

She’s not disputing that she wants young children taught very adult sexual stuff, that they’re exposed to it, that the kids be told not to tell their parents the stuff that goes on in school

Theis’s rhetoric against McMorrow in the fundraising email sent out on Monday read, “These are the people we are up against. Progressive social media trolls like Senator Malloy McMorrow (D-Snowflake) who are outraged they can’t teach can’t groom and sexualize kindergarteners or that 8-year-olds are responsible for slavery.” She added that “enlightened elites” believe parents “must surrender to the wisdom of teacher unions, trans-activists, and the education bureaucracy.”

Well, yeah, that’s what Democrats are pushing. Apparently, that’s what McMorrow wants. How many in the Democratic Party, how many of the elites and electeds, have stated that they do not want this done to children? Any?

Read: Michigan Groomer Seems Upset To Be Called A Groomer »

Climate Cult Coming After Agriculture, Claiming They And ‘Climate Change’ Killing Insects

The same people are not particularly concerned by all the birds and insects chopped up by wind turbines or immolated by some solar projects

Climate change, big agriculture combine to threaten insects

Climate change and habitat loss from big agriculture are combining to swat down global insect populations, with each problem making the other worse, a new study finds.

While insects may bug people at times, they also are key in pollinating plants to feed people, making soil more fertile and they include beautiful butterflies and fireflies. Scientists have noticed a dramatic drop both in total bug numbers and diversity of insect species, calling it a slow-motion death by 1,000 cuts. Those cuts include pesticides and light pollution.

Big single-crop agriculture that leaves less habitat and leafy food for bugs plus higher temperatures from climate change are huge problems for insects, but a new study in the journal Nature Wednesday based on more than 750,000 samples of 18,000 different species of insects says it’s not just those two threats acting on their own. It’s how habitat loss and climate change interact that really smashes bug populations.

In about half the cases where numbers of insects had plummeted, researchers found climate change and habitat loss from agriculture magnifying each other. In more than a quarter of the cases of biodiversity loss, meaning fewer species, the same dynamic was at work.

This is not some little article, it was put out by the Associated Press and crazy Warmist Seth Borenstein, who is one of the climate cult’s biggest media propagandists, so, the agriculture industry should take this very seriously, especially since a lot of news outlets (the industry is pretty much about creating news Narratives, not reporting real news) are printing it, and others are doing their own. The cult has been putting out feelers over the past few years, taking a light approach, but, they are getting much more serious, and a piece like this means one thing: they want the government to get heavily involved in dictating how all farmers run their business, putting the heavy hand of government on them. But, hey, people don’t mind seeing their food availability reduced, the prices skyrocketing, and the government telling them what they can eat, right?

For example, monoculture agriculture often reduces tree shading, making it hotter in a given spot. On top of that comes climate change, she said. Then insects that need heat relief or need to move north for cooler climates can run into problems with lack of proper habitat from large farms.

It’s especially a problem in countries like Indonesia and Brazil, where forests are being cleared and temperatures are heating up higher than other parts of the globe, Outhwaite said.

There is a point in all this, things like defoliation, clearcutting, pesticides (which also run off into the water supplies). It is an environmental issue, as well as land use. It has nothing to do with anthropogenic climate change, but, see, the cult must involve themselves in every issue, proclaiming coming doom, in order to force compliance.

Read: Climate Cult Coming After Agriculture, Claiming They And ‘Climate Change’ Killing Insects »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, water intensive lawn for evil 1%ers, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on the Libs Of Tiktok creator saying she won’t be intimidated.

Read: If All You See… »

LGB Admin Plans To End Rule Allowing Doctors And Nurses To Not Perform Abortions

Well, of course they would, because abortion on demand is the #1 belief in the Democratic Party

U.S. to scrap ‘conscience’ rule for healthcare workers, Politico reports

President Joe Biden’s administration plans to rescind a rule devised under his predecessor Donald Trump that was intended to make it easier for healthcare providers including doctors and nurses to avoid performing abortions or other medical services on religious or moral grounds, Politico reported on Tuesday.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2018 unveiled what it called the “conscience rule,” but it never took effect due to litigation. States including California and New York and abortion providers filed suit to challenge it, leading a federal court to block the measure in 2019.

The rule enabled the federal government to punish hospitals, clinics, universities and other healthcare providers that stopped healthcare workers from doing what their “conscience” dictated and refusing to carry out certain procedures. Trump’s HHS said the rule fulfilled his “promise to promote and protect the fundamental and unalienable rights of conscience and religious liberty.” Religious conservatives were a key constituency for Trump.

Either way, how many abortions are performed in hospitals? About the only number I can find was this Washington Post piece which says about four percent. So, not many where a medical worker could be forced to take part. What else could be affected?

Some states and municipalities argued that the rule could undermine their ability to provide effective healthcare and upend their efforts to accommodate workers’ beliefs. Critics also have said the rule could deprive gay, transgender and other patients of needed healthcare because some providers, citing religious beliefs, might deem them less worthy of treatment.

Ah, there it is. Would healthcare workers, even very religious ones, deny the type of medical care that hospitals and emergency clinics give to them? How about regular doctors, who can pick and choose who their clients are? I’m not sure the Trump rule or the rescinding of the rule, which is expected to be by the end of April, by the Let’s Go Brandon Admin will change much of anything.

It’s the optics to the unhinged Democratic Party base of getting rid of an Orange Man Bad rule, exciting them about the potential to expand abortion on demand. Secondarily, making sure the gender confused may not be turned away, which they usually wouldn’t, but, in Liberal World, everything is The Worst.

Read: LGB Admin Plans To End Rule Allowing Doctors And Nurses To Not Perform Abortions »

Pirate's Cove