If All You See…

…is an area perfect for a massive solar farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Common Cents Blog, with a post wondering how long the Russia forces can sustain their momentum.

PS: the whole grabbing the hair thing is overdone.

Read: If All You See… »

NC Pre-School Teacher Quits After Getting Caught Using Inappropriate Flashcards

Why was the teacher using these types of flashcards in the first place? There’s no rational reason, except to attempt to indoctrinate the very young children

Wake County teacher resigns following ‘pregnant man’ flashcard controversy

A preschool teacher in Fuquay-Varina has resigned following a controversy surrounding LGBTQ flashcards beings used in her classroom.

On May 27, House Speaker Tim Moore (R) posted about the flashcards, saying Rep. Erin Paré (R-Wake) learned of them from a concerned constituent.

Moore’s post says the flashcards depicted a pregnant man and were being used to teach colors in a preschool class at Ballentine Elementary School.

To teach colors? There are tons of flashcards available to do that, including free ones. Were there not ones provided by the preschool? Instead, the teacher chose to purchase these ones and bring them in.

Paré contacted the school’s principal who confirmed the cards had been used in the classroom and “were not part of approved curriculum and that she was unaware that they were being used.”

In response, Wake County Public School System officials said they were concerned “to learn of the inappropriate instructional resource found in a preschool classroom.”

“An initial review determined that flash cards were not tied to the district’s Pre-K curriculum, did not complement, enrich, or extend the curriculum and were used without the Principal’s review, knowledge, and/or approval,” Wake County Public School System officials said in a news release Friday. “The materials have been removed from the school. The district is reviewing the matter.”

The nutters think they can get away with this stuff, but, parents are catching on, and the Fuquay-Varina area isn’t exactly a left leaning location. The teacher at the Ballentine Elementary School has resigned. This story is getting play across the Triangle news outlets, including ABC11 and WRAL, which also has a piece on LGBTQ advocates protesting the parental bill of rights legislation. Perhaps the LGBTQ folks should control their members so it’s not needed, eh? The News And Observer writes

Some critics on social media had demanded that the teacher be fired, but a parent in that special-needs preschool class praised the teacher as being a caring educator.

Wait, this was a special needs pre-school class? Really? Really taking advantage of the children.

“A North Carolina preschool is using LGBT flag flashcards with a pregnant man to teach kids colors,” U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, a Colorado Republican, tweeted Tuesday. “We went from Reading Rainbow to Randy Rainbow in a few decades, but don’t dare say the Left is grooming our kids!”

They are grooming. The NY Post, one of many outside the Triangle area outlets which picked up the story, notes the $20 cards

The teacher who doled out the laminated flashcards was not identified by district officials. They were made by a company called ByUs Box, which billed them as a way to “bring anti-racism and inclusivity directly into family homes,” according to its website.

The company launched its “ByUs Box” positive educational toolkits in July 2020, but is no longer accepting new orders, its website states.

The flashcards used in the preschool classroom were intended to be a way to teach diverse “races, ages, sexualities, genders and abilities” to young minds.

So, grooming cards.

Read: NC Pre-School Teacher Quits After Getting Caught Using Inappropriate Flashcards »

Climate Cult Wants To Tackle Consumerism

This is at WPVE, a branch of NPR. Maybe we can start by stopping them from selling products?

Can we address climate change without addressing consumerism?

Is it possible to address climate change without also addressing consumerism? A listener in Muncie wanted to know.

It’s no secret that the less stuff you buy, the less energy and materials are needed to make that new product — and that’s good for the climate. There are other kinds of consumption too — like how much electricity we use in our homes or how much gas we use to fuel our cars.

Amrou Awaysheh is the executive director of the Indiana University Business Sustainability and Innovation Lab. He said many businesses have set aggressive goals to lower their carbon emissions and more companies are making consumers aware of what they’re doing for the climate.

That means consumers can make a positive impact by “voting with their dollars.”

“If they choose to buy products and goods from a company that doesn’t care about the environment, or doesn’t care where the raw materials are extracted from — then that’s on them,” Awaysheh said.

Or, those companies that say they care about Hotcoldwetdry can stop selling products. And the climate cultists can stop buying stuff, stop using electricity, stop using fossil fuels.

Zach Schrank is a sociologist at Indiana University South Bend and teaches classes on the intersection between the environment and consumption. He said there are other things you can do to reduce your impact — like buying things used and sharing items with your neighbors.

But Schrank said just by being in an affluent society like the U.S., we consume more and we don’t always have control over that.

Sounds like an excuse to blow off walking the talk.

“It is the responsibility of the entities that are making these things and the governments that are regulating the production and sales of these things, so that consumers have good options,” he said.

So, basically putting the government in charge of the economy? Huh.

Read: Climate Cult Wants To Tackle Consumerism »

Biden Plans Month Long Inflation Fight Or Something

You can’t even say “welcome to the party, pal”, because this probably means the price of everything is going to skyrocket even more

Biden plots inflation fight with Fed chair as nation worries

Biden Brain SuckerFocused on relentlessly rising prices, President Joe Biden plotted inflation-fighting strategy Tuesday with the chairman of the Federal Reserve, with the fate of the economy and his own political prospects increasingly dependent on the actions of the government’s central bank.

Biden hoped to demonstrate to voters that he was attuned to their worries about higher gasoline, grocery and other prices whiles still insisting an independent Fed will act free from political pressure.

Like Biden, the Fed wants to slow inflation without knocking the U.S. economy into recession, a highly sensitive mission that is to include increasing benchmark interest rates this summer. The president said he would not attempt to direct that course as some previous presidents have tried.

“My plan to address inflation starts with simple proposition: Respect the Fed, respect the Fed’s independence,” Biden said.

That’s it? That’s the plan? After basically seeing an economy going south during his time in office, telling us inflation was temporary and transitory, yammering about pretty much anything else, that’s his plan?

Biden is running out of options on his own. His past attempts — oil releases from the strategic reserve, improving port operations and calls to investigate price gouging — have fallen short of satisfactory results. High prices have undermined his efforts to highlight the low 3.6% unemployment rate, leaving a growing sense of pessimism among Americans.

None of those really worked, and, let’s be honest, there are lots of things he has little control of. The root cause is China’s coronavirus. He can do little about the inability to get production up, but, he could at least tackle high gas prices by simply announcing pro-drilling policies.

It also represented something of a reversal by Biden as inflation weighs heavily on voters’ minds. The president asserted in April 2021 that he was “very fastidious about not talking” with the independent Fed and wanted to avoid being seen as “telling them what they should and shouldn’t do.”

Let’s also be honest: Biden wants to appear as if he cares, as if he is involved, as if he is Doing Something, but, he doesn’t care. He wants this to happen. He wants high energy prices to force people out of gas powered vehicles (while he drives around, and flys, in fossil fueled vehicles at taxpayer expense.)

“My predecessor demeaned the Fed, and past presidents have sought to influence its decisions inappropriately during periods of elevated inflation,” Biden said in an op-ed posted Monday by The Wall Street Journal.. “I won’t do this. I have appointed highly qualified people from both parties to lead that institution. I agree with their assessment that fighting inflation is our top economic challenge right now.”

The economy was rising from COVID while Trump was president, then crashed when Biden took office. Joe is apparently going to spend a month on this, which will be long on Blamestorming, short on taking responsibility, and you know he’ll push his silly legislation like Build Back Better (sic), and nothing will change. Oh, and he’ll take almost every weekend off.

Read: Biden Plans Month Long Inflation Fight Or Something »

CNN Tries To Define “Assault Rifle”, Fails Miserably

It’s a lot easier for CNN to demonize firearms and scary looking rifles than to cover how bad Joe Biden’s economy is doing


So, literally the only difference between the top and bottom is the pistol grip in CNN’s world. Both can cause the exact same damage.

It also sounds exactly like a handgun. You know, like the security guards have in the lobby of CNN’s offices. If liberals want to run on gun grabbing, go for it. The campaigns of Republicans, along with the groups that run ads, need to not take the bait, and, instead, focus on economic issues.

Read: CNN Tries To Define “Assault Rifle”, Fails Miserably »

Hotcold Take: This Warm Period Is Totally Different From Other Warm Periods, Per Experts

I’m surprised it took this long for a big media outlet to trot this out

Fact check: Contemporary, human-driven warming has different ramifications than past warming

The claim: The Arctic was warmer 6,000 years ago and 90% of glaciers were smaller or absent

A recent blog post shared across social media platforms referenced a paper that reported evidence summer temperatures in the Arctic were warmer some 6,000 years ago, and called the existence of past warm periods an “inconvenient fact” for “climate alarmists.”

“New Study: Arctic Was Much Warmer 6000 Years Ago… 90% Of Glaciers, Ice Caps Smaller Than Present Or Absent,” reads the blog link in an April 11 Facebook post.

The Facebook post received more than 200 interactions. Versions of the blog were also shared on Reddit and Twitter, though the Twitter account was later suspended.

Yeah, that was No Tricks Zone which got the ban hammer for daring to post the truth.

But, see, the claim was “misleading”

But, the post is misleading. Paleoclimatologists, who study the earth’s climate history, have documented periods of warming and cooling. Warm summer temperatures in the period referenced in the paper –the early Holocene period – were caused by normal variation in the Earth’s orbit around the sun, whereas today’s warming trend is driven by human behavior. Thus, there are different long-term ramifications for the two different periods of warming, according to researchers.

See? The current warm period is totally different from all the other warm periods because shut up and stop being a denier.

Despite what the blog post implies, the existence of past warm periods does not contradict modern climate science, Laura Larocca, the study’s lead author and postdoctoral fellow at Northern Arizona University, told USA TODAY.

Of course it doesn’t, because this is a cult

In fact, one of the main goals of Larocca’s study was to place contemporary human-driven Arctic glacier retreat into a long-term context, she said.

In other words, to butter her bread by making claims that this is all your fault.

Larocca emphasized that Arctic summer temperatures due to human-driven global warming are projected to be even warmer by the end of this century than they were thousands of years ago.

That’s prognostication, not science.

Our rating: Missing context

Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that the Arctic was warmer 6,000 years ago and 90% of glaciers were smaller or absent. According to researchers, warm temperatures in the early Holocene period were caused by variation in Earth’s orbit around the sun, whereas today’s warming trend is driven by human behavior. Thus, the ramifications of the two periods of warming are different.

But of course. And if you read further in the screed, you’ll see they use only climate cult sources to substantiate their claim that this warm period is totally different. But, don’t call them a cult.

Read: Hotcold Take: This Warm Period Is Totally Different From Other Warm Periods, Per Experts »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator (which is back online, different URL), with a post on more things that should not be taught in school.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: Unnamed Trump Policies Sent U.S. Climate Ranking Tumbling

Whatever those policies were, the US economy was doing great, energy prices were low, gas prices were low, freedom was on the rise. Until we hit the Chinese coronavirus. How are things working now? (NY Times article, using the Yahoo version to avoid paywall)

Trump Policies Sent U.S. Tumbling in a Climate Ranking

For four years under President Donald Trump, the United States all but stopped trying to combat climate change at the federal level. Trump is no longer in office, but his presidency left the country far behind in a race that was already difficult to win.

A new report from researchers at Yale and Columbia universities shows that the United States’ environmental performance has tumbled in relation to other countries — a reflection of the fact that, while the United States squandered nearly half a decade, many of its peers moved deliberately.

And what were those policies? Nowhere in the cult screed are they mentioned. Why? I mean, I can name a few things off the top of my head, like pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, but, that didn’t happen till early November of 2020 officially. He enabled the exploration and drilling of petroleum and natural gas. Tried to roll back CAFE standards, though, really, car manufacturers didn’t roll back their own standards, since the production was already in place. He does get blamed for rolling back Obama’s Clean Power Plan, but, really, it was killed by the courts during the Obama admin. And de-emphasized the use of ‘climate change’ in every rule like Obama did.

So why not mention any of these?

But, underscoring the profound obstacles to cutting greenhouse gas emissions rapidly enough to prevent the worst effects of climate change, even that movement was insufficient. The report’s sobering bottom line is that, while almost every country has pledged by 2050 to reach net-zero emissions (the point where their activities no longer add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere), almost none are on track to do it.

The report, called the Environmental Performance Index, or EPI, found that, based on their trajectories from 2010 through 2019, only Denmark and Britain were on a sustainable path to eliminate emissions by midcentury.

Namibia and Botswana appeared to be on track with caveats: They had stronger records than their peers in sub-Saharan Africa, but their emissions were minimal to begin with, and the researchers did not characterize their progress as sustainable because it was not clear that current policies would suffice as their economies develop.

The 176 other nations in the report were poised to fall short of net-zero goals, some by large margins. China, India, the United States and Russia were on track to account for more than half of global emissions in 2050. But even countries like Germany that have enacted more comprehensive climate policies are not doing enough.

Ah, so the majority of nations, who haven’t left the Paris agreement, aren’t close, despite having all the rules and regs and restrictions and such that the climate cult wants in place. Stuff that limits their economies. Stuff that restricts citizens freedom and life choices, and takes more money out of their pockets. The NY Times just needed to start with some Trump Derangement Syndrome, as he’s still living rent free in their heads.

“We think this report’s going to be a wake-up call to a wide range of countries, a number of whom might have imagined themselves to be doing what they needed to do and not many of whom really are,” said Daniel C. Esty, the director of the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy, which produces the EPI every two years.

Yeah, that’s what they say every year since the Kyoto Protocol, and almost every country failed on their pledges every year. And, the same is happening with Paris.

The 2022 edition of the index, provided to The New York Times before its release Wednesday, scored 180 countries on 40 indicators related to climate, environmental health and ecosystem vitality. The individual metrics were wide-ranging, including tree-cover loss, wastewater treatment, fine-particulate-matter pollution and lead exposure.

I wonder how many will have nothing to do with anthropogenic climate change? Oh, and what is the NY Times doing to reduce its own carbon footprint? They never tell us.

Read: Bummer: Unnamed Trump Policies Sent U.S. Climate Ranking Tumbling »

Climate Doom: Siberia And Hummingbirds

All because you refuse to stop taking fossil fueled travel and buy a bike

Siberian tundra ‘could disappear by 2050’ due to climate change

The Siberian tundra could have vanished entirely by the middle of this century, researchers have warned.

Temperatures in the Arctic are soaring due to climate change, and larch forests are steadily marching north into the territory of the tundra.

Researchers at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany ran computer simulations and found that even if climate change measures are taken, just 30% of the Siberian tundra – home to unique animals and plants – will survive by 2050.

In other scenarios, the Siberian tundra will vanish entirely. The study was released in the journal eLife. (snip)

“In the course of our study, we simulated this process for the tundra in northeast Russia.

“The central question that concerned us was: which emissions path does humanity have to follow in order to preserve the tundra as a refuge for flora and fauna, as well its role for the cultures of indigenous peoples and their traditional ties to the environment?”

Computer models. Did they even travel around Siberia taking measurements? This is what they call science these days.

Hummingbirds May Struggle To Go Any Further Uphill To Evade Climate Change

Any animal ascending a mountain experiences a double whammy of difficulties: the air gets thinner while it also becomes colder, which is particularly problematic for creatures striving to keep warm when less oxygen is available. For tiny animals with the highest-octane lives, such as hovering hummingbirds, the challenges of migrating to higher levels to evade climate change may be too much, but no one knew whether these incredible aviators may have more gas in the tank to keep them flying at higher altitudes.

As Anna’s hummingbirds (Calypte anna) are comfortable up to elevations of ~2,800 m (~9200 feet), Austin Spence from the University of Connecticut, USA, and Morgan Tingley from the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, were curious to find out how hummingbirds that originated from close to sea level and those that live at the loftier end of the range would cope when transported well above their natural habitat to an altitude of 3,800m (12,500 feet). They published their discovery in the Journal of Experimental Biology that the birds struggle to hover and suffer a 37% drop in their metabolic rate at that height – in addition to becoming torpid for most of the night to conserve energy – making it unlikely that they can relocate to higher altitudes.

So, they took the hummingbirds way, way above their normal height range, and are shocked! that they have trouble. And this is all your fault.

Read: Climate Doom: Siberia And Hummingbirds »

Comrade Trudeau Looks To Freeze All Handgun Purchases In Canada

What’s the difference between the Canadian premiere and the ruler of Cuba?

Canada already bans 1,500 types of “assault” rifles, and now

(CBC) New gun control legislation the federal government tabled today includes a national freeze on the purchase, sale, importation and transfer of handguns in Canada.

The government also is pledging to start buying back thousands of banned assault-style weapons before the end of the year.

While the proposal falls short of a full ban on handguns, it would effectively limit their number in Canada.

“In other words, we’re capping the market for handguns,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a press conference Monday.

And the next step will be to ban ownership if handguns in Canada, you know, the place where they cracked down on a peaceful protest against the government, and locked down their own citizens over COVID? The one who won’t let unvaccinated citizens travel or leave the country?

They include taking away firearms licences from those involved in domestic violence or criminal harassment, increasing criminal penalties for smuggling and trafficking of firearms, and a “red flag” law which would require people deemed a threat to themselves or others to turn in their firearms to law enforcement.

Canada has prosecuted many people for saying Mean Things, so, they can apply the red flag laws to those people

“We recognize that the vast majority of gun owners use them safely, and in accordance with the law,” Trudeau said.

“But other than using firearms for sport shooting and for hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives.”

So says an authoritarian government.

(Breitbart) As President Biden spoke to reporters on Memorial Day he criticized “high caliber weapons” and claimed that a 9mm bullet “blows the lung out of the body.”

Biden made this statement while telling reporters about a Senate briefing he had received regarding gunshot wounds.

He said, “The 22 caliber bullet will lodge in the lungs and we can get it out,” Biden said. “A 9 mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.”

Will he and his Democrats Comrades next try and attempt to do away with certain calibers? Of course, the criminals would still have them.

Read: Comrade Trudeau Looks To Freeze All Handgun Purchases In Canada »

Pirate's Cove