Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Baron von Lind

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The rain’s watering the bushes, the hummingbirds are humming, and the new AC is working fantastic. This pinup is by Baron von Lind, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The fine 15

  1. Chicks On the Right covers how classy Democrats are
  2. Climate Depot discusses the Elite Warmists wanting to take away all private land ownership
  3. Da Techguy’s Blog notes the military recruitment crisis
  4. DC Clothesline highlights how many suffered brain injuries from COVID vaccines
  5. Dissecting Leftism features a judge blocking vax mandates for military members
  6. Flag And Cross notes West Virginia standing up to Woke Wall Street
  7. Gates Of Vienna notes the Italian medical association doing a u-turn on COVID vaccines
  8. Geller Report discusses Biden getting COVID again
  9. Gen Z Conservative covers the Bears delivering a crushing blow to Chicago
  10. IOTW Report discusses abortion not pushing Dems to vote
  11. Jihad Watch notes our military priorities, which apparently includes a drag show
  12. Legal Insurrection highlights Bidenflation causing problems for Hershey Chocolates for Halloween
  13. Moonbattery covers Queen Nancy losing it
  14. neo-neocon notes the Dutch farmers are continuing to protest
  15. And last, but, not least, Noisy Room wonders if Biden is selling off our lithium

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

LOL: What If AOC Runs For President?

I’m begging the Democrats to back her for 2024. Can you imagine how funny the debates would be with Little Miss Squeaky trying to keep with Trump (I don’t want him to run, he had his time), DeSantis, Mike Pence, Greg Abbott, Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem, or any others? AOC would be having constant meltdowns, screeching her Victimhood

The Memo: No, really — What if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez runs for president?

As President Biden’s approval ratings sink and polls show many Democratic voters would prefer a different nominee in 2024, some activists are beginning to entertain long-shot options.

When it comes to unlikely-but-not-impossible scenarios, one is far more intriguing than any other: a presidential bid by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

An Ocasio-Cortez campaign would electrify her fans and detractors alike.

Right now, the Beltway consensus is that it’s out of the question.


Pollsters have begun testing her name among other far more seasoned figures and, while the levels of support are modest for now, she is plainly in the mix.

An Echelon Insights poll this month, asking Democratic-leaning voters who they would support if Biden eschewed a second term, put her in sixth place — but in a tightly bunched group of candidates, only 2 percentage points behind third-placed Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Vice President Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg led that poll.

Earlier this week, a University of New Hampshire poll asked Democratic voters in the Granite State who would be their first choice as a 2024 presidential nominee, including Biden as an option.

The headlines went to Buttigieg, who edged out Biden by a single point at the top of the poll. But Ocasio-Cortez was again competitive with contenders who are taken far more seriously. She trailed Harris by only a single percentage point.

Wait, they’d consider Harris, who did so poorly in the 2020 primaries that she dropped out very early?

The Washington Post this month ranked her 10th, including Biden, in a list of the most likely Democratic nominees in 2024.

Even if an Ocasio-Cortez bid seems in the realm of fantasy to D.C.’s consultant class, it’s a fantasy that plenty of progressive voters would like to see come true.

“We’re just tired of the inequality. Candidates constantly say ‘We’ll bring wages up’ or ‘We’ll tax the rich’ but never do,” one such supporter, Joseph Cox of Tampa, told this column.

I’m hoping the Credentialed Media keep pushing the uber-far left kooks, who are far, far outside the mainstream, even for the average Democrats. Should be a hoot.

Read: LOL: What If AOC Runs For President? »

Los Angeles Opens New Bridge, Liberals Mess It Up

Say, why are the climate cultists in LA opening a new bridge to move fossil fueled vehicles?

Los Angeles Enjoys Its New Bridge a Little Too Much

Less than three weeks ago, with fireworks, crowds and the civic joy that only a new Instagram backdrop can muster, America’s second-largest city christened a stunning new $588 million landmark: a bridge that would create a “ribbon of light” between the downtown arts district and the historic bungalows of East Los Angeles.

With its 10 sets of white, lit arches, the glistening Sixth Street Viaduct — as it is formally known — replaced an 83-year-old art deco bridge over the concrete Los Angeles River that for generations had been a renowned Hollywood location for film noir car chases and dystopian hellscapes. Critics declared it an instant icon. Mayor Eric Garcetti, who narrated a tongue-in-cheek slow jam in the bridge’s honor when construction started, called it “a love letter” to the city.

It’s just a bridge, folks

There is so much love, in fact, that the city is considering installing speed bumps, a concrete median and climbing deterrents after LA police shut down the bridge last weekend for three nights in a row and closed it again Tuesday night.

In the weeks since the bridge opened, it has been besieged by Angelenos yearning to connect with it, use it and own it. First graffiti artists marked it. Then skateboarders and climbers took on the arches. Within a week, exhibitionist drivers were burning rubber, doing doughnuts, targeting the bridge for illegal street takeovers and crashing. In less than 10 days, the pristine lanes were covered with black skid marks.

“Look, unlike the Brooklyn Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge, this is the first major bridge to be built in the social media era,” said Councilman Kevin de León, a veteran Los Angeles lawmaker and recent mayoral candidate whose district includes both the bridge and the communities that bookend it. “Folks are trying to get their virtual fame and go viral.

I guess having police available to stop this would be silly? But, yeah, de Leon is correct, idiots will try to get their virtual fame, just like idiots take pictures of their cup of coffee that’s literally just basic coffee. Until we get a Darwin Awards candidate. Then the city will take it seriously.

Still, he said, the space has quickly become known for “outrageous antics”; as a result, the department shut down the bridge three times over the weekend, and by Tuesday had impounded six vehicles and issued more than 57 citations.

On Sunday night, he said, the city began installing speed bumps and looking into a temporary median to deter spinouts and fencing to prevent people from scaling the arches.

De León said he was especially concerned about the scaling, adding, “God forbid someone slips.”

And, then the family will blame the city instead of the idiots doing Stupid Stuff.

Read: Los Angeles Opens New Bridge, Liberals Mess It Up »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bustednuckles, with a post on the media being the real problem

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times: Democrats “Inflation” Plan May Lower Costs Sometime In The Future

If a team drafts someone in the 1st round, they expect that person to provide value almost immediately, not way down the line. Isn’t that the point of an inflation plan? To make things happen right now, when inflation is running rampant? (Yahoo reprint not behind a paywall here)

Democrats’ Plan to Fight Inflation May Lower Costs Over Time

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanPresident Joe Biden said on Thursday that an energy, tax and health care agreement reached with Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia would relieve inflation and bring down the cost of living for American families. That key promise helped bring the centrist senator on board for a bill that carries the remnants of the president’s expansive domestic agenda.

Taming inflation has become a top priority for Democrats and Biden, who has seen his approval rating sink as Americans have faced soaring costs for food, gas, rent and other goods and services. With few policy levers under his immediate control to beat back rapid price gains, Biden sought to portray the new package as an economic salve that would put money back in consumers’ pocketbooks.

A top priority? Since when?

(Real Clear Politics) Let’s also remember the Democrats’ deflection on inflation last year — claiming it was “transitory” and “no serious economist” is “suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way,” and so on — was all part of a concerted political effort to ignore the problem long enough to cram through a $5.5 trillion iteration of their agenda. And when inflation suddenly became non-transitory, and politically problematic, the Biden administration argued that more spending would relieve inflation. They don’t care about the economy, as long as dependency is being expanded.

They’ve even worked hard to change the definition of recession, and gotten most of their media pals to comply. Back to the Times

The extent to which the package, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, could alleviate the most rapid price gains in 40 years remains to be seen. But many economists agreed that the tax and other provisions would likely help reduce price pressures somewhat, although the overall effect is likely to be modest and potentially will not be felt for months or years.

“Months or years”. So, probably years, meaning that when it comes to something as complicated as the economy, they’ll be no way to know what effect this legislation have, especially since most of it has nothing to do with inflation. Further, if you have to write “remains to be seen” in relation to its effect, well, that doesn’t bode well. Granted, we do not have the legislation yet, it hasn’t been fully fisked nor scored, but, one would think it would be rather important for Democrats to say exactly how this will bring down inflation, and rather important for the news media to ask how.

You do have the giveaways for those going through Obamacare, and then all the taxes on high earners

As a result, the bill could help mitigate inflation in two ways. Reducing the federal budget deficit should reduce consumer spending power in the economy, at least somewhat. In particular, it could take money from high earners, via increased tax enforcement, and large corporations. Its investments in emerging low-emission energy sectors could speed growth and help the economy operate more efficiently.

None of that will work. None of that will speed the supply chain slowdowns, depleted stocks, increase the supply of semiconductor chips (yes, there is legislation for that, which will take years, but, still requires mining for the precious metals on U.S. soil, which will be blocked), and everything else. Giving government more tax money, which will be a whole lot less than they think, won’t help. Giving more money to Ocare recipients won’t help. Lowering Medicare medicine costs won’t help. These aren’t even bandaids.

Manchin told reporters on Thursday that he had been assured by independent experts that the legislation would tame rampant price growth. In remarks at the White House, Biden said the bill “will in fact reduce inflationary pressure on the economy” adding that it “strengthens our economy in the long run as well.”

How? Did anyone ask for specifics?

At a news conference on Thursday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urged Congress to “immediately” pass the legislation, which she said would help lower costs for American families.

“I see that as making a very important contribution to lowering the cost of prescription drugs, which is for many households a very severe burden on their household budgets,” Yellen said.

It won’t bring down the 9.1% inflation rate at all. Not at a rate that’s not statistically insignificant. But, it’s not really meant to. It’s all about the climate crisis scam measures, packaged with a pleasing name. If no news outlet can specifically say how it will bring inflation down, well, that’s because it won’t.

Read: NY Times: Democrats “Inflation” Plan May Lower Costs Sometime In The Future »

UK Companies Will Comply With Climate Cult Or “Face Action”

Let’s start here

University of Idaho researchers studying insights on climate change skepticism

Climate change and the human impact of that can be a divisive topic. Although the scientific community agrees overwhelmingly that human activity is impacting dangerous climate change, there will always be skeptics.

University of Idaho researchers Dilshani Sarathchandra and Kristin Haltinner interviewed climate change skeptics across the Northwest to find out more about their beliefs; they found three main reasons for skepticism. The first, conspiracy theories.

“People have this perception that some international body is seeking to acquire money and power through climate change. A second grounding is in religion.” Haltinner said. “A perspective that God created Earth for us to use and therefore, wouldn’t make it possible for us to ruin God’s creation. And, humans are arrogant to even think we could influence God’s creation. And then a third group of people really had a distrust in science. They perceived scientific research as biased in bias towards believing in climate change, having incentives that might sway scientists.”

They aren’t really researchers, because this is simply asking a few people their opinions. Also, they are massive believers in anthropogenic climate change, so, they are not running an unbiased inquiry. Third, what’s that part about money and power?

UK companies to comply with climate change agenda or face ‘action’, says watchdog groups

Some of Britain’s top listed companies could be downplaying risks from climate change on their bottom line and could face “appropriate action”, regulators said on Friday.

Trillions of dollars have flowed into stocks and bonds of companies which tout their environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials, leaving regulators worried about “greenwashing” or companies flattering their green profile to attract investments.

Companies listed on the London Stock Exchange’s premium market have been required since 2021 to make climate-related disclosures to investors in line with the global Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) – or to explain why they have not. (snip)

As a first step, regulators are likely to ask some companies why some disclosures were missing or too vague, or why they were stressing opportunities from climate change but giving little detail on risks to the business.

If companies deliberately mislead investors that would be a breach of conduct rules and could result in fines in future, people with knowledge of the matter say.

So, comply or be punished. The government will come after you. America has freedom of religion in our 1st Amendment as the very first thing mentioned, because of the influence of the Church of England over the government. Britain has now switched to the Cult of Climastrology running policy. And, it’s all about power. They now have power over the economic sector, and can punish companies for failing to sufficiently worship the cult beliefs.

As for the research, yes, it has almost nothing to do with science. I’ve said time and time again, for the sake of argument, let’s say the slight increase in global temperatures is mostly/solely caused by Mankind: why does almost every policy revolve around more government power, more taxes and fees, and a continuous loss of freedom, liberty, and life choices?

Read: UK Companies Will Comply With Climate Cult Or “Face Action” »

House Democrats Pass Scary Looking Rifle Ban Bill

It’s simply an exercise in how to waste time and please your unhinged base

House passes assault weapons ban that’s doomed in the Senate

The House passed legislation Friday that would ban assault weapons for the first time since 2004, in a sign that Democrats intend to pursue more aggressive gun violence prevention measures after a spate of mass shootings.

The bill passed in a largely party-line vote of 217-213, with two Republicans voting for the measure and five Democrats opposing it.

The level of GOP opposition indicates the bill is unlikely to advance in the evenly split Senate, where it would require the support of at least 10 Republicans to defeat a guaranteed filibuster. It’s also not clear if the measure has the support of all 50 Senate Democrats.

The legislation, authored by Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., would criminalize the knowing sale, manufacture, transfer, possession or importation of many types of semi-automatic weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices.

Two of the Democrats were from Texas, Reps. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, and Vicente Gonzalez, D-McAllen, and obviously understand that this won’t go over well in their districts. And that there’s almost a zero chance of it passing in the Senate. Unless a couple of the squishes in the GOP, such as Romney, Murkowsky, Susan Collins, join Democrats.

If the GOP has any brains they would submit amendments, or, better, legislation, that would take all the same weapons from the law enforcement that protects Congress, Biden, Kamala Harris, and appointed Executive Branch officials. Especially the icky automatic ones. I’m sure Biden and all the Democrats would be OK with that, right?

(NRA) NRA-ILA Executive Director Jason Ouimet released the following statement on Friday regarding the passage of H.R. 1808:

“Barely a month after the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen, gun control advocates in Congress are spearheading an assault upon the freedoms and civil liberties of law-abiding Americans. The promises made in HR 1808 are nothing short of a lie based on willful ignorance of the disastrous 1994 Clinton Gun Ban which failed to produce any significant drop in crime. With more than 24 million potentially-banned firearms in common use, these draconian restrictions fall in blatant opposition to the Supreme Court’s rulings in BruenCaetano v. Massachusetts, and DC v. Heller. Their refusal to recognize this reality places everyone at risk. Any legitimate attempt to address our nation’s surge in violent crime cannot commence until anti-gun legislators step away from the radicals who defund our police departments, support prosecutors who refuse to prosecute dangerous criminals, and promote no cash bail policies that have turned once proud communities into a playground of lawlessness and fear.”

You know what’s actually going to happen? The sale of these firearms will skyrocket over the next few weeks.

Read: House Democrats Pass Scary Looking Rifle Ban Bill »

NC Woman’s Soccer Player Forced To Sit Out Game On Pride Night, Because Respect An Inclusion Is A One Way Street

If you don’t toe the line you will removed

NC Courage defender won’t play for team in Pride Night jersey

NC Courage player Jaelene Daniels, who declined to play for the U.S. national team because it was wearing a gay pride jersey, will not play in Friday night’s Pride Night game.

The Courage host the Washington Spirit on Friday night at 7:30 p.m. The Courage play in the National Women’s Soccer League. The team’s website currently features a rainbow theme. Pride month is June. The Courage’s originally scheduled pride night game was postponed due to COVID protocols.

“Jaelene will not be rostered tonight as she has made the decision to not wear our Pride jersey. While we’re disappointed with her choice, we respect her right to make that decision for herself. We’re excited to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community with our fans, players and staff tonight and look forward to hosting our first ever Pride Festival before kickoff,” a team spokesperson said in a statement provided to WRAL in response to an inquiry into Daniels’ status for the game.

Nice to see her sticking to her guns, because you can bet she was seriously nagged. Of course, they want to make her look like the Bad Guy/Gal

Daniels, who plays defense, signed with the Courage in the off-season, sparking an outcry from some supporters of the team at the time.

“I remain committed to my faith and my desire for people to know that my love for them isn’t based on their belief system or sexuality,” Daniels wrote in a statement that came out after her signing. “I pray and firmly believe that my teammates know how much I cherish them, respect them and love them.”

See, just because she isn’t an ardent, ververent, hysterical LGBwhatever supporter, and is against that lifestyle based on her own beliefs doesn’t mean she hates people. But, theLGBwhatever adherents require compliance

In a December statement to fans, the team apologized for signing Daniels.

“In response to the recent news of re-signing Jaelene Daniels, we as a club acknowledge the impact this announcement has on our community. We’ve spent the past few days reading your messages and reflecting on our actions. We are very sorry to all those we have hurt, especially those within the LGBTQIA+ community.

“The decision to re-sign Jaelene was not made lightly and included significant conversations between organization leadership and Jaelene. The priority expressed in those conversations is the safety of our players and maintaining an inclusive, respectful space for the entire team.”

If you’re hurt because someone shares a slightly different opinion than you, perhaps you should be looking at your own ability for tolerance and maintaining an inclusive, respectful space for that person.

Read: NC Woman’s Soccer Player Forced To Sit Out Game On Pride Night, Because Respect An Inclusion Is A One Way Street »

Surprise: 96% Of NOAA Weather Stations Improperly Cited

I won’t argue that the Earth isn’t in a warm period now. The problem, though, is that so much of the data the climate cult uses to make their case is improper

Study: NOAA Advances Bogus Heat Data Based on Collection Practices — 96% Corrupted

A study that investigated the placement of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) temperature stations found that 96 percent of the facilities used to measure heat failed to meet the agency’s own “uncorrupted placement” standards.

Research for the study shows the 96 percent corruption is because the stations’ measurements are tainted by the effects of urbanization – or heat produced because of their close proximity to asphalt, machinery, and other heat-producing, heat-trapping, or heat-accentuating objects.

The Heartland Institute compiled the report using satellite and in-person surveys of NOAA weather stations that contribute to the “official” land temperatures in the United States.

“With a 96 percent warm-bias in U.S. temperature measurements, it is impossible to use any statistical methods to derive an accurate climate trend for the U.S.” Heartland Institute Senior Fellow Anthony Watts, who directed the study, said is the study announcement distributed to the press. “Data from the stations that have not been corrupted by faulty placement show a rate of warming in the United States reduced by almost half compared to all stations.”

“NOAA’s ‘Requirements and Standards for [National Weather Service] Climate Observations‘ instructs that temperature data instruments must be “over level terrain (earth or sod) typical of the area around the station and at least 100 feet from any extensive concrete or paved surface,’” the press release said. “And that ‘all attempts will be made to avoid areas where rough terrain or air drainage are proven to result in non-representative temperature data.’ 

Obviously, the climate cultists will go after Watts and the others involved, so they can ignore the actual findings, which are nothing new.

(Watts Up With That?) This new report is a follow up to a March 2009 study, titled “Is the U.S. Surface Temperature Record Reliable? which highlighted a subset of over 1,000 surveyed stations and found 89 percent of stations had heat-bias issues. In April and May 2022, The Heartland Institute’s team of researchers visited many of the same temperature stations as in 2009, plus many not visited before. The new survey sampled 128 NOAA stations, and found the problem of heat-bias has only gotten worse.

I wonder why NOAA wouldn’t want to fix this?



Read: Surprise: 96% Of NOAA Weather Stations Improperly Cited »

If All You See…

…is land turned to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on a German city turning off hot water due to the Russian gas crisis.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove