Federal Judge Puts Net Neutrality On Hold To Allow Lawsuits To Be Heard

While some can point to the pros of Net Neutrality, or, what they are calling “Open Internet” to make it sound better, at the end of the day it turns the Internet into a public utility. In other words, the government sets the rules and terms, just like they did with wired phone service. The minute it was de-regulated phone service capabilities exploded. Competition exploded. You could now buy whatever phone you wanted, instead of renting it from the phone company. All sorts of long distance carriers were competing for your business. Wireless phones have done all you’ve seen without treating them as a public utility. And so did the Internet

Net neutrality rules reinstatement temporarily halted by US appeals court

A U.S. appeals court said on Friday it was temporarily putting the Federal Communications Commission’s reinstatement of landmark net neutrality rules on hold until Aug. 5 as it considers legal challenges from the broadband industry.

The FCC voted in April along party lines to reassume regulatory oversight of broadband internet and reinstate open internet rules that were rescinded in 2017 under then-President Donald Trump.

Those rules were originally adopted in 2015, and were set to go back into effect on July 22 until the order from the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, which said the delay was needed “to provide sufficient opportunity to consider the merits” of the request to halt the rules as the legal challenge proceeds.

The FCC did not immediately comment on Friday.

Net neutrality rules require internet service providers to treat internet data and users equally rather than restricting access, slowing speeds or blocking content for certain users. The rules also forbid special arrangements in which ISPs give improved network speeds or access to favored users.

At the end of the day, no matter how many pros are put out their for NN, it is unnecessary. It was never needed before Obama’s FCC passed it. No one in Congress voted for it, and something like NN should be legislation, not from a bunch of un-elected bureaucrats. The fact that hardcore Progressives, heavily invested in implementing massive government control of everything and everyone, want it should tell you what it is really all about. As NordVPN notes

Tiresome government regulation: Under net neutrality laws, the Federal Communications Commission must monitor the ISPs’ compliance with these rules. This includes submitting reports twice a year, which can become costly for ISPs of any size.

Do we really need the government heavily involved? There have been very few issues since everyone was able to access the Internet.

The internet can innovate without it: Many innovations took place in the absence of net neutrality regulations. Some net neutrality opponents also argue that there was a significant growth of the internet and relatively little wrongdoings without net neutrality. With heavy regulation, might services such as NordVPN be killed off?

Almost every innovation took place without NN. 20 years ago you couldn’t stream all your shows and videos and music via the Internet. Now you can do it, sadly, while you are standing in line waiting for your fast food meal, sitting at your table, or while sitting at a stop light as it goes green. As National Review notes

The years under the OIO (Open Internet Order, ie, Net Neutrality) demonstrate the opposite. That period saw the only drops in broadband investment in non-recessionary years. Average prices in broadband speeds started to significantly decline only after the net-neutrality rules were repealed. Getting more people online seems to have no corollary relationship to the net-neutrality rules. If the goal of the FCC is to close the digital divide, its efforts would be best served elsewhere.

But, see, the current Big Government weenies controlling the FCC want a “light touch

Moreover, for some activists, net neutrality is the camel’s nose under the tent of public utility regulation. FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel stated she has no intention of regulating broadband rates, and while technically Title II is rate regulation, I believe her. But this promise lasts only as long as the agency forbears from applying the full panoply of Title II regulations. Several advocates—and President Biden—have already pointed to allegedly high broadband prices to justify greater government regulation. And one-time FCC nominee Gigi Sohn views net neutrality as not about traffic management but having a “cop on the beat” to police broadband industry practices. More broadly, Yale’s Law and Political Economy Project has marshaled an impressive group of academics dedicated to reviving public utility regulation across society, including broadband. Title II reclassification makes it easier for a future FCC to yield to these regulatory impulses.

There was already a light touch prior to NN and in the years since 2017 when Trump’s FCC killed it off. Let me put it this way: what if Trump decides he wants to be the dictator all the lefties say he will be and uses NN to clamp down on ISPs and providors and such and restrict Democrat leaning companies and blogs and websites, stopping condemnation of Trump?

Net Neutrality is government for government’s sake, and meant to control everything. It is evil disguised as nice.

Read: Federal Judge Puts Net Neutrality On Hold To Allow Lawsuits To Be Heard »

Bummer: EV Owners To Pay Much Higher Registration Fees In Pennsylvania

The state has joined the growing number who are hitting EVs up for the lost gas tax revenue

Pa.’s electric vehicle owners soon will have to pay fees of $200+ per year

A bill that would establish a new annual fee for owners of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles to offset the loss of gas tax revenue on those vehicles is headed to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk.

The new fee, which Shapiro is expected to enact, is seen as a way to re-level that part of the highway construction funding effort that has traditionally fallen on drivers paying state and federal taxes at the gas pump. EV drivers avoid that tax.

“Everyone who uses Pennsylvania roads should have to pay their part to help keep our roads safe and our bridges in top shape,” House Transportation Committee Chairman Ed Neilson, a Democrat from Philadelphia, said Wednesday.

The new fees, which passed the state Senate on an overwhelming bipartisan vote Thursday, would be set at $200 for 2025, and jump to $250 in 2026. Every year after that, the fee would be reset based on the prior year’s consumer price index.

In North Carolina it is just under $40 to register my Civic. Any EV is now $180. In fairness, they’ll still save money on gas, but, of course, they’re still paying for electricity, plus the use of their time while waiting to charge.

One of those opponents, Rep. Greg Vitali, D-Delaware County, argued the fee undermines one of the savings that helps encourage people to consider buying electric cars and trucks at a time when the battle against climate change needs more recruits faster than ever.

Gas tax savings, Vitali said, are a reward that they’ve earned.

Ah, but, then how do we pay for roads and road repair? That’s what gas taxes are supposed to be for, along with things like property taxes and registration fees. EVs are considerably worse for roads due to their weight, wearing roads out quicker. We’ve seen this before, when the Obama regimes drastically increased CAFE standards, meaning there were more hybrids on the road and vehicles were getting better fuel economy, but, that mean a reduced revenue intake from gas taxes. So, governments had to get creative to recoup that “loss”. Government created fix created a government created problem that required sucking more money from citizens.

Read: Bummer: EV Owners To Pay Much Higher Registration Fees In Pennsylvania »

NATO Leaders Say Biden Ruined All Their Hard Work

I think this is how they all felt

Biden was, by some reports, an hour late. It’s not like he had to travel far, since the conference was in D.C., and Biden doesn’t have to wait for traffic

Biden’s gaffe has ruined months of our hard work, say European officials

Biden Brain SuckerJoe Biden’s gaffes have ruined months of hard work and undermined the Nato summit, diplomatic sources told The Telegraph.

On stage, Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz defended the president over a slip of the tongue in which he called Volodymyr Zelensky “President Putin”.

The US leader went on to call Kamala Harris “vice-president Trump”.

But roaming the corridors of the summit, aides were more frank in their verdict of the president’s performance.
“It was awful,” an official said, describing standing in the crowd as events unfurled.

The consensus amongst diplomats and officials who spoke to The Telegraph, and were granted anonymity to speak more freely, was that it took less than a minute to change the narrative of an entire summit.

Instead of staying strong and talking about Russia and China, they all had to deal with Biden’s gaffe, which, again, was not out of the ordinary for him. They were staying strong in the face of Russia invading Ukraine (not that it’s making a darned bit of difference), then they were dealing with the media asking them about Biden.

That’s the view from across the pond. Now for a US perspective

You’re worried if he knows which direction he’s going’: Nervous world leaders greet Biden at NATO

The contrast couldn’t be starker: President Joe Biden, physically and politically frail, presiding over what could be his final NATO Summit at a moment when the alliance has never been so strong.

That tension is not lost on NATO officials from multiple European nations who say they are alarmed by Biden’s apparent decline and increasingly concerned at the prospect of seeing an ardent champion of the alliance replaced in November by a hostile Donald Trump.

NATO officials are both saddened at how Biden’s fortunes have turned and frustrated that the storyline has distracted from what was to be a celebratory summit. They are also increasingly resigned to his defeat this November, which they fear could halt or reverse the 32-member alliance’s recent momentum, threatening Ukraine’s ability to fend off Russia’s onslaught and the broader stability that has been the bedrock of the organization since its Cold War creation.

“It’s a very weird feeling to be in Europe listening to the president of the United States, and you’re more stressed about whether he will go off script than being excited to listen to the leader of the free world,” a senior European diplomat said. “You’re worried if he knows which direction he’s going or whether he’s going to fall or what he’s going to forget or if he’ll say ‘North Korea’ when he meant ‘South Korea.’ It’s just a weird experience.”

They may not like Trump, but, they’re all now spending at least 2% of GDP on defense, like Trump wanted. Of course, that was because Trump wanted them to pay their fair share rather than depending on America. Now they’re spending it because Biden is weak and they’re worried about Russia invading Europe, as well as all the money and goods for Ukraine.

But nearly everyone who spoke got hit with the same awkward questions about Biden’s weakened political position following his debate with Trump and what his electoral loss could mean for the alliance.

“I’m not going to comment on this topic,” said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who walked off after speaking for just a few minutes. Others responded mostly with platitudes about respecting America’s democratic process and professions of faith that NATO will endure even if Trump is ushered back into office.

And they all had to deal with this. How many of them say Biden’s decline years ago and said nothing?

Read: NATO Leaders Say Biden Ruined All Their Hard Work »

Judge Dismisses Suit By Baltimore Against Fossil Fuels Companies

Too bad those companies won’t simply stop selling their products to the city of Baltimore, see how the government works without them

Energy companies win dismissal of Baltimore’s climate change case

A Maryland judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit by the city of Baltimore seeking to hold energy giants such as Exxon Mobil, opens new tab, BP, opens new tab and Chevron, opens new tab responsible for climate change, saying the case went beyond the limits of state law by trying to address the effects of gas emissions globally.

Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Videtta Brown’s decision, opens new tab marked the first time that a state court judge has dismissed one of the myriad of lawsuits nationally by state or local governments accusing the companies of concealing from the public the dangers of using their fossil fuel products.

The lawsuit accused the companies of engaging in a sophisticated campaign to deceive the public about the dangers of their fossil-fuel products, which contribute to greenhouse-gas pollution and climate change.

“There is no question that global warming and climate change are wreaking havoc on our environment,” Brown wrote.

But the judge said Congress never intended for lawsuits about global pollution to be handled by individual states, and that the city’s 2018 lawsuit raised questions concerning out-of-state emissions that were beyond the reach of Maryland law. (snip)

But Brown said only federal law can govern claims over such emissions. She called Baltimore’s contention that it was suing under state law only over allegedly deceptive fossil fuel marketing “a way to get in the back door what they cannot get in the front door.”

Baltimore tried to play fast and loose with the law, and got smacked down. They cannot sue for “emissions” arriving from other states: that’s interstate, under the purview of the federal legislative branch. Hey, climate cultists set this standard with all their silly laws and rules and such. I am awaiting when Baltimore bans fossil fueled vehicles from entering the city. When they stop all those fossil fueled ships from entering the harbor. When they forbid all those fossil fueled trains moving goods. All the fossil fueled police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances. When the mayor and city council only travel in EVs. When the city gets rid of the Ravens and Orioles, because they create too much carbon pollution and require enormous amounts of fossil fuels to operate.

Read: Judge Dismisses Suit By Baltimore Against Fossil Fuels Companies »

If All You See…

…are Bad Weather clouds from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Project 2025 being this elections Russia Russia Russia

Read: If All You See… »

CNN Fact Checks Biden’s Low Energy Press Conference

His very late press conference, which was originally scheduled for 530pm and ended up starting after 7pm (the meds took a long time to kick in), witnessed a lethargic, raspy voiced Biden who was mostly lucid, without all the fade-outs and such. Well, he did get excited and animated when he was talking about giving taxpayer money to Ukraine, probably since he’s ending up with some of it in his own pocket. He yammered on for a while before finally taking some questions. I wondered if he had pre-arranged reporters to call on (who certainly had pre-arranged questions). Well

(Breitbart) “With that, I’ll take your questions. I’ve been given a list of people to call on here,” Biden said at the end of his prepared remarks, which he mumbled through despite reading from a teleprompter.

He managed to call Kamala “vice president Trump.” How bad was it when you have CNN fact checking him in the way they’d fact check Trump or any Republican?

Fact check: Biden’s false and misleading claims at high-stakes news conference


Biden’s Putin-Zelensky gaffe moment

Biden played down a gaffe he made at an event earlier on Thursday in which he had mistakenly introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” before correcting himself moments later. Biden said at the press conference: “I said, ‘No, I’m sorry, Zelensky.’ And then I added five other names.”

Facts First: Biden’s last claim was false. He didn’t utter “five other names” after he corrected the Putin-Zelensky mix-up. In fact, after Biden corrected himself, Zelensky said he is “better” than Putin, Biden agreed, and then Zelensky delivered remarks as Biden stood silently beside him.

Biden’s travels

Biden spoke of a need to “pace” himself in his activities. He said, “The next debate, I’m not going to be traveling 15 time zones a week before. Anyway. That’s what it was about.”

Facts First: This is misleading. Biden did not travel abroad “a week before” the June 27 CNN presidential debate in which he performed poorly. In fact, he returned to the US from Europe 12 days before that debate, on June 15.

Amazingly, one of the fact checks is in Trump’s favor

What Trump said about NATO

Biden, criticizing Trump’s position on the NATO military alliance, said, “I think he said at one of his rallies, don’t hold me to this, recently, where, ‘NATO – I just learned about NATO,’ or something to that effect. Foreign policy’s never been his strong point.”

Facts First: Biden’s description of Trump’s comment was indeed inaccurate. Trump did not say at a recent rally that “I just learned about NATO.” Rather, Trump said at the rally that he had not known what NATO was, “too much,” prior to attending his first alliance summit as president in 2017.

They go on to fact check Let’s Go Brandon on him saying that Hamas is no longer popular in Gaza (it still is popular) and being endorsed by the UAW (he was endorsed in January, not “just”). Most of these are really not big things, so, that CNN ran with it shows Biden has lost CNN. They would never have done this a year ago. Six months ago. Excepting the Zelensky gaffe, which is not a minor one, considering how often Joe makes these types of mistakes. These are not misspeaks, errors that happen to us all, even professional politicians. It’s a pattern of saying the wrong thing.

(Fox News) NBC News chief political analyst Chuck Todd claimed on Wednesday a senior cabinet secretary told him in 2022 that Biden couldn’t run again.

The former “Meet the Press” host discussed dwindling confidence in Biden’s campaign on his podcast “The Chuck Toddcast” with Politico columnist Jonathan Martin. While floating potential exit paths for Biden to step down, both criticized Democratic Party members for refusing to publicly voice their concerns.

Todd recounted, “I had a cabinet secretary two years ago, two years ago, out of the blue asked me, ‘Do you really think he’s gonna? He can’t run again like this.’ And I said, ‘Well, you have more action with him than I do.’ And they said, ‘I don’t have a lot of interaction with him.’ This is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. This was two years ago.”

He added, “It’s the classic open secret, the nonversation. It’s the story everybody knows, and that everybody was afraid to talk about.”

And every person in the Credentialed Media should resign or be fired for knowing this and making it a nonversation. It’s their job to broadcast it.

Read: CNN Fact Checks Biden’s Low Energy Press Conference »

Brandon Admin Gives $1.7 Billion For EV Manufacturing That You Won’t Buy

How many campaign contributors are reaping the rewards for this? How many who work for federal agencies? How many Senators and Representatives?

Biden awards $1.7 billion to boost electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly in 8 states

electric vehicleThe Biden administration is awarding nearly $2 billion in grants to General Motors, Stellantis and other carmakers to help restart or expand electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly sites in eight states, including the presidential battlegrounds of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

The Energy Department will issue grants totaling $1.7 billion to create or retain thousands of union jobs and support auto-based communities that have long driven the U.S. economy, the White House said Thursday. Besides the three battleground states, grants also will go to EV facilities in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland and Virginia.

The grants cover a broad range of the automotive supply chain, including parts for electric motorcycles and school buses, hybrid powertrains, heavy-duty commercial truck batteries and electric SUVs, the White House said.

“Building a clean energy economy can and should be a win-win for union autoworkers and automakers,’’ President Joe Biden said in a statement. “This investment will create thousands of good-paying, union manufacturing jobs and retain even more — from Lansing, Michigan to Fort Valley, Georgia — by helping auto companies retool, reboot and rehire in the same factories and communities.’’

Oh, I see, it’s about rewarding union labor, who’ll build vehicles most do not want. Sales are continuing to stagnate. Those who wanted them got them. Now sales are lackluster.

The grants, paid for by the landmark 2022 climate law, will help deliver on his commitment to ensure the future of the auto industry is made in America by American union workers, Biden said.

Wait, I thought it was an inflation reduction law?

Meanwhile in the People’s Republik Of California

To charge or not to charge: California drivers express concern with lack of EV charging stations

During the thick of road trip season, people are driving their electric cars, but many say finding reliable chargers is not easy.

This as California is poised to stop selling new gas-powered vehicles by 2035.

Drivers across Southern California tell the NBC4 I-Team they are constantly negotiating for a place in line or attempting to charge their vehicles away from home and coming across non-working chargers.

“Hey, we’re going to force you into expensive cars with high insurance costs which need their tires replaced more often but you won’t be able to charge them as much, because we want you to stay home or take public transit.”

San Francisco neighbors hot over EV cooling fans causing noise nuisance

Electric vehicle charging stations are everywhere in the Bay Area, and with them come huge fans used to help cool the equipment. But one neighborhood station is already pushing long-time residents out of the city.

Imagine waking up, going to sleep, or working from home to a constant, incessant buzzing noise. That’s the reality for people living on Clara Street in the city’s SoMa district after an electric vehicle cooling fan was installed across the street.

I have zero sympathy. They voted for this.

Read: Brandon Admin Gives $1.7 Billion For EV Manufacturing That You Won’t Buy »

LA Times: Infants And Toddlers Victims Of Biden’s Fentanyl Crisis

Of course, the LA Times, being the good little Credentialed Media they are, fails to make the connection between Biden’s open borders and all the drugs flowing in to the U.S., often from China

In the fentanyl crisis, infants and toddlers become unsuspecting victims

(Snip through a story of a child dying form Biden’s fentanyl)

As the fentanyl crisis ravages communities across the country, toddlers and infants increasingly are becoming unsuspecting victims of an opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin. Adults make up the vast number of fentanyl-related deaths, but public health experts say they are alarmed that more children below the age of 5 are dying or arriving in emergency rooms testing positive for the drug.

The number of drug overdoses nationwide has fallen for the first time in years, but the incidences of children overdosing has surged, doctors say, as they are exposed to opioids and drug paraphernalia at home or by accidental ingestion.

Although West Virginia has the highest fentanyl-related death rate, California has the most deaths overall, with 6,473 in 2022. Officials nationwide are struggling to come up with solutions to prevent young children from dying.

This is followed by many, many paragraphs of stats and stories, but, never delves into where it is mostly coming from. Here’s US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in December 2023

But this shifted in 2016, when fentanyl and other synthetic opioids became the leading driver of drug-related deaths. Today, the majority of precursor chemicals for illicitly manufactured fentanyl come from China and are synthesized into fentanyl in Mexico. Fentanyl is then smuggled across the border into the United States. This means fentanyl is not just a public health emergency with devastating human and substantial economic costs. The illicit drug trade is also a significant threat to our national security. And it is of course a threat to public safety in Mexico as well.

You certainly cannot stop it all, and agencies like Customs and Border Patrol work hard to stop it, but, they have more luck interdicting ships in port than being able to stop all the illegal aliens bringing it across and under the border. The job is made vastly more difficult due to the number of illegals/migrants crossing the border or declaring amnesty at the border.

Read: LA Times: Infants And Toddlers Victims Of Biden’s Fentanyl Crisis »

CNN Seems Upset That Tractor Supply Is Blowing Off It’s Climate (scam) And DEI Agenda

You have all sorts of companies, states, towns, and colleges ending DEI, because, really, it’s simply racist and isn’t about putting the best people in the positions. One would think those being picked due to DEI would be upset that they’re being told they get the job because of their skin color, not their qualities. Now we have Tractor Supply

Tractor Supply warned climate change and a lack of diversity would hurt business. Now it’s ignoring those risks

As recently as February, Tractor Supply Co., known for selling animal feed, pet food and lawn and garden equipment to hobby farmers, told investors that climate change was a significant threat to its business.

Any delay or failure to meet its goals of cutting emissions 50% in six years and achieving net zero emissions by 2040 could hurt “public perception of our business, employee morale, customer or stockholder support” and its financial performance, the company said in its annual report.

Tractor Supply also warned that it could suffer similar business consequences if it did not meet its five-year diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) plan to increase spending by 35% with diverse suppliers and boost representation of people of color at manager levels and above at the company by 50%.

Hal Lawton, the chief executive of the Brentwood, Tennessee-based company, had said these initiatives “make great business sense for Tractor Supply.”

But Tractor Supply has decided that all of those risks are now worth ignoring.

The company announced last month that it will withdraw its carbon emission reduction goals and eliminate jobs and goals focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. It will also stop sponsoring LGBTQ+ Pride festivals and voting campaigns, as well as submitting data to the Human Rights Campaign, one of the biggest LGBTQ+ non-profit advocacy groups in the United States.

Tractor Supply is “trying to thread the needle,” said Nooshin Warren, a professor of marketing at the University of Arizona who studies corporate activism and corporate political culture. “They’re trying to keep both sides happy, which usually never happens.”

Let’s be honest: the majority of Tractor Supply’s customers are against all these things. Think that the companies should just stick to business, rather than Virtue Signaling. Most of the people slurring them now have probably never been to one, never shopped at one, never purchased anything at one. They are not customers. They are mostly not future customers. So, why should TS care? They should care more about their actual customers and what they care about.

Customers matter.

Read: CNN Seems Upset That Tractor Supply Is Blowing Off It’s Climate (scam) And DEI Agenda »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea swamping buildings, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on NYC discovering garbage cans.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove