If All You See…

…is a horrible bridge made from carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, with a post on the Sunday morning funnies section.

It’s shorts week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we aren’t sure who is actually running the government. This pinup is by Bill Randall, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Right Scoop covers Trump saying he will do more outside events
  2. The Other McCain discusses returning America to a dark place
  3. The Lid notes Dems courting the anti-Semitic vote
  4. The Gateway Pundit features Vance responding to Kamala’s “loyalty” slur
  5. Outside The Beltway notes Kamala’s spamming for support
  6. neo-neocon covers the beginning of the Kamala cult
  7. Moonbattery highlights Kamala failing as broadband czar as well
  8. Legal Insurrection shows Kamala wanting you to eat less
  9. Jihad Watch covers women killed in Iran
  10. Irons In The Fire notes another civil rights victory
  11. IOTW Report shows Kamala as part of Biden’s horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal
  12. Geller Report discusses France saying Iran behind attacks on trains
  13. Gates Of Vienna wonders about the Islamization of Europe being a conspiracy theory
  14. Climate Depot wonders how every country can be warming faster than every country
  15. And last, but, not least, Jo Nova covers what’s needed for EVs to succeed

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Hezbollah Attacks Children In Israel, Kills 12

I wonder if Cackles will support Israel now that she’s the Democrat nominee?

What will she say to protect Hezbollah? Or, is that Hxzbollah, because the Islamist supporters do not like to write the names?

Hezbollah rocket of Iranian production kills 12 children in Majdal Shams, dozens wounded

Following a direct hit in the area of Majdal Shams, a large Druze town, on Saturday evening, twelve were killed, among them children and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 20. At least 19 were wounded to varying degrees, including six seriously injured, three moderately, and 10 lightly injured, including those suffering from anxiety attacks.

They were transported to hospitals by Magen David Adom teams and IDF helicopters, MDA said in a statement. Following the direct hit in Majdal Shams, about 100 doses and blood components were provided to hospitals, MDA stated. MDA has asked the public to donate blood during the week.

The rocket hit a soccer field near a playground.

IDF Spokesperson R-adm. Daniel Hagari said early Sunday that the rocket which was fired at Majdal Shams was a Falaq 1 rocket of Iranian production whose warhead carries over 50 kilos of explosives. Hagari stated such a rocket is only in the hands of Hezbollah, adding the terror group had “carried out the launch from the Chebaa area in Lebanon.”

Hagari also named the Hezbollah commander who guided the fire as “Ali Muhammad Yihye.”

And the Biden admin is concerned that Israel might strike back (Yihye best be writing a will)

(NY Post) The Biden administration is extremely worried Hezbollah’s rocket attack on Golan Heights Saturday that killed at least 12 and wounded dozens of others could “trigger” a full-scale war between Israel and the Iran-backed terror group, according to a report.

US officials are fretting that without a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas terrorists over the ongoing fighting in Gaza, a war between the Jewish state and Iran-backed Hezbollah is becoming more likely — which will fuel the regional crisis and drag the United States even further into the ongoing conflict, Axios reported.

“What happened today could be the trigger we have been worried about and tried to avoid for 10 months,” one American official told the outlet.

Well, they’re not worried officially, as there has been no actual statement. Perhaps if the Biden regime had been more forceful in defending our allies in Israel against radical, terrorist Islam Hezbollah wouldn’t have gotten frisky. It’s not like it and Hamas aren’t on the US State Department list of terrorist organizations or something. But, then, it seems that the Biden admin has been working hard to get big wars going.

Read: Hezbollah Attacks Children In Israel, Kills 12 »

Trump Explains He’s Not Against EVs, He’s Against Mandates

The media has been trying to create a rift between Elon Musk and The Donald, making it seem as if Trump is badmouthing Musk, Tesla, and EVs. Nope

Trump sets record straight on Elon Musk, electric vehicles

Despite having a “good relationship” with Tesla’s Elon Musk, former President Trump said he’s completely “against” an electric vehicle mandate.

During an interview on “FOX & Friends” on Thursday, Trump responded to claims that Musk would donate $45 million a month to a super PAC in support of his candidacy and discussed his relationship with the tech mogul despite his negative feelings towards an EV mandate.

“Somebody told me he was going to give me $45 million a month. I said, that sounds like a lot. And even for Elon, that’s a lot,” Trump said. (snip)

The former president, however, touted his “good relationship” with the Tesla founder despite the report.

“He [Elon Musk] did say, I strongly endorse you, despite the fact that I’m against the electric car mandate,” Trump explained before calling the “effort” ridiculous.

“I disagree with the electric cars for everybody,” Trump said, arguing that he’s “very much against” it.

“You want a gasoline propelled car or want maybe a hybrid. You want to have a choice. And that includes electric,” he said.

And that’s the thing: if you want an EV, get one. That’s your choice. If you want a straight gas, regular hybrid, or plugin hybrid, get one. Though, I personally think plugin hybrids are idiotic. When my lease is up at the end of March I will be leasing either a Civic Hybrid or an Accord Sport Hybrid. However, I am seriously considering a lease on an EV, which is $298 a month for 36 months for 30,000 miles (that’s all I need) with nothing down. Manufacturers are offering insane lease deals to employees and dealership employees. For those who understand leasing, this is a $53K vehicle. I pay $225 for a $30K Civic, and I put almost $6k down (I had massive positive equity in 2022, and pocketed almost $6k. I wanted the lower payment).

They’re doing a pretty wild lease for regular customers, $359, you would end up putting about $4000 to $4500 down, though.

We blew out all the ones we have, and other employees put their names on a few in shipping. I am seriously considering one, but, there is a sticky wicket: charging. Four different maps tell me different things on where I can fast charge. I’m not going places to do a level 2 charge and sit there for a long time. All the maps agree on one public charger on the NW side of Raleigh, would take me 20-25 minutes to drive there. Others say stuff is closer, but, they seem to be Tesla superchargers, which are not compatible. This gives me great, great pause.

But, then, there’s the pricing to charge: most of the level 3s are around 43 cents per kilowatt, so, to do a full charge is about $34. It costs me roughly that to fill up my Civic, and, I can go about 60 miles further. So, where is the monetary savings? Granted, I would choose the package where I get $750 of free charging. Not sure if I want to put a level 2 charger at home, would cost up to $2000 (though I could choose a package with a $500 credit and $250 free charging). I do not want a level one, where you plug it into a 3 prong outlet. First, some little punk could unplug it overnight for a lark, second, it can take days to charge at level one. I don’t have a garage.

However, this is where people save money having an EV over another car: charging at home. Not charging out and about. And most people do not have a garage. How many live in apartments? Where does the savings come in?

If you want to travel, a Tesla is probably your best bet. I would have to look for a CSS type plug. An 8 hour trip could quickly become over 9, provided you do not have to wait for the charger to be free. This is giving me serious pause. I know I will pay quite a bit more for a lease in March for a hybrid, with rates higher and cost of vehicles up, but, just not sure I want to give the EV a try. I just want to get in and drive, not play around. And this vehicle is nice. It’s just below the top trim. It drives fantastic. Took one on a 40 minute drive the other week. Enjoyable. It is about 8 inches wider than my Civic, and 5 wider than the Accord I had previously. Doesn’t seem like much, but, 5 to 8 inches in a vehicle is huge. I’ll wait and see what my coworkers think before doing anything.

If I get one, it should be my choice. Not government applying force.

Read: Trump Explains He’s Not Against EVs, He’s Against Mandates »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike offsetting horrible fossil fueled boats, you might just be a Warmist

T he blog of the day is The View from Lady Lake, with a post on the puppet master.

Read: If All You See… »

Media Looking To Help Turn Biden’s Horrible Economic Record Into Helper For Kamala

The slobbering by the Credentialed Media is just out of the starting blocks……but, wait, the AP does a terrible job protecting Cackles after the first few paragraphs

Harris will carry Biden’s economic record into the election. She hopes to turn it into an asset

A key question is looming for Vice President Kamala Harris as she edges closer to gaining the Democratic presidential nomination: Can she turn the Biden-Harris economic record into a political advantage in a way that President Joe Biden failed to do?

In some ways, her task would seem straightforward: The administration oversaw a vigorous rebound from the pandemic recession, one that shrank the U.S. unemployment rate to a half-century low of 3.4% in early 2023 — far below the painful 6.4% rate when Biden and Harris took office in 2021. The rate stayed below 4% for more than two years, the longest such stretch since the 1960s.

Most of those jobs were re-hires from all those laid off due to Wuhan Flu

Boosted by the administration’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package, robust economic growth sent demand for workers soaring, forcing employers to jack up wages. Paychecks rose particularly fast for lower-paid workers, thereby narrowing income inequality.

Soon, though, clogged supply chains caused parts shortages, as demand for furniture, cars, and other goods, juiced by the administration’s stimulus, soared. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine escalated gas and food prices. In June 2022, inflation reached a four-decade high.

Wow, that’s some serious gaslighting. Much of the supply chain was damaged due to the COVID shutdowns, thanks to Democrats here in the US. And, of course other nations run by Leftists. But, the juiced part? The Biden admin was warned about giving people free money. Then we get the BS about the Russian invasion on food and energy.

The spike in prices was so severe that it offset most of the wage growth that workers had enjoyed. And it soured Americans on the economy. Consumer sentiment plunged in late 2021 and has barely recovered even as inflation has plummeted from 9.1% in 2022 to 3%.

The thing about the inflation is that those prices really do not come down. For instance, my favorite soup, Progresso, was about $1.58 before it started, at $2.50 now

In fairness, you can’t blame Biden-Harris for this all: start with China for screwing with coronaviruses. Then you get what Biden and the rest of the leaders did. And gas and energy really didn’t have anything to do with the shutdowns, but, with the Biden-Harris policies.

Speaking this week in Indianapolis, Harris highlighted her support for “affordable health care” and “affordable child care.” She also charged that Trump would eliminate the Biden administration’s price cap on insulin, which the White House often cites as an example of its efforts to reduce high drug costs.

Affordable health care? That’s single payer. Affordable child care? Government running it.

And to fight inflation, the Federal Reserve, led by Chair Jerome Powell, raised its key interest rate at the fastest pace in four decades. Borrowing costs soared as a result. The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate has more than doubled, from a low of about 2.7% during the pandemic to about 6.8% last week.

I see people’s brains melt when they see that they are paying $2K to $4k more for vehicles (gross profit is still the same) and rates are considerably higher.

Perhaps most painfully, housing affordability has worsened. Both prices and mortgage rates are much higher than they were three years ago. The monthly payment for a newly purchased median-priced home has jumped nearly one-third in that time, to more than $3,000, according to Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. Would-be homebuyers need to earn at least $100,000 to afford the median-priced home in nearly half of all metro areas, the center has found.

Then there are groceries. A pound of ground beef has jumped $1.05 since Biden’s inauguration, to a national average of $5.36 a pound, according to government data. Though egg prices are far below the peak they reached during a bout of avian flu in late 2022, at $2.72 a dozen they’re still 85% more expensive than they were three years ago. A pound of chicken has surged 25% to $2.01 since January 2021.

What happened? The Associated Press has done a terrible job in trying to protect Harris. The article basically says the economy is hurting Americans.

Read: Media Looking To Help Turn Biden’s Horrible Economic Record Into Helper For Kamala »

Climate Nuts Protest Toyota At Paris Olympics

I wonder how many of them took fossil fueled trips to Paris? How many are wearing clothes and stuff made with petroleum?

Protest Posters Targeting Toyota Debut at Paris Olympics

The Paris Olympics are now underway, and the effects of the competition on the surrounding city are numerous, including security checkpoints and transit changes. Some of the effects are a little more subtle than others. Parisians and visitors alike might see some posters up that at first look like advertisements for Toyota, a sponsor of both the Olympics and the Paralympics.

Examining the posters more closely reveals something a bit different, though: these aren’t ads for Toyota; rather, they’re protests against the automaker. The Art Newspaper has more details on the protest campaign, which reportedly features posters added to around 100 transit stops in Paris and several other French cities.

In a post on their Instagram account, the group Brandalism — who also targeted Wimbledon with similar techniques — stated their objection to Toyota’s Olympic presence. “Toyota’s sponsorship of the #Olympics is a gold-medal example of sportswashing, or polluting companies using high profile sponsorship deals to hide their massive emissions,” they wrote. The campaign is a collaboration between Brandalism and Résistance à l’Agression Publicitaire.

Seriously, it’s expected that around 15 million will travel from around the world to Paris for the Olympics and Paralympic Games. That’s just visitors, that doesn’t include all the athletes and staff.

Another one of the posters reads, “Art Belongs in Paris. Giant Polluters Do Not.” The images on some of them echo the work of Vincent van Gogh; it’s not hard to imagine a pedestrian glancing at one and taking it for an advertisement for an art exhibition, right up until the text comes into focus.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. How many of the group ride on fossil fueled buses? Will these posters change anyone’s mind? Will anyone care?

Anyhow, a metal band I love, Gojira, who are French and really one of the top metal bands out there right now, opened up the games. This is amazing

Read: Climate Nuts Protest Toyota At Paris Olympics »

Democracy! NC Democrats Sue To Get Kennedy Off Ballot

Democrats yammer about Democracy! about ever 5 seconds, saying Trump is threat to Democracy!, Republicans are a threat, anything that doesn’t toe the Democrat line is a threat. Well, we just saw how that worked out with the Elites picking Kamala, and now

North Carolina Democrats sue to reverse decision that put RFK Jr. on ballots

The North Carolina Democratic Party has challenged the state election board’s recent decision to recognize a new political party that will put Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the state’s presidential ballots.

The complaint filed Thursday seeks to reverse the board’s action that made “We The People” an official party in the presidential battleground state. Board staff last week said that supporters of We The People turned in enough valid signatures from registered and qualified voters to exceed the petition threshold in state law.

In the complaint filed in Wake County Superior Court, lawyers representing the Democratic Party alleged that Kennedy’s campaign evaded tougher standards for independent candidates to get on the ballot — six times as many signatures — by masquerading as a political party in violation of state law.

Petition instructions for We The People stated the party’s purpose was to put Kennedy on the ballot, the complaint contends. According to the Democratic Party’s lawyers, that’s not a permissible purpose under state law, and Kennedy needed to follow the rules for independent candidates.

The board voted 4-1 in favor of recognition. While Democratic board Chair Alan Hirsch voted yes, he still said that We The People had engaged in “subterfuge” and suggested that anyone challenging the vote in court would “have a very good case.”

We The People representatives have defended the signature drive as legitimate and aligned with state law. The party said its candidates would include Kennedy and running mate Nicole Shanahan, along with candidates for two other local races.

Wild how Democrats do not want citizens to be able to vote for whom they want, and want to sue to get competitors off the ballots, eh? With Trump they engage in lawfare, with Kennedy they just try and knock him off the ballot. They’re trying the same thing in Nevada, New York, and other states. Especially battlegrounds.

Read: Democracy! NC Democrats Sue To Get Kennedy Off Ballot »

Climate Defiance Wackos “Ask” Cackles Harris To Be The Climate Candidate Or Something

Always demanding that other people do stuff that puts the government dominance on other people

A climate activist group’s 8 asks for Harris

A climate activist group is urging Vice President Kamala Harris to lean into a “bold climate candidacy” as she sprints toward the November presidential election.

Climate Defiance, an organization that made waves by interrupting speeches and events to prod Biden administration officials on climate, laid out eight requests for Harris on Friday as the likely nominee looks to rally young people and climate-minded voters behind her.

“We’re hoping that Kamala Harris will really commit to a strong climate platform that recognizes the stakes at the moment that we’re in,” said Evan Drukker-Schardl, an organizer with Climate Defiance.

The rest of E&E News (hardcore Warmist outlet) article has a serious paywall, so, let’s go to the Twitter

Here are the 8 asks (which are really demands)

  • Kamala Climate ClownAsk #1 No new oil & gas infrastructure projects. Full stop.
  • Ask #2 End federal fossil fuel subsidies and stop financing fossil fuel projects abroad. (have they asked whether Americans actually want 1 and 2? And 4? Or, does that even matter to their little Fascist minds?)
  • Ask #3 Rapidly expand investments in renewable energy and R&D into new technologies that can accelerate the transition. (I’m not against investing in R&D)
  • Ask #4 End all new leases of oil & gas drilling on federal lands and waters.
  • Ask #5 Provide a living wage, training, and career growth opportunities to American workers transitioning from the fossil fuel industry to green energy jobs. (Smacks of Socialism and government controlling the economy)
  • Ask #6 Compensating victims of environmental racism and prosecuting the perpetrators. (in other words, jail people for Green Wrongthing)
  • Ask #7 Increase federal funding for infrastructure and public housing that can withstand extreme weather events. (more government)
  • Ask #8 Provide clean, cheap, and accessible energy and water to Native reservations. (have they asked the Indians if they want this? Or, are they just White Knighting, since most of these wackos in Climate Defiance tend to be white, and middle class to rich?)

The funny part is that none of these folks are actually saying what they have done in their own lives, especially since most of their clothes, shoes, signs, phones, glasses, etc, are made with petroleum.

One immediate change that can be made is stopping the genocide and ecocide against the Palestinian people. Harris can support an arms embargo and press Israel to end its assault on Gaza- threatening to make the land, water, and air of Gaza unlivable for generations. She must.

It wouldn’t be an unhinged Progressive group without Jew hatred and support of Hamas.

Read: Climate Defiance Wackos “Ask” Cackles Harris To Be The Climate Candidate Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds that could be a carbon pollution driven hurricane, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on the media going wacko over Cackles Harris being “border czar”.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove