Disney Supports Group That Sexualizes Young Children

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said he is going to keep going after Disney, and he’s right to do this, but, it makes some a little wonky

Why Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law feels like the clock is turning back for LGBT+ people

There’s a new front line in America‘s culture wars, and it’s pitching parents against teachers and students.

Florida has introduced a ban on teaching about gender and sexuality in the classroom to some elementary aged children. (snip)

Kris Kine has been teaching in Florida’s schools for more than 20 years. She sponsors the Gay Straight Alliance club in her school – a safe place for students to discuss issues around their sexuality they may not want to talk about at home.

The bill has been a devastating blow to Kris – herself a proud gay mum.

She says she fears that the years of painful progress in encouraging young people to be themselves and feel accepted may be ending.

First, the bill is mostly aimed at leaving young kids alone, not the older kids. Second, there’s nothing wrong with the group, the bill doesn’t block it. Except for third, schools and the school employees, who are government employees, should not be hiding things from parents. Some of the groups may be well meaning, others, not so much

(Washington Examiner) A school district in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is under fire for a drag show hosted by a teacher after hours on school property.

The show featured several scantily clad drag queens performing lewd dance moves that would be inappropriate for most adults, let alone high school students. Whatever sexually deviant lifestyle a teacher wants to live on his or her personal time is their decision, but such abhorrent content has no place in schools. Parents expressed outrage at the discovery that a teacher in the school district held the show.

“I first found out about this video and drag show Tuesday night from a video one of the school kids put out. I then asked my children about it, and they were disgusted and could not believe they would do something like that at their school,” Stacy Hernandez, a single mother of three children in the Hempfield School District, told me.

So, the parents were not told about what their kids were going to be exposed to. And that is a major point of the Florida bill

Disney Funds An Organization That Sexualizes Children Beginning In Kindergarten

Walt Disney Company has repeatedly donated to an organization that infiltrates public and private schools with LGBT ideology, according to Disney’s Pride Collection webpage.

Disney announced that it donated a portion of its 2022 “Pride Collection” funds to the organization GLSEN — pronounced “glisten” — among other global LGBT organizations. In 2020, Disney announced that it would donate $100,000 to GLSEN. Disney’s 2022 funds will reportedly create new LGBT-oriented programming.

Disney’s PRIDE page dubbed GLSEN a leader in “educational equity” and stated that the organizations have collaborated “for more than 20 years.”

GLSEN is the touchpoint between political activism and LGBT activism in K-12 public and private schools. The LGBT organization crafts school policy guides, curricula and teacher training for schools nationwide, according to an analysis from Parents Defending Education.

Lesson plans developed by GLSEN are created for students as young as kindergarten. Programming encouraged young children to discuss their identity, gender and race.

I just do not understand why groups like this want to sexualize young children, and why Disney would fund them. Can’t they just let kids be kids, and let them develop on their own? Showing support is one thing: actively sexualizing them and trying to get them to become LGBTQ is something quite different. These people, and Disney, are sick, and should not be let near children, nor provide any guidance to them.

Read: Disney Supports Group That Sexualizes Young Children »

Climate Cult Fail: California Predicts Blackouts This Summer

This is what happens when you let a cult run your energy policy, replacing affordable, dependable, reliable, abundant energy with the opposite

California says it needs more power to keep the lights on

California energy officials on Friday issued a sober forecast for the state’s electrical grid, saying it lacks sufficient capacity to keep the lights on this summer and beyond if heatwaves, wildfires or other extreme events take their toll.

The update from leaders from three state agencies and the office of Governor Gavin Newsom comes in response to a string of challenges with the ambitious transition away from fossil fuels, including rolling blackouts during a summer heat wave in 2020.

California has among the most aggressive climate change policies in the world, including a goal of producing all of its electricity from carbon-free sources by 2045.

In an online briefing with reporters, the officials forecast a potential shortfall of 1,700 megawatts this year, a number that could go as high as 5,000 MW if the grid is taxed by multiple challenges that reduce available power while sending demand soaring, state officials said during an online briefing with reporters.

Supply gaps along those lines could leave between 1 million and 4 million people without power. Outages will only happen under extreme conditions, officials cautioned, and will depend in part on the success of conservation measures.

Well, that sounds fun. It would have made sense to slowly work towards “clean” energy, keeping the “dirty” energy around until there was enough “clean”. But, nope.

In 2025, the state will still have a capacity shortfall of about 1,800 MW, according to officials from the California Energy Commission, Public Utilities Commission, California Independent System Operator and Newsom’s office. They also projected annual electricity rate increases of between 4% and 9% between now and 2025.

Hey, you voted for this, Californians, you deal with it. Enjoy.

Read: Climate Cult Fail: California Predicts Blackouts This Summer »

Unhinged Abortion Supporters To Protest In Churches Sunday

This should sure win over people to their side, right?

Pro-Abortion Radicals to Terrorize Churches on Mother’s Day

Pro-abortion radicals plan to terrorize Catholic churches on Mother’s Day after a Supreme Court leak revealed Roe v. Wade may be overturned.

Ruth Sent Us, a radical-left organization, has sent out a notice over social media of sadistic protests occurring at unknown church locations throughout metropolitan cities.

“Whether you’re a ‘Catholic for Choice,’ ex-Catholic, of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe. Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sun May 8,” the radical group tweeted on May 3.

Protests on Sunday are a part of a so-called “week of action.” Ruth Sent Us has also published the justices’ supposed home addresses online for the radical protestors to locate and therefore intimidate the justices.

“Rise up May 8-15 and beyond… At the homes of the six extremist justices, three in Virginia and three in Maryland,” its website says. “Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,” the group’s website said. “We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics.” (snip)

A second group is also planning activities during the “week of action.” Beginning on May 8, radical protestors are planning to protest outside Catholic churches. The second group’s name is Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, which is planning to wear green “Handmaid’s Tale” outfits in protest to compare pro-life laws to the rape and motherhood in Margaret Atwood’s novel.

You know this is going to go downhill very fast, particularly since these people are unhinged, crazy, wackadoodle. It may well change people’s minds the other way

CNN poll: The Supreme Court’s draft opinion on Roe v. Wade hasn’t shaken the midterm landscape

Americans remain broadly opposed to overturning the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, following the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion that would strike down the landmark ruling.

Sixty-six percent say Roe v. Wade should not be completely struck down, and 59% would support Congress passing legislation to establish a nationwide right to abortion, including 81% of Democrats, 65% of independents and 30% of Republicans, the survey finds.

But comparing the results of the new poll to one conducted immediately before the revelation of the draft opinion, the impact on the political landscape heading into the 2022 midterms appears fairly muted.

The share of registered voters who say they are extremely or very enthusiastic about voting this fall rose 6 points between the first survey and the second, but that increase is about even across party lines. Among Democrats, 43% now say they are extremely or very enthusiastic, up 7 points. Among Republicans, it’s 56%, up 9 points. And voters who say overturning Roe would make them “happy” are nearly twice as enthusiastic about voting this fall as those who say such a ruling would leave them “angry” (38% extremely enthusiastic among those happy, 20% among those angry).

So, really, this won’t fire up Democrats so much that they can avoid a legislative wipeout in November. If Democrats thought this would push a ton of people over to their side, they were wrong, and, when Independents and nominal Democrat voters see the unhinged gouhls doing their thing for unfettered abortion at all times, well, they might not decide to vote Republican, but, they won’t vote for Democrats.

Read: Unhinged Abortion Supporters To Protest In Churches Sunday »

Law Enforcement Readies For Violence Over Roe v. Wade Decision

Of course, law enforcement leaders do not want to focus on the political identities of those who could cause violence. Don’t want to expose that the violence will originate from the abortion supporters, nor did Politico consider highlighting that it will be leftists starting the violence, as has already happened in Los Angeles

Law enforcement officials brace for potential violence around SCOTUS draft opinion

Law enforcement officials across the country are preparing for unrest in the wake of the Supreme Court’s anticipated reversal of Roe v. Wade. On Wednesday, more than 150 officials nationwide joined a call to discuss concerns about growing threats in the wake of the news, including potential danger to Supreme Court justices.

The National Fusion Center Association, representing dozens of intelligence-sharing hubs around the country, hosted the call, which included state and local law enforcement officials along with officials from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security. The call focused on threats that have metastasized in the wake of POLITICO’s publication of an initial draft opinion that indicates the Supreme Court could overturn federal abortion protections, according to two people on the call who described it to POLITICO.

The officials’ concerns highlight just how tense the climate has become as the national conversation about abortion rights reaches new intensity. The same fusion center association convened a similar call bracing for extremist threats just a few days before the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Participants in Wednesday’s call raised concerns that protesters could clash with counter-protesters or face attacks from lone extremists. They did not focus on the ideological views of people involved in violent attacks or First Amendment-protected protesting.

If Roe is overturned, why would anti-abortion protesters get violent? Except in response to the pro-abortion “protesters” getting violent. And they will get violent. With law enforcement blowing off all the violence from BLM/Antifa they will feel emboldened to engage in plenty of violence.

But they did home in on the federal judiciary — including both the Supreme Court’s nine justices and the hundreds of federal judges around the country — as a potential increasing target of violence.

Which ideological view would attack them? Oh, wait, Politico uses far left material

And on May 4, SITE Intelligence Group — a private organization that shares threat information with a host of law enforcement agencies — released a report detailing calls for violence targeted at people protesting the expected ruling.

“Users on far-right, pro-Trump forum ‘The Donald’ encouraged members to violently oppose pro-abortion protesters demonstrating against the leaked Supreme Court draft signaling an overturn of Roe v. Wade,” reads the bulletin. “Reacting to the headline ‘Violence Breaks out at Pro-Abortion Protest After Democrat Politicians Call to ‘Fight,’’ users made threats and called for police to harm protesters.”

So, they’re going to blame the violence started by the pro-abortion crowd on Republicans. There’s your narrative.

Rita Katz, the head of SITE Intelligence Group, told POLITICO that misogyny is prevalent on the violent far right.

“For far-right extremists, the focus on Roe v. Wade isn’t simply about religion or conventional debates about ‘when life starts,’” she said. “It’s about the toxic resentment of feminism that unites the entire spectrum of these movements, from Neo-Nazis to QAnon.”

See? Of course, these folks in no way represent the Republican party. Antifa and their brethren are the Democratic Party base.

Read: Law Enforcement Readies For Violence Over Roe v. Wade Decision »

Who’s Up For An “Office Of Environmental Justice” In The DOJ?

This would be the time I usually write “so, when’s AG Garland going to give up his own fossil fueled travel and make his life carbon neutral? How about the operations of the DOJ?” But, this is actually rather dangerous, as they are weaponizing the climate cult via the Department Of Justice

Here’s from his statement

Today, I am announcing three actions that the Department is taking to advance environmental justice.

First, consistent with the President’s Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, we are issuing a comprehensive environmental justice enforcement strategy. Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta will discuss that strategy in just a moment.

Second, I am pleased to announce that we are launching the Justice Department’s first-ever Office of Environmental Justice to oversee and help guide the Justice Department’s wide-ranging environmental justice efforts. Like all parts of government, it will get its own acronym: OEJ.

And third, the Justice Department is issuing an Interim Final Rule that will restore the use of an important law enforcement tool – supplemental environmental projects – subject to new guidelines and limitations that I will also be issuing today.

Administrator Regan and I know that the communities most impacted by environmental harm are not isolated in any one part of our country. Environmental crime and injustice touch communities in all our cities, towns, rural areas, and on Tribal lands.

Although violations of our environmental laws can happen anywhere, communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change.

This is using the power of the federal justice department to go after any who engage in Wrongthink on ‘climate change’. This is the logical (sic) extension of what the Cult of Climastrology has been working towards, having the federal government threaten non-adherents with investigation and prosecution, and then prosecution. It’s meant to scare people, to cow them, make them be quiet, make them Comply. Using the federal government as an authoritarian entity. Creating Green Shirts with prosecutorial powers.

Read: Who’s Up For An “Office Of Environmental Justice” In The DOJ? »

Capybaras Invading Gated Communities Is A Lesson In The Climate Crisis (scam) Era

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with Mankind invading the ranges of other animals, and the animals becoming not particularly concerned with invading back, right? Nope, it’s all because you drive a fossil fueled vehicle

Giant Rodents ‘Invaded’ a Wealthy Gated Community. What Happened Next is a Lesson for Cities in the Climate Change Era

Gated communities are known for their manicured lawns, swimming pools, and wealthy residents. In Argentina, they’re also known as the home of the world’s largest rodents.

On a drizzly afternoon in March 2022, a family of nine capybaras—the larger ones weighing in at around 130 pounds—huddle together under the hedges that surround a famous soccer player’s mansion. Munching intently on the grass, they barely look up when approached by cars or humans. These are just a few of the hundreds of capybaras that have taken over Nordelta, a private neighborhood on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, over the last two years.

The capybaras have always been present here. For the first two decades after the community’s construction in 1999, they kept themselves hidden, coming out only at night and darting from trees to lakes. But that began to change in 2020. With Nordelta’s well-heeled human residents confined to their homes by Argentina’s long and strict COVID-19 lockdown, its furrier inhabitants thrived. Spreading out across now empty parks, they reproduced rapidly, boosting their numbers by 16% in one year, according to estimates by local scientists. Then, after an unusually dry winter hit Argentina in June 2021, killing much of the grass in public areas, the capybaras got even bolder, crossing roads and venturing into private gardens.

There’s a golf club up in Monmouth County, NJ, where I used to play, and the groundhogs would not move for you. You walked around them. They were content to eat the grass and seeds. The capybaras got used to the humans. But, see, everything must be linked to climate doom, and always in the most doomy manner

But for all the anger leveled at Nordelta, the neighborhood does have a real problem on its hands: how do you deal with an influx of wildlife that wasn’t there before in densely populated urban space? Cities around the world are increasingly having to answer that question. The expansion of urban areas, combined with the intensifying effects of climate change, is destroying the forests, wetlands and other ecosystems where animals have historically thrived. And at the same time, cities have become “incredibly enriched environments,” often containing an abundance of food, water, and shelter compared to their surrounding areas, says Peter Alagona, an environmental historian and author of The Accidental Ecosystem. The result is that animals losing their natural habitats are increasingly making the city their home.

Now, take out the silly climate change part, and you’re left with a perfectly reasonable article. There are tons of deer in my area. Pretty sure there are coyotes and other predators that walk along the greenway. It has nothing to do with ‘climate change.’ Most of the article is all about land use and the spread of suburban and urban areas. Since it is a cult, we get things like

As the global conversation around the importance of preserving biodiversity gets louder, many cities are trying to change their designs to enable humans and animals to share urban space in a climate-changed world.

It was fine right up to the climate change idiocy.

Read: Capybaras Invading Gated Communities Is A Lesson In The Climate Crisis (scam) Era »

Baby Killing Democrats Schedule Vote On Making Abortion Legal

They have no one to blame but themselves. They’ve gone from “safe, rare, and legal” to unhinged, wanting zero restrictions up to and right after birth, celebrating their abortions (including those who’ve had lots of them), holding them up as triumphs

(Breitbart) No sane person, no decent person, not even someone who is pro-abortion, sees abortion as anything other than an unfortunate event. And that’s how Democrats and their corporate media allies used to discuss abortion, as an unfortunate but sometimes necessary thing. Their tone around abortion was solemn and thoughtful; this was not something to be taken lightly.

The only way to describe the left’s tone around abortion today is demonic.

What was solemn has become strident and boastful. What was not taken lightly is now championed — including the harvesting of dead baby organs. The murder of the unborn is now outright celebrated and cheered. It is beyond grotesque, and how can any person of good conscience sit back and allow such evil against helpless innocence to carry the day?

It’s worth reading the whole piece by Jon Nolte. And now

Democrats to force vote next week on Roe v. Wade decision

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) will force a vote next week on legislation codifying Roe v. Wade in the wake of a leaked Supreme Court draft decision that would strike down the landmark case.

The test procedural vote is guaranteed to fall short because the bill needs 60 votes to advance, but Democrats are eager to make Republicans go on the record and show their own voters that they are fighting.

“Next week the U.S. Senate is going to vote on legislation to codify a woman’s right to seek abortion into federal law,” Schumer said from the Senate floor.

Schumer will move to tee up the bill on Monday, setting up an initial vote for Wednesday.

It will be the second vote Schumer has forced on the issue. The Senate previously rejected a similar bill in a 46-48 vote earlier this year, with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) voting with Senate Republicans.

They won’t get 60, and, if they think going on the record as being for abortion on demand, in celebrating abortion, it won’t play well for middle America. Those who aren’t pro-abortion extremists, aren’t ghouls, will see the theatrics from the elected Democrats and the crazies outside the Congressional building, and it will be a bad look.

Will they attempt to pass it by killing off the filibuster? They have to know that doing that will boomerang back in the future. And, they might not get Manchin to vote for it. Of course, there’s always lunatics like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.

A Politico-Morning Consult poll released Wednesday found that 50 percent of voters believe the landmark case that guarantees abortion access should not be overturned, while 28 percent said that it should be overturned.

We don’t run the Constitution by public opinion. And states can choose to have abortion be legal. That’s where it should be: the states.

Read: Baby Killing Democrats Schedule Vote On Making Abortion Legal »

Climate And Racial Justice Intersect Or Something

Because this is 100% about science and not politics

Where climate change and racial justice intersect

Black people need to be more aware of climate change and how it shapes our lives, contends Colette Pichon Battle, the founder and co-executive director of the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy.

In her position, Battle develops programming focused on equitable disaster recovery, global migration, community economic development, climate justice and energy democracy. She was in town last week for the Westminster Town Hall series on climate change science and solutions.

She spoke to the MSR a few hours before her April 27 appearance at Westminster Presbyterian Church in downtown Minneapolis. “I feel like Black folks have got to wake up to this because we are going to be the first ones hit and sacrificed,” said Battle, “and always we’re the first ones to perish in this thing that we are not paying any attention to.”

Funny thing is, blacks have been at the low end of the spectrum of caring about the climate crisis scam. It is mostly an upper middle class white 1st world issue. Here it comes

She has worked with local communities, elected officials, and others in the post-Katrina and post-Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster recovery and actively advocates for climate change mitigation and adaptation with racial justice and equity at its core.

“I think we’re dealing with an industry that has the most power in the world, especially in our government, especially in the South,” continued Battle. “And they were really trying to avoid liability and accountability at all costs, and make record profits. The truth is, this has been a political move from the beginning.”

Yes, a political move. She might be trying to Blame the fossil fuels industry, but, she exposes that ‘climate change’ is about politics.

“It’s not going to be won by protests in the streets alone. It’s only going to be won when regular people like you and me stand up and start fighting, not just for the trees and the birds and the soil of this planet, but for the people who exist in that broader ecosystem.”

She continued, “The biggest thing we suffer from especially in this country is comfort and privilege. We live in such comfort and such privilege that we do not have to turn our eyes to see what is happening to the rest of the world. We do not have to think about all of the communities that are suffering so we can be comfortable.

“We have to tell the truth that it is American consumption that is driving a global imbalance. One American consumes as much energy as 13 people in China, as much energy as 127 people in Bangladesh, as much as 307 people in Tanzania.

OK, you first. Give up your 1st World lifestyle. Get your fellow Warmists to do the same.

As we wrapped up our MSR interview, Battle reiterated the importance of Black people realizing that the climate crisis, now in a pandemic world, is not a White people’s problem. “I want Black folks to know that climate is about Black lives,” she said.

mule fritter sherman potter

Read: Climate And Racial Justice Intersect Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle causing the seas to rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post wondering just how that bail reform is working out.

Read: If All You See… »

Brandon Now Blames “MAGA Crowd” For Everything Going Wrong

I guess Let’s Go Brandon has given up on the whole “Putin’s price hike” shtick

‘MAGA crowd’ is Biden’s new nemesis, as Democrats confront post-Roe political reality

After a day of political tumult, President Biden had a phrase for the forces he believes are responsible for a conservative Supreme Court poised to undo the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. The forces holding back the economy from a full recovery. The forces that on Tuesday turned J.D. Vance into the GOP U.S. Senate nominee from Ohio.

“The MAGA crowd.”

There was even the “ultra-MAGA” crowd, presumably a more extreme manifestation of former President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.” As far as Democrats are concerned, that is the official slogan of the Republican Party.

Democrats have a problem with American being great? Huh.

Biden used the phrase several times during Wednesday’s remarks on the economy. He had used it once before, at a fundraiser in Denver last month, but only in passing. This time, the use seemed more intentional, coming on a day when the nation’s political divides seemed as stark as ever.

It was by installing three Supreme Court justices that Trump brought the nation to the doorstep of a post-Roe world, in which women in conservative states will likely be prevented from getting abortions. Always threatened, the 1973 decision had survived until now. If the arguments in the high court’s leaked draft opinion hold, states will decide on their own whether to grant any abortion rights.

Which makes Democrats upset, because they want the Central Government to dictate everything.

“MAGA Republicans,” Biden said Wednesday, repeating the phrase several times. “I don’t want to mispronounce it,” he joked.

Like he mispronounces so many other things.

Asked by Yahoo News earlier this year about working with Republicans, the president expressed exasperation. “I, honest to God, don’t know what they’re for,” he conceded. Four months later, the president’s conclusion is that the party remains Trump’s — and likely will for many years to come, if the Vance primary victory is any indication.

We’re for most of those things you’re against, Joe. Always have been.

The president sought to deflect blame, in a potential preview of the kinds of attacks he and other Democrats will make as the midterms approach. “Let me tell you about this ultra-MAGA agenda. It’s extreme, as most MAGA things are,” he said. A deputy White House press secretary shared a cable news clip of the president’s sharp indictment.

Rather than taking the blame, as Joe said he would before the election, he must find scapegoats for his abysmal performance and horrible policies.

(Fox News) BRIAN KILMEADE: Tonight, American cities are on edge after a night of violence last night, mostly peaceful protesters right? They were up in arms over the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion, approaching it intellectually, by chucking rocks, bottles and smashing car windows and hurting police officers.

Keep in mind, the Supreme Court hasn’t even overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the abortion rights to the states. This is the left’s warning: “Do what we say, or we will burn your country down.” It’s not an exaggeration. Many of them have taken to social media to threaten exactly that.

He’s 100% correct. And, fortunately, Biden has now placed targets right on all the people he disagrees with and give the unhinged, violent left the ability to get violent with those Joe disagrees with.

Read: Brandon Now Blames “MAGA Crowd” For Everything Going Wrong »

Pirate's Cove