USA Today Has A Sad That Conservatives Are Removing Pornagraphic Books From Schools

They say this like it’s a bad thing to keep minors from seeing pornography in government schools. Sure, the kiddies will see it elsewhere. It’s pretty easy on the Internet, of course. Back in my day we had to try and find a dirty magazine, or sneak a peek at HBO or something. Schools should not be teaching them this stuff, especially when it indoctrinates them and attempts to force them into adult sexuality (also at Yahoo, if the paywall hits you)

Conservatives are removing ‘pornographic’ books from schools. Many feature LGBTQ+ characters.

Last November, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent a letter to the state’s school board association asking it to remove from districts any materials deemed “pornographic” or “obscene.”

Both descriptors have come up frequently amid an extraordinary uptick in efforts to remove certain books from libraries and classrooms – not only in the Lone Star State but across the United States.

According to a new analysis by PEN America, Abbott’s endeavor – and the logic behind it – is emblematic of “a concerning trend” nationally. Critics are restricting children’s access to a host of books on the grounds that they contain too much sexual content. Those same books disproportionately feature LGBTQ+ characters or storylines.

This commonality is evocative of age-old tendencies to conflate sexual or gender nonconformity with sexual obscenity, said Jonathan Friedman of PEN America, a literary and free-speech organization.

No, porn is porn, and it has no place in schools, where children should be learning for their future, not the crazy these schools are foisting on them. What’s wrong with just letting kids be kids?

Roughly one in three of those titles – nearly 400 total – explicitly deal with LGBTQ+ issues. In fact, nearly all of the books at the top of the list, some of them banned in more than a dozen districts, fall into this category.

PEN America defines such bans as any action taken to remove, restrict or diminish access to a book based on its content. The action can be in response to complaints from a parent or community member or to direct or threatened action by government officials including lawmakers.

“It’s not just a backlash – it’s worse than that,” Friedman said. “It’s an attempted erasure of an emerging form of storytelling.”

Why is it necessary to teach adult sexual issues and pornographic material to minors, especially the ones who haven’t even hit puberty? Why? Why? In my heart I don’t get it. In my head, I understand that these leftist are unhinged, insane people who are attempting to indoctrinate children in perversions to make them reliable voters who won’t question anything their political masters push, even if it is detrimental to them.

Moms for Liberty, which has chapters nationwide and describes itself as a parents-rights organization, has been organizing to get certain titles off school shelves.

“The books that the moms are asking to take out of libraries almost always have obscene content; we’re talking pornographic, explicit material,” said Tiffany Justice, a mother of four and the organization’s co-founder. (snip)

“It’s not about homosexuality or heterosexuality,” she said. “It’s about … how much time and energy and thought should be going toward sex” before children enter puberty. (In Justice’s view, some books that are often flagged for their references to sexual violence – Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye,” and Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner,” for example – have a place in high school classrooms because of their “literary merit.”)

“These children are being sexualized at younger and younger ages,” she said. “If we don’t want 10- year-olds having sex, we should probably stop talking to them about it.” Exposing them to the kinds of images contained in “Gender Queer’ or the descriptions of sexual activity found in “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” Justice argued, is “robbing them of their innocence.”

What’s wrong with reading, writing, math, history, computers, arts, sports, etc? Liberals are bat shit crazy.

Read: USA Today Has A Sad That Conservatives Are Removing Pornagraphic Books From Schools »

Bummer: New Jersey In Danger Of Missing Their Climate (scam) Goals

First off, have you ever been to NJ? This is a state that could not function without fossil fuels, even more than most. The massive commuting to north Jersey, NYC, Philly. All the tourism down to the Shore, Atlantic City, Cape May. All the ships that come into the Port of Newark. Heck, all the people driving through NJ north and south. Second, whose goals? Do all the citizens of NJ agree, or, is this just being driven by activists and politicians?

N.J. in danger of missing Murphy’s climate change goals, environmentalists say

New Jersey is in danger of missing Gov. Phil Murphy’s goals to combat climate change if the governor’s administration doesn’t stop fossil fuel projects it has approved and act more quickly to install regulations, according to a new report from a coalition of environmentalists.

Murphy, a Democrat, has set a goal of cutting emissions 50% by 2030 and 100% by 2050 in New Jersey, a coastal state that has been battered by major storms in recent years. He also signed an environmental justice law in 2020 to protect vulnerable communities from pollution.

But the report from EmpowerNJ — which has taken Murphy’s administration to court to push for more action on climate change — estimates the Garden State’s emissions have increased by 19% from six fossil fuel projects the state has approved the last four years.

Hmm, has Murphy reduced his own use of fossil fuels? Right, right, he takes long private jet trips to Italy.

The group also warns emissions could increase another 38% if seven pending projects are approved and completed before Murphy’s second term is up in January 2026.

The state’s progress in implementing Murphy’s goal for 100% clean energy by the middle of the century has also been “painfully slow,” with “many missed deadlines and regulatory proposals that put that vision in jeopardy,” the coalition said.

The seven pending projects include a new natural gas pipeline and a natural gas export terminal in South Jersey, a new power plant in Newark, and expansions of the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway.

This makes Warmists very upset, and they do not care if they inconvenience everyone else, nor skyrocket their cost of energy.

State Sen. Anthony Bucco, R-Morris said “I don’t think anyone is against New Jersey utilizing renewable energy sources.”

“The problem is that the Governor wants to mandate an aggressive energy plan that gives little consideration to the crushing costs upon seniors, low income families and the middle class, leaving fewer dollars for retirement, a needed car repair, or college savings for their kids,” Bucco said.

Pretty much.

Read: Bummer: New Jersey In Danger Of Missing Their Climate (scam) Goals »

If All You See…

…is a doomy rising sea, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on BLM always being a scam.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out This ain’t Hell…, with a post on people suing the military over grooming standards they do not want to comply with.

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Read: If All You See… »

Surprise: Americans Are Rather Skeptical Regarding Gun Control Laws

Have you noticed that the typical weeks long news cycle post-mass shooting did not appear in the wake of the Brooklyn subway shooting? We usually get lots and lots of pieces – op-eds, opinions, analysis, and “straight news” – in the wake of an incident from all across the country. Yet, because the shooter did not fit the Narrative, even the NY Times barely has coverage. You do have unhinged leftist Dem Rep Jamaal Bowman quietly pushing. After an initial bought of gun grabbing language, even NYC Mayor Eric Adams is responding differently

(The Root) In response to criticisms following the arrest of Brooklyn subway shooter Frank James, Mayor Eric Adams further defended his new policies on policing and gun control on NY1. “I thought Black lives matter?,” he asked, alleging many of New York’s shooters and shooting victims are Black.

Adams spoke out against the criticisms of his newest NYPD policies to fight gun violence including an increased police presence on subways and a revised plainclothes unit to patrol the streets. Adams thanked the first responders who assisted in finding James and assured new safety measures will be taken to protect the subways such as gun detection.

Of course, most of those officers, even the black ones, will want little to do with getting involved with potential black perps, because they do not want to be frivolously accused of raaaaacism or anything else. And, yes, FBI data does show that over 50% of shooters and those shot are black. Meanwhile

Poll: Voters Skeptical of Effectiveness of gun Control Laws

Americans are skeptical about gun control measures, according to a new poll.

Rasmussen reports released new polling showing that the majority of Americans do not think criminals will obey federal gun control laws. The poll comes on the heels of a mass shooting in Brooklyn and President Joe Biden’s speech on gun control earlier this week.

“In the wake of Tuesday’s mass shooting on a Brooklyn subway train, most voters don’t think more control laws will prevent such incidents,” Rasmussen said.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters don’t think stricter gun control laws would help prevent shootings like the one Tuesday that left 29 people injured in Brooklyn,” Rasmussen said. “Thirty-eight percent (38%) think stricter gun control laws would help prevent mass shootings, while another 11% are not sure.”

The question on the Brooklyn shooter’s gun is whether he purchased it legally or not in 2011. Among his lengthy rap sheet

(ABC6) He has nine prior arrests in New York City dating from 1992 to 1998 for offenses including possession of burglary tools, a criminal sex act and theft of service, NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig said in Wednesday news conference.

However, James had no previous felony convictions so was able to purchase a gun, according to Essig.

So, nothing legally to stop him. Was a background check performed? Unless Democrats simply want to ban firearms, you can’t stop this. James was in violation of numerous NYC and New York state firearms laws, including carrying it concealed and having magazines over 10. Wildly, he didn’t comply with those laws.

Read: Surprise: Americans Are Rather Skeptical Regarding Gun Control Laws »

Maryland Passes Major Climahysteric Bill

I can’t wait till residents of Maryland start complaining about the skyrocketing cost of living, and then abandon the state

Maryland lawmakers pass sweeping climate legislation, wave of environmental bills

St. GretaAfter two years of frustration, Maryland environmental advocates have much to celebrate after the conclusion earlier this week of what one called a “landmark” General Assembly session in Annapolis.

Over the course of 90 days, lawmakers enacted sweeping climate change legislation that committed Maryland to the most ambitious greenhouse gas reductions of any state in the nation. They also passed a flurry of other “green” bills, including measures to reduce environmental inequities, beef up water pollution enforcement and boost efforts to restore the Chesapeake Bay’s diminished oyster population.

I like how they unintentionally put that: in essence, climate change is not the environment. They are two separate issues.

The most significant environmental bill to pass this year was the Climate Solutions Now Act, an omnibus measure that advocates say has restored Maryland to the top rank of states addressing global climate change and its impacts. The law calls for a 60% reduction in climate-warming carbon emissions by 2031, a near-term target unmatched by any other state, and net-zero emissions by 2045.

“We have just put a stake in the ground that says we are going to lead on climate [and] greenhouse gas reduction goals in the country,” said Kim Coble, executive director of the Maryland League of Conservation Voters.

The measure’s 100-plus pages spell out a variety of initiatives to work toward those goals, notably a requirement that large existing buildings reduce carbon emissions by improving their energy efficiency. By 2030, all state facilities would have to get at least 75% of their electricity from low– or zero-carbon sources. The state also must electrify its fleet of cars by 2031 and light-duty trucks by 2036.

If this is just so darned important, why don’t they do this now? Why wait till 2031 for the 60%? Make it happen now. Tear the band aid off immediately.

Under another provision, lawmakers established a “climate corps” for youths and young adults to work on climate mitigation projects. They also established a $5 million fund for climate projects and directed 40% of it be spent in low– to moderate-income neighborhoods — an attempt to tackle inequities in how climate change is both felt and addressed.

So, a cushy government job for kids being indoctrinated and Spreading The Word. And paying off people to essentially vote Democrat.

Yet, there’s nothing in there restricting the lawmakers and the high ranking people in the Governor’s office to electric vehicles, as well as no more fossil fueled flights.

Read: Maryland Passes Major Climahysteric Bill »

Chinese Coronavirus Cases Rising Again

This was predicted when the cases in Europe were rising, with the actual experts expecting a spike in North America soon after. This makes COVID cultists and the power hungry politicians happy, because it gives them an opportunity to implement citizen controls, even though those controls made almost no difference

It’s not over: COVID-19 cases are on the rise again in US

Yet again, the U.S. is trudging into what could be another COVID-19 surge, with cases rising nationally and in most states after a two-month decline.

One big unknown? “We don’t know how high that mountain’s gonna grow,” said Dr. Stuart Campbell Ray, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins University.

No one expects a peak nearly as high as the last one, when the contagious omicron version of the coronavirus ripped through the population.

But experts warn that the coming wave – caused by a mutant called BA.2 that’s thought to be about 30% more contagious – will wash across the nation. They worry that hospitalizations, which are already ticking up in some parts of the Northeast, will rise in a growing number of states in the coming weeks. And the case wave will be bigger than it looks, they say, because reported numbers are vast undercounts as more people test at home without reporting their infections or skip testing altogether.

Strange that the surges start in the liberal areas which say they’re totally for all the restrictions, right? The question now is, does it look like Israel, with just a bump, or Europe, which had a pretty big surge.

Ray said government leaders must be careful to strike the right tone when talking to people about protecting themselves and others after COVID restrictions have largely been lifted. Philadelphia recently became the first major U.S. city to reinstate its indoor mask mandate after a sharp increase in infections. But Vermont’s Levine said there are no plans to bring back any of the restrictions that were imposed earlier during the pandemic.

“It’s going to be hard to institute restrictive, draconian measures,” Ray said. “Fortunately, we have some tools that we can use to mitigate risk. And so I hope that leaders will emphasize the importance for people to watch the numbers,” be aware of risks and consider taking precautions such as wearing masks and getting vaccinated and boosted if they’re not already.

And there’s the other question, what do the COVID authoritarians try and do?

If masking is so important, if the citizens are in such danger that a mandate must be reinstated, why is Philly waiting till Monday?

Read: Chinese Coronavirus Cases Rising Again »

GenZers Super Concerned About Doom From ‘Climate Change’

Hey, this shows that doomsday indoctrination works

1,500 Gen Zers were polled about climate change. Here are the results

Climate change is a primary concern for a majority of teenagers, but it’s also one of their biggest sources of motivation.

That’s according to a new nationwide poll published Wednesday, which found that 84% of teenagers believe climate change left unchecked will trigger global political instability and render parts of the planet uninhabitable. A vast majority of respondents said companies and legislators aren’t doing enough, and said they still wish to become involved in helping the planet’s future.

“Climate change is something that’s very top of mind for teens,” said Julia Majors, public relations manager for the national council of 4-H, a nationwide youth development organization. (snip)

The survey was conducted on behalf of 4-H by The Harris Poll, an American marketing and analytics company. Some 1,500 respondents between 13 and 19 years old were polled to gain a better understanding of what concerns teenagers have about the environment.

One interesting thing in the poll is how little the snowflakes spend outside, with 53% saying they spend 5 hours or less a week outside. 25% spend 6-10 hours a week outside. Yet, they think access to the outdoors is a human right. And, as usual, the poll fails to ask what they would give up to Do Something about ‘climate change’, what restrictions on their own lives they’d accept. We do get

So, really not doing much of anything, and all those things are environmental, not ‘climate change’. What about giving up their own use of fossil fuels, stop eating meat, buy clothes second hand, give up their massive electrical use of streaming and uploading? More below the fold

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Read: GenZers Super Concerned About Doom From ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on data showing a contraction on non-essential consumer spending.

Read: If All You See… »

Moonbat Wants Term “Master Tapes” Removed From Music Lexicon

See, the screed writer got a bee in her bonnet, so, Everyone must comply

Why the Music Industry Must Remove the Racist Term ‘Master Recording’ From Its Vocabulary

During the spring and summer of 2020, as protests across the country illuminated the systematic injustices Black Americans have faced and continue to face, the music industry was one of many that was called out to take accountability and action for its treatment of a group of people that is largely responsible for its many decades of profitability. While the industry’s unfair treatment of Black Americans is longstanding and deep-seated, one seemingly simple course of action is to cease all usage of the term “master recording,” which may sound innocuous but, as detailed in Variety’s expansive August 2020 interview with Pharrell Williams, derives from the words “master and slave.”

For those not aware, the terms have long been used to distinguish between a source recording (the “master”) and the subsequent copies made (the “slaves”), which has led to a pervasive use of both terms in many industry contracts. Although these charged words have been normalized to indicate a dominant/ subservient relationship, it does not negate the weight that they carry, especially in context of the music industry.

LOL. The copies are not called slaves. These people. Making things raaaaacist where no racism lies

For as long as the music business has existed, Black performers often have been in a subordinate position to label executives, the majority of whom are white, even though their music is the vital resource upon which this industry is founded. Digging deeper, when you consider that most of these performers do not have control or ownership of the underlying copyrights to their music, parallels can easily be drawn to how slaves did not have autonomy over their lives since they themselves were the property. Many of these performers, most famously Prince and Kanye West, have outright said that their experiences in the music industry have felt like modern-day slavery.

This lady is a lawyer, and goes full on moonbat race baiter, rather white knighting for black people. Because the word bothers her, so, she makes massive leaps of logic

As soon as I realized the term’s origins, I implemented a policy in my firm to no longer use the term “master” in our contracts, and to implement this change into any agreements that we negotiate on behalf of our clients. Sony, Universal, Warner Music Groups and Sound Exchange have either removed or have vowed to remove this language from their form contracts and license requests moving forward; the American Association of Independent Music’s board voted unanimously to remove this language from their contracts prospectively as well. While this is a most critical step in the right direction for the industry at large, I am dismayed at the reticence of other attorneys to embrace this change.

Of course the music groups follow along. They’ll virtue signal. They also probably realize they can take advantage of this to make some money. But, boo hoo, other lawyers won’t embrace the SJW.

It is my hope that this sheds light on the issue — enough so that more can and will embrace this impactful change. Removal of such language is a simple yet meaningful step that can make our industry a more welcoming and inclusive space and allow us to reinforce the principle that music is for everyone — no matter one’s race, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or background.

Now do the certainly sexually explicit, violent, and demeaning to women music her clients are making.

Read: Moonbat Wants Term “Master Tapes” Removed From Music Lexicon »

Good News: Supreme Court May Toss “Important Climate (scam) Too”

If Democrats really want this rule, they should attempt to specifically pass it in Congress. That’s where something of this magnitude belongs, not an Executive Branch agency using sorta maybe possibly related in a tiny way language from previous legislation that is really unrelated

Supreme Court may toss an ‘important tool’ for regulating climate change

The Supreme Court is on the verge of restricting the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to limit carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.

The court’s conservative majority appears likely to side with Republican-controlled states and coal companies in West Virginia v. EPA, for which the court heard oral arguments on Feb. 28 and is expected to issue a ruling in June. Such a ruling could eliminate some of the key methods that the Biden administration can use to accelerate the power sector’s transition to cleaner sources of energy, potentially hamstringing its ability to meet the president’s goal of halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Experts say the court is virtually guaranteed to side with the petitioners — a coalition of red states and coal companies — but that the still unknown logic and details of the ruling may determine the shape of U.S. climate regulation in the future.

“Taking the case is a very clear sign that they’re going to rule against EPA in some way, but we don’t know how,” David Doniger, senior strategic director of the Climate & Clean Energy Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council, told Yahoo News. “It wasn’t clear from the oral argument what the dominant approach would be.”

Observers do not expect the Supreme Court to overturn previous rulings that give the EPA authority to regulate carbon pollution, but they say it’s possible the court may say the agency cannot use certain tools in doing so.

It all depends on how the ruling goes. It looked like Obama’s Clean Power Plan was on it’s way to getting whacked at the Supreme Court, having almost always lost at the lower court level, until the Trump EPA did away with it. It should cause a lot of apoplexy from Warmists if the Court rules against the EPA. You know, the same Warmists who won’t make their own lives carbon neutral.

Read: Good News: Supreme Court May Toss “Important Climate (scam) Too” »

Pirate's Cove