LGB: Newest Quinnipiac Poll Is Brutal

Even the lefty Daily Beast cannot figure out how to spin this

Biden and Democrats Should Be Absolutely Terrified by New Poll Numbers

In Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, a character is asked how he went bankrupt. “Gradually, then suddenly” is the reply.

This formulation might also help explain how it feels to lose an election. President Joe Biden’s collapse of popular support has been so long coming that a new Quinnipiac poll showing him with just a 33 percent approval rating (!) was greeted mostly with yawns.

Or, laughter

Dig a little deeper, though, and things are even scarier for Democrats.

Biden is polling at a dismal 24 percent approval among Hispanics (with 54 percent disapproving). And while his numbers among African-Americans are still above water at 63 percent, his numbers have fallen almost 20 percentage points since last April.

This poll may constitute a new low, but it’s no flukey outlier. The trends are clear. NBC News recently compared polling from 2018 (a great midterm year for Dems) with its own 2022 polling—and college-educated women are the only cohort that has become bluer. (Conversely, NBC News found a “pronounced [Republican] shift among men of 20 points,” as Steve Kornacki noted.)

It takes hard work to get to that number, like ruining a credit score

The main explanation, though, is probably a simple one: Hispanics and African-Americans—like a lot of us—are worried about inflation.

As Democratic pollster Jay Campbell told CNBC, “Cost of living has just blown everything else, including COVID, out of the water. And part of the reason for that is, there are attitudes about the economy that are largely a partisan phenomenon,” Campbell said. “That is not the case with inflation, or at least not right now. It is the top issue for Democrats, independents, and Republicans.”

This makes even more sense when you consider that inflation hurts low-wage Americans worse than anyone, and a disproportionate percentage of minorities belong to that economic cohort. As a result, some formerly reliable Democratic voters may be prioritizing their “working class” status over their racial identity.

At the end of every single poll, regarding the middle and lower classes, it comes down to the pocketbook. The kitchen table budget. The cost of putting food on the table. And all the basics of life. Biden is not only ignoring these, his policies are making them worse.

Read: LGB: Newest Quinnipiac Poll Is Brutal »

Vegan Egg Food Truck To Troll Ted Cruz, Other Climate Change Skeptics or Something

What the heck is a vegan egg? Kinda sounds like it is not egg

Ted Cruz and fellow Republicans mocked for climate inaction – by vegan ‘eggs’

Members of Congress are subjected to plenty of scrutiny — from constituents, the press, and now, from vegan egg sandwiches.

Eat Just, a brand of plant-based “eggs,” is plastering a series of advertisements around Washington DC ahead of Earth Day on 22 April, in order to shame certain members of Congress for inaction on the climate crisis. And, as an added dig, they’ll be driving a food truck serving vegan egg sandwiches named after a few select senators.

Some of the ads broadly call out inaction from the legislative branch of the government. “This egg sandwich is more effective against climate change than Congress,” reads one. (The company’s website says that their product uses significantly less water, land and emissions to create than regular eggs.)

Other ads — plus the sandwiches — take aim at specific lawmakers. One sandwich is dubbed “Ted Cruz’s Cancun Vacation” and consists of vegan egg, plant-based pepper jack “cheese”, spinach and and chipotle aioli.

Yeah, not cheese, either. I wonder if they’re doing this just to drum up business from gullible Warmists, who will be happy to overpay for fake eggs and cheese. They’ll be others named after Rick Scott, James Inhofe, and even Joe Manchin.

Mr Rossmeissl (Eat Just’s head of global marketing) says that the company has previously focused on the benefits of a plant-based diet but, in light of the recent dire warnings of the United Nation’s IPCC climate report, that focus alone seemed “inadequate for the moment”.

“Individual lifestyle change is important, but it’s not enough,” Mr Rossmeissl said.

The ads have shown up in Washington as of this week, and the food truck will operate in neighbourhoods across the city from next Wednesday through the following Wednesday.

Will the food truck operate on fossil fuels? Anyhow, the company is pretty much serving up a side of clmavirtue signaling. Hey, if it makes them money, good job duping Warmists.

Meanwhile, nice to see our Treasury Secretary going full climahysteric

Read: Vegan Egg Food Truck To Troll Ted Cruz, Other Climate Change Skeptics or Something »

If All You See…

…are wonderful palm trees that will soon grow in the Arctic due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on how many people are saying they won’t do business with Disney.

Read: If All You See… »

Ron DeSantis Expected To Soon Sign The Stop WOKE Act

I’m of a mixed mind on this: it’s one thing to get involved in what the government does regarding what government run schools teach, it’s another to get this involved in what private companies tell their employees. However, government has long become involved in the private sector, dictating policies. Perhaps it’s time to protect employees from business that are trying to indoctrinate and demean employees? This has made some Very Upset

BREAKING: Florida Senate Passes “Stop WOKE Act,” Bill Heads to DeSantis’ Desk for Signature or Veto

Today, the Florida Senate passed the “Stop WOKE Act” (House Bill 7), and the bill now heads to Governor Ron DeSantis’ desk for his signature or veto. If enacted, the bill would limit protected speech in workplaces with more than fifteen employees and classrooms by censoring honest dialogue about systemic racism, gender, and race discrimination. It would also change Florida’s employment discrimination statutes to give employees the ability to file discrimination claims against an employer engaging in trainings or discussions about Black history, LGBTQ+ issues, and other concepts of injustice and discrimination.

That was Human Rights Campaign back on March 10th. Now

(EMEA Tribune) Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to soon sign legislation that will open a new front in how employers will need to think about workplace activities and set new state guidelines for what would constitute “unlawful employment practices.”

House Bill 7, titled “Individual Freedom,” was one of the most contentious pieces of legislation considered by lawmakers during the legislative session that ended in mid-March. While much of the attention focused on the restrictions that would be applied to the classroom, the bill could also alter Florida businesses’ labor practices — in particular restricting how employers present programs aimed at promoting diversity, equity and inclusion at work.

Here are a few things it includes

In practice, the bill would amend the Florida Civil Rights Act and make it unlawful for employers to subject workers to “training, instruction, or any other required activity” that promotes or compels them to believe the following concepts:

  1. That virtues such as merit, excellence, hard work, fairness, neutrality, objectivity, and racial colorblindness are racist or sexist, or were created by members of a particular race, color, sex, or national origin to oppress members of another race, color, sex or national origin.
  2. That members of one race, color sex, or national origin are morally superior to members of another race, color, sex or national origin.
  3. That an individual’s moral character or status as either privileged or oppressed is necessarily determined by his or her race, color, sex, or national origin.
  4. That an individual, by virtue of their race, color, sex, or national origin, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.

There are bunch more, as you can read at the article. What will it do

The potential of lawsuits as an enforcement mechanism are likely to have a chilling effect on how employers convey certain diversity and inclusion goals in training sessions, according to some labor lawyers and consultants in the human resources field.

Supporters say the bill is meant to protect workers from being told they should feel bad about historical wrongs committed by people of their same race, gender or national origin.

The bill sponsor, Rep. Bryan Avila, R-Miami Springs, acknowledged part of the intent is to eliminate workplace programs that promote the concept of “white privilege” and broadly singled out training programs promoted by Walt Disney Co., Coca-Cola, American Express and Google, that he said would be in violation of the bill.

Basically, yes, it’s meant to get companies to turn away from having all types of unhinged training based on critical race theory, which deems some people raaaaacist for simply being born with a specific skin color. These types of trainings create racial problems in the workplace where none existed. They waste lots and lots of time, all so companies can virtue signal to the paid race scammers who demand it be taught.

Read: Ron DeSantis Expected To Soon Sign The Stop WOKE Act »

Climate Cult Scientists Stage A Worldwide Protest Or Something

They’re calling it “Science Rebellion”

Scientists Stage Worldwide Climate Change Protests After IPCC Report

Over 1,000 scientists from 25 different countries staged protests last week following the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s new report. The report warned that rapid and deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions are necessary by 2025 to avoid catastrophic climate effects.

The group, called the Scientist Rebellion, writes in a letter that “current actions and plans are grossly inadequate, and even these obligations are not being met.” Their protests “highlight the urgency and injustice of the climate and ecological crisis,” per a statement from the organization. (snip)

Scientists historically have had differing opinions about becoming activists on topics related to their work, but that has started to change in recent years, reports Chelsea Harvey for E&E News.  (snip)

Scientists around the world expressed similar fears during protests last week, and demanded rapid action to address climate change from their governments.

Scientist Rebellion protesters in Washington, D.C. chained themselves to the White House fence. Spanish scientists threw fake blood over the facade of the National Congress. Panamanian scientists staged demonstrations at various embassies, and German protesters glued themselves to a bridge. In Malawi, scientists held a teach-in at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, per the Scientist Rebellion statement.

Well, this seems sane, right? They’ve given up scientific rationality for advocacy of a doomsday cult.

Did anyone in the media ask the scientists what changes they’ve made in their own lives to become carbon neutral? Probably not, especially since few actually covered this protest.

Read: Climate Cult Scientists Stage A Worldwide Protest Or Something »

White House: Illegal Aliens Are Free To Travel The U.S.

There’s some serious spinning going on in regards to Texas Gov Greg Abbott busing illegals dumped in Texas to D.C. He really needs to send them to Joe’s Delaware beach house town

Yeah, it’s actually against several federal codes to simply allow illegals to travel free. Aiding and abetting, sheltering, and more

Psaki: It’s ‘Nice’ of Texas to Send Busloads of Illegal Immigrants to D.C.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday said it is “nice” of the state of Texas to bus illegal immigrants from the border to Washington, D.C., hours after the first bus out of Texas arrived blocks away from the U.S. Capitol building.

Last week, Abbott announced that Texas would be sending willing illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C., by bus and plane in response to the Biden administration’s recent announcement that it will lift Title 42, a Trump-era public-health order that has allowed U.S. border officials to quickly expel migrant families to Mexico, next month.

“These are all migrants who have been processed by CBP and are free to travel, so it’s nice the state of Texas is helping them get to their final destination as they await the outcome of their immigration proceedings — and they’re all in immigration proceedings,” Psaki said when asked during a press briefing about the first bus arriving on Wednesday.

Why is the CBP releasing people who have crossed the border illegally? Well, sure, as directed by the Biden White House. Even those showing up and claiming asylum should be held till their court date. Abbott should direct the buses to release some illegals near Psaki’s casa. And it’s cool for illegals, but, not masked up children

BTW, how much of this is being done in order to deflect from the crummy economy?

Read: White House: Illegal Aliens Are Free To Travel The U.S. »

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Backing Up Septic Tanks

What would the high-toned and fancy too-doo folks at the Washington Post even know about septic tanks? They rarely leave their big cities for the countryside. But, they do know how to write doomy stories as relayed by other climate cultists, and you can bet the Post’s Jim Morrison never left his cushy confines to check it out

Backed-up pipes, stinky yards: Climate change is wrecking septic tanks

Lewis Lawrence likes to refer to the coastal middle peninsula of Virginia as suffering from a “soggy socks” problem. Flooding is so persistent that people often can’t walk around without getting their feet wet.

Over two decades, Lawrence, the executive director of the Middle Peninsula Planning District, has watched the effects of that problem grow, as rising waters and intensifying rains that flood the backyard render underground septic systems ineffective. When that happens smelly, unhealthy wastewater backs up into homes.

Local companies, he said, call the Middle Peninsula the “septic repair capital of the East Coast.” “That’s all you need to know,” he added. “And it’s only going to get worse.”

As climate change intensifies, septic failures are emerging as a vexing issue for local governments. For decades, flushing a toilet and making wastewater disappear was a convenience that didn’t warrant a second thought. No longer. From Miami to Minnesota, septic systems are failing, posing threats to clean water, ecosystems and public health.

The first area mentioned in Virginia is the Saluda area, which is about 4-6 meters, at least, above sea level (it’s due east of Richmond near the Rappahonnack River). We’re worried about sea rise in Minnesota? Even with Lake Superior, ‘taint happening, cultists.

And, the screed immediately goes to the usual race baiting and inequity stuff

The issue is complex, merging common climate themes. Solutions are expensive, beyond the ability of localities to fund them. Permitting standards that were created when rainfall and sea-level rise were relatively constant have become inadequate. Low-income and disadvantaged people who settled in areas with poor soils likely to compromise systems are disproportionately affected. Maintenance requirements are piecemeal nationwide. And while it’s clear that septic failures are increasing, the full scope of the problem remains elusive because data, particularly for the most vulnerable aging systems, are difficult to compile.

Sigh. Rather shows this is politics, not science

An EPA spokesman said the agency didn’t have a report on the septic problem but noted that sea level rise, changing water tables, precipitation changes and increased temperature can cause systems to fail. The infrastructure bill passed last year provides $150 million to replace or repair systems nationwide.

Ah. That’s what this is about. Biden’s bill. I wonder how much money will actually spent to fix these systems? Which are getting hit with what is simply normal.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Backing Up Septic Tanks »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the greatness of Bidenomics.

Read: If All You See… »

Buses Start Dropping Illegals From Texas In D.C.

When Gov Greg Abbott announced he would bus illegals to D.C., the question was “will he actually do it?” The answer is “yes” (via Twitchy)


Drop them off right in front of the White House and Capitol Building. Drop them off in Biden’s hometown on the weekend while he’s there.

Read: Buses Start Dropping Illegals From Texas In D.C. »

Gun Grabbers Are Mostly Quiet In Wake Of Brooklyn Mass Shooting

So far, beyond some randos on Twitter and such, the gun grabbers have been avoiding their typical gun grabbing ways, as one would expect after any big shooting. No opinion pieces at the NY Times, Washington Post, or LA Times. All the networks are avoiding this. So, they’re either all calibrating their talking points or planning on ignoring the event. Why? Well, it’s rather tough to blame the gun when the Democratic Party run city of New York is a hotbed of crime and shootings, continuing to get worse. It is a mecca of everything the gun grabbers want, yet, shootings persist. NYC Mayor Adams is not waiting, though he did stay on the margins

NYC Mayor Adams makes politically charged call for ‘national response’ on gun control after subway shooting

Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams called for a national response on gun control Tuesday following a shooting in a Brooklyn subway station.

At least 10 people were shot in the incident, including seven males and three females, according to authorities. Thirteen people suffered injuries from smoke inhalation, falling down or suffering from a panic attack. Five people were in critical condition but were expected to survive.

At least 29 in all were treated at hospitals for gunshot wounds, smoke inhalation, and other conditions. None of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening. (snip)

Adams went on to say that “the problem we’re facing is a problem that is hitting our entire nation right now,” which he said merits “a national response” on the issue of gun violence.

Adams touted how the New York Police Department (NYPD) has taken nearly 1,800 guns off the streets of New York City this year.

“We’re going to continue to do our job, but there is some assistance that’s going to be needed,” said Adams, stressing the importance of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the necessity of making ghost guns illegal.

“There’s so many things that we could do to assist the cities across America, particularly New York City to make sure that we’re a safe place for our residents,” said Adams.

A “national response.” Because soft on criminals Democratic Party run cities are hellholes? No thanks. The gun grabbing group started by Gabby Giffords (who still owns a handgun, as does her husband), also chimed in, with Giffords saying

“Still reeling from the recent tragedy in Sacramento, we awoke this morning to yet another story of gun violence leading to chaos and trauma in yet another community—this time in Brooklyn, New York. Ten people going about their morning commutes were shot. Others were injured from smoke inhalation and the ensuing panic. Neighborhood schools went into lockdown. The Sunset Park community deserves better. All communities across our country deserve better.

“Yesterday, President Biden made a historic announcement about ghost guns in the White House Rose Garden. I’m grateful for his leadership on this issue, and yet, this is a complicated, multifaceted epidemic that is only growing in scope. We need more action from leaders at every level. We know what solutions work to save lives, and we will not rest until these solutions are fully enacted, implemented, and funded. The stakes are too high and the costs are too great to tolerate continued inaction.”

How is this gun violence?

James has been posting lots of seriously racist stuff, hating on pretty much everyone, as well as threats

He also shared local news reports and movie clips and used them as jumping-off points for his rants. A March 1 video began with a PIX 11 report about rising violence in New York City’s subways. In it, he went on to criticize Mayor Eric Adams, women, social workers and homeless people.

“I wanted to kill everything in sight,” he says about 12 minutes into the video. “I was planning to kill everything I saw.”

So, a seriously disturbed wacko, but, we need gun control? Because he is black, the media is not that interested in digging deep, and pushing gun control would keep the story going.

Read: Gun Grabbers Are Mostly Quiet In Wake Of Brooklyn Mass Shooting »

Pirate's Cove