USA Today Suddenly Discovers The Urban Heat Island Effect

The reality of the Urban Heat Island effect, along with land use, are actually huge drivers of the notion that the world is a lot hotter than it actually is. Step out of those cities, and the temperature drops quickly

Urban heat islands are why it can feel 20 degrees hotter in different parts of the same city

Does it feel sweltering in your neighborhood, yet pleasant at the park a few blocks away? You might be living on an urban heat island.

The effect happens when neighborhoods in highly developed cities like New York and New Orleans become 15 to 20 degrees hotter by mid-afternoon than surrounding areas with fewer buildings and more vegetation, according to the National Integrated Heat Health Information System.

“If you walk into Central Park, it’s going to feel cooler most likely in the summer than standing on the black pavement just outside the park’s boundaries,” said Joan Casey, an assistant professor of environmental health sciences at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

The hell you say! I was hiking in Hillsborough yesterday, and it was cooler in the forest, especially at the top of Occoneeche state park, about 370 feet. As soon as I left and got back into the more suburbanized areas it felt warmer. Go from Raleigh out to the more rural areas of Wake County and the temperature will go down.

Extreme heat remains the most deadly weather event, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and research suggests high temperatures affect lower-income communities the most.

Here’s what to know about the impact of urban heat islands.

Aaaaand they turn it into a race thing. Because it’s a cult based on far left beliefs.

Opting for reflective or permeable cooler pavements, planting more trees and installing vegetation-covered green roofs are some ways communities are fighting the heat, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Heat Island Community Actions Database suggests. It tracks city and state extreme-heat mitigation measures.

Those are actually not bad ideas.

Some legislators have proposed bills to combat extreme heat impacts, like the Preventing Health Emergencies And Temperature-related (HEAT) Illness and Deaths Act, which was reintroduced in 2021 after its initial proposal in 2020.

Senators Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts and Alex Padilla of California said the act would strengthen and expand interagency efforts to address high temperatures, provide $100 million in financial aid for community projects to reduce extreme heat exposure and issue recommendations for federal action on heat-health issues.

Stop putting everything in the hands of Los Federales. Let cities and states deal with their own issues.

Read: USA Today Suddenly Discovers The Urban Heat Island Effect »

If All You See…

…is an evil can of beer full of carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on Brandon getting more radical as he gets more unpopular.

Doubleshot to clear the folder below the fold, check out Never Yet Melted, with a post on lefties unable to get along with each other.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

There’s A Mass Unionization Of Congressional Staffers, Especially Democrat Ones

What is the point of a union? Why did they come into being? Well, one of their main goals was to organize as a collective bargaining unit for better wages, and, eventually, things like healthcare, dental, and other perks. Another was to force change on a company to stop unsafe working conditions. Another was to protect against bad companies and bosses, from poor working conditions. Are Democrats bad bosses?

A full-scale unionization drive is underway on Capitol Hill

On Monday, thousands of largely anonymous Capitol Hill’s staffers won the ability to unionize for the first time — and workers in eight Democratic congressional offices immediately filed union petitions.

The effort was fueled by an “upswell of organizing activity [around the U.S.] like nothing I’ve seen in my whole adult lifetime,” Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI) told Yahoo Finance Live on Thursday.

Levin — a former union organizer himself who sponsored the resolution that made the unions possible — emphasized that it was the staffers themselves who fueled the movement to improve their working conditions.

Are Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar abusing them? Yelling at them? Making them get their laundry? Why would people working for a member of Congress need a union? Is the government a bad boss?

Staffers in the Capitol, in spite of the glamorous surroundings, can make wages that simply aren’t enough to live comfortably in Washington D.C. Those concerns — as well as issues with work environments and racial tensions — were crystallized by a widely read Instagram account called “Dear White Staffers” that documented a side of working on Capitol Hill that few ever see.

And few care. They voluntarily chose to apply for the job, to take the job, and to stay at the job. It isn’t like when men on assembly lines and steel mills were dealing with life threatening conditions. If they want tough, go serve in the military.

In addition to Levin’s offices, aides to Reps. Cori Bush (D-MO), Chuy Garcia (D-IL), Ro Khanna (D-CA), Ted Lieu (D-CA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D- NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Melanie Stansbury (D-NM) are all set to hold union elections in the weeks ahead.

Huh. The leftist of the leftist, and they need a union to protect against poor working condition? Double huh. And here’s the main point

On Capitol Hill, the “Dear White Staffers” account and other videos revealed that some aides received such little pay that they need food stamps to survive. Organizers of the effort also note that the low compensation can often dissuade potential applicants who can’t subsidize those low wages.

“Do we want to have the Congress staffed by Americans in all their diversity?” Levin asked in interview with Yahoo Finance. The alternative, he noted, would be to limit the opportunity to “the children of wealthy families, because their families can support them in some other way.”

They want more money. Well, AOC, Omar, Garcia, etc, can increase their pay out of their own Congressional salary. Not on the back of the taxpayer.

(Roll Call) About 1 in 8 congressional staffers are not making a living wage, according to a new analysis of payroll data.

The problem is particularly acute for staff assistants, who are often the most junior staffers in congressional offices. According to Issue One, a “crosspartisan” group that advocates for transparency in politics, nearly 1,200 staffers in 2020 made less than the $42,610 that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology says is a living wage for an adult with no children in the nation’s capital.

Right around 13 percent of Washington, D.C.-based congressional aides came up short of that mark.

In the report, shared first with CQ Roll Call, Issue One analyzed LegiStorm data and found staff assistants make a median income short of $39,000 per year, with press assistants and legislative correspondents doing a little better at a median of about $44,000 per year for each.

Well, they can do like so many, and get a roomate. Live within their means. And, get another job if they don’t like the pay. Not have the Congress increase their pay. Those in the private sector do not have the ability to do this. Especially when they just got a raise, since Pelosi, as Speaker, has the authority to raise their income, and set a minimum of $45,000 a year.

A recent House Diversity and Inclusion report found that the median annual pay for House staffers was $59,000. But entry-level staffers often make far less, often in the $30,000 range.

A recent 2022 Cost of Living Index release placed Washington DC as the fifth most expensive place in America. The government’s Bureau of Economic Analysis placed average annual personal consumption expenditures inside the District of Columbia in 2020 at $65,169.

That report is different than what Roll Call says. $59k is a nice chunk of change, right? Don’t live in D.C. Commute from a less expensive area.

“This is just the beginning — worker power is contagious,” Rep. Omar said during a press conference this week.

The organizers have indeed signaled that wider goals beyond just signing up more offices. In one example, this week civil disobedience actions spotlight the working conditions faced by Senate food workers.

How about just doing your f’ing jobs, or go find employment elsewhere.

Read: There’s A Mass Unionization Of Congressional Staffers, Especially Democrat Ones »

Balanced Coverage Of Climate Crisis (scam) Undermines Science Or Something

First of all, what balanced coverage? Second, where is this balanced coverage they’re talking about? Third of all, science doesn’t care about balance, it cares about facts. And what we’re seeing is not science

False balance in news coverage of climate change makes it harder to address the crisis

Green Climate Thought PoliceWhat does media coverage of climate change have in common with coverage of COVID-19? Each has been an example of the media practice of “bothsidesism,” whereby journalists strive to present both sides of an issue, even in cases where most credible sources fall on one side.

Bothsidesism — also referred to as false balance reporting — can damage the public’s ability to distinguish fact from fiction and lead audiences to doubt the scientific consensus on pressing societal challenges like climate change, a new Northwestern University study has found.

“The devastating heat wave in Europe this week is a reminder that we need to take urgent action to slow human-caused warming, but the media is still giving air to the opinions of people who do not believe there is cause for alarm, which makes the problem seem less dire than it actually is,” said David Rapp, a psychologist and professor at Northwestern’s School of Education and Social Policy (SESP) who coauthored the research.

The argument that climate change is not man made has been incontrovertibly disproven by science again and again, yet many Americans believe that the global crisis is either not real, not of our making, or both, in part because the news media has given climate change deniers a platform in the name of balanced reporting, according to the researchers.

This is not journalism, it’s unhinged belief in a cult. Notice that they almost never actually show that the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by Mankind? Also notice, as I’ve mentioned ad nauseum, that they people who say they believe in this malarkey rarely practice what they preach.

In the study, the researchers found that false-balance reporting can make people doubt the scientific consensus on issues like climate change, sometimes making them wonder if an issue is even worth taking seriously.

In other words, how dare anyone give a contrarian viewpoint! And those who do must be shut down. Consensus is not science.

Read: Balanced Coverage Of Climate Crisis (scam) Undermines Science Or Something »

Good News: Wuhan Flu Will Be With Us Forever, Says White House

If that’s the case, perhaps the Executive Branch could do their f’ing job and figure out where it came from, exactly, and tell the Citizens, rather than protecting China

COVID-19 ‘is going to be with us forever,’ White House says

White House pandemic response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha delivered a grim message on Friday about the ever-evolving coronavirus pathogen that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates has infected more than 140 million Americans, including President Biden.

“This virus is going to be with us forever,” Jha said during a press briefing otherwise devoted to an update on the president’s health. “It’s really, really important that people build up their immunity against this virus,” he added, emphasizing that vaccination is the best means of doing so.

It was a bracing reminder that any hopes of fully eradicating the coronavirus are long gone. And while many Americans have sought a return to normal life, the coronavirus continues to cause economic and social disruptions.

Uh huh

Video of Biden Saying Vaccinations Prevent COVID Resurfaces After Infection

Biden Brain SuckerVideo of President Joe Biden assuring Americans exactly one year ago that they would not get COVID-19 if they are vaccinated resurfaced Thursday after the commander in chief tested positive for the novel coronavirus. (snip)

Critics of the president and skeptics of the vaccine quickly resurfaced previous remarks he made claiming that those who are vaccinated will not get COVID-19. Exactly one year ago on July 21, 2021, during a CNN Town Hall, Biden asserted: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

“It was one year ago today that Biden said this quote: ‘You’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations,'” Greg Price, a right-wing digital strategist, tweeted, sharing a clip of Biden at the Town Hall.

Political commentator and OutKick founder Clay Travis tweeted the video as well. “Last July Joe Biden on @cnn ‘You’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations.’ Biden has now had FOUR covid shots and still got it,” Travis wrote.

As Snopes noted on this, Brandon vastly overstated the effectiveness of the COVID shots. Even back in July of last year we were learning about lots of breakthrough cases and that the vax was more about keeping your from getting the real bad Wuhan flu symptoms. It would usually mean your symptoms wouldn’t be that bad.

Read: Good News: Wuhan Flu Will Be With Us Forever, Says White House »

If All You See…

…is a cloudy, steamy day caused by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on Woke not working in corporate America.

Read: If All You See… »

Baby Formula Shortage Still A Disaster Under Biden’s “Leadership”

Now, just imagine this was occurring under President Trump: it would be pretty big news across all the Credentialed Media outlets, blasting him for failing to fix the problem. Instead, under Let’s Go Brandon, it’s a small story, barely mentioned, and mostly minimized

US formula shortage persists and will ‘take a while to fix’

The nationwide baby formula shortage that federal leaders once said would be fixed within weeks has dragged on for months, despite tons of imports and key steps forward in domestic production.

“Federal leaders”? How would CNN write that if Trump were still around?

The nationwide baby formula shortage that Donald Trump once said would be fixed within weeks has dragged on for months, despite tons of imports and key steps forward in domestic production, imperiling the health of babies, causing outcry from parents. House leader Nancy Pelosi stated that “Trump has utterly failed American parents.” Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez proclaimed “he should resign.”


Over the past two months, the Biden administration has announced more than a dozen missions to bring formula into the US through Operation Fly Formula. The announcements total more than 4 million pounds of formula — and the latest one says that enough to make about 61 million 8-ounce bottle equivalents will be delivered by the end of this week.

That’s the only mention of “Biden”, and not even specifically the Chump in Chief specifically

More than 20% of formula products — powder, ready-to-drink and liquid — have been out of stock for the past six weeks, according to data released Wednesday by market research firm Information Resources Inc. Before the recall, about 10% of infant formula products were typically out of stock.

Wait, it’s worse?

Families despair as America’s baby formula shortage again gets WORSE: Biden announces his 17th international delivery as out-of-stock numbers rise to highest level this year

But, despite the rash of flights the administration has announced, U.S. stores are still struggling to stock baby formula on their shelves.

Formula availability dropped to its lowest level so far this year, with about 30% of products out of stock for the week ended July 3, according to the market-research firm IRI.

And the number jumps to 30% for close to right now.

Baby formula shortage getting worse despite Biden airlifts

The ongoing shortage of baby formula across the United States has become more acute in recent weeks, despite the Biden administration flying in millions of bottles worth of formula from across the world over the past two months.

According to the market research firm IRI, 28.3% of powdered baby formula products were out of stock at US stores for the week ending July 10 — a higher percentage than the 23.7% reported out of stock for the week ending May 22, when the shortage dominated headlines.

The most recent availability figure was a slight improvement from the previous week, when the out-of-stock percentage stood at 29.5%, the highest figure so far this year. By contrast, the normal out-of-stock range prior to the COVID-19 pandemic hovered between 5% and 7%.

OK, slightly better. But, a 1.2% improvement is nothing to crow about

(Breitbart) Rep Kat Cammack (R-Fla) stated, [relevant remarks begin around 1:46:45] “[T]his was back in April and May, and it’s now July. And just last week, a bill comes to the floor and it actually removes the tariffs for importing formula. Why does it take so long for us to actually take action, or the Biden FDA, which was responsible for this shortage in the first place? Because don’t forget, it was the Biden FDA that shut down the nation’s largest manufacturer of baby formula without any plan to backfill the supplies and no plan to get this factory back online. And so, I think it’s pretty ridiculous that, despite the fact that we’ve had national outrage, that there has been legislation that has been passed, that we are literally flying in cargo planes of baby formula, having passed legislation to ease the labeling issues, that there’s still a shortage. And it’s not because of supply and demand. We didn’t just all of a sudden randomly start having more babies. It’s because the Biden administration can’t get out of its own way. They are so terrible at absolutely everything that they still, to this day, cannot get something that they broke just back to functioning. So, this is a real problem, and elections have consequences.”

Way to go, Brandon! I’m sure he’s working hard at the beach every weekend.

Read: Baby Formula Shortage Still A Disaster Under Biden’s “Leadership” »

Your Fault: Hotcoldwet Dry And Land Use Could Make Flooding Worse

In other words, most land use, but, the climate cult will never not blame anthropogenic climate change

Climate change and land-use changes increase likelihood of flood events

The German government estimates the total losses resulting from the disastrous floods in July 2021 at 32 billion euros. In two studies, one of which is currently available in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have investigated how precipitation, evaporation processes, water flow, and runoff led to this flooding. To improve future preparedness for such extreme events, they advise that risk assessments take greater account of the landscape and river courses, how they change, and how sediments are transported. In addition, projections show an increase in the spatial extent and frequency of such extreme events, as well as higher amounts of precipitation.

The July 2021 flood was one of the five worst and costliest natural disasters in Europe in the past 50 years. More than 180 people lost their lives, and well over 10,000 buildings were damaged. Critical infrastructure, e.g. electrical grids, water supply networks, bridges, rail lines and roads, was partially or completely destroyed. The total extent of the flooding in the Eifel region on July 14 and 15, 2021, surprised even the experts. A combination of several factors contributed to this disaster. “We investigated how precipitation, evaporation processes, water flow, and runoff led to this flooding,” says Dr. Susanna Mohr, General Manager of the Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM) at KIT, who led the interdisciplinary team from several KIT institutes that compiled the study.

The Burchardi Flood of 1634 killed 8k-15k. That was during the Little Ice Age. In 1342, the St. Mary Magdalene’s flood killed 6,000. Darned fossil fueled carriages.

The estimated amount of water that flowed through the Ahr River in the 2021 flood was comparable to that of the historic floods of 1804 and 1910, but the measured water levels were considerably higher at several locations in 2021. “We saw that the kind of debris—the material transported by the flowing water—changed significantly. Along with eroded sediment and existing deadwood, anthropogenic materials—those made by people—played a crucial role,” says Mohr.

“For example, cars and trucks, trailers, trash containers and construction materials piled up around bridges, which caused additional bottlenecks and exacerbated the effects of the flood.” To improve future preparedness for such extreme events, Mohr advises that flood risk management take the landscape, infrastructure and buildings into account, along with river courses and their changes and potential sediment transport, when performing hazard assessments.

Darned CO2 putting all that stuff in the way.

The KIT researchers have also simulated the flood event under various climate conditions. “The intensity of such precipitation events increases by about seven percent with each degree of warming. The simulations show that the amount of precipitation is already eleven percent higher than under pre-industrial conditions,” says Dr. Patrick Ludwig, who heads the regional climate modeling working group at IMK-TRO. “So we have to expect a further increase in precipitation as global warming progresses.”

And can they link this to man-caused warming, as opposed to natural?

But Ludwig warns that this will not be the only future problem. “Our projections show that such extreme events will cover greater areas, last longer and occur more often,” he says.

And then we get the prognostication. So, not science.

Read: Your Fault: Hotcoldwet Dry And Land Use Could Make Flooding Worse »

NC AG Josh Stein Refuses To Enforce NC Law On 20 Week Abortion Ban

If Stein doesn’t feel like enforcing a law passed by the duly elected General Assembly and signed into law by the duly elected governor, then he should resign. But, Democrat always seem to think they do not have to enforce laws they do not like

NC attorney general won’t move to enforce state’s 20-week abortion ban

North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein said Thursday that he won’t work to enforce the state’s 20-week abortion ban, defying Republican lawmakers who have pressed him to do so as part of a long-running court case.

The state has a decades-old law banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with exceptions for medical emergencies. But that hasn’t been enforced because of a federal court injunction barring the state from doing so.

With the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last month to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion case, the 20-week law is widely expected to go into effect. But there’s a procedure to follow first, and it would normally include the attorney general asking the court to reconsider the injunction.

On Thursday, Stein said he wouldn’t do that. “The Department of Justice will not take action that would restrict women’s ability to make their own reproductive health care decisions,” Stein, a Democrat and expected candidate for governor in 2024, said in a news release. “Protecting that ability is more important than ever, as states across the nation are banning abortions in all instances, including rape and incest.”

Chapter 114 of NC law as passed by the General Assembly, which was given authority to create, among other things, the office of the Attorney General, requires the AG to enforce all NC laws. Huh. Might be looking at an impeachment proceeding the first time he blows off prosecution.

GOP lawmakers previously said that if Stein doesn’t act in the court case, they will. Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives  Tim Moore, in a statement Thursday, accused Stein of disregarding his oath to defend North Carolina laws and said Republican leaders are “exploring all options to defend the law and protect life in North Carolina.”

“Despite his faux outrage, Josh Stein knows full well that the 20-week ban on the books does not limit women’s freedom, but protects the unborn when they are capable of feeling pain in the womb,” Moore said.

Does the GA want to spend time impeaching Stein? That’s the question.

Although currently legal in North Carolina, abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy are rare. Nearly 70% of abortions performed on North Carolina residents in 2020 came before the eighth week, according to Department of Health and Human statistics. Roughly 48 abortions, or 0.2%, came after the 20-week mark that year, the statistics show.

Hmm, if most came by 8 weeks, why are the abortion on demand supporters so worked up by the 20 week ban?

Read: NC AG Josh Stein Refuses To Enforce NC Law On 20 Week Abortion Ban »

Brandon Unveils Climate (scam) Action

This was after taking a fossil fueled helicopter flight to the airport, jumping on a jumbo jet, which was followed by a backup jumbo jet and several fighter jets, then an 18+ fossil fueled convoy, then doing it in reverse back to D.C.

And, if he didn’t contract Wuhan Flu, he would have done the fossil fueled travel bit to Wilkes-Barr, Pa, then to Philadelphia, then New Castle, Delaware.

Biden unveils new executive actions to combat climate change

In the wake of a setback from his legislative agenda to combat climate change, President Biden on Wednesday announced a set of new actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“Climate change poses an existential threat to the U.S. and the world,” Biden said at a former coal-fired power plant in Somerset, Mass. The Brayton Point plant is being renovated into a substation for the transmission of offshore wind power and a manufacturing plant for the underwater cables needed to bring offshore wind power to customers.

“Since Congress is not acting as it should,” Biden added, “in the coming days my administration will announce the executive actions we have developed.”

None of those actions include Joe cutting back on his own fossil fueled travel

To coincide with the speech, the White House released a fact sheet with two new measures to adapt to climate change. FEMA is announcing $2.3 billion in funding to “help communities increase resilience to heat waves, drought, wildfires, flood, hurricanes, and other hazards,” and the Department of Health and Human Services is issuing guidance to allow the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to be used by local governments for home air-conditioning equipment, community cooling centers and more.

In other words, free money for low income voters to vote Democrat

The Biden administration simultaneously unveiled an effort to boost clean energy, as the Department of the Interior is proposing a 700,000-acre area for the development of offshore wind energy in the Gulf of Mexico.

That’s it? What happens when a hurricane destroys them?

Read: Brandon Unveils Climate (scam) Action »

Pirate's Cove