SEC Climate Scam Rules Set To Create Big Economic Issues

I mentioned the SEC trotting out a rule on companies reporting their carbon chain so “investors”, meaning a bunch of Warmists who do not actually own stock in the companies but think they’re allowed to have their say, can make wise decisions or something. Most actual investors only care about the return on their investment. Now, Real Clear Investigations takes deep dive

The Green U.S. Supply-Chain Rules Set to Unspool and Rattle the Global Economy

Making a box of Cocoa Puffs is a complicated global affair. It could start with cocoa farms in Africa, corn fields in the U.S. or sugar plantations in Latin America. Then thousands of processors, transporters, packagers, distributors, office workers and retailers join the supply chain before a kid in Minnesota, where General Mills is based, pours the cereal into a bowl.

Now imagine the challenge that General Mills faces in counting the greenhouse gas emissions from all of these people, machines, vehicles, buildings and other products involved in this Cocoa Puff supply chain – then multiply that by the 100-plus brands belonging to the food giant.

Thousands of public companies may soon have such a daunting task to comply with a new set of climate rules proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Hailed by prominent environmental groups as a long sought victory, the sweeping plan released in late March would force companies to grapple with the unpredictable impact of climate change by disclosing reams of new information to investors. What are your company’s climate risks, such as severe weather, and the possible financial impacts? How have the threats affected your business strategies and what’s the plan to avoid the dangers? The most consequential and controversial piece of the SEC’s proposed regulations would require corporations to calculate their total greenhouse gas footprint, including from the supply chain.

And, of course the companies wouldn’t even consider passing on the extra costs to consumers, right?

While many companies like Walmart and business groups like the Chamber of Commerce generally support the idea of required climate disclosures, they object to what they see as the SEC’s heavy-handedness in standardizing rules across the economy. The Chamber is calling for flexibility so companies can customize their climate disclosures based on what’s relevant to their businesses and investors.

They never learn. The minute you give a little agreement on the climate cult’s agenda, they will demand and take a mile from your inch.

The biggest beef from companies is the rule that would require them to calculate and disclose supply chain emissions, called Scope 3.

Big companies have thousands of suppliers operating in hundreds of countries, making the task of coming up with a reasonable accounting enormously complicated. First of all, many suppliers of products and services are private companies not under the control of the SEC. They may refuse to cooperate in a count because of the costs and the implications that they might have to change their business practices to reduce emissions, said Professor Gerald Patchell, who has analyzed the problems of supply chain reporting.

Another obstacle is that many smaller suppliers, like General Mills’ cocoa farmers in Africa, don’t have the capacity to measure the emissions from their own fertilizers, tractors and farming practices. So companies will have to rely on broad country or industry averages that likely don’t reflect the actual emissions created by the suppliers, according to researchers.

And, if they make it up, fudge it, the SEC will come down on these companies hard.

The upshot is that regulations meant to bring clarity to investors on climate risk may end up providing highly unreliable emissions disclosures, leaving them “worse off,” wrote SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce, a Trump appointee who voted against the 500-page proposal. It “forces investors to view companies through the eyes of a vocal set of stakeholders, for whom a company’s climate reputation is of equal or greater importance than a company’s financial performance.”

How many of the vocals are actually stakeholders? Some are probably very, very minor shareholders. Should Apple or Amazon listen to someone who has like 20 shares? No. Most investors want to see money. Period.

Anyhow, it’s a long, long piece, which really starts to delve into how hard it is to comply, and how it will mess up chains.

Read: SEC Climate Scam Rules Set To Create Big Economic Issues »

If All You See…

…is a bright blue sky causing drought from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on NY toughening bail laws (snicker).

Read: If All You See… »

Senate Group To Discuss Immigration Reform

I’m not sure why anyone in the GOP would discuss any type of immigration reform when Biden is looking to make the border wide open, and you know that any deal will be just like the ones in the past: amnesty, oh, sorry, pathways to easy, free citizenship, messaging that entices people to stream into the U.S., with promises for border security that never materialize

Senators to restart bipartisan immigration reform talks

Americans before illegalsA bipartisan group of senators want to start formally convening meetings to try to restart immigration reform efforts after the Senate returns to Washington, D.C., from an April break.

A bipartisan immigration deal appears to be congressional Democrats’ best hope of making good on their pledge to reform immigration, after Democrats’ attempts to go it alone as part of a sweeping bill unraveled last year. They would face a significant uphill climb getting such a reform deal heading into the November election, where Republicans plan to make the issue a key line of attack.

But Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) told The Hill that they want to bring together a group of senators interested in trying to revive immigration discussions — a perennial policy white whale for Congress — after a two-week recess.

It’s very simple: we do not need new legislation. Enforce the existing laws on the books. Secure the border. Catch illegals. Give them a quick asylum hearing. If they do not qualify, deport immediately. If they blew off their previous hearing, having disappeared into the nation after their first catch and release, deport immediately.

The group’s effort is the latest in recent years to try to figure out how to get a deal on immigration reform that could pass both the House and Senate — efforts to do so have previously failed.

The Senate passed a bill in 2013 in a 68-32 vote that would have paired border security, overhauling immigration laws and creating a pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants if they can meet certain benchmarks.

That deal did, really, give those pathways to citizenship for security that would never happen. GOP got played.

Republicans moved further to the right on immigration under then-President Trump, who took a hard line against immigration, sparked a weeks-long partial government shutdown as part of a fight to get more funding for the U.S.-Mexico border wall, placed significant limits on the ability to seek asylum and sparked backlash from Democrats, advocates and human rights groups over its detention centers for undocumented immigrants.

It’s a hard line to enforce the Constitutional provision to defend the U.S. from foreign invasion? To enforce existing law passed by the duly elected legislative branch?

Democrats also faced multiple setbacks last year after the parliamentarian warned that three immigration proposals didn’t comply with the budget rules for inclusion in a sweeping climate and social spending package that Democrats could have passed without GOP support. That package, known as Build Back Better, ultimately unraveled late last year.

Yeah, it was pretty much pure amnesty. Republicans who fall for this schtick are idiots.

Tillis, meanwhile, is urging the group to “think big and then from that try to come up with bipartisan consensus.”

“The only way that we’re going to get real progress is have a four pillar discussion — so immigration reform, DACA, border security and then I think asylum reform is pretty important particularly with that’s going on with Title 42,” Tillis said.

Immigration reform is code for amnesty. DACA? It will simply be amnesty, for the parents and relatives as well. Here’s what I wrote in 2017

Here’s a recommendation: Congress puts DACA into law, but allows 4 year renewals, rather than 2 years, in order to decrease burden on federal agencies. Just like with people who are applying for citizenship, any serious crimes can be cause to cancel an illegals legal status and deport them. And, yes, even DUIs may be considered cause, just like with those applying for citizenship. After 12 years, they can go through the same process as those applying for citizenship in order to attempt to earn full citizenship.

BUT, if we aren’t going to lay the sin of the parent(s) on the children, we are going to lay them on the parent(s). In order to obtain DACA status, the parent(s) must self deport, and provide proof at an immigration checkpoint as they leave. They are not allowed back in the United States for 2 years, and then only for a short visit. If they are caught residing in the U.S., or attempting to enter the country illegally, the children will have their DACA status ended and will be deported. After 12 years, they would be allowed to apply for temporary resident status, conditioned on speaking English and having good moral character. This seems fair. The parents broke our laws.

If you don’t agree with punishing the parents, then you’re simply using DACA to create a backdoor amnesty for all.

That’s fair.

Border security? You know it would be simply a promise to Do Something in the future that never happens. Asylum reform? That would be great. Require asylum seekers to go to U.S. offices in other countries, not show up and demand it, after which they are released with a promise to appear that they blow off. Of course, that’s not what’s going to be in any bill. They’ll expand asylum and make it easier.

If the GOP goes forward with essentially Democrat asylum plans they’re going to have a tough time in the mid-terms, which is probably why Democrats want to push this now.

Read: Senate Group To Discuss Immigration Reform »

Climate (cult) Scientists Super Worried About 5 Scenarios Or Something

Since you refuse to buy and EV and give your money and freedom to government, the climate crisis (scam) is almost irreversible

The world is ‘perilously close’ to irreversible climate change. 5 tipping points keep scientists up at night

Five years ago, the United Nations’ panel on climate change was charged with drafting a series of reports detailing its science, the effects on the planet and how humanity might save itself.

The last of those reports arrived this week, and the news is dire. The world’s scientists say the crisis is upon us, and unless we act now, multiple crucial planetary systems are on the cusp of permanent damage.

“We can’t kick this can down the road any longer,” said Andrea Dutton, a geoscientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

We’ve been hearing this for 30 years, and things are still fine

Here are five tipping points scientists say could start to teeter in our children’s lifetime:

  • Amazon rainforest becomes a savanna (maybe worry less about ‘climate change’ and more about environmental issues in the Amazon)
  • Coral reefs die (the same reefs that love warm water? And did fine when the sees were higher?)
  • Ice sheets melting (time is running out, you know. So what if this has been happening for over 20K years?)
  • Atlantic circulation stops (they won’t give up on this scaremongering that’s all your fault)
  • The ‘snow forest’ disappears (that’s what can happen during a Holocene warm period. Nothing to do with Mankind’s “carbon footprint”)

And, of course, they’re saying the time to do something is now. Not enough for them to do something in their own lives, minds you.

Read: Climate (cult) Scientists Super Worried About 5 Scenarios Or Something »

Oops: Big COVID Outbreak From Gridiron Club Dinner

There are all the people who screeched at people for refusing to be OK with masking and lockdowns and such, who were in favor of government tyranny

After Gridiron Dinner, a covid outbreak among Washington A-list guests

More than a dozen guests who attended Saturday night’s Gridiron Club dinner – including two Cabinet members, two members of Congress and a top aide to Vice President Harris – have since tested positive for coronavirus, sending ripples of anxiety through a city on the cusp of restarting its traditional social whirl after a two-year pause.

A-list guests were asked to show proof of vaccination but not negative tests, and many mingled freely without masks at the dinner at the downtown Renaissance Washington Hotel.

But by Wednesday, Reps. Adam B. Schiff, D-Calif., and Joaquin Castro, D-Texas and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo had announced they had tested positive. They were soon followed by Attorney General Merrick Garland, who requested a test Wednesday afternoon after learning he may have been exposed – and discovered that he, too, carried the virus. Thus far, none have reported serious illness.

Jamal Simmons, the communications director for Vice President Harris, said later Wednesday he, too, had tested positive and is now isolating at home. But since he had been in close contact with Harris, she would also be consulting with a physician, her press secretary said.

Not that wearing a mask really would have made much difference, but, these are the Elites, so, even if masking was required, only the servants would have been required to wear one.

The Washington Post has learned of about a half-dozen journalists as well as members of the White House and National Security Council staffs who said they tested positive after the event. Their names are being withheld because they have not announced their status publicly.


Among those in attendance were Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert and Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Who wants to be they had no masks on? Oh, wait, what’s this?

The dinner was supposed to reflect a return to normalcy after being canceled the past two years because of the pandemic. Few guests wore masks or observed social distancing, according to people in attendance. Only the serving staff was consistently masked throughout the evening. While organizers asked attendees to show their vaccination cards at the door, there was no requirement to be tested.

Who’s surprised that the peons were forced to mask up?

Oh, and

(The Hill) The COVID-19 outbreak hitting official Washington has reached Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff, Drew Hammill, announced Pelosi’s diagnosis in a statement, saying the Speaker is showing no symptoms associated with the virus.

“After testing negative this week, Speaker Pelosi received a positive test result for COVID-19 and is currently asymptomatic. The Speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection the vaccine has provided,” Hammill also wrote in a tweet.

“The Speaker will quarantine consistent with CDC guidance, and encourages everyone to get vaccinated, boosted and test regularly,” he said.

Pelosi was at the White House on Wednesday alongside President Biden for the signing of a Postal Service reform bill.


Look, I wish them all well, hope their symptoms are mild, but, really, they’ve preached at us, whined, screeched, and, yet, put themselves in position to get Chinese coronavirus.

Read: Oops: Big COVID Outbreak From Gridiron Club Dinner »

UN Tells Us One Thing Everyone (Else) Can Do For ‘Climate Change’

The same people yammering are the ones who take lots and lots of fossil fueled trips


The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases a new report every few years. And each time the world takes a deep breath — the news isn’t easy to digest.

It is if you’re not a part of a doomsday climate cult

This week, the IPCC released the third part of its Sixth Assessment Report on the state of the climate crisis. The first section was released in August and the second this past March. The newest portion, entitled “Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change”, reviews more than 18,000 scientific climate change papers and offers a grim outlook on the future of the world under global warming, but only if we fail to take immediate action to slash rising greenhouse gas emissions — the driving cause of climate change.

Climate solutions, as the report highlights, are abundant and becoming cheaper by the day, including renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and batteries for electric vehicles. But perhaps the most surprising solution the report highlights is something billions of humans do every single day: taking a walk. (snip)

According to Urge-Vorsatz, out of the 60 behavioral and lifestyle changes that the report authors analyzed, the most impactful action was “switching to walking and cycling and using electrified transport.”

You know, just like they did back in the 1400’s. The richer folks had horses. I have another idea: they can mind their own f’ing business, and, if they want to walk, walk. Stop trying to run people’s lives.

Read: UN Tells Us One Thing Everyone (Else) Can Do For ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is wonderful coffee which will be destroyed by ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on baseball’s Opening Day.

Read: If All You See… »

Yahoo News: It’s Curious That Only 52% Of Dems Oppose Florida’s Parental Rights Bill

Of course their West Coast correspondent would find this curious, since Democrats on the left coast are bat guano insane


According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, more than three-quarters of Republicans (76%) support Florida’s controversial new “Don’t Say Gay” measure, which seeks to silence any discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in public elementary school classrooms by allowing parents to sue if they believe teachers have broached those subjects.

Widespread support for the law among Republicans is not surprising given that it was Florida’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, who championed it and Florida’s Republican Legislature that passed it.

What may be more unexpected is that the new survey of 1,618 U.S. adults, which was conducted from March 31 to April 4, found that nearly a quarter of Democrats (24%) also think it should be “illegal” for “teachers or other school personnel to discuss sexual orientation or gender identity when teaching children in kindergarten through grade three,” despite weeks of objections and outrage from party leaders and activists.

At the same time, another 24% of Democrats say they’re “not sure” how they feel — leaving only about half (52%) in explicit opposition.

Now ask actual parents, not just randos, how they feel about teachers getting that involved with the private lives of their children. Discussing adult sexual topics. Pushing their children to adopt alternative sexual lives. Things that could haunt them in further life. Hiding this from the parents. None of this is the job of teachers. They were hired to teach specific subjects. If they aren’t capable of doing that, they should be fired.

It also explains why Democrats may struggle to respond. Overall, just 27% of Americans say discussions of sexual orientation or gender identity should be “legal” in K-3 classrooms — while nearly half (49% for sexual orientation, 48% for gender identity) say they should be “illegal.”

If the teachers want to discuss it with their own kids in their own homes, have at it. School is for learning, not indoctrinating into far, far left insanity. Let’s not forget that the gender confused tend to have much higher rates of mental illness and suicidal thoughts. Looking at Libs of Tiktok, that mental illness from them and their advocates is on full display

That, in turn, will allow offended parents to drag the school district to court — a threat that critics fear might dissuade teachers and students from even acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ characters, historical figures, friends and family members.

“Cash-strapped school districts can’t afford to test the bounds of a law like this,” Brandon Wolf of the LGBTQ advocacy group Equality Florida recently told the Washington Post, citing reports that some schools in the state have started to peel off rainbow safe-space stickers from windows. “It’s the chilling effect that is a natural implication of this legislation.”

There’s a time and place for everything. In schools is not it. Why would a math teacher need to bring up their LGBTQ friends and family during class? F’ing teach math.

Read: Yahoo News: It’s Curious That Only 52% Of Dems Oppose Florida’s Parental Rights Bill »

Court Blocks Pa. Gov Wolf’s Carbon Emission (scam) Rule

This is why Warmists usually try and avoid going to court: because they tend to lose

Pa. Court Blocks Gov. Tom Wolf’s Carbon Emissions Plan

A Pennsylvania court on Tuesday blocked the centerpiece of Gov. Tom Wolf’s plan to fight climate change, the latest challenge to the Democrat’s effort to make Pennsylvania the first major fossil fuel state to adopt a carbon pricing policy.

Commonwealth Court, in a one-line unsigned order, said it will not allow the official publication of the regulation “pending further order of the court.”

The regulation would require fossil fuel-fired power plants to pay a price for every ton of carbon dioxide they emit starting July 1 in a state that has long been one of the nation’s biggest polluters and power producers.

The regulation was to be published on Saturday. But the court sided with leaders of the Republican-controlled Legislature, who just a day earlier had failed in their final legislative attempt to block the regulation.

Wolf’s administration said Tuesday night only that it was reviewing the order and is “committed to ensuring that this regulatory process continues to move forward.”

Republican lawmakers in the nation’s No. 2 natural gas state and its No. 3 coal-mining state contend that the regulation is an illegal use of regulatory authority. They say legislative approval is required to force power plants to buy hundreds of millions of dollars in credits annually that the state could then spend on clean energy or energy efficiency programs.

It is up for the legislative branch of each state to make these determinations, not for the governor to single handedly decide the way he/she will force everyone to act, to slap on taxes. Governor’s are not kings, they enforce the laws as passed by the general assemblies. Not make it up because they feel like.

The GOP GA missed an opportunity to attempt to pass legislation which restricts the travel and use of fossil fuels by the governor and his staff. Make him practice what he preaches.

Read: Court Blocks Pa. Gov Wolf’s Carbon Emission (scam) Rule »

Texas Governor Promises To Bus Illegals To D.C.

The two questions here are “will he do it?” And “will he also drop them off in Delaware near Joe’s fancy pants house?”

Texas Governor Orders Buses to Transport Released Migrants to D.C.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced orders Wednesday for state officials to charter buses to transport migrants to Washington, D.C. in response to the Biden Administration’s plans to end the Title 42 coronavirus protection protocol and begin large-scale mass releases.

Governor Abbott ordered the Texas Division of Emergency Management to prepare to use buses to transport migrants released by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.

“To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigration who are being dropped off by the Biden administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.,” Governor Abbott said during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon in Weslaco, Texas. The governor said the first drop off location will be the U.S. Capitol steps in the nation’s capital.

“We are taking them to the United States Capitol where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border,” the governor added. The governor signed the letter to TDEM Chief Nim Kid ordering the action.

Will it happen? If it does, will Los Federales attempt to interfere with interstate travel? Abbott should consider sending the buses right to the White House, followed by Delaware. Perhaps San Francisco, right where Pelosi’s house is, then to New York, near Chuck Schumer’s home. See how they like having all the illegals released in their own high-toned fancy-pants neighborhoods. Give the illegals some cheap tents so they stick around.

Texas Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told Fox News on Wednesday that the administration is anticipating approximately a half-million migrants to cross the border in the weeks following the end of Title 42.

“They’re talking about 500,000 in the next five weeks,” McCaul told Fox News. “That would be 100,000 people per week coming into the country. We don’t know who they are.”

We don’t. We don’t know what diseases they are bringing from Central and South America, along with other parts of the world. Along with a high rate of COVID.

Ending Title 42 Is Biden’s Most Unpopular Move Yet

A majority of registered voters (56%) oppose the decision to remove the border controls implemented by the Trump administration, the largest backlash against a Biden administration policy among dozens tracked by Morning Consult since January 2021.

While 60% of Democratic voters support the move, just 31% of independents and 8% of Republicans feel similarly.

After D.C., make sure the drop-off places are uber-Democrat voting cities.

Read: Texas Governor Promises To Bus Illegals To D.C. »

Pirate's Cove