NY Times Seems Surprised NYC Ended Vaccine Mandate For Major Sports Players

They say that the owners pressured NYC Mayor Eric Adams to end the mandate

Inside New York City’s Decision to End Vaccine Mandate for Pro Athletes

Less than two weeks ago, Mayor Eric Adams had a quick response to a heckler who implored him to drop the vaccine requirement that kept the Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving from playing in New York City.

“Kyrie can play tomorrow,” Mr. Adams retorted. “Get vaccinated.”

But privately, efforts were already underway by the owners and executives of some of the wealthiest and most influential sports franchises in the country to persuade Mr. Adams to change his mind.

The Yankees president, Randy Levine, personally reached out to the mayor’s team and encouraged officials to consider that baseball is played outdoors where Covid transmission rates are lower than indoors.

Steven A. Cohen, the hedge fund manager and Mets owner who last year gave $1.5 million to a super PAC supporting Mr. Adams’s mayoral campaign, has been paying $10,000 a month to a lobbying firm, Moonshot Strategies, to push state officials and City Hall on several issues, including Covid protocols.

Those teams bring in an enormous amount of revenue for NYC. You have the Nets, Knicks, Yankees, Mets, and Rangers. The Islanders, Giants, and Jets do not play in NYC. They also provide a lot of jobs.

By this week, Mr. Adams decided to change course: He formally announced on Thursday that he was lifting the vaccine mandate in New York City for professional athletes and performers based here.

The mayor insisted that lobbying efforts played no role in his decision; instead, Mr. Adams said that the economic recovery of the city from the pandemic was the driving force behind the move. He said that sports and entertainment played vital roles in generating jobs and tax dollars.

This is the second time in recent weeks that the mayor has rolled back regulations designed to incentivize vaccination. Earlier this month, he suspended rules that required patrons of indoor establishments, such as restaurants, to be vaccinated. The mayor’s executive order still requires most employers to require proof of vaccination from their employees.

But, he refuses to remove them for everyone else, showing that vaccine mandates are less about the science and more about other things. Like a big loss of economic revenue. There’s a lot of people who avoid going to NYC due to the mandates, even if vaccinated. They just do not want to have to show their papers. There’s a lot of people who can’t get jobs because of the mandate in NYC, because the employee one still applies. It apparently applies for those who want to work at, say, Yankees Stadium, but, not the baseball players. It’s all about the science, you know.

Read: NY Times Seems Surprised NYC Ended Vaccine Mandate For Major Sports Players »

Bummer: Skyrocketing Energy Prices Could Harm EV Sales

So many people forget that it isn’t just the cost of gas and natural gas that’s going up: all other energy is going up. You can’t replace inexpensive, reliable, dependable energy with expensive, unreliable energy and not think energy costs will not go up

Soaring energy costs threaten to unplug electric car revolution

Rising energy costs threaten to sabotage Boris Johnson’s plans for an electric vehicle revolution, car industry chiefs have warned.

Manufacturing electric cars requires large amounts of energy, while higher bills could also deter drivers from switching from petrol-powered models.

Mike Hawes, the chief executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, said that of all the challenges facing the industry, “the most disturbing one at the moment is obviously rapidly rising energy costs”.

“Already before this price volatility in the UK, we had among the highest energy costs in Europe, and that fundamentally undermines our competitiveness, so times are tough,” he added.

This piece is by the UK Independent, so, of course that’s their focus, and the UK, along with so much of Europe, is much further along the road of skyrocketing energy costs than the U.S. Unless you’re very rich, people are going to make decisions based on various factors in choosing a vehicle, and, if they cannot see a monetary benefit in purchasing an EV, why would they? I can easily make a case that a standard hybrid can benefit people who drive a lot vs a regular vehicle

An EV, though, doesn’t. Take the Hyundai Kona, as I’ve mentioned. They start at $34K. That’s a long way to go before you break even, especially throwing in the cost of charging. How many years? How many miles? Oh, you get a big federal tax break? Most looking at the lower cost Kona won’t usually have a big tax bill to owe the IRS, right? What if you don’t owe the IRS that much? Or nothing?

(Newsweek)  You must have a federal tax liability in the year you purchase an electric car or plug-in hybrid to claim the tax credit. The tax liability must meet or exceed the amount of credit you’re requesting. If, for example, you owe $6,000 in federal taxes, you can only claim a credit of $6,000 – even if the vehicle qualifies for a full $7,500 tax credit. It’s important not to confuse your federal tax liability with the size of the check you have to write by April 15, as your income tax liability also reflects any amounts withheld from your paycheck throughout the year.

So, if you owe $2000, that will be wiped out. If you owe nothing, or are getting a refund, you do not get anything else. That credit is really for rich folks who buy EVs.

The question now is “does the US start seeing the same thing as Britain with EVs?” All because a bunch of cultists are pushing doom from ‘climate change’? If they were smart, they’d make it incremental. But, they push too hard.

Read: Bummer: Skyrocketing Energy Prices Could Harm EV Sales »

Brandon Let’s American’s Know There Will Be Food Shorages

We’ve already seen food shortages, which Biden and the Dems, along with their pet media, mostly refused to acknowledge. But, he now has an Excuse

Joe Biden: Food Shortages ‘Going to Be Real’ Due to Russia War in Ukraine

President Joe Biden acknowledged during a press conference in Brussels on Thursday that food shortages will hit the world as a result of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

“It’s going to be real,” Biden said when asked about discussions with world leaders about food shortages.

He pointed out that Russia and Ukraine were considered the “breadbasket of Europe,” producing nearly a third of wheat exports around the world. Biden also previewed tough times ahead for food supplies across the globe.

“The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia; it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries, as well, including European countries and our country, as well,” Biden said.

You see here that Brandon is trying to talk about food shortages in Europe because of Russia invading Ukraine, yet, there were plenty of shortages beforehand. This does give Brandon a chance to start blaming what’s going on in America on the war, despite the US not depending on either Russia or Ukraine for food. And, he’s planning on sending more food to Europe. Oh, remember this?


Just a little conspiracy thought in the back of my head: did Joe try and push for this war in Ukraine to take the heat off of rising inflation, low quantities of consumer goods and foods, insane home and car prices, high gas prices, and more? Is that crazy thought? Or, was it just incompetence? Or just nothing Biden could do? Because it’s now easy for him to try and Blame Russia for everything. Most people aren’t buying it, but, he can try.

Read: Brandon Let’s American’s Know There Will Be Food Shorages »

Scienactivists Demand World Wide Extreme Weather Warming Systems

See, extreme weather never happened before CO2 went above 350ppm

Climate change: Extreme weather warning systems for all ‘in five years’

Early warning systems to protect the entire world from extreme weather and climate disasters should be rolled out within five years, according to the UN.

Right now, around one-third of the global population has no cover while in Africa 60% of the population is unprotected.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) will put together a plan on how this can be achieved by November.

Around $1.5bn will be needed to finance the development.

And, see, according to climate cult scientists extreme weather has gotten worse in the past 50 years, which has absolutely nothing to do with better satellite coverage, better reporting and monitoring, more people living in areas that would get “extreme” weather. We can solve this with just $1.5 billion.

The WMO proposals will be unveiled at COP27 in Egypt in November.

How many will take long fossil fueled flights? It’s in Sharm El-Sheikh, which is gorgeous vacation spot southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula on the Red Sea.

Meanwhile, big soup maker goes climahysteric

Campbell Sets Science-based Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets to Combat Climate Change

Campbell Soup Company (NYSE:CPB) today announced new science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of its overall environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy outlined in its 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report.

“Since our founding in 1869, Campbell has been committed to making a positive impact on the communities we call home and the planet we share,” said Mark Clouse, Campbell’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are taking a holistic approach to ESG and focusing on areas where we believe we can make a meaningful difference as we unlock our full growth potential and create value for all our stakeholders.”

Campbell is committed to building a more resilient food system and has long set greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals for its own operations, starting in 2010. Campbell’s new science-based targets commit to:

Let’s be honest, they are most likely making this announcement to appease the climahysterics, and will do very little. I prefer Progresso, anyhow.

Read: Scienactivists Demand World Wide Extreme Weather Warming Systems »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded from carbon pollution induced sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on NYC hilariously seeking advice from Chicago on reducing crime.

Read: If All You See… »

Bummer: People More Worried About Inflation Despite “Historic” Job Gains

It doesn’t matter if someone is filling the job that was lost during the last 2 years of COVID lockdowns and rules and such if the prices are rising faster than earnings. This is apparently a big problem for Biden and the elected Democrats than the people experiencing inflation

Biden’s mounting midterm threat: Inflation angst outweighing historic job growth

Biden Brain SuckerDemocrats once expected a thriving post-Covid economy to be their big strength heading into the midterms. Instead, the path to Election Day is littered with land mines for a party struggling to avoid annihilation at the ballot box.

President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers face the threat of spiraling inflation, driven by soaring food, energy and lodging costs. The Federal Reserve is embarking on an aggressive series of interest rate hikes — as many as seven this year alone — to curb rising prices and slow the economy. The war in Ukraine is further disturbing supply chains, roiling commodities markets and fueling uncertainty. Add in a new wave of Covid lockdowns in China that could bring more disruptions to trade and you’ve got a toxic mix.

Polls show some two-thirds of Americans view the country as being on the wrong track. Biden’s disapproval rating on the economy stands at 58 percent, while Republicans have a 54-35 percent lead on the issue. And the widely watched University of Michigan consumer sentiment survey recently fell to its lowest level in more than a decade.

Incumbent parties usually lose House and Senate seats in off-year elections, but turning these attitudes around could be the difference between Democrats taking average losses this fall or getting punched out like they did in 1994. And administration officials are increasingly concerned about the economy as a heavy drag in the midterms, according to several allies.

See? That’s what they’re really concerned about, losing elections, not the peasants serving them in the U.S. It’s their own fault for passing shading, counter-productive legislation, for bringing counter-productive legislation up, for Brandon signing EOs that hurt not help, and for discussing doing things that hurt not help.

“The mood is just shockingly bad inside and outside the White House,” said Steven Rattner, an investment banker and former Obama administration official who speaks to senior Biden aides.

“If somehow inflation comes down and the electorate’s mood improves, they can compete,” Rattner said. “If these things don’t happen, the midterms could get scarily painful very quickly for Democrats.”

White House officials deny any sense of panic over the economy or their midterm chances.

“So many economic indicators are not only extremely good but better than expected. And we are recovering so much faster than previous downturns,” said Heather Boushey, a member of Biden’s Council of Economic Advisers.

Interesting how the economy was getting much better right up till Biden was elected, then took a big negative when he took office. Say what you will about Trump and his mean tweets, the guy focused on fixing issues. Not in the Washington way, where the leaky pipe is patched, but, in a way where the pipe is replaced so it no longer leaks onto your living room ceiling, and the ceiling is fixed and painted.

For now, the big headline numbers still look good for Biden. The economy created 678,000 new jobs in February, continuing the sharp bounce back from Covid losses. The jobless rate is just 3.8 percent. GDP growth is slowing but it was sterling as recently as the last quarter of 2021.

But all those headline numbers may amount to almost nothing politically.

One senior Democratic economist who talks to Biden and his advisers said there’s frustration within the White House that the administration gets little credit for good economic news, even as there’s a relentless focus in the media on inflation. But the economist said the electorate is sour on Biden and the economy.

Smart thinking people realize those jobs are mostly not new positions, they’re just existing positions being filled post-COVID. Because there’s not much in the way of good economic news.

Read: Bummer: People More Worried About Inflation Despite “Historic” Job Gains »

World Has Just Under 10 Years To Avoid Climate Doom Or Something

Yes, this again. Always a new 10 year prognostication from the Cult of Climastrology because the previous ones failed. Or we get 12 years left, 11 years left, just super duper doom

The world has less than 10 years to avert climate change catastrophe, report finds

Sherman Potter Bull CookiesCarbon dioxide emissions increased by almost 5% last year, meaning that the world now has a two-in-three chance of reaching 1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming over pre-industrial levels within the decade, according to a new study published in the online journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, carbon emissions dipped 11% in 2020, potentially buying the world time to transition to clean sources of energy. But in 2021, as economic activity rebounded, the emissions that cause climate change increased 4.8% from 2020.

“These 2021 emissions consumed 8.7% of the remaining carbon budget for limiting anthropogenic warming to 1.5 °C, which if current trajectories continue, might be used up in 9.5 years at 67% likelihood,” the report stated.

The carbon budget means the amount of carbon dioxide that can be emitted before reaching 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) of warming over pre-industrial temperatures. The goal of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius has been set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which has analyzed thousands of studies and found that warming beyond that threshold could set devastating events in motion, such as massive glacier melting that would flood cities and trigger even more warming since ice reflects solar radiation that would instead be absorbed by land and water.

To avoid that outcome, the IPCC has estimated that global greenhouse gas emissions must be cut by 45% by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. If current trends continue, the Nature study authors calculate that 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming will likely be reached in or before 2031.

Blah blah blah. Let’s start with the carbon footprints of the elites, the politicians, and the scientists espousing this doom. See if they’re good with it.

Read: World Has Just Under 10 Years To Avoid Climate Doom Or Something »

“Experts” Upset Biden Is Being Super Cautious Over Ukraine

If Joe had been strong prior to Russia invading Ukraine, if he hadn’t emboldened Russia, if he had not FUBAR’d the Afghanistan withdrawl, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Regardless, it’s where we are, and, Ukraine is not worth WWIII. Too many on both the right and left seem to want to push us into war. The warmongers won’t give up

Biden’s risk-averse approach to Russia could create greater threat, experts say

unintended consequencesPresident Joe Biden’s high-stakes summit with other NATO leaders on Thursday will be one of the most scrutinized meetings on the world stage in decades, and could have enormous implications for both the war in Ukraine and the global balance of power.

Despite calls from Ukraine to do more to help stave off Russia’s ruthless invasion, Biden has taken a cautious approach — wary of escalating the conflict by drawing in U.S. forces as part of a more direct NATO response. But after nearly a month of fighting, some foreign policy and national security experts ABC News spoke to say it may be time for the alliance to take on a more direct role.

Since before the fighting broke out, Biden has insisted that American troops would not fight Russian forces inside Ukraine, warning that going head-to-head would lead to “a third world war.”

But Barry Pavel, a former National Security Council senior official during the Bush and Obama administration and the senior vice president and director of the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council, says that’s far from inevitable.

“There have been other cases where U.S. and Russian forces have unfortunately come into friction and World War III didn’t start,” Pavel said, characterizing the strategy as simplistic. “There are hundreds of options that could be done between what NATO is doing now and risking World War III.”

Hundreds? None are named.

The greater threat, warns Pavel, might be in leaving Putin unchecked.

“If he is emboldened by success in Ukraine, then he will be more aggressive in his efforts to nibble and to move into areas of perceived weakness in NATO members,” he said. “If he achieves his goal, you’ll have Russian forces on the borders of seven NATO members, including nuclear forces in Belarus, and so he’ll use that new posture to really heighten European insecurity to a great degree.”

So, send troops in? Create a no fly zone? Why are some people so invested in pushing towards war?

Thomas Graham, a former NSC senior director for Russia and a distinguished fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, says that beyond discussing support for Ukraine, NATO leaders should use the upcoming summit to make sharpen their signaling to the Kremlin.

“NATO leaders want to make sure that they’ve done everything that they can in order to deter the Russians,” he said. “Have we augmented the forces in Eastern Europe to the appropriate levels? And have we convinced the Russians that in fact we are determined to honor the Article Five guarantee and protect every inch of NATO territory?”

This kind of stuff keeps going and going, and, personally, I’d rather Biden not get aggressive. Especially since his people are incompetent.

Read: “Experts” Upset Biden Is Being Super Cautious Over Ukraine »

Like To Work Out? Stay In Shape? You’re A Far Right Racist Fascist Nazi, You Know

Nope, it doesn’t matter if you’re black, Latino, Asian, Democrat, Progressive, Socialist, etc. MSNBC has Spoken

Well, that sucks. From the screed

It appears the far right has taken advantage of pandemic at-home fitness trends to expand its decade-plus radicalization of physical mixed martial arts (MMA) and combat sports spaces.

Earlier this month, researchers reported that a network of online “fascist fitness” chat groups on the encrypted platform Telegram are recruiting and radicalizing young men with neo-Nazi and white supremacist extremist ideologies. Initially lured with health tips and strategies for positive physical changes, new recruits are later invited to closed chat groups where far-right content is shared.

Physical fitness has always been central to the far right. In “Mein Kampf,” Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu, believing they could help him create an army of millions whose aggressive spirit and impeccably trained bodies, combined with “fanatical love of the fatherland,” would do more for the German nation than any “mediocre” tactical weapons training.

These people are just stuck on Nazis.

The intersection of extremism and fitness leans into a shared obsession with the male body, training, masculinity, testosterone, strength and competition. Physical fitness training, especially in combat sports, appeals to the far right for many reasons: fighters are trained to accept significant physical pain, to be “warriors,” and to embrace messaging around solidarity, heroism, and brotherhood. It’s championed as a tool to help fight the “coming race war” and the street battles that will precede it. Recruits are encouraged to link individual moral virtues such as willpower, decisiveness and courage, with desired collective traits such as virility and manliness. This also works in reverse, with white supremacists encouraging potential recruits or activists to stay in good physical shape as a way of managing self-presentation to the public. The neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin advised his followers that “fat people” should be required to commit to losing weight if they are to stay involved with groups or in-person gatherings, noting that “continued obesity should not be tolerated.”

The gym I go to usually has about 30% black in attendance. Does that make them extremists? Liberals always have to turn the volume to 11.

Read: Like To Work Out? Stay In Shape? You’re A Far Right Racist Fascist Nazi, You Know »

If All You See…

…is a horrible pool made with horrible carbon pollution spewing concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post on Twitter experts being upset over the end of mask mandates.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove