Biden To Have “Big Boy” Press Conference At 530pm Thursday

Update: they’ve moved it to 630, which gives him an out to bolt at 645pm to get ready for bed. He’ll still probably be 15-20 minutes late

Seriously, a “big boy” press conference. He should be booted simply for his people dubbing it that

Embattled Biden to give high-stakes press conference

US President Joe Biden will Thursday give his first press conference since his debate disaster against Donald Trump, in a pressure-cooker moment that could seal the fate of his reelection bid.

The eyes of the world will be on the 81-year-old at a NATO summit as he tries to calm growing calls from his Democratic party to step aside over his age and health.

The White House has dubbed it a “big boy” press conference, and Biden will be under severe pressure to show he can handle what has become a rare unscripted moment in his presidency.

Any missteps by Biden at the 5.30 pm (2130 GMT) event at a Washington DC conference center could turn the trickle of Democrats who have so far urged him to abandon his 2024 election bid into a flood. (snip)

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has repeatedly promised Thursday’s “big boy press conference” — a phrase first used by a journalist that she has since adopted — will feature multiple questions.

A poor performance will pour fuel on the flames of the concerns about Biden’s age and health that were sparked when he appeared listless and often incoherent against Republican Trump, 78.

How the White House correspondents haven’t laid into her with derision and laughter is beyond me. It’s treating Joe like a child about to give a speech to a city council. If Biden has to have a make or break PC to prove he’s not feeble minded it’s a pretty good indicator that he’s feeble minded. Are there conditions for this PC? Will he be given the questions in advance? Will he have answers on note cards? Will he only call on uber-friendly reporters? How many questions will he actually take?

Seriously, how sad is it that the White House is making a bid deal out of the POTUS doing a press conference? Joe has been in office all but four years since 1973. Remember, they mostly hid him during the 2020 election season. You almost hate to see this, trotting this man up there to do a PC. It’s elder abuse. But, people will be watching this for the same reason they watch car races: crashes.

People says he was saying “talking to your wife”, but, you listen and decide how bad the slurring was. Two more below the fold

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Read: Biden To Have “Big Boy” Press Conference At 530pm Thursday »

Could Montana Overturn The Youts Climate Win?

I think it would be more fun to make all the kiddies live a carbon neutral life. No fossil fueled buses, AC up to 86, heat down to 60 in schools. End the use of WiFi in schools for anything other than schoolwork. No meat served in schools. For starters

Montana might overturn its landmark youth climate change ruling

Montana’s top court is set to hear the state’s appeal of a landmark ruling holding that it was violating the rights of young people to a clean and healthful environment by barring regulators from considering the impacts on climate change when approving fossil fuel projects.

The Republican-led state will urge the Montana Supreme Court to conclude that the lawsuit by 16 young people should never have gone to trial in the first place because they lack legal standing to challenge a restriction on agencies’ ability to consider the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.

They should argue that the 16 youts fail to practice a carbon neutral lifestyle. I bet they could get lots of photos of them being climahypocrites.

The state is asking the court to reverse an August 2023 ruling by District Court Judge Kathy Seeley in Helena in the closely watched case. It was the first lawsuit in the United States by young environmental activists challenging state and federal policies they say are exacerbating climate change to go to trial.

The youth-led lawsuits have taken aim at government policies at the state and federal level that they say encourage or allow the extraction and burning of fossil fuels and violate their rights under U.S. or state constitutions.

Good luck operating just about anything in Montana in winter without fossil fuels. Would have to stop all fossil fueled travel to places like Yellowstone and Glacier National Park. Say goodbye to people coming in to sky and hike and fish.

Through lawyers at the non-profit law firm Our Children’s Trust, the plaintiffs have argued that a state law that barred Montana officials from considering the impacts of climate change when conducting environmental reviews of proposed projects violated their rights under Montana’s state constitution.

Seeley agreed, saying the young people had a fundamental constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment under a 1972 amendment to Montana’s constitution requiring the state to protect and improve the environment.

Climate change is not environmental.

The state in a brief said Seeley should have concluded the young people had failed to establish they had legal standing to challenge the law because a single Montana statute could not be the cause of their alleged injuries since to curb climate change the world’s energy system would have to be transformed.

Meh. Make the kiddies live the climate cult life.

Read: Could Montana Overturn The Youts Climate Win? »

Stop: GOP Run House Oversight Committee Wants Biden Aids To Testify On Biden Mental Fitness

They really should be taking a page out of Napoleon Bonaparte’s book on this one

House Oversight Committee Subpoenas Biden Aides over Mental Fitness

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) on Wednesday subpoenaed three aides to President Joe Biden over his mental fitness.

The probe will keep the pressure on Democrats who are in disarray following the president’s infamous debate performance.

Those subpoenaed include:

  1. First Lady Jill Biden’s top aide Anthony Bernal
  2. Deputy Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini
  3. Senior adviser Ashley Williams

The aides are low-profile but are reportedly “very influential” within the White House.

“The White House has shielded three key aides from testifying about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents and now we’ve learned through reporting these same aides are also seeking to cover up President Biden’s declining cognitive state inside the White House,” Comer wrote, according to a statement obtained by Breitabrt News.

No. Stop. Don’t do it. Leave it alone. The point was made during the debate. The point is being made with all sorts of people and organizations calling for Biden to drop out. We WANT Biden in the race. Everything has been geared to running against Biden. Not that anyone else is polling that well against Trump, but, what if Democrats happen upon the right combo? It wouldn’t include Kamala Harris. But, it could be someone who would entice all the Hamas supporters who say they will not vote for Biden and all the Jews who are bowing out of the Democrat vote to come back to the fold.

Just let Biden and his people keep making mistakes. Focus on offering policies that help the middle and working classes.

Read: Stop: GOP Run House Oversight Committee Wants Biden Aids To Testify On Biden Mental Fitness »

Climate Nags Demand Say Fossil Fueled Truck Use Must End By 2045

Well, hey, you never know what kind of progress will happen by 2045. Think of how fast airplanes changed in less than a 100 years. Moving from records to cassettes to CDs to streaming. Changes to computers, TV, phones, and so many other things. But, those were all driven by the market and research, not government and NGOs nagging and demanding and mandating

California must retire gas-guzzling trucks to meet 2045 emissions targets: Study

California must retire existing heavy-duty trucks to meet the state’s 2045 carbon neutrality goals, in addition to promoting the purchase of zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs), a new study has found.

Stricter policies that cover both the rollout of zero-emissions trucks and the early retirement of gas-guzzlers could slash cumulative greenhouse gas emissions by 64 percent, according to the study, published on Monday in Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.

Such a move could also reduce half of the state’s pollution-related mortality, particularly within disadvantaged communities, the study authors determined.

Well, good luck without a massive breakthrough. Trucks without fossil fuels just cannot do the jobs of those with fossil fuels. Everywhere from pickup trucks to 18 wheelers to commercial trucks.

“While ZEV sales mandates are effective, it is clear from our analysis that they will not be sufficient for reaching zero emissions on the desired timescales,” lead author Eleanor Hennessy, a postdoctoral scholar at Arizona State University, said in a statement.

“Accelerated retirement programs will be critical for California to reach emissions targets by 2045,” Hennessy added.

Here’s a question: why is this any of her business? She’s in Arizona. Why is she trying to dictate what goes on in California? She’s one of the authors of the “study”: I’m not seeing information on the other authors, but, do they live in California? Going to that statement link

While focused on California, the study’s insights are applicable globally. Numerous states such as New York, Washington, and Louisiana have similar carbon neutrality goals, as do countries such as those in the European Union. The research findings are relevant to any government aiming to decarbonise their vehicle fleet.

Why do Warmists always think they can dictate how Everyone Else lives their life? Sounds kinda, you know, Fascist.

Read: Climate Nags Demand Say Fossil Fueled Truck Use Must End By 2045 »

If All You See…

…is a horrible pool made with horrible carbon polluting concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Biden’s doctor/business partner.

Read: If All You See… »

George Stephanopoulos Doesn’t Think Biden Can Serve Four More Years

Is Biden really serving now? Or is his administration really being run by others?

‘I Don’t Think He Can Serve Four More Years’: George Stephanopoulos Gives Blunt Assessment After Major Biden Interview

Biden Brain SuckerABC News’s George Stephanopoulos revealed Tuesday his thoughts on President Joe Biden’s reelection, admitting, “I don’t think he can serve four more years,” in video obtained by TMZ.

Biden sat down with Stephanopoulos for a pre-recorded interview which aired Friday evening in an attempt to assuage Democratic panic following his poor June 27 debate performance. When approached by a pedestrian Tuesday afternoon on 5th Avenue in New York City, Stephanopoulos shared concerns with Biden serving four more years in office, video obtained by TMZ appears to show. (WT note: video is at the links)

“Hey, how are you doing?” the pedestrian asked the “Good Morning America” co-host and “This Week” anchor, who was shown wearing dark clothing and headphones while looking at his cellphone on a walk.

“Good, how are you?” Stephanopoulos replied, appearing to pause to chat while no longer in the view of the camera.

“Do you think Biden should step down? You’ve talked to him more than anybody else has lately,” the pedestrian said.

“I don’t think he can serve four more years,” Stephanopoulos said.

As soon as the video got out Stephanopoulos stated that he shouldn’t have said that, and ABC News stated that it was his opinion, not the opinion of ABC News. Meaning they know it’s true.

In fairness, Strider used to work for team Biden as a video editor, and now works for far left PrioritiesUSA, but, this is what you get, though, Hunter and Jill are missing. But, we don’t elect a team: we elected the President, who then puts together a team. Biden doesn’t seem to be running anything.

And it’s not going so well for Biden

(Politico) President Joe Biden has a new problem: a competitive race in deep blue New York.

Elected officials, union leaders and political consultants are panicking over polls showing a steady erosion of Biden’s support in a state he won by 23 points four years ago. They’re so worried they’ve been trying to convince the Biden team to pour resources into New York to shore up his campaign and boost Democrats running in a half-dozen swing districts that could determine control of the House.

Biden aides have not focused on New York, committing no significant resources to a state where they expect the president to easily win all 28 electoral college votes in November.

But the warning signs are impossible to ignore and have been building over the past year. Two private polls conducted in a swing New York House district and reviewed by POLITICO — one in September and another in March — found former President Donald Trump leading Biden there by 1 point, a virtual tie. And public polls over the last four months found Biden’s lead had winnowed to just 8 points across New York — an unusually narrow gap in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1.

I doubt Trump will win NY, but, if it’s competitive it could a lot of pressure on Biden and his campaigning, such as it is.

Read: George Stephanopoulos Doesn’t Think Biden Can Serve Four More Years »

Doom Today: Hotcoldwetdry Could Threaten Firefly Populations

If it’s not one thing, it’s something else

Climate change threatens overall firefly populations, study shows, but Midwest could see increase

For many who grew up east of the Mississippi River, yellow twinkling lights punctuate magical childhood memories. New England natives call them fireflies, but they’re known as lightning bugs from the Midwest to the South. No matter their regional name, they are a staple of warm summer evenings.

Yet concerns about how many more generations will be able to bask in the glow of this nostalgic phenomenon have emerged in recent decades as anecdotal reports and observations in certain locations seemingly indicate firefly numbers are dwindling.

“We kept hearing all these stories that fireflies were in decline, firefly populations were disappearing, and as an invertebrate conservation organization, that always piques our interest,” said Candace Fallon, a senior conservation biologist who has led firefly research in the endangered species program at the Xerces Society since 2018. “So we decided to look into it a little bit more, and started doing formal assessments, building partnerships and working with other researchers, and it’s really grown since then.”

While scientists have long known firefly populations can be influenced by pesticides, artificial lights, soil and weather, a study published last month suggests that human-made climate change may pose an even greater threat than previously thought. The study also predicts that, while numbers might decline for most species with specific habitat needs, certain areas of the country such as the Midwest might experience population growth of some common firefly species as average temperatures become warmer.

“Anecdotal.” “Suggests”. Not that any of that really matters, this is all about scaremongering. And the cult will never stop looking for new ways to scaremonger. All while the majority of them refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their own lives carbon neutral.

This is a very, very long article, and we get too

Firefly lovers can help preserve the insects by maintaining native plant species in backyards instead of trying to keep “perfectly manicured lawns” treated with weed killers and pesticides.

That’s not climate change, but, certainly, having more plants will help. All the destruction of wilderness, even small spaces, has made a difference for the worst.

Read: Doom Today: Hotcoldwetdry Could Threaten Firefly Populations »

Surprise: Liberals In SCB Totally Agree With Booting Illegals From Logan Airport

Hmm, whatever happened to all that charity and support for migrants/illegals by Democrats? Oh, right, they’re good with this as long as they aren’t in Sanctuary City Boston

Readers agree with Gov. Healey’s ban on migrants sleeping at Logan Airport

Newly arrived migrant families and homeless individuals will be banned from sleeping overnight at Logan International Airport starting Tuesday, amid a shortage of space at state shelters.

In an announcement on June 28, Healey said sleeping overnight in Logan Airport will no longer be permitted as of July 9. Staff members at Logan will inform families of the new policy and will help them secure transportation to another location where they have family or other options for a safe place to stay, according to the release.

Instead, they’ll be sent to the old Norfolk prison shelter, which is, get this, outside of Boston to the southwest.

When we asked readers to weigh in, they overwhelmingly agreed with the policy. Ninety-six percent of the 651 respondents to our poll said they support the governor’s decision to bar overnighting at Logan, with just 4% against it.

“Enough is enough! The line needs to be drawn somewhere and Maura Healey’s decision to bar people from sleeping overnight at Logan Airport is absolutely the right one,” reader Jeff from Natick said. (snip)

“I think the state has done its best to try to find alternative living situations for people on a temporary basis, including the new facility in Norfolk. I think it’s the right move to say that we can’t keep having families living at Logan, and I applaud the efforts to try to find alternative places for people to stay,” Thielman added.

Yeah, and those who are having to travel through the airport aren’t particularly thrilled with a whole bunch of illegals wandering around, sleeping, panhandling. And the illegals are in Boston, not elsewhere.

“The airport is not equipped to house anyone. Living in an airport with kids is not safe. I also think it’s time to revisit the sanctuary status, not to stop it but so that the influx of migrants can be controlled so a better chance of success and the proper amount of funds are allocated.”

Controlled better, so they are somewhere else other than Boston.

Read: Surprise: Liberals In SCB Totally Agree With Booting Illegals From Logan Airport »

If All You See….

…is horrible ice cream made from horrible milk from horrible cows, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on some linkage.

Whoops. Uploaded the photo this morning, forgot to do the actual post.

Read: If All You See…. »

James Infohe, Senator And Guy Who Fought Against Climate Cult, Dead At 69

Apparently, being against the Cult of Climastrology is the only thing he’s known for

Those are just from when I searched “climate change”, then “James Inhofe” on Google News. And there are plenty more, as well as those who do not say it in the headline but mention it in the first paragraph. He’s actually done a hell of a lot more than being a climate cult skeptic. He was very much a staunch conservative and a huge friend of the U.S. military

(Fox News) James Mountain Inhofe started serving Congress in Washington in 1987 in the House of Representatives before being elected to the Senate in 1994. At one point, he was the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Prior to his time in Washington, Inhofe served as the mayor in his hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma, between 1978 and 1984, according to the Oklahoma Historical Society. He also served in the U.S. Army in 1955-56 and was president of the Quaker Life Insurance Company before entering politics, it added.

Rep. Kevin Hern, R-Okla., described Inhofe on Tuesday as a “dear friend and mentor, a titan in Oklahoma, and a highly effective leader in D.C.”

He’d probably take the Credentialed Media headlines as a badge of honor. Heck, some of the same outlets have given better treatment to wackjobs. Remember when the Washington Post (which is the 2nd link) called Islamic terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi something nice?

(USA Today) Its original headline read, “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Islamic State’s ‘terrorist-in-chief,’ dies at 48.” But it was later changed to “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48.”

It was changed back, but the article still describes the terrorist as an “austere religious scholar with wire-frame glasses and no known aptitude for fighting and killing.” Think James is being treated more harshly for refusing to bow down to the climate cult?

Read: James Infohe, Senator And Guy Who Fought Against Climate Cult, Dead At 69 »

Pirate's Cove