Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Call For Israel To Be Kicked Out Of Olympics

This is surely the start of the unhinged Jew hatred we’ll see during the Olympics

Migrants and homeless people are cleared out of Paris during the Olympics

Less than a day before the opening ceremony of the 2024 summer Olympics om Friday, there were competing demonstrations in Paris against and in support of Israel.

The several hundred pro-Palestinian demonstrators chanted, among other things: “Fascist and terrorist Israel”, “Israel is occupying, Emmanuel Macron will wake up”, “Free Palestine” and “Flee from Paris.”At the same time, several dozen pro-Israel demonstrators waved a sign that read “Antisemitism has no place in the Olympics.”

On Wednesday, during the Israeli soccer team’s first Olympic match in 48 years, held against Mali, fans waved Palestinian flags and booed during the playing of Israel’s national anthem. In addition, quite a few Moroccan and Palestinian fans, who also came to the stadium, entered the Israeli stands and there was a violent confrontation between the parties .

One of the pro-Israel demonstrators, Jacqueline Dufo, said: “I’m not Jewish, but they can’t use this conflict to show antisemitism and ask to remove Israel from the Olympics. It won’t happen.”

Notice that the Israel supporters are calling for peace and tolerance, while the Palestinian demonstrators are calling for hate and exclusion

The Palestine Olympic Committee asked the Olympic committee to exclude Israel from the Games, a request to which Iran also joined. But the chairman of the Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, made it clear to them that this would not happen. An official statement from the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated that “Israeli athletes do not deserve to be present at the Paris Olympics because of their war against the innocents in Gaza.”

Jibril Rajoub, chairman of the Palestinian delegation to the Olympics said: “Israel has no right to appear in the Olympics. Israel has lost its human and sporting values. She has no place in the Olympics, she is committing genocide in Gaza. Israel should be treated the same way South Africa was treated during the Apartheid era.” Rajoub also said that he hopes to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron so that he will “recognize a Palestinian state.”

When people are siding with Iran they are definitely on the wrong side of history. That they’re on the side of hate and destruction.

(USA Today) Israeli athletes will receive 24-hour protection during the Paris Olympics, France’s interior minister said, after a far-left lawmaker said Israel’s delegation was not welcome and called for protests against their participation.

Why is that Jews need security from all the “peaceful” protests and Palestinian supporters, but, Palestinians do not? Expect many more unhinged acts of Jew hatred in Paris.

Meanwhile, the homeless and migrants were cleared from the whole are of the Olympics in Paris

None of them look French. Most look like Muslim illegal aliens. Why are they always leaving their Islamist nations and bringing their same culture they left?

Read: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Call For Israel To Be Kicked Out Of Olympics »

Yout Groups Want Kamala To Take Away Their Money And Freedom For ‘Climate Change’

Why can’t they all just practice what they preach instead of forcing their beliefs on everyone else?

Youth groups urge Kamala Harris to hold the line on climate change policy

Young climate campaigners are urging Kamala Harris not to soften her position on global warming in a bid to win over swing voters as she campaigns to become the next US president.

“We are watching and waiting to see what kind of vision she puts forward on climate in coming weeks,” said Stevie O’Hanlon, spokesperson for the Sunrise Movement, a youth-led climate organisation that helped elect Joe Biden in 2020, but recently called for him to stand aside.

“When Democrats run away from their progressive stances when they run for president they look like flip-floppers,” said O’Hanlon. “She has a chance to defend the positions she has taken over the last decade and make the case for them.”

The Sunrise Movement said it would allow its members to vote on whether the group should endorse Harris as the Democratic candidate over the next two months.

But its caution about endorsing Harris underscores the political difficulty of generating enthusiasm among young Americans, who proved a crucial part of the Democratic party’s winning coalition in 2020, while also appealing to a wider voter base with more moderate views on climate action.

Kamala has been pretty hardcore on trying to force the peasants to practice the tenants of the Cult of Climastrology, all while using vast amounts of fossil fuels herself. She doesn’t drive an EV for one thing. Will Harris lie about her agenda, ie, soften her stance to get elected? Or, will she stick to her guns? If Trump and Cackles debate he should ask her directly about her climate scam agenda.

Meanwhile, over at Hot Air, since I may or may not get to this

If you thought Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandates were unpopular (and they are) just wait until you see the even more aggressive plans that Kamala Harris has in store if she manages to be elected to the White House. Rather than giving in to a popular lack of demand, Harris intends to double down, accelerating the schedule for converting the American fleet of vehicles at an even more rapid pace wherever possible. The Democrats still aren’t quite crazy enough to try to make possession of a gas-powered vehicle illegal, but they will bully the automakers to ensure that a full 50% of all vehicles sold are EVs and they will use the regulatory power of federal agencies to enforce their will. It’s almost as if Harris and her party are daring the American people not to vote for them. (Free Beacon)

Many manufacturers are giving absurd deals to dealer employees to get their EVs on the road, because, for one thing, inventory is just sitting there. One maker had an insane one about 6 months ago that also carried over to any employee of the group, though, it was only an 8K mile a year/2 year lease. I usually get a 10K a year lease. It was interesting, the SUV was the size I like, but, no thanks. We are getting offered $299 a month for a 3 year/30K lease on a bigger SUV that is pretty loaded. They drive very nice. Smooth. Enjoyable. Great acceleration. If it carries for at least 2 months I might consider it, though, it is a bit wider than I generally like. A bunch of fellow employees have taken advantage. I’ll see what their opinions are in a month or so (I’m taking a long drive to see the parents in August, don’t feel like making that part of my learning curve, plus, any color I want won’t be in stock till late August/early September).

As I’ve said, it should be a personal choice, not a government mandate. I’m fine with one 90% of the time. The range is about 75-100 miles less than my Civic. If I want to fast charge, the closest is a 15 minute drive away. I do not have a garage, so, leaving it plugged into an outside plug is not optimal overnight. I am interested, though. 8 inches wider than a Civic (heck, 5 inches wider than an Accord), 9 inches longer, though, I’ve had an Accord before, length is not the issue. Width is. The end of the day, it’s not the government’s job to dictate why an American drives.

Read: Yout Groups Want Kamala To Take Away Their Money And Freedom For ‘Climate Change’ »

France Runs Into A Sticky Wicket Over Their Anti-Hijab Laws For Olympics

Is a hijab required for Muslims? On one hand, a woman only has to wear a hijab if she’s going to be seen by a man who isn’t her husband or a blood relation. On the other, the Qu’ran also states that “there is no compulsion in religion”, which means that Muslims have the choice of how they practice their religion, and some Muslim women choose not to wear a hijab while still observing modesty. Regardless, France bans the wearing of most religious clothing in public, which would apply to the Olympics

France struggles with its hijab rules for Olympics opening ceremony

French government and Olympics officials are seeking a creative solution to allow Muslim French sprinter Sounkamba Sylla to wear her hijab at the opening ceremony while still complying with the country’s secularism laws, they said on Wednesday.

Thousands of athletes, including some who wear a hijab, are arriving for the Paris Olympics, placing an international spotlight on tensions in France over national identity and perceived discrimination against Muslims.

Sylla, part of France’s 400-metre relay team, wrote on her Instagram account on Monday that her hijab – a head covering worn by many Muslim women – would prevent her from appearing in Friday’s blockbuster opening ceremony along the Seine River.

“You are selected for the Olympic Games, organised in your country, but you can’t take part in the opening ceremony because you wear a scarf on your head,” Sylla posted on her account.

Well, that is the law of France. You don’t wear it when you are running. Why are you letting men dictate what you wear? Seriously, your running apparel isn’t exactly “modest” per the dictates of Islam. She plans to wear a cap. So, what’s the problem? The idea here is that a 1st world nation must comply, submit (the root of Islam literally means submission), to the will of Allah. They must change their entire culture, mores, laws, etc, for Islam.

Eager to avoid an embarrassing domestic flap with the entire world watching, French government and Olympics officials said they were willing to find a solution for Sylla, although it remains unclear what that could be.

“Our citizens expect us to follow these principles of secularism, but we also need to be inventive about solutions to make everyone feel good,” Amelia Oudea-Castera, minister for sport and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, said on Wednesday, adding that Sylla “understands our principles, our rules”.

Foreign athletes are not affected by the secularism rules.

Which is interesting, since women going to Islamic nations must comply with their laws, though, in fairness, those who were at the convention halls for the latest UN IPCC COP didn’t have to wear head coverings in the buildings. Just when they left the grounds.

Maria Hurtado, spokeswoman for the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, criticised the French government in September last year over its stance on the hijab for French athletes during the Olympic Games, saying that “no one should impose on a woman what she needs to wear, or not wear”.

Except, there are rules as to what athletes can wear in every sport, including the Olympics. And, again, in fairness, sometimes those rules are absurd, like how the volleyball women were supposed to wear essentially bikini bottoms.

Regardless, France has been invaded by the Religion of Peace, which has long attempted to change France into a soft caliphate.

Read: France Runs Into A Sticky Wicket Over Their Anti-Hijab Laws For Olympics »

UN Chief Appeals For Governments To Take Away Freedoms To Solve ‘Climate Change’

Funny how the people who make the most noise about Doing Something about the climate crisis (scam) are the least likely to make any changes in their own life, and many have much, much bigger carbon footprints than the average 1st Worlder

UN chief appeals for global action to tackle deadly extreme heat

People everywhere are struggling with the fatal impacts of worsening extreme heat, which is also damaging economies, widening inequalities and undermining green development, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday.

Calling for global action to limit the devastating consequences, the head of the United Nations said “billions of people are facing an extreme heat epidemic – wilting under increasingly deadly heatwaves”. (snip)

In a speech, he noted that heat – driven by “fossil fuel-charged, human-induced climate change” – is estimated to kill almost half a million people a year, about 30 times more than tropical cyclones.

Obviously, no one in the news media is demanding he provide proof

The Secretary-General’s “call for action” brings together ten specialised UN agencies for the first time in an urgent and concerted push to strengthen international cooperation in addressing extreme heat.

The same UN which brings 30K people to the yearly IPCC COPs via fossil fueled travel?

He emphasised the importance of “caring for the most vulnerable” – with those at greatest risk including poor people in urban areas, pregnant women, people with disabilities, the elderly, children, those who are sick and people who are displaced from their homes.

It’s an appeal to emotion, rather than logic.

The UN chief urged a “huge acceleration of all the dimensions of climate action” as global warming is currently outpacing efforts to fight it. That could start to change, he added, as heatwaves, impacts on public health and disasters such as Canada’s wildfires are now hitting the richest countries as well as poorer ones.

“The heat is being felt by those that have decision-making capacity – and that is my hope,” he said.

All those policies end up giving government greater and greater power over their peasants. This way lies Authoritarianism.

Read: UN Chief Appeals For Governments To Take Away Freedoms To Solve ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is a river rising dozens of feet from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Cackles Harris being “the Brat”.

Read: If All You See… »

Chicago Bracing For Thousands Of Illegals In Time For DNC

There are already plenty of reports of Sanctuary City Chicago moving illegals and the homeless away from the area where the DNC will be held, cleaning it up, so that all the attendees, especially the Elites, do not see them, and so they do not show up on TV. What about when the buses start dropping them off in the area of the United Center and McCormick Place for the cameras?

After Texas Gov. Abbott Vows to Keep Sending Buses of Migrants to Chicago, Officials Brace for Surge

City officials are bracing for as many as 10,000 migrants to make their way to Chicago before the Democratic National Convention kicks off in less than four weeks, confident that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will make good on his threats to cause as much chaos as possible while the city is in the national spotlight.

Deputy Mayor for Immigrant, Migrant and Refugee Rights Beatriz Ponce de León told the City Council’s Immigrant and Refugee Rights Committee Tuesday that city officials were “hyper prepared” for a renewed surge of buses paid for by Abbott to arrive in the Chicago area carrying migrants who crossed the southern border, requested asylum and have permission to remain in the U.S. while their cases are resolved.

“We have continued busing migrants to sanctuary cities all across the country,” Abbott said at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 17. “Those buses will continue to roll until we finally secure our border.”

One report states the city is worried that there could be up to 25,000. That would seem a bit difficult, but, even 10K would be a hell of a sight, especially if dropped off where all the reporters and TV news cameras can see them. The city supposedly has around 5,000 beds available, having shipped out lots of illegals elsewhere, which is not very charitable for a declared sanctuary city, eh?

There are fewer than 5,000 open beds in the city’s migrant shelter system, officials said.

Chicago Budget Director Annette Guzman said city officials would have to scramble to cover the costs of caring for a renewed surge of migrants to Chicago.

“Those costs have not been budgeted for,” Guzman said, after presenting committee members with data that estimate the cost of operating a 15,000-bed migrant shelter system through the end of 2024 at $422.3 million.

Hey, you wanted this. How about raising taxes on the rich folks in Chicago? Surely rich Democrats would be happy to pay, right?


(NY Post) Vice President Kamala Harris is touting her time as a prosecutor in her 2024 run, with her campaign saying she has never “shied away from taking on those who harm the American people.”

But as district attorney of San Francisco, Harris ran a program that allowed illegal immigrants arrested for drug crimes to get job training and have their records expunged — all while avoiding deportation because of the city’s sanctuary policies.

Harris touted “Back on Track,” even though one of the offenders she picked for the program — illegal Honduran migrant Alexander Izaguirre — allegedly brutally assaulted a young woman, leaving her with a skull fracture and longterm trauma.

Harris later referred to the attack as, “a huge kind of pimple on the face of this program.”

The DA’s office chose Izaguirre for the program after he was arrested twice in eight months for allegedly snatching a purse and for selling cocaine, the LA Times reported at the time.

Team Trump needs to focus on Kamala’s record. Talk to the middle ground and squishy Democrats, explain just how bad she’s been.

Read: Chicago Bracing For Thousands Of Illegals In Time For DNC »

‘Climate Change’ Is Causing Decision Fatigue Or Something

Well, well, well, the cult came up with something new

Climate Change Causing You Decision Fatigue? Try a Map | Opinion

Climate change is creating uncertainty. Decisions on everything from trip planning, given unusual and extreme weather patterns, to how to reduce personal carbon emissions, are complex. Just consider choices around how people travel. Biking is a sustainable, yet requires decisions about safe routes. Electric vehicles have fewer emissions than gas vehicles, but require planning around charging stations.

As we head into summer, people are balancing the memory of last year’s forest fires with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predictions of unprecedented numbers of hurricanes and daily reports of extreme heat and heat domes. Should you go on that trip? Or, is the risk of extreme weather and poor air quality too high? The decision fatigue is real.

Good news. There is a technology that can help us make complex decisions. And chances are you used it today. Modern digital maps, often called GIS (the nickname for Geographic Information Systems), fuel technology like Google Maps and Amazon delivery. GIS is also used to predict weather and climate patterns. A key tool in managing the impact of climate change, GIS informs related management decisions, such as hazard evacuation protocoloptimal deployment of forest fire fighters, and prediction droughts in food insecurity places like Africa.

Good grief, these people are loopy. People have always had to make decisions, they’re just softer these days, and overloaded with information. Weather happens. I remember driving back from NJ to NC and dealing with heavy snow many times. And heavy rain. Cold. Hot. I’ve had to pull over to the side of the road because the rain came down in a microburst. Personally, I find the info easier. I can know if the weather will be crummy down in Wrightsville Beach instead of a 2:15 drive down and go “this sucks.” We used to drive the 1:15 down to Emerald Isle from Greenville, NC, get there and there be no waves. People need to chill, but, the climate cult is all about scaremongering and giving people extreme anxiety.

Read: ‘Climate Change’ Is Causing Decision Fatigue Or Something »

Politico: Republicans Pounce On Jew Haters Burning American Flags

Did the person who wrote the tweet do it on purpose, knowing it would generate ridicule? And clicks?

The headline at the article is a wee bit different, but, the idea is the same: Republicans are upset that Jew hating and Hamas supporting wackos burned the American flag and raised Palestinian flags, while also wearing Hamas apparel

Republicans condemn Netanyahu protesters for burning US flags — and waving Hamas ones instead

Republicans seized immediately on images of burning U.S. flags and vandalism at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station following Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech as evidence of widespread antisemitism and a harbinger of what can happen under Democratic control of government.

“Pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators are vandalizing federal property, removing American flags, and replacing them with Palestinian flags steps away from the United States Capitol,” said Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), a member of Senate GOP leadership, on X. “This is inexcusable, and I expect them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Hey, we got a “seized” in the article!

“Hamas flags, slogans about killing Jews, harassment of @CapitolPolice officers, vandalism, burnt American flags, & hanged effigies of PM Netanyahu. These are just some of the appalling scenes at protests around the U.S. Capitol today,” wrote Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Let me ask: why is it mostly only Republicans who are noting this? Who are upset by terrorist supporters doing this in our nation’s seat of government no less? Give it up to this Democrat

“I never imagined seeing the flag of a terror group holding eight Americans hostage for 292 days waved in the streets of our nation’s Capitol,” Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) wrote alongside an image of a protester waving the Hamas flag.

I guess he doesn’t have all those Islamic extremist Somalis in his district (3rd), which is near Minneapolis as well as having a small portion of the city. He might have a tough re-election if the Somalis get wind of this.

This is Union Station in D.C, and the bell is called the Freedom Bell, a replica of the Liberty Bell in Philly. Watch that video and pause it. They’re telling America what they want. Why are we allowing them to stay in the U.S.?

Read: Politico: Republicans Pounce On Jew Haters Burning American Flags »

Climate Wackos Sue Britain Over Government Climate Crisis (scam) Plan

It just never seems to be enough for the climate nuts. Sadly, no one asks them if they are practicing what they preach

Britain’s climate change plan challenged in landmark court

Britain failed to set proper objectives in its climate adaptation strategy, environmental campaigners argued on Tuesday in a case which relies on a landmark recent ruling by Europe’s top human rights court.

Friends of the Earth is taking legal action over Britain’s national adaptation programme, which was published last year and sets out what the government and others will do to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

The programme is designed to protect citizens from the risks posed by high temperatures, coastal flooding and extreme weather.

Friends of the Earth’s lawyer David Wolfe argued in court filings that ministers had to set outcomes to address specific risks, rather than “a generic aim simply to reduce risks”.

Government passes law climate wackos demanded, climate wackos demand more. Instead of making their own lives carbon neutral

Friends of the Earth’s case relies in part on the European Court of Human Rights’ April ruling that Switzerland violated its citizens’ human rights by failing to do enough to combat climate change.

Isn’t Britain out of the EU scam? Anyhow, why is it that the climate nuts always demand that Government enforce their cult on everyone else, while rarely doing anything in their own lives?


This also happened at Heathrow, and, since a bunch of climate wankers were just sent to jail for causing issues to lots of other Brits, well, they disrupted planes and left lots of people sitting in the airport in limbo.

Read: Climate Wackos Sue Britain Over Government Climate Crisis (scam) Plan »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful rentable electric bike which should be what Everyone Else should have to use, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post explaining how hot it really wasn’t on Sunday.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove