Biden: Why, Yes, I Do Want Regime Change In Russia

First he said it, then his administration pulled out the industrial strength mops for cleanup, and now

Will we get another round of “the Biden administration does mean what Biden says”?

(Fox News) Biden insisted he is not “walking back” his comments, seeking to separate his wish for Putin not to be leading Russia from an official policy that would seek to remove him.

“I was expressing my outrage at the behavior of this man,” Biden said, calling the Russian president’s behavior “outrageous” and that his comments about him were “more an aspiration than anything.”

“He shouldn’t be in power,” Biden added. “People like this shouldn’t be ruling countries, but they do, in fact. They do. But, doesn’t mean I can’t express my outrage about it.”

“I’m not walking anything back. The fact of the matter is, I was expressing the moral outrage I felt toward the way Putin is dealing and the actions of this man, which is just brutality,” said Biden.

“But I want to make it clear: I wasn’t then, nor am I now, articulating a policy change. I was expressing the moral outrage that I feel, and I make no apologies for it,” he added.

Does Biden, a guy who’s been in Government since taking office as a Senator in 1973, a guy who was picked to be Obama’s VP due to his vast (snicker) foreign policy experience, who pimped that same experience for the 2020 election, understand how this whole Presidenting thing works? A president doesn’t get to simply express moral outrage when dealing with the leader of a nuclear weapons armed nation.

Read: Biden: Why, Yes, I Do Want Regime Change In Russia »

Who’s Up For Climate Justice With Electric Vehicles?

This rather screams “these things are just too damned expensive” at this time

Electric vehicles for everyone? Climate justice programs help people of color, low-income Americans get moving

Key Points

• Low- and moderate-income communities and people of color have had less access to electric vehicle information and to electric vehicles.

• Non-profits and governments are providing funds and support and establishing programs to provide electric transportation to more Americans, from subsidized electric vehicle ride-sharing to electric bicycles.

• Experts say it’s important for everyone to have access to electric vehicles to reduce carbon emissions and help fight global warming.

That’s not a good start. Ride sharing because too expensive. Putting people on electric bikes because they cannot afford an EV.

High gasoline prices, increased electric vehicle marketing, concerns about climate change and billions in clean transportation funds in federal infrastructure legislation are driving increased interest in electric vehicles among consumers. Low-income Americans and people of color are more likely to have been left out of the conversion conversation but a growing number of programs like the one in St. Louis are hoping to change that, with subsidies, programs and other initiatives aiming at making the vehicles more accessible to all.

Funny how these uber-leftists always think blacks are too poor to buy a vehicle. What’s the word for that attitude?

Electric vehicles only constituted a little less than 4% of new car sales last year, but that’s double the 2020 number. Even with that growth, electric vehicles and especially charging stations are still much more likely to be seen in wealthier areas – affluent white males made up a disproportionate number of early adopters – compared with low and moderate-income neighborhoods. The vehicles also have made less of an inroad among communities of color, activists say.

Yes, there are more sold, because richer folks are getting them. Also, Why In The F*ck are activists involved? Can’t they just get real jobs?

Cutting emissions requires everyone’s participation

Finding ways to provide access and opportunity in lower-income neighborhoods is necessary to the ultimate goal of overall electrical conversion, said Jeff Allen of Forth, the Oregon-based non-profit that is working on the St. Louis SiLVERS program.

“If this only works for people who have multiple cars in a private garage and lots of flexibility, then it doesn’t work. Because we have to replace all the cars,” Allen said. “And the things that are barriers for historically underserved communities are barriers for everybody to some extent. It’s just more severe, more obvious. If you can figure out ways to address them” there, it will help solve problems other places “and you’re going to scale things up a lot faster.”

Or, you can Fark off, mind your own business, and stop trying to force everyone to comply with your cult beliefs.

Anyway, it’s a very long piece, enjoy the socialism and stuff.

Read: Who’s Up For Climate Justice With Electric Vehicles? »

If All You See…

…is champagne which will be decimated due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Brandon reinstating fines on automakers over CAFE standards.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden’s Polling Continues To Drop, Hits 40% In NBC Poll

See, Trump polled because he said/Tweeted Mean Things, but, got things done for citizens which the media refused to broadcast. Biden polls low because he’s pretty much incompetent, clueless, and even intentionally doing things bad for citizens

Biden’s approval falls to lowest level of his presidency as Democrats fearfully eye midterms

Amid Europe’s largest land war since World War II, 7 in 10 Americans expressed low confidence in President Joe Biden’s ability to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in a new NBC News poll, and 8 in 10 voiced worry that the war will increase gas prices and possibly involve nuclear weapons.

And during the nation’s largest inflation spike in 40 years, overwhelming majorities said they believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and disapproved of the president’s handling of the economy.

Those are some of the major findings of the new national NBC News poll, which found that Biden’s overall job approval rating had declined to 40 percent, the lowest level of his presidency. The survey also found that Republicans enjoyed a 2-point lead in answering which party should control Congress ahead of November’s midterm elections.

So, if it’s just a 2 point GOP lead, it means that the poll either oversampled Democrats, or Biden’s really polling a lot lower. The poll has 55% disapproving

The poll was conducted March 18-22, before the president’s overseas trip, where he met with NATO allies, visited with U.S. troops in Poland and delivered a major speech about Russia’s war in Ukraine.

I wonder how Americans will react in following polls after all the gaffes?

But what stands out in the poll is that the public hasn’t yet rallied around Biden as a result of the war in Ukraine, said Horwitt, the Democratic pollster.

“One thing that has not happened — at least yet — is a rally-around-the-flag reaction with Joe Biden’s job rating increasing. The potential for that to occur could still happen if America becomes more directly involved, but at this stage it is not there.”

All Brandon’s done is put sanctions on Russia. I suspect if he gets America more directly involved he’ll drop further. Most do not want anything to do with getting into WWIII.

The erosion in Biden’s approval rating has been across the board among key demographic groups, including Black respondents (from 64 percent approve in January to 62 percent now), women (from 51 percent approve to 44 percent), Latinos (from 48 percent to 39 percent) and independents (36 percent to 32 percent).

“You cannot get down to the low 40s in presidential approval unless you have strained your own base,” said McInturff, the GOP pollster.

It takes hard work to get there, kinda like having a 432 credit score.

Seventy-one percent of Americans said they believe the nation is headed on the wrong track, compared to 22 percent who said they believe it’s headed in the right direction, which is unchanged from January’s poll.

Trump only hit those numbers during COVID

Sixty-two percent of respondents said their family incomes are falling behind the cost of living, 31 percent said they’re staying even, and 6 percent said their incomes are going up faster than the cost of living.

Great news, Joe’s not concerned in the least. This is your problem.

Read: Biden’s Polling Continues To Drop, Hits 40% In NBC Poll »

State Of Washington Looks To Ban Most Fossil Fueled Vehicle Sales By 2030

If elected Republicans had any brains, any fighting spirit, they’d submit legislation requiring all lawmakers, the governor, appointed and elected executive office officials, and their staffs to be banned from using fossil fuels for travel

Washington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030

electric vehicleWashington state plans to ban most non-electric vehicles by 2030, according to a newly signed bill by Gov. Jay Inslee.

The bill says that all vehicles of the model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in the state must be electric.

“On or before December 31, 2023, the interagency electric vehicle coordinating council … shall complete a scoping plan for achieving the 2030 target,” it reads.

The bill covers a lot of transportation issues in the state and is a part of a larger $16.9 billion transportation package called “Move Ahead Washington,” which Inslee described as a way to create more efficient transportation options.

Too make it clear. any 2030 model and beyond that is publicly or privately owned passenger vehicles and light trucks must be electric (section 415 page 88). As in ones that run strictly on batteries or hydrogen technologies. Hybrids would not qualify, even plugin hybrids.

If this is so important why wait 8 years? Why doesn’t Inslee start right now for himself?

Also included in the transportation package is funding for four new hybrid-electric ferries, thousands of electric vehicle charging stations, 25 transit electrification projects across the state, as well as free fares for riders 18 and younger on public transportation systems, according to a Medium post the governor wrote on Friday.

Average citizens of the state will soon find themselves only able to take the bus. How many will leave the state? What’s the chance that those in the eastern part of the state start pushing really, really hard to break away from the unhinged climate cult part of the state? For the rest, well, you voted for this, now you get to see how this works when moving from theory to practice.

Read: State Of Washington Looks To Ban Most Fossil Fueled Vehicle Sales By 2030 »

Biden To Trot Out “Billionaires” Tax Or Something

Democrats trotted this idiocy out last September, and it went nowhere, and a big part of this is un-Constitutional. Also, it’s not just on billionaires

From the link

President Biden will propose a new 20 percent minimum tax on America’s wealthiest households as part of his fiscal 2023 budget, according to a White House fact sheet released on Saturday.

The White House said that the “billionaire minimum income tax” Biden will propose would apply to the top 0.01 percent of American households, or those worth more than $100 million. More than half of the revenue raised by the proposed minimum tax would come from households worth more than $1 billion, according to the fact sheet.

President Biden is a capitalist and believes that anyone should be able to become a millionaire or a billionaire,” reads the fact sheet describing the tax proposal. “He also believes that it is wrong for America to have a tax code that results in America’s wealthiest households paying a lower tax rate than working families.”

Did you notice that this billionaires tax starts at $100 million?

The new proposal would require wealthy households to pay 20 percent in taxes on their “full income,” including standard taxable income as well as unrealized income like gains from stocks.

It will be interesting to see the way this works. It would, first, have to essentially disallow deductions in the tax code that bring the taxable income level to below 20% of what they made that year, as well as increasing the capital gains tax. The big part is the quiet part, though: unrealized income. Do Bill Gates and Elon Musk have access to their billion plus? No. Quite a bit of that is on paper. Until they “cash out”, if you will, it’s unrealized. If your house is work $200K, it is an unrealized asset. Would you like to be taxed on it? You aren’t until you sell it.

And the last time they brought this up, it was pointed out it was un-Consitutional, and there have been court rulings on this. Even the Washington Post noted back then the problems

To start, not all assets are as easy to value as publicly traded stocks. Privately held companies, such as Charles Koch’s Koch Industries, are notoriously difficult to value. Rare but valuable items are even more difficult to fix an annual price. Someone who owns a Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso artwork likely paid more than $100 million for it at auction, but it’s almost impossible to assess what a unique work of art would sell for at the end of each tax year. Billionaires are precisely the people with the motive and the means to hire the best tax lawyers to fight the Internal Revenue Service at every step of the way, surely subjecting each tax return to excruciatingly long and expensive audits.

And to sue over this law. Not that it will pass. It’s questionable if the Democrats will even try in the House, where they can pass it easily. Getting it through the Senate is iffy. Especially since politicians, including Democrats, are beholden to uber-rich folks. Lets say that it manages to be deemed Constitutional: where does all that unrealized income go? How quick do this rich folks move their assets out of the U.S. and stop investing in the U.S.? Why build a resort here in the U.S., for instance? On paper, it might be worth $50 million, but, only generates $1 million of realized income yearly. Who wants to pay on that property as unrealized, when they could build in another country? How many businesses do not get built? How many small businesses would no longer get seed money?

If Congress does have that power, however, it will only be a matter of time before lawmakers apply the tax to ordinary Americans. Anyone who owns a house or has a retirement account has unrealized capital gains. Billionaires get all the attention, but the real money is in the hands of the broader public, as the collective value of real estate and mutual funds dwarfs what the nation’s uber-wealthy hold. The government would love to get 25 percent of your 401(k)’s annual rise, and our nation’s massive annual deficits and cumulative debt means it will need that money sooner rather than later.

That’s what they really want, and Democrats have talked about going after 401(k)s before. Most likely, Brandon is just trying to whip up his unhinged base, because Dems have been taught that the Rich are evil and should have their earned money taken and given to the base.

Read: Biden To Trot Out “Billionaires” Tax Or Something »

If All You See…

…is horrible heat snow because Other People keep having children, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on having a hard time generating sympathy.

It’s clearing out the folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup George Petty

Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are barking at the birds, and Biden keeps pushing the U.S. into WWIII…oh, wait, that’s not good. This pinup is by George Petty, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Jihad Watch discusses the reality of the attempt to blow up a mosque in Chicago
  2. Legal Insurrection covers what happened to Coke’s racial quota for outside law firms
  3. Moonbattery shows what to expect on buses when they’re free
  4. Pacific Pundit covers the news on defining what is a woman
  5. The American Conservative discusses the danger of Oikophobia
  6. The First Street Journal covers the Philly Inquirer trying to garner sympathy for a murderous drunk driver
  7. The Last Refuge shows which countries support sanctions on Russia
  8. The Right Scoop covers Trump suing Hillary
  9. Weasel Zippers discusses Russian troops shooting at a nuclear reactor
  10. Real Climate Science says climate history began in 2014
  11. No Tricks Zone features an eco group opposing a wind farm in Germany
  12. Blazing Cat Fur covers the rise of the heterosexual queer
  13. Chicks On The Right discusses the lowered physical training standards for women in the Army
  14. Climate Depot notes Pelosi’s husband buying $2 million in Tesla stock
  15. And last, but, not least, Dissecting Leftism covers even more experts saying COVID lockdowns were a big mistake

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Biden “Misspeaks” On Calling For Regime Change In Russia

Yet another case of the Joe Biden, elected to essentially the most powerful position on earth, saying something which needed to be cleaned up by his staff, and virtually no one in the media questioning why Biden said it

Biden Says Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘Cannot Remain in Power’

President Biden appeared to call for Vladimir Putin’s ouster in a speech Saturday, saying the Russian president’s invasion of Ukraine had ignited a “new battle for freedom” between democracies and autocracies.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Mr. Biden said at the Royal Castle before nearly a thousand attendees, including Polish President Andrzej Duda and members of the parliament. Hundreds of Poles also gathered nearby to watch a live stream of the speech.

A White House official later walked back Mr. Biden’s comment. “The president’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region,” the official said. “He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.”

For a guy who constantly says “Let me be clear”, his staff sure has to clean up a lot of his messes, eh? It would be great if Putin was gone, but, being Russia, could someone worse take over?

Some say this was written into the speech, others say it was ad-libbed.

Now, just imagine that it was Trump trying to gaffe the world into WWIII. How would the media play that? Right now, most are providing cover.

Read: Biden “Misspeaks” On Calling For Regime Change In Russia »

Young Climate Cultists Leave Class To Protest Or Something

I don’t know what happened during your school days, but, if we tried to bolt school we’d be stopped and our parents called, no matter how many were involved. Why can’t these snowflakes protest after school, or on the weekends?

Students leave class to raise awareness about climate change

Across the globe, thousands of youth skipped class Friday as a way to call action to the world’s climate crisis.

It’s called, “Climate Strike” and is part of Fridays for Future. The movement was started by environmental activist Greta Thunberg in 2018.

“The response on a governmental level does not match what we see happening,” Chloe Johnson said.

Johnson is a junior at Central High School. She said Omaha needs to do more when it comes to the environment.

“We do have a goal of clean energy by 2050 but that doesn’t really get us prepared for the effects that are already happening and going to happen,” Johnson said.

Jobman wants everyone to push for change through their lawmakers.

“Call you representatives. Call your senators. Call the mayor,” Jobman said. “We need to change something now and if we don’t we’re all going to pay in the future.”

The cultists want everyone to call their representatives to force their beliefs on everyone, failing to understand the limits it would place on their own lives, how much it will cost them, and how much freedom they’ll lose. In a  sane world they’d be taught a lesson by their parents and schools, removing all the things the youths are whining about. It’s be hilarious if a Skeptic in the Utah legislature pushed a bill that would require schools to turn the thermostat way down on cold days and way up on hot ones. Stop running school buses. No class trips. No meat allowed in schools. And more.

This whole thing is elitist

Read: Young Climate Cultists Leave Class To Protest Or Something »

Pirate's Cove