Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Backing Up Septic Tanks

What would the high-toned and fancy too-doo folks at the Washington Post even know about septic tanks? They rarely leave their big cities for the countryside. But, they do know how to write doomy stories as relayed by other climate cultists, and you can bet the Post’s Jim Morrison never left his cushy confines to check it out

Backed-up pipes, stinky yards: Climate change is wrecking septic tanks

Lewis Lawrence likes to refer to the coastal middle peninsula of Virginia as suffering from a “soggy socks” problem. Flooding is so persistent that people often can’t walk around without getting their feet wet.

Over two decades, Lawrence, the executive director of the Middle Peninsula Planning District, has watched the effects of that problem grow, as rising waters and intensifying rains that flood the backyard render underground septic systems ineffective. When that happens smelly, unhealthy wastewater backs up into homes.

Local companies, he said, call the Middle Peninsula the “septic repair capital of the East Coast.” “That’s all you need to know,” he added. “And it’s only going to get worse.”

As climate change intensifies, septic failures are emerging as a vexing issue for local governments. For decades, flushing a toilet and making wastewater disappear was a convenience that didn’t warrant a second thought. No longer. From Miami to Minnesota, septic systems are failing, posing threats to clean water, ecosystems and public health.

The first area mentioned in Virginia is the Saluda area, which is about 4-6 meters, at least, above sea level (it’s due east of Richmond near the Rappahonnack River). We’re worried about sea rise in Minnesota? Even with Lake Superior, ‘taint happening, cultists.

And, the screed immediately goes to the usual race baiting and inequity stuff

The issue is complex, merging common climate themes. Solutions are expensive, beyond the ability of localities to fund them. Permitting standards that were created when rainfall and sea-level rise were relatively constant have become inadequate. Low-income and disadvantaged people who settled in areas with poor soils likely to compromise systems are disproportionately affected. Maintenance requirements are piecemeal nationwide. And while it’s clear that septic failures are increasing, the full scope of the problem remains elusive because data, particularly for the most vulnerable aging systems, are difficult to compile.

Sigh. Rather shows this is politics, not science

An EPA spokesman said the agency didn’t have a report on the septic problem but noted that sea level rise, changing water tables, precipitation changes and increased temperature can cause systems to fail. The infrastructure bill passed last year provides $150 million to replace or repair systems nationwide.

Ah. That’s what this is about. Biden’s bill. I wonder how much money will actually spent to fix these systems? Which are getting hit with what is simply normal.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Backing Up Septic Tanks »

If All You See…

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the greatness of Bidenomics.

Read: If All You See… »

Buses Start Dropping Illegals From Texas In D.C.

When Gov Greg Abbott announced he would bus illegals to D.C., the question was “will he actually do it?” The answer is “yes” (via Twitchy)

Drop them off right in front of the White House and Capitol Building. Drop them off in Biden’s hometown on the weekend while he’s there.

Read: Buses Start Dropping Illegals From Texas In D.C. »

Gun Grabbers Are Mostly Quiet In Wake Of Brooklyn Mass Shooting

So far, beyond some randos on Twitter and such, the gun grabbers have been avoiding their typical gun grabbing ways, as one would expect after any big shooting. No opinion pieces at the NY Times, Washington Post, or LA Times. All the networks are avoiding this. So, they’re either all calibrating their talking points or planning on ignoring the event. Why? Well, it’s rather tough to blame the gun when the Democratic Party run city of New York is a hotbed of crime and shootings, continuing to get worse. It is a mecca of everything the gun grabbers want, yet, shootings persist. NYC Mayor Adams is not waiting, though he did stay on the margins

NYC Mayor Adams makes politically charged call for ‘national response’ on gun control after subway shooting

Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams called for a national response on gun control Tuesday following a shooting in a Brooklyn subway station.

At least 10 people were shot in the incident, including seven males and three females, according to authorities. Thirteen people suffered injuries from smoke inhalation, falling down or suffering from a panic attack. Five people were in critical condition but were expected to survive.

At least 29 in all were treated at hospitals for gunshot wounds, smoke inhalation, and other conditions. None of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening. (snip)

Adams went on to say that “the problem we’re facing is a problem that is hitting our entire nation right now,” which he said merits “a national response” on the issue of gun violence.

Adams touted how the New York Police Department (NYPD) has taken nearly 1,800 guns off the streets of New York City this year.

“We’re going to continue to do our job, but there is some assistance that’s going to be needed,” said Adams, stressing the importance of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the necessity of making ghost guns illegal.

“There’s so many things that we could do to assist the cities across America, particularly New York City to make sure that we’re a safe place for our residents,” said Adams.

A “national response.” Because soft on criminals Democratic Party run cities are hellholes? No thanks. The gun grabbing group started by Gabby Giffords (who still owns a handgun, as does her husband), also chimed in, with Giffords saying

“Still reeling from the recent tragedy in Sacramento, we awoke this morning to yet another story of gun violence leading to chaos and trauma in yet another community—this time in Brooklyn, New York. Ten people going about their morning commutes were shot. Others were injured from smoke inhalation and the ensuing panic. Neighborhood schools went into lockdown. The Sunset Park community deserves better. All communities across our country deserve better.

“Yesterday, President Biden made a historic announcement about ghost guns in the White House Rose Garden. I’m grateful for his leadership on this issue, and yet, this is a complicated, multifaceted epidemic that is only growing in scope. We need more action from leaders at every level. We know what solutions work to save lives, and we will not rest until these solutions are fully enacted, implemented, and funded. The stakes are too high and the costs are too great to tolerate continued inaction.”

How is this gun violence?

James has been posting lots of seriously racist stuff, hating on pretty much everyone, as well as threats

He also shared local news reports and movie clips and used them as jumping-off points for his rants. A March 1 video began with a PIX 11 report about rising violence in New York City’s subways. In it, he went on to criticize Mayor Eric Adams, women, social workers and homeless people.

“I wanted to kill everything in sight,” he says about 12 minutes into the video. “I was planning to kill everything I saw.”

So, a seriously disturbed wacko, but, we need gun control? Because he is black, the media is not that interested in digging deep, and pushing gun control would keep the story going.

Read: Gun Grabbers Are Mostly Quiet In Wake Of Brooklyn Mass Shooting »

‘Climate Change’ Made Hurricane Season Rainier Or Something

Of course they’re going to say this. When U.S. landfalling tropical systems dried up, the cult switched from saying lots of landfalling systems, like 2005 and 2006, was the new normal to “fewer but wetter.” And, they blame this on you for refusing to give up your money and freedom

Pouring it on: Climate change made 2020 hurricanes rainier

Climate change made the record-smashing deadly 2020 Atlantic hurricane season noticeably wetter, a new study says. And it will likely make this season rainier, too, scientists said.

Human-caused climate change made the entire season — 30 named storms — drop 5% more rain. During the 14 storms that reached hurricane status the rainfall was 8% heavier, according to the study in Tuesday’s Nature Communications.

“It doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you’re near a threshold, a little bit can push you over the top,” said Lawrence Berkeley National Lab climate scientist Michael Wehner, co-author of the paper. “The implication is that that means there was more freshwater flooding and that the damages from freshwater flooding were increased, but by how much would require a more detailed analysis.”

While past studies have predicted climate change would make storms wetter and found individual storms, such as 2017’s Harvey, were in fact wetter because of human-caused climate change, this is the first study to look at an entire season, Wehner said. That’s important because it removes the selection bias of just picking the worst storms, such as Harvey.

It couldn’t possibly be the notion of a typical Holocene warm period being in play, nope. Because it’s a cult. But, without being able to compare the results to previous Holocene warm periods this “revelation” is meaningless.

The researchers used computer simulations — continually updated with real-time observations — to calculate how much water fell during the 30 storms and then compared them to a simulated world with no human caused climate change from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas. The difference is what’s caused by global warming. This scientifically accepted technique came up with the 5% and 8% figures.

When scientists looked at just the three rainiest hours of each storm, climate change amped them up 8% compared to the mythical world without climate change. For the storms that hit hurricane status, 11% more rain fell during the peak rainy time than would have otherwise, the study found.

It’s like saying a Gibson Les Paul sounds and plays better than an Epiphone Les Paul without ever playing or listening to one. Like driving one car is better without driving the comparable ones. Like Bud is better than Coors without trying both. Like saying one brand of allergy medicine is better for you without trying another.

Read: ‘Climate Change’ Made Hurricane Season Rainier Or Something »

Yet Another Poll Shows Americans Support Florida’s Parental Rights Bill

Do you actually want to fight against parental rights and for teaching children adult sexual issues, groomers?

Americans Back Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill: Golden/TIPP Poll

Most Americans back Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education Bill.” A plurality also thinks it is inappropriate to call the bill the “Don’t Say Gay” law. These are the key findings from a Golden/TIPP Poll completed last Friday.

The national poll of 1,305 adults asked Americans the following question: “The Governor of Florida signed the “Parental Rights in Education bill,” forbidding classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”

The responses are as follows.

  • 37% Agree strongly,
  • 20% Agree somewhat,
  • 11% Disagree somewhat,
  • 20% Disagree strongly, and
  • 12% Not sure.

So, 57% agree, 31% disagree. 20% want to groom young children into adult sexual topics, messing them up for life.

Interestingly, a majority, irrespective of party affiliations and ideologies, backed the bill, except for liberals. The support by party and ideology:

  • 51% of Democrats,
  • 73% of Republicans,
  • 54% of Independents,
  • 80% of conservatives,
  • 51% of moderates, and
  • 42% of liberals.

So, even a majority of Democrats agree with protecting children and involving parents. The 54% if Independents doesn’t bode well for the upcoming elections. I’d also like to know who the 27% of idiot Republicans are against parental rights and protecting children. I suppose a lot of them work for/support groups like The Bulwark and The Lincoln Project (they love molesting little boys). Others who were driven insane by Donald Trump, and now Ron DeSantis.

The poll also finds that, by 47-38, Americans find calling it “don’t say gay” is inappropriate.

Disney might want to reconsider their taking the side of groomers

(Breitbart) The Disney brand has taken a huge hit among American parents, with a majority of independents saying they “no longer trust” the company’s programming for their children in the wake of Disney pursing an aggressive LGBTQIA2S+ agenda, as well as the company’s opposition to anti-grooming legislation in Florida.

A new Issues & Insights/TIPP Poll asked 1,305 adults across America, “As a result of the recent stories, how much trust would you place in Disney’s programming for your children, assuming you have any?”

The results of the poll revealed that a majority of independents no longer trust the company, with 52 percent saying they don’t trust Disney’s designs on their children, and only 42 percent saying they do.

Why can’t we just let kids be kids, and not force the insanity upon them?

Read: Yet Another Poll Shows Americans Support Florida’s Parental Rights Bill »

Eye Destruction: Climate Cultist Lizzo Takes Another Private Fossil Fueled Plan

I’m feeling a bit Evil today. If I had to suffer through this, you do

Climate Crusader Lizzo Poses While Boarding (Another) Private Jet

Pop star, Joe Biden Presidential campaign surrogate, and climate change hardliner Lizzo posed in a tiny thong, showing off her buttocks while boarding another private jet on Sunday.

Lizzo posted a video to her 12 million Instagram followers that showed her boarding a jet clad in an outfit that put her entire behind on display. The grammy-winner tweeted Monday about being in New York City to host Saturday Night Live. (snip)

Last year, Lizzo performed at Global Citizen Live, a music event with a goal to rise awareness on climate change, among other issues.

Global Citizen urges countries to reduce their national emissions, and calls on developed nations to spend $100 billion annually on environmental issues in developing countries, according to its website.

In 2019, the pop star posted to her Instagram account an image of a climate change-related protest, which included a sign that read, “I just took a DNA test turns out I’m 100% freaking terrified for our future,” along with the hashtag, “Climate Strike.”

And, the article has multiple photos of this climahypocrite taking private jet flights. Or, at least posing in all her fatness in front of them.

For the first time ever, I will give you a trigger warning for what’s below the fold

Read More »

Read: Eye Destruction: Climate Cultist Lizzo Takes Another Private Fossil Fueled Plan »

If All You See…

…are carbon pollution clouds causing Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on LEO’s not soiling themselves over Constitutional carry.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden To Waive E15 Gas Rules For The Summer Or Something

This is a case of pretending to do something to help that really won’t help

Biden waiving ethanol rule in bid to lower gasoline prices

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden is visiting corn-rich Iowa on Tuesday to announce he’ll suspend a federal rule preventing the sale of higher ethanol blend gasoline this summer as his administration tries to tamp down prices at the pump that have spiked during Russia’s war with Ukraine.

Most gasoline sold in the U.S. is blended with 10% ethanol. The Environmental Protection Agency will issue an emergency waiver to allow widespread sale of 15% ethanol blend that is usually prohibited between June 1 and Sept. 15 because of concerns that it adds to smog in high temperatures.

Senior Biden administration officials said the move will save drivers an average of 10 cents per gallon at 2,300 gas stations. Industry groups say most of those stations are in the Midwest and the South, including Texas.

OK, who has the Gas Buddy app on their phone? If not, hit up their website. Now Find Gas. Choose your zip, type of gas is UNL88. How many stations do you have? In Raleigh there are a grand total of 3. Which, yes, saves about 10 cents. You supposedly get slightly better fuel economy for reduced power. Why not just turn on your econ button? Will makers have time to make more E15? Will they bother to make it when it’s not used that much to start with in most areas? Motortrend noted in 2021

Interestingly, in August 2012, there was only one gas station (out of 150,000) in the U.S. that sold E15 for regular vehicles. Today, almost a decade later? In addition to the QuikTrip outlet in Dallas, Texas, where we found E15 at the pump, there are still fewer than 2,000 retail distributors across 31 states.

So, really, this whole plan will barely make a dent in the price of gas. You know what would? Allowing more drilling in the U.S.

It’s also reported to be not good for any vehicle 2012 and earlier.

Further, is it a good idea to use more food for fuel? Both the NY Times and Washington Post have come out against it in the past. Speaking of the NY Times

March Inflation Report Is Expected to Show Price Increases Getting Worse

The government’s latest inflation report is expected to show that consumer prices increased 8.4 percent in the year through March, the fastest rate since 1982, propelled by rising gasoline costs and higher rents — expenses that are stretching budgets and undermining confidence in the U.S. economy.

Now, if Trump or any Republican was in the White House, it would be about undermining confidence in them. And that’s really why Brandon is pushing his almost worthless E15 waiver, because of inflation. It won’t help, but, his people can say it is.

Read: Biden To Waive E15 Gas Rules For The Summer Or Something »

Large Majorities Support Climate (scam) Policies Or Something

Of course, most of the support are for policies that give them tax breaks and money

Gallup Poll: Big majorities back range of climate change policies

Americans decisively support a series of six policy proposals to fight climate change backed by the Biden administration, according to a Gallup Poll released Monday.

The poll results showed that by varying degrees, solid majorities of U.S. residents back such climate proposals as providing tax credits for installing home clean energy systems to spending federal money on constructing electric vehicle charging stations.

At the high end of the scale, 89% of respondents favored the clean energy tax credit idea, while the least favorable response was the 59% who backed federal spending on charging stations, Gallup reported.

In between, the pollsters found that 75% backed providing tax incentives to businesses to promote their use of wind, solar and nuclear power and 71% supported setting higher fuel efficiency standards for cars, trucks and buses.

Also, 62% favored establishing strict limits on the release of methane in the production of natural gas, while 61% backed providing tax credits to individuals who purchase electric vehicles.

I wonder how supportive they’ll be when the price of vehicles goes way up due to the increase in fuel efficiency standards? Same with natural gas. As for the rest, tax breaks are great, right? Right up until the government raises taxes elsewhere to make up for the “lost revenue.”

On a broader topic relating to climate change, the new Gallup Poll found that a smaller 53% majority said they are more concerned about the risk to the environment of not passing such proposals than they are about potential harm to the economy.

Some 43%, meanwhile. indicated they are more concerned about the potential harm to the economy and deficit if the such measures are passed.

Now ask them if they support a higher cost of living in general, higher cost of food, cost of electricity, cost of housing, and all sorts of restrictions in practice.

Read: Large Majorities Support Climate (scam) Policies Or Something »

Pirate's Cove