Right On Schedule, The Atlantic Whines About Other People Using Air Conditioning

It’s seems to be a yearly rite of passage, where some outlet complains about AC at this time of the year, and it’s certainly not the first The Atlantic article that does this over the years

America the Air-Conditioned

As a heat wave spreads across America, the whirring of air conditioners follows close behind. AC has become an American necessity—but at what cost?

First, here are three new stories from The Atlantic:

A single piece of technology has made recent heat waves safer and more bearable than they’d be otherwise. The trusty air conditioner doesn’t just cool us off—it has shaped the way we live in America, my colleague Rebecca J. Rosen wrote in The Atlantic in 2011. AC changed home design and reoriented workdays; it even arguably influenced the way that Congress operates, by expanding the legislative calendar into the summer. Robust at-home cooling helped make living in fast-growing regions such as the Southwest more appealing—and that region has reshaped American politics and life. (One author even credits AC with getting Ronald Reagan elected.)

It wasn’t always this way. In the early 20th century, AC was generally reserved for public spaces; around 1940, well under 1 percent of American homes had AC. But in the decades that followed, the technology found its way into more households. By 2001, about 77 percent of homes had AC. Now some 90 percent of American homes use air-conditioning, according to a 2020 federal-government survey. AC was once seen by many Americans as a nice-to-have, rather than a necessity. But in recent decades, Americans have experienced an attitude shift: Pew polling found that in 2006, 70 percent of people considered AC a necessity, compared with about half who viewed it that way a decade earlier. And the country has only gotten hotter since then.

Well, having a modern lifestyle with modern conveniences is progress, right? Most people couldn’t afford a computer in the Reagan era: now everyone has one, it seems, including a phone that can do an amazing amount of things.

The environmental cost of air-conditioning puts users in an impossible predicament. The United Nations warned last year that global energy used for cooling could double by 2050, and that it could make up 10 percent of the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions at that point. At least until more efficient cooling is widespread, AC will contribute to the rising heat that makes it essential.

Does anyone want to bet that The Atlantic has an AC in its office(s)? How about Warmist Lora Kelley? AC at home? Turns it on in the car? How about all the Warmists who read the article and said “yeah, AC is bad”: have they shut theirs off?

Read: Right On Schedule, The Atlantic Whines About Other People Using Air Conditioning »

Pro-Hamas Mob Targets Los Angeles Synagogue, Harass Children

But, see, I’ve been reliably told that the “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators are simply against Israel’s war? No? Also, doesn’t California have lots of laws against this type of hate?

Pro-Israel Protesters Flock to Defend L.A. Synagogue Targeted by Pro-Palestinian Mob

A large group of pro-Israel counter-protesters rushed to demonstrate outside a synagogue and Jewish school targeted Thursday in Los Angeles by a mob of pro-Palestinian activists.

The confrontation began earlier Thursday, when the pro-Palestinian activists showed up at the school in Valley Village, an area with a large Jewish population in the San Fernando Valley region of L.A.

A large group of pro-Israel counter-demonstrators then came to the school to face off against the pro-Palestinian activists. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) arrived and separated the two groups on opposite sides of the street.

How, exactly, does this help the cause, unless the cause is hatred of Jews?


One would think a lawyer would know that Hamas is a designated terrorist group by the government of Canada. Further, that it is against the law to aid Hamas, along with many other designated terrorist groups. Why do 1st World nations keep letting Islamists in?

Read: Pro-Hamas Mob Targets Los Angeles Synagogue, Harass Children »

Hawaii Settles Suit With Climate Cult Youts

Too bad the settlement doesn’t mean things like restricting the kiddies from all fossil fueled travel

Hawaii agrees to ‘groundbreaking’ settlement of youth climate change case

Hawaii on Thursday agreed to take action to decarbonize its transportation system by 2045 to settle a lawsuit by 13 young people alleging the U.S. state was violating their rights under its constitution with infrastructure that contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

Democratic Governor Josh Green announced the “groundbreaking” settlement at a news conference attended by some of the activists and lawyers involved in the lawsuit, which they called the first-ever youth-led climate case seeking zero emissions in transportation.

As part of the settlement, Hawaii will develop a roadmap to achieve zero emissions for its ground, sea, and inner island air transportation systems by 2045, the year by which the state was already aiming to become carbon neutral.

Which means the cost to visit Hawaii and live there will skyrocket even more. I can’t wait till the youts express their dismay over this when they’re adults. When tourists say it’s just not worth travelling to Hawaii for a vacation

The agreement, which can be enforced in court, calls for the creation of a volunteer youth council to advise the state’s Department of Transportation, which committed to reworking its planning to prioritize reducing greenhouse gasses and creating a new unit dedicated to decarbonization.

Putting people with zero knowledge in charge sounds like a spectacular idea, does it not? But, hey, all experiments need an experimental group, right?

Read: Hawaii Settles Suit With Climate Cult Youts »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post noting historical warming rates dwarf current warming.

Read: If All You See… »

Surprise? Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Pro-Hamas Columbia Students

No one saw this coming, right? That the Jew hating, Hamas supporting students would pay no price for their actions

Manhattan DA drops charges against Columbia University students arrested at anti-Israel protests

surprise surprise surpriseDozens of anti-Israel protesters who occupied and barricaded themselves in buildings on the Columbia University campus in April had their charges dropped Thursday.

The office of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg dropped cases against 30 students and staff members who were arrested during the campus unrest.

“All these matters are dismissed and sealed in the interest of justice,” Judge Kevin McGrath announced in the courtroom.

All the protesters were arrested on April 30, hours after taking over Hamilton Hall, an academic building, and were initWereially charged with trespass in the third degree, a misdemeanor.

Stephen Millan, a prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, said there was insufficient evidence to show that any individual defendant damaged property or injured anyone. He noted the protesters wore masks and covered surveillance cameras, Reuters reported.

I wonder how many put it up on their social media that they were involved in this, that they admitted culpability? Were most of them not, you know, caught by the police? The NYPD went into Hamilton Hall and arrested them in there, students and faculty. At which point their masks were removed and they were taken to the police station and booked. It’s not like they were arrested after. So, Bragg’s office is blowing off that they were arrested in Hamilton Hall.

“The Office is continuing to pursue cases from both campuses, including all assaults against police officers,” the DA’s office said in a statement to Fox News Digital, referring to Columbia and the City University of New York. “There are ongoing school disciplinary proceedings for the students who had their case dismissed.”

That Columbia is involved in disciplining the students and faculty is irrelevant to criminal proceedings: they broke the law. And, who thinks the DA’s office will further drop charges against the other cases shortly?

Bragg’s office declined to drop the charges against another 13 defendants. Two of the 13 were Columbia students, and the other 11 had no affiliation with the school, although most were alumni.

Their cases would have been dropped if they avoided being arrested over the next six months. However, they rejected the offer and are scheduled to appear in court on July 25.

At which point those will most likely be dropped, whether the defendants want them dropped or not.

Read: Surprise? Alvin Bragg Drops Charges Against Pro-Hamas Columbia Students »

UN Poll Says 80% Of World Wants More Government Action On Climate Doom

Ask the right people and you’ll get the answer you want

80% people want more govt action to fight climate change: UN poll

A global poll of 75,000 participants published Thursday revealed that every four out of five people want stronger national commitments to addressing climate change.

The survey by the U.N. Development Program, Oxford University and GeoPoll posed 15 questions by randomized telephone calls to people in 77 countries representing 87% of the world’s population.

The key finding was that 80% of respondents want their governments to increase efforts to fight against global warming.

Poorer countries beat this drum the loudest, with 89% in favor, though appetite is also high in the wealthy G-20 nations (76%), according to the survey.

China (73%) and the United States (66%) – the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters – also saw a majority of respondents in favor of climate action.

Interestingly, the UN, full of climahypocrites, failed to ask what these climate cultists are doing in their own lives. But, it’s no surprise those in 3rd world nations want action, because it means lots of redistributed money from countries that have prospered.

Read: UN Poll Says 80% Of World Wants More Government Action On Climate Doom »

Squad Member Says Covering Illegal Raping 13 Year Old Is “Fearmongering”

In Democratic Socialist World it’s absolutely no big deal for an illegal to rape a child. The GOP should be playing this comment nationwide to let people know exactly who the Democrats are

Rep. Jayapal suggests coverage of migrant charged with raping NYC teen is ‘fearmongering’

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., and MSNBC host Joy Reid on Tuesday claimed recent coverage of an Ecuadorian migrant arrested for the alleged rape of a 13-year-old girl was “fearmongering.”

25-year-old Christian Inga was charged Wednesday with assaulting the teenage girl in a New York City park. Inga is accused of tying up the girl and a 13-year-old male and stealing their cell phones before raping the girl, according to Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz.

Inga faces charges of first- and second-degree rape, first-degree sexual abuse, predatory sexual assault, second-degree kidnapping, endangering the welfare of a child, first-degree robbery and obstructing governmental administration. Katz said this week the incident struck the “very core” of society.

I think that’s part of the problem, is that you have a lot of fearmongering,” Reid said.

Exactly,” Rep. Jayapal agreed.

It’s fearmongering to be very concerned over people being unlawfully in the U.S. and then raping a minor and all the other charges. Will anyone in the Republican Party bring this up on the House floor?


(NY Post) The overwhelming majority of New Yorkers believe the ongoing migrant crisis is a serious concern — and more than half fear the Empire State is heading in the “wrong direction,” according to a poll released Thursday.

The sobering statewide survey, conducted by Siena College, found that 83% of registered voters said they believed the influx of migrants was a “serious” issue for the state.

Of those surveyed, 57% deemed the crisis — which has seen more than 203,900 migrants come through New York City since spring 2022 — “very serious,” while 26% said it was “somewhat serious.”

Split by political party, 77% of Democrats answered that the problem was “serious,” while 95% of Republicans who participated agreed that it was a tremendous issue.

Yet, most of that 77% will still vote for Democrats who created the problem, and I bet they’d vote for NYC to continue to be a sanctuary city.

Read: Squad Member Says Covering Illegal Raping 13 Year Old Is “Fearmongering” »

Just Stop Oil Paints Private Jets With Orange Paint

Well, at least they’re going after the big wigs who tell us to live a certain life while doing the exact opposite. This is still “exhibit A” at their trial

Nice. Breaking and entering, possibly felony level because it is an airfield, criminal mischief, and vandalism. And all on video. And there are many more where they admit doing it, like here. They’re probably counting on a justice system that has previously gone easy on them, but, after Stonehenge, and these being rich folks’ planes, the outcome will most likely be much different

Airfield with Taylor Swift’s jet targeted by climate activists using orange paint

Climate activists gained access Thursday to a British airport where Taylor Swift‘s luxury plane is stationed and sprayed private jets with orange paint, a day after Stonehenge was hit with a similar protest.

The two activists made it onto the airfield at Stansted Airport northeast of London, climate protest group Just Stop Oil said in a statement.

The pair, named by Just Stop Oil as Jennifer Kowalski, 28, and Cole Macdonald, 22, used fire extinguishers filled with orange paint to spray two private jets, the group’s statement said.

It said they were demanding that Britain’s next government after the upcoming general election legally commit to phasing out fossil fuels by 2030.

So, um, how did they travel to the airport? They never show that part. Then there’s all that petroleum and to make and ship their clothes, backpacks, and smartphones. Too bad they didn’t get Swift’s private jet (she’s also a big Warmist): it would enrage the Swifties.

Read: Just Stop Oil Paints Private Jets With Orange Paint »

NY Times: Biden’s Gaza Pier Is Failing

Good thing it didn’t cost much, eh?

U.S. Pier for Gaza Aid Is Failing, and Could Be Dismantled Early

The $230 million temporary pier that the U.S. military built on short notice to rush humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip has largely failed in its mission, aid organizations say, and will probably end operations weeks earlier than originally expected.

In the month since it was attached to the shoreline, the pier has been in service only about 10 days. The rest of the time, it was being repaired after rough seas broke it apart, detached to avoid further damage or paused because of security concerns.

The pier was never meant to be more than a stopgap measure while the Biden administration pushed Israel to allow more food and other supplies into Gaza through land routes, a far more efficient way to deliver relief. But even the modest goals for the pier are likely to fall short, some U.S. military officials say. (snip)

In the latest blow to the aid effort, the U.S. military said on Friday that it would temporarily move the pier to keep it from being damaged by high seas.

The decision “is not made lightly but is necessary to ensure the temporary pier can continue to deliver aid in the future,” the U.S. Central Command said in a post on social media, stating that the pier would be towed to Israel. Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokesperson, said on Monday the pier could be reattached and aid deliveries resumed later this week.

Oh, just admit it was a boondoggle, a waste of money, and a failure. This is what they call rough seas

That’s a normal day at the beach. Did they think it was going to be calm and flat all the time?

Central Command said on Friday that 3,500 tons of aid had been delivered to shore using the pier since the operation started on May 17, with about 2,500 tons of that delivered since the pier was re-anchored and resumed operations on June 8.

But much of the aid that makes it through is not reaching Palestinians, aid groups said, because of the logistical and security issues, and looting.

Aid workers say the equivalent of only seven truckloads of assistance is arriving in Gaza via the pier each day, far short of the goal of eventually ramping up to 150 trucks per day.

So, the pier is a failure and what little makes it through is stolen, mostly by Hamas.

Read: NY Times: Biden’s Gaza Pier Is Failing »

Truckers Sue Biden Regime Of Climate (scam) Rules

Did anyone think slapping “green” rules on the people who move goods, including food, around the country was a good idea? Well, except those who want to intentionally skyrocket the cost of goods (via Green Jihad)

From the article

A coalition of energy and trucking groups is suing the Biden administration over its recently-finalized emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks.

The groups — which include the American Petroleum Institute, the American Farm Bureau, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and the National Corn Growers Association — filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to block the agency’s tailpipe emissions rules for heavy-duty trucks, which the agency finalized in March. Provided it withstands legal challenge, the rules will require truck manufacturers to considerably increase the share of their fleets that are electric vehicles (EV) or zero-emissions models by 2032, a timeline that critics say is far too tight given that green trucking technology is in its infancy and costly.

“EPA’s final rule exceeds the agency’s statutory authority and is otherwise arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and not in accordance with law,” the complaint states. “Petitioners accordingly ask this Court to declare unlawful and vacate EPA’s final action.”

So, pretty much what most federal agencies do, especially under Democratic administrations

Specifically, the EPA’s rules will force manufacturers to ensure that up to 25% of new long-haul trucks sold and 40% of all new medium-sized truck sales are electric or zero-emissions models by 2032, according to The New York Times. The regulation is “entirely unachievable” because of inadequate charging capacity and the present lack of commercially viable technology that would be needed to get to the EPA’s targets, according to American Trucking Association CEO and president Chris Spears.

Too bad the lawyers won’t mention in court how Biden uses a large number of fossil fueled and low MPG SUVs in convoy all the time.

Read: Truckers Sue Biden Regime Of Climate (scam) Rules »

Pirate's Cove