Illegals Must Now State They Fear Deportation, Rather Than Being Asked

Biden couldn’t have done this day one? He waited till it was campaign season and illegal immigration was dragging his re-election down (not that he’s in it anymore, obviously)?

Behind Biden’s asylum halt: Migrants must say if they fear deportation, not wait to be asked

illegal alien DemocratPosters inside a complex of giant, white tents tell migrants in English, Spanish, Mandarin and Hindi they should tell an officer if they fear being deported and “your claim will be heard.” On a side wall where migrants are seated in a processing area, a video conveys the same message on a loop.

Breaking from a practice in effect since 1997, Border Patrol agents at the holding facility in Tucson, Arizona, and throughout the country no longer ask migrants if they fear deportation. President Joe Biden’s administration temporarily suspended asylum at the border June 5 and, as part of that move, agents do not ask about fears. Migrants must bring it up themselves.

Immigration advocates call it the “shout test” — suggesting migrants must shout their fears — though agents are taught to respond to other signs of distress, such as crying, shaking or a change in tone of voice and to refer migrants for screening if the behavior appears genuine. Anyone not screened can be immediately deported.

How many are being immediately deported? Almost none, if any. How many are reading the posters in the waiting room after they’ve been picked up and immediately making their declaration? It completely invalidates the notion of the border agents no longer asking. And, if some people are flying from the other side of the world, they are not in danger: they have the economic means to invade the U.S., knowing that Biden will deport a small percentage.

If they pass screening at a higher standard, migrants can stay in the U.S. to pursue protections similar to asylum, like those under the United Nations Convention Against Torture. In doing so, the administration argued it is complying with U.S. and international law prohibiting sending people to countries where they face persecution or torture.

The US should only be complying with U.S. law. That’s it. And, since only a bit under 10% qualify for asylum, they should be held and processed immediately, then sent packing, rather than be released into the U.S. on their on recognizance, where the government now has to take care of them.

Those who consider Biden’s policies too soft play down the “shout test” — and the asylum halt broadly — as too little, too late. Robert Law, director for homeland security and immigration at the America First Policy Institute, said the test may have limited impact but not for long.

“Eventually the word will get out to those who are coaching those who are trying to take advantage of the asylum system,” said Law, who dealt with asylum as chief of policy at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services during former President Donald Trump’s administration.

Yes, it will get out.

Massachusetts migrant-family shelter program has had 300-plus ‘Serious Incident’ reports this year: ‘Very disturbing’

More than 300 “Serious Incident” reports have been recorded at Bay State migrant-family shelter program sites so far this year, the Herald has learned.

The Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities has listed a total of 316 Serious Incident reports at hotels, congregate sites, scattered sites, and co-shelters in the Emergency Assistance family shelter program.

The Herald obtained the Bay State’s “Serious Incident Reports Tracker Data” through a public records request after previously revealing how many people had been kicked out of the migrant-family shelter program for “inappropriate actions.”

Illegal immigration advocates will say “but, Americans do crime!” Yes, but, these are not Americans, and they shouldn’t be here, so, that crime rate should be zero.

Don’t forget, this is all on Kamala Harris: she’s the VP of this administration, and Biden made her border czar.

Read: Illegals Must Now State They Fear Deportation, Rather Than Being Asked »

Kamala “Word Salad” Harris Wants All Sorts Of Climate (scam) Initiatives If She Wins

Weirdly, not once in this ABC News article do they wonder why she takes so much fossil fueled travel and doesn’t use an EV

Where Kamala Harris stands on Green New Deal and climate initiatives

Green Climate Thought PoliceVice President Kamala Harris has officially thrown her hat in the ring for the 2024 presidential race with President Joe Biden’s endorsement, following his announcement Sunday he’s stepping aside.

As the nation begins to envision a possible Harris presidency, her history of environmental policy is receiving renewed attention.

As a U.S. senator, Harris was an early co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, a non-binding blueprint for transitioning the country to 100% clean energy within a decade. The Green New Deal was first introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Edward Markey in February 2019.

Yeah, that went nowhere for years. Democrats had to jam it into a bill that was supposed to be about inflation to move many of the measures, which raise the cost of living for Americans.

Harris also called for a “climate pollution fee” that would “make polluters pay for emitting greenhouse gases into our atmosphere,” and she indicated that a Harris administration would strengthen its enforcement and prosecution of fossil fuel companies.

That would also increase your cost of living as the fees would be passed on. Rich folks like Cackles wouldn’t suffer, but, it would harm the working and middle classes. Also, under what Legislative authority would she do any of that?

During a CNN forum on climate change in 2020, Harris said she opposed fracking and offshore drilling. She said she would also ban fossil fuel leases on public lands if elected as president.

Be funny if the fossil fuels companies refused to sell to the federal government. How much was used for her to travel to Charlotte last Thursday?

When she was San Francisco’s district attorney, Harris created what she called the nation’s first environmental justice unit.

“Crimes against the environment are crimes against communities, people who are often poor and disenfranchised,” Harris said in 2005. “The people who live in those communities often have no other choice but to live there.” Harris supports the Paris Climate Agreement and has said she will make the climate crisis a top national security priority.

Da, Comrade. Thought Crimes. Oh, she also put a lot of people who committed low level drug crimes in jail for a long time.

I’m not adding a Kamala category or doing a climate clown graphic until she wins the convention.

Read: Kamala “Word Salad” Harris Wants All Sorts Of Climate (scam) Initiatives If She Wins »

Republicans Pushing Biden To Leave Office After Dropping Out Of Race

I think this is a bad idea politically. In reality, if Joe isn’t competent to be tried for having classified documents, if he’s not competent enough to run for a 2nd term, he’s not competent enough to be President, and he should resign. We’ve all known that he’s been 5 beer short of a six pack since even before he won the election. He wasn’t that great when he was VP

House Republicans say Biden must resign after ending reelection campaign

House Republicans are calling on President Biden to resign from office after he announced that he would no longer seek reelection, arguing that he should not continue to serve in the White House if he is unable to run for another term.

The comments — several of which were from House GOP leadership — came shortly after Biden said he was withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race, a seismic announcement that rocked the political world and left the path forward for Democrats uncertain.

“If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately,” Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) wrote on the social platform X. “November 5 cannot arrive soon enough.”

“If the Democrat party has deemed Joe Biden unfit to run for re-election, he’s certainly unfit to control our nuclear codes. Biden must step down from office immediately,” House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (Minn.), the No. 3 Republican in the chamber, wrote on X.

Many others are saying the same thing. And they are not wrong. Most likely, Biden will spend the majority of his time either at his homes in Delaware or traveling around the country living it up instead of being at the White House and working….well, as much as can get done between 10-4 M-F. But, unless Democrats start clamoring for Joe to resign, he won’t. Most likely the big donors won’t say it, and Obama probably won’t push it. I’m sure there was a big deal made with Jill and Hunter to give them a cushy lifestyle once Joe leaves office. Does Joe even know about him no longer running?

Hopefully, this push by Republicans is simply a way of saying that Joe is incompetent and link that all to Kamala, who Joe has tepidly anointed. Should make for an interesting DNC, considering all those Democrats who voted Joe, because there was barely another choice. Will they be OK with Kamala as the Democrat nominee?

This though, no, stop

It’s not that she’s wrong. She’s 100% right. But, leave Biden in office, because any policies of his are Kamala’s policies. She’s failed on everything so far, including the border. She’s the VP to a guy who saw big inflation, causing your energy, food, cost of living, etc, to skyrocket. Do you enjoy paying over 20% on average more for food? How about well over $1.30 a gallon more for gas? It adds up. If you 25th Amendment him you turn him into a martyr, and that helps Kamala. Just leave it alone.

Read: Republicans Pushing Biden To Leave Office After Dropping Out Of Race »

Weather Nerd Weather Station Installed

I am a weather nerd. Always have been. I always have liked to know what the weather is going to do, especially the wind to see if waves are being generated. I have 9 different weather apps on my phone, though, two I rarely use and one is strictly for hurricanes. I’ve had an indoor/outdoor station for a long time, the last one being a little better than the previous (outside receiver died), which was much better than the previous. I’ve wanted one that tells the wind, rain, other conditions, plus, doesn’t overheat from the Sun like the older one.

I’ve tried three different ones. The first was the Acurite Irs (5 in 1), which works very well. However, the display was very hard to read unless you were standing over it. I couldn’t see the numbers from the couch. Plus, it only registers in whole numbers. Instead of 78.7 you get 79. Also, even it the screen’s lowest setting it was like having the tv on it was so bright. That went back.

The second was this one, which looked pretty good. It told UV and it connected to the Internet, so, I could nerd out and see the weather conditions at home when not home. From the start it told me the batteries in the outside unit were low, despite being brand new. Same when I put different brand new ones in. Then just dead within 4 hours. Toast. Going back.

Finally, this Logia 7 in 1 that was on sale for $127 from it’s $159.99 for prime day (it’s down to $143, still worth it). The display is wonderful. Easy to read, and I can see it despite my eyes being about a foot below it while sitting on the couch. Some say that the rain gauge is off, but, I haven’t tested in comparison to a manual gauge. Not that I care that much. The temperature doesn’t seem to spike high when exposed to direct sunlight. Since it is on the back deck, the wind meter is probably not perfect, but, that’s OK. So far it is all working excellent, and it was very easy to hook up. You do need to purchase a bracket or something to put it on, as it does not come with one.

Also, you can hook it up to Weather Underground, and I did. I can see my weather station wherever I am. So, if you are looking for one and do not want to spend hundreds (I’m not that much of a weather nerd), this one is perfect. Of course, we’ll see what happens when the weather gets extreme and when it gets cold.

Read: Weather Nerd Weather Station Installed »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike staving off the desertification effects from climate doom, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post “cackling idiocy”.

It’s bike week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. Not quite as hot, the Dodgers have won a few straight, and the new weather station is working great. This pinup is by Bill Randall, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Other McCain wonders if we can rule out Arkancide
  2. The Lid notes that Bud Light still hasn’t recovered
  3. The Last Refuge covers officials admitting Trump was denied more security
  4. The Gateway Pundit notes moonbats swarming the White House demanding Joe drop out
  5. The First Street Journal wonders if we can even call the Credentialed Media credentialed anymore
  6. Sultan Knish discusses the DEI Secret Service
  7. Pacific Pundit shows Fauci being horrible
  8. Moonbattery highlights what will replace drug stores
  9. Legal Insurrection covers Kamala failing to reassure campaign donors
  10. Jihad Watch notes what a pro-Hamas group is threatening when Netanyahu comes to D.C.
  11. Geller Report discusses Trump saying he’ll deport terror supporting students
  12. Gates Of Vienna notes the knives in Paris
  13. Culturicidal says that people calling for Conservatives to die should be fired
  14. Climate Depot notes that cold kills way more people than heat
  15. And last, but, not least, Watts Up With That? discusses climate warriors colonising medicine

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Israel Lays The Big Boom On Houthis In Yemen

The Iran backed Houthis wanted to play with fire when they attacked a building in Tel Aviv, along with all the rockets. They should have realized that they have matches while Israel has flamethrowers, and is in no mood post 10/7 for shenanigans

IDF jets target Houthi regime in strike on Hodeidah energy infrastructure

IDF F-15, F-35, and other fighter jets carried out around ten airstrikes against Houthi military targets in the area of the Hodeidah Port in Yemen, according to a mix of IDF and foreign media reports Saturday evening.

Israeli airstrikes targeted oil refining facilities in Yemen’s Hodeidah as well as Yemeni air force assets to disrupt the transport of Iranian weapons to Yemen and reportedly killed and wounded dozens of people.

Although the Houthis try to present the port as humanitarian, multiple top Israeli officials said that it is a shield for mixing massive weapons imports in with humanitarian aid.

Local sources in Yemen told Hezbollah-affiliated Al Mayadeen that there are power outages in several areas in Hodeidah as a result of the Israeli strikes that hit an electricity production plant.

Israel is not playing anymore

Houthis with bad ideas

(Jerusalem Post) Israel’s attack on a strategic oil refinery in Yemen is more than a tactical strike in the complex conflict between Israel and Yemen. It sends an unambiguous message to Iran: Israel can and will disrupt the energy lifeline of the Middle East. Energy, as a critical element of national and regional security, is at the heart of this strategic maneuver. By targeting essential energy assets, Israel underscores the vulnerability of its adversaries’ economic and military capabilities, which heavily depend on a stable energy supply.

The Yemeni oil facility, while significant, is not the primary target of Israel’s strategic calculations. Instead, it demonstrates what can be achieved on a larger scale—precisely, a hint at the potential vulnerability of Iran’s critical oil infrastructure, most notably Khark Island.

For all Iran’s bluster, they are really only weapons strong on missiles (which do not have the best targeting) and drones. Their air power is pretty much garbage, though, they do have pretty good SAM coverage in Iran, though a bit antiquated. They have a larger military force, but, can they compete with Iran’s professionalism? Further, Israel would most likely not get in a ground war, they’d just bomb the bejeezus out of Iran, rather than sending tanks and armor. Israel can project power all the way to Iran, and have the advanced air weapons to do it. They’ve done it before. Iran should also remember that many Arab nations are not fans of Iran.

Read: Israel Lays The Big Boom On Houthis In Yemen »

Weird: Toyota’s Going All In On Hybrids Instead Of EVs

It’s almost like Toyota knows their consumers and what they want, and will cater to them

Toyota goes all-in on hybrids in U.S. as Trump risks loom over EVs

Electric vehicleToyota Motor will make all major models in the U.S. available as hybrids by 2030, doubling down on its strength in the vehicles as uncertainty shadows the market for electrics.

At a Thursday test-drive event at Toyota’s North American headquarters — the first in years — half of the 26 models featured were hybrids. Just two were electric vehicles.

The plan is to offer hybrid options for all key models by 2030, said Kevin Butt, regional environmental sustainability director at Toyota Motor North America.

Many of Toyota’s key models are already available as hybrids. The popular Camry sedan went hybrid-only when it was updated this spring. The Crown Signia sport utility vehicle launching this year will be exclusively sold as a hybrid.

Toyota and Honda, both being very efficient and well built vehicles, are trying to minimize the necessity to offer tons of EVs, because customers are not clamoring for them. Heck, a lot of customers do not want standard hybrids. But, really, if you drive a regular Camry or Accord then the hybrid versions you will barely notice the difference in acceleration. Same with the CRVs and RAV4s. And Toyota/Lexus dominates the US market when it comes to hybrids. They would actually like if Trump ands the EPA fuel economy requirements that force manufacturers to make EVs which customers do not want, and are not really profitable.

Heck, they would lose out on profit from maintenance. Doesn’t mean they won’t make some EVs, but, they won’t have to because of Government fiat.

Check out Hyundai’s new $23K Casper EV spotted out in the wild [Video]

As automakers race to launch affordable electric cars, Hyundai is ahead of the pack. Hyundai’s new Casper EV, starting at under $23,000 (31.5 million won) in Korea, was spotted driving out in public. With incentives, Hyundai says its new Casper EV can be bought for as little as $14,500 (20 million won). Check out Hyundai’s new low-cost EV in the video below.

Hyundai opened Casper EV pre-orders (called the Inster EV in Europe) last month, starting at $22,800 (31.5 million won).

Including government incentives and rebates, Hyundai expects the price of its base “Inspiration” model to fall to as low as $14,500 (20 million won).

“To truly popularize electric vehicles, we have prepared the Casper Electric with unrivaled product competitiveness and reasonable price,” a Hyundai spokesperson said. They added Hyundai’s new Casper EV will be “the most attractive choice” for many EV buyers.

It’s also tiny. It’s like buying a sub-subcompact SUV (a Toyota CHR and Honda HRV are examples of subcompact SUVs. RAV4s/CRVs are compact SUVs)

This is the kind of tiny vehicle, very narrow, that you see on the small roads in Japan and South Korea. That some in Europe get for their short trips around town. It might be nice as a 2nd car for around town, but, Americans do not like tiny cars on the road. Especially when government officials who do not use any EV are forcing this on them.

Read: Weird: Toyota’s Going All In On Hybrids Instead Of EVs »

If All You See…

…is a mountain which will SOON! see its snow disappear from global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on road rage and self defense in Indianapolis.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Seems A Bit Upset Over All The Illegals Shipped To Democrat Run Cities

Texas governor Greg Abbott has shipped around 120,000 illegals to Sanctuary City New York and other Democrat run sanctuary jurisdictions, causing complete freakouts from Democrats who support unfettered illegal immigration. The Times wonders how we got here

Bus by Bus, Texas’ Governor Changed Migration Across the U.S.

The autumn of 2021 delivered a shock to the state of Texas. More than 9,000 migrants crossed the border on a September day into the town of Del Rio and huddled in a tent camp under a bridge. Thousands more came later that week from countries all over the world, challenging the town’s ability to handle them.

The following spring, Texas opened a new frontier of its own. On April 13, a bus pulled into Union Station in Washington, D.C., carrying 24 migrants who had been offered a free ride from the border city of Eagle Pass, Texas, chartered by the state’s Division of Emergency Management. More buses arrived in the capital over the next several days.

Washington’s mayor, Muriel Bowser, suggested that many of the migrants had been “tricked” into riding the buses by the Texas governor, Greg Abbott. The White House called it a “political stunt.”

In the two years since Mr. Abbott dispatched the first buses from Texas, the busing program has turned into a significant part of the country’s transportation infrastructure for migrants.

The Times positions this as an issue, instead of a boon. Aren’t the Times and other Democrat outlets and officials and groups always telling us that illegals are great and this country couldn’t run without them?

A New York Times analysis of state records, immigration data collected by Syracuse University and records from the destination cities, as well as interviews with dozens of migrants, city officials and immigration organization leaders, show that the Texas program is continuing to expand its reach — new target cities include Boston, Detroit and Albuquerque — and helping to reshape migration across the United States.

Yeah, instead of the illegals staying in areas that are not sanctuary jurisdictions they have been sent to those who say they love illegals. Right up until they had to actually deal with illegals.

While Mr. Abbott did not create the migrant crisis that reached a peak at the end of last year, the analysis showed, he amplified and concentrated it. He took what otherwise might have been the slow diffusion of migrants from the border to cities and towns across the United States, and directed it at just a few places.

“I took the border to them,” Mr. Abbott told a cheering crowd at the Republican National Convention, where drastically curbing migration, a centerpiece of former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign, has been a frequent theme. “Those buses will continue to roll until we finally secure our border.”

And this has given sanctuary city residents apoplexy and created massive problems for budgets of the cities. Anyhow, it’s a long article, in which the four “journalists” who wrote it never once get to a spot where they say “hey, maybe it would be better if the border was shut down as much as possible. Maybe Democrats should stop incentivizing people from around the world to just show up at the border.”

Read: NY Times Seems A Bit Upset Over All The Illegals Shipped To Democrat Run Cities »

Pirate's Cove