Federal Judge Puts Biden Federal Worker Mandate On Time Out

Brandon’s not doing so well in court, eh?

Texas judge blocks Biden vaccine mandate for federal workers

A Texas federal judge has blocked the Biden administration’s order for federal employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in the latest setback to the administration’s pandemic response.

The ruling by Judge Jeffrey Brown stated that the order “amounts to a presidential mandate that all federal employees consent to vaccination against COVID-19 or lose their jobs.”

“Because the President’s authority is not that broad, the court will enjoin the second order’s enforcement,” wrote Brown, who was nominated to the federal bench by President Donald Trump.

Brown cited the Supreme Court’s decision last week that prevented the administration from enforcing a requirement that all businesses with at least 100 employees mandate that workers get vaccinated or undergo weekly testing.

Brown claimed the administration’s order for federal workers was a “bridge too far” by allowing the White House “with a stroke of a pen or without the input of Congress, [to] require millions of federal employees to undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment.”

Now what, Joe?

Read: Federal Judge Puts Biden Federal Worker Mandate On Time Out »

Your Fault: West Coast To See More Blackouts And Energy Price Spikes From ‘Climate Change’

If only those people in California, Washington, and Oregon gave up their fossil fueled vehicles and drove EVs, took the bus, walked. Gave up meat, moved into tiny homes. Gave a large portion of their income to the government

Climate change will likely worsen West Coast blackouts and cause energy price spikes, studies find

A pair of recent studies suggest West Coast residents and businesses will suffer more frequent blackouts and higher electricity prices because climate change will lead to more disruptive extreme weather events. The research papers were published in the scientific journal Earth’s Future.

Wait, “suggest”? They don’t know? Then why are they putting out studies?

“The impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on the grid, mostly in the form of drought and heat waves, are going to get worse under climate change,” co-author Jordan Kern, assistant professor of forestry and environment resources at North Carolina State University, said in a statement about the reports. Kern’s co-authors included professors of environmental science and engineering from the University of North Carolina, Oregon State University and the University of Washington.

In one study, computer models projected the West Coast electricity grid’s reliability between 2030 and 2060 under 11 different climate change scenarios, based on the trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions and how much warming results. The researchers found more likelihood of blackouts in summer and early fall, largely driven by extreme heat in California causing increased demand for air conditioning. (West Coast states have interconnected power grids, so Washington and Oregon could be affected by California’s demand.)

All from a whopping 1.5F increase in global temperatures since 1850? It couldn’t have anything to do with replacing reliable, dependable, affordable energy sources with non-reliable, non-dependable, expensive ones, could it?

Although the researchers predicted only brief blackouts, they noted that a growing imbalance between supply and demand for power during heat waves would cause prices to spike up to California’s legal cap of $1,000 per megawatt hour. “When prices go up to $1,000 per megawatt hour, that’s the grid ringing the alarm bell,” Kern said.

These would be the rolling brownouts and blackouts due to a lack of reliable energy that are happening right now, right? We can solve this if you give your freedom, liberty, consumer choice, and money to government, though.

Read: Your Fault: West Coast To See More Blackouts And Energy Price Spikes From ‘Climate Change’ »

Report: IRS Will Soon Require Facial Recognition For Certain Online Tax Activities

Sounds, cool, right? Giving the IRS a photo of yourself? But, don’t ask that a photo ID be required to cast a vote

The IRS will soon make you use facial recognition to access your taxes online

The Internal Revenue Service will require people who access and pay their taxes online to enroll in a third-party facial recognition company starting this summer (h/t Krebs on Security). Even those who have already registered on IRS.gov with a username and password will have to provide a government ID, a copy of a utility bill, and a selfie to ID.me, the Virginia-based identity verification company. You’ll take a video selfie with whatever webcam or mobile device you’re using to sign up, which seems likely to cause problems for people with older hardware or who don’t have access to one.

According to the IRS, ID.me is a “trusted technology provider” of identity verification services. Anyone who already has an ID.me account from another government agency can sign in with those credentials. Brian Krebs created a new ID.me account and wrote in his post that the sign-up process was time-consuming and glitchy. He got stuck about halfway through the process and had to start again from the beginning, then was prompted to join a video call with an ID.me representative — with a wait time of nearly three and a half hours.

Fantastic, they’re requiring a non-government company to capture your information! According to the IRS website, this will apply when

  • Online account: Securely access individual account information, including the total amount owed, payment history, Economic Impact Payments, payment plan details and more. (so, basically anytime you access the IRS website login)
  • Get Transcript Online of various 1040 filings
  • Online payment agreement
  • Child tax update portal
  • Get identity protection PIN

Why can’t we have voter ID and a PIN?

In its “privacy bill of rights,” ID.me says it doesn’t “sell, lead, or trade biometric data to any third parties or derive any profit from the sale, lease or trade of biometric data.” It can share information with its partners with users’ explicit permission, according to its website, and when you register for an ID.me account, you have to accept the company’s biometric consent policy. The company collects facial and voice biometrics to verify identity and protect against fraudulent behavior and to “comply with a request from law enforcement or government entities where not prohibited by law.” And even if you delete your ID.me account, the company may retain your biometric data for several years, depending on “the nature of the data and relevant legal or operational retention needs.”

They’ll just have what you look like and all your personal information. In order to register you will be providing a non-government agency with

  • Email address
  • Social Security number
  • Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, Passport Card, or State ID)
  • Mobile phone with camera
  • Laptop or computer with a webcam (optional)

Cool, huh? I wonder what statutory authority this is being done under

You may remember ID.me from earlier in the pandemic; more than two dozen states use the company to verify people applying for unemployment benefits. Motherboard reported in June 2021 that ID.me failed to identify some applicants and that they had difficulty reaching anyone at the company to remedy their problem. ID.me CEO Blake Hall told The Verge at the time that it uses a system similar to Apple’s FaceID or the way a TSA agent would compare a passenger’s face to their ID at an airport.

The TSA agent is looking at my driver’s license and then my face. I’m not giving the person my ID, and they don’t have a picture in their database. Interestingly, you need a picture ID to fly. But, Democrats do not want it required to vote.

Read: Report: IRS Will Soon Require Facial Recognition For Certain Online Tax Activities »

USA Today Seems Upset That People Dare To Not Believe In Climate Crisis (scam)

How dare some of you people have non-cult approved Wrongthink! How dare you engage in your Constitutionally guaranteed Free Speech!

Climate change denial on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and TikTok is ‘as bad as ever’

The climate is changing, but misinformation about it on the major social media platforms is not.

Climate change falsehoods, hoaxes and conspiracy theories are still prevalent on Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube despite pledges to crack down, a new report says.

Social media posts and videos denying climate change, disputing its causes or underplaying its effects not only can still be found on these platforms, they are often missing warning labels or links to credible information, according to Advance Democracy, a research organization that studies misinformation.

Climate scientists say they’re frustrated by the lack of progress in stemming the tide of climate change misinformation. For years, they’ve urged social media companies to identify, flag and take down the misinformation and the accounts that spread it.

You darned free thinkers!

If they could prove that the climate has changed mostly solely due to the actions of mankind, few would not believe. They wouldn’t need to attempt to censor people.

But, says Michael Mann, director of Penn State University’s Earth System Science Center and author of “The New Climate War,” “it’s as bad as ever.”

A guy who refuses to debate.

John Cook, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Climate Change Communication Research Hub at Monash University who advises Facebook, says the proliferation of climate misinformation on social media reflects the torrent of misinformation coming from a combination of science denial and skepticism about climate policy and renewable fuels and technologies.

The guy who came up with the super sketchy 97% agree study.

“One element of climate misinformation that seems to be particularly prominent on social media is culture war type posts that attempt to paint people concerned about climate change as belonging to some separate social group intent on impinging on people’s freedoms,” Cook said. “This is a particularly damaging form of misinformation as it exacerbates public polarization on climate change, making progress more difficult.”

Weirdly, that’s exactly what the climate cult is attempting to do.

Read: USA Today Seems Upset That People Dare To Not Believe In Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…are mountains which will soon! lose their snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This Ain’t Hell…, with a post on a California county leaving $10 million in COVID protective gear out in the rain.

Read: If All You See… »

California Governor Shocked That California Looks Like A 3rd World Hell Hole

If you never clean your car, throw stuff all around inside, allow bird poop, berries, salt brine, and more on the outside, are you shocked when it starts looking like crap? If you’re not maintaining it, are you surprised that it doesn’t run correctly? If you try and sell it and you get a low offer, who’s fault is that? Why is California surprised that their “car” is a mess and breaking down?

Gavin Newsom on L.A. Rail Theft: ‘We Look Like a Third-world Country’

Governor Gavin Newsom professed shock and outrage as he visited the site of mass looting of cargo trains in L.A. on Thursday, helping clean up debris and touting his recent plan to help law enforcement fight theft.

“I’m asking myself, what the hell is going on? We look like a third-world country,” Newsom said, before apologizing for using the word “gangs” to describe the attacks on the trains, stressing that he did not mean the word in a “pejorative” way.

As Breitbart News has reported, images and videos of torn boxes and packages were shared widely on social media last week as the country learned of the looting of cargo trains as the Union Pacific line slowed near L.A, providing a target to thieves in the absence of law enforcement.

What did they expect to happen? The government of California, from local to the state levels, created the incentives to do this, like reducing funding for police, changing terms for criminal prosecutions, and more

In a statement, Newsom touted his “Real Public Safety Plan,” which proposes $255 million in grants to law enforcement agencies. It does not reverse the cuts to law enforcement undertaken by many Democrat-run cities, including L.A., where Mayor Eric Garcetti cut police funding by up to $150 million in response to the Black Lives Matter riots in the summer of 2020. Newsom also promoted his programs aimed at cleaning up the state and assisting “local litter abatement efforts.”

Good luck!

Read: California Governor Shocked That California Looks Like A 3rd World Hell Hole »

Brandon, Democrats, Look To Push BBB Climate Provisions In Stand Alone Bill

Realistically, this is the way it should be done: big measures should be voted on separately. And the climate emergency (scam) portion of BBB is so big that it itself should be broken up. And none of it will help the economy or the real problems facing America right now, hence, it’s not surprising in the least that Biden and his Congressional Comrades want to focus on this

‘Build Back Better’ Hit a Wall, but Climate Action Could Move Forward

A small but growing number of Democrats in Congress want to move ahead with the climate portion of President Joe Biden’s stalled spending bill, saying the urgency of a warming planet demands action and they believe they can muster enough votes to muscle it past Republican opposition.

Faced with the possibility that Democrats could lose control of Congress in November’s midterm elections, the party is now looking to salvage what it can from the $2.2 trillion Build Back Better Act. The sweeping climate-change and social-policy bill passed the House but came to a halt last month when Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. and swing vote in the Senate, said he opposed it.

But Manchin has suggested that he might back various climate provisions in the legislation, leading some Democrats to say the party should regroup around a climate bill.

“The bottom line is that we are running out of time and the only thing that can pass is a package that has the votes,” said Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass., a leading proponent of climate action in Congress.

Tell you what, Ed: when all you climate cultists in Congress practice what you preach, I’ll consider listening. When you stop taking lots of fossil fueled flights, I’ll listen. When you all purchase and drive EVs, I’ll listen. When Biden replaces his big limo and large number of chase cars with EVs, I’ll listen.

The New York Times asked each of the 50 Senate Republicans if they would support just the climate provisions in the Build Back Better Act if they were presented in a stand-alone bill. None said they would.

“You’d be hard-pressed to find GOP members who would be on board with approving these Democrat priorities,” Sen. John Boozman, R-Ark., said in a statement.

He described the climate provisions as “a far-left agenda” that is “opposed by every Republican in the Senate.”

The bill really isn’t about climate, or the environment, it’s about control from the Central Government. But, hey, Dems, waste more time on this idiocy.

With climate change legislation stalled in Congress, states look to pick up the slack

With action to address climate change stalled in Congress, states across the country are ramping up efforts to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

In his State of the State speech on Jan. 11, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee asked state legislators to appropriate $626 million in 2022 for combating climate change, including $100 million in rebates for buying electric vehicles and $100 million in grants for institutions installing solar panels. Although passage is hardly guaranteed, the Washington state Legislature is controlled by Inslee’s fellow Democrats, who have so far reacted positively to his proposal.

First, that’s the way it really should be. This is not really a power of the federal government. It really wasn’t the intent of the Commerce Clause. Second, Jay’s previous attempts were shot down in referendums, with lots of Democrat voters saying “no”, because Doing Something about ‘climate change’ is popular in theory, not in practice. Not when the Warmists know the policies will negatively affect their own lives and money. But, if states want to do this, let them. There should be a provision that any person who votes for this cannot leave the state for a period of time. They need to feel the pain of their votes.

Read: Brandon, Democrats, Look To Push BBB Climate Provisions In Stand Alone Bill »

Wuhan Flu Data Shows Encouraging Scenario

No worries, government officials and politicians who love the power to control will figure out other ways to continue that control

Is COVID retreating in the U.S.? Data paints encouraging scenario

New coronavirus cases are falling in parts of the United States hardest hit by the fast-spreading Omicron variant, according to a Reuters analysis of public health data, offering an early indication the virus might once again be on retreat.

COVID-19 infections have decreased in 15 states plus Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, an analysis of the past week through Wednesday compared with the prior week showed.

In the Northeast, which saw some of the highest case loads during the latest surge, infections are down 36% week-over-week.

The drop was more modest at the national level, with the seven-day average of new COVID-19 cases falling 1% as of Wednesday, according to the Reuters tally.

COVID-19 data often lag a few days behind the actual state of affairs.

“Certainly it bodes well for us in terms of the trajectory of Omicron,” said Wafaa El-Sadr, a professor of epidemiology and medicine at Columbia University in New York City.

Deaths and hospitalizations are going down (not that we can necessarily trust the numbers on them). Much like where Omicron (which should have been named Xi, but, the WHO didn’t want to upset China) originated, South Africa, the Omicron is burning out. That’s good news, right?

‘Your great-great-great-grandchildren will still be getting immunized against coronavirus’ : This Mayo Clinic doctor says it’s too late to eradicate COVID-19

Will we ever live in a world without COVID-19?

As the pandemic enters Year 3, many people are wondering if and when COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, will become endemic. Endemic refers to the observed level of a disease — or the baseline predictable level with seasonal fluctuations like the flu — whereas a pandemic is typically a global public health emergency with an unpredictable level of illness and/or death.

That is a long way off, and COVID-19 will always be with us, Dr. Gregory Poland, who studies the immunogenetics of vaccine response at the Mayo Clinic, told MarketWatch and Barron’s in a live video interview on Wednesday.

Some diseases, like measles, do not change. They do not have variants. The Chinese coronavirus is expected to continue throwing off variants, and can even infect animals like deer. It’s like the flu. That shot you get each winter is supposed to be proof against some variants. You might get a different one.

Australian professors urge residents to wear eye protection to help against Covid spread

Australian professors have urged residents and health workers to wear eye protection to help stop the spread of Covid, suggesting face masks may not be enough.

Research conducted by UNSW ophthalmologist Professor Minas Coroneo and infectious disease expert Professor Peter Collignon suggested that focusing on the mouth and nose may have left people more vulnerable to catching the virus.

They explained droplets from the virus can enter the respiratory system through the eyes.

Hence why you should avoid touching your eyes. Which is rather tough for those who wear contacts and glasses. And is something we’ve known since the beginning. The question here, is this the next push by Those In Charge? I guess we’ll have to see.

Austria set to make COVID shots compulsory after bill clears parliament

Austria’s lower house of parliament passed a bill on Thursday making COVID-19 vaccinations compulsory for adults as of Feb. 1, bringing Austria closer to introducing the first such sweeping coronavirus vaccine mandate in the European Union. (snip)

The bill imposes fines of up to 600 euros ($680) on holdouts once checks begin on March 15. Those who challenge that initial fine unsuccessfully face a maximum fine of 3,600 euros.

It still has to pass the upper house and be signed by their president, but, it is expected to easily pass. And there are lots and lots and lots of fines. Even though we know that Omicron can 100% evade the existing Bat Soup Virus vaccines.

Read: Wuhan Flu Data Shows Encouraging Scenario »

Want A Sunroom In Your New Home In The U.K.? Nope. Climate Crisis (scam)

From the link

Climate change looks set to claim an unexpected new victim – Britain’s conservatories.

They may be a sought-after addition to many middle-class homes but the sun traps can overheat in our increasingly warm summers.

As a result, regulations are being brought in that could make conservatories far rarer in new-build houses.

From June, any conservatory intended as part of a new development will need to show it will not create ‘unwanted solar gain’.

The change is part of a raft of measures aimed at future-proofing homes against summers where temperatures are predicted to reach 40C (104F).

“Predicted.” Right now, the average daily high in July for the U.K. is 70F

The new rules, which also aim to improve domestic ventilation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent, will limit window sizes according to which direction they face and whether the home is likely to overheat.

These freaking people.

Read: Want A Sunroom In Your New Home In The U.K.? Nope. Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is a frozen poll you don’t want to stick your tongue to, caused by carbon pollution shifting the cold from the Arctic, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post wondering why this massive push for vaccination.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove