If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike, which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on running if you see a Georgtown law degree.

Read: If All You See… »

Your Fault: Earth Might Maybe Possibly Hit 1.5C Within 10 Years

They feel it might happen, and this is your fault for refusing to buy an EV at the same price as a tiny house

Earth is likely just a decade a way from hitting 1.5°C of global warming — and scientists say it will be “catastrophic” for coral reefs

The United Nations has warned the continued use of fossil fuels is hurtling the planet to 1.5°C of global warming, relative to 1850-1900 levels, a threshold that will result in “unprecedented” extreme weather events. According to new research, climate change will also result in coral bleaching that will be “catastrophic” for reefs, and potentially, the marine life that live around them.

Is this the same UN that held a ‘climate change’ conference in Scotland, one where so many private jets were flown that they had to deadhead (fly with no passengers) them to other airports? They supposedly were going to ferry the Elites around in EVs, yet, there are no photos of that occurring. Strange, eh?

Once the planet hits 1.5°C of warming, researchers said, just 0.2% of Earth’s thermal refugia will have enough time to recover between extreme heat events, and more than 90% of those reefs will suffer “an intolerable level of thermal stress.” At 2°C, researchers found, no thermal refugia will remain, and all coral reefs will be exposed and vulnerable.

They do realize that corals built islands when the seas were much higher and the oceans much warmer, right?

This study was published the same day that other researchers concluded that marine heat is the “new normal” for oceans.

Until the earth hits another cool period. Then we get another warm period. Then cool.

Anyhow, when the Earth doesn’t hit 1.5C in 10 years, who gets called on the carpet? Who gets sanctioned for scaremongering? Who loses their job?

Read: Your Fault: Earth Might Maybe Possibly Hit 1.5C Within 10 Years »

J6 Inquisition Demands Phone Records Of Kelli Ward And Husband

At this point, the J6 investigation is expanding well beyond their initial point, which was about the mostly peaceful protest in D.C., which saw a bunch of people calmly walking around the Congressional building, some in very silly hats. The people running J6 still whine about “McCarthyism”, which really occurred when he was mostly out of power, and in the House, not the Senate, via the House Un-American Activities Committee. That committee was investigating private citizens for communist sympathies, so, yes, that was an abuse of power, even during the Cold War. McCarthy at least mostly investigated government employees for Soviet Union ties.

January 6 committee subpoenaed Arizona GOP chair Kelli Ward, who told election officials in the state ‘we need you to stop counting the votes’

The select House committee investigating the Capitol riot subpoenaed the phone records of Kelli Ward, the chair of the Republican party in Arizona, and her husband, Michael Ward, according to a lawsuit filed by the couple on Tuesday, Politico reported.

The Wards are suing the committee, Chairman Bennie Thompson, and T-Mobile to block the company from providing their phone records. The lawsuit said T-Mobile received the subpoena from the committee on January 24, and that they are seeking phone records from November 1, 2020, to January 31, 2021.

The lawsuit argues that providing the records would infringe upon their right to privacy and doctor-patient privilege, as the Wards are both doctors and use their phones to talk to patients, as well as violate their First and Fourth Amendment rights.

Both of the Wards were among those who signed documents that falsely claimed they were the presidential electors for their state in the 2020 election, declaring former President Donald Trump the winner of Arizona’s electoral votes, despite the state being won by President Joe Biden, Politico reported.

Now, if the document is true, then that’s one thing. Scrolling through someone’s private communications who wasn’t even present at the mostly peaceful protest is something different, and a pure fishing expedition against a political opponent, using the power of Government to harass citizens. Especially when the time frame isn’t even right around January 6, and extends to the end of January. The Democrats, and a few unhinged wackadoodle traitor Republicans, are using the Committee For Investigating People Walking Around the Congressional Building, Many Wearing Funny Hats, as a witch hunt, as a means to exact political revenge. Where, exactly, does it stop?

Read: J6 Inquisition Demands Phone Records Of Kelli Ward And Husband »

Mining For Lithium For Electric Vehicles Is Bad For The Environment

Let’s see, first they said ethanol was a great answer for fossil fuels. Nope, bad for the environment. Then they wanted to push diesel vehicles. Nope, also bad. Then they pushed hybrids hard (not a bad idea, IMO). But, that wasn’t good enough, so now they’re pushing EVs, which most people cannot afford, and

From the article

unintended consequencesLithium extraction fields in South America have been captured by an aerial photographer in stunning high definition.

But while the images may be breathtaking to look at, they represent the dark side of our swiftly electrifying world.

Lithium represents a route out of our reliance on fossil fuel production. As the lightest known metal on the planet, it is now widely used in electric devices from mobile phones and laptops, to cars and aircraft.

Lithium-ion batteries are most famous for powering electric vehicles, which are set to account for up to 60 per cent of new car sales by 2030. The battery of a Tesla Model S, for example, uses around 12 kg of lithium.

These batteries are the key to lightweight, rechargeable power. As it stands, demand for lithium is unprecedented and many say it is crucial in order to transition to renewables.

However, this doesn’t come without a cost – mining the chemical element can be harmful to the environment.

And what kinds of problems? Well, it can cause air contamination and

Any type of resource extraction is harmful to the planet. This is because removing these raw materials can result in soil degradation, water shortages, biodiversity loss, damage to ecosystem functions and an increase in global warming.


Read: Mining For Lithium For Electric Vehicles Is Bad For The Environment »

AOC Makes Sense On Congressional Stock Trades

I have zero problem agreeing with her. When someone is correct, they’re correct

AOC says it’s ‘not really a mystery’ why Congress hasn’t passed a stock trading ban for lawmakers given that ‘an enormous amount’ of them trade stocks

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York offered a blunt assessment of why members of Congress haven’t voted to ban themselves from trading stocks: because many of them hold lots of stock themselves.

In an interview with Yahoo Finance published on Wednesday, the progressive congresswoman said that it’s “not a mystery to me” why a stock trading ban is “difficult to pass” in Congress, given that “an enormous amount” of members hold stock.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the majority of members of Congress holding and trading and individual stock,” she said. “I don’t know the actual numbers, but it is a very large degree.”

Insider’s “Conflicted Congress” investigation found that 277 lawmakers did not report owning individual stock investments in 2020 — which would mean just under half of lawmakers do have such investments.

Insider also found that existing provisions to combat insider trading, particular the STOCK Act, are poorly enforced, and dozens of lawmakers and nearly 200 staffers have violated the law’s disclosure provisions.

And she’s part of legislation

The New York congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Ban Conflicted Trading Act, one of several different bills that would ban lawmakers from trading stocks. Notably, the bill allows members to continue holding widely held investment funds.

However, the ban supported by Ocasio-Cortez does not include spouses, which some have identified as a potential “loophole” in any potential reforms, given that spouses presumably discuss personal finances with one another.

Realistically, no one working on Capitol Hill should be allowed to trade stock, from elected officials to their staff to high ranking appointed Executive Office officials, to those working directly for the President and VP. It’d be nice if spouses and family members were restricted, but, as “private” citizens, restricting them would probably be illegal. But, they can be investigated quite a bit.

(Market Watch) (the link goes to Pocket, since the article is behind a paywall) So who were the biggest traders? The table below, based on a Capitol Trades analysis, shows the 41 members of Congress who made stock buys or sells in 2021 with an estimated value of at least $500,000 — or had family members who made such trades.

At the top of the list of the biggest traders on Capitol Hill by dollar volume is Rep. Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, who disclosed an estimated $31 million in stock buys and $35 million in stock sales. He’s followed by Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna of California with $34 million in estimated purchases and $19 million in sales, GOP Rep. Mark Green of Tennessee with $26 million in estimated buys and $26 million in sells, and Democratic Rep. Suzan DelBene of Washington state with $15 million in estimated buys and $31 million in sells.

Pelosi, in case you’re wondering, had $12 million in transactions. It’s a nice little bipartisan list, and we see things like

(Ro) Khanna’s (D-Ca) biggest trades included purchases by his spouse of shares in Walgreens Boots Alliance WBA and Microsoft MSFT, along with purchases by a child of shares in Apple AAPL, communications company RingCentral RNG and Facebook parent Meta Platforms FB. The California congressman’s spokeswoman said he “does not own any individual stocks and complies fully with the Ban Conflicted Trading Act, which would prohibit lawmakers from buying or selling individual stocks.” That’s a reference to legislation that has attracted 35 co-sponsors in the House and three in the Senate.

“These are his wife’s assets prior to marriage and managed by an outside financial advisor. No trading is done through joint accounts,” Khanna’s spokeswoman also said.

Wink wink. He’s totally not involved, certainly not giving her info on legislation.

“I let a manager handle it,” Green said in that interview, when asked about efforts to ban lawmakers from trading in individual stocks. “I’ve written it into a letter: ‘Do not take any instructions from me. Don’t listen to me on television and make any decisions.’ And I let him make all of the decisions. I’m for people doing it that way.”

He also said “getting insider information is a crime,” and laws against it “should be enforced.”

That would be Mark Green (R-Tn). And he could be on the up and up, as could a lot of them. But, without serious enforcement, how are we to know.

Read: AOC Makes Sense On Congressional Stock Trades »

Climate Cult Keeps Trying To Blame Snowstorms On Climate Crisis (scam)

This is the hallmark of a cult: they just keep repeating the same delirium that was invented to reinforce their cultish beliefs

What does climate change have to do with snowstorms?

(THE CONVERSATION) Bostonians may have grumbled about digging out from almost 2 feet of snow after a historic snowstorm clobbered the Northeast in late January 2022, but it shouldn’t have been a surprise. This part of the U.S. has been seeing a lot of storms like this in recent decades.

In fact, over a century of reliable weather records show many of the Northeast’s heaviest snowfalls have occurred since 1990 – including seven of the top 10 in both Boston and New York.

At the same time, winters in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast have warmed by approximately 4 degrees Fahrenheit (2.2 C) since the late 1800s.

How can the spate of big snowstorms be reconciled with our warming climate? I’m an atmospheric scientist. Let’s look at an important law of physics and some theories that can help explain the changes.

Warmer air, more moisture

First, warmer air can hold more moisture than cold air.

Think of the atmosphere like a sponge. Air holds about 4% more water vapor for each additional degree Fahrenheit increase in temperature (that’s about 7% per degree Celsius). The physical law that explains this relationship is known as the Clausius-Clapyron relation.

The worst storm in recorded Boston history was in 1717, which dumped around 5 feet, and caused 16 foot drifts. There were plenty of snowstorms during the 1600’s, 1700’s, and to mid-1800’s, during the Little Ice Age. How did that happen? Apparently it only snows heavy during a warm period? Do they ever listen to what they’re pushing? Do they believe that people with brains will listen and belief this?

Skipping to end

The sharp increase in high-impact Northeast winter storms is an expected manifestation of a warming climate. It’s another risk the U.S. will have to prepare for as extreme events become more common with climate change.

Read: Climate Cult Keeps Trying To Blame Snowstorms On Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…are wonderful woods which will soon be decimated by too much CO2, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gen Z Conservative, with a post on Brandon yelling randomly.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: As Biden Retreats From Middle East, ISIS Reasserts Itself

Biden’s doing a hell of a job on the international front, eh?

Islamic State hits back, aided by power vacuum in Iraq and Syria

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanYousif Ibrahim no longer travels by night along the roads around his hometown of Jalawla in northeastern Iraq. He fears getting caught up in attacks by Islamic State.

“The police and army don’t come into our area much anymore. If they do, they get shot at by militants,” said the 25-year-old, who sells fish for a living in a nearby market.

Nearly three years after the group lost its final enclave, Islamic State fighters are re-emerging as a deadly threat, aided by the lack of central control in many areas, according to a dozen security officials, local leaders and residents in northern Iraq.

Islamic State is far from the formidable force it once was, but militant cells often operating independently have survived across a swathe of northern Iraq and northeastern Syria, and in recent months they have launched increasingly brazen attacks.

“Daesh (Islamic State) isn’t as powerful as it was in 2014,” said Jabar Yawar, a senior official in the Peshmerga forces of Iraq’s northern autonomous Kurdistan region.

“Its resources are limited and there’s no strong joint leadership,” he told Reuters in the city of Sulaimaniya. “But as long as political disputes aren’t solved, Daesh will come back.”

ISIS started during Obama’s time. Who was the Vice President then? They quickly went from the “JV team” to a dangerous and ultra violent Islamic group post Libyan adventure. President Trump helped wipe them out. But, Joe is incompetent, and has re-opened the door for them, especially as he kowtows to Iran and retreats from the Middle East

Officials and residents in northern Iraq and eastern Syria lay much of the blame on rivalries between armed groups. When Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian and U.S.-led forces declared Islamic State beaten, they faced off against each other across the territory it had ruled.

Now Iran-backed militias attack U.S. forces. Turkish forces bomb Kurdish separatist militants. A territorial dispute rumbles on between Baghdad and Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region.

On one hand, do we really want to keep protecting the Middle East, expending American lives and money? On the other, we’ve seen what happens when the ME turns into a hell hole of Islamist extremism. Oh, and then this

Biden’s letting China in.

Read: Good News: As Biden Retreats From Middle East, ISIS Reasserts Itself »

‘Climate Change’ Is Going To Soon Starve The Ocean Of Oxygen Or Something

What happens if this does not happen? Who will be held responsible for their scaremongering prognostications? Oh, right, they made it 50 years out

Climate change has likely begun to suffocate the world’s fisheries

By 2080, around 70% of the world’s oceans could be suffocating from a lack of oxygen as a result of climate change, potentially impacting marine ecosystems worldwide, according to a new study. The new models find mid-ocean depths that support many fisheries worldwide are already losing oxygen at unnatural rates and passed a critical threshold of oxygen loss in 2021.

How do they know that it’s an unnatural rate? Do they have direct observations and data from previous Holocene warm periods, when there were no fossil fueled vehicles, no ice makers, no washing machines?

The new study is the first to use climate models to predict how and when deoxygenation, which is the reduction of dissolved oxygen content in water, will occur throughout the world’s oceans outside its natural variability.

Computer models again. Which give them exactly the doomy predictions they want.

It finds that significant, potentially irreversible deoxygenation of the ocean’s middle depths that support much of the world’s fished species began occurring in 2021, likely affecting fisheries worldwide. The new models predict that deoxygenation is expected to begin affecting all zones of the ocean by 2080.

We can solve this with a tax, you know. And taking away your freedom, liberty, and life choices.

“Humanity is currently changing the metabolic state of the largest ecosystem on the planet, with really unknown consequences for marine ecosystems,” he said. “That may manifest in significant impacts on the ocean’s ability to sustain important fisheries.”

Both the previous two warm periods were warmer than the current one: did this type of doom occur? It doesn’t appear as if the “study” even bothers.

“The oxygen minimum zones actually are spreading into high latitude areas, both to the north and the south. That’s something we need to pay more attention to,” she says. Even if global warming were to reverse, allowing concentrations of dissolved oxygen to increase, “whether dissolved oxygen would return to pre-industrial levels remains unknown.”

Do they have specific data on those pre-industrial levels, or, simply, computer models and guesses? This isn’t science, it’s a cult.

Read: ‘Climate Change’ Is Going To Soon Starve The Ocean Of Oxygen Or Something »

How Much Did Lockdowns Contribute To Saving People From Chinese Coronavirus?

Leftist leaders in the U.S. and around the world were in love with locking their citizens down. Remember “15 days to slow the spread”? How well did they work?

Lockdowns only reduced COVID-19 mortality by .2%, study finds: ‘Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand’

Lockdowns during the first COVID-19 wave in the spring of 2020 only reduced COVID-19 mortality by .2% in the U.S. and Europe, according to a Johns Hopkins University meta-analysis of several studies.

“While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted,” the researchers wrote. “In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

The researchers – Johns Hopkins University economics professor Steve Hanke, Lund University economics professor Lars Jonung, and special advisor at Copenhagen’s Center for Political Studies Jonas Herby – analyzed the effects of lockdown measures such as school shutdowns, business closures, and mask mandates on COVID-19 deaths.

“We find little to no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers also examined shelter-in-place orders, finding that they reduced COVID-19 mortality by 2.9%.

The lockdowns and shelter in place orders were wonderful in destroying the economy, closing businesses, stopping people from getting the medical, dental health, and mental health support they needed. In fairness, I will say that you really have to think about the panic that citizens and government were experiencing, as Wuhan flu spread around the world. Think back to what was happening in late January and in February of 2020. Things were going south even before government started implementing restrictions. People were voluntarily staying home as much as possible.

Of course, many in government went way overboard

“[Shelter-in-place orders] may isolate an infected person at home with his/her family where he/she risks infecting family members with a higher viral load, causing more severe illness,” the researchers wrote.

“But often, lockdowns have limited peoples’ access to safe (outdoor) places such as beaches, parks, and zoos, or included outdoor mask mandates or strict outdoor gathering restrictions, pushing people to meet at less safe (indoor) places.”

Remember the guy who was paddleboarding off Malibu, not a soul anywhere near him, and arrested for being out during the lockdown? Again, in fairness, that was not the fault of Gavin Newsome, who actually released orders allowing being outdoors exercising, it was on the cops. How about the guy in Spain walking along the beach all alone, and the cops chased him? He got away. The British cops were going nuts early in the lockdowns. Even on people in their own yards. And Australian cops were going Brownshirt last year.

If stay at home orders were so great, why did so many politicians blow them off themselves? Why were they blown off for the BLM/Antifa protests/riots?

Read: How Much Did Lockdowns Contribute To Saving People From Chinese Coronavirus? »

Pirate's Cove