Truckers Sue Biden Regime Of Climate (scam) Rules

Did anyone think slapping “green” rules on the people who move goods, including food, around the country was a good idea? Well, except those who want to intentionally skyrocket the cost of goods (via Green Jihad)

From the article

A coalition of energy and trucking groups is suing the Biden administration over its recently-finalized emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks.

The groups — which include the American Petroleum Institute, the American Farm Bureau, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and the National Corn Growers Association — filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to block the agency’s tailpipe emissions rules for heavy-duty trucks, which the agency finalized in March. Provided it withstands legal challenge, the rules will require truck manufacturers to considerably increase the share of their fleets that are electric vehicles (EV) or zero-emissions models by 2032, a timeline that critics say is far too tight given that green trucking technology is in its infancy and costly.

“EPA’s final rule exceeds the agency’s statutory authority and is otherwise arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and not in accordance with law,” the complaint states. “Petitioners accordingly ask this Court to declare unlawful and vacate EPA’s final action.”

So, pretty much what most federal agencies do, especially under Democratic administrations

Specifically, the EPA’s rules will force manufacturers to ensure that up to 25% of new long-haul trucks sold and 40% of all new medium-sized truck sales are electric or zero-emissions models by 2032, according to The New York Times. The regulation is “entirely unachievable” because of inadequate charging capacity and the present lack of commercially viable technology that would be needed to get to the EPA’s targets, according to American Trucking Association CEO and president Chris Spears.

Too bad the lawyers won’t mention in court how Biden uses a large number of fossil fueled and low MPG SUVs in convoy all the time.

Read: Truckers Sue Biden Regime Of Climate (scam) Rules »

Unsurprisingly, Another Poll Shows Inflation And The Economy Are Tops For Americans

Also, Americans think Kendrick Lamar won the recent viral rap feud with Drake by a nearly 4:1 margin.

Poll: ‘Inflation and Economy’ Top Priority for Americans, Abortion Last

Bidenflation“Inflation and the economy” is standing as the top priority for Americans, while abortion is coming in last, a June Cygnal survey found.

The survey asked respondents to identify their top priority, and a plurality, 27.9 percent, chose inflation and the economy as their top priority. Illegal immigration — another strong suit of former President Donald Trump — emerged as the second-most important issue, with 19.7 percent of respondents choosing that.

“Threats to democracy” came in third place, with 15.3 percent, but all other issues came in the single digits. Just 7.8 percent chose healthcare as a top priority, followed by national security (6.4 percent), climate change (5.9 percent), gun control (5.8 percent), crime and public safety (5.4 percent), and abortion (4.1 percent). Another 1.7 percent were unsure of their top priority.

Notably, a plurality of Hispanic and black respondents also chose inflation and the economy as their top priority.

Seriously, that Kendrick Lamar thing is mentioned on page 5 of the poll, but, good news for ‘climate change’: it’s not last or next to last. Bad news for Dems, gun control ranks low, but, for GOP, crime and public safety is right behind it. Bad for Democrats and Dementia Joe, the top two issues are things they’re horrible at.

Trump is also beating Biden with a favorability rating of 41.8% to 38.3%. Democrats should be very worried that Trump is at 30% for very favorable to Biden’s 20.2%. Very unfavorable is Trump 46.8% and Biden 47.9%. Those are really ugly numbers for a sitting president. Add in somewhat unfavorable and you get Trump 53.7% and Biden 58%. Sitting president. Has any been that bad? Heck, Hoover’s bad poll numbers were really over Prohibition, not the Great Depression.

Read: Unsurprisingly, Another Poll Shows Inflation And The Economy Are Tops For Americans »

Just Stop Oil Nutters Spray Orange On Stonehenge

Do they really think this is bringing people to their side?

Wackjobs giving England’s legal system “exhibit A” for the prosecution

Climate protesters arrested over spraying orange paint over Stonehenge monument

Two climate protesters were arrested Wednesday for spraying orange paint on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England, police said.

The latest act by Just Stop Oil was quickly condemned by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as a “disgraceful act of vandalism.” Labour leader Keir Starmer, his main opponent in the election next month, called the group “pathetic” and said the damage was “outrageous.”

The incident came just a day before thousands are expected to gather at the 4,500-year-old stone circle to celebrate the summer solstice — the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

English Heritage, which manages the site, said it was “extremely upsetting” and said curators were investigating the damage. Just Stop Oil said on the social media platform X that the paint was made of cornstarch and would dissolve in the rain.

Wiltshire Police said the pair were arrested on suspicion of damaging one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monuments and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

I hope they get strung up by the buster browns. At this does, even if there is no actual damage, do they think this helps their cause, just like with all the other stunts by Just Stop Oil, Extinction Rebellion, and other climate cult groups? Or, does it annoy people who might otherwise hold the same Warmist views and drive them away, causing them to tune out?

BTW, how did they get there? Did they walk or take a fossil fueled vehicle?

Read: Just Stop Oil Nutters Spray Orange On Stonehenge »

If All You See…

…is orange juice which will soon disappear due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on green aviation and cooking oil fraud.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden’s “Amnesty” For Illegal Spouses Already Looks To Face Lawsuits

If we weren’t living in a banana republic the duly elected legislative branch would be shutting down this order from Biden, and even looking to impeach Biden for violating the Constitution and his oath of office

‘Unconstitutional’: Biden’s ‘Amnesty’ Executive Order Poised For Slew Of Legal Challenges

President Joe Biden announced an executive order Tuesday that could effectively provide amnesty to well over 500,000 illegal immigrants in the United States — but the move may not pass legal muster.

Speaking Tuesday at a White House event commemorating the 12-year anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, Biden unveiled his own executive order laying out a plan to give deportation protection, work permits and a pathway to legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant spouses. Those eligible must have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years, be legally married to a U.S. citizen and be ultimately approved by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Remember, Obama stated that DACA was un-Constitutional

The illegal immigrants approved under the order will have three years to apply for permanent residency, allowing them to remain in the U.S. and gain work authorization.

But like DACA, the action is set to face legal challenges from conservative groups and immigration hawks, who say the executive order is unconstitutional and inappropriately interprets its underlying statute.

An attorney for the Immigration Reform Law Institute told the Daily Caller News Foundation that they are currently identifying legal challenges, and America First Legal – a conservative legal organization headed by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller – on Tuesday pledged legal action against the order.

And there could be others who file legal challenges

The maneuver the Biden administration is using to grant this mass amnesty is an authority known as “parole-in-place.” The president will use parole-in-place to remove obstacles in U.S. law that prevents noncitizen spouses who entered the country illegally from obtaining green cards without leaving the country, offering them a pathway to permanent legal status.

Under current law, an illegal immigrant can apply for legal status after they have married a U.S. citizen, but they are required to leave the country in order to move forward with the process. Under Biden’s expansion of parole-in-place, those noncitizens will be allowed to wait out the application process while remaining in the country.

The law is clear and how this works. Biden is eliminating the legal requirement. Under current law, this can only be used under a very narrow set of circumstances and be temporary, for which this mass amnesty doesn’t apply.

“Rather than stopping the worst border crisis in history, President Biden has overreached his executive authority to use an unconstitutional process, circumventing voters and their elected representatives in Congress, to send a message that amnesty is available to those who enter illegally into the United States,” James Massa, CEO of NumbersUSA, said in a statement.

“The action is unconstitutional. The timing is unconscionable,” Massa added.

How can we be a nation of law when the Executive Office decides to do whatever the hell it wants to do, and the Legislative Branch fails to stop it?

Read: Biden’s “Amnesty” For Illegal Spouses Already Looks To Face Lawsuits »

Weird: Scotland Misses Its Climate (scam) Target

It’s strange how so many nations who were super thrilled to be part of the Paris climate accord and Do Something seem to be failing to Do Something

Scotland misses another climate change target

climate cowThe Scottish government has missed another of its key annual targets for reducing planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions.

Figures for 2022 show that emissions fell by 50% from its 1990 baseline.

This is slightly down on the previous year’s figures but well short of its target of a 53.8% reduction.

It means ministers have now missed nine of the past 13 annual benchmarks for tackling climate change.

This is likely to be the last time progress will be measured against annual targets with the Scottish government confirming in April that it will scrap all but the 2045 net zero goal.

Still, that 50% means energy has skyrocketed, along with the cost of goods like food. But, hey, if the Scottish people want to keep voting for this, that’s their problem, and they need to keep their complaints to themselves.

Agricultural emissions have fallen by 3.2% while residential emissions are down by a significant 16.3%.

The residential changes are largely down to higher gas prices and relatively mild temperatures during the start of the year.

Have fun.

Read: Weird: Scotland Misses Its Climate (scam) Target »

42,000 Illegals Have Crossed Border Since Biden’s Executive Order

Wasn’t it supposed to be shut down when there were that many?

42,000 migrants have crossed the border since Biden’s executive order — and thousands are still being released into the US

Some 42,000 migrants have illegally crossed the border from Mexico in the days since President Biden’s “crackdown” took effect, The Post can reveal.

Border Patrol sources say that most of the migrants are still being given court dates and released into the US — despite the Biden Administration’s claim that the new measure would stem the flow of illegal immigrants into border towns and major cities.

“Thousands are still released by the day,” a source said.

“They get their ICE appointment and they’re gone in the wind. You think they’re going to show up when they know they don’t have a legitimate claim? Of course not.”

These are the ones we know about. But, why are they being let in?

Biden’s order restricts migrants’ access to asylum when crossings average 2,500 per day and will only be overturned after crossings average 1,500 per day for a consecutive week.

In fairness, the numbers are way down from Biden’s normal, but, this is still too many. And, we know it’s all for show, and, whether Biden wins or loses, he’ll end the order the day after the election

More Cities Feel Strain as Migrants Move In Seeking Better Prospects

The bright orange fliers from the State of Utah were blunt.

“There is no room in shelters,” the advisory warns migrants contemplating travel to Utah. “No hotels for you.”

It continues: “Housing is hard to find and expensive. Food banks are at capacity.”

Confronted with a swelling number of migrants who have strained its resources, Utah in recent days has begun urging newcomers at the border and in the United States to “consider another state.”

Many moved to Utah and other states when sanctuary cities ran out of room, and the non-sanctuary cities and states do not want them. It’s an invasion.

Read: 42,000 Illegals Have Crossed Border Since Biden’s Executive Order »

UN Totally Concerned About Environmental Damage From War Hamas Started

The UN always forgets about the part where Hamas started the war, just like every other time when they’ve broken the ceasefire. Perhaps the United Nations, which itself designates Hamas a terrorist organization, shouldn’t have been propping them up

Gaza conflict has caused major environmental damage, UN says

st greta carThe conflict in Gaza has created unprecedented soil, water and air pollution in the region, destroying sanitation systems and leaving tons of debris from explosive devices, a United Nations report on the environmental impact of the war said on Tuesday.

The war between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist terrorist movement that controls the Gaza Strip, has swiftly reversed limited progress in improving the region’s water desalination and wastewater treatment facilities, restoring the Wadi Gaza coastal wetland, and investments in solar power installations, according to a preliminary assessment from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

I’m failing to see anything from the UN about how Hamas took water pipes and turned them into rockets

Explosive weapons have generated some 39 million tons of debris, the report said. Each square metre of the Gaza Strip is now littered with more than 107 kilograms (236 lbs) of debris. That is more than five times the debris generated during the battle for Mosul, Iraq, in 2017, the report said.

“All of this is deeply harming people’s health, food security and Gaza’s resilience,” said UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen.

Gaza’s environment was already suffering from recurring conflicts, rapid urban growth, and high population density, before the most recent conflict began on October 7.

Yeah, the one that Hamas started.

The UN assessment adds to concerns about the unfolding humanitarian crisis and the environmental costs of war, with Ukraine also recording widespread ecological damage over the past two years.

“Understanding the environmental impacts of war is a grand challenge of our time,” said Eoghan Darbyshire, a senior researcher at the UK-based nonprofit Conflict and Environment Observatory. “The impacts will not only be felt locally where the fighting is taking place, but may be displaced or even felt at the global scale via greenhouse gas emissions.”

Don’t start a war.

Read: UN Totally Concerned About Environmental Damage From War Hamas Started »

If All You See…

…is an ocean that will rise a dozen feet soon, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post wondering who’s bankrolling the anti-Israel demonstrators.

Read: If All You See… »

Republicans Surprised By Number Of Arrests For Pro-Hamas Vandals

Why are they surprised? Pretty much everyone said this would happen

Top Republican demands answers after WH protests yield 0 arrests; questions ‘political sympathy’ with vandals

The top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee demanded answers from the Department of the Interior over its handling of violent protests that engulfed National Park Service property outside the White House last week.

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., whose committee has oversight over the Interior Department, also questioned in a Thursday letter whether politics played a role in how the chaos concluded with a “disturbing” lack of arrests.

The letter, obtained by Fox News Digital, recounted assaults on U.S. Park Police and a National Park Service ranger at Lafayette Park – which lies just north of the White House – as thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators amassed to protest the administration.

“I am deeply troubled with last weekend’s incidents near the White House involving pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators,” Barrasso wrote to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, saying the vandals inscribed “Long live Hamas” and other slogans on federal property.

Barrasso demanded Haaland account for the lack of arrests by describing how she is working with law enforcement to identify suspects, and he also called on the department to implement explicit measures to protect federal park rangers on-duty.

Zero arrests. People wearing Hamas headbands, calling for the death of Jews, assaulting federal employees, and vandalizing federal property. Why would Republicans think that the Biden regime would allow any to be arrested? They need the terrorist supporters to vote for Biden. They need the Islamic extremists who’ve been imported and never assimilated to vote for Biden. Certainly do not want to upset them by treating the demonstrators just like the J6 folks, right? Or even a simple arrest and prosecution.

Barrasso wrote to Haaland that her oversight of the NPS and USPP is paramount to federal land security and that the chaos that ensued in Lafayette Park is emblematic of the dangers rangers and other law enforcement face daily.

“I question whether political sympathy with the agitators influenced your department’s response to these acts of violence and vandalism. It is imperative that your department’s actions are guided by the principles of law and order, rather than political considerations,” said Barrasso.

Here’s the question: what are Republicans going to do about it? We’ve seen this for decades, where there’s a lot of smoke from them but no fire. Stop yapping and start doing something about it.

In his letter, Barrasso called for enhanced security measures at NPS properties like Lafayette Park and revisions to protocols for managing violent demonstrations.

If you’ll remember, they put up more fencing around the White House knowing there would be protests.

Read: Republicans Surprised By Number Of Arrests For Pro-Hamas Vandals »

Pirate's Cove