Your Fault: Climate Crisis Emergency Doom Threatens Florida Strawberries

It’s certainly the fault of AOC and Eric Swalwell, along with other Blue state Dems, who took long, fossil fueled trips to Florida

What climate change means for Florida strawberry farmers

climate change joke

Florida’s strawberry harvest is underway. Farmers are facing challenges due to climate change, but researchers are trying to help them adapt.

Vance Whitaker grows strawberries for a living, but he’s not a farmer. He’s an associate professor of plant breeding at the University of Florida IFAS extension service in Wimauma. When it comes to temperature changes, he says strawberries are resilient.

“We have so much temperature variability within a single season in Florida, because the season starts around Thanksgiving and goes, to around Easter or beyond,” he said.

Whitaker says the real climate threat to strawberries is more rain. A wetter growing season means the crop will be more vulnerable to fungal diseases. So, he’s working to create strawberries that will thrive in a wetter climate.

Doesn’t it, you know, rain a lot in Florida?

As for this current season, Whitaker says it’s a wonderful time for strawberries, thanks to warm days and cool evenings.

Oh, phew, it’s not all doom and gloom. Thanks to your Evil appetite for cheeseburgers Florida is warm during the day and cool at night during the growing season!

Really, though, it goes to show how cult-like the media is. Why was this necessary? The weather in Florida is always variable. Big whoop.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis Emergency Doom Threatens Florida Strawberries »

If All You See…

…is a sea circulation system that is shutting down because Other People won’t buy EVs, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Dems jumping ship after seeing the polls.

Read: If All You See… »

Politicized DOJ Will Go After People Who Weren’t Even At J6 Mostly Peaceful Protest

This will probably be about the only January 6th post I do. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Democrat Elites and their compliant media, though, think it’s the Worst Thing Ever

Garland says “the actions we have taken thus far” on January 6 rioters “will not be our last”

Attorney General Merrick Garland marked the one-year anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol with a sweeping defense of the Justice Department’s investigation, hinting that prosecutors’ mission to hold organizers accountable could include charging those not physically present at the U.S. Capitol during the riot.

“The actions we have taken thus far will not be our last,” Garland said Wednesday, addressing staff members gathered in the Justice Department’s Great Hall for the publicly broadcasted speech.

“The Justice Department remains committed to holding all January 6th perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law — whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy.” He added, “We will follow the facts wherever they lead.”

Not even physically present. It’s a witch hunt at this point. This is all primarily political for Garland and the Democrats, something they think will help them for the mid-terms, a way to whip up their unhinged moonbat base, and a way to hide their extremist agenda. But, also, consider: the same DOJ is not going after all those who attacked federal buildings during the BLM/Antifa riots, particularly the one in Portland. They know who a lot of these people are, because they were arrested for being there and committing crimes, then released. Many were arrested and released, with charges dropped, multiple times.

The piece is as dumb as you think

Trump haters and extreme leftist will be having orgasms over this.

Read: Politicized DOJ Will Go After People Who Weren’t Even At J6 Mostly Peaceful Protest »

Climate Crisis (scam) Could Lead To Power Outages And Higher Bills Or Something

This is the climate cult per-emptively finding ways to Blame ‘climate change’ when the initiatives the cult institutes skyrockets power bills and causes blackouts and brownouts

Climate change could lead to power outages, higher power costs on west coast of US

Two new studies led by a North Carolina State University researcher offer a preview of what electricity consumers on the West Coast could experience under two different future scenarios: one where excessive heat due to climate change strains power supplies, and one where the grid shifts toward renewable energy while the climate follows historic trends. In both cases, they found power costs and reliability remain vulnerable to extreme weather.

“The impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on the grid, mostly in the form of drought and heat waves, are going to get worse under climate change,” said Jordan Kern, assistant professor of forestry and environment resources at NC State. “Even as the West Coast grid moves away from fossil fuels toward wind and solar, these extreme weather events will still impact system reliability and the price of power.”

Published in the journal Earth’s Future, the two studies project future power supply and demand under separate scenarios. In the first study, researchers used computer models to simulate the impacts of climate change on the current power grid in California and the Pacific Northwest. They evaluated the grid’s price and reliability under 11 different climate scenarios between 2030 and 2060, drawing on multiple scientific models for how the climate would change under a “worst-case scenario” of fossil fuel emissions, and another less severe scenario.

Computer models. So, garbage. But, they both predict doom. Even if there’s lots and lots of “renewables” the price is going up and reliability down. Just like we’ve seen in California now.

Read: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Lead To Power Outages And Higher Bills Or Something »

Fauci Says Don’t Be Complacent With Omicron, Keeps Scaremongering Going

It’s really hard to determine whether the people in the federal government, especially Fauci, are being serious or whether they’re just trying to keep the gravy train going, enjoying the power trip, the notoriety, being wined and dined by the compliant media

U.S. can’t be complacent on Omicron despite reduced severity -Fauci

The United States cannot be complacent about the Omicron variant of the coronavirus despite signs of its lower severity compared to the Delta variant, top U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci said on Wednesday.

The variant’s reduced severity might be overridden by the volume of cases arising from its increased transmissibility, Fauci said at a White House briefing.

“(Omicron) could still stress our hospital system because a certain proportion of a large volume of cases, no matter what, are going to be severe,” Fauci said.

Wasn’t that the reason for the initial lockdown, to stop the spread and keep the hospitals from being over-run, even though most weren’t? He is right that Omicron is pretty darned infectious, as I know of more people who’ve gotten Omicron since the week before Christmas till now (heck, 4 notifications for work went out on Tuesday) than people I know who actually got COVID from Feb 2020 till that week. None of them are serious, though, and a couple are already back. But, Fauci can’t give up the doomy talk, because it’s all he knows.

Germany could reduce COVID isolation periods to keep country running

Germany is considering shortening COVID-19 self-isolation periods over fears that critical services could grind to a halt as the highly infectious Omicron variant takes hold, a health ministry plan showed on Wednesday.

Workers in critical sectors, such as hospitals or electricity suppliers, would be able to end their isolation after five days, provided they test PCR negative for the virus, under the draft proposals being sent to regional leaders. The current isolation period is 14 days for everyone.

For the general population, the isolation period would be reduced to seven days with a negative PCR test, according to the draft document prepared for the leaders, who will meet Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Friday to discuss how to respond to the spread of the Omicron variant.

So, it’s not based on science, but, economic need? Huh. Meanwhile, the People’s Republik Of California extended their indoor mask mandate to February 15th. Looks like someone wasn’t happy about that

Swalwell pulled an AOC, and like a lot of other Democrats, who are fine pushing Other People to be restricted and masked, but, not themselves, so, they go to the free and open Red state of Florida.

Read: Fauci Says Don’t Be Complacent With Omicron, Keeps Scaremongering Going »

Climate Cult Wants To To Eat “Climatarian”

Or, they could simply mind their own business instead of trying to force Other People to eat a certain way

What is the Climatarian diet? Foods you can eat to minimize your carbon footprint in 2022

If your New Year’s resolution is to help combat climate change, the food you eat could make a big difference.

It’s not. And, for most Warmists, it’s not, except to agitate. They won’t actually do anything themselves

A Climatarian diet focuses on reducing your carbon footprint with plant-based, locally sourced produce, according to nutrition app Lifesum.

Increased carbon emissions are drastically changing our planet, including rising temperatures and sea levels, which contribute to more heatwaves, drought and storms, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. A Climatarian diet has the potential to not just help the planet but also improve your health, according to Dr. Alona Pulde, a family practitioner specializing in nutrition and lifestyle medicine at Lifesum.

And what do they recommend?

  1. Lentils and beans
  2. Local and seasonal fruits and veggies
  3. Whole grains
  4. Nuts and seeds
  5. Chicken

And what do they not want people to eat?

  1. Beef and lamb (I can deal without lamb. Beef? Piss off)
  2. Palm oil (this, yes. Palm oil is bad for the environment, causes massive defoliation and clearcutting, along with destruction of species. Interestingly, palm oil was meant to be helpful to reduce carbon footprints.
  3. Farmed fish
  4. Coffee (good luck with that)
  5. Sugar (piss off)

Most of this used to be called eating responsible to be healthier, now the climate cult has appropriated it.

Read: Climate Cult Wants To To Eat “Climatarian” »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful, Progressive big city which will soon be swamped by sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Dems continuing their J6 insanity.

Read: If All You See… »

NYC To Go Really Soft On Crime

Oh, you though Democratic Party run cities like New York were already soft of crime? You ain’t seen nothing yet

Manhattan DA gives many misdemeanors a pass even as new mayor vows to combat growing crime

unintended consequencesManhattan’s newly sworn-in district attorney reportedly told his staff he does not intend to prosecute several crimes, including resisting arrest. At the same time New York City’s newly sworn-in mayor is pledging to crack down on surging crime.

Alvin Bragg, a former federal prosecutor sworn in as Manhattan District Attorney on Jan. 1, sent guidance to his office calling for the “decriminalization/non prosecution” for crimes including marijuana possession, turnstile jumping, trespassing, resisting arrest, interfering with an arrest and prostitution.

Additionally, the guidance says the DA’s office will “not seek carceral sentence other than for homicide” or “class B violent felony in which a deadly weapon causes serious injury, domestic violence felonies” with some exceptions in “extraordinary circumstances.”

The memo argues that “reserving incarceration for matters involving significant harm will make us safer.”

Pretrial detention, according to Bragg’s office, will only be recommended in “very serious cases.”

Bragg’s position on bail is in line with progressive district attorneys across the country, including in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Austin, where bail and sentencing guidelines have been lowered in the name of “reform.”

It might be in line, but, goes much, much further. How many times have we seen a person released on low or no bail commit a serious crime? Will this cover rape? What about groups going around looting and stealing lots and lots of products from businesses owned by average citizens? When the people are terrorized by these groups. I’m sure you can come up with a wide range of crimes that affect average citizens.

Twitchy has the whole thread.

Two thoughts on this. First, it might make sense if the criminals were actually going to be punished in some way. Make them do a lot of community service. How about a short stint in a less than full prison camp, cleaning up and repairing roadways or something?

Second, when crime spikes like it is in, say, Killadelphia (the First Street Journal has done lots and lots of pieces on this), New Yorkers should be banned from moving out of the city. They voted for it, let them deal with the fallout. People should have to deal with the results of their votes, not escape from them. The new mayor has said he will be tough on crime, how will this help? Why would cops arrest anyone when they know nothing will happen? Why would cops continue to work for the NYPD when all the work they put in is for nothing? NYC will start looking like the Mayor Dinkins days, a dangerous craphole. So, have fun, NYC. Don’t be surprised when people do start leaving to avoid the fallout from their votes, when people refuse to visit NYC, when businesses leave.

Read: NYC To Go Really Soft On Crime »

NY Times Is Upset That Biden Over-promised And Under-produced On Climate Crisis (scam)

The NY Times could stop using fossil fueled transportation to gather the news, turn their heat down to 60 and their AC up to 80, and a whole host of things to reduce their “carbon footprint” voluntarily, as could the rest of the climate cultists. Rather hard to believe there’s a crisis when Biden is still jetting around and taking huge convoys of fossil fueled vehicles (you can read it at Yahoo if the Times paywall’s you)

Biden ‘Overpromised and Underdelivered’ on Climate. Now, Trouble Looms in 2022.

As the new year opens, President Joe Biden faces an increasingly narrow path to fulfill his ambitious goal of slashing the greenhouse gases generated by the United States that are helping to warm the planet to dangerous levels.

His Build Back Better Act, which contains $555 billion in proposed climate action, is in limbo on Capitol Hill. The Supreme Court is set to hear a pivotal case in February that could significantly restrict his authority to regulate the carbon dioxide that spews from power plants and is driving climate change. And the midterm elections loom in November, threatening his party’s control of Congress. Since Republicans have shown little appetite for climate action, a Republican takeover of one or both chambers could freeze movement for years.

The mounting challenges make the next few months critical to secure the safety of the planet as well as Biden’s climate legacy, analysts said.

He could have demanded that the climate portions of the authoritarian, Big Government BBB bill were stripped out and voted on separately.

At international climate talks in Glasgow, Scotland, last year, Biden pledged that the United States, the world’s biggest polluter in historical terms, would cut its emissions at least 50% below 2005 levels by the end of this decade. He urged other countries to take similar steps. But that will be a hard sell if the United States fails to act by the time countries gather for the next climate talks in Egypt in November.

“If you can’t meet the goal, you’ve lost credibility internationally,” Podesta said, adding that he would grade Biden’s first year on climate policy as “an incomplete.”

It won’t. Because this is Someone Else’s goals, and Biden was elected because he Wasn’t Trump, not for his agenda. Once again, people are enthused about Doing Something about anthropogenic global warming in theory, but, not in practice. The thing is, he and Congress could look towards measures which satisfy both sides. Increase research and development of alternatives, making wind, solar, and others more effective. Authorize the next generation of nuclear power plants. Incentivize hybrids and EVs. And more. All without slapping restrictions on citizens, without raising the cost of living and the cost of energy.

“Objectively, he overpromised and underdelivered,” said Kevin Book, managing director of ClearView Energy Partners, a Washington-based research firm.

Biden barely does any work, he’s barely around, he doesn’t seem to know what’s going on, and he doesn’t answer questions.

‘Occupy Biden’ forms weeklong camp near Delaware residence, demands president declare ‘climate emergency’

Protesters with a group called “Occupy Biden” have spent the past week in President Biden’s Delaware neighborhood calling on him to declare a “national climate emergency.”

According to a description for the protest, which took place near President Biden’s residence in Delaware, the group said that “nonviolent action” is needed in order to push President Biden towards making changes to his climate policy.

On Saturday, the final day of the group’s protest, individuals protested on a road near the president’s house while members of the Secret Service were nearby monitoring the group.

I’ve actually been sitting on this piece for a few days, it dovetailed well with the first piece, and I’m still seeing almost no news outlet cover it. You know if they were protesting Trump every national outlet would be all over it. They were there from the 25th thru the January 1st. Have you heard of this?

“I actually read our letter of demands to the Secret Service because they refused to take our letter,” Igou said. “Again we have two demands: that he declare a national climate emergency and pledge no new fossil fuel projects. He himself has stated that we are in a code red existential crisis but returned from cop 26 to open up more land for drilling. This is unacceptable And [sic] incongruent with life on earth.”

I wonder how they all got to the protest: fossil fueled travel or riding bikes?

Read: NY Times Is Upset That Biden Over-promised And Under-produced On Climate Crisis (scam) »

Brandon Is Super-Tired Of All These Unvaccinated Getting Omicron

He’s learned that shutting down a virus isn’t easy, which is why he heads to his Delaware home or Camp David almost every weekend

Biden tries to rally COVID-weary nation: ‘We’re all tired and frustrated’

“Folks, I know we’re all tired and frustrated about the pandemic,” President Biden said on Tuesday ahead of his meeting with his pandemic response team. It was not the message with which he’d hoped to open the new year, but with the nation recording more than a million coronavirus cases on Monday, there was little to do but acknowledge reality, which is that the virus Biden had promised to vanquish remains very much unvanquished.

“These coming weeks are going to be challenging,” the president said, himself sounding weary from months of battling crosscurrents of political resistance and medical misinformation, not to mention a virus that has proved intractable at every turn.

As he has in the past, Biden trained his frustrations on the millions of Americans who remain unvaccinated, despite the overwhelming scientific consensus that the vaccines are safe and effective. He bluntly charged the unvaccinated with “taking up hospital beds and crowding emergency rooms and intensive care units,” thus not only endangering themselves but also prolonging a pandemic that many had hoped would be over by now.

He’s just tired of all those people refusing to be sheep. He keeps trying to fear-monger and be demanding, rather that showing them that the vaccines are safe and they’ll be fine. He’s still trying to push his mandates.

(Fox News) “Omicron is a very transmissible, transmissible variant, but much different than anything we’ve seen before,” Biden said. “You can protect yourself, and you should protect yourself, quite frankly. Get vaccinated, get boosted. There are plenty of booster shots. Wear a mask while you’re in public.”

That photo above is from his briefing. Where’s his mask? He’s indoors in an Executive agency building, and his own EO requires people to be masked. He’s not alone in there, he has all sorts of staff around. Fauci was also there, and, as another photo at the article shows, was wearing a mask, which he’s upgraded to an N95.

But the CDC noted on Dec. 20 that it “expects that anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms.”

We already know that lots and lots of people are getting Omicron who are vaccinated. I know three where I work who were vaxxed, two were boosted.

“Many of you will, you know, you’ll experience severe illness in many cases if you get COVID-19 if you are not vaccinated,” Biden said. “Some will die, needlessly die. Unvaccinated are taking up hospital beds and crowding emergency rooms and intensive care units.”

Almost a year of lecturing is not working. If you’re lecturing your kids to clean their room and they won’t, what do you do? Well, punishing them might work, but, that won’t work for U.S. citizens, not when The People are supposed to be in charge with the government responsive, not the other way around. At some point, you’d think Team Brandon would have changed methods. Brandon is not wrong, but, scaremongering is not working.

Biden said the COVID-19 testing situation in the United States is “frustrating” but maintained that his administration is “making improvements” by creating federal testing sites and making more at-home rapid tests available to the public.

Why wasn’t he doing this from day one, almost a year ago? Testing seemed to be going fine while Trump was president.

The president again urged individuals to wear masks in public.

You mean like how he sometimes does, sometimes doesn’t?

Read: Brandon Is Super-Tired Of All These Unvaccinated Getting Omicron »

Pirate's Cove