Priorities: DHS Launches “Climate Change Professionals” Program

Cool. The government teaching mush brain idiots how to be activists to make the government change/sue the government. While doing jack squat about and illegal alien invasion

Homeland Security launches ‘climate change professionals program’ amid historic illegal border crossings surge

The Department of Homeland Security has announced a “climate change professionals program” while the historic number of illegal border crossings continues to increase.

Officials expect illegal crossings at the southern border to hit 2 million in 2021 for the first time in history, but DHS officials announced a program to tackle the “growing focus on adapting to climate change and resilience.”

“The Climate Change Professionals Program will be instrumental in helping the Department adapt to our changing climate by providing hands-on experience and guidance to young professionals interested in climate adaptation and resilience,” said Secretary Mayorkas.

“This program will develop the next generation of climate experts, improve climate literacy throughout the Department, and help us execute our Climate Action Plan to remain mission-resilient while reducing our own impacts on the environment.”

What does any of this have to do with the mission of DHS? How does any of this safeguard the U.S.A.?

“The Biden Administration is living in an alternate reality,” Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, told Fox News Digital in a statement. “We’ve seen multiple reports of sex criminals and known terrorists trying to cross the border and cartels are funneling lethal drugs into our country in droves.”

“The Administration needs to focus on stopping the surge of illegal immigrants & prioritize supporting our border patrol agents.”

Defund DHS. It’s becoming just another cult agency.

Read: Priorities: DHS Launches “Climate Change Professionals” Program »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution caused rain, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on coal use skyrocketing.

Read: If All You See… »

Justice Dept To Create Special “Domestic Terrorism” Unit Or Something

I wonder what they will be called? Maybe Stazi? That would be a good name. Who will they go after? Perhaps parents daring to question school boards? Those with MAGA bumper stickers? Those who write #LetsGoBrandon?

Justice Dept. creating unit focused on domestic terrorism

The Justice Department is establishing a specialized unit focused on domestic terrorism, the department’s top national security official told lawmakers Tuesday as he described an “elevated” threat from violent extremists in the United States.

Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen, testifying just days after the nation observed the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, said the number of FBI investigations into suspected domestic violent extremists has more than doubled since the spring of 2020.

“We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies,” Olsen said.

In other words, they’re using J6, where most attending did nothing wrong, except maybe wander around the building they own in Washington, as an excuse to spy on Americans for nebulous reasons. For Wrongthink. Will there be any oversight? How soon till we learn they’re spying without warrants, that they’re targeting Americans who aren’t doing anything actually wrong, they’re just not conforming to Biden’s agenda? For all Democrats cheering this unit, you should remember that the DOJ unit could next be sicced on you by a Republican president.

But the issue remains politically freighted and divisive, in part because the absence of a federal domestic terrorism statute has created ambiguities as to precisely what sort of violence meets that definition. The U.S. criminal code defines domestic terrorism as violence intended to coerce or intimidate a civilian population and to influence government policy, but there is no standalone domestic terrorism charge, meaning prosecutors have to rely on other statutes.

So, accuse someone of domestic terrorism and then charge them with something else. There was a Senate hearing on Tuesday, and

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, the panel’s top Republican, showed video of the 2020 violence as a counter to the Jan. 6 footage that Durbin showed.

“Those anti-police riots rocked our nation for seven full months,” Grassley said.

The FBI and Justice Department say they treat domestic extremist violence the same regardless of ideology. Sanborn said the FBI has opened more than 800 investigations tied to the 2020 rioting and arrested more than 250 people. Attorney General Merrick Garland said last week that the Justice Department had arrested and charged more than 725 people for their alleged roles in the Jan. 6 attack.

So 250 vs 725, despite all those months of riots. Huh. This is a politicized DOJ declaring war on its own citizens. Not specifically authorized by the Legislative Branch. Can’t wait for the Constitutional lawsuits.

Read: Justice Dept To Create Special “Domestic Terrorism” Unit Or Something »

Your Fault: Climate Disasters Were Deadly In 2021 Or Something

Bang that cult drum, folks, bang it

2021 was a deadly year for weather: 20 disasters killed more than 600 Americans

2021 was another catastrophic and deadly year for weather and climate disasters in the USA, federal scientists announced Monday. There were 20 separate disasters that each cost at least $1 billion in damage, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported.

Overall, the U.S. disaster cost for 2021 exceeded $145 billion, which is the third-highest cost on record.

It was also a deadly year: At least 688 Americans died in disasters. That’s the most disaster-related fatalities for the contiguous USA since 2011 and more than double last year’s number of 262.

The deaths were mostly the result of extreme summer heat in the Pacific Northwest, extreme cold across the South during the February freeze, Hurricane Ida across many states and the December tornado outbreak in the South, according to NOAA.

Wait, what was that?

The disasters of 2021 include eight severe weather events, four tropical cyclone events, three tornado outbreaks, two flooding events, one drought/heat wave event, one winter storm/cold wave event and one wildfire event, which includes the devastating Marshall Fire on Dec. 30 in Boulder County, Colorado.

Yes, they are blaming the big Texas freeze even on what are supposed to be heat trapping gases. As for the Marshall Fire, remember, it is under investigation as arson or idiocy right now. Tornadoes? They’ve always happened. Same with tropical cyclones.

Jonathan Overpeck, dean of environmental studies at the University of Michigan, who wasn’t part of the NOAA report, said, “That’s exactly what I’d expect with climate change because climate change is essentially supercharging many types of extreme weather, making heat waves, droughts, wildfires, intense rainfall, flooding and storms more severe, destructive and deadly.”

Well, of course it does. They’ve manufactured the cult talking points that everything that happens is Your Fault.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Disasters Were Deadly In 2021 Or Something »

Surprise: Scientists Thought COVID19 Escaped From Chinese Lab, Didn’t Want To Disrupt International Harmony

Why isn’t this information all over the news media around the world?

Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab – but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’

surprise surprise surpriseLeading British and US scientists thought it was likely that Covid accidentally leaked from a laboratory but were concerned that further debate would harm science in China, emails show.

An email from Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, on February 2 2020 said that “a likely explanation” was that Covid had rapidly evolved from a Sars-like virus inside human tissue in a low-security lab.

The email, to Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Francis Collins of the US National Institutes of Health, went on to say that such evolution may have “accidentally created a virus primed for rapid transmission between humans”.

Oh, so Fauci knew about this information even before the world public started freaking out? Huh

But a leading scientist told Sir Jeremy that “further debate would do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular”. Dr Collins, the former director of the US National Institutes of Health, warned it could damage “international harmony”.

By “international harmony” they mean “don’t demonize China”. Unfuckingbelievable. Seriously. How many millions have been killed and harmed over this? Economies damaged, businesses destroyed, people’s lives messed up. All to protect China, which released this.

Viscount Ridley, co-author of Viral: the search for the origin of Covid, said: “These emails show a lamentable lack of openness and transparency among Western scientists who appear to have been more interested in shutting down a hypothesis they thought was very plausible, for political reasons.”

Yet another conspiracy theory which has come true.

And it makes you wonder, how much was hidden in order to hurt President Trump?

Read: Surprise: Scientists Thought COVID19 Escaped From Chinese Lab, Didn’t Want To Disrupt International Harmony »

Your Fault: Kidney Stones To Get Worse From Climate Crisis (scam)

Thanks, you horrible carbon pollution spewing person wants to force Other People to practice what you preach

From the link

Rising temperatures from climate change will lead to more kidney stone cases, a new study has found.

Dr. Gregory Tasian is a pediatric urologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the lead author of the study, which was published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports.

“While it is impossible to predict with certainty how future policies will slow or hasten greenhouse gas emission and anthropogenic climate change… our analysis suggests that a warming planet will likely cause an increased burden of kidney stone disease on healthcare systems,” Dr. Tasian said in a press release.

Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that can be very painful when passed through the urinary system. They can form for a variety of reasons, including diet, genetics, obesity and taking certain medications and supplements. According to the study, heat also plays a factor.

Are we able to compare this to kidney stone incidence during previous Holocene warm and cool periods?

To see how climate change could impact the prevalence of kidney stones, the researchers created a model based on South Carolina kidney stone case and climate data from 1997 to 2014. That information was then used to create two forecasts: one based on aggressive greenhouse gas reductions, and another based on unhindered emissions.

Computer models. Sigh. So, literally using data from a generally warm state during a limited time period, and blaming ‘climate change’. What happens if this doesn’t happen? The people involved with the study will most likely be gone, so, who gets blamed for the scaremongering?

Read: Your Fault: Kidney Stones To Get Worse From Climate Crisis (scam) »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution created heat snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sister Toldjah, with a post on the Washington Post deleting a tweet after the White House complained.

Read: If All You See… »

Almost 2 Years On, CDC May Recommend Using Better Masks

And what happens if, probably when, the CDC recommends this? All the states, cities, and companies with mask mandates will then require people to do this, and we’ll have more mask trash in the streets and waters

U.S. CDC may recommend better masks against Omicron – Washington Post

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is considering updating its mask guidance because of an increase in the number of Omicron-related coronavirus cases, the Washington Post reported on Monday.

The agency will likely advise people opt for the highly protective N95 or KN95 masks worn by healthcare personnel, if they can do so consistently, the newspaper reported, citing an official close to the deliberations.

The CDC guidance is expected to say that if people can “tolerate wearing a KN95 or N95 mask all day, you should,” the report said.

So, what if you can’t? What if it really bothers you? What if it gives you headaches? I put on a simple cloth mask I keep in my car for running into places that require them, but, at work, or for long periods, I wear an Under Armor mask. They’re $25, but, well worth it for comfort. The others rub the back of my ears and give me headaches (anyone who wears glasses knows about how sensitive the back of ears are). Anyhow, looks like that WP story is not paywalled

The updated guidance is expected to say that the best mask is the one that is worn consistently and correctly. N95 masks, which were predominantly used in health-care and industrial settings before the pandemic, are supposed to be individually fitted and are sometimes hard to wear all day, physicians and other health-care personnel have said. The CDC guidance is expected to say that if people can “tolerate wearing a KN95 or N95 mask all day, you should.”

So, they’re difficult to wear? Huh.

N95 masks are approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and are designed to filter up to 95 percent of particles, according to the CDC. KN95s are supposed to meet a comparable Chinese standard, but there is no Chinese regulatory agency ensuring that, said Anne Miller, executive director of Project N95, a nonprofit organization that distributes free N95s and children’s masks in the United States.

We care about Chinese standards why, exactly? They released this virus.

In Milwaukee, the health department over the weekend started handing out a half-million free N95 masks at testing and vaccination sites and public libraries, according to news reports. In Connecticut, the state announced it would distribute 6 million free N95s. In suburban Maryland, Montgomery County Public Schools is providing KN95 masks to teachers, staff and students.

How soon till mandatory? Anyhow, you can apparently reuse one, but, consider

N95 respirator – When removing the mask, hold the edge of the straps attached to take of the N95 mask. Don’t touch the inside part of the respirator. Wash hands before and after it. Gently remove the mask so as not to disseminate contaminants on the mask. Place the mask in a plastic bag or zip-lock bag. You can also store them in a breathable container such as a paper bag between uses. Secure the bag tightly. Place the plastic bag into garbage can or biomedical waste disposal unit. Never put on a new mask until you have properly washed your hands.

The thing is, most people are going to be touching it all day with their hands. They’re going to be taking it off (the funny one is when people take it off to speak closely to people) all day long. So, basically, it won’t help.

Read: Almost 2 Years On, CDC May Recommend Using Better Masks »

The Next Climate Crisis (scam) Fight Will Be Over Your House

How dare you say these people are Fascist! They just want whats best for you, even if you don’t want it

The next front in fighting climate change: your home

The Build Back Better bill, if it ever comes to pass, now seems unlikely to include any major climate change provisions. But we can still reduce our own carbon emissions, starting with our own homes.

About 20% of greenhouse gases in the US come from homes. And the homes of the wealthiest Americans, who can most easily afford climate-saving modernizations, emit about 25% more greenhouse gases per capita than those of lower-income residents. These are problems we can solve, as homeowners, with new technology, and through government incentives.

When we think about our home’s carbon footprint, most of us think of solar panels, but switching to electricity from fossil fuels for heating our home’s air and water may be even more important. More than half of the energy homes use is for heating and air conditioning, and nearly two-thirds of US homes rely on fossil fuels for heat.

They want to force you to no longer be able to use natural gas. Many places are stopping the construction of new homes using natural gas. Obviously, the next step is to force those with existing NG hookups to switch them. That’d be rather expensive.

End permits for buildings heated by fossil fuels

I have NG for heating and the fireplace. It’s a whole lot less expensive than electricity. I wish the water heater was on NG.

Give homeowners electrification incentives

Let’s print more money! And, if you don’t except, you’ll be force to do this.

Use more eco-friendly materials and construction methods

Ones which will be a lot more expensive, to start.

As home construction, power generation, and heating and cooling technologies change, we just have to make sure our thinking changes, too. Home ownership now comes with new responsibilities, and new opportunities to leave the world better than we found it. This involves learning about a new kind of economics, not only to own a home, but to run it. Our goal can be not just to benefit our own family, but all of us.

Or, these cultists can, with all do respect, fuck off and mind their own business.

Read: The Next Climate Crisis (scam) Fight Will Be Over Your House »

Biden Vaccine Mandate Is A Proxy War About The Administrative State

This is a big question: are we a Nation of Law or a Nation of Men? Meaning, is it about laws based on the Constitution, or, are they all fungible, and can be changed on a whim, changed by feelings? Can the Executive Office simply find some little rational in a previously passed law where they can force The People to do what the Government wants? We know where Democrats are on this, as shown in this Time piece

The Danger of the Supreme Court Undercutting Biden’s Vaccination Rules


The major questions doctrine may sound like a dry crumb next to Justice Breyer’s admonitions, but how the Court applies the doctrine in this case could have even broader implications for our lives than the OSHA’s vaccination rule itself. At its heart, this is an argument over how much leeway federal agencies have to act or, as the Justices repeatedly put it in the argument, “Who Decides?” Justice Elena Kagan’s questions showed why federal agencies, which have significant expertise and can be held publicly accountable through presidential elections, should be given the leeway to take leadership positions on emerging issues such as vaccines to counter an unprecedented pandemic. Justice Neil Gorsuch’s questions, by contrast, suggested that Congress and State Governments should be the leader on major public health policies, noting that Congress has had a year to act on the question of vaccine mandates and chose not to. One answer to that challenge is that Congress has not acted because it gave that power to OSHA. A more realpolitik answer, though, is because there is no way the Democrats have the votes for such a law.

There’s a lot to unpack in just that one paragraph. First off, yes, at the heart is how much leeway the agencies should have to act, and the answer should be “none that isn’t Constitutional first and specific per a duly passed Legislative Branch law.” Second, if Democrats do not have the votes, well, that’s the way the Republic is supposed to work. If they cannot convince enough people to vote for it, well, then it should not be passed. Third, if that power is not specifically delegated to the Federal government, then it is reserved for the States and The People.

Fourth, if the feds can simply do what they want, then freedom is gone, liberty is gone, choices are gone, a government by the people for the people is gone. We’re simply an authoritarian nation ruled by elites, by people, some of who are elected, many who aren’t, with no accountability.

On its surface this is a case about vaccine mandates, but it is also a proxy war over the heart of the administrative state. If the Court applies the major questions doctrine in this case, that precedent will be used to constrain other agencies from acting in new, unprecedented dramatic situations, forcing them to wait for explicit authorization from Congress to act; authorization that may never come. Depending on what you think of the balance of power between Congress and the Executive that could be good or bad. But, if as it appears likely, the conservative Justices will block the ETS on this or an adjacent theory, the immediate casualty of this proxy war is the public’s health. The rule is estimated to save over 6,500 lives and prevent 250,00 hospitalizations over six months, although these estimates were pre-Omicron.

And what will they apply it to next? What might they decide next is For Your Own Good?

While reading tea leaves from oral arguments is always perilous, these arguments suggest that the Supreme Court is willing to upend the public health consensus that these federal initiatives are vital in favor of limiting the power of federal agencies. Some more narrow vaccine regulations will, like the one issued by CMS, likely survive because they are more closely tied to health care. But it is very likely that the Court may remove the most effective tool we have in combating COVID-19, comprehensive vaccine mandates that reach as many Americans as possible. That is a very high cost to pay in terms of sickness, hospitalizations, and deaths to change the balance of power between Congress and the Executive branch.

Just because you have consensus, and let’s not forget how many times they have been wrong during the Wuhan flu pandemic, doesn’t mean you get to just do what you want, not in our system. That may work in China, Russia, or Venezuela, among others, but, that’s not our system. I think everyone should get a vaccine. I won’t force them to do so.

Read: Biden Vaccine Mandate Is A Proxy War About The Administrative State »

Pirate's Cove