Surprise: Investigators Point Towards Shed Fire For Colorado Fire

Remember how Warmists were blaming it on ‘climate change’?

There are more than plenty like that. Interestingly, the NPR piece didn’t mention something rather relevant

Shed fire on land of ‘cult’ eyed as cause of devastating Colorado blazes that destroyed 1,000 homes

Colorado investigators believe a wildfire that devastated communities ahead of the new year could have stemmed from a shed fire on land occupied by members of fundamentalist Christian sect the Twelve Tribes.

“The fire originated somewhere in that neighbourhood,” Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle said Sunday at a news conference. “There was a viral video that was posted of a shed on fire.”

He added that investigators did not know whether or not “that shed started the fire or whether it was secondary”, and that finding the cause of the fire was “complicated and it’s under snow”.

“We will sort it out,” he told reporters. “It’s an active, open deal and the outcome of that investigation is vital, there is so much at stake. So we are going to be careful.”

A resident of the neighbourhood meanwhile told The Denver Post that he thought he witnessed the beginning of the blaze next-door to him on Thursday.

The sect has been busted many times for illegal burnings, and, while it is no conclusive right now, the very fact that investigators are mentioning this and targeting them shows that, once again, a wildfire was started by a human, not because of ‘climate change’. Of course, being members of a cult, the Warmists will still say things like that because you ate a burger the fire was worse than it would have been. Because cult.

Read: Surprise: Investigators Point Towards Shed Fire For Colorado Fire »

If All You See…

…is a perfect spot to put up a bunch of wind turbines, far from the big cities where they can’t be seen, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is neo-neocon, with a post on the invented coup living on.

Read: If All You See… »

Why Are So Many Vaccinated And Even Boosted People Getting The Chinese Coronavirus?

It’s official per the Associated Press: the “vaccines” are basically flu shots

Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?

Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?

A couple of factors are at play, starting with the emergence of the highly contagious omicron variant. Omicron is more likely to infect people, even if it doesn’t make them very sick, and its surge coincided with the holiday travel season in many places.

People might mistakenly think the COVID-19 vaccines will completely block infection, but the shots are mainly designed to prevent severe illness, says Louis Mansky, a virus researcher at the University of Minnesota.

And the vaccines are still doing their job on that front, particularly for people who’ve gotten boosters. (snip)

Omicron appears to replicate much more efficiently than previous variants. And if infected people have high virus loads, there’s a greater likelihood they’ll pass it on to others, especially the unvaccinated. Vaccinated people who get the virus are more likely to have mild symptoms, if any, since the shots trigger multiple defenses in your immune system, making it much more difficult for omicron to slip past them all.

Technically, a flu shot is a vaccine. We’ve all taken them, or know people who have, right? What happens? Medical professionals guess as to which variants will be present and put it together, you take the shot, and, hopefully it stops it. If not, you’ll probably have mild symptoms for a few days then you’ll be fine. It’s designed to hopefully stop you from getting the flu. That’s the way the COVID vaccines are working.

Then you have vaccines like for smallpox. You are given the shots, usually when a very young child, and you do not get smallpox. Period. You are now immune. You won’t get it, you won’t carry it, you won’t transmit it. Same with many other diseases and their vaccines. That’s how the COVID vaccine was positioned, right? It would get us all to herd immunity, that we wouldn’t get COVID if we took it. Is it any wonder that the people who are vaccine resistant are still resistant?

Advice for staying safe hasn’t changed. Doctors say to wear masks indoors, avoid crowds and get vaccinated and boosted. Even though the shots won’t always keep you from catching the virus, they’ll make it much more likely you stay alive and out of the hospital.

Perhaps if they positioned it as being a flu shot, that it would protect people from getting really sick, more would have taken it sooner. It also doesn’t help, as a sidebar, that the Powers That Be dropped the notion of social distancing and touching. Meanwhile

On the flip side, actual scientific studies that came after the gyms were closed show that the exhalations in gyms which spread COVID were stronger than in normal inside areas. People breathing harder, spreading it further. Remember, too, that SJWs, chubby celebs, and their enablers in the media yammer about “fat shaming”, enabling people to continue to feel good about being fat.

Read: Why Are So Many Vaccinated And Even Boosted People Getting The Chinese Coronavirus? »

Surprise: California Rules Will Make Solar More Expensive

It’s already expensive, and the state of the People’s Republik Of California is requiring more and more be used to replace all the reliable, dependable, low cost oil, gas, and nuclear. So, let’s make it more expensive

Tesla Fights California Law That Could Make Solar Energy Costs Soar

In an announcement issued in late December, and reported by CNBC last Friday, electric vehicle and solar roof manufacturer Tesla has asked employees to fight a new California proposal that could make residential rooftop solar energy more expensive for many homeowners.

Under the legislation, residents using solar power would have to pay grid-connection charges based on the size of their system. The legislation would also reduce payments solar customers in California receive for selling their excess power back to the grid.

In addition to free electricity and a more sustainable lifestyle, the capability to sell excess power back to the grid is one of the primary attractions to solar electricity for many consumers. By selling excess power back, consumers can achieve net-zero electric bills or even receive money back from utility companies.

In a tweet from Dec. 13, 2021, @WholeMarsBlog pointed out that if the new tax rate was set at $8 per kilowatt-hour, as proposed, it could cost some Tesla Solar Roof owners as much as $80 a month for a 10 kW system. Elon Musk replied on Twitter, “Penalizing sustainable energy is insane.”

Let’s not forget that California code now requires all new home construction, single and multi-family, to have solar installed. Which, of course, raises the cost of new homes in California in a state which is already at the top end of cost. And this new proposal would penalize those very same people, along with those who want to put solar on their roofs. Shouldn’t California be doing something to reduce costs and incent people to put panels on their roofs?

And then there’s this

Activists say solar farm in Florida will harm Black community

“This is not a facility that’s compatible with the residential community,” said community member and activist Michelle Rutledge

Black residents in Archer — a majority Black town in Florida with a rich history — thought they prevented a solar power farm from being built in their historical community back in 2020.

Michelle Rutledge, a resident who lives across from the proposed site, said that she rallied the community together to object the construction, persuading their county commissioner to vote down the project.

However, in the summer of 2021, the state legislature voted to pass a law preventing municipal governments from blocking new energy infrastructure. Now, the power farm could be erected in Archer in the foreseeable future.

Isn’t this what Democratic Party voters want? The plan is to build it on a vacant 650 acre farm

“Our families have ties to those types of experiences since the Civil War, Jim Crow, and having to escape,” said Gerrie Crawford, another resident who lives across from the proposed site.

She explained that many families, including hers, have worked and purchased land there since the 1800s.

Crawford also said that many residents in the town are descendants of African Americans driven out of Rosewood, a town 30 miles away, during the 1923 Rosewood Massacre — a racially-motivated massacre where white locals burned down the Black town killing at least six Black residents.

Huh? They’re saying it’s in the wrong location, so, sounds rather like a NIMBY situation to the extreme

“We asked the county government to consider cumulative factors such as compatibility, community impact, cultural significance, systemic racism in land use, zoning, and urban planning, and environmental racism while making a decision,” she said.

Many also pointed to the issue of environmental injustice and racism. Communities of color have often been situated near waste sites, landfills and power plants that can cause irreversible brain and lung damage.

“We support renewable energy. But we feel it has to be a just transition to break the cycle of past injustices in the name of progress,” added Crawford.

Double huh.

Read: Surprise: California Rules Will Make Solar More Expensive »

Biden Comes Up With A “Plan” To Combat High Meat Costs

Up till recently, my Walmart and Lidl have mostly resisted the rising cost of foods, including meats. So, I was kinda shocked at how much pre-made burger patties had gone up. Probably around $2 from normal. Fortunately, #LetsGoBrandon has a Plan

I’m sure his plan can’t be that bad, right?

Joe Biden Ice Cream Afghanistan(Reuters) The United States will issue new rules and $1 billion in funding this year to support independent meat processors and ranchers as part of a plan to address a lack of “meaningful competition” in the meat sector, President Joe Biden said on Monday.

The initiative comes amid rising concerns that a handful of big beef, pork and poultry companies have too much control over the American meat market, allowing them to dictate wholesale and retail pricing to profit at the expense of their suppliers and customers.

“Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism. It’s exploitation,” Biden said. “That’s what we’re seeing in meat and poultry industries now.”

Yeah, it’s that bad, and divorced from reality.

The Department of Agriculture (USDA) will spend the $1 billion from American Rescue Plan funds to expand the independent meat processing sector, including funds for financing grants, guaranteed loans, and worker training, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who was speaking at an event with Biden.

And how long will that take? Years? Who’s going to be able to step up? Seems like a plan without anyone involved

Attorney General Merrick Garland, also speaking at the event, said “too many industries have become too consolidated over time,” and that the antitrust division of the Department of Justice has been chronically underfunded.

Right, that will help drive down inflation. Maybe we shouldn’t be printing even more more to try and deal with inflation.

North American Meat Institute spokesperson Sarah Little said staffing plants remains the biggest issue for meatpackers and that the White House plan would not address it.

“Our members of all sizes cannot operate at capacity because they struggle to employ a long-term stable workforce,” she said. “New capacity and expanded capacity created by the government will have the same problem.”

How about putting a ton of those illegal aliens to work?

Read: Biden Comes Up With A “Plan” To Combat High Meat Costs »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Beverly Hills enjoying armed robberies.

Read: If All You See… »

Who Would Have Guessed That Cloth Masks May Not Provide Protection Against Omicron?

Or, really, just about any version of the Chinese coronavirus

Cloth masks may not protect against omicron, report says

Single-layer cloth masks may not provide adequate protection against the very infectious omicron variant of COVID-19, according to a recent Wall Street Journal report.

Many infectious disease experts noted people prefer cloth masks because they are more comfortable and fashionable to wear, but these masks can only block larger droplets of COVID-19, not smaller aerosols or particles that can also carry the virus.

The Mayo Clinic is now requiring all patients and visitors to wear surgical masks, N95 or KN95 masks, so if anyone wears a single-layer, homemade cloth mask or bandanna, they will be given a medical-grade one to wear over it, the report said.

Surgical masks block the COVID-19 virus through its polypropylene electrostatic charge characteristics, while N95 masks have a tighter mesh of fibers than surgical or cloth masks with also electrostatic charge characteristics, which allows the mask to be most efficient at blocking inhaled and exhaled particles.

The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), however, still recommends N95 masks only for health care workers, advising people instead to wear instead cloth masks that have two (or more) layers of fabric that completely cover the face and mouth, fit ‘snugly’ against the sides of the face (without any gaps) that also has a nose wire to prevent air leaking from the top of the mask.

And, almost no one wears two layers, even the mask fetishists. Let’s also not forget that the CDC didn’t update their mask guidance till the end of May 2020, and, based on the infection numbers, really hasn’t made a difference since

But Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, said, “If everyone is just wearing a cloth mask or just a surgical mask, it won’t make any difference” against the omicron variant.

“If you really want no exposure, you have to wear the right type of mask.”

But, few will do this. They are expensive, they are supposed to be worn once, and then disposed of. Or, just ignored, if you’re a Democrat escaping from the cold northeast city you represent with all those restrictions for a nice, warm, restrictionless Red state

Meanwhile, Commie Squad member Ayanna Pressley tested positive for COVID, as did Sec of SortaDefense Lloyd Austin. Both are boosted, both wear masks, and the latter is forcing all military members to get vaccinated.

Read: Who Would Have Guessed That Cloth Masks May Not Provide Protection Against Omicron? »

Bummer: New England Is One Cold Snap From Energy Doom

This is all your fault….oh, wait, no, this is the fault of all the climate cultists who keep voting to do away with reliable, dependable, affordable energy

New England Is One Cold Snap Away From An Energy Crisis

(skip through a bunch of paragraphs that are weird)

Consider Boston, Massachusetts, the unofficial capital of New England (for our international readers, New England consists of six states in the US Northeast, namely Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont). Given its northern latitude, the citizens of Boston experience cold and sometimes brutal winters, but more reasonable summers. Globally, far more people die from exposure to cold than to heat, and this makes winter energy policy especially consequential. In the chart below, we’ve plotted the daily average high and low temperatures for the city and overlaid the thermal comfort zone for easy reference. Not surprisingly, the coldest months of the year are December, January, and February. During these months, an enormous amount of energy is consumed as the population seeks to achieve thermal comfort, and the amount of energy needed to do this is bounded by the laws of physics – it scales with the delta from the thermal comfort zone – and, as a practical matter, the tactics deployed at the extremes are highly inefficient.

In her excellent book Shorting the Grid: The Hidden Fragility of Our Electric Grid, Meredith Angwin describes how a combination of bad policy, complicated governance, and dense bureaucracy has made the entire electric grid of New England incredibly vulnerable to collapse, especially during winter cold snaps (you can buy Angwin’s book here and follow her Twitter account here). She tells the story of how Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) like ISO New England have evolved to oversee bulk electric power systems and transmission lines, and how producers of electricity must subordinate their natural gas consumption for use in home heating during extreme cold weather events. Of course, the demand for electricity skyrockets during these same extreme events as people supplement their home heating needs with electric space heaters, further exacerbating the problem.

Angwin goes on the tell the story of how New England’s electric grid nearly collapsed during cold snaps in late December 2017 and early January 2018. In the book, she quotes from an op-ed she wrote for the Valley News shortly after the incident (emphasis added throughout this piece):

Huh. Bad policy? Who would have thought that with so many Warmists running things in New England

You would think that the near-collapse of their energy grid would have motivated the good people of New England to get serious about shoring up their energy needs ahead of future cold snaps. You would be wrong. Instead, they have set about the task of systematically dismantling existing critical infrastructure and blocking the development of proven technologies. In 2019, the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station was shuttered, leaving New England with only two nuclear power facilities. There are no plans to build more.

In other words, they got rid of nuclear, coal, oil, and natural gas, while blocking new construction of oil and gas, while slapping up solar panels and wind turbines which freeze and don’t really work at night.

As activists become more adept at enlisting government in their war on oil and gas pipelines, even small projects are becoming difficult to build.

Last month, voters in Longmeadow, Mass., approved a non-binding ballot measure encouraging the town to buy land to block a local natural gas metering and transfer station.

This past Earth Day, the mayor of Holyoke, Mass., announced his opposition to a proposed 2.1-mile, 12-inch natural gas pipeline that would increase capacity to meet rising demand. He asked federal regulators to reject the pipeline.

There’s quite a bit more in this piece, but, you get the idea. And, any winter weather collapse is on them. They to not complain, suck it up, and reflect on their choices.

Read: Bummer: New England Is One Cold Snap From Energy Doom »

Progressives Super Worried About “Rights” They Will Lose If The GOP Takes Control

First off, even if the GOP regains the House and Senate, Biden will still be able to veto everything he doesn’t like. Second, they’re really letting the cat out of the bad on the way they think

The Rights Blue States May Lose If the GOP Returns to Power

At the moment, the two major parties in the U.S. are polarized on the role of the federal government. Democrats, as has generally been the case since the civil rights era, favor federal activism to establish certain rights and living conditions nationally. Republicans have more and more uniformly adopted the states rights posture the GOP was initially founded to oppose in the mid-19th century.

So, Democrats want to invent rights and use the power of the federal government to force these “rights” on everyone, in violation of the Constitution, which gives The People the power. Sounds rather like an authoritarian system.

But it would be a mistake to assume that this is the “new normal” in American politics, with Democrats perpetually attempting to extend their policies to those living in red states and Republicans focusing on state under their control and implicitly accepting that they have little control over what goes on elsewhere. If Republicans secure their own governing trifecta – which could happen as soon as 2024 – they will be tempted to abandon their passion for states rights and impose the policies they favor nationally, a development that Brownstein calls the “darkest scenario for Democrats.” Here are some types of federal laws and regulations that Republicans could very conceivably enact in that scenario, which would curb rights even in blue states.

Hold on to your butts!

Fetal personhood protections that restrict abortion nationwide

Obviously, the 1st thing on the mind of a Democrat is the killing of the unborn, because these people are irresponsible when they have sex.

“Election integrity” laws that keep states from expanding voting rights

Obviously, Dems are upset about any law that makes a person identify themselves, makes sure they only vote once, and only vote where they’re supposed to vote. And stops illegal aliens from voting. And stops felons and those in prison from voting. And stops people from being forcibly registered to vote against their wishes

Parental rights laws that undermine national education standards

That should scare every single parent out there, that Democrats want to take away any parental input into the education of their children, in what goes on in schools. How far will this extend with Democrats in charge? Control of your children when they are outside of school?

Bans on state and local efforts to stop climate change

Probably not, at least not in states not run by Republicans. They certainly won’t stop Dem states from ruining their own economies and education sectors.

Filibuster reform that further empowers the GOP

The claim here is that the GOP might do away with the filibuster to jam stuff through. Nice little bit of projection.

This is all Democrats have, spreading fear and doom. But, that’s how you get compliant minions advocating for things that are bad for them.

Read: Progressives Super Worried About “Rights” They Will Lose If The GOP Takes Control »

If All You See…

…is a sea wall necessary to stop the seas rising dozens of feet, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on FJB moving the goalposts again.

It’s shorts week!

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove