This Is Weird: US Emission Roared Back Post Lockdown

I would have thought that members of the Cult of Climastrology would have stopped driving their fossil fueled vehicles, and, instead, purchased an EV, or taken public transportation, or a bike or something

US emissions roared back last year after pandemic drop, figures show

Planet-heating emissions roared back in the United States in 2021, dashing hopes that the pandemic would prove a watershed moment in greening American society to address the climate crisis, new figures have shown.

Following the onset of the pandemic in 2020, millions of people switched to working from home, car and airplane travel plummeted and industrial output slowed. This led to a sharp drop in greenhouse gas emissions, spurring predictions that a newly shaped American economy would emerge to help banish the era of fossil fuels.

These forecasts may well have been baseless, however, with the new research showing that US emissions rose by 6.2% last year, compared to 2020. While emissions were still 5% down from 2019 levels, the jump in pollution as people returned to previous rhythms of life was greater than last year’s overall economic growth.

“We expected a rebound but it’s dismaying that emissions came back even faster than the overall economy,” said Kate Larsen, a partner at Rhodium Group, the independent research firm that conducted the analysis. “We aren’t just reducing the carbon intensity of the economy, we are increasing it. We are doing exactly the opposite of what we need to be doing.”

What’s this “we” stuff, Chump? You can do this in your own lives, leave the rest of us who do not want to join in on the little scheme of marching up and down the square restricting our modern lives out of it. Piss off. F off. Take your authoritarian beliefs elsewhere. Of course, they do not want to, because the same people who call Republicans Fascists for wanting *checks notes* less government and more personal freedom want to force people to comply with their cult beliefs, while not doing a darned thing in their own lives. They never were really able to take advantage of Wuhan flu to implement their cult beliefs, thankfully.

Meanwhile, Brandon is doing more to skyrocket energy prices

Biden Administration Blocks Natural Gas Project In New England

The Biden administration approved a plan to block a new natural gas power plant that would’ve powered 500,000 homes from being built in Connecticut.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the plan proposed by utility company ISO New England — an electricity provider in the northeast — effectively killing the project, E&E News reported on Wednesday. In November, ISO New England submitted the plan to block the Killingly Energy Center project over delays

I don’t want to hear complaints for the New England liberals, who are getting what they asked for, when their energy is costlier and less reliable, especially during the cold winter months.

Read: This Is Weird: US Emission Roared Back Post Lockdown »

If All You See…

…is a world flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on Larwyn’s Linx and 7 COVID conspiracy theories that came true.

Read: If All You See… »

Bad For Dems: New AP Poll Has Economy Overshadowing Wuhan Flu

Biden isn’t doing a good job with either

Inflation up, virus down as priorities in US: AP-NORC poll

Biden Brain SuckerHeading into a critical midterm election year, the top political concerns of Americans are shifting in ways that suggest Democrats face considerable challenges to maintaining their control of Congress.

A poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that management of the pandemic, once an issue that strongly favored President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats, is beginning to recede in the minds of Americans. COVID-19 is increasingly overshadowed by concerns about the economy and personal finances — particularly inflation — which are topics that could lift Republicans.

Just 37% of Americans name the virus as one of their top five priorities for the government to work on in 2022, compared with 53% who said it was a leading priority at the same time a year ago. The economy outpaced the pandemic in the open-ended question, with 68% of respondents mentioning it in some way as a top 2022 concern. A similar percentage said the same last year, but mentions of inflation are much higher now: 14% this year, compared with less than 1% last year.

Consumer prices jumped 6.8% for the 12 months ending in November, a nearly four-decade high. Meanwhile, roughly twice as many Americans now mention their household finances, namely, the cost of living, as a governmental priority, 24% vs. 12% last year.

The link to the AP-NORC poll article is here, and the toplines here. And this is all with a massive oversampling of Democrats, with a D/R/I of 46/37/18.

85% have experienced higher grocery and gas prices. 57% electricity. Those are not good numbers. 34% say 2022 will be better than 2021, 15% say it will be worse, and 50% will say won’t be much difference. Not good numbers for Joe and the Dems. Only 33% say the country is headed in the right direction. Too bad they didn’t ask if the policies of Biden and his Congressional Comrades were helping or hurting.

Read: Bad For Dems: New AP Poll Has Economy Overshadowing Wuhan Flu »

Indoctrinated Children Push Parents To Do Something About Climate Doom

Parents should give them what they want, and tell the schools to make the teachers who indoctrinate the kids to do something

Children ‘push’ their parents to fight climate change

The look of the children has a decisive influence on the actions and decisions of the parents. It might seem like a no-brainer, but & mldr; Could it be scientifically proven to be true, for example, when making decisions related to climate change? This is what a group of researchers from the University of Exeter, in the United Kingdom, has studied through a curious experiment developed in Innsbruck, Austria. And the answer is yes’, parents are more aware of the need to act against global warming if they are being watched by their children.

The so-called Individual voluntary climate actions are necessary to reduce the damaging effects of climate change. But provide a benefit to the environment by reducing the individual carbon footprint supposes an economic cost for the individual.

On the basis that people with children are “genetically related to the next generation & rdquor; and they have “an incentive and a responsibility to take care of the well-being of your children& rdquor ;, a group of scientists predicted that parents would be especially likely to participate in voluntary climate actions when observed by their offspring. More than if the looks were coming from other observers.

There’s some weird syntax, I assume from a bad copy and paste, but, regardless, it goes to this study here, Climate Action for (My) Children,

Individual actions—referred to as voluntary climate action (VCA)—are needed to reduce climate change’s harmful effects (Goeschl et al. 2020). VCA takes different forms on an individual level; however, one key unifying aspect of VCAs is that they necessitate incur a cost to the individual to provide a benefit to the environment, a general public good that is largely consumed in the future (Fischer et al. 2004; Diederich and Goeschl 2014; Hauser et al. 2014; Lohse and Waichman 2020). Examples of VCAs include investing in energy-saving technology (e.g., solar panels), switching to CO2-friendly purchasing habits (e.g., buying less red meat), or even engaging in small, everyday behaviors, such as spending less time in the shower (Wynes and Nicholas 2017). In our study, we are interested in VCA that has a long-lasting positive effect on the environment (Layton and Levine 2003; Steinke and Trautmann 2021): we focus on CO2 offsetting, using a foresting program that plants climate-efficient trees, as such programs have become increasingly widespread and available as means for individuals to help reduce their “carbon footprint” (Kollmuss et al. 2010).

Hmm, those aren’t much in the way of actions, eh? How about

Same thing for the adults.

Read: Indoctrinated Children Push Parents To Do Something About Climate Doom »

Very Few North Carolina Government Employees Fired For Being Unvaccinated

Unlike in the private sector, where businesses and hospitals are terminating employees, government doesn’t seem to want to get rid of government worker bees

Few state employees fired over Covid requirements

When North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper first announced efforts to have most state employees vaccinated against Covid-19 or tested weekly, his directive made clear workers could be fired if they didn’t comply.

“Until more people get the vaccine, we’ll continue living with the threat of a very serious disease,” Cooper said in a July 29 news conference.

But more than five months later, efforts to encourage state employees to get vaccinations have been mixed. Two departments lag behind the 70% vaccination rate of all North Carolina adults, and the state has seldom made good on Cooper’s dismissal threat.

State agencies have wide enforcement latitude, with many choosing not to fire a single person. In one department where inmates are being vaccinated at greater rates than prison officials, public safety workers are now receiving hundreds of dollars in bonuses if they get their shots.

North Carolina agencies say they are taking a measured approach to compliance, with firings being a last resort. Through Friday, 32 workers had been fired since Cooper’s July announcement, a dismissal rate of 0.06%, according to data the Office of State Human Resources provided to WRAL News. Most of the dismissals have come in the state health department.

Cooper’s order covers more than 53,000 employees. Seventy-seven percent of them are now fully vaccinated, up 12 percentage points since the state began sharing data in September.

Thirty two. And, even though the state is trying to bribe already overpaid public employees, with all their perks and benefits, with $500 checks for getting vaccinated (taxpayer money), they aren’t worried, because they work for government. I’m sure their unions are protecting them. Not that I want them to be fired for being unvaxxed (I want a lot of unnecessary positions gone, though), it’s just that why should private companies Do Something when government won’t?

And, when I look across at states like California, NY, Oregon, and other Dem run ones, you’re really seeing the same thing. Unless you’re a vital health care worker in a government run facility, then you’ll be kicked out the door.

Read: Very Few North Carolina Government Employees Fired For Being Unvaccinated »

Say, What If Doing Something About Hotcoldwetdry Is Incompatible With Democracy Or Something

We’ve seen this before, where climate cultists of all levels are enticed by authoritarian nations like China, and want to emulate them. Where they’re enthused by 1st and 3rd world nations forcing people to act in a certain way. It is, at it’s root, a Fascist movement, just like the parent Progressive movement. And the peons never seem to understand that all the bad stuff will hit their own lives

What if democracy and climate mitigation are incompatible?

In the past 14 months, the United States and Germany both held national elections that placed climate change policy squarely at the center of national debate. The fact that two of the world’s five largest economies committed to addressing the world’s most pressing crisis through public discourse followed by public voting was an unprecedented democratic experiment.

It did not work out as optimists hoped. On the one hand, the victorious parties in both countries vowed to achieve what was necessary to prevent the worst effects of climate change from occurring, in accordance with the international climate agreement unanimously approved in Paris in 2015.

But on the other hand, in neither country can the resulting policies be described as fulfilling that promise. (snip through Germany’s issues)

A similar slippage between campaign ambition and watered-down governance has occurred in the United States. Democrat Joe Biden’s election platform vowed that the country’s electricity sector would be carbon-free by 2035 and that the entire US economy would achieve full carbon neutrality by 2050—promises that the Biden administration has never disavowed.

But the central policies intended to achieve those timelines have no realistic chance of passing Congress. The administration will receive nowhere close to the $2 trillion that Biden said would be necessary to fund renewable energy infrastructure.

That’s because government is supposed to listen to The People, not rule them, not in free societies.

In a 2018 report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a UN group of climate scientists, declared that achieving carbon neutrality by mid century was the only way to prevent global temperatures from rising above 1.5 degrees—beyond which, Arctic ice would melt (and ocean levels would rise) far more quickly, humans would more frequently suffer heat death, and vast numbers of species, from insects to sea coral, would end up on the verge of extinction.

In other words: Democracy works by compromise, but climate change is precisely the type of problem that seems not to allow for it. As the clock on those climate timelines continues to tick, this structural mismatch is becoming increasingly exposed.

And as a result, those concerned by climate change—some already with political power, others grasping for it—are now searching for, and finding, new ways of closing the gap between politics and science, by any means necessary.

The tensions between existing methods of democracy and the problem posed by climate change are perfectly legible in domestic politics but most evident in international politics.

In other words, the climate cult wants authoritarian government. It’s a very long piece, let’s skip to the end

That the world’s democracies are witnessing a growing spectrum of climate radicalism, both from the bottom up and the top down, is not to suggest that authoritarian systems would do any better in solving the relevant political and economic issues involved in moving beyond the carbon economy.

But it is a sign that democracy, in its current form, is not necessarily the path to a solution. It might, instead, be part of the problem.

Yes, they do want authoritarianism.

Read: Say, What If Doing Something About Hotcoldwetdry Is Incompatible With Democracy Or Something »

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The People’s Cube, with a post on investigating headlines.

No theme this week, just extra photos in the folder.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Peter Driben Cactus

Happy Sunday! It’s a great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The birds are singing, the geese are honking (good grief, loud!), and the Giants football season is almost over, thank goodness. This pinup is by Peter Driben, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Gateway Pundit notes a bill submitted in Washington to involuntarily detain unvaccinated families
  2. The Post Millennial covers trans swimmer beating trans swimmer, leaving real women behind
  3. Legal Insurrection discusses a flashback to May 2020, when leftists assaulted the White House
  4. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers EV chargers be separately metered and other regulations
  5. NoTricksZone discusses turning cooling into warming
  6. Blazing Cat Fur highlights who’s mostly getting COVID in Ontario
  7. Chicks On The Right shows Joe Manchin scuttling Dems “filibuster reform”
  8. Common Cents Blog covers a good news story from the Virginia snowpocalypse
  9. DC Clothesline notes a NY Time article showing vaccines damage immunity to Chinese coronavirus
  10. Geller Reports covers Brandon’s approval rating with Independents crashing
  11. Gen Z Conservative features the NY Times saying “everyday is Jan 6 now”
  12. IOTW Report reminds people that there are anti-mandate folks in France
  13. Jihad Watch notes the Pope discussing religious persecution without mentioning Islam
  14. Moonbattery discusses double taxation in California
  15. And last, but not least, Pacific Pundit shows Krazy Kamala comparing J6 to 9/11

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Surprise: Many Pop-Up Chinese Coronavirus Sites Are Fake

Do any state, local, county, or federal authorities ever consider checking these places?

Pop-up Covid testing sites could be rife for nefarious activities, experts warn

Sandra Jaramillo needed a negative Covid-19 test to return to work but was coming up empty on finding a same-day test due to overwhelming demand.

Jaramillo was experiencing headaches and a fever, and with limited options, she decided to stop at a pop-up testing site set up in the parking lot of a church near her home in San Antonio.

Under a small tent, she was told to give her driver’s license number, date of birth and email address before she was handed a swab to administer the test on herself.

That was more than a week ago, Jaramillo said, now panicked that her personal information may have been be compromised.

No one ever answers the number listed on the information sheet she was given, and the voice mailbox is full.

“At this point, it’s making me feel like I am being scammed,” Jaramillo, 32, said. “It’s been terrible. It feels like there is no choice and nowhere to turn [for a test].”

Not sure about your area, but, here in Wake County people can set an appointment to get tested, which “allows the county to prioritize residents who are symptomatic, have been exposed to COVID-19 or are at higher risk.” There are also multiple avenues via the NC Dept of Health and Human Services. The idea is to stop the needless tests because people are scared. People who really do not need a test. I’ve had two tests this whole time. One was because I was flying to see the parents, did not want to possibly expose them. They other because I felt sick (though no elevation in temperature at all), came out negative. Just a cold

Pop-up testing sites have cropped up on street corners, in parking lots and on shopping properties across the country, but health and legal experts say many of these are unregulated and could be rife for nefarious activities like identity theft.

In the last few weeks, legislators and attorneys general in several states including Illinois, Maryland, California, Texas and Pennsylvania have said they will be investigating and introducing regulatory legislation overseeing these operations.

If I see a setup like that, I’m suspicious, especially if asking for all that information, which was never necessary at the Wake County sites in this manner, and, they had profession setups and credentials. At government buildings. Anyhow, the article goes through many examples, and that authorities are trying to go after them and warn people. It was just a matter of time before this happened, what with the media and Democrat driven hysteria. Oh, and most is happening in Democratic Party run cities, which love them some shady criminal activity.


Omicron spike in most vaccinated German state heralds nationwide surge

The northern German maritime state of Bremen has the country’s highest COVID-19 vaccination rate by far, but it has become the hardest-hit by the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, reporting the highest infection rate of any region in Germany. (snip)

Close to 84% of the population in Bremen, the smallest of Germany’s 16 federal states with fewer than 700,000 people, are double-vaccinated, compared with a national figure of around 72%. Some 44% have received a booster shot, compared with 42% nationally.

On the plus side, hospitalizations are pretty low. And the notion of Wuhan flu becoming endemic is becoming more likely

(The Conversation) On the other hand, pandemic viruses may also gradually settle into a relatively stable rate of occurrence, maintaining a constant pool of infected hosts capable of spreading the virus to others. These viruses are said to be “endemic.”

Examples of endemic viruses in the United States include those that cause the common cold and the seasonal flu that appear year after year. Much like these, the virus that causes COVID-19 likely won’t die out, and most experts now expect it to become endemic.

Time to stop freaking out. We should all just relax, take appropriate measures (wash your hands, keep your distance, at least for the time being, try and avoid touching your face, avoid contact, like shaking hands. Just be cautious), and learn to live with it.

Read: Surprise: Many Pop-Up Chinese Coronavirus Sites Are Fake »

Climate Cult Wants Military To Do Their Part In Mitigating Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, might as well. The military leadership is doing all they can to make the U.S. military virtually worthless in protecting the nation from threats

‘We Must Do Our Part to Mitigate Climate Change’ – The Military’s Pollution Problem

In the fall of 2018, Neta C. Crawford, a political science professor at Boston University, prepared to teach a class on climate change designed to help students think about the issue in a big-picture way. Crawford’s research expertise is in war, so she wanted to include a statistic on the military’s contribution to greenhouse gases.

“I thought, ‘Well, maybe I should just tell them what the emissions are for the U.S. military,’” Crawford says. “It was meant to be a line on a slide in a lecture.”

But when she went to look up the figure, she couldn’t find anything reliable. Instead, she found scattered and incomplete data on how much fuel the military consumed and how much carbon it emitted. The information that did exist largely didn’t include overseas operations, even though the United States had been at war for nearly two decades. Major categories of fuel consumption, like much of the fuel used for aviation, seemed to be missing.

In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol—the world’s first legally binding, international climate treaty—created a reporting loophole for militaries, exempting many of the greenhouse gases emitted during military operations from counting against a country’s emissions totals. While the 2015 Paris Accords did away with this exemption, they didn’t replace it with an obligation. Rather, the decision of whether to report military emissions—and how to calculate them—was left up to individual countries.

The result is a gap in our understanding of the United States’ climate footprint. Research from academics like Crawford, who now studies the issue, shows that the Department of Defense is a major producer of greenhouse gases, with more emissions than many industrialized nations. The United States—and other countries—have said they are committed to reducing military emissions, and earlier this summer, NATO released its Action Plan on Climate Change and Security, acknowledging that better emissions data would help guide member states’ military planning. But there is no consistent methodology and reporting requirement for these emissions. As the United States and other countries work toward net-zero emissions by 2050, Crawford and others say, the lack of clear data from the U.S. Defense Department—the world’s largest employer—and other militaries is a major stumbling block.

Who cares? This is just silly. Military vehicles, planes, ships, and helicopters need fuel. They don’t run on unicorn farts and green feelings.

Crawford’s hunt for a clear statistic on military emissions to show her class led her to a new research focus: trying to puzzle out just how much fuel the U.S. military consumes and thus how much carbon it emits. Using Department of Energy data, Crawford found that the U.S. military is a major polluter. Since the beginning of the Global War on Terror in 2001, the military has produced more than 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases. Crawford acknowledges her data is likely incomplete—but even with the available data, she found that the U.S. military emits more than entire countries like Portugal and Denmark, and that the Department of Defense accounts for nearly 80% of the federal government’s fuel consumption.

Some of this is because the U.S military owns a lot of property—and has a lot of buildings to heat and power. In 2018, the Defense Department had some 585,000 facilities, spread over 27 million acres in 160 different countries. Each of these buildings emit greenhouse gasses; in 2013, Crawford’s report found, the Pentagon building itself emitted more than 24,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. Crawford found that installations account for about a third of Defense Department energy consumption. But the overall number has slowly decreased over the last decade, in large part due to energy initiatives across the service branches.

Let’s be honest: this is all about reducing the effectiveness of the U.S. military, because the leftists who make up the Cult of Climatrology have despised the military since the 1970’s. They couldn’t defund it, so, they’ve worked to destroy it from the inside, and have been doing a good job as of late, what with all the Wokeness, letting in the gender confused and giving them transition services (meaning they aren’t actually doing their military jobs), reducing standards, training on CRT, and so much more. You aren’t going to replace a tank or military jet that uses fossil fuels with a “green” alternative and have a viable fighting force.

Read: Climate Cult Wants Military To Do Their Part In Mitigating Climate Crisis (scam) »

Pirate's Cove