If All You See…

…is snow that is caused by too much heat and will soon disappear from too much heat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Animal Magnetism, with a post on Animal’s Daily Insanity News.

Read: If All You See… »

Mother Jones: Say, You Know That They Senate Is Un-Democratic, Right?

Senior Reporter for Mother Jones, Tim Murphy, proves once again that our education system is completely failing to teach people how the US federal republic system actually works

Monster: The Completely Useless and Undemocratic US Senate

In the early hours of January 6, in that impossibly brief window between the Georgia special elections and the Capitol insurrection, a meme started to circulate about what this new Democratic reign in Washington would be like:

It was a joke, but only sort of. With no margin for error, Manchin, the caucus’ most conservative member, would command outsized influence on the party’s agenda. Morgantown might not be getting 23rd-century skyscrapers or jetpacks—I’m not even sure the 23rd century will be all that pleasant—but when it came to spending, he could name his price. His predecessor, Robert Byrd, was obsessed with securing funding for pet projects. (There is a Wikipedia page titled “List of places named after Robert Byrd.”) What would Joe Manchin like to buy with his blank check?

Obviously, you can see that Murphy, like most of the Progressives (nice Fascists) is upset with Manchin for daring to refuse to be a part of the insanity, where Democrats have basically a one vote majority because VP Kamala Harris is the deciding vote when there’s a tie.

It’s easy to fall into a trap when complaining about these things, though, of confusing the Senate you have with the Senate you want. In last year’s edition of Heroes and Monsters, my colleague Nathalie Baptiste called the Senate a “dysfunctional mess,” for reasons that are rooted in the nature of the Senate itself. That Manchin, a political unicorn from a small and heavily Republican state, could be the ultimate arbiter of what Democrats get out of their likely fleeting governing trifecta in Washington, isn’t especially fair, but it is a pretty good representation of what the modern Senate really is—inherently undemocratic and unrepresentative of the nation as a whole, collectively obsessed with an unearned sense of its own worth and necessity, and devoted to an arbitrary and arcane set of rules and parliamentary procedures as if they arrived by special dispatch from Mt. Sinai.

I’m sure I really don’t need to explain why this is just so utterly wrong, but, gotta write something, eh? Our federal republic system was brilliant: those elected to the House of Representatives would directly represent the citizens of their districts, while those in the U.S. Senate would be appointed by their state general assemblies, meaning they represent their state government, and would be doing the will of their general assemblies, which meant people would have to pay heavy attention to the people they elect to state government and what is going on. Which is what the Framers wanted. We should not need to pay much attention to the doings of the federal government. The state government is much closer to The People, and the federal govt was restricted in the power they were allowed.

Each state, no matter the size/population, would have the exact same power as every other state. That’s the point. No state would be more powerful than any other, and couldn’t run roughshod over others. There wouldn’t be hardcore adherence to a political party in most cases. Now, Senators and Representative are more beholden to their parties than to their states and constituents. The 17th Amendment, of course, ended Senators representing their states, and made them beholden to monied special interests, including those from outside their state. I’ll stop, because you know this, and it could turn into a massive diatribe.

Read: Mother Jones: Say, You Know That They Senate Is Un-Democratic, Right? »

St. Greta Is Not Sure Why Brandon Is Considered A Climate Crisis (scam) Leader

I guess the credentialed media hasn’t quite moved on from caring about the opinion of a teenager with no degrees in anything science

Greta Thunberg says it’s ‘strange’ Biden is considered a leader on climate change

Climate activist Greta Thunberg said it was “strange” that President Biden is considered a leader in climate change and questioned his role in tackling the climate crisis.

In an interview with The Washington Post published Monday, Thunberg was asked if she was inspired by Biden or any world leaders fighting global warming and climate change.

“If you call him a leader,” Thunberg replied.”I mean, it’s strange that people think of Joe Biden as a leader for the climate when you see what his administration is doing.” (snip)

On Monday, Thunberg said the U.S. was still not doing enough, saying the country will increase fossil fuel infrastructure in 2022.

“The U.S. is actually expanding fossil fuel infrastructure. Why is the U.S. doing that?” she said. “It should not fall on us activists and teenagers who just want to go to school to raise this awareness and to inform people that we are actually facing an emergency.”

Or, if you think about it, she could just mind her own f’ing business and stop trying to force everyone to comply with her un-science cult like beliefs. But, that’s they way most of them think, while rarely doing anything in their own lives.

In the Monday interview, Thunberg said “countless people are already bearing the brunt of the climate crisis,” adding that there needs to be more pressure on world leaders to make systemic changes and “prioritize the crisis.”

Thunberg said now, “it’s all about the narrative.”

“It’s all about, what are we actually trying to solve?” she asked. “Is it this emergency, or is it this emergency?”

About narrative, eh? I thought this was about science. No? Huh.

Read: St. Greta Is Not Sure Why Brandon Is Considered A Climate Crisis (scam) Leader »

CDC Drops Estimate Of Omicron Cases Significantly

So, maybe the freakout by the CDC, government agencies and employees, the media, and the COVID Cult was a bit unwarranted?

CDC sharply drops estimate of Omicron prevalence in U.S.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention significantly revised its model of the breakdown of Covid-19 variants on Tuesday, estimating the Omicron strain accounted for about 58.6 percent of U.S. cases as of Dec. 25.

The public health agency’s previous estimate that the rapidly spreading variant accounted for 73.2 percent of cases nationwide on Dec. 18 is now revised down to 22.5 percent — a significant drop that falls outside the agency’s earlier 95 percent prediction interval, or likely range where future analysis will fall, of 34 to 94.9 percent of all cases.

The agency said the disparity was due to the rate with which the highly transmissible Omicron spread. (snip)

The CDC’s revised Dec. 25 model includes a narrower confidence range of Omicron’s prevalence: 41.5 to 74 percent. The agency’s current model suggests that the Delta variant still represents 41.1 percent of U.S. infections. CDC updates the model weekly.

So, what they’re saying is that a good chunk of the hospitalizations are actually from Delta, not Omicron. And that the doomy Omicron isn’t really infecting as many as they said. Whoops? But, then, actual science has been rather missing

Vaccines help reduce COVID-19 transmission and hospitalization, but they may have important secondary benefits

Vaccination against COVID-19 helps protect millions of people from the coronavirus, while reducing their risk of serious illness from the disease. But new research says it may also help alleviate the scourge of anxiety and depression.

“While vaccines are primarily aimed at reducing COVID-19 transmission and mortality risks, they may have important secondary benefits,” according to a new paper from the University of Southern California and the RAND Corp.

The scientists used data from U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey and cross-referenced those figures to state-level COVID-19 vaccination eligibility data to estimate secondary benefits of vaccination on mental-health outcomes.

“We estimate that COVID-19 vaccination reduces anxiety and depression symptoms by nearly 30%,” they concluded. Fear of testing positive among frontline workers and social isolation has taken an emotional toll on millions of people.

May. Estimate. Coulda shoulda mighta maybe. Is it or isn’t it? They just can’t tell us. They do not really have concrete answers. Look, I’m happy I have the vaccine, including the booster, but, all it really means is that if I get it the symptoms should maybe be less. Because they sure aren’t stopping it in heavily vaccinated NYC

(Breitbart) New York City, which has some of the strictest vaccine mandates in the entire country, comprised 29 percent of new coronavirus cases on December 26, recent data shows.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) has bragged about his coercive vaccine mandates in the city, going as far as requiring private sector employees to get a vaccine and extending the city’s vaccine passport program to apply to children as young as five.

On December 26, the day after Christmas, the U.S. reported 189,714 new cases of the virus, according to the New York Times’ data, making the seven-day rolling average that day 204,739 cases:

That same day, New York City, specifically, reported 54,828 new cases. Based on the Times’ data, that would mean that de Blasio’s New York City comprised over a quarter, 29 percent, of all new cases in the U.S. on the day after Christmas. That day, New York City’s seven-day rolling average stood at 19,269 cases, comprising nine percent of the country’s rolling average.


According to the Times’ Tuesday data, both Washington, DC, and New York lead the U.S. in terms of the daily average of new cases of the virus per capita.

Those are some of the most vaccinated cities in the U.S. Places where masking is almost a religious ceremony for them. Ones who heavily voted Democrat. Yet, oops.

Read: CDC Drops Estimate Of Omicron Cases Significantly »

UK Working To Eliminate Private Car Ownership

See, we went from

  • replacing regular gas with diesel to
  • everyone get a hybrid to
  • everyone getting an electric vehicle to
  • banning private ownership of vehicles, even hybrids and EVs

Of course, the ones pushing this will still have access to their own fancy vehicles

UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership

Soon, Brits will own nothing and will be happier for it…

UK Government Transport Minister Trudy Harrison recently spoke at a mobility conference, addressing the future of personal mobility. In her comments, she said it was necessary to ditch the “20th-century thinking centred around private vehicle ownership and towards greater flexibility, with personal choice and low carbon shared transport.” That’s right, she said the quiet part loud and showed the hand of a growing number of government officials.

Harrison went on to praise not only public transportation but also bike share services, e-scooters, and ride sharing platforms. All of these are supposed to tune down how much carbon the UK is emitting into the atmosphere. As with all choices, this comes at a cost, particularly for those living in rural areas.

Isn’t it wonderful that people keep electing public officials who believe in dictatorship? Because this isn’t just a British thing, it happens around the world, including in the U.S. They always have some Excuse for doing this.

I’ve been calling out the elitist plan in some government circles to eliminate the private ownership of cars for some time. For many, the possibility that such a thing could be real leads to their minds lashing out at the source of such news, and so I’ve been called a “crazy conspiracy theorist” among other things for trying to shed light on this disturbing topic. Well, time has vindicated my stance and people in the UK are starting to wake up to the very real possibility they would be completely dependent on the government to be driven anywhere.

If you think this plan is limited to just the UK, you haven’t been paying attention. There have been other efforts to make private vehicle ownership a thing of the past, including a new measure in Southern California. The 2021 Regional Transportation Plan passed recently by the San Diego Association of Government’s board of directors is a $160 billion initiative just for the metropolitan area to boost public transportation.

That’s a hefty price tag for such a small area, so one of the ways officials have been planning to fund it is by levying a per-mile driving tax against citizens. That was such an unpopular move it was shelved, for now. But I have a funny feeling that driving tax is going to be revisited. Critics say that and other fines, fees, etc. are designed to nuke personal vehicle ownership for all but the wealthy. Expect to see similar measures in other cities and maybe entire states/territories in North America and beyond in the near future.

Weirdly, you never see the people pushing this stuff giving up their own fossil fueled vehicles, eh? Perhaps some of the Progressives (nice Fascists) will start coming to their senses. And more of the moderate leftists. Because they’re starting to really see that all the bad stuff, all the restrictions and fees and taxes, are not just applying to Other People.

Read: UK Working To Eliminate Private Car Ownership »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle causing Fall to arrive late, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on the COVID Police arresting people in NYC.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Squishy Beta Male Liberals Are Getting Vasectomies In Support Of Abortion On Demand

When it comes to discussing ‘climate change’, we’ve been calling them a cult for several years now, as it has really become a cult. But, consider that those who support abortion on demand have acted like a cult for much longer, and are getting worse, telling their stories of getting an abortion (because they were too irresponsible to properly use birth control), and so much more. And now

Men across America are getting vasectomies ‘as an act of love’

After Andy and Erin Gress had their fourth child, Andy decided it was time for him to “step up” and help with the family planning. So he did something that the mere thought of makes some men cringe: He got a vasectomy.

It was early one morning last winter – a brief moment of peace, before juggling getting the kids ready for online school and work Zoom calls. He happened to see a local news story about discounts being offered during “World Vasectomy Day.” He made an appointment that day.

His wife had taken birth control pills, but she struggled with the side effects. She had worked as a night nurse through four pregnancies, and the couple had children ranging in age from 2 to 11.

“The procedure was a total relief, almost like the covid shot – like I’m safe now,” said Gress, who works in higher education. “I wanted to man up.”

But Gress’s action wasn’t just about his family. He also believed he should do more to support his wife and other women who don’t think the government should decide what they do with their bodies. “I’ve seen the miracle of life,” he said. “But I’ve also seen kids who are born into poverty and misery and don’t have a fair shot.”

Too bad he didn’t do it before having kids. They there wouldn’t be a problem with children being brought up in the insane leftist world-view. I bet he and the wife support forced COVID vaccination, though, eh? And support government restricting what people can eat because of ‘climate change’.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Chris Rabb, a Democrat, introduced “parody” legislation this fall in response to the Texas law that amounts to a near-total ban on abortion. Rabb’s proposal would require men to get vasectomies after the birth of their third child or when they turn 40, whichever comes first. It would be enforced by allowing Pennsylvanians to report men who failed to comply, for a $10,000 reward.

“As long as state legislatures continue to restrict the reproductive rights of cis women, trans men and nonbinary people, there should be laws that address the responsibility of men who impregnate them. Thus, my bill will also codify ‘wrongful conception’ to include when a person has demonstrated negligence toward preventing conception during intercourse,” Rabb wrote in a memo about his proposal, as reported by the Keystone.

But, we can restrict what people do with their bodies when they break the law. I would think murder of the unborn counts. Liberals have totally given up on contraception.

Koushik Shaw, a doctor at the Austin Urology Institute in Texas, said his practice saw about a 15% increase in scheduled vasectomies after the Sept. 1 Texas abortion ban went into effect.

Patients are saying “‘Hey, I’m actually here because some of these changes that [Gov. Greg] Abbott and our legislature have passed that are really impacting our decision-making in terms of family planning,’ so that was a new one for me as a reason – the first time, patients are citing a state law as their motivating factor,” Shaw said.

Too bad we can’t get that to 100%, limit the spread of unhinged leftism.

Brad Younts, 45, said his wife, Lizz Gardner, wants him to become a “vasectomy evangelist,” after he had the “simple procedure” without any problems.

“Men are big babies. Considering everything women go through – menstruation, Pap smears, OB/GYN visits,” said Younts, who lives in Chicago. “I’m proud I did it. And I went on to tell two friends who are also looking into it, too.”

Read: Good News: Squishy Beta Male Liberals Are Getting Vasectomies In Support Of Abortion On Demand »

Senator Warren Wants To Reign In Wall Street To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)

Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren as been going after Wall Street (while making lots of money from it) since she came into office, and now she’s doing the whole “let’s blame ‘climate change’ schtick to drag in some climate cultists. Of course, she’s just preaching to the choir

Senator Warren urges crackdown on Wall Street over climate change

Senator Elizabeth Warren accused the financial services industry of being a major contributor to climate change and urged U.S. regulators to hold it to account.

Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, cited a study by the Sierra Club and the Center for American Progress, which shows that eight of the biggest U.S. banks and 10 of its largest asset managers combined finance about 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions. That’s about 1% less than what Russia produced.

“The volume of greenhouse gas emitted by the financial-services industry is outrageous,” she said in a tweet. “If it were a country it would rank as the fifth-largest emitter in the world.”

“Regulators,” she added, “need to crack down.”

Why is this the business of the federal government? Why is it hers? First, if she doesn’t like it, introduce a bill giving the Executive Branch that authority. See if she can get it passed. But, 2nd, the Constitution doesn’t authorize the federal government this power. 3rd, why is this her business? If she doesn’t like it, she can stop investing and stop taking Wall Street money. It’s really just another way for her to tray and implement authoritarianism over the financial sector.

Read: Senator Warren Wants To Reign In Wall Street To Solve Climate Crisis (scam) »

Brandon: Hey, There’s No Federal Solution To Beating The Chinese Coronavirus

What a contrast a year makes!

Remember when he said he would shut down the virus, not the country? He still has a long plan on his campaign website.

Where's Joe Biden(Breitbart) President Joe Biden left Monday for his beach vacation in Delaware after admitting in a video call with U.S. governors that there was no federal solution to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Thank you very much. Look, there is no federal solution,” Biden said as he began speaking to the governors. “This gets solved at a state level.”

The president appeared with his coronavirus team on the artificial White House video conferencing set. He indicated that only governors could end the pandemic by leading the charge.

“It ultimately gets down to where the rubber meets the road,” Biden said, referring to state government. “My message to the governors is simple. If you need something, say something.”

So, as Omicron rages, flights are cancelled, states and cities are reinstituting COVID restrictions, New Year’s Eve celebrations are being cancelled and scaled back, Biden takes a week long vacation.

All you, well, let’s just call you idiots, who voted for Biden because of Trump’s mean tweets, are you happy now? Is this everything you thought it would be? Good job. This is on you.

Read: Brandon: Hey, There’s No Federal Solution To Beating The Chinese Coronavirus »

Your Fault: Japanese McDonald’s Reducing Portion Size Due To HotColdWetDry

Coming soon to a McDonald’s and other fast food places in the U.S. and rest of the world soon? (via Watts Up With That?)

Mustard, fries in short supply due to Canada’s climate change woes

A mix of drought in Canada’s prairies and flooding on its Pacific coast have brought about crop production and shipping woes now leading to international shortages of fries and mustard.

In Japan, for example, McDonald’s has been forced to ration fries as the British Columbia floods squeezed potato imports, while mustard producers in France are forecasting steep price increases because the drought in another part of Canada – the world’s biggest producer of mustard grains – cut supplies.

“When we look back at the state of the agriculture sector in 2021, we can say this year has been marked by extreme climate change weather events,” Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said in a recent speech.

“That includes the worst drought in 60 years in Western Canada and the devastating atmospheric rivers in British Columbia,” she told livestock farmers and ranchers who’ve struggled to secure enough hay to feed their animals as pastures dried up.

It’s always something with this cult. Because you drove to McDonald’s to get some fries and a burger in a fossil fueled vehicle there is now flooding and drought in Canada. It can’t just be due to nature, which caused this stuff previously, oh, no, it’s carbon pollution. We even get the buzz phrase of “atmospheric rivers.” As the Watts Up With That? piece points out, potato crops were actually pretty darned good in 2021. And links to another piece which shows

Japan is experiencing a McDonald’s fry shortage, and there’s a Canadian connection to this problem.

Due to supply chain issues and BC flood damage, many potato shipments have not been able to get out of the port of Vancouver and have been significantly delayed.

So, it’s pretty much supply chain issues from the Chinese coronavirus, with a tiny bit of bad weather involved. But, cultists have to be cultists

Constant litany of Doom, and that’s what you get on the top page for Google News for “climate change.”

Read: Your Fault: Japanese McDonald’s Reducing Portion Size Due To HotColdWetDry »

Pirate's Cove